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[Music] [Music] Oh [Music] yeah me [Music] me [Music] whoa Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh me you [Music] [Music] the Bible [Music] please put your hands together and let's appreciate this wonderful lady Jackie as pitaka merrily our attorney tonight is the first of five powerful nights allez au ania poppin in wah wah tomorrow to la barra of healing Jesus Caesarea in a day Oh sh sh t expedition ascetic kazuto person equally ocean related the power of God espero no the mercy of God and Wornall and the goodness of God a particular are present here what you wanna be and God is going to use a seven or neurosis Luna Cherie a world-famous healing evangelists and a toga is room akka evangelists that the Lord has used all over the nations of the world or no disco cochlear motivating not dying God saw effects are not only the power that this week way nothing this great man of God should visit us here in a danger only obey whoa nipple Yahoo I believe that you will never be the same again pornography auto nearly AMA tonight is the first night a shalini Australia the Lord is preparing or not a pure wrestling to minister his word and its power love you while super Shoshana Shannon robot para and I believe your miracle is part of what is going to happen tonight was Anita where I share an array I wanna joseline I'm here to stand your feet tonight your people general aviation Illinois and let us with joy receives evangelist stark is order [Music] [Music] Oh nothing is our people to all Dumas I don't [Music] they love [Music] we know we got our money [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] I [Music] why do you expect a miracle tonight sure additionally I shall a lie cannot hear you do necessary I shall a do you expect your miracle tonight Dority sorry lady I shall a hallelujah hallelujah did your hands Heavenly Father jalapeno thank you for tonight octopus wash Allah what a blessing and now who we have today we put our money to come to your house what party lady to worship you nothing nothing you are doing you lift up our hands let it go I was talking to honor you not people up we receive from you nothing the Lord is salvation in Salah miracle yah yah no he was some and the Holy Spirit I'm not the enemy No thank you for today but back to the morning a light is shining the Bliss of the darkness or away my lady my lady Norfolk oh and the darkness comprehended emotional body money in the name of Jesus and heroes like death to Christie in the name of jihad boy yes to Christie thank you Lord for your great blessing what pathways between Toto be in our lives today you are here why Lonnie we love you after only and we honor you as you pull up we ain't Jesus name Naruto Jason we declare that all the powers of darkness are paralyzed in the name of Jesus but further off Pookie Walmart fine Yoruba Jason we suspend all activities of evil and wicked spirits for name of Jesus for playing as politely as I say to a little party soon thank you Lord for your miracle who watched us watch politeia know you in Jesus name your approaches suit everybody shouted a man walk when you go beyond me maybe see that if you have a snow bunny chocolate yaku alleluia alleluia we are excited to be here with you in a day you know what - laughs - Apollonia delhi be with thank God for making it possible I do Pepe although Association we are grateful to Almighty God for his message I feel before dr. Marie Flannery first of all I want to thank the pastor's work Oklahoma back evolution above all the fathers of the land Alabama you or your support please lay your input a triple point I wanna wrap this crusade a blessing and a possibility not be turkey is soggy can we put a little sushi god bless you and honor you call you up or not we could see Fukui then Amy we also sang the governor and the deputy governor for welcoming us back on our abdominal achieve maximum - ma TQ acabo or their support for this crusade a TT language we study also times of K BS en da ba ba gua Wakabayashi Oba graciously extended a warm hand of welcome to us I want you to ask our theology of presence here today with us in what way one opinio Saleh we got honor and bless you too jakub onufry posted between Ibaka know Jesus name you know to call Jesu tonight is a night of miracles I shall a - shall I say ya know the eyes of the blind will be open tonight in the name of Jesus our Lord Aeneas Ilayaraja soon Jesus is a healing Jesus immediately just to moi to me he's Jesus who heals only their soup do you only so many people know Jesus to be somebody who taught many good parables open up when you Norma - where and it seemed a foul with and many good teachings a cheerful of Waco to Daraa but one of the things that Jesus also did was that he was a healer she welcomed ethicist to shake owner and repair or del Newsome and the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday is the same today and he is the same forever beep any repair - walk on ilana or cannellini or cut it in a layer that means that what have I used to do yesterday ultimate super own tomash Alana is still doing it today or two she'll Annie it means that when he was saying yesterday automatically auto Solano he is saying the same thing today auto sound Connolly he's still saying that we must repent also pay as butureanu Claddagh he is doing the same thing that he used to do also cannot imagine it at Babbo yesterday Lana is doing them today Oh Pasha Milani is healing Oh Melissa what you used to do automation was opening the eyes of the blind Omaha Jalapa do raising the death or mind your who did a casting out Devils underwear should I know there are many things that Jesus did Oh popcorn eager to shake and is the same yesterday or can Alana is the same today Oh cannelloni and is always the same did George you are yeah Connie alleluia alleluia so you can expect Jesus to do what he was doing yesterday unlucky litigious Ashanti shelana some years ago or today I see a friend of mine called me or a macaque kami I have not seen this friend since we were in the university nothing patottie one-layer university material Remi in medical school neither wait appreciate in my Shaboom and after we talked for some time legatus sort of ways but yeah he said to me how are we for me it's the dog you are the same only Pataki Oh jeepers ah I said why do you say I'm the same one of those Oh oh you better it said the way you talk or no no to feel sorrow is the way you used to talk all of us or tell a the way you laugh or no don't but really is the way you used to laugh a lot smarter in the cocoon the things you used to talk about Autobots and paddling back row is the same things you are talking about oh hello so any peril only when he said that you got oh really I remember what the Bible said Murata see the very week that Jesus is the same yesterday if I can sue Chris Okanagan a lonely and forever athol I lay with me so too much do you know what he used to say or to my whim economy still sailing go to song what he used to do to my share I still do it we share what he used to deliver from Ottoman California he is still delivering today I mean we're only nine is your night of