Benny Hinn - 1994 Atlanta Miracle Crusade ~ Part 1

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[Music] from Atlanta Georgia the following is highlights of the Atlanta miracle crusade with Benny Hinn pastor and teacher author and healing evangelists hundreds who came to these dynamic services who received a touch from God now join us and receive God's best for you [Music] but I either be on the Lord able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or even think and tonight wonderful father we come into your presence in Jesus name the name that is higher than any other we ask in Jesus name stretch your mighty hand and touch your people that signs and wonders may be performed in this place and we bow before heaven we bow before the Angels we bow before the visible and the invisible we will give you the glory we will give you the glory we will give lord I pray tonight visit your people here in Atlanta I pray a fresh fire from heaven will descend and touch your saints and I pray they will leave this place empowered even as the Apostles were empowered the disciples were empowered you said in your word ye shall receive power I pray tonight that that mighty power will come and descend upon your people and fill your people I pray give them the authority that belongs to them as believers I pray give them their authority in Jesus name that Satan might be eaten today in Jesus most glorious name we pray lord I pray tonight every lost soul will be born again here if we lost soul we before in Jesus name and you sir in Exodus I am the God that healeth thee and tonight we stand before you our healer our great physician and we pray Lord stretch your healing hand wonderful father and touch your people I pray that this will be the night for every sick person will be healed in Jesus name we believe it and we expected for your name ladies until in our 30-something there's a mighty presence of God here and because he's here anything can happen anything could happen [Music] and do you know do you know I just been told there's 20,000 people here tonight this Thursday night 20,000 people in this auditorium this Coliseum and you know hundreds and hundreds and hundreds are outside and cannot get in so I'm glad you came but I'm really glad the holy ghost has come [Applause] lift your hands and to God be the glory to God heeey he has we for the see the game right in Jesus I pray in Jesus little every minister here Lord tonight every preacher will leave with a fresh anointing [Applause] I'm glorify your name Oh wonderful [Music] [Music] and wonderful cheese's we love [Music] and precious Holy Spirit [Music] every boy Jesus we love you you are our master you are our Redeemer you're the wonderful Lord Jesus just sing it with me just once lift those hands do and majesty [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] that brave Lord the biggest had a friend turn around and tell someone right now this is going to be the greatest night in your life [Applause] and you may be seated [Music] we're happy surely fear [Music] without Jesus would be true [Music] ha [Music] and without him I would be tangy [Music] without Jesus with people but the Jesus [Music] ooh [Music] turning away oh geez [Music] Hey lost how would can I sing that second verse one more time without him listen [Music] would be dying without without Jesus would be hopeless robust with Jesus pink on pink on insane [Music] [Applause] don't turn him turn em away oh gee without him powerless [Music] I feel the touch our hands soak and tinder here Hey that must draw [Music] no fear Jesus he walks beside me ah cigar [Music] a car I'm gonna hear the call from the heavens [Music] come home a child it's the truck P [Music] ten alarm Steve I'm covered in the I'm gonna hear the call from a heaven sport come on home my child you never have to try down there [Music] time [Music] mr. [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] the seeking [Music] [Music] by what this build oh nothing jeez [Music] righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lead [Music] [Music] [Applause] by is it alright if I testify just one [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] sir come here Steve come here Alvin this place my friend is exploding Steve Satan is a liar with each rush to make you [Music] which is a pauper we're a char [Music] I said I'm a child she knew a child the tea Jesus Christ for those fans that shaved about you listen listen listen you know there's people here Bowser's people that need to know tonight is their night ladies and gentlemen let me tell you something [Applause] the devil is a liar [Applause] I don't what the world says I don't care what the skeptics say I don't care what the critics say I don't care what the demons of Hell say listen to me the Bible says his promises ie and a come on Steve yes I said Satan is a liar so I believe Satan is a liar he tries to make you think that Europe Papa you ain't got nothing you're down and out you own your last leg you can't make it no for drama our charge sir Oh [Music] she just arrived [Music] behind exchange that scene my troubles change that you [Music] I want you all to stand right now and say hello to a very special man would you all stand and let Paul Kraus know you love him he and Jan are very special people praise the Lord oh please be seated for just a minute because I want you to pray and agree with me in just a minute about something very very special but first of all Danny bring that little grandmother right there on the front row up here I want her to say hello to you [Applause] this is Jan's old hometown Atlanta Georgia how many i'll bet there'd be a few in this room that remember one of the great saints of God Reverend Edgar Bethany wave at me out there that may be attended the great Boulder Crest Assembly of God Janan II say hello to some of your family thank you my goodness what a joy you know I woke up this morning early Benni hearing someone in my room speak in tongues and all of a sudden I realized that it was me I woke myself up about five o'clock this morning just praying in the most beautiful