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y'all see the title i know why y'all are here yeah let's just get into it i have successfully completed my first full month of being an etsy seller yay me uh and i just wanted to give some details give people a little bit of insight on what my process was like the very first month of etsy so for one i first opened up my shop which is pearl queen designs and as i'm talking i'm gonna go ahead and like go to my etsy shop and i'll probably just screen record that way you can actually see what i'm doing while i talk yeah yeah so i opened my etsy shop february it was like beginning of february i think a little bit after valentine's day it might tell me this on this um like my shop manager okay it took me a little minute to find it because like i said i haven't been on etsy that long but what you do is go to info and appearance and that's under the settings tab and it tells you right there you see open february 15th so i was right a little after valentine's day and my first sale i had my fiancee purchase was outside purchase with quotation marks because i mean he didn't buy a frame he just did a sale for me so i could see what the transaction process was like and even the shipping process and honestly essie doesn't make it any easier than what it already is i mean a 10 year old could probably run their own etsy it's that easy to be honest they set a lot of things up for you um that you normally wouldn't get when you are operating and maintaining your own website right so he did my first transaction so i could kind of get my feet wet and i had my sister buy the second one after my sister bought hers i did send my link out to like all of my family and friends and my friend tikka like within minutes of me sending out the link she went and bought her friend and i was like see that's why you show up you know i'm just saying like you want people to support you and you have friends that say oh yeah girl i'ma support you i want to buy but when you send that link out and somebody purchases from you within minutes the support is real okay so she was my third sale after she got her product i asked her to leave a review so let me kind of backtrack when i asked my sister to buy hers she checked out as a guest that also let me know by her checking out as a guest she can't leave a review i wouldn't have known that had i not had her purchases by the time my friend purchased hers i just made sure that she signed up or she if she didn't already have it sign up or at least you know if you're going to check out as a guest rate my shop so um i'm so thankful she signed up for make sure i already had an account but she checked out and once she got her package she was able to leave a review and she took a picture of it that helps other customers out that helps your future sales because people know okay like this is a real product right so i kid you not she made her purchase in march it's the same i want to say a week before the stimulus chicks came out maybe two weeks i kid you not you guys after she put up her review with the picture i got four sales that week like i was going in with packaging fails i was almost getting a little overwhelmed because it was very new to me while i had i had high hopes for my shop of course um i didn't think sales would start coming in that soon and that easy so once every blue moon a person has that type of success like me because i had only been doing it like two weeks and to be getting sales from people that i did not personally know because i will add i was advertising on my own like social media i even got back on facebook and everybody know i don't like facebook like that but i did want to create a page for myself on instagram and i had an old business page that i had for my first failed business that hey we're not even gonna mention that for real so i end up converting that page over to my pearl queen page which is what my store name is pearl queen designs on etsy so one advantage that i did have through etsy is by selecting the free shipping option um that does give you higher ranking you know when people put in they they're searching for whatever they're looking for your store is going to be on that first page and you know people are not going to go through three or four pages if they like me after three or four pages you got me if i don't see it i'm not gonna see it so we're doing the free shipping option it does help you get noticed a lot quicker than the people that don't offer the free shipping you know and that's just the name but again it's business at the end of the day okay so um i went over my open date i'm just looking at my notes went over my open date setting it up was easy let's get to the money let's get to this money okay let's see what i made for the month of march which is my first month for the month of march i end up getting 11 orders total i got 11 orders total and let's go to the money we're going to go to finances and then you're going to go to payment account and there you go 341.21 is what is scheduled for deposit into my bank account um now i do have a business account through paypal but um i have to go back in and link that right now i just have my personal checking link so what i do is just i transfer my money out of my account straight into my business account i don't touch any of this um because for what i just started you know this is while i think i did very good my first month um you know i'm trying to make this a day i'm trying to make at least 300 a day let's be real or at least a week you know but i think for my first month i did really good i'm very very proud of myself now how much did etsy actually cut out of that because i actually earned more than 341 now um let's go to my monthly statement okay so scrolling down you see that march 2021 my total amount in sales was 409. and when it comes to the fees and taxes that etsy charges they took out 68.43 now this is very subjective okay to me you know what ain't like this is nothing that's not even a hundred dollars okay that you guys had to take out which you know you have your listing fee listing fees for that month of march for 68.43 so you have 2.60 for the listing fee marketing um offset ads fee i did get one sale from this now i have to do a little bit more research because i don't know how like this really works i did not pay for any marketing through etsy so um but the one sale that i did get they taxed me for they they charged me for it i think they took like an additional five dollars off because that person yeah that person chose my shop and patronized with me based off an a off-site ad i gotta do more research on that i'll be honest but that's 5.25 then you got the shipping labels now this is where it is up you shipping labels ain't cheap i'm glad i don't ship anything very very heavy but the shipping labels um they're normally like three dollars depending on where i ship i think the highest for some reason is always out west when i ship to nevada when i ship to texas it's not it's at least four to five dollars per shipping label that's coming out of your profit so i mean yeah it's a con it is a kind um but it's temporary i think if you're in this for the long haul no one expects to stay on etsy forever like eventually i am going to create my own website that way i'm taking in all of my profit okay and then the transaction fees for the total months 21.25 okay so and for y'all for the first month of me being on etsy i'm very very very pleased oh i'm not sure how it's going to go next month or this month since we are in april now but i'm hopeful i'm optimistic about it um i'm not going to pay for any advertising just yet i think i want at least i want to at least do three months before i start paying for advertising maybe longer than that i just really want to see how many people i can get just on my own with no advertising i'm not spending any extra money so with that being said i'm gonna go ahead and wrap up the video i'm gonna grab my products what i actually sell so i can show you guys okay yeah i'm back because it's getting dark and i'm working with the sun right now and right now the sun is winning so with my packaging um i do this standard boba mailer and my packages are pretty long and big because i sell license plate frames and this is a 6x12 so it has to be long enough and wide enough for it to fit so this is just one of the frames that i did and this is the red and white um what all is included in my packaging i do include my business card which you probably can't see but i do i did have cards made at staples staples always have a really good deal like on all of their office supplies so i got like 500 cards for like 20 dollars but they always have coupons and then it's included with you get two cap covers um that match so with three and then you get two screws and two nails like one of the pre-made ones that i did just for like you know advertising purposes and you need pictures to put on your itsy right so you got the red and white this is a blue and gold frame that i did i do wrap these in bubble mailer extra bubble mailer that way or bubble wrap sorry i i wrapped these in extra bubble wrap and then this is just another pink this is a light pink and green one so i offer a lot of colors y'all offer a lot of colors so i'm proud of myself even if i made like three sales last month i was gonna be proud of myself because this is something that i put out it's my etsy is just a star for me this is a multi-million dollar brand i'm gonna be a multi-million dollar company i speak that and i believe it it's not multi-million damn near close to it so thank you guys for watching this video um i hope it was helpful i hope i gave some of you guys the push she's like you're considering starting your etsy or you're on the fence about it i would say go ahead and do it especially if you don't have this huge social media platform a lot of successful etsy sellers that have less than a thousand followers on instagram but when you click on the etsy store they have 13 14 000 sales that's just sale so like i said if you if you want to start out somewhere i would definitely advocate for etsy it's not long term there's tons of videos on it but it is a start thank you guys be blessed
Channel: Jazzy B
Views: 735
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4OLoyB8zae8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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