deliverance from evil spirits I shall I go cuckoo in the name of cheese you look gorgeous ooh there is a woman here open it go on maybe you are being tormented by evil spirits emission dollar oh but like very much delay she bubbie mother my going to be delivered yeah shall out down it is from those evil spirits whoa no awareness Riya by that time this campaign is over if but about my research II you will see the power of God practically oh yes I don't know you corrode you in your life in my era in your life era let your honesty I have my miracle I was a monastery anomie in this crusade then we saw see this contain mineral sorry in Jesus new possesses a man a me tonight I'm going to be preaching from John chapter 3 verse 16 warmest over know me Laurie to a lorry kita sa Kennedy new boo and 1780 Katahdin Ubu hallelujah hallelujah and he says for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life little amaretto burger Tokyo Mobilio so funny Keanu consumers bad but mother she be chemo colony yen I become alleluia alleluia verse 17 s Takata the logo it says for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world people are poor normal reality Dajjal ago but that the world through him might be saved immaculate across Erica Allah Allah amen a me tonight my message is about God's love he shared a shame initially only if L know no thought is alive along the lies there is a God oh no come pay who we are all seeking for cheap party superior amen a me and God loves this world over are ye so much today that He gave His only begotten Son but when you American social so that whoever and mechanic whoever and mechanic father is poor Oh Yahoo she or rich tabular on what I is black or white boy or true the bakufu by by is from Nigeria or from Ghana boy you're a teenager gotta be Ghana Verizon America or Spain where are the American eat that before Eva and mechanic everybody say whoever but we were awakening whoever and they can they believe in him just bad ball should not perish come a Toshiba but have everlasting life bougainvillea nice echo alleluia alleluia God sent not his son into the world although Kurama lesson you are a to come and the world naughty dodge Allah be but he sent his son into the world that the world through him might be saved or amorous in you a new pot la ke ala kulli need allah in ghana McDonagh we have a second prison called insulin prison many Amina to Booker is a Queenie delayed to Pusa one it is one of the biggest presence in Ghana and India Watoto vigil an economy that is where all the prisoners a lot of political with different problems they are all in that prison if eg a man Coco Parvati my Shero nepeta she knew or no residual evil and coma see one day I went to that prison near Giacomo Losi me away away to preach shut Yasu when I entered the prison he got mo one rule my law I was surprised by something that I saw okatee more readable oh yeah me me no do you want to know what I was surprised by so famous ooyama no I cannot hear you either also therefore I found out that in the prison there was a certain department that was different from all the other section of the prison Molyneux to Pune pay Yacouba a total @oc awara timba not a book and it had a special gate birth Leone aloo paratha and a war Archie agreed and even though it was a last compound these people were suffering but later play either fresh but Hawaii Yamato I asked the person who was taking me that what is this place Marathi atomic clock repair Kimmi bigger and he said this section is that condemned cell Osaka when I began yahwah Tata Televi even yell at you condemn a Matata Tala be called them I want article every part about a fight that condemn our hostility I said what is the meaning of condemned when the consumer and touched a levy and they said all of them have been sentenced to die when it book ball or like that you're proof there is no hope for sylheti form but the other people she power Yahoo who are in the compound I won't ever know some of them will be going home after four years I will come on Elaine your to marry I will be going after five years our calendar tomorrow some not here I will never other team but also this place but will be you condemn our aquifer NoHo Casillas mo so I entered that place oh wow what below when I entered you got him a water law there was a status on my right and in your world to me are Alaska so cannabis that is going upstairs so much yogi that what is obsessed mana Khemia okay welcome they said that is the place where they hang people wanna be 30 ma'am Swamy irori you must so much multi-purpose ooh if I want to go I can go and look at it Simba fella whoa hello whoa hi so I went there Malathi bear and I saw a whole Mali who Locker where they were hung the people are the prison they will hang them with a rope if it was if your personas okay and that is why I understood even Watanabe that this section with the Hawaii is different from the other section oh yeah so co-operative all of this section about impermeable I are supposed to be hung on the rope and not if you saw so when the Bible says eat but if any repair God did not send his son in the world to condemn the world on rock or Emanuela title Allah is saying that God did not send his son to say that you died on your parole or Melissa she is not a bit of you know haha he was doing the opposite O'Shea he totin what you are selling is selling to well or - you know I get to tell you that you do not have to go to hell nothing myself or eBay hola so my body that is why the Bible say it is only bear God so loved the whole world I don't know but I thought again he said his only sister or mother consciously know a Jesus Christ Jesu Christi that whoever we a mechanic whoever a mechanic reliefs sabbatical in him mineral a should not perish initially but have everlasting only it's equally button hey what does it mean to perish killer come on Caesar disagree what does it mean to perish you know to Mozilla prepare to perish means to be thrown into a prison that is abysmal Seberg gaseous you know to move forever Lila somebody said I don't believe that God has got a prison any capital but we're only less to do hey you a human being it was aa Union Inara you have made a prison or they say I want to keep some people not diploma cracy do you think God cannot make a prison sure bro listen when to keep some people there like if I woke up a motivate who are not doing what you want you a portion to patoshik if human being Allah who are wicked I was a brute guys full of corruption job will give a lot evil job will be can make a prison to Malaysia to move put fellow human beings in what if you're manic eighty what Allah Almighty God or not you Mary can also make a prison I can only say to move to keep the people that he does not want to go not if you a policy on CD ladies and gentleman i repel occurring god has looked at us or not you are not realized that austerity most of us are going to go to hell Akiyama body because the Bible says that all have sinned trip under the bed both when your dish a Roman chapter 3 verse 23 in the Bible nobody raised all have sinned and come short of the glory of God ROM or EKG or SI catalogue we pay poor query efficient assi KU know : that means you are a sinner ultimate intelligence I am a sinner a modulation and the Bible says in Romans 6:23 flora Mori Connecticut a local that the wages of sin is death we were in Canaria shape that means the payment automatically also how your same question is that you should only pay or logical the battle thing the body repair the soul that sinneth shall cut your budget Hickory oak so God I look at this well all of you watch it and you are single we are full of same or if they are refreshing I all finishing as a nation that if you tell life so about Perot you are a sinner Allison young how many before you have told a lie before however that it already be real now it's okay Oh jeepers re hey oh that means that a day is full of of what ultimate repair and a fool Oh brah Oh garage what Oh blast laughs hi earth how many I saw the light this week Google already started para la semi auto policy ot policy and the Bible says that the wages of sin is death developer you could be Ariel shame that means that we are my life yet logical or Chocula you must die for your sake or not especially hey hey how many of stolen something before our little early I told me I remembered I say have you stolen something before you open original Pedrosa teaching Catalan I will stole your mother's meat from the soup saucy commentary or seat Ellen Terry have you stolen trophy before an associate you are guilty me under stolen money before what if you're worried hi not me - ah - atif sees multiple our logo be so liars Oprah he's only hi have you had somebody before hectic holiday make a little a over Anakin the Bible says he that hath his brother is a Madra Petra Burrill Akua opinioni how many upset that somebody Karina Karina Larry ah hey that means that other is full of liars as you say October on wrath of Laura and there is full of tips only only and local rifle of madness which is what - Aeon on your let your Hanukkah we need a Savior we need an order vamonos Piratas Allahu Allah how many have committed fornication before Emirati she ability or disability well worth worth you were that you were you worried your disability I've been I wasn't up Billy I very hot very real look the app tonic before add very happy library opera opera of Caracas odd very odd very odd very odd Ponyo Ponyo hahaha Olli Olli so Luca das we are all famous voila pop or IntelliJ I wanna see green tea latte merci it means you must go to hell Oh Tomas de la paloma party the wages of your sin is death to repair a pleasure only you I am also a senior academic colleges all the since vogue question I have committed sin medida even the fanciful stage our pornography Lori Adamo orgasm before wanna see shed men move because I've ever said if you look at a woman to lust up there you have already fornicated with a developer to Milwaukee Nikolas example Bessie Watty Pasha Pasha I know I know what is going to happen to us Tino Martinez Flanagan oh it means that we are going to perish optimist you pay I'll share but God loved the world so much he bought off a toe tag day he look at you oh and me Oh mommy and he loved us online or cetera Whataburger he decided oh so happy nobody was going to do something repair wash you can save you nothing the whole eyes to save me Gunilla hallelu because he we will not allow all of us to go to hell like that so Rebecca Knickerbocker well I saw a party day so the Bible says that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son the referral I read to make it a final electro social so not if you believe in him to Pilate the bernoulli just have to believe in him or nothing bad or immoral you will not perish only should be but you will have ever obviously Kinetico amen army you would send your child he will offer Marella I would save my child even though for Amina and that is exactly what God has done Oh - oh girl me jealous some years ago I forget if my son was doing an exam on my phonemic echinacea the Walkman and one day I decided to see whether he was ready for his exam or dr. Mowat prepare in don't wanna freeze Nona hey so I started asking him some of the questions where Papa received in our daily from I took one of the first questions Momo can allow a barrier teacher and I started asking a recipe what is the highest mountain in Nigeria it was one of the questions we can all bearable ok well ok Dona Julia hey he didn't know no ma I ask another question what about a Bellamy what is the longest river in Africa we have the Ala Wai LLL do or to Allah Putin equally alsa oh let me know after some time I realized my son was going to fail leg blameable oh my oh my dear Amy hey hey will you sit down for your son to fail so I joke oh come on hakuna be so I started to learn with him what procedure Papa unit in the night Muruga talk to me I met o4 and I familiarly wake up Monty I wake him up moto g o9 we were doing the questions i press away their loss is the highest mountain in Ghana ami oculata uni ghana and he started to answer them open seat down and I was waking up I was tired but I was doing my best baby Odette is so miserable that I to send him back ah from being Australia naughty mucuna in this life meanwhile ye ladies and gentleman I'm a bellyful corners the hotel visionary he could see only that we will never make it repair a political ally laugh if you like try to about that we're doing you can try to not do this or like we have initially I will not do the Hornets at all I will not do this initially but you have done it or a petitioner who have done it for T channel you are a sinner unless same you have something you can do about installation Akari and that is why I made me useless idea in Lord Allah and the Bible thing repellency because God sent his son Omer s you know yet to die on the cross glorious believers so peopleö know why Jesus tamil komal just be cook on the cross notable my srida edges of the Gurubashi Dida at the Jockey cool he died who gave His life hoteles us so that you could have like opale me that is why he came is not one he carries life oh he is oh that you he walked could have life calling me the Bible say dependable without the shedding of blood life sit idly there is no forgiveness of single seed validation unless the blood is shed I have it abates less there is no forgiveness consider Jesus is blood has to be shed a lot it is healing process to be your seems to be washed away Sarah no polish white kasnia a powerful blood it's a very long word bara powerful enough and it or not bara to wash away say that you worship Israeli Olympic well what you want is people are deprived polishness maracas I'm a broken Egyptian I wanna kill Chanyeol I was a Nigerian a woman in a very calm America Spanish almost vanish South America no Mossad Africa all over the world before idea blog that was colorful AJ to Lazarus Plaza could last egg delicata blood that has a power I get Sonya there are to wash away nothing for your sins Michele and my say yes I mean it's a lot of sense Oh Joe o'clock when she when you look at your sister war is a hot car like this idiotic or village full of sinners you fuera well I say what can wash away your cinema inflation and know nothing but the blood of Jesus and their digestion economy is why we say it