heavenly language and just lay there in that glow just for the longest time and you know I kept thinking lord please give me the interpretation of what all this I was praying this morning and I found myself that I woke up earlier then like in the morning and he hadn't I had just fallen right back to sleep after that experience and I mentioned it to a couple people today I mentioned it to Barry on the phone and I just didn't understand what it was I walked in tonight and during the singing the beautiful singing the Lord just kind of in my heart gave me what it was my little dad pastored a church here called Boulder Crest Assembly of God every morning at 5 o'clock my little dad was up praying that great wonderful revival would begin in Atlanta Georgia and spread around the world and I just believe in my heart at five o'clock this morning I was waked up speaking in my heavenly language and I believe what the Lord is saying that Jan you are witnessing the beginning of the answer to your little dad's prayers this is incredible and I love it and I love you being here thank you all of you what a joy to be here what a joy to see the most beautiful people in the world southerners worshiping Jesus in this manner stay here stay here no stay right here beside me obey your husband I have lived with this same woman for 37 years today happy anniversary and Benny you promised tell me see I was gonna introduce Jen after you were all done and sing the song but you see I didn't even introduce her so I'll tell you what stand up quiet you're gonna help me sing it to see I made a promise I shall keep it happy anniversary ah that is a very proper Arab tradition I kissed Vinny on both cheeks that's the way you do it over in that part of the world and speaking of that part of the world let me just take one more minute because I have something happening God has something happening over in the Middle East that is absolutely miraculous for 20 years Benny we've tried to get a television voice over in the Middle East that would preach peace and I think you all know what kind of peace I'm talking about to the inhabitants of that troubled region I met with Menachem Bagan four times I met with mr. Shamir Prime Minister Shamir twice I've met with every Minister of Communications of Israel I got to know them intimately I took them gifts I took them letters from President Reagan I took them everything and I was always welcomed and treated most courteously and encouraged to keep bringing tours but no TV station now I understand just about as well as anyone God's prophetic plan for the people of Israel I have sat and studied under the best of them how Lindsey dr. Stuart McBurney on and on and on the great prophecy preachers and teachers so don't tell me I don't know that God has a special plan for his people in that land for this particular time and I think the clock started in 1948 when Israel became a nation after 2,000 years of Exile I'll always know that and believe that okay II understand that and I do too but you know what God loves the Arabs too he loves all of his people in the Middle East and he has a great plan for them and so through a miraculous series of events that I can't even take the time to tell you about God opened the door and I found myself with Janson before yasser arafat over in tunis now look I know who I'm talking to I understand who I'm talking to we abhor all acts of terrorism but on the other hand as usual God takes political turmoil and unrest and uses it to open the door to the gospel he always does this we saw it happen in South Africa we saw it happen in Russia we saw it happen in Nicaragua we see it happen around the world when there's trouble it seems to always open the door for us to get in with the gospel of peace and so I'm going to ask you to pray as I go back again very soon we have actually signed the first agreement Jericho first Gaza first is a reality we are going to have a television station in the Middle East for the glory of God and to preach the proclamation of the coming of the Prince of Peace and did you know it is prophesied in the Word of God and in a minute I'm going to ask Benny to come and agree with me and all of you and we together in prayer that God will bind every blockage and trick of the enemy let me tell you he is already nervous Satan has called an emergency board meeting in Hell to try and stop this but we have power in the name of Jesus and we're going to exercise it together tonight from Atlanta Georgia glory to God listen in Isaiah chapter 19 in that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar at the border there up one translation says there will be a tall tower at the border there of Gaza Benny you know better than I is right on the border of Egypt there's going to be a tall tower on the border of Egypt in that day and listen and it shall be for a sign and a witness unto the Lord of hosts now listen to this did you know God has the peace plan already figured out in the Middle East and it's already recorded in the Word of God if the political leaders of the world would just go to Isaiah chapter 19 I could show them exactly how that whole region is going to be settled and here it is here it is in that day there shall be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria Assyria are the Arabs and the Assyrians shall come to Egypt to the Adeeb Egyptian to Assyria in that day shall Israel be the third part with Egypt and with Assyria or the Arabs even a blessing in the midst of the land whom the Lord of Hosts shall bless saying blessed be egypt my people and assyria the arabs the work of my hands and israel mine inheritance that is god's peace plan for the Middle East and did you know you and I are a little planet of God's glorious final conclusion of peace in that land and listen in Malachi chapter 1 verse 5 it says and your eyes shall see television now I added them and you shall say the Lord will be magnified from the border of Israel that is God's peace plan and partners if you will help me pray this through we will see a voice for peace rise up out of the misery of that Middle East troubled area