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yo [Music] [Music] [Music] yo e-learning I will an ELISA yo Alania soon [Music] if you're watching till I need no more today who turned mo mo to my [Music] now me subbu [Music] no more Timothy not me so cool of sushi sushi [Music] now be lubbers [Music] Cibola [Music] come give me one feel [Music] me some love [Music] hallelujah clap your hands for Jesus and he may please be seated one such thing I hope I'm see please be seated I want to ask those who are walking and a buck caliber see please don't move around in momentum we endanger depend on solid God's power is about to come mightily compare move it before we receive the servants of God I mentioned if the Polamalu Ghoulies join me to welcome Ida to bless us with a song and Bible teacher indeed there isn't any more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so are you excited tonight ladies and gentlemen there is a man in our midst tonight a man God has prepared and anointed mezuzah a man he has used all over the nations of the world and this month is the time of Zambia to experience the great grace of God on the servant and the city of Livingstone is blessed to be the first to experience the anointing and the power to save and to deliver and tonight if you are excited as I am that's right Sophie [Music] not Mills tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not possible [Music] I expect [Music] I believe [Music] I expected a hallelujah let your hands Baba thank you for tonight thank you for your power that is here in Livingstone in Zambia thank you for your salvation peel salvation pure healing deliverance from evil from evil spirits thank you Jesus your presence is here your angels are here your Messi's are here for this nation for these people thank you for your kindness towards us your goodness in bringing healing Jesus campaign at this time for such a time as this we lift our hands and we say send your rain and your power open the gates of heaven the windows of heaven pour out a blessing on your people that we may go away from this place with more than we can carry thank you for your power we arrest every wickedness every demo power a most spirits that are controlling the city controlling the nation we bind them in Jesus name we arrest serpents and Dragons that are in the lock crocodile spirits and wickedness from the dark places the underworld of Zambia we bind their powers in Jesus name we fasten them with chains and we ask father for the release of angels and a mighty holy spirit send your spirit Lord in these days we thank you a great light doesn't appeared in Zambia for this time thank you for the pastor's of Zambia that if I eyes upon the pastor's of Zambia Kindle them for greater works Lord great exploits for Jesus thank you for the leadership of the nation the president and the authorities that you bless them with good ideas and wisdom and grace to carry them through thanks for your blessing we receive it tonight in Jesus name and everyone [Music] of Livingston for welcoming us Rama Livingston who volunteer to your beautiful city we are glad to be here with you we are glad to be here with you and we we are grateful for your welcoming us because if you did not welcome us we could not come here controla poutine wattle and ela liposomal indeed a lollipop on Oh hallelujah we also want to thank the government of Zambia for welcoming us before some of la creme Aquila boom bah Romania and ela we thank God for the presence of the disease and the mayor and especially our Minister for guidance and religious affairs who is in our midst tonight's report amicus O'Connell even a another minister from anywhere pocket - I have been welcomed personally by the Minister of guidance and religious affairs who brought a special welcome from the president one cool indeed minister so that is a great blessing my boss says wherever you go and there is a man of peace and he receives you let your peace remain so I believe great piece is coming to Zambia to Nevada put up with critical circles and cuts into a moon - what sangala can eat sangala watch in Calais musique Oh hallelujah are you ready for what God is going to do in your life the man I'm really cool as a cheetah for marijuana in these two nights para seguir very ayah your life will not be the same again merci amen and God is going to heal you practically Mulumba as a couch it is sunny God is going to set you free practically Mulumba Takamatsu Lonny in Jesus name zina leyasu tonight my message is very simple frequented out 10 euros 13 and verse 8 I happily 13 Linda me Jesus Christ the same yesterday the same today and the same forever yes so Chris to one mile oh well hello the pond so when we hire a man a man everybody said Jesus Christ once there were a lot here so Chris - the same yesterday my you know today lay low and forever so Maya amen I'm a Jesus Christ yes - Chris - is the same namazi amen now what does it mean when you say Jesus Christ is the same sheet and ultra shiny paratrooper and cool akuti yes - Kristen no mozzie some years ago my roommates from the University called me Jacques Lupita's at Calais American canonical school a novice maripony I went to university in Ghana for