is about quality here there is power power wonder-working power in the French flag I guess why we sing about calling the universe power power water [Music] hahaha I imagine that lingo a dead issue Thank You su tonight I want you to know Michael money ISIL is why God sent his son did you love your mother and you shed his blood to pay jealousy love sorrowful fella what today and tonight miss Elaine if you will open your heart top ashoka a pea you can receive jesus only by Jessa music receiving Jesus Christ be by girls who crystal about going to a chatty Shepherd or loss because there are a lot of people Hawaiian catches from every tone but they are not Christian but what is a crostini they don't know Jesus know my Jesu it's not about being a religious person he said bacterial jealous enough so it's about opening your heart Natasha chakra by Allah Jesus crime it suggests to Christie some years ago the other day he used to go to text from Allah Josh every Sunday book what does image my father used to tell me about my mom in law but I was not born she felt good that would be I have not given my life to move I am if we doesn't you see God is not a fool oh no Jesus you really you can't fool man oh my and y'all go on you you you to see if you can be seated area Tory or let's add a but God looks at your Walker red God can see Allah Larry you may be singing the song all Mr curry say whatever open to balance on a Bible says God is not mocked and it was okay accolade colleges so ever a man Oregon Jenny about be he shall rip on and your car if you just with God and it so popular so I was go straight to hell Lhasa Wahhabis God is kind all about Danny - so God is loving along Jonah face but at the same time money a coconut God is a charge on our jet on midnight we will charge you know sit down and you will judge me your damage or at the end of our life look where you are so the lot of people Oh Papa Noah we are we are Christian what about you I think we know Jesus I'm like someone really you don't know Jesus - oh oh my - I went to a certain town in Ghana malossi Luke and me Ghana that town you know they have a same one do romance officer Jose ba ba ba wanna play o Sevilla boobalay which means totem are super you do a little juju and you do a little Christianity or so Buddha or say da ba da y God born a comma solo pasta dinner Oh Sevilla Bobby Ray Bobby Ray Oh Severus Oh Sheila vivillon vivillon vivillon Oh Sheila small did you you know do you organize organize other witchcraft or Bonita Bay oh oh oh oh oh hello boom I bet no don't go bunny go go a pentagon go have any Go Go a pentagon go hey Moll of that and small of Christ yeah Oh boom dear Christy I'm you think God is not a fool oh no kiss your moogle maybe you come for me Oh careful God oh let's a long day you see a lot of people or your proper area full of wickedness what would we why be lying here ah beep a healing in Fanning your feelings only telling everybody reported animal she recently right there I met her a pasta mobile job the body it told me something also the tofu mister I've killed so many people on amou tick-tock Lavinia and I each other I've never been caught on if a tiny woman didn't ever catch you one BBQ memorial I was caught many times on your boba not a moment but my face she bought you miss a baby face ultra murderer madami you know some people they look innocent our cameras FL want to be intelligible cotton is a every time I went to call only gotten bilasa Kochi when the judge looks at me tra Vitelli right I look so innocent mother revelation the baby face o to meet up your drama dad I was a killer on a motel our fire and so they can't let me go and I own the turkey Milan finished yeah gonna pay back the police I wanna pass they look at me wah wah me they said go animal okay now you see you cannot fool God Oh mother let go you may think you are fooling a lot oh that's good is the present you cannot kill Raul my rival say very very eyes of the Lord everywhere all to our people will be holding that good and the evil sin will be enough to go let go I could not so cool upon another so one day no chakra I met Jesus cry but a super day and I gave my life to hug each other before I said Jesus what it does I go to chat one loss or she but I don't know you don't come or I'll call fast motel you I don't know you have in Malaysia how do you remember me but I don't know how come I see him anybody I don't know you know c'mon that's okay Allah I want to know you Obama also give my life to you I am before I got you die don't worry available for me for me you said your blood leg I say it worries me there are a lot of people in Nigeria up on one edge you have play with God one below share a little of this a little of that yeah a little of that energy I can't tell you my friend thank you someone I may have put some people on amou yellow song me you can so many people do not owe a lot of time oh my god god she belong he sees everything audio book when you stand before him but 21 you have to answer or not it now or yourself why I said that is why didn't you over and in the day of joy you will not be able to stir hole in the drawer when it's why he lies have you done any sin in Southie Ramallah to come and pass wonderful 11y in your prehab you furry buddy I'll give his life for you life for my kids I guess Lucas wait did not time Jessica group because of the police metella lapa because of the soldier history I wanna be that what killed him though he died or cook because he loved only poor fellow money I only said to me to know that similarly many years ago Oprah publication I'm concluding available paradise in Korea Nick Korea there was a second missionary Valley a Chiricahua generic I didn't know Korea America and there was a war between North Korea and South Korea when Oakland people who are you are Korea Busan Korea the North Koreans were chasing them our Busan Korea one level off and so they were going rushing to South what's in Lhasa over you are and it was a winter time I watch a couple and as he reaches I did play for what day because it came to a bridge right there is a pelican and he was with his wife also up in radiology wife said I got a repair I can't hear a baby crying Manik much your mutton softly I can hear a baby crying when I saw the wife said let's stop the car baby yeah what's up it just look like a truck and see what is this because you want to sell her husband said she bought a reverse very dangerous we were on the roof so just coming I wanna Goomba but the wife insisted Shuba yeah I got in the car see what room and they came out of the cocoon walk away they went under the bridge from Allah Ya Allah when they go day that whatever they saw something brother loss why are you protecting an illusion 20 do you want to know what they don't worry they saw a baby where your mother did to look at you one baby a shabby and this baby was covered with her mother specially our BR body Yanik bidadi her mother's clothes I feel a show yari happy with that mother Yaris giving birth OTP and the mother took off all her clothes specially yeah probably surely all hell broke wash on it and coming at baby Oct Wilma no it was wintertime what do I care for go to you and she covered