Sunday Sermon (English) | 29.08.21 Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary

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[Music] in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our beloved fathers deacons and our beloved nuns and all of the congregation all of you our beloveds who are watching us live this very blessed evening according to our church calendar which we follow the julian old calendar today we are celebrating the feast of the assumption of our holy blessed virgin mary where she went up to the third heaven paradise and in the end to be the queen sitting at the right hand of the king jesus christ of nazareth these days have been absolutely blessed very holy days where we are remembering [Music] a figure that is so unique a figure that is so special a figure that is so magnificent i figure that we will never have ever again like this person called mary she is the only one that is virgin and mother at the same time it has never been heard and never will be heard in the human race for a female a woman to be virgin and mother at the same time naturally it is impossible humanly it is impossible but what is impossible to men is possible to god god chose mary and he preserved her virginity and the second person the logos the son of god descended into her womb sanctified it and hollowed it and made it a citadel for the second person the son of god who is god himself to dwell in the womb of the holy mother mary that is why the church fathers also refer to the holy mother as the second heaven for wherever god is it is heaven when the disciples came and asked the lord jesus to teach them how to pray he said every time you pray you say our father who art in heaven where wherever there is go wherever god is that place is heaven so god came from one heaven and dwelt in another heaven called mary the second heaven a lot of you may be aware of the biography of the holy mother but all we know as our church tells us that her parents were of absolute faithful and loyal servants to the almighty god her mother's name is anne and her father's joakim they prayed all their life for the almighty god to have mercy on them and grant them a daughter a child but a female why because because they were so faithful to the almighty god they were besieging him [Music] to choose this couple and give them this blessed daughter where the messiah would come through her for the prophecies of the old testament said that the messiah will be born of the virgin and this messiah that is born of the virgin will come to save his people from perdition and eternal death and the lord god through his infinite mercy love and kindness granted joachim and anne their hearts desire he gave them a child a daughter and she was named mary now in the original in the original language hebrew and aramaic or syriac our holy mother's name is maryam in english it is pronounced mary but in the original language it is maryam one of the interpretation of the name the name derives from a shrub called mura now mura was one of the items those megis offered to the newborn jesus of nazareth in that manger in bethlehem they offered three things one of the things was mura mura is a shrub that when you try to taste to taste it it is extremely bitter when it touches your tongue it is extremely bitter but when you put it on fire this incense or this vapor comes out that this fragrance comes out it is absolutely magnificent in its smell when you expose this this shrub or this mura to fire a beautiful fragrance comes out now mary or maryam is derived from the word mura the holy mother all her life was one big suffering all her life one was one big bitter life her life was bitter her life was suffering her life was burning on that fire she suffered immensely just like the fire burns a person and you scream from the pain the holy mother was burned with the trials that satan brought her way but she endured that burning sensation with utmost silence this is the beauty of the virgin maryam this is the beauty of our holy mother mary our holy mother is a school we learn from her so many virtues we learn from her on how to persevere in difficult times we learn from her on how to thank the almighty god in good times and in bad times we learn from her on how to be loyal to the almighty god and fulfill his will on earth as it is done in heaven we learn from her humility humility which is foundational in our christian spiritual life without humility we will never be able to see god to grasp god to be with god to live with him to get to know god to get to glorify god humility is the key to success in your spiritual christian life the holy mother suffered immensely and as she was burning and as she got burned by the fire of trials this magnificent incense this magnificent fragrance came out of the holy mother that engulfed the whole universe the sweet smelling fragrance of the holy mother came because of her enduring those trials and being burned but as she was burning so as the fragrance of the holy mother engulfed the whole world and the universe the holy mother said all generations from now on from her time onwards till the end of all ages all generations shall call me blessed and forevermore amen when she was born to her parents joachim and anne they promised god that if you give us a daughter and to be the chosen one where the messiah comes through her to save israel and the whole world we promise you god we will give you this daughter back to you when she when mary was born the parents raised her until the age of three at the age of three they went up to the temple and offered her as a sacrifice to the temple of god they gave her back to god yet they were dying at a very old age medically clinically impossible to have children but it is nothing impossible to the almighty god my beloved never ever lose hope for jesus is ever near to all of us so they gave her back to the temple as a sacrifice god we thank you for giving us the daughter now we're giving it back to you in the hope that she will be chosen to be the mother of christ the mother of our lord our god jesus christ they gave her to the temple the holy mother lived in the temple for 10 years until the age of 13. during this 10-year time the lord god being the heavenly father all love and all compassion he gave the parents another child also they named that child mary and you see in the gospel of john chapter 19 verse 25 says and at the cross on golgotha there was mary the mother of jesus and mary her sister so the holy mother had another sister called mary she came after her for god being so merciful he knew the parents were gonna ache after the first mary he granted them another mary to comfort their troubled heart the holy mother rose lived in the temple for ten years she all she did in the temple of king solomon