3rd Grade Math Compilation

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wow we are going to learn so many cool things on this homeschool pop video all right what's the first thing we should learn how about multiplication you're gonna learn how to multiply and if that sounds really scary or if that sounds like a difficult thing it's just because you don't know how to do it yet once you learn the game once you learn the process it's fun it's awesome you see multiplying is like being a detective you're cracking a code which is so cool you're solving Mysteries like legit Mysteries like I'm I'm in an office building right now there's a cake behind me for some reason I'm looking out right now at you guys and I see that you're like whoa we're gonna multiply and once you learn it's just a game so buckle in for the fun and the learning let's say you have two bikes and for some reason they look the exact same and somebody wants to give you an air pump [Music] they ask a simple question how many tires do you have to take care of to figure that out we're gonna use multiplication we're gonna play the game it's gonna be awesome okay so here is how multiplication works [Music] but the number that's in each group and then we put this x which means times and then the number of groups so that tells us how many times that number is going to show up and then we add them all together and you've got your answer Isn't that cool and just a side note to work there has to be the same number in each group now remember we're trying to figure out how many tires you have to take care of if you have two bicycles all right now we have the wheels under each bike each bike has two wheels one two so we write down a two each bike has two wheels remember the first number we write down with multiplication is the number in each group then we write an X this x means times two times it's the symbol of multiplication [Music] all right the second number we write are the number of groups you can see them here how many groups do we have of two how many yeah two so it reads two times two [Music] to figure this out we are going to skip count by two two four that means two times two equals four if you have two bikes that means you have four wheels two two times is four remember this is how multiplication works the number in each group times the number of groups equals your answer of course to work there has to be the same number in each group all right let's take this to the next level let's say someone has four bikes and here are their wheels [Music] you know how to do this now each bike has two wheels so the first number we write down is the number two that's the number in each group [Music] we're gonna put the time symbol there and count the number of groups one two three four so it's two times four this is so much fun this is multiplication [Music] now let's skip count to get the answer two four six eight is our answer there are eight wheels two times four equals eight this is how multiplication works [Music] we put the number in each group times the number of groups and we get our answer you're getting the hang of it all right let's try this one [Music] let's say you buy three packs of trading cards let's say each pack had five cards in it huh that's a pretty good amount so three packs of five cards how many cards did you get in total that's a really great question sounds like we're gonna need to multiply so each group has five so that's the first thing we write down the number in each group that's five put the multiplication sign which is the X which means times five times how many groups are there one two three so the second number is three five times three what's five times three we're gonna skip count to find out [Music] five ten fifteen five times three equals fifteen you have fifteen trading cards all right this is how it works you take the number in each group times the number of groups and you get your answer now here are some multiplication tricks that are going to be really sneaky ways that you can figure out multiplication problems really really quickly here's the trick if you multiply any number by zero you always get zero always you always get zero [Music] here's an example five times zero equals zero when you have zero groups of five that means you have zero there are none whenever you multiply any number by zero you always get zero one hundred times zero equals zero [Music] even if zero is the first number in the equation you still always get zero when you multiply by any number for example zero times eleven equals zero [Music] zero times one thousand equals zero if you multiply any number by zero you always get zero oh this has been so much fun here is the next trick foreign if you multiply any number by one it stays the same look at these seven times one equals seven one hundred times one equals one hundred thirty three times one equals thirty-three [Music] if you flip them the answer stays the same one times seven equals seven one times one hundred equals one hundred one times thirty three equals thirty three honestly the order of the multiplied numbers does not change the answer if you were to flip the number of groups and the number in each group you would still get the same answer though we still recommend this way so simple the number in each group times the number of groups to get your answer [Music] so the two tricks have been if you multiply any number by zero you always get zero and if you multiply any number by one it stays the same the final multiplication trick is to use multiplication tables they come in all shapes and sizes but they are all helpful especially as your first learning how to multiply here are some examples of multiplication tables there's a table for all of the numbers from 1 to 10. some kids memorize tables like these so that they'll know right off the bat in a moment what an answer could be for certain multiplication problems this is how multiplication works the number in each group times the number of groups gives us our answer oh this little baby's putting together a little craft you know oh it's so great I just love that that's that's so good wait a second that uh papers from that book isn't it okay this is see this is this is not