and we will get to point them to the Prince of Peace Jesus a Christ the Son of the Living God oh how many will join me in prayer for that Benny come lead us in prayer agree with me in prayer we're on the threshold of Bible prophecy man listen I'm gonna tell you something right now beep being born in Israel I have a special feeling for what you're going to do Paul listen I was in Iceland this last Sunday people and maybe you heard last night I was with Paul and Jan last night on TBN and we talked some about Iceland of course showed a little segment of what God did just Sunday night but do you know something Paul can say it but I will Paul Crouch has been used by God in the most remarkable way that's right [Music] to bring to bring Christian television into parts of the world that didn't even know did not even know Christian television a few weeks I mean a few years back and here's Iceland way up there by the North Pole and Paul was actually he had stopped on the way to Russia and was looking in a new data and so just a little thing there about this Christian TV station that had just started with I think was it 10 watts of power Paul went in there but equipment for a man named Eric Erickson a wonderful Christian and next you know they they are now reaching 60% of that nation the only station 24 hours a day is a Christian TBN affiliate station in Iceland and now and now we're talking about Jerusalem Amman Jordan Beirut Lebanon Damascus Syria Cairo Egypt who thought the day would come when this ridiculous now Paul I'm gonna tell you something prophetically you know the Bible declares in Isaiah the prophet that the day will come when the Arab world will hear the gospel it's in Isaiah Isaiah 60 and 61 the declares and describes the revival coming to that area now do you know why for so many years the door had been closed because the Arab world did not accept Israel as the people and the moment they did the blessings of God now are about to go in and bless the Arab world on the Arabs you see the Bible says I'll bless them will bless you now they accepted Israel's right to exist and what is God done the gospel is going in and of all people God would choose my dearest friend Paul Crouch to put a Christian TV station in Jericho to start and God willing in Gaza and God willing in Ramallah where my grandmother still lives which is a high it's a the actual city sits on a hill highest point in the West Bank overlooking Jerusalem and when that signal starts beaming from Ramallah it's gonna hit Jaffa it's gonna hit a man it's gonna hit Damascus it's gonna hit Cairo people do you realize we are living truly in the last days and of all things and of all things God would use a Muslim yes an elephant a Muslim to permit Paul Crouch a believer in Christ Jesus to build a TV station now don't tell me that's not a miracle that's the biggest miracle I know about a secret just before we pray yes mr. Arafat is technically a Muslim but do you know what he carries in his pocket tell me a New Testament he really does and his wife is a Christian at last you know in name Greek Orthodox from our instead record the darks Christian and mr. Arafat carries a New Testament in his pocket I know that is amazing let's all stand let's join hands and let's believe God for a miracle that is absolutely unbelievable and glorious Saints now I'm gonna ask you to join hands everybody join hands in the aisles join hands all over the place join hands on the platform behind me in the choir up way up there on the balconies all of you join hands and I tell you a lot of things are happening up in the atmosphere the climate is changing spiritually around the world ladies and gentlemen lift your voices and pray as I pray you pray and let's agree together and the Holy Spirit will take control of our hearts as we pray wonderful father in Jesus name we come believing we come believing we come believing that the greatest miracle in the Middle East will happen we pray that Christian television will become a reality from Jericho from Gaza from Ramallah from Nablus from Hebron in Jesus name we pray that the signal will reach Amman Jordan aqaba jordan Damascus Syria Beirut Lebanon Cairo Egypt Riyadh Saudi Arabia we pray in Jesus name that that whole we'll be kindled with the fire of Almighty God we pray that the Muslim world will hear the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through that great voice and lord I pray we all believe it and we all agree that Paul Crouch your servant your chosen vessel will have favour with men as he said favor with you O Lord we pray left favour with the governments of the Middle East will pray left table with Arafat and his men we Braille have favour with men who at one time were close to the gospel and we pray protect him from harm protected from danger protection protect Paul jr. protect math and the children Lord a Paul jr. and Matt in Jesus name protect them all Lord cover them on the blood build a wall of fire around them above all glorify yourself through them and when you on that glorious day appear I pray Paul will hear well done thou good and faithful servant granted Lord that this Christian TV station this voice will become our reality and no demon power will stop it no power will stop it in Jesus name and the people said and the people said and the people said now I want you to do something Saints I want you I want you to lift your hands and thank him that the answer is on the way thank him it's on the way thank him it's on the way hallelujah hallelujah praise take your seats please so long ago Alvin there was a cross and all that cause I'm the son of the Living God and Satan thought he had won but you see he lost the biggest battle for the Son of God not only one but defeated Satan once and forever [Music] and Alvan because of that victory 2,000 years ago today Satan is still losing he's lost the Soviet Union now the gospel is in he's lost Nicaragua now the gospel is in he's losing the communist world left and right now the gospel is in an i prophesy he's about to lose Cuba [Applause] and the gospel is going in and now he's losing the whole