Why NO ONE Plays: Eula | Genshin Impact

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hey guys welcome back it's time I really should have made this a long time ago but was holding back on doing so both out of the blind talk that maybe someday eventually the need for an episode on her would vanish and out of fear of what would happen if I actually went through with it because you know you love me but since the beginning of 2023 it became sort of a meme on my channel to roast her and by extension her fans all in chess to mind you today though we're dropping the memes and going full on discussion look so forever you love me and out there coming in thinking this entire video is going to be one massive joke I'm hoping you'll take my word for it that I'm gonna remain as subjective and unbiased as I can possibly be Eula may very well be the most tragic five-star character to ever existing ancient impact not only does it dignified and some unpretentious attitude polite a sense of loneliness and depression spurred on by her Clan's Infamous reputation but her history as a character has also been one filled with great promise that was all but neglected how Eula went from the upper echelons of top tier 2 near obscurity whose status is only preserved out of loyalty rather than necessity is one that I think sets are apart from other wide known Place characters even those who followed a similar downward Trend such as D Luke like her few friends in monstadt there are players who claim she's undeserving of the poor opinion the general public has towards her and ever since it's been a never-ending debate over where she truly belongs relative to the competition the question is is she even meant to be compared to others or true to her isolation should she merely exist as a deviant option for place to go into and not be associated with others whatsoever after countless requests from my viewers ever since I began this series on vars 2. today we'll finally be discussing why no one plays Beulah Yola was one of the earliest five star characters in Genji arriving near the tail end of version 1 back when the game and his meta were still in their infancy still riding off the worldwide popularity of the game her character demo received copious amounts of attention becoming the fourth most viewed video on genshin's global YouTube channel and the second most viewed character demo only behind zhongdi timing wise her release was impeccable for the first year of the game the range of 5 Star damage dealers was quite limited and it wasn't until just shortly before her that Universal answers were given to us our choices for said Universal answers were danyu Xiao hutal and child serving as their respect development's best or rather only choice for damage as the day one character and a very popular choice due to his ease of access and low investment floor Razer was the champion of free to play players representing physical damage dealers so when Eula came out in version 1.5 everyone believed her to beat the five-star physical damage unit in line with the four I mentioned above earlier and she was file accounts a direct upgrade to racer in every conceivable way with her very appealing design and a large number of players building a connection for a physical damage thanks to Razer reception towards Zula was very positive and she did not disappoint at least in the beginning with their main competition being mainly hutao who was at the time the strongest damage dealer by way of her own properties and the Pyro element's dominance yield has surprisingly managed to hold her own while Hotel was more consistent and lenient in terms of reaching her full potential in the right circumstances YULA could match or easily Outburst her and everyone else in the game for that matter courtesy of glacial illumination following an initial blast of cryo damage for the next 7 Seconds further instances of damage from her would charge up the power of her lightfall sword upon which it would crash down and explode dealing heavy physical damage to all Targets in the area based on how many hits YULA got off during that time when made this attack so devastating was how much damage every stack could generate and the fact that she could albeit with difficulty generate a maximum of 30 steps assuming Rank 10 at full power life lost sword's explosion could deal upwards of five thousand percent in damage being the most powerful single blow in the entire game wood that it could have an amplifying reaction to multiply further but even on its own Euless burst was nothing short of Exquisite especially for his time the likelihood of consistently reaching max power was uncommon unless you were C6 but even at 20 Stacks it could deal Monumental amounts of damage and the best part was that all you needed in terms of external support was the physical resistance break from superconduct given her premature understanding of Team optimization also doing parts to there not being too many units to work with Eula for a Time stood in contention as maybe the best damage dealer in the entire game as cell was always a niche character and child's potential had yet to be discovered while Daniel was also a 5 Star cryo Union she specialized more in crowd control and general clearing instead of outright DPS conveniently for YULA Rosario was added one version before her who offered a token amount of support for physical units all things considered Eula had a terrific maiden voyage who was only really held back by the fact that she was a physical damage character and therefore kind of an acquired taste which is why I feel like her story is more tragic than other characters who fell off for D Luke he was a very popular character at the beginning because genshin had such limited options it was either him coaching or CLE basically for all intents and purposes he's not that much better than four star damage dealers if we look at his numbers hence why he got almost immediately replaced by Hutto who was the first character to have the range of damage or Effectiveness we expect to see in 5 Star DPSS you'll lose numbers were comparable or possibly better than who tops so