Our House Got Blown Up! Suspenseful Escape From Danger! / The Beach House

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Previously on The Beach House Michael: Pull. Pull. Michael: Oh no. Michael: I don't want anybody to get hurt Michael: Come on in. James: Upsetting. We need to get out! Hacker: That will not help them again. This time, I'll win, James: What do we have to do this time?! Corbin: How do we escape?! Ellie: Give us a chance! Hacker: Oh perhaps. But you know with all the treasures you've collected, you've made yourself quite target. Hacker: It wasn't hard to enlist the help of a few friends Hacker: Now to make things more fun, remember these guys? Hacker: Or how about this one? Hacker: Of course my personal favourite. ♫ ♫ (THE BEACH HOUSE THEME ‘WE GOT IT’ BY O/B/A) ♫ ♫ Michael: Guys, we've completely lost all control of our entire house. The hacker has taken over all of our electronics. We're locked in. Becca: I don't know how we'll get out of here. The rest of the family is gone. Thank goodness. But we can't even call them to get...like to let them know what's going on. Michael: Because our phones are fried James: There is one way out but we would have to break a window. Becca: I don't want to break anything. Michael: Maybe that'll be our last resort James: Yeah, we can't do anything to get out, we'll just have to break a window. Corbin: Last time we got in contact with the hacker, Corbin: He was being easy on us. Michael: Yeah, maybe he'll give us some easy tasks. Michael: So maybe we'll get out easy, but the bandits are coming, the time pirates been released by the hacker and Michael: We've got the gingerbread man coming. So they're all coming right now, and we just need to get out here Michael: So I hope that we can get out Becca: It probably would be better if we whispered while we're making plans Becca: Because our security camera he's hacked into. Michael: The entire house has been... Becca: We don't want him to know exactly what we're trying. Michael: Oh wait. Michael: Do you guys hear that? Michael: He's coming back. He's on the TV again Hacker: Well, I've decided I'll give you a chance to escape. Only one chance though. Hacker: And if any of you fail, you'll be my slaves in this house forever. Hacker: Each of you will be given a question. If you answer correctly, all of you will be free. Michael: Do you guys hear that? Michael: Hopefully we can answer the questions right. Corbin: At least we get a one chance. Becca: And I don't think we can help each other either. He's going to ask us individually a question. Michael: Okay. Get your thinking caps on guys. Becca: And if you know the answer, don't say it out loud. Because he might consider that cheating. Michael: Okay. Michael: Let's hear what is the first question. We're ready, Michael: Mr. Hacker. Hacker: This first question is for Michael. Hacker: What is the state capital of Vermont? Becca: Do you even know that?! Michael: The state capital of Vermont. Michael: Oh! Michael: I remember a commercial on TV when I was a kid. Becca: What? Michael: It's Montpelier Hacker: Good job. Hacker: You got that one right. Hacker: This one is for Rebecca. Hacker: How many planets are in our solar system? Michael: Becca Becca: There used to be nine. Not official answer, I think there's eight. Michael: Is that your answer? Becca: Cause Pluto used to be Becca: a planet but now I guess it's not. Becca: Eight. Hacker: That was an easy one. Good job. Hacker: Got it right. Hacker: But, it will get harder from here. Hacker: And the next one is for James. Hacker: How many weeks are in a year? Michael: James, Michael: you know that? Michael: How many weeks are in a year. Michael: James we talked about this yesterday! Don't you remember?! Michael: Maybe the hacker was listening to us when we were in the car driving. James: Fifty two! James: Is that right? Hacker: You got it right. I was listening to you. Good job. Hacker: The next question is for Corbin. Hacker: Are you ready? Hacker: It is. What is ten times nine? Corbin: It's ninety. Isn't it? Hacker: Good job Corbin. Hacker: You are very good at math. You got it right. Hacker: The next question is for Ellie Hacker: What are the ABC's in order? Ellie: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Ellie: Q R S Ellie: T U V Ellie: W X Y and Z Ellie: Now I know my ABC's Ellie: Next time won't you sing with me. Hacker: No. I will not sing with you but you got it right. Hacker: The last question is for Charlie. Hacker: And this one will be the hardest of them