Middle East and the gospel is going in he's gonna lose China for the gospel will go in and it won't alone my friend my brother my sister that Satan will lose every nation on this globe for this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached for every tongue every nation every tribe every person will hear the gospel in Alvin it is finished Ellen it was finished 2,000 years ago and when Jesus said it is finished not only what was the job finished but I have news for you Satan was finished [Applause] [Music] there's a line that is drawn to the age on that line stands at all on the couch a battle is raging for the gain of man spoiled or his lungs [Music] watch the forces of all the demons [Music] whoa so [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] the tartness he tried [Music] [Music] [Music] see a battle was still raging sea not business a wormhole [Music] but see I really didn't know the war for [Applause] next to this 25 the Bible declares these words I just want you to listen God has just commanded Moses to build him a tabernacle and that told him to build the Ark of the Covenant and he made the statement and there I will meet with thee and there I will meet with thee ladies and gentleman tonight we have come into that Holy of Holies we are in the presence of Almighty God and as he has promised he will do he promised to meet with you he promised to meet with you on those wheelchairs he's promised to meet with you with a cancer he promised to meet with you with a heart disease the doctors have told you no hope we can't help you but God is about to meet with you and tell you what he told Moses so long ago what he said then he says today I am the God that healeth II [Applause] in exodus 20:3 he declared in verse 25 and ye shall serve the Lord your God and he shall bless thy bread and thy water and the promise says and I will take sickness away from the midst of me that is in the word of the Living God God declared I am the God that healeth thee he didn't say I was he didn't say I will be he said I am I am I am I am I am I am I am and when God says I am heaven and earth will pass away but what he said he will do it [Applause] when God said I am he was speaking his name Jehovah Jehovah Rapha jehova rapha jehova your healer Jehovah is your healer Jehovah is your healer I want you to lift your hands and say you are my doctor say it again say it again say after me you are my healer tell him that declare it before the Angels declared before Satan let him hear you say to God you are my hero you are my hero you are my hero you are my healer the Scriptures declare in Deuteronomy God almighty speaking declares and the Lord will this is Deuteronomy 7 verse 15 and the Lord will take away from the all sickness all sickness that includes AIDS all sickness that includes cancer that includes diabetes that includes arthritis and bursitis emphysema asthma eczema that includes every disease known to humanity God says I will take away from thee all sickness say all sickness say it again say it again does that include all does that include all did God mean what he said well if he meant what he said then take him at his word take him at his promises tonight I'm going to ask every believing Saints to become violent in your faith I'm going to ask you to get angry with that sickness angry with the devil I'm gonna ask you to look at the devil and say I command you in the name of Jesus leave my body [Applause] has come the day has come for violent faiths I remember reading the story in the scriptures it's all of us every time so many times when Jesus was on the shores of Galilee speaking in Peters house and there were the men of the law and the Pharisees and the Sadducees and all the men who knew this Bible word by word and that the Bible says in the place was full of people so much so there wasn't a space to move and there were some friends who looked at one man who was a and they said we're going to take you to Jesus today and they came and could not get in and they did something so violent determination came in and they said we will not take an oath we will not allow circumstance to stop us these men decided to get a ladder they said if we can get in through the door we'll try the window if we can't find a window we'll go to the rooftop and get the roof [Applause] that's violent faith that's determined faith that's faith that says nothing will stop me no badly port will stop me no critic will stop me no skeptic will stop me no anybody will stop me if the devil shows up he will not stop me my brother my sister I'm gonna ask you a question you have two choices tonight you have one choice stay sick or secondly fight to get healed you can stay sick and say well maybe it's not God's will for me I wanted to know our God is not a liar God is not a man that he should lie or the son of man he should repent hath he said will he not do it these who tell you it's not the will of God to heal when they get sick why do the same people who say it's not God's will to heal why do they go to see a doctor if it's God's will to be sick then stay sick and enjoy the benefits if it's God's will for you to be sick then why do you want to get rid of the sickness if it's God's will for you to be sick then why do you go to a doctor if you go to a doctor you're disobeying God because God says I want you to be sick and you're saying no I don't I'll go to a doctor to get that sickness away you're a hypocrite don't don't tell me it's God's will to be sick yet when sickness comes on you you go to a doctor if you go to a doctor you're a hypocrite for you just like your own self my friend it is not God's will to be sick he said I am but God that healeth thee I God that healeth be I am the God that healeth a if it was if it was his will for you to be sick healed of said I am forgotten that he loved thee on Monday and Friday but not Tuesday and Wednesday or Thursday because sometimes I won't our God did not leave a question with that statement he did he didn't say maybe he said I am the God that healeth thee plain simple to the point that's it you can't put a question he can say