a baby with her clothes a while see a tional we all wanna totally naked person Oh 1e watashi use her body what's here are in the clothes - surely to cover the baby naughty brahmana and she has now died all rally-ho she out of cold it allows you to go to so the missionary specially idealized they took the baby one pure matically and took the penguin sent to America well below see America as a 21 yet later when your democracy logo this Korean boy Omar Khouri I was now a grown up or whatever so he asked his father or what the very relevant daddy only daddy I want to ask you a question whether a better color on it why is it that I have Korea Chinese eyes the UNEP American eyes yesterday me me autumn Korea till 102 T America he said who is my father Oliver are you really my son only Taliban it's all about minute or so and the father said mother okay I have been waiting for you to ask this motion repeal a corollary and then a father told him the story but I also know who of how he found his mother anniversary yeah his mother gave his life he are Fei Gerasim s for him and for and the Korean boy started crying I'm a choreographer for this philosophy baba reject me to Korea from Lhasa Korea takes me to the plaza bear so he came to Korea oh mama sakuya to the bridge nothing the Deborah welcome to the play host in moola season this is free on my own opt Yara worried when the Korean boy he got yarmulke Larry it took of all his calls or not wash on it and you lay down on the floor or SWAT come on let me cry oppress you said mama mama mama mama you get your life for me okay let's look at your life for me I did enough for me so that I could live Kim bada one are you love me Oh pero me you get your clothes if you showed up in your life hot yellow dye what you group for me me ladies and gentlemen i'ma probably my wax all of a superfish saw everybody barely love you alive multi-talented I need to be alone and do what I did that is what she wanted just myself a huge for me him in LA he came to this world what is my name he gave up life is genuine material one idea come on the world it would be a lie I know what I did that is why he didn't wait to reject Jesus Navas but doesn't you condemn yourself or what happen because God has done everything about this younger group that he can do delicious to save you nothing go do you think Jesus died because the soldier Oliver that's what I want that without going to because of the policeman a developer who were crucified like that come on do you think that woman showed up aerobatic over her child because of the soldiers or the popular Murayama lies in that winter because of her love for her child Oh No - Theresa Theresa Marie and tonight yes Alan God is telling us it's love oh no no no overkill - Alice hang on Rosita is sending out his last one goes inside everything that I love you one more panelist God loved the world oloppor ideas that it carries water especially that whoever clearly can be whoever and mechanic beliefs in your path back both should not Felicia be but have a super knowledge and become my friend already if you go to hell so colossal my buddy don't blame Jesus not you Jason don't blame Jesus that just that if you go to hell follow my body remember Roger that God so little panel open I think it is only for Natasha for also every penny can you ever and they can believe in him not bad but should not Felicia great don't have everybody any bathroom and tonight now solid Jesus is here just wanna be to heal you that it was so because of that similar notorious fairy deliver you watching the hall from stepping one over issue from snake follow our to an evil spirit or a la maison powers up bizarro cuckoo via to bring over his not define your life in my here and coffee lollipop another with a great level open lot of Bible say differently parental love hath no man repelled by Perico pratically Santa's lab who said super admins should lay down his life you back here could be for higher self or fair or air you want to receive that love Bionic I cannot hear you I say to you the voice keeps office by generally you want to receive all that is money Jesus did not come to condemn you that's a quite don't let you listen to me carefully other policeman book when your love our security I love you who can hear me and my neck dummy because Tory pay tonight at 34 tonight ha but darling try to notice I don't know where I got it is saying or we pay I like you Motorola I love you know perilous I love you Oh Bella come to me tell me what I want to love you about that all right I want to save you pepper laughing I want to wash you mofesto for my blood I work when I can tonight that's a lane if you want Jesus but I just to come into your happy Watson locker let I lift up your hand no well that's okay and stand to your feet if you are thrown down well my stock would it be given to the one I want to be today welcome everybody bhagavata and this your hands 14 hours okay - Jesus see Jason and say this prayer poor sod right say this prayer with me my supper rule is very important or Shirataki say Lord Jesus in English face after we do Yoruba Lord Jesus thank you for today oh god oh god I know I am a sinner but tonight they come to you just as aya Oh God Oh God have mercy on me I've Nestor me say it with the congregation together hello Jesus Lord Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for me thank you for diving across for me everybody said Lord Jesus has risen Lord Jesus mercy on me I've missed you me wash away my sins wash away my seas with your precious blood with your precious blood that from tonight are some tonight from tonight of some tonight and give my life to you I give my life to you I give my heart to you I give my heart to you from today from today from today from today I belong to Jesus I feel - geez everybody's day from today not oniy once a day from today it belongs to Jesus I belong to Jesus with your two hands nor say thank you Lord let me thank you Lord for saving me tonight in Jesus name Amen I pop a buoy bell hola molto Bella Wallace Tony Parker Sukabumi mashallah Motagua hey Gabriela say yes al a more open up or a semi-auto and la-da-da meet me all a way my beretta Jesu jnana samyama Lila Rani watch a groper allah mokuba teleporting Pamina guru Basu give the Lord a mighty shout and a clap offering now I want to give you one of my books barnacle I want with me if you pray this prayer with me so that but right below me I want to give you one of these books right motor for Nicola way way Missy it's called gospel salvation or not be neat but I really if you want one of these books so that I can already lift up your hand right now and I was okay by and some people are going to come and if I was real happy for necessary right now necessary before we have the miracle session Kotani a proper way along these books or patella raise your hand right now on the wall that's okay and somebody's gonna come to Jesus I love and trouble evening it Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] take me [Music] [Applause] [Music] please lift up your hand if you don't have one of the books so far she licked an awareness okay do about this one no more that's okay you do not have o Keeffe won't lift