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you can literally have an international business from your hobbies starting today starting right now this is how easy it is to open your etsy store and hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is samantha i make one video every week on careers skills development and entrepreneurship if you're new here please consider subscribing and don't forget to hit the notification bell so you never miss a video in today's video i'm going to be showing you how you can open your etsy store and make your first listing and for those of you who don't know what etsy is etsy is an e-commerce marketplace similar to amazon but very different so if you want to know more about etsy i did a video on that i'll leave the link for you in the description box below so you can check that out so without wasting much time we're gonna dive right into opening your etsy store and to get started you're gonna need to download the etsy app either on your google play store or your apple app store or alternatively through your browser on once you're at the main page you want to scroll to the bottom where it says salon etsy bringing you to this next page that's got some vital information for you regarding the fee structures the tools and support available to you as a seller on etsy i highly recommend that you take some moments to look at the seller handbook because this is information that etsy is providing you to tell you how the system works in order for you to excel so it's always good to work with the system we just move ahead and open the account and pop in our details and i also suggest that you have a separate email for your business so that you know you don't get like these urgent sales or communication from your s from your buyers mixed in with other random emails that may not be so urgent so as for setting your store preferences here you're just going to be choosing the language that you want your store to be in the country that you're in and the currency that you want your store to be trading in and setting your store name can actually be really exciting or tedious depending on how common your name is so just pop it in there and check if it's available if it's available you get a thumbs up and this name is available if it's not it will tell you and you will have some alternative suggestions so now it's time to stock up the store and in order to move on to the next step you need to list at least one product so we're gonna get go ahead and do that i've already selected my product pictures and put them in a folder so i'll just go ahead and open that put them in and these pictures are showing the product at different angles showing the product how it is when it's worn and the product size and other details so here you could also upload a video if you like but for now i just need to make sure that my thumbnail is square on in that box the title is really important as well just use your keywords in their search engine optimizing your title and we can always speak more about this just let me know in the comments section below if you want us to talk about the titles and anything else that you want us to talk about just help me know which direction you want us to take this or you know some things may be more clear than others but you are going to need to put in as much information as you can about your product so that your product comes up higher on the search list and particularly goes in front of the right person at the right time that's what you really want to do so whoever is looking for your product or the type of product you want it to show up on their screen as for the automatic renewals it's automatically set by etsy to go on automatic but you can always adjust it to the manual this is once you've made your listings they will be listed and active for three months and then expires so once that period lapses you want to choose do you want it to be automatic or manual your description is another really important tool that you're going to need because customers want to know the details of the product the size what it's made of any information that you can give give a lot of information but not too much but just give as much as you can you can also make use of tags and put your product in a particular section so you can actually have different products and section out your store pop your price your pricing structure is really up to you but i also recommend that you include your shipping in there so that you offer free shipping you'll see that it's he absolutely loves free shipping and i like to keep my lead time really low because i know people don't like to wait too long after they've purchased their products so if you can try and speed up your delivery process and you'll find favor with your buyers and again like this free delivery etsy absolutely loves it so where possible try and factor in your shipping or delivery charges into your price so that you don't have to charge it separately stocking your shop guys so with etsy they recommend that you start with 10 products but i know people who have started and excelled with one or two products so for now we're just going to move on to the next stage and get our money so that this page you're going to put in the details of how you want to get paid your bank details or paypal account if you have one so just input your details there and save it so of course you're going to need to get paid it's a business after all once that's done you're going to need to set up your billing this is how etsy will take money from you this is money for your listings it's going to be 20 cents per listing and then also extra if you want to advertise your products we can always talk about on a separate video for now we go ahead and open the shop just give it a few minutes and well done that's it your store is open you can now edit your profile photo you can add in some details of videos and tell your story add videos and show people the behind the scenes of where you're making your awesome stuff and that's about it guys it's really this simple to open your etsy store and make your listings but my top tips for you today are that make sure your pictures are really good the amazing thing is they don't all have to be on white background as is the requirement for amazon so you really can get more creative with your pictures so really use this feature and allow yourself to get really creative with your pictures be sure to give a detailed description of your product in the description box as well as you use those tags but most importantly use the information the workbook that etsy provides for you because in this they are telling you how the system works and they are literally handing it to you and making it easy for you to succeed with this platform because they telling you how it works and what the system picks up and what you need to do for the system to pick you up and put you up higher on those searches guys i really hope that you've liked this video and if you have please give it a thumbs up don't forget to leave your comments for me in the comment section below if there's anything that you want me to touch on and i'm more than happy to explain or further elaborate on anything that you feel i may have rushed on or that you want me to explain further more than happy to do that for you so leave your questions thoughts and feedback in the comment section below don't forget to subscribe share and i will see you on the next one
Channel: Samantha Dika
Views: 40,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etsy Step by Step Guide, How To open Etsy Shop, How to start an Etsy Shop step by step, 2021 ETSY STORE SETUP TUTORIAL, How To Start An Etsy Shop For Beginners Step-by-Step, etsy store setup, How to setup an Etsy shop, Etsy 2021, Etsy Store, Passive Income, Make Money Online, How To Start An Etsy Shop For Beginners 2021, Etsy Store Setup Tutorial, Sell On Etsy, Etsy Listing, Make Money On Etsy, etsy tutorial 2021, etsy tutorial for beginners, Side Hustle, side hustle ideas
Id: dgi5loM52fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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