an approved arts and crafts activity right now um okay we're gonna have to take care of this but first let's learn about Division division is such an awesome thing to be able to do and you're gonna have it all figured out you're gonna learn how to divide in this video and we're going to start off with a story there's this kid named Ethan and Ethan loves carrots he loves carrots so much he loves to stack on him he loves when he gets to eat them they're crunchy they're tasty yeah carrots are awesome in fact I'm literally eating a carrot right now as I'm speaking carrots are great for your skin carrots are great for your eyes they're amazing you're a great snack and Ethan loves them well Ethan has two friends over Kevin and Chloe and they start to get hungry of course they all love carrots because carrots are like the perfect snack now in Ethan's house there are only three carrots they're just three carrots we are going to have to divide the three carrots amongst the three kids so let's figure this out how many carrots does each kid get do you know uh-huh each kid gets one carrot pretty simple right three carrots three kids each kid gets one carrot hey did you know we just did division uh-huh we just did division division is pretty simple you see division is splitting a number up by Any Given number that's it just splitting a number up let's look at our story again there were three carrots and we divided those three carrots by three because there are three people right the three kids that love carrots and the answer of how many carrots each kid gets is one three divided by three equals one notice right here is the division sign this is what it looks like when you see that sign you could just say divided by so this reads 3 divided by 3 equals one let's try another example of division let's say there are eight presents eight presents and there are four women and we want each of the women to get the same amount of presence as the other women because we want it to be fair notice the division sign we are going to divide or split up eight by four remember to divide is to split up let's split these presents up into four equal groups one two three four all right how many presents does each woman get uh-huh two each woman gets two presents Isn't that cool the vision is so much fun and it's so easy remember division is splitting a number up by Any Given number that's it all right now it's time for division facts we're going to learn some pretty interesting facts about division and you're gonna be like what oh my goodness it's like Secrets this is super cool okay so just look around all right make sure all right so who's clear all right time for division facts the first fact is this you can never divide by zero it's true you can never divide by zero even if you're a rule breaker and you're like I'm gonna do whatever I want you still can never divide by zero in fact if a teacher ever gives you a test and you see a problem where you have to divide a number by zero just right on the test undefined because that's exactly what that answer would be undefined it's impossible kind of like Mr whisker's math skills does Mr Whiskers do math in his head all day long who knows his math skills are undefined we just don't know it's impossible to know you know Mr Whiskers might know how to do division who knows undefined you can't divide by zero you can never divide by zero if you ever see any division problem dividing by zero just right undefined it's impossible it's impossible so just write undefined the second fact is this you can write the division sign three ways uh-huh not just with that traditional division sign you can write it like the division sign or you can write a division problem with the slash or with a horizontal line for example look at this 12 divided by 3 equals four that's the original division sign the one that you might see more regularly [Music] but here is the same equation written in a different way 12 divided by 3 equals 4. it's still a division sign but it's a slash it means the same thing as the original division sign [Music] remember the division sign can also be a horizontal line 12 divided by 3 equals four that looks like a fraction doesn't it the line in a fraction means divided by these are the three ways that you can write the division sign pretty interesting all right the final fact is this okay this is so awesome you can flip the number of groups and the number in each group and the division problem stays true for example 10 divided by 2 equals five and you can flip the two and the five and it stays true thank you that means 10 divided by 5 equals 2. isn't that interesting 10 divided by 2 equals 5 and 10 divided by 5 equals two you can flip the number of groups and the number in each group and it still stays true or look at this 18 divided by 6 equals three remember we can flip the number of groups and the number in each group and it still stays true so we could switch the six and the three and it stays true [Music] so 18 divided by 3 equals six the six and the three can be flipped so 18 divided by 6 equals three and eighteen divided by three equals six pretty nifty those were some cool facts you know division is a great time division is splitting a number up by Any Given number it's a lot of fun and we hope you learned a whole lot in this video here's our friend Fred we heard that he just took up the harp he just started playing the harp Fred we can't we can't hear it we're having audio problems with Fred right now Fred you look so happy playing we we can't hear you okay you've got you gotta wear your mic or something we can't hear the music he doesn't even know he doesn't isn't that nice you know Fred is just plucking away he's having a good time you know I'm kind of like we're having a good time right now with these learning videos and next we are going to learn about fractions fractions are so awesome and so much fun many of you think so too a couple of weeks ago we set up a poll on our Channel and many of you voted for fractions as our next math video that's really awesome thanks everyone for voting and don't worry we'll make the other two videos too later on but this is all about fractions all right well let's start here what is a