well maybe he didn't mean it yet our God is a God of timing he knows when to heal Jesus walking through the gate beautiful saw the man was being crippled he didn't heal him why he knew the timing was wrong and the day came when Peter and John walking through that same gate looked at the same man and said silver and gold have I none such as I have give I thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk you say Benny Hinn what are you saying I'm saying it's God's will to heal but God is a God of timing timing say timing say it again say it again why is he the god of timing to bring greater glory to himself had jesus healed that man at the gate beautiful there would be no soul saved but when Peter and John brought healing to the man five thousand were born again our God is a God of timing and perfection if God doesn't do it tonight come back tomorrow morning if it don't happen tomorrow morning come back tomorrow night now I have known people who have said to God I am NOT leaving this crusade till I am here brother violence faith violent faith say it with me say it again say it again remember our God is moved because of your faith in Him thus a definition woman came the south a Phoenician woman came to Jesus and said my girl my daughter there's a devil in my daughter now think about this Jesus did not even listen to her Lord please my little girl totally ignored her Oh Lord Oh have mercy on me nothing she said maybe his disciples will listen Peter John please Jesus won't help me would you please help me would you pray for my girl finally they they came to the Lord and said please send her away she's troubling us she's a troublemaker Lord she came back bye brother you know you think some people would have given up by then but not that woman determined faith violent faith now you know it's interesting very interesting that a lady who was a Canaanite having never read the promises of God would be as violent as Abraham if a Gentile who had never read the promises would fight why are these other promises not fighting my friend she was a Canaanite woman she did not grow up reading the Old Testament but she fought and she won if a Gentile who never read the parameters can win the Saints should win real quick [Applause] Lord she said my daughter nothing and then she did something something that he was waiting for you see Jesus wasn't being angry he wasn't being difficult but you see the moment she worshiped him something began happening it says she worshiped him did she what nah she you see the first time she came to him she looked upon him as a prophet when she worshiped him she said you are the son of God the reason many don't get healed is because they never see Jesus as he is I hope you heard what I said and she worshiped him and even after that he said the bread belongs to the children not to dogs now if there was an average person they were said to forget it I tried three times and he calls me dog how would you like to be called the dog you'd say forget it and then she said true Lord I am a dog I am a dog now the reason the Lord called her that is because that was the name Gentiles were called who were outside the household hold the faith of Israel it wasn't that he was calling her a dog it was a term that was used for Gentiles the golems were called dogs she knew exactly what he meant it wasn't an insult it was a statement about her race about where she came from and the Jews called Gentiles dogs what Jesus was saying is the bread belongs to Israel not to the Gentiles she said but what Jews won't eat the crumbs that fall from the table let me have that let me have that [Applause] [Music] great is thy faith ah there's a point here there's something very important I want to say hear it and hear it well the Lord was not moved by her need she had a need she said my daughter can't you see my daughter can't you see she's got a devil didn't even look at her but when he saw her faith it moved him my brother your need is important yes he's touched with the feelings of our infirmities but you see what causes him to respond is your faith your faith faith moves God and when faith moves God God moves sickness away [Applause] [Music] and faith ladies and gentlemen must-carry works it's not just believing it the devil believes and trembles the Bible says violent faith demands action like the man who took the roof can imagine just think what it took to take that roof off they had to get a ladder a rope pull the man on that stretcher up begin tearing the thing from over the head of Jesus little pieces began falling on the crowds Jesus looked up and saw these men lowering that man down and he saw their faith he saw the act of faith and then he looked and said thy sins be forgiven thee and the Pharisees began to say who is this man who can forgive sin only God can but to prove he was the son of God he said to the man take up thy bed and walk and the man did my brother let me tell you something when you get a miracle when you come for a miracle you may have to move the whole roof off you may have to tear things apart you try to go through the front door but the Pharisees won't let you in you try to go through the window but the critics and the skeptics said no it's not going to happen you don't think for one second these men just decided to tear the roof off they knew they may have to pay for it and they were ready to do it I tell you they try the door but when they got near the door a Pharisee said what are you doing here what are you doing here you see many of you came tonight and you face some para see outside we said why are you going but you were willing to get in no matter what I think some of you would have torn that place to pieces to get it for me and they got in through the rooftop they try the door they try the window it didn't work they said let's take the whole roof off and they came and the man was healed but I have news for you when he left he didn't leave through the roof he left through the door with those skeptics watching him as he was healed walking out that door the same people who said he saw it happen there may be a Pharisee who's