How to Get Shipping Set up on Etsy 2020 | Formula to Calculate Shipping Cost and How Much to Charge?

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new in today's video i'm going to be covering shipping on etsy so how to calculate your shipping costs how to figure out your material cost and how to set up shipping profiles on etsy so you may be a new seller and you may be so confused how this whole shipping thing on etsy works but just take a deep breath and know that we have all been there i have definitely been there and i promise you once you get the hang of this it is so easy it will be a breeze so if you want to learn all about shipping on etsy then just keep on watching [Music] okay so the first thing you're going to want to do is make a list now you might not like making lists or you might think that it won't work with this but trust me on this it will definitely be helpful so make a list of all of the products that you're wanting to sell or that you have ready to sell put in information on your list so your weight of your item and the size of your item and if you're going to be selling things like for example i sell wood signs vinyl decals and personalized gifts in my shop so for my vinyl decals it's super easy for me to figure out shipping prices so i don't have to go on here and edit this a lot it's very easy because they're lightweight and i can kind of expect how much all of my decals are going to cost the ship but with my wood signs i have a variety of sizes and a variety of shapes so this can be a little bit more complicated so that's why the list can be helpful just to list your weight and your size of all of your variety of items on here okay next you're going to calculate your material cost so do your research and figure out how you're going to ship your products and get the best prices make sure that the products are good know that you can get a ton of free shipping stuff online like for example usps offers a ton of free boxes online that's where i get a lot of my boxes and just figure that all out and then once you've done that and you've purchased your items figure out the cost of each thing that you're buying to include in your shipping so for example in my vinyl decals i have these cello bags that i include i put my vinyl decal inside of to protect them so they cost me 24.90 for a pack of a thousand so to figure out your price per product you're going to take your price so 24.90 divide it by a thousand and that equals two cents per product so i know that if i buy this it's going to cost me two cents per product so you're going to add up all of your material pricing that you just figured out and add that total up and that is your material cost so then you'll know once you add all those up how much your material pricing will be okay now we're going to calculate our total cost of our shipping so in the us we have three main shipping companies that are used and that's usps fedex and ups so they have online a tool where you can calculate your cost of shipping you just have to know your size and your weight of your product and the zip code that you will be shipping to so what i will do is i will like we did in our list before where we figured up our weight and size you're going to go and you're going to go plug in each of your products on there so i will go and plug all of those in and i will figure out the furthest zip code from me that i can think of and sometimes i'll do a couple so like i'm in south carolina and i will go and do california and new york and texas arizona just places that are super far from me and figure out how much the worst case scenario it will be to ship so sometimes you'll be surprised and it will cost way more than you thought and you're going to say no i can't do this product it's going to be too much but you know what there's always a way to figure out how to make things cheaper so your shipping material may not be right you might be having way too big of a box for your product um shipping is so weird how it works i don't know why it's calculated the way that it is but it just is what it is so make sure you're just doing your research and figuring out that you're shipping in the most cost effective way so that you'll get the best price that you can just know that etsy does offer a discount if you ship through usps or fedex through their labels and that is what i do so you will get a discounted rate that way as well but i always like to calculate these prices beforehand just to know like i said worst case scenario and if you don't want to actually calculate online you can go to the store and they will weigh it for you and they will let you know exactly how much it will cost if you want to do it that way but i like to do it online because i can do a ton of different sizes and a ton of different things at once and it just makes things a lot smoother and then the last thing i like to do is go and see what other sellers are charging for shipping just to kind of get a general idea of what everyone else is doing so you know you're not charging an astronomical rate and you're not charging too little now just know though that etsy does push free shipping like a lot on their website so most sellers will be offering free shipping what they're doing is they're figuring out the price into of shipping into their product so that is what a ton of sellers do so just know that when you're looking at a price and you see all of these different prices on etsy a lot of times it's because they figured up shipping into their price so you do it how you want to do it and figure out what works best for your shop but just make sure that you are paying yourself for your time your material cost and everything like that don't undercharge yourself because i did in the beginning and i so regret that because i ended up paying out of my pocket for shipping a lot because i wanted to be competitive and i wanted to make sure that people bought from my shop but just know that it's not about the pricing it's about you and your product and what your worth is and it's not worth it to undercharge yourself so now we're going to go ahead and hop onto my computer and look into etsy's shipping profiles okay so i'm here at my computer now and we're going to go ahead and pull up our shipping profiles i'm over here in my etsy account so to get to your shipping profiles you're going to go over here to your settings tab which is on the left hand bottom side you're gonna click that and you're gonna select shipping settings okay once you get there you're gonna look up at the top and you're going to select shipping profiles and as you can see right here at the top it says my shop offers a free shipping guarantee and this is basically if anybody spends 35 and up on my shop they get free shipping that's just what i have set up but you do not have to do this it's just what i have set up right now and then when you have when you scroll down just a little bit more you're going to see all of these profiles right here so these are things that i have created and basically what a shipping profile is is when you're creating a listing