up your hand no Wallace okay happy not too [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] if you do not have to lift your hand for the last time if you do know what you reach yet but now what sort of restart well in front you don't have all the [Music] power [Music] [Music] [Music] you know word of God Oh [Music] hallelujah lift it up now with us okay and let us pray calcic da da lift it up high nice okay make imaginary relate the feet are very very high now sake Nick dinner a little it and say this prayer with me they Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I thank you for today I thank you for today from tonight from tonight I belong to you I belong to you I will send you I will serve you I will follow you I will follow you tonight is my night tonight is my night from today from today I forsake the world I protect the world I forsake the devil I forsake the devil and I open my heart and I open my heart to Jesus Christ so Jesus Christ oh god oh god what a way my thing was the way I see with your precious blood we sir precious blood from tonight from tonight I am born again I am born again I thank you O God I thank you again in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen amen our table we wait Danny Alma we tell Emmy hola Miasha lei Matsushita lot Italia ya jackass ooh well Sammy no Dalia Jamie Jamie mashallah Motoyasu mashallah moti comilla koala whooshes whoa Lois itani Paulo Alvaro cuckoo Mata Tata P monte de su p nirupa Jitsu Amy alleluia alleluia and it's time for miracles or to a book we share ya know are you ready to receive your miracle tell us how many know that Jesus can heal you of every dollar if I just a poor Isaac grow I want you to stand to your feet of attorney instead of aquaria pada pada it's a healing Jesus or take this to money Sonny will heal your life today y'all see why there s Milani easy he wore you know healing tribal a [Music] the Gila cleaver right now why we slowly doorway have you wanna tell me his name [Music] Oh Holly go to receive your power back tada we did it [Music] [Music] you know Simon to Jesus notifies me [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now wherever your sickness is you think it is dead oh I like your hand but already if it is your I can you ready for your eyes but while you know your leg is already put your hand on the leg what yet you know if it is your summer not a very cool any so far they cou know if you can put your hands there so buddy bless your heart don't let let us pray most a drag on how it's gonna touch you I thought your whole spirit is here and nobody be and he's gonna heal you right Dawson was a night miracle you sure you're not already taking place what is La Vie because he's the God that healeth thee what if I don't want the water is Jehovah roping already to wanna is the same also anybody no no today movie and forever adela Heavenly Father thank you right now Harbor Bay we pluck off sicknesses and it book where I will remove diseases before L go away move I'm a Googler name of Jesus yes you are free right now to another you every place before I ever again cookware through every powerful part that our campus cooking Jesus purifies everything's in your healing I was the last letter that me rain your Papa wanna hear yes begin again mm I don't like that it's a lot healing [Music] hi everybody you are the God that you [Music] receive your healing right now I was nice somebody's these three some demon spirit is begging to pull every spirit now today's homily we deliver from hopeless hopeless poor little when I smashed it bye guys you will I crave the [Music] [Music] [Music] enemy's macular your glasses we love for your people Oh [Music] and you [Music] everybody's in shock so we're not okay the gates of Bangkok and I fell along for his blessing free before his healing he was sorry everybody else received a miracle poured on the Holy Spirit Oliver this elephant must we see the power of God saranam flowing old ocean all of this crusade propuesta de Jesus here guess what if it's here or what if it is healing all world isn't is setting us free also to Manila refugees are to potestas thank you for your party purpose that our name of G 0 for testing right now missus ease I want you to begin to check yourself back over Celia Ramu begin to examine yourself my Yara Oh whatever you couldn't do on photo digitally maybe you couldn't see for your rear antenna fill your eyes right now now - bye maybe you couldn't move your leg follow then nothing unless they get a book your letters in that day light what about what we could into hope on so let's take a so to it right now that I by the name of children for testing a spiritual house a FL t-cell right right now this is a huge miracle of technical syllabi because it's the law Ramon who has the law don't you ask the Lord otherwise the Lord can he let you off or an accident no Bob I we sing it right the dynasty love you in a wheelchair for your what he said your rises in OCD then your uber can't be healed if I mean I wouldn't forget me your miracle but they all ran over you can't something lucky one yes I love powers that are available for you or what will receive your miracle say and where you are healing power [Music] just close your eyes everybody blue eyes oh where could you do that I'm gonna kill you tonight so about you whooping yeah maybe you came with a pain for your web baby right now the pain is gone Iran Attila by maybe you couldn't see oh you're in a tellin you can see money so chilly no view you have that problem mala koola ask you study right now a pie you realize that the problem is chorus my wallet you I've got a hot one or not push off your right hand right now nervous okay bye you wanna feel you so what you wanted I know that y'all pray for the future click on backdrop or tide right now what missus you can see that something only request if you're gonna touch too you know but people skills you know what you also that I want you to come to the front for what you want you back up to the right side only say our to power have you couldn't want for your ladies in it right now but you see you can see that you can load any for anybody you couldn't see well y'all ready that I realize that corner Omar you got what you want so whatever the problem was you wanna give us something I don't cut this alibi somebody's already walking over here above are you it's gonna cost you love atavachron amassed unibody paka paka paka quickly muffled working from the past but when i taken from the side but yet be home from wherever your eyes because i want to pray with you I just want to pray with you again eyes up when I couldn't take your testimony Tracy Ferrie their copy a baby food wah ha I like a Alafia [Music] [Music] [Music] Dora what if I was [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ha ha ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I read below what is a penis [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] luckily I can hammer it Bobbo alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia fantastic miracles here tonight mashaallah yogig de'longhi sha-booyah doctor what's happening you see this woman walking I will be Tony you she could not take even