in your way tonight become violent and say I'm gonna tear the roof off violent thing is believing faith you own your wheelchairs you ought to look and see God in heaven you promised it and now I act upon it and you start moving those legs you haven't moved for the last 20 years you move this technique you have a new flow for the last 10 years and you say Jesus heal my leg you stop moving those arms and moving that neck let your hand on that cancer and concept in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I tell you tonight there are people around you who will help you as those men help that man tear the roof off I think God gives us helpers in faith that man could not have done it himself he could not have gotten a letter himself he could not have turned the roof off himself he couldn't weather anything for himself he had to have faith helpers and tonight I think that our faith helpers all around you who will help you will help you will pray with you will move your legs for you daily to violent face is active faith believing faith ladies and gentlemen our God has promised it I want you to lift your hands and say I am NOT leaving without it I am NOT leaving without I am NOT leaving has fear and out come against your mind has your face slowly [Music] [Music] he's working cafeteria it is Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and it's safe to you quiet help me say around [Applause] my fate tonight in Atlanta you only try he promised he will me Jim nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God everyone's telling everyone lifting your hands everyone believing God tonight has planned to heal you don't lose it don't walk without it I want to lift your heads up high and tell him you're not leaving without it [Music] [Music] remain standing choir just a number that the last one I expect a miracle today nothing is impossible if you'll believe and say people there's power here I want to right now do you pray for the person area who's sick you see someone on the wheelchair stretch your hands towards them and just pray I expect a miracle today [Music] of Jerusalem he saw the sick and the needy he saw the brokenhearted and he was moved with compassion oh he was moved with compassion and touch them hen said rise up and walk receive the his sight go thy way my faith has made the whole the same Jesus who healed then heals now I wanted to lift your hands with the choir and sing it in faith he touched me by more prisons and only our presence makes us whole Jesus [Music] daddy would say forget yourself and love him she Oh me eyes closed hands uplifted now Jesus he's listening is white she here [Music] let's see [Music] once again just a whisper please your [Music] what's happened there my friend Ron this lady pastor came in that wheelchair she has two steel rods in her back severe pain God's touched her tonight she said the pain is gone she's walking [Music] [Applause] did you see take your seat melody Godfrey is your name it's right there on your little thing there what happened tonight did you feel the part of God go through you yes I did I felt the Holy Spirit all over me and a warmth came within my body who is this here this is my walk over here come on back dear lady and the power of the Holy Spirit oh that's right and the power of all ago Spanish things are happening people look at those in the lines look look how many been healed all those who've been healed wave at me all those who've been healed an alliance look look look look can you follow the great Hannah praise what has happened there this lady has come out of a wheelchair the doctors have said she probably would not live past the end of the year major heart condition she's up and downstairs tonight no problem pardon he only is glorious give the Lord the great great Hannah pray tonight my heart got real hot and the and the Lord healed me from the top of my head to the t-pins of my toes walk over here what let's run she says she says that's why what you run over there come on go give her a big big guys bless you come on back there lady there's healing here there's Gloria people if you'll just lift your hands to heaven and just receive six doctors gave me up you know my friends kept saying healing get another doctor's opinion somebody can help and I had some dear friends and hurry Fannin's one of them my husband's one of them and they wouldn't give up on me five doctors said there's nothing we can do her heart is torn up too bad you know if she leaves to see Christmas it'll be her last and they said we can't give her a heart transplant because she's diabetic but you know I got a greater physician than any position on this earth hey and I'm so glad to see what haven't you and were you from West Virginia I come a long ways to be here because I needed Sun space over here for me and I fought the devil all the way but praise God I'm here and you won and I won step on his face step on his face step on his face ladies step on his face the two hands up I will become a please I'm the God that healeth thee I am the Lord your healer that's what he said while he sent his word and three ruptured vertebrae she was crawling yesterday couldn't walk came in that wheelchair pastor look at men of all ages and all the crutches there's another one right here boy I tell you the devil right now is having a heart attack he he don't know what state how mad were you yesterday [Music] because I was in my my back I couldn't stay understand at all and I was just crawling because I break down not touch your toes all the way [Music] so yes laughter this little boy is nine years old he had Candida s-- and he is burnt over his body 80% pull up his shirt you can see the scars on the back he has never run he always told his mom all he wants to do is run and now he can run father your name is Adam he would never live and he would never walk and he's been in the three years in the first grade because he has to learn a disability from Adam he was burned yes in the candy disinfection 80% of his body I'm sorry how how was he burned again from the candy is infection he had open-heart surgery he weighed 