objectively she was quite good though mihoyo was aware of the lack of Elemental support for physical units and inflated her numbers to a point where she could match the rest of her peers but contrary to popular belief her strength withstood the test of time for a decent while beginning in version 2 The Meta power craft substantially with the inclusion of ayaka yuania Shogun and kokomi the needle was pushed even further as more team-centric supports came out such as during this time using a dedicated team composition became widespread practice even for a casual place no longer was the character evaluated on the basis of individual performance with Maybe One support unit backing them it was now about how well that unit could benefit off of the support of an entire team version 2 became the watershed moment that started the ever-growing Divide between The Seven Elements and physical the Buffs in version 1.6 to transformative reactions along with considerable expansions to every element's roster allowed Elemental units to advance and strike that at PACE far greater than Eula could keep up with yet despite that she managed to hold her own and be seen as a worthwhile though perhaps less efficient alternative to the current meta but things were getting bad for her by that point it's been well over a year since any support was given to physical leaving her with nothing but the sparse remnants of physical support that was now far too outdated in regards to the current expectation as elements became stronger and stronger with more help and more support Eula was getting nothing unfortunately what little she still had going for her was almost virtually eradicated around version 3 as dengil became playable and brought with it the two strongest reactions in the game as we know it hyperbloom and aggravate version 3 also marked a complete shift in everyone's predisposition towards reactions before it was all about who could deal the most amount of damage in a single blow as it was far easier to time reactions on one attack where versus a dozen that's no longer the case quantity Reigns Supreme I'd be hard-pressed to say a character's own damage output carries the same Equity as it used to nowadays it feels like DPS is more about how many reactions a character pulls off not how much damage they themselves do a sentiment that went against everything Eula stood for while everyone benefited from the Privileges of elements YULA was all about individual strength choosing to rely mostly on herself and her own power mind you she did receive small and direct Buffs here and there such as writing show Gonzalo mental burst damage buff or unison's attack speed buff but it was very clear what direction genshin was taking characters were growing increasingly stronger both from within and with that several version 3 units like al-hato nahida and nilu not only had the blessings of an overpowered kid but the blessings of Dental's vast power at their disposal all while Eula and physical were becoming more and more obsolete through no fault of their own support for physical did arrive in version 3.5 but by then it was too late Nico's inclusion may have bumped up eula's use ability to some extent but he should have been added back in version 2 and then another support would have had to come in in version 3 to offset the disparity between physical and dental if we're talking about an ideal scenario that is in a poetically tragic turn of events you look just like how she was left all alone and shunned by the public purely because of her lineage her status and viability as a damage dealer in-game has dwindled to near irrelevance purely because of her element what makes this all the more sad to me and I'm not just saying this to Lisa Eula means I genuinely stand by this is that YULA still has what it takes to be a top-tier unit she never fell off she was actually overpowered when she first came out had physical units received the same degree of support and development to that elements had she would have been able to hold at least a respectable if not high placement on tier list in fact she's still holding on while it's true that no amount of help will allow her to outperform denture teams or maybe double Hydro she still manages to hang on if only by a thread unfortunately in this stage of gangstin's development Yule is going to need a lot more than just new support to make things work a lot of her current issues stem from physical as a whole I recommend you watch my video on physical activity this one to learn more about that the biggest reason why no one plays Eula anymore concerns the aforementioned direction genshin is taking these days we've moved past the point of looking at individual characters now it's about engines in the past it used to be like here are characters who can support X now it's here are teams that X can be used in even in hyper care teams like riding Shogun it's less about how well other characters can support her and more about how well she can receive this support of other characters the focus is no longer on just one unit it's about the team this intrinsically goes against eula's entire design to use her optimally you have to field supports that specifically adhere to a win condition that is getting 30 attacks off as quickly as possible and amplifying the strength of her burst problem is physical units gain absolutely zero benefit from Elemental Mastery a critical stat given how reaction DPS comprises a huge portion of a party strength additionally Elemental support is more splashable than non-elemental support for example pasaha is an animal unit who offers a staggering amount of Elemental damage boosts from his past and talent letting him buff every single care regardless of if they actually care about animal related reactions Elemental damage boost increases pyrohydrocryo animal electrodentro and geodamage unconditionally the only thing it doesn't boost is physical damage making kasaha all but worthless for Eula who probably would have loved to have him on a team otherwise in other words Eula is the most stringent five-star DPS on the one element that can't afford to be if she was exactly