one step without the stick Daniel she has had this problem for you as you were preaching better wasu during the preaching yeah for suits you are sittin by a pasta or chocolate down the lobby and suddenly and if nothing else you are prettiest you stood up hands out Oh oh yeah awesome Annie Thank You Manny I'll do money Mary Mary Mary oh yes merry merry merry merry merry merry sport yes for yes [Music] what condition is this see what suffering from yeah pain in the knee likely to be us to a tightness of the knee joint Wow of just Rises and the power of God came upon her and not able now would she was from the back to the frontier first of all she stood up something she couldn't have done oh I want my my way why is the regulator what a powerful feeling he level Tommy wah wah [Music] amazing Oh Geralyn whoa this woman had a lump in the right breast the mass in the right breast as you pray the perp got tossed there and she felt that the slump has left the press he went to check and the love is normal in the dress she went to check it right and no pains also what was wrong with the bride what do you roll on do I know when it's go me the last big hoorah - I was a lump in the breast with pain for how long weeks months yes Booya anyone yah yah yah yah well I know you see fula I love with the press what is it what is what could it be it's likely to be a fibroadenoma fibroadenoma hot with pain it could also be a recurrent breast abscess and [Music] sometimes is they are multiple the lumps we call that we call it fibro at the noses what other cancer cancer controls but the pain comes right a lot later but she has pain with the lung we reflect sometimes your recurrent breast abscesses a few delivers recently have you had a baby no galactose tools and so on but an infected cyst can also cause this type of pain Wow and in fact Esther and she doesn't feel you are you happy are you excited you want a miracle you checked it yourself ladies and gentlemen most of the lungs in the breasts are diagnosed by the patient itself and sheer self examine it and the lung is gone the pain is gone but of thank you for the healing tonight in the name of Jesus Oh get a lot of sorrow three that's why we got you Olivia what is this powerful miracle our toughest ten years ago this man had an accident and that's how you to walk with others he was done little dollars women son to even stand backstroker and now he's walking walking but a man time in ten years what we were given any enigma popobawa wanna say to you keno sera sera ammonia's Jensen he had an accident Moisture pool or ekk tubercle Tamia is better from bicycle and the tide pool was broken at rerun emulator that time if you wanna walk similar name what's today Oh Bobby learning he can with a stick now I remember my motto be boppin much whenever is coming you got about you well I was grateful to have T Annika yellow are yes dummy the body per year a moo moo here Tommy bloody person and now is now okay [Music] it's a healing Jesus addict so what do tell you healthy baby look what happened to this little girl powerful testimonies here tonight this is the mother of this little girl yes for the past three years this girl has not been able to hear a talking the right here wow the power of God came upon her tonight ultimate that support for Michael permit by Latinos who when you finish pray she told her mother that he place is able to hear in that year for the first time in three [Music] and what you you could not hear and then use you discovered how did you discover [Music] party Alice ROC oh I'd bother ye when you let me tell you something miss your teapot on ok yes let us speak when your mommy told you something what happened I just got my dad you know he really is it not fantastic okay yeah go be the desk you see doctor what could it be this could be a result of visitors at three year old problems you are sharing well it could be a separation of the tympanic membrane yes all should have not a chronic otitis media project or ty chronic otitis media can lead to definite definite yes and sometimes also that the that's what we call progressive deafness from some of the components of the inner ear the malleus incus and stapes and depends on the degree of abnormality one that child is born as the child grows progressively the hearing gets way citizen lecturer of dr. he teaches in the medical school so this is a very powerful miracle I see the real miracle is a powerful already what makes it powerful - he has out good pal now she's able to hear oh yeah buddy bear alright [Music] [Music] why are you happy you got caught in my study that has healed your daughter yes if you wanted a winter with you where are these picture people this is a little girl in and then she could not hear in the right here oh my darling we open her ears and a mouth and money's here she's so happy how was your name David Jimin David yes that's the name of the father David yep okay daddy for the Hollis name is David Jenner did it yeah whoa beautiful then give a lot of smoke [Music] everything I don't blow [Music] this woman had a peculiar problem whether she'd but was difficult to put a muzzle of food in their mouth because he kept coughing continuously what and when she even can yell Saskia she was often so badly that the people around started moving away from her she comes every little the cover gone continuously hopeful ideas five year or five years then said immediately you prayed then something just came over head and then the conference's and she'd be with me for how long she came over Judea and she's not had one pop not even Wow somebody who could not even put one bottle of food in their mouth know what happened to you on their glory yon only know what about Yugi departing my water car away only a little tiny Nuria you can have your cookie budgets are firmly knowledge you mama Akane you mama you tomorrow as well to be a chocolate chip for Danny but what you can emerge is harmonica come on super cell phone gently [Music] chronic mattress and coughing picklebee's tuberculosis tuberculosis sometimes also laryngeal nerve irritation can cause that type and even the truth but normally this is likely to be a chronic test infection and tuberculosis and stop on the list number one you are healed tonight in the name of Jesus I wish I had a little Jason thank you Lord for your power healing her Jesus name Amen brother some awesome awesome miracles tonight what happened before yes this man on spending for to marry I say no hot pain in the sole of the feet okay both feet he could not even walk well but tonight when we break the power buzzing and he felt the pain is gone into the glory of God for the first time in four years he's able to even jump and what's on that on those two peninsulas figure by online copy ordinary same in gradual believe me and shake you open your called that moody at modeling ammonia is Hawaii so Billy Elliot a semi candle a la vie for oh mama say mama Tommy Omar Cunha been in LA but it's one period was yet robbery wah buh-bah Tiwari Gloria MA for the committee or subcommittee really people are very male well your shoelace patina absolute are sighs okay goodbye one just a dozen so that you want to show that you can