1 pound walk over there Adam [Music] [Applause] you wanna run we go Italian scolari somebody shout hallelujah you know there's one more time run one more time Delana run back to your mama and jump right on your mother probably the day I came into the living room and you were on TV and Adam reached up and he had his hands on your hands and he was praying and he was crying and he said mommy I have to go to the crusade because I'm gonna be healed Wow look look at him crying fault you know haha this is beautiful you see see this this man you you you you were watching he TBN weren't you this station yeah and you just put your hand on the screen and you said to my mom when I get healed I'm gonna recant me anymore that's what you said jam all because of TV and Jen you want to give her a big hug [Music] he he said is gonna run you want to run over here with with me come on let's let's go up let's as what come on I want you to stand and give Jesus but biggest shadow hallelujah you even this is what it's all about right here come on guys mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord [Music] [Music] yah yah yah yah yah this gentleman had an accident and injured the muscles in the back of each leg he had touches to get around he see the pains gone then without the crutches somebody shot hey you know me people you know people say people say why do you get so excited look they shout when they play ball here we have something really to shout about here yes uh this lady has had asthma all of her life she came in the wheelchair she came with oxygen she said God healed her pastor breathe in honey the game hey there's your machine right here without it I may have heart failure or stroke that's what he said that's what he said and what happened tonight well I haven't used it tonight I've been working at trusting God in fact let's walk come on [Music] let's walk back and the presence of the Lord is in this place stretch your hands towards the city please and the presence of the Lord is in this place Lord everybody been every better if it goes yes yes yes tell me this lay on the right headed six back operations and a fusion in her neck she felt the power of God says she has no this one here bend down my dear lady or back fusion is that any pain now no pain who's this this is my friend trace look at she's crying and all her makeup has come down or face down her neck ladies when you come to a service like this bring some Kleenex with you yes this lady has had ovarian cancer for five years she said tonight and I'm not here God heal me from from John Byrne George what church mother of baby Lindsey Park without this church I love you too sweetheart take there no name Oh Lord lady it's all over you what is happening there I can't master this families from Switzerland yeah this baby's one month old and her the baby's feet was deformed where the bone was protruding on the side of the foot she said during the service she laid her hands on her foot as you're administration she felt intense heat and the bone went back in place and now it's straight the bone when straight yes the bone was completely when she was born on the left the Bond girl on the left and the other on the right and the doctor told she has maybe to have an operation surgery or in three months she have told to wear shoes special shoes and no the the bone is completely well she take a progress during she was born because we are faced and now it's completely healed completely because I don't know you know you come here they're from your country or Switzerland oh that's close enough come here they'd like to know you you speak French yes and my father was your translator in Switzerland wait a minute where is he come here oh I know you come here I this is a pastor from Switzerland come here my brother has a great Church right outside of her fr where and somewhere where was I I was in ours in now I was in sooner good - this is your son yes my son you came all the way from Switzerland yes for this yes you remember you told me I will be on the front row ruk yes and your son your grandbaby was here amen yeah I'm so happy pick up the grandbaby pick up the grandbaby and go show that it's a little girl look go show that we'll go to all these men show it to Paul Crouch beautiful little girl look at this for look at all right and look look at the little feet how old is she one month these these feet don't don't look perfect they're perfectly straight what's your name Bunnel Elsie is her name's there's glory I mean it is going on here take it Tony hey there boo oh ho ho I better get out of the way you come on asteroid you better sit down you better sit down with that baby [Music] hey Paul would you mind holding the little baby yeah yeah give the little baby to Paul come here yeah yeah he get a little thing let me let me clear it just fell on the floor give me give me some of that water I want to clean the little clean the little thing here give me something is there one ha Manny look here give me your closer she's beautiful and look at those little feet absolutely perfect cleaner for oh yes sweetheart yeah come here mama take that I'll take both over woman take energy Sussman Oh that's power here people I want to lift your hands and praise the Lord what is happening what's this happening this lady had a cyst past her severe pain tonight the pain is gone Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus putting him quickly what what is happening to this mascara pastor had open-heart surgery he was on the floor he believes God's healed him tonight what happened to brother hey five heart attacks young man I'm not done with you young man God's power man is Alleluia Lord Jesus let him have a nice experience now Sunday Hey [Applause] what what happened to him what was wrong with you okay five out of ten fine ah the doctor told me he can run he can do nothing but I told him I've been in the ciently I'm knowing that we're gonna see you there man of God no that's a girl I know he really I've been watching for three years ha 13 good call man I felt their hot anointed from God and I tried at home a piece but I