all. Hacker: What is the cube root of twenty seven? Charlie: Sixty seven. Hacker: That is incorrect. Hacker: You failed my tests! Hacker: And now, you are my prisoners forever! Hacker: And not only that, Hacker: but your enemies are nearly at your door. Michael: Oh what are we gonna do? Corbin: We have to face the enemies that we already defeated?! Michael: How are we gonna get out of this one you guys? Michael: This is the most difficult we've ever dealt one. Michael: And we failed the hacker. We're his prisoners Michael: Becca, Michael: what are we gonna do? Michael: We have to save our family. Becca: I don't know. But I just...I can't handle this right now. Becca: Like I cannot Becca: I'm pregnant. And honestly, Becca: I can't have any more struggles and I think that I just I'm not willing to put up with this Becca: I don't care what we have to do. We just have to make sure Becca: That the hacker's not in control of us. Michael: Do we have to break a window maybe? To get out. Michael: I don't know what else to do. Becca: Huh! Michael: What? Becca: Let's turn off the power to the house. Michael: Huh! The breaker box Becca: Yeah Michael: Let's go right now. The hacker is gonna see us. But he can't make us not go downstairs. Michael: Let's go Becca: Or at least he won't know. Becca: What we're doing because he won't be able to see us. Michael: Right. Becca: And hack into all of our electronics because the power is out. Michael: Let's go Michael: The breaker box is downstairs. If we go quick, Michael: He's not gonna have any control cause we can just turn off the breaker and he'll have no idea Michael: I don't know if you heard what Rebecca had said Michael: But she said we could just turn off the breakers. Here. Michael: Oh. That's bright. Michael: You okay babe? Michael: Okay, let's wait for Mom. We're gonna stay together whatever we do. I'm not gonna leave you Michael: So it's your idea. Do you want to do the honors? Michael: Okay. Open it. Michael: What the... Michael: There's a letter in there Michael: What does it say? James: It says Mr. E Becca: Read me. Mr. E Michael: In the breaker box? Becca: Okay. Everybody, let's make sure we're in a spot where there's no cameras Michael: There's no camera, yeah. There shouldn't be any cameras down here. I think we're safe. Becca: Read me. Mr. E Michael: Oh, wow. That's a long letter. Becca: He doesn't usually send us a letter. Becca: He usually sens us like a chip with information or video on it. Michael: He sent us letters before. Michael: What does it say? Becca: "You figured it out. The open door when all other doors are shut." Becca: Yeah, the breaker box. Michael: All the doors are shut to the house and locked Becca: And we couldn't get out Michael: With the breakers open okay. Becca: "I knew the hacker was trying to bypass my security and would take control eventually. So I cannot send this message electronically." Becca: Yeah. He doesn't normally do this. Michael: The hacker can't hack a paper Becca: Yup. Becca: "Follow my every instruction 'perfectly or your family will not survive." Michael: Wait, this is why he was so cryptic in that message that he sent to us. Was because he knew the Hector was trying to get to us. Becca: Even at that time Michael: We have to listen. Okay, what does he say to do? Becca: He said the family will not survive if we don't follow his every instruction perfectly. Becca: "Do not turn off the breakers yet." Oh. Becca: That's good to know. We could have done that right then and not even realized. Becca: "You'll only have a 10-second window." Becca: "To escape before the battery backup kicks on and the hacker regains control of your home." Corbin: One second window? Michael: We only have ten seconds once we turn off the breakers Becca: "Right now, you have five minutes." Becca: "Something bad is coming and you need to gather all your most valuable possessions. What could never be replaced?" Becca: "Get it all now, then get out!" Becca: Mr. E Michael: Five minutes. Becca: So he's saying...wait wait. Wait. Okay everybody. Becca: He said gather all of our most valuable possessions what could never be replaced get it now. James: We need to hurry! James: We have five minutes! Becca: But then he says turn off the breaker box and we have ten seconds to get out of the house. Michael: Because something bad is coming Becca: I think if we turn off the breaker box it's gonna make it so that all of the electronics in the house are all off Becca: Including the locks on the doors that he's placed on the doors