fraction when we say the word fraction what do we mean what is a fraction well a fraction is something that shows parts of a whole let's say there's this lady named Cindy Cindy has a pizza which is great she loves pizza so yummy pizza but then her friend Chomsky arrives you remember Chomsky Chomsky likes pizza too and he's a little bit hungry so maybe Cindy isn't gonna eat the whole pizza now maybe they're gonna split it what do you think so they split the pizza in half each of them get one half of the pizza isn't that neat then everyone has pizza each of them have one half of the pizza they split it right down the middle now remember a fraction is something that shows parts of a hole so here is what the fraction looks like a one a line and a two that is the fraction one half each of them Cindy and Chomsky get one half of the pizza so this is one half it's a very important fraction because we use it all the time now you might be wondering what do the numbers mean and how does it show one-half well the bottom number shows the total number of parts top number shows how many parts we are talking about pretty simple let's go back to our example there are a total of two parts to the pizza so there's a two on the bottom and Cindy just gets one part that's the part we're talking about so Cindy gets just one half of the pizza she doesn't get the whole thing she gets just one part she gets one half the bottom number of a fraction is called the denominator the denominator is the total number of parts the top number is called the numerator the numerator tells us how many parts we are talking about in this case Cindy is having one part of the pizza the other part of course is going to Chomsky let's try this let's say there's another pizza and this pizza has four parts the number four is the denominator because there are four pieces of pizza four parts [Music] let's say Kelly shows up and wants to have one part of the pizza one piece of the pizza the numerator or the top number of the fraction is the number one because Kelly is having one part or one piece of the pizza Kelly is having one-fourth of the pizza pretty simple pretty fun fractions are awesome foreign help us figure out what fraction is it huh what fraction is it well we're gonna have a great time let's say we have a group of five sports balls one is a basketball the other four are soccer balls let's figure out what fraction of the balls are basketballs what fraction of the balls are basketballs so we know a fraction has a line in the middle and the top number is the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator [Music] the denominator shows us the total number of parts or units how many sports balls are there yeah five five is the denominator good job now remember we're asking for the fraction of sports balls that are basketballs so how many basketballs are there yeah just one the number one is the numerator so one-fifth of the sports balls are basketballs one fifth great job let's try this final example let's say there are five pets five pets two of them are dogs and three of them are cats what fraction of the pets are cats huh that's a good question what fraction of the pets are cats remember here's what a fraction looks like it's got a line in the middle with the top number being the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator [Music] so the total number of pets is five what number is the denominator what number goes on the bottom yeah five five is the denominator it tells us the total number of pets remember we're asking for the fraction of the pets that are cats how many cats are there yeah three so what's the numerator yeah three three is the numerator three-fifths of the pets are cats wow that was so cool but none of those cats are as special to me as you Mr Whiskers not even a fraction of my heart belongs to my whole heart I love you Mr Whiskers I do I do a fraction is something that shows parts of a hole the top number of a fraction is the numerator how many parts we are talking about and the bottom number of a fraction is the denominator the total number of parts hey PD I know I know I heard about your plane you know it's a cool plane you know and and it's it's neat I I don't know if it flies or you you look pretty confident that it's Gonna Fly which is cool yeah I see you hello hello yeah thanks for waving thanks for saying hello you know we're actually in the middle of learning we're we're in the middle of learning a lot of new cool things right now so I actually do have to go hi you're still waving okay um we're gonna go uh because now we need to learn about perimeter all right let's show you how fun this is imagine I'm a race car driver right and don't make fun of my car okay this is this is a perfectly good car to do a racing right it's very fast it's it's got the bells it's got the whistles it's a great race car okay stop laughing at it okay now imagine this is the race car course that I'm driving on right it's going around an oval it's going around a shape if I was wondering how far is it around the track what's the distance around the shape then I would need to know the perimeter the perimeter is the distance around a shape wait wait wait what is the perimeter the perimeter of a shape is the distance around a shape and it's easy to find you can find the perimeter of a shape by adding all of the sides that will tell you what the distance around the shape is great now let's practice finding the perimeter look at this triangle what is the perimeter of this triangle okay first we need to know how long all of the sides are then we can figure out the perimeter [Music] with this triangle all three sides are the same length so how long are they let's pretend we measured it and each side is 10 centimeters now remember to find the perimeter of a shape we need to know the distance around the whole shape so we just add the sides together what's 10 plus 10 plus 10 that's three tens what does that equal yeah 30. awesome the perimeter of this triangle is 30 centimeters remember cm is an abbreviation for centimeters 30 centimeters is the perimeter of this triangle okay let's try this one what is the perimeter of this Square first we need to know how long all the sides of