seven years medical school when a new school kujaku occupancy Litella who Ghana and I became a medical doctor in after seven years of going to medical school reports of an ankle vidoe patella bamboo yo-yo pulls in Lusaka the Sun on DVD so my roommate who was with me when I was in school I had not seen him for many years American canonical school Lua Mesbah Swain alone across Jacques and Edie so he called me and we were talking and at the point he said brother dad you are the same I never - Mililani and a couple silicon inequity a body attack in German - mozzie I said why do you say I'm the same well I'm a foolish boy - a little Marilyn essential he said because you are talking in the same way that you were talking when we were in school in 1982 Coulomb Coulomb amina inoculum kalilas Jacques Attali Pizza and we were laughing in the same way that you are laughing in 1982 the poll so Dooku's asked of my men on an acoustic Ella when I until 92 82 82 were you born yes and then DePaul so he told me also later you are doing the same things that you used to do professional coaches in Chalmers montemagno Larry pujita in 1982 I was preaching mu 1982 and our curricula about Jesus Christ Messiah - Chris - I used to go out doors and preach and have Crusades when Eric when my new money posted on Karen is from Cano and now in 2017 for some witches 2017 35 years later / meta parameters vodkas and irritability I'm still preaching in Crusades people to be saved Alleluia political of a crusader 41 to Vanka repute America amen so when you say that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever with a means two things muka laka laka kiasu Christian or Muslim my lowly low Napolitano may I assume at intelligent of the wheel it means that he's saying the same things that he used to say that has a canonical tag a circle of willis into the men as the mania Nephilim cool Akari and he is doing the same things that he used to do long time ago now purchase since to Savannah and adequate cheetah Kalia testicles withstand so and that is what my roommates from the university was trying to tell me that I am doing the same things and I am saying the same thing that I used to say in 1982 yes the manor is remember uncle and I and I requested a cool uncle acquittal catcher coochie - into Jim was more than a cool uncle as into Smurfs Moses a minute an adequate system when I until 82 now first to today Jesus Christ is number one is saying the same things that he used to say Vic we all know yes - Christo catchin who canvas into Smurfs Moses a many another cool and cool Akari yes in that room he's saying I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except he comes through me that's what he said a 2000 years ago and he's saying the same thing today that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one including you can come to the Father except you come through Jesus Christ kula gnostic really low he has not changed that message at all san jacinto general i he's saying Jesus is saying I am the dog I am The Good Shepherd I am the resurrection I am the life and he is not changing it at all today we still the resurrection the life and the door and the Good Shepherd for Zambia Jennifer dynamo booster mercy before so you boost our queen Oh Musa Qala - lasagna a man Jesus cry oh yes super soon as how does not change its message san ysidro technology i had a pasta saying one day that jesus christ talk more about money than anything else yes to cruise to a campus and a llama coupon bond as it was all said I was wondering which by both he was using the pole Twista quinella put the awesome as the book Roberto calibre ng hi today when you go to some churches you don't know whether you are in the university or you are in a bank today when you go to church sometimes but you only hear preaching about money you can go and Adama and how to get more money Lamont anger and irritability but I remember jesus said do not lay up treasures for yourself on earth that's what he said oh and we still save it today the same [Applause] gasps harmonica telekinetic Masuka Elinor today silk really know when you go to church who can become a pillow you wonder whether going to church is going to get money she could've we're selling a queen the kitchen window pretend and alarming I'm a note and attorney Jesus said yes you are naughty you cannot [Music] I'm saying that Jesus Christ is the same for anyone before him who said the same things the same things how much it is such a much more see today service Acuna when you go to churches MOOC remember I've been a pastor since I was 25 years old and I'm now over 50 yeah Bank Ottawa booths at telmanovo not evacuate five years ago Matt Bacak we ran away now 50 years I have I have over 2000 churches my own churches the persona map in Brazil be requited show I'm telling you not because I'm don't invent a list so I do I know is my life is checked always I'm in church today circle you know it is as though Chile manga to have money from Quran under our system is that is the aim yet your funicula of the church jumping on and Jesus said I I don't know if your Bible is different from my Ghana yes were nothing Jesus said yes Linate hardly shall a rich man enter into the kingdom