nothing but serving everyone serving the needy serving the elderly so serving every human being that entered that temple she was a servant at the age of 13 as the girl becomes complete she cannot stay in the temple any longer she had to leave and for the holy mother to leave she needs a man to look after her and when she left at the age of 13 her parents had already departed from this world because they were already of old age when they had their daughter mary our holy mother she came out no parents no one the only closest relative in the entire of israel was our father joseph the just so they casted a lot in the temple and the priest said this girl is mature now she is 13. especially in the middle east especially over 2000 years ago the customs the culture society was extremely male driven extremely difficult culture this young girl cannot be on her own impossible people would eat her alive she had to have fi they had to find a man to look after her so the priest of the temple said joseph you are the only relative to mary you need to take her as wife unto you our father joseph was just he said i can't marry her i have devoted my life for the lord but the lot fell on him three times because this was the actual plan of the almighty god the almighty god knew what kind of a heart joseph was he knew he was going to look after her as his own child he was only engaged betrothed to mary he never married her my beloved he never touched her my beloved mary was virgin before conception she was virgin during the conception and she was virgin after giving birth and she is the virgin of all virgins to for eternities to come until and forever and ever mary is always virgin but she is the mother the mother of our lord and savior jesus christ at the same time so unique so special virgin and mother at the same time humanly impossible to the divine very possible so she was engaged to our father joseph and then [Music] before he came to know her she was found [Music] pregnant by the power of the holy spirit just like the angel the archangel gabriel proclaimed this to her peace be with you full of grace the lord is with you the power of the holy spirit shall overshadow you and the one who is going to be born of you shall be called the son of god the son of the most high god and you shall call his name jesus now the word jesus is of hebrew origin it is a hebrew origin word it is yeshua or yeshua the letter youth in hebrew or aramaic syriac is the equivalent of e in english youth for yahweh yahuwah yahweh jehovah and shaw means savior so yeshua means yahuwah the savior jehovah the savior god the savior she gave birth to god the savior yeshua jesus and though and the word jesus or the name jesus is taken from the greek language essos christos christos annesti alethos anna is jesus but the original name is yeshua or isha which is jehovah the savior yahweh the savior yahuwah the savior she gave birth in a manger in bethlehem in a place where animals lived it is amazing how humble our god is it is amazing how humble our god is we lack true humility we lack true humility we lack true humility the only way i don't have the time but the only way to gain wisdom is through humility and i'd like to emphasis on this in the next couple of minutes the only way to gain wisdom the only way please pay attention the only way to gain wisdom is through humility there is no other way now wisdom is only given is only given by god himself jesus christ of nazareth giz wisdom can never be given by this realm wisdom can never be given by this realm a person can go and study theology now this is to every priest to every clergyman to the entire ecclesiastical order and the holy apostolic universal church of christ to every priest to every bishop to every cardinal and every pope the only way to gain the wisdom of god is through humility you can say that i went to university and i studied theology and i received my doctorate in theology i have a phd in theology wow amazing that's beautiful nothing wrong with that but let me tell you one thing my dear friend your phd in theology will do you no good until you humble yourself before jesus christ will do you no good in fact so many educated leaders in the church have ruined the church of christ and have scattered the flock because of their phds they have boosted about their educational credentials they said we are we are educated we've studied theology but they never they never put their head before the feet and the sandals of jesus christ of nazareth they failed to do so they failed as leaders in the church they failed for my dear friend i'm a leader and you're a leader i'm not judging i'm talking about myself before i talk about you but if we are truly brothers in christ if we truly love jesus christ and if we truly have the love of christ in our hearts then we need to rebuke one another in love we need to remind one another in true love of christ we need to mention it to one another every now and then if there is true love between us as brothers in christ this is far from it to be judgment we failed to put our heads and before the sandals of jesus christ we destroyed the church for it is not your phd for it is not your doctorate that will make you a successful shepherd that you will pass to the flock of christ and lead them to green pastures and still waters it is not what you studied my dear friend it is when you have put your head before the sandals of christ this is gonna make you a successful leader in the church god our god jesus christ is humble god and god will never give his wisdom to a boostful self-exalted person never god will never give his wisdom to someone who is boostful of himself god will only pour out his wisdom on those who are humble before him humble humble my beloveds i don't have the time read in the book of joel he's a prophet of the old testament joel chapter 2 verses 28 to 29 the lord god is talking and i will pour out my spirit in the end of times for your sons and daughters they shall see dreams and they shall see vision visions i will pour out now the word pouring out applies to water it is a water it is water we use the word poor when we say to someone can you please pour me a glass of water don't we do that don't we say it can you please pour me a glass of water now why do we use the word poor in relation to water because water does one thing only water can only move from high to low place water does not climb water always goes downstream the spirit of god is resembled by the water water can only go downward and the spirit of god is the holy spirit what is the holy spirit the wisdom of god the source of wisdom the holy spirit will only give you wisdom when you allow the holy spirit to be poured on you god does not climb up god can only come down because there is no one above him for god to go up to him