Fractions for Kids

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today we are going to learn about fractions fractions are so awesome and so much fun many of you think so too a couple of weeks ago we set up a poll on our channel and many of you voted for fractions as our next math video that's really awesome thanks everyone for voting and don't worry we'll make the other two videos too later on but this is all about fractions [Music] all right well let's start here what is a fraction when we say the word fraction what do we mean what is a fraction well a fraction is something that shows parts of a whole let's say there's this lady named cindy cindy has a pizza which is great she loves pizza so yummy pizza but then her friend chomsky arrives you remember chomsky chomsky likes pizza too and he's a little bit hungry so maybe cindy isn't gonna eat the whole pizza now maybe they're gonna split it what do you think so they split the pizza in half each of them get one half of the pizza not neat then everyone has pizza each of them have one half of the pizza they split it right down the middle now remember a fraction is something that shows parts of a whole [Music] so here is what the fraction looks like a one a line and a two that is the fraction one half each of them cindy and chomsky get one half of the pizza so this is one half it's a very important fraction because we use it all the time now you might be wondering what do the numbers mean and how does it show one half well the bottom number shows the total number of parts the top number shows how many parts we are talking about pretty simple let's go back to our example there are a total of two parts to the pizza so there's a two on the bottom and cindy just gets one part that's the part we're talking about so cindy gets just one half of the pizza she doesn't get the whole thing she gets just one part she gets one half the bottom number of a fraction is called the denominator the denominator is the total number of parts the top number is called the numerator the numerator tells us how many parts we are talking about in this case cindy is having one part of the pizza the other part of course is going to chomsky let's try this let's say there's another pizza and this pizza has four parts the number four is the denominator because there are four pieces of pizza four parts [Music] let's say kelly shows up and wants to have one part of the pizza one piece of the pizza the numerator or the top number of the fraction is the number one because kelly is having one part or one piece of the pizza kelly is having 1 4 of the pizza pretty simple pretty fun fractions are awesome [Music] now we're gonna need your help help us figure out what fraction is it what fraction is it well we're gonna have a great time let's say we have a group of five sports balls one is a basketball the other four are soccer balls let's figure out what fraction of the balls are basketballs what fraction of the balls are basketballs so we know a fraction has a line in the middle and the top number is the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator [Music] the denominator shows us the total number of parts or units how many sports balls are there yeah five five is the denominator good job now remember we're asking for the fraction of sports balls that are basketballs so how many basketballs are there [Music] yeah just one the number one is the numerator so one fifth of the sports balls are basketballs one fifth great job let's try this final example let's say there are five pets five pets two of them are dogs and three of them are cats what fraction of the pets are cats huh that's a good question what fraction of the pets are cats remember here's what a fraction looks like it's got a line in the middle with the top number being the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator [Music] so the total number of pets is five what number is the denominator what number goes on the bottom yeah five five is the denominator it tells us the total number of pets [Music] remember we're asking for the fraction of the pets that are cats how many cats are there yeah three so what's the numerator yeah three three is the numerator three-fifths of the pets are cats wow that was so cool [Music] but none of those cats are as special to me as you mr whiskers not even a fraction of my heart belongs to my whole heart i love you mr whiskers i do i do a fraction is something that shows parts of a whole the top number of a fraction is the numerator how many parts we are talking about and the bottom number of a fraction is the denominator the total number of parts thanks for watching this homeschool pop video on fractions i am not sharing this sandwich i don't care if chomsky shows up what he says to me i'm not gonna share it i love fractions but i'm not giving a fraction of this sandwich away i don't want to cut it in half i don't want it to be a half i don't want to have just a quarter of this sandwich i'm in the whole thing chomsky hey keep your d keep your distance
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 2,524,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fractions for kids, fractions video for kids, fractions video, fractions for beginners, fractions for 2nd grade, fractions for 3rd grade, fractions for 4th graders
Id: p33BYf1NDAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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