I'm talking about Jesus Christ don't be angry with me if you want to be angry with somebody be angry with Jesus [Music] and we are not against prosperity if we were not prosperous can we come here we are come from Ghana almost and team of hundred people we have driven our friend up and that's when I pick up on a farm and why Jesus said yes when I see God so loved the world Munem wanna congratulate his only son the postman whoever believes in him Arielle Cecropia will be very rich and have a lot of houses and my god it was gonna be Jesus Christ is the same is standing here right now know one time I was in Devon and I was preaching after a white lady very old she was almost 80 she told me when I was preaching she said Jesus was walking behind me she said it's a very rare but she told me I see visions in three dimensions and she said Jesus was walking behind you this was in Devon but man even an ecological I could abandon was my and now an is who christened upon saw Annabelle's Laputa now on al su Cristo Enzo and the Khumbu Ayako cuckoo is listen to the nice tequila with a bang Jesus is here yes so close to Ali and I am repeating its way the most evocative wasn't a motive in the words of Paul the master and this is how we are Paolo but it was a little Somalia PSO and we must be careful the post America on California it is easy to fool Punjabi astray the chopper for pick Isola I don't know any Church in Zambia what anybody is preaching I'm just preaching what I have not have not look at anybody's chat I've not had an example so if you know what I'm preaching affects you then keep quiet and look straight nobody you know that it is you that is effective [Music] [Applause] Kampai yes I don't know what anybody's food addict a massive boost along Sonia God so loved the world balloon when I understand Zico that he gave his good and a bad time when our Jesus Christ yes - crystal that whoever believes in him good Adama should not perish our own bacon but have everlasting life that is why kula eat yet she didn't go yet so crystal no matter - melodious oh please - for you to be saved what is wrong with a man okay from perishing put your own gecko jesus said I have come to seek and to save that which is lost ioannis or you cannot change it swimming as the center is no matter who you are anymore and Ani even if you leave all the churches astray to tell the truth of what Jesus Christ care to do in this world Christabel about the capacity and upon all the prosperity preaching there is no money they don't have a building money only debts am I listen very sorry I want you to remember Jesus Christ and his words Mucca Mucca - yes - Chris - Namara J Jesus said yes to a nice and anybody who has a different Bible as soon as I close I will be standing here so you bring your Bible to see whether the basis I'm putting are not from the Bible maybe I am misquoting Jesus 16 and 17 says God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved John 3:17 aquarius's say when a logicoma ronamoon to market a very pure moose a van - yes jesus said yes why not there was a certain rich man who not even with a woman clothed in purple and fine linen he he fat some just me the post another could you bring on a chicken the other thing crocodile meet another could be a preferred arrow in your macro Fidel pop I know you could yell some khumba crimps another combination [Music] [Music] he used to good ahsoka so the dogs were his messes and one day the battle says the rich man who was clothed in purple lela lela one day the Bible says the poor man of course poor people died before richness oh the poor man died fast enough apparently he didn't have money to fly for medical treatment in London so the poor man the Bible says that was the Bible Jesus the Bible says it is appointed to man once to die after death janai kedo moutoku become a loofa judgment and so the promise come up before angels the pass of anger came around him one video to heaven these are the words of Jesus Christ I am Mary is Lucretia and Jesus has no change default Rockefeller see what he's saying and then there was a rich man who was friends I'm sorry was smoking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then father Abraham said no they posed to upgra Monica and I when you go to hell you ask the answer is No Phyllis daughter son I don't got paper Yarkoni if you want to hear yes you have to hear it here now Vennela family panel every requests that he made from hell they say no can you say no to my people November night cross no I'm clearly hot you have to be hot then father Abraham said something the poll showed that Abram another colossal he said if Lazarus was to rise from the dead they will not believe him so he said they have the profits Khun na the pastor's mother booth let them tell them they can uroboros of a believer but what are the pastors preaching about today sir you go to church it you don't know what I do I'm a motivational school what would you hear now he'll hear pastors preaching as if you are trying to give mental pleasures that gospel is not mental pleasures that gospel is what Jesus said that's all a man has to Chris when L Aquila he said they have the prophets is what Jesus said yes the many years