on etsy at the very bottom when you're setting up your shipping these are things that i can select instead of having to manually type in my shipping for each item i can select this and it will auto populate for me everything that i have so i have decals here tumblers wood signs wood tiles popsicle sleeves and they're all set up for me and it makes things so much easier and inside of these profiles you can select your processing time the exact shipping price you want to charge if you want etsy to charge it for you so it really does help a lot but we'll go ahead and click into one of these profiles and kind of show you what it looks like so these are my decals settings that i have set up so up here at the top you're going to select obviously your origin and your processing time so i selected one to three business days for my decals but you can select any one of these that you want i just like to have a shorter processing time for that and then i have selected fixed shipping rates i like to be able to calculate my own rate i don't really like etsy to calculate it for me because i've had it be wrong in the past so i just like to do it on my own and down here i have my shipping set up so i'm only shipping to the u.s right now but you know hopefully soon i'll i want to expand to other countries but right now i'm just shipping to the us so you right here is where you would select to add other um countries if you'd like but over here you can add where you're shipping from and your shipping class you do not have to do this because once you get to your etsy shipping labels you can change all of this regardless it's just if you want it for your own sake you can put that in there and then down here you're going to charge if you want a fixed rate or if you want etsy to charge for you or if you want free shipping so i have a fixed price and then for my decals i charge 3.15 as a flat price so right here if you're wanting to charge per item so let's say somebody wanted to buy five decals from me i could right now if i wanted to i could charge let's say an extra 10 cents per item and it would charge them that much more but right now i have a flat rate of 3.15 but this is where you would add the additional price right here if you wanted to and then just to go down in here this is something that i like to add it's optional right here but i have upgrades so when a customer is um checking out they have an option to upgrade to priority shipping or a rush option so priority is if they want i normally ship my decals first class but if they wanted to upgrade to priority mail which is basically like two-day shipping i charge an extra four dollars so it's gonna charge four dollars plus the 315 which would be seven dollars and 15 cents total and if they want to do a rush order i charge an additional seven dollars which will charge 10 dollars and 15 cents to them and i usually ship same business day if not next business day for the rush orders so that is what i have set up for my decals and down here is just where you name it and then just to kind of give you like a little bit of a difference for my wood signs right here i have it set up exactly the same except i have my processing time a little bit longer is five to seven business days and then down here when i said a fixed price for my other one i have free shipping set up since all of my wood signs are 35 and up here i charge free shipping which it's really not free i actually include the price into my item but that is what i have here and then down here i have my shipping upgrades so i have a rush option and it will ship within three business days here so that is um something that the customer can select and it's just a flat ten dollars and each an additional item will be an additional dollar and down here i just have it named as wood signs so right here is where you will you know create all of your shipping profiles so down here if you want to add a shipping profile at the very bottom you just click that plus sign and you can create a shipping profile and it's very easy to set up and i will now go into my listing and show you how you select the profile okay here i have a decal listing pulled up so when you click on your listings this is basically basically what it will look like it just has everything set up here that you have created and i'm just going to scroll down to the very bottom and right here you see there's a tab that is called shipping so as you can see there's a shipping options and if you don't have any profiles set up it's not going to have this here it will have where you have to manually type in every single thing see it would take so long if you did that for each individual listing so i have right here where all you have to do is select your shipping profile so it's a decal so i'm going to select decals and your customer will automatically be charged whatever your fixed price is and they will see your processing time so it makes things so easy and if you want to um type in manually you just go down to the very bottom and type enter custom shipping options and then you can fill all of that in right here but like i said it saves so much time when you just have it already set up here in your shipping profile um so yeah it's definitely worth it and if you guys have any questions on this just let me know and i'm happy to help but that is literally all it is to the shipping profiles so i hope that this video helped you all and on creating shipping profiles on etsy if you have any questions at all let me know down in the comments and i will definitely get back with you um shipping profiles i did not use them in the beginning and i am so glad that i learned how to use them because it saved me so much time i used to go in there and manually type in shipping for each individual listing and it just keeps things organized when you're able to do it this way and another great way about this is is when you're editing your items if you want to update your pricing or anything like that all you have to do is go to the profile and edit it that way if you didn't have a shipping profile you would have to manually type that in in each individual listing so i hope this video helped you guys give it a thumbs up if it did and subscribe if you haven't already and i will see y'all in the next one and i am going to also be going over how to create listings on etsy as well so y'all stay tuned for that and i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Simply Sallie
Views: 46,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Get Shipping Set up on Etsy 2020, Formula to Calculate Shipping Cost and How Much to Charge?, how to ship on etsy, shipping profiles on etsy 2020, how to set up shipping on etsy, how to price shipping, how much to charge for shipping on etsy, etsy beginner tips 2020, how to sell on etsy, shipping profiles on etsy explained, etsy seller tips, things i wish i knew before starting an etsy shop, how to set up shipping profiles on etsy, how to create an etsy shop
Id: 90CW9vq7GY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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