the same but as a pyro unit or heck even full-on cryo unit as in if lightfall sword out cryo damage things would be very different since that means she could benefit from shinho's Buffs or kazo's Elemental damage bonus or even reverse smell it's because she's a physical damage dealer that she can't Avail all those potential bonuses now I know many of you will argue that if she had those bonuses that would be extremely broken and that they wouldn't have given her 5 000 damage if she did Elemental damage which is true but those bonuses are far more valuable than any amount of Base damage when you take into account the current state of the meta YULA is effectively and quite literally all on her own the only support she can receive is direct numbers adjustments like decreasing enemy defense or physical resistance or increasing physical damage that's it there aren't that many ways you can do that you can augment the efficiency of an elemental unit through many different ways an example being the one I said earlier Elemental Mastery or Elemental damage you can augment the strength by making it easier for them to pull off reactions too shinobu makes Boon teams more efficient by offering healing on top of Electro application freeing up a different slot for something else so on and so forth adding unsalty entry Eula can't even take advantage of the strengths of the element she's affiliated with despite being a cryo unit freeze is inaccessible to her as a great sword user she automatically triggers shatter against Frozen enemies breaking them out of the status effect for a non-existent amount of damage the cool part is that it would be very convenient if she could freeze targets keeping them in place so that she doesn't have to chase after them and can get as many stacks as possible ironically racer has basically discarded his physical damage identity choosing instead to make use of his JoJo stands Electro application for aggravate or even overload version since cryo is exclusively defined by freeze of which you like can't even use she's stuck with physical whether she likes it or not there is no amplifying or transformative reaction for physical damage either super conduct applies a very strong 40 red spray but at this stage of the game it's become a crutch instead of a bonus even then status debuffs cannot be layered on top of each other you get no benefit from triggering superconduct a million times all it does is refresh the timer on the other hand multiple instances of electrocharged aggravate or Bloom mean more damage so it's in your best interest to get as many of them off as possible there's no cap to how much value those reactions have whereas there is a cap for how much value superconduct has and that cap isn't very large what frustrates me and I'm sure many of you is that eula's kit in contact is really good her past the talents are great her constellations are great she could be such a good character if she was literally anything else but physical she has all the makings of a fantastic character and so much potential to be optimized and improved upon but all of that is cripplingly hamstrung by her element or lack thereof the fact that she still manages to be usable albeit with a lot of investment and maybe some copy improves she still has what it takes to be a strong character if only if only they gave physical the same advancements as they did The Seven Elements I get that focusing on non-elemental damage undermines the experience of genshin being about mixing and matching them but then if that's the case why did they make Eula deal physical damage I ranted about this in my physical video but if you're pushing for a game all about mixing elements together for stronger effects why did you make Eula deal physical damage then why not just make her light ball sword deal cryo at least that way she can use the reverse Mountain Elemental Mastery slash damage boost and take advantage of new characters and one last thing because the Bears mentioning they haven't done a rerun on her in over a year last I checked eula's latest Banner was on November 24 2021 over a year and a half ago that also plays a part in why her usage is so poor I'm beginning to understand why yolamines are coping so hard about the character she has to be quite possibly the most unfortunate character in the entire game she is a fantastic kid and a digestible yet extremely effective win condition that's been screwed over by mihoyo's like a foresight and planning it's amazing that it makes all the upgrades to the elements she's still viable not optimal but viable all in all Eula is and has been in a very bad spot for a long time and none of it is even her own fault with the sole exception of being physical her kit is relatively future-proof on paper but because she's physical it's not I would say the only hope for her is if mihoyo by some cosmic alignment changed her life also sword to deal cryo damage otherwise all we can do is crash that they release a physical unit with goto levels of Buffs that they can give to her anyways I'm gonna stop here before it gets any more ranty there you have it though the long-awaited why no one plays Eula let me know if you found this video insightful and as always be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments down below if you enjoyed the video it would be awesome if you liked a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at Forest Farm join my Discord server and check out my other why no one plays episodes if you haven't yet but for now thanks so much for watching and I'll see you again soon in the next one take care [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Vars II
Views: 153,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact eula, why no one plays eula, eula rerun, genshin eula, eula build, genshin eula bad, eula, why no one plays, genshin why no one plays eula, eula rerun 2023, eula banner, genshin impact eula build, genshin impact eula team, genshin impact eula worth it, genshin impact eula good, genshin impact game
Id: N3lUWetdwpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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