when Jesus said except a man is born again yes but I require to heaven so tonight I don't know who you are but you see when you are in a religious country come on that mahalo Capernaum was the great members you easily assume that you are Christian there is no mechanic within the mova crystal as if you become a Christian by osmosis Roman can achieve a cure is to tap a quickie that have a place to you don't become a Christian by osmosis or by being around to come back with him we remember moments because remember so you become a Christian by bowing your knees to Jesus Christ and Jesus many years ago I was a religious narrative about members oh because Ghana is also a very religious country octagon cannot ever was much members Oh everybody goes to church was about minor complain even the devil attends he has his own church but the range of HIV in the church is the same as the rate of HIV outside the church so you ask yourself what is the difference between the church and the and then on Church pin when I could Kuja putting garlic Wilma's mozi tonight you must ask yourself Kareena Kapoor will you go to heaven or hell Wilco design the couch a hail capella ha ha ha I know a manner to him myself when Adam Cullen I he was a Methodist yeah I'm not even 12 hunter from Todd you know it was a Methodist yeah mucho el accompanied hardness is this in the writing method is Methodist requena for method is to complete my method 15 you don't have not to this church here we go you ready here woody Babu know one of my listen Methodist I said butch at one of my me to finish one of my main people that I follow is John Wesley Wesley to a minimum pink one messages but this guy he thought he was a Christian because he was in the church died he was not increased to two Eric when I come home as an alum crystal and he became sick they pause on agua and he died enough look he was in a story building eight floors high and nerdy from Wamba Patel toddy he said he came out of his body I know uncle I put unnatural Camuto pre-much and started to come down upon so and Lambeth whereupon he said is descended into the and then but we end up on specific oh it was dark corner Kofi said he was frightened he said is the most terrifying experience of all time Allah Allah put ayah natalia Khomeini and I open sesame' catacomb I watching a creature was about to take him and secure him down Trini imaginable co-teaching with telling and opposed to America fancy but there was a voice commonality release him we liked it and he came back up to the eighth floor yep also unaware alliance of American ally I'm dead his body and came back alive knocking gala March and he was not a born-again Christian anymore tomorrow I led him to Christ Piniella quit attempt no some years later but he told me that if anybody had spoken to him about God at that time he would have given his life to cry but he was as religious but he was not born again so there are people that are religious but you are not born again if you stand in that garage you say I am a BMW it doesn't make you a BMW bingo you must be born again when I can accomplish a subpanel these are the words of Jesus Christ I am also pleased to and tonight frequently I'm going to give everybody a chance to jump out of be religious to be in porn again watch members of temporal cancer and Jesus cry is also doing the same things that he used to do yes America chuckling he's changing lives sentiment when he met sake of Zacchaeus life changed for men and of cumin and is the care where I own a center today we have people say they are Christian well you can't see what that is 84 is a Christian who can smoke really Innova Crysta comas the moon has been the killing us in what please do acapella neva neva neva Carlin Ambala yes if you are born again there will be a change nothing like a soap I know my love well a crab cinta when I gave my life to Jesus my mother did not know what is Christianity what was it means to be born again but she told a friend doc I don't know what is born again but if anybody is born again my son Doug is born again I see the GPS to crucify my vow I know and I put sinter I change my hibachi Jesus is also healing the same healing that he used to heal yes so Chris - ah kikuchiyo Salmonella for chili silicalia and tonight is here to here silk wanna rape aquatic Odyssey is a healer no silly I'm a medical doctor Leroy Nia Daugherty this one is social dr. bollen patella we are seeing miracles komova repellent abuser define medical science lamellae eyedropper tarasana twenty seconds between the killer and God is going to do miracles tonight without sequel your life McCaskill my one yes anybody who meets Jesus has for your life he opens the eyes of the blind a masculine man he's still doing it today uh hello he heals cancer Alvarez Icaza beautiful Chuck win I have someone was healed and now they were starting her to die has not died that the hospital from England have said that we want to do some research on your case because we don't know why I was still alive story on your testimony Jesus yes chris doumitt angulas all say that man cannot do the many want to Sangha aku cheetah one day I met with Stevie Wonder secretly Nevada come on I'm going to enough you know