the square are then we can figure out the perimeter of the square okay so this is a square it has four sides and all four sides are the same size let's pretend we measured it and each side is one yard remember y d is an abbreviation for the distance of a yard each side is one yard remember the perimeter is the distance of round a shape so we'll need to add all of these sides up okay what's one plus one plus one plus one yeah four the perimeter of this square is four yards the perimeter remember is the distance around a shape if you were to go around this entire Square it would be four yards foreign what is the perimeter of this rectangle well first we need to know how long all the sides of the rectangle are then we can figure out the perimeter remember a rectangle has four sides and two of the sides are shorter than the other two sides with this rectangle let's pretend we measured it at one meter on the short sides and three meters on the longer sides okay remember to get the perimeter we have to add all of the sides together so we're going to be adding four numbers together again to make it easier we're going to group the smaller numbers together and then put the larger numbers in our equation what's one plus one plus three plus three those are all the sides what's one plus one plus three plus three [Music] yeah eight that means the perimeter of this rectangle is eight meters wow we told you it was gonna be fine oh it's such a blast finding the perimeter the perimeter is so much fun to find it's like a game remember you can find the perimeter of a shape by adding all of the sides foreign ER of a shape is the distance around a shape oh brother I'm so proud now you know how to find the perimeter of something the perimeter is the distance around a shape I can find the perimeter of this tablet right all I would need to do is measure each side and add them together and I would find the perimeter but right now I I gotta find an internet connection there's no Wi-fi out here there's no reason to be in the desert I need water it's not this doesn't make any sense okay so I'm I'm gonna go you go ahead and find perimeter enjoy the perimeter is the distance around the shape go have fun thanks for watching [Music] you have been doing a great job just like Mike who's doing these push-ups you know he knows it's important to stay fit and exercise and to stay healthy and you're like exercising your mind right now which is super cool and next we are going to learn about Roman numerals which is a different way to write numbers and it was used a long time ago in ancient Rome and it's been used since then and you can think of it almost as a secret code way of writing the numbers it's pretty simple to learn and we're going to go through that the first Roman numeral we're going to learn is the Roman numeral I and I is one I equals one so if you see an i with a Roman numeral it's one the letter V is the Roman numeral that means five and the letter X is the Roman numeral that means ten so when you think one it's an i you think five it's a V and if you think ten it's an X so that's it just those three I it almost looks like a one that's how you can remember that I is a one I is the Roman numeral for one a v is in the number five when you spell it out the number five you see that right there it has a v in it so when you think of V you know oh you know what there's a v in the spelled out number five so V has to be five now ten is X and we can't think of anything that could remind us of that so there is no memorization thing just when you see the X it's ten and that's just what we're gonna have to do okay one last time here I just want to make sure you get it there's only three I is the Roman numeral for one V is the Roman numeral for five and X is the Roman numeral for ten and you gotta understand that so that we could start playing kind of a game of putting them together and making numbers other than just one five and ten so let's get started so let's practice putting these Roman numerals together what number do you think this is you see two eyes and I is one so the answer is two two eyes is the number two [Music] what about this one [Music] this is there are three eyes [Music] yeah it's the number three let's try this one [Music] what number do you think this is [Music] two x's and x equals ten so ten plus ten equals 20. great job this is the number 20. [Music] whoa this one is so cool okay and a v what number do you think this is foreign the V is what number five awesome so what is ten plus five fifteen whoa thanks so much for helping out [Music] now that we've looked at how to put some of these together I want to tell you about two special numerals that are a little bit different and so you're gonna have to just remember these on their own the first is the number four and the number four is represented with an i and a V and the I is before the V because four is one less than five which is V so remember with four it's i v with nine it's similar except with the x 9 is I X X is ten and I is just before it so 9 is i x okay that was really cool thanks for hanging out and learning those with me but we're not done we want to go through all the numbers up to 30 just using the numerals and I want to see how much you've really learned so if you'll do me a favor as the numerals go up I want you to say the numbers along with me and we can practice together sound good all right let's get started one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25 26. 27 28. 29 and 30. well there you have it a new way to write numbers wow you completed the video that is so impressive well you might notice there's a circle right here on this video page that you can click to subscribe to our Channel or you can click this rectangle to go to another one of our videos but keep learning learning is so cool
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 1,678,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3rd grade math, 3rd grade, 3rd grade math division, 3rd grade math lesson, 3rd grade multiplication, 3rd grade fractions, 3rd grade math videos, 3rd grade math review
Id: hmBI8JNzPTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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