from outside. Michael: Does it say anything else? Becca: Get it all now then get out. Mr. E Michael: Okay. Let's go. Michael: Run run run run! Everybody grab something that's the most valuable that can't be replaced Michael: Go go go go go! Michael: Okay Michael: Becca, I think we should grab our journals. Charlie: And I need a pillow. Michael: James, we can replace that! Go put it back! Michael: Okay Michael: Let's go Ellie: And a pillow for you Dad! Michael: We can replace that. What we need is our like valuables. What's the most valuable things that we have? You. Corbin: I'm going to get the Nintendo Switches and put it in this. Michael: But those we can replace Corbin. What we need is like, journals. Michael: What's the most important like...like a sentimental things? Michael: We only have five minutes Michael: Okay, okay, where are our journals? Michael: Lipstick. Lipsense, that can stay here. Michael: Toiletries, Pokemon cards Michael: There's all of our papers. Okay, I'm gonna grab all these papers. I got to put them in this backpack right here Michael: And have to do this without the camera cause that's... Michael: Too hard to carry both at the same time Michael: So... Michael: Once I grab everything I'll let you guys know Michael: Did you grab your most valuable things Ellie? Ellie: Yes! Michael: Okay. Let's go. Michael: Okay, good job. You guys! We're not gonna be able to carry all this stuff! Michael: Just choose the most valuable things! Michael: Did you get all your stuff? Corbin: Money can be replaced. James: And Corbin got my Nintendo Switch. Michael: Okay. Did you guys grab all of your money? Michael: Okay, I'll go get mine did you get yours? Michael: Okay good. Michael: Okay. Go grab your money quick from your bedroom go get it! Michael: Okay. Michael: I got this all loaded up Michael: Wow. That's heavy. Michael: Oh that's really heavy! Michael: Okay Michael: Here we go James: I got my journals. Michael: Okay, perfect let's go. I think it's been almost five minutes you guys, we got a run run! Michael: I got my bag here. Oh it's heavy. Michael: Where did Mom go? Hacker: Wait. What do you think you're doing? Hacker: There's no escaping your house. I have you trapped and you're mine forever remember? Michael: Is everybody ready? Michael: Okay. Michael: Yeah, cover the camera James: Did any of you bring a fire kit? Because I did. Michael: Good. Becca: I think I'm gonna stay right by the front door and I will open it as soon as you guys turn off the breaker. Michael: Keep it covered. Becca: But you have to go downstairs and turn off the breaker. Dad's gonna be with you. Becca: The second it's done, I've got all the important papers in here. You guys have the stuff that you think is most important Becca: Honestly, the only things I really care about our journals most important papers and the kids. Michael: Okay. We've got the kids and those are irreplaceable. Michael: Okay, run! We're gonna go downstairs. You ready? Michael: Let's go Michael: Come on Charlie Michael: Stay with me. Stay with me bud. Michael: I forgot Michael: If we're leaving the house. I gotta get the keys to the van Michael: I almost forgot if we're leaving the house. We got to be ready Becca: And we only have ten seconds. Michael: I know. Michael: Okay Becca: Actually, you might want to have all the kids back up by me. Michael: Okay, I'll send them up as soon as I start turning this stuff off Michael: Hey, are you guys all ready? Corbin: Yeah. Michael: Okay. This is it. Michael: Are you guys ready? Michael: Go! Go go go! Michael: Okay, they're all off! Michael: Go go go go! Michael: Go go go! Michael: Go go go! Michael: Go go go! Michael: Go go go! Go outside! Michael: Go go go! Michael: Run run run! (Explosions) Hacker: No! No! Nooooo!!! ♫ ♫ (THE BEACH HOUSE THEME 'PAUSE THE GAME' BY CODY CRABB) ♫ ♫
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 506,735
Rating: 4.7479453 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker takes over, hacker takes over house, smart house hacked, the beach house, the beach house bandits, beach house bandits, bandits the beach house, time pirates, time pirate, gingerbread man, the beach house hacker, house hacked, danger, suspense, heroes of the fourth dimension, beach house, treasure family, chad wild clay, rebecca zamolo, beach family, pg, family friendly, mystery, project zorgo, spy, bandit, becca beach, family channel, scary
Id: FksTS4ntEJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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