Stevie Wonder I just yeah he came to my church and I was a complete no problem yeah so I was talking with him once when I ran for and I and I asked him how did you become blind but for the quality anyway who naseous yep Ong so how did you become blind Oona's airborne her owner and he told me from [Music] and I was saying that in America in the eyes of somebody who is in the Year 2015 Jesus and Jesus open his eyes also yes to an effect Coulomb energy so in in Zambia musical attraction in Livingston Munem Livingston God is going to open the eyes of the blind in your life Jesus Christ the same yes so Kristen was how many understand that Jesus is the same is the same is saying the same things too is doing the same or Z and his blood is the same he's blood still powerful what do I choke at you do matsumoto gajillion his blood is the same well do catch illumos Ramon it's safe Paul yes ago Apostle Paul was saved Paulo annatee and you and I I see they washed by the blood of Jesus even when I was denying it did not to keep my eyes open everyone should stand I want to pray with you right one setting a movie or a paper on every eye closed no one talking no one moving is a novel author and cooler thank you Jesus because everybody you can see that yes [Music] yes to come to the tonight and tonight you want to say Jesus before I want to thank you seriously with the manga I want the blood of Jesus to wash away my sin my mother is so crystal spoke about you man and I want to give my life to God today the polls are gonna pass somewhere on a full moon if you are here and you want to be born again tonight the Portofino but like a stop button give your life to Jesus then lift up your right hand like this and I'm going to pray with you is very important since you're finicky it's very important so funny enough of religious games legacy my Soviet premier enough of playing with change CC a consolidation bingo tonight is a night of sick water then your hand must be apostles Angela really colliding kind of lift your other hand up as well the same and say this prayer with me say this prayer with me in English first in English they say Jesus what is wrong say Jesus thank you for tonight Oh God I know I am a sinner I know I am a very very bad sinner please have mercy on me tonight I want to be serious I wanna play games with God [Music] in a real way and save me oh god please forgive me please wash away my sins with the blood of Jesus tonight I open my heart come into my life lord save me wash me and write my name in the book of life my name is make sure your name my name is please write this name in the book of life tonight thank you Lord for saving me please Raja stop me tonight in the book of life thank you Lord for saving me tonight I love you Jesus with your hands say I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus for saving me for washing me tonight with the blood of Jesus now lift up just your right hand like this and say this after me say after me Satan Satan listen carefully in the name of Jesus I bind you I bind your power from tonight I will not serve you again from tonight I belong to Jesus Christ and I will serve Jesus Christ my Savior lift your two hands say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for saving me tonight I Love You Jesus I thank you Lord for saving me tonight in the name of Jesus a lot of my remembrance Izumo decipher paramchaitanya Suvari man saw ting a mullah let them pray after you the same thing in your in the language some subways are Prime Minister Vampira change to prepare a permit on cameraman ji soo lon : o TL sook wills to become conferred upon Tonga the pulse of a sick really yes nothing the cast in the North Xinhua the Palomas le Tati yes selamat Ivanka in any way miss su Canada was fire so crystal Messina liar so Christo thank you we come on have you finished Wow lift your hands up thank you for so many that are safe tonight in the mighty name of Jesus I believe you have one of my books rock your property marine alone do you have one of my books when I'm on my own how to be born again lift it up away they're gonna buy my gift to you in Livingston what a blessing make sure that you read this book it will be a blessing for you and tomorrow morning at six o'clock special service here could it was some kind of window for all of us who have received Jesus Christ our personal Savior suave upon you are going to be touched the Word of God was up on the ceiling our room and the power of God will be present to also heal the person purpose that was then kind of on kilesa so bring anybody who is sick will commence our third one and this power will touch that person and bring healing tomorrow morning at six o'clock those who prayed the prayer with me tomorrow morning at six Imperial and it is so Chris tomorrow Marcus Eddie oh god no no one should move I want to pray for the sick right now Pinero into hot water the power of God is here vamos al moosari Papa Jesus is here yes sweary Papa and his healing heap also AMA because he is a healing Jesus he forgot shocked with that much is a healing Jesus how much he retires thank you Lord Jesus her healing Jesus in Jesus healing Jesus he's a he [Music] everybody lives [Music] he's healing you [Music] jeez right now I want you to put your hand wherever your sicknesses do mundo primary provider yes eyes are being healed right now yes are opening right now a Devils are coming out of people right now put your come away there's power here in Jesus name I empower couldn't walk una cuenta can limp a fool I friends are great but the power of God impossible is flowing in this place who is very Papa he said I am the love daddy healeth you don't wanna put it aside no no moving around please no walking no moving no moving please I mean no walk with eating no movement also at the end up he says I'm the Lord at agility bless your bread bless your water that is our take sickness away from you that your son Simon tells I'm gonna catch your Knights Musa Qala Jesus power is here Papa's are you heelas thank you Father for healing right now I come against diseases wicked spirits come out other people right now the world over Joker I command miracles dealing with much it is so power pump is flowing in this place we can put your hand whenever this you put your hand on your arm I can do cause I gotta live it is your back Ratan masala put your hand on your back arm side if it is your stomach got a room in whatever disease cancer diagnosis the radial notch power button is healing you we were to decide addictions you are being set free right now miracle Masuka there is a lot daddy heal at you today in the name of Jesus [Music] I have the Lord that he loved me and the law you set your word and yield [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anyway in the name of Jesus Jesus be set free rolling bring them to the front [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Philip went down to Samaria preach Christ personally KS and many Donna where he'll be possible both seen and hearing the miracles which he jailed for many that were taken with the policies were healed unclean spirits crying with a loud voice many of times our process village of the devil tonight people are being set free by the power of God the Bible says and when the spirit saw him the spirit him and he fell to the ground wallowing from my name is davina we now receive your healing everybody lift your hand right now this will never be the same again [Music] [Music] [Music] mother we give you thanks we give you praise oh yes it's happening it's happening wonderful job you know father thank you so much for your power that is flowing in this place wherever you are tonight my reports the family will see with your hand wherever your problem is a futon with your hand on your stomach somebody with high blood pressure hypertension that beat there's somebody you're supposed to die soon but you will not die Mustafa because tonight God is giving you more days spending your years if we are we are building our God is coming into your life in depressed in the name of Jesus with the breasts and oppressed those areas are prevailing put your hand on your breast God is healing your breast but can be every breath is going tonight Satan Sokolow moussala your power is finished from belief tonight is your last night with a new thank you for your power now they say listen they say close your eyes for a minute but Anna Masada thank you for many miracles examine yourself right now examine yourself now dragon anywhere car whatever you couldn't do before the Nellis when sequester couch Isha begin to do it we are mallacoota sister you couldn't walk some other basic rain start walking there by the Creator [Music] right now you can see God touch you come to the front quickly to the side here very quickly what come first serve God touch you tonight wherever you are please walk very quickly I want to pray for you again I want to pray with you and take your testimony the front here Mets are gone if goddess touch you tonight Google added you couldn't walk some other friends are great now you can put in see similar classic war now you can see come on go on you could hear similar question you had a problem but another food something was wrong to citizens but God has done something wrong I'm gonna watch them to come quickly quickly Monsanto colony how do you say come we're a little burn of grounds do you say come hey how do you say come Bellamy belani Bella Bella come come quickly for them clap for the many miracles tonight tonight is the night of miracles and maybe miracles tonight if I say is the rain yesterday today always the saying the same thing and he's doing the same thing [Music] Jesus what about you I've got a statue come quickly [Music] hallelujah nobody should leave we have not closed Monica laqueer let's Caliph of Allah tomorrow night is the last night my loan debt securities everybody in Livingston will be here tomorrow night's what daddy is I'm gonna build up the mama nobody in the house in in Livingston kumbaya see how many of you are going to come with ten more people from Livingston is the last night for Livingston tomorrow night from here we are going to another city but tomorrow night is the last night for Livingston my alone yet nobody should leave I will pray a final prayer for everybody before you leave well you're going to take a few testimonies tonight God's power is here God's power [Music] Polly [Music] money if God asked us to come to the front [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] now [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Applause] I [Music] oh yeah [Music] dr. what is happening in testimonies tonight this lady had a lump in the breast Wow it was removed by surgery but the lump came again about the side the size of an ox in the breast here Wow she has always felt that lump Wow tonight when you prayed she tried again she put her hand there when we prayed and then after your prayer she realized that the lamb put has been there all this time has disappeared get the Lord [Music] my god are you a doctor yes this is a doctor who is the best person to check for alum but the patient herself is the one who's the best person to check for a lump yes a person that the lady herself so if she says that it is gone is it real it's as real we do that in the hospital as well Wow we ask them young lady what happened to you I had a blessed time when I came here but I just discover that it's gold [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't know what is this evangelist loose lady hot pain under the foot that pain after you praise the pain is totally different to tell us what energy yes what happened to you polio I had depend on my lefty photo it has been pending for so long so immediately a plate for me it has gone Wow doctor what is this what is this evangelist she's ascribing a condition called plantar fasciitis Wow plantar fasciitis anterior aspect of the soul plantar fasciitis very painful is an inflammation and it just doesn't go Wow and it's called are you excited tonight give the Lord a mighty Olivia what is this evangelist this gal is 17 years and she was born with their knee show how they knew was that knee was like this then he was how while the kinetochore been back since I was 1 like that God helped me to manage to walk away walk uh-huh and what happened tonight when you prayed for me made it when I was coming him and it was penny but when you prayed that time it does cooked the pain has gone and now she can walk well and what is the difference the pain is gone has the as a leg straighten remember yah yah yah walk walk walk like a boy I said I said yeah she do this for your power that is moving in this life right now [Music] what is this evangelist back pain she could not bend Wow tonight's the power tell us tell us my name is Irene Sinaloa nobody really yes for many months I had there an acute pain we call it in health teams they are so painful okay even if I could bend just for the sake of bending but I was in pain but after prayers I'm fine I'm fine doctor what is this doctor what is this fall this is called spondylosis of the lumbar spine yes spondylosis of the long-nosed is fine yes typical ah which causes this as she could not bend Wow bend over let's see is that pain no pain spondylosis of the spine is heal tonight [Music] [Music] let's yeah she could not hear with this the conveyors Acosta - is it true tell us Johnny it was a very moving fast for me but was coming out I just pray I did and now you can hear the air can even touch you can hear even hear the air passing Wow ear was open puzzle bus was coming doctor what is this she could not hear and pus was coming out of the air - Velma - yes a hookah it's a condition called purulent material or Titus antenna [Applause] [Music] this is a specialist as a lecturer in the medical school actually thank you for healing give it a lot of mighty Club offer a bricklayer so what is this if I need somebody with an eye healing who is that Raveena arrived and our Paula who is that with a guy he Danny what happened to your eye this jessica.meyer the had a problem I couldn't see properly but when we'll be bringing their I touched my eye and when I removed the eyes I could see him from there [Music] are you happy wow this Maastricht agrees we expected a healing today whatever you are expected in these two days God is going to give it to you in Jesus name [Music] dr. what is this evangelist this woman has cervical cancer diagnosis already a master Dupre cancer of the cervix and as she prayed she felt something melt and suddenly she began to feel some liquid and some fluid coming out and she believes that that that lump that mass has dissolved in cancer of the cervix the service is there yes the feel it inside sometimes and what happened to you what happened I felt was when you three homina homina party where mana if I felt like in a stomach as if there is it it's out moving van yoneyama hominin Guatemala then de biography to Ivanovitch oka she felt a very very beautiful pain then she felt something coming out [Music] [Music] but what a phenomenal time we've had already in Livingston
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 10,559
Rating: 4.8387098 out of 5
Keywords: Healing Jesus Campaign, healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Evangelism, Gospel Preaching, Dag Heward-Mills, Dag Howard Mills, Healing, Bishop Dag, Evangelist Dag, Zambia, Livingstone, Lusaka, 2017
Id: m6A2W5x-TnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 8sec (5768 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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