Etsy Hacks to Increase Daily Sales + Selling Tips & Tricks for Beginners

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hi guys welcome back to my channel thank you so much for clicking on this video so as you can tell by the title i'm going to be walking you through the like behind the scenes of selling on etsy so i'm actually going to screen record and i'll put it right here on the screen and i'm just going to walk through the app app with you and then kind of like my tips and tricks things that i've learned things that i wish i knew before starting etsy so let's get into this video so as you can see here when you open up the so there's two etsy apps there's the etsy app as a buyer and then there's the etsy app as a seller so you'll want both but this app that i just is showing on the screen is the sellers of etsy so this kind of brings up your first home page um and you can kind of see how many visits revenues orders things like that news and activities so this will tell you if people have favorited your shop or favorited a certain item i don't know why that's not loading um you have stats down here and it just kind of helps you to see um where is your traffic coming from so it breaks it down for you here so that's really nice because you can see like where am i advertising and where is it actually bringing traffic so that way you can continue to do that on other platforms so um then you have your orders here so here are some completed orders messages more and then on this more page you have your listings your shop reviews finances and kind of like some settings so listings will start there these are some listings that i have on my store um and you can see the ones that are starred those are starred by customers um and then it says this is like what you see for when you go to edit or add a listing so this one right here custom faceless portrait this is something that i posted today on my etsy store so these are some that i've done up here at the top you'll want to add nice photos you'll have your title your description and your description okay so your title is super important you want to make sure that you're using keywords so etsy you need to think of etsy as a search engine which it is because you go on to etsy and people search things that they want or think that they are looking for so in order to show up in the search you need to make sure that you're using proper keywords so for example my title says custom faceless portraits portraits from photo minimalist digital portrait custom portrait by photo cartoon portrait faceless portrait so you can make your title as long as you want but separate it by comments so those are more of like important keywords that are separated by comments so if somebody sees a photo and they're like oh i want a photo drawn by me or something like that excuse me or like a digital photo or an illustration or things like that you want to include those words into your uh title and your description so that way you have a higher chance of showing up in the search so then you want to put your description which as you can see is here you want it to be as detailed as possible you want customers to know exactly what they are getting with minimal questions because it will make the buying process easier for them so you want to put all of your information all of the descriptions any additional information and then you will add your shipping so again in the seller's platform you will create a shipping profile based on what you want if you offer free shipping free shipping over a certain amount free shipping to store certain places things like that so that is for you to figure out for this one in particular it's a digital download so there is no shipping um you can put in the item wait inside if it's a tangible physical product that you're selling um then you'll see your renewal options so it does manual or automatic so automatic it automatically will renew your post when it expires manual it will once it expires you have to go back in and re-list it however there is a 20 listing fee for each item and you don't pay the 20 cents fee until somebody purchases your item so which i'll get into that here i'll show you on a different screen um another thing that is super important as you can see here tags so i think you have up to 13 tags and this is how another way that your uh item is going to show up in the search so you want it to be keywords that people would actually be searching into etsy to find your item so custom portrait portrait from photo digital portrait cartoon portrait neutral female digital arts gifts for her whatever it is you want to add those in there you just add it um add a comma and then it will separate them out but that is super super important because that's going to basically make or break are you going to show up in the search or not um then you can add your materials optional category and ask you like did you make this order who made it is it made to order when did you make it things like that um and then the price you can add your inventory and pricing variants so for this particular one it is custom photos so i have it set to one person is ten dollars two is fifteen three is twenty and so on so if you have an item like that you will um put that in the variance down there so we're just going to x out of that that's kind of the gist of listing something now if you go to your finances payment account when you have an order it will show up here so for example i had a order here recently right here um and so let's see so i had it listed at 8.99 the person play paid shipping and then tax so they paid 11.90 then you see up here um there was a 45 cent fee 18 fee and the 20 cent free so there are fees with etsy when you sell that is just something to keep in mind if you want to make a certain amount make sure you list your item at that certain amount because you will have a few fees taken out when somebody orders um and then you can see current balance is 10.74 so that will get deposited into my bank account um however had it set up so for payment you can have it set up for um every day once a week once a month however you want so those are settings that you just play around with over on the app i would recommend doing it on a laptop it's much easier to navigate but if you only have the mobile it still works um so let's see if you click your shop it'll show you shop preview so this will actually show you what your customers see when they go to your page i would say the profile picture the name and the banner are very important because they need to be eye-catching it's something that when a customer clicks on your page they're going to decide do i want to look or do i not and that's a split second so you have to be able to catch their attention to make them stay on your page so when you come to mine you can see the banner it's clear the name is clear and then you can have sections featured if you have different collections different whatever it is that you're selling so i sell digital art so i make certain pieces for sale and then i also do custom pieces as you saw um on that previous page so you can see i have mine by my collection so i have featured so you click there sorry i don't know why that's not working you would click there um and then they scroll down and they can see all of your items so it tells you free shipping eligible um like for example this one