walk I don't work without the shoes walk let's see any other in second of it show me what I have this way he need this time put your hands together [Music] what is this petition let us called plantar fasciitis plantar fasciitis very difficult to you Wow and lost power it is difficult to heal is very difficult posture I said yes just even with medication they go and come and it is it is not difficult it's not easy to have the painful at all you spent killers and anti-inflammatory drug steroids and so on and for us thank you away that pain by the power of the glass of red wine wow what a shock hallelujah this woman had an accident when she was twelve years old and she started pain here since then and then neck very difficult for her to tener neck said when you are praying she felt some wind just come overhead she fell down and when she caught up the pain is gone she can also turn her neck look at her Hernandez like she was 12 years but for them since what so vehicle twelve years old when she has another fellows quickly when I was traveling so dad and I stood by Obama Patti Muallim Adam Edelen Donna moto Bonnie so last by a young to me then a mil a year or metal a bath onee-sama badriprasad a Jew so Fatima deducible bhadram Oh Felipe a taco festival for possibility Bello Antebellum honey come on yellow hour but he bites for you but what happens here too low Maria in the congregation the congregation Wow you are healed in the name of Jesus then you're next well the pain is gone butter spondylosis 46 of the neck muscles sometimes you can have what we call paraspinal muscles puzzle that's muscle spasm of the virus final model father you are healed in Jesus name Jocelin has had severe pain in the back that over back patient could not even pain jealousy is gone [Music] hallelujah thank you Laurie god bless you thank you mom came from Legos she had the effect on songs on TV and came and she's hot fabricated a hack a hot lied about 15 years deliver him yet a little severed suddenly when you break that thing I see the pain is gone she's feeling so I had me cook something like that for something yell at you like that I see God mercy 1 if your mother made open me as my a CDC metal unison p.m. eeka lokka sorry demo span yama job in addition in the gun motor Papa syllabus koala Oahu Chien in reality was Beauchemin sumac padania both Foreman they said Emily Riemer Allah [Music] she wants to be faithful father thank you for healing amen give the Lord a clap offering the Lord is healing here this little girl is telling a very powerful story of a miracle she had a swelling on the chest she said as you pray she felt some movement there and that's well if she had has reduced in size oh I see she came to testify that you can see that it becomes smaller words open to you came here and they didn't do it why to think in there and what happened today what happened today are you who are individually for city folks now has reduced it went down was it bigger how big was it big like this and it has gone it has decreased Wow is it not beautiful she has a lump or the chest right here don't know what is this this is likely to be a lipoma or a fibroma because it'll fail if I let us be a fibroma a lot fibroma would have refused inside by the power of God but I thank you for your mercy and your healing in Jesus Allah better be around Allah [Music] and then we'll continue tomorrow because that's a pasta and the Sun yes please tell us what Apple would repel all alone will pay you what I owe my client was blind little repair ma Tanaka Wally Laurie 2003 vamos a ganar Pecola lady Oh Larry police go to Athena freakin leaning over and cowboy yellow what would you do kg volunteer yo toca because UFO - Maku from from a kelipah hola le Leanna was Ok Go Go button so that is what would follow a Lorelei you couldn't see well before but now you can see clearly Wow nice give a lot of mighty sharp line Tommy well [Music] silica we let's go on next one please because of time give a lot of clap of India this girl has been dumped or her life who didn't say a word after the prayer the mother said she called him for the first time she responded well so that token is not as perfect yeah but for the first time she could hear and it and respond to it and so a mother that's a big miracle her mother do it mama show us what has happened to your baby yato telling you my Jamel was I didn't know when I will the photography be valid aloha wa tomodachi hua hua Mei hua Chi devayne doctor anatomic pathology to postulate excellent Munna Vasya Vasya Lauren co-op where poverty Malaya passante for Cespedes hallelujah what you wanna fight oh you pause you where the question of well define who a now what a buzz buzz I can share something I saw what a job she couldn't do that a Basanti she couldn't even traffic there is Sunday they get a song day sunday sunday father thank you for perfect Healey stretch out your hand towards this child and now I'll tell you thank you for your miracle power in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] for the end this session one more come on that you the power God has taught the eyes of these two boys both of them have the same problem they could only see things which way near them if it was far they couldn't see the one you pray the power God touch their eyes at different times different places and suddenly could see things which were very far where were you standing in Bullitt Lucy can we be at the middle doing the middle and you at the back yes could you see me yes yes from there you could see me yeah then you could see far Shelley real no your problem and what happened is that it could see far it can see long distance now you could see me from there yeah how fast would you go see showing it back for the bus you can see yeah but now can you see how do you know you can see I said why can't I see you in dysfunction I know what you were watching from the screen okay so your eyes are healed yeah when did you notice that you can see when I was shaking and suddenly you could see fine father thank you for wonderful miracles of these I in the name of Jesus and the new year period all right my lady could not bend down hey nice after the prayer now she can't dance then something she could not do okay bullets as I was running so as to the cool air tomorrow night God is going to do even more miracle lift up your hand everybody on hola hola oh thank you for your great power per fiber RA and your great anointing intensity we thank you for your Powe a perfect perra and miracle I say yeah thank you we'll all these people are only the ones we are grateful that that love whom we thank you that tomorrow you have breakaway also she will fight in the name of jewelry for just you amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 662
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2011, Healing Jesus Campaign, Healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Evangelism, Gospel Preaching, Dag Heward-Mills, Dag Heward Mills, Healing, Bishop Dag, Evangelist Dag, Nigeria
Id: 2rz-FRlzikc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 15sec (6315 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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