just couldn't thank you oh Jesus we're gonna sing at glory glory hallelujah one more time getting the hierarchy guys well Gloria company now it is the great Alan where's the Osteen Korea come here brat I get it why morning belongs to you now join your hands [Applause] your hands quick it's all over the choir Lord they're your people in Jesus name [Applause] Oh Oh his lordship me but it's all we'll just watch em on handler everyone saying everyone standing for just a few moments in reverence of that mighty five sons of God here quickly what's happening here pastor this study had multiple sclerosis she had these things on her legs she could not walk properly she came down three flights of stairs just to get to that stage in this man you have to had to help me carry me in I've been here since 10 o'clock you been here since then yes waiting to get in here just to just to get them just to get the Lord to heal bring Jesus thanks thanks that's close yes lupus she believes God's healing her pastor I will rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ yes this lady had a ruptured disc yet this brace on she said the pains gone now Jesus you're mighty presence is galore lift her hands and praising she's had severe muscle disease pastor said the power of God came all over her she's moving those limbs mr. Mike yeah I got those two papers and I pray for one of us me I played for Duke they gave me two of them and look at all the medication you have yes and I have no nitrous paper success what's wrong with you I have fibromyalgia I have so Chron's disease I have a deteriorating phone look at all the bag of medication jealous and what's happening to you now Lord I started to get in on while over my hands on mine my body's so numb and the Lord's healing me [Applause] thank you serious Jesus Jesus lift your hands up high Lord we praise you Lord we praise you Lord we praise you we praise you whoa sing it again everyone or do we [Music] Lord we what happened here Lord this sunny of the blue had asthma and also a problem with her bowel problem and the pains gone now who's walking is that the lady here in the pink pester let's power on to utility that's she had a severe problem with her knees she had to use this walker to walk now she said the pains gone sing it with me she had a walker she's walking without the Walker pick up your legs up and down iving as Florence you're irreverent you're a minister yeah instead super teen you you've been interceding for me you be praying for me for 10 years [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's happening just remain sunny but just one this lady had an accent were a filing cabinet fell on her back severe injury now the pains gone listen I don't know if we can get every healing up here yes quickly this young man came with AIDS past her father and his feet all through his bodies there's fire there's fire he had AIDS you had AIDS yes well you found a fire go through your body yes sir whom the Sun sets free is free indeed sickle-cell anemia and she needs to hip replacement she came in a wheelchair well what's happening to you lady what's happening to you lady I could do better that I go to crawl on the play to crawl to the bathroom you used to crawl to the bathroom because you had are these are crutches is this your wheelchair bring and bring and what's happening to you now I can move I don't have to cry to walk to the bathroom if I want to like it to me I can walk around the mall you developers leave this man leave this man in Jesus name now people listen to me listen listen the greatest miracle is not physical the greatest miracle is when a life is changed transformed and delivered I'm gonna ask it for the person who's gonna save Benny Hinn I want Jesus Christ to change my life I want Jesus Christ to deliver me from bondage from sin from darkness and I want God to use me I want God to anoint me I want God to give me a fresh anointing on my life if you want to surrender to Jesus Christ and receive his power get down here now come on get down here now for every word come on from everywhere come on quickly come on quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly come on I'll wait I'll wait come from everyone come from everywhere come from everywhere come from everywhere ladies in German women in the presence of Almighty God but there is no greater miracle than what's happening right here right now as the people come down lift your hand sing it come on aah [Applause] lift your hand step on all of you and every person pray the spread after me dear Jesus I'm a sinner forgive my sins right now I surrender the best I know how I give you my heart and my life come into my heart dear Jesus right now wash me with the blood remove my sins and bondage amen Lord hear the prayer answer that prayer let them know now they've been born again in Jesus name and you promised wonderful Lord to those who are saved ye shall receive power now Lord impart that power this special video presentation is one of the ways Benny Hinn sends his thanks to you for being a regular supporter of this unique ministry it's our prayer that this videotape is had a powerful and lasting impact upon you additional copies are available to you by writing to Benny Hinn p.o box 90 Orlando or by calling toll-free 1-800 433 1900 when you write or call be sure to ask for your copy of a catalogue that lists a variety of teachings and special tapes and books with Benny Hinn including the Holy Spirit in Corinthians a teaching recorded on location in the ancient city of Corinth also order your copy of the tabernacle God's dwelling place an actual look inside the tabernacle God and of teaching on the meanings and purposes of every detail of this unique biblical edifice and these are just two of the many remarkable teachings available to you by writing or calling so don't wait
Channel: Matthew Harrison
Views: 19,132
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Id: YbpMfFZqBig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 9sec (7329 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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