says only three left it takes you here you can see the photos you can see my title you can see the description shipping items tags all of that now your customers won't see all of this because again this you're on the seller's platform um but this is how the etsy shop is laid out and then you can have an announcement so i have mine save day shipping on orders place before 3 p.m um all you know kind of incentives so this is the mobile reviews if you have reviews about so then you can add links if you have a youtube page if you have an instagram pinterest facebook page or any other website you can link it to your etsy so your customers can also see that um and then odor and shop members right now it's just myself so i have a picture of me and a little memo there and then at the top it kind of gives you you know slight um basically what the page is about policies this is something that you will set up when you create your etsy store processing shipping payments returns exchanges all of those things um so that's that just so i'm gonna go ahead and stop this so some things i wish that i knew before starting an etsy store would be it's not gonna happen overnight you're gonna put all this time and hard work into creating your store posting your items writing the descriptions and you're going to be like oh you know it's it's easy to get discouraged when you don't get a lot of sales however i will say the more effort you put into it i feel like the more you get out of it so something that i learned from starting my etsy store was i actually started by selling my items on facebook marketplace so it just kind of happened spontaneously we used to live in california and we moved to florida but during the move i had some of my own artwork framed and up in the wall in our house and we're moving i thought we were selling a bunch of things and i thought oh i wonder if i post these if anybody would be interested in buying my artwork so i took pictures of the four i had a four like gallery wall i can insert a photo here and i posted that photo on facebook marketplace and surprisingly i had so many messages pouring in about those pieces so those ones sold same day shipped and they actually went to north carolina which was really exciting um and then i started thinking oh i'm gonna post more on facebook marketplace so i kept posting more on facebook and more and more people were buying i was shipping them or it was like um same day pickup if they lived in the area they would come and pick them up but what i did was i still post on facebook marketplace i maybe post like two or three um of my most popular items and since it's free on uh facebook marketplace to post them i in the description be very detailed this is when i first started i messed up and i didn't put that much detail so people actually started to get upset um that it wasn't local so my tip would be list your item on facebook marketplace you can either list them in your city or what i was doing is i was listing them all over the united states and in the description i would put this is a picture eight by ten blah blah whatever it is disclaimer like important please read this whatever you want to say i am posting out of state i have my own business i'm posting to gain more exposure um i offer shipping i would love to work with you blah blah blah and then you can post all over and you can you know it's been really cool since i've been doing that i get lots of orders and i'm shipping orders out every week to you know texas colorado new york uh north carolina all kinds of places so it's really cool to then see your customers send you photos of when they get your artwork and they're like look at i have it hanging on my wall and it's been so much fun i got a message this morning from this girl that i was working with and i created a custom piece for her and she sent me a picture this morning of it framed and hung in her hallway and it's just really cool to see and i think she was in arizona so um it's been really fun but that would be a super like easy tip i would have for you to kind of advertise on facebook marketplace and then direct them to your etsy store so at first before i made my etsy store i was just taking payment by like paypal or venmo um like that but then once i made my etsy store um i feel that social proof is very important and when you go to anybody's etsy page it tells you how many sales that they have so mine says for sales however i've had hundreds of sales but through facebook so what i would do sorry if i were to start over or if i was brand new i would post on facebook marketplace but then direct them to your etsy store to check out so i actually have my link to my etsy store at the description of my facebook post um in the sellers group and it says like oh to see more pieces click here and then it has them directed to my etsy store so they can also see more things you have and then you can check out have them check out that way because then it adds a number to your account and then you can keep track easier so at first i was doing through facebook marketplace i was just making a spreadsheet it was writing out all the information i had how much it cost shipping blah blah which is fine but to make it easier on yourself if this is like a side hustle or just like a part-time thing or just something to do what i did i just started selling something that was a hobby and people started to like it so um i would direct them to etsy so that way um i feel because like i said i feel like social proof is very important and when people go to your page if they're like oh she has zero sales i feel that people are less likely to buy from you unfortunately so i would advertise on facebook marketplace and then direct them to etsy and have them check out through etsy so that way it's all in one place you have the social proof i would also send messages to get reviews um i feel like reviews are huge um send them out you can message them through etsy and say like hey i hope you got your product i hope you love it you know would you mind leaving me a review you can also give them a coupon code or something like that to incentivize them to do it um or whatever so i yeah those would be my tips and tricks for starting on etsy like i said don't get discouraged it doesn't happen overnight um it can be a lot it can be stressful um but it's a lot of fun in the end when you get photos and comments from customers saying how much they love your artwork or whatever it is that you're selling so um i hope you found this video helpful if you have any more questions for me please leave them down in the comments um if you have it at the store drop your links i'd love to look and favorite some shops um as always thank you guys so much for watching make sure you subscribe to my channel and until next time bye
Channel: Hannah Reinhart
Views: 5,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy shop for beginners, etsy shop, how to sell on etsy, how to make money online, how to make money on etsy, how much money i make on etsy, make money on etsy, how to be successful on etsy 2020, selling on etsy, how to make daily sales on etsy, etsy hacks, increase etsy sales, etsy tips, etsy tricks, etsy tips for begginers, etsy seller advice, etsy, my etsy shop, etsy shop first sale
Id: tIlpbbDF6fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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