god is the supreme authority god is the ultimate height so he can only come down and god will not come down and give you his wisdom by the power of the holy spirit until you put your head my dear leader before the sandals of jesus christ and every christian and every christian not just the church leaders every christian must live the life of humility and i'll leave you with this how can i become humble how can i become humble well first of all you need to ask the lord jesus to make you humble for every good gift is given from the good god jesus christ when you ask for it when you ask the lord to humble you he will do you know what the lord will do to make you humble the first thing he will do he will break you now that sounds kind of a scary thing or doesn't make sense why would why would god break me well yes my dear friend because unless the lord jesus breaks you you and i i and you we will never be able to fathom comprehend understand who we truly are the only time we come to know ourself in the truth when god breaks us and the first thing that god will do in the process of breaking you the first thing you'll do he will take you out in the wilderness i don't mean it literally i'm speaking symbolically take you out in the wilderness what do i mean by that he will make sure that he will put you in a situation he will make sure that he will put you in a place where you are alone and and truly alone he will strip you of everything he will even take you away from the people you have associated yourself with he will make sure you're alone there is no one to your rescue there is no power that can save you and he will make sure that you know this yourself when he make you live this moment you then and then only will realize one thing you're nothing all this time i've been deceived when i built the house i thought i did it when i had a million dollars in the bank account i thought i made it when i built a church for the lord jesus i thought i built the church when i preached and brought people to the lord jesus and i i put my hand on people and i prayed and they were healed i thought i did it for me poor me poor me the lord will not accept it my dear friend church leader but you need to seek him you need to seek the humility of god my beloved brother you need to seek the humility of god it's not easy is it you need to give up on so many things that you and i like you need to give up on the world's glory you need to give up on your throne my beloved friend you need to give up on so many things there is a price tag to everything everything comes with a price everything good and bad there's a price tag to him but are we seeking good or are we seeking bad the choice is ours we need to give up on so many things we need to accept when we are ridiculed we need to accept when we are judged by people we need to accept when we are deposed from the church and kicked out we need to accept when we are persecuted for that for the lord jesus sake we need to accept so many sufferings it is carrying the cross isn't it isn't the isn't christianity all about the cross for every orthodoxy is for every theology is stavrology for every theology is stavrology and every orthodoxy is paradoxy every theology is stavrology stavros a greek word for the cross every theology is about the cross what is the cross humility what is humility i don't exist anymore god exists in me i don't live for myself anymore i live for him i don't glorify myself anymore i glorify him i don't work for myself anymore i work for him i am nothing he is everything now the holy mother the sweet fragrance oh she is so magnificent man i love my mother i adore my mother i leap and jump with joy and gladness when i remember her name when i sing her name when i praise her name when i mention her name and when i talk about her name i am filled with joy i am filled with contentment i am filled with absolute magnificent fragrance called maryam mura she's amazing my mother is amazing she is the mother of my lord my god jesus christ of nazareth she is one amazing mother there will be none like her ever she is the only one she is the only one mary mariam our holy mother mary she lived humility perfectly perfectly that's why she is blessed forever because she came to know on how to have and gain god all god for herself she came to know on how to gain god on how to gain the wisdom of god on how to gain the holy spirit the source of wisdom or she is so wise in everything she does and everything she says yet she doesn't speak much she doesn't just like her son god was silent for six thousand years throughout the biblical history and when he came in the end of times he only spoke for three years and four months now you compare threesome four months to six thousand years of silence it's not even a drop in the ocean jesus doesn't speak much my beloveds we need to learn how to be silent more than talkative silence teaches you how to live a life of humility the more you diminish the more god appears in you the more you become humble and when you become humble you don't even need to say a word the mountain will be plugged and thrown in the depths of the ocean and the mountain here is satan when the holy mother comes satan becomes a little mouse he doesn't know how where to run on how fast to run she doesn't even need to pray or say in jesus my son's name i rebuke you she doesn't need to say that she just comes satan disappears satan burns in hell because when you truly carry god in you oh my goodness you'll do wonders you'll do wonders just your presence alone is wondrous the holy mother doesn't need to talk all we ask her just to come and be in the midst of us her children the church her children the church all we ask you mother just come and be with us even if it's a moment it suffices it suffices mother we love you mother we adore you mother we venerate you with the utmost level of respect mother for you are the true mother that lived on earth with absolute faithfulness and loyalty to the almighty god and his will and you raised your son jesus christ your beloved and our beloved your god and our god you raised him absolute tenderness compassion love motherly love and loyal to your son you were loyal till the last moment of your life on earth and even when you stood on calvary watching your only only son your only son the gift of heaven of all heavens watching him shred shredded to pieces with no mercy by the roman soldiers his blood gushing from head to toe dying before your own eyes mother your only true son dying before your your your eyes and standing hopelessly unable to do nothing to save your son as the mother i just wonder what was going through your head through your heart through your mind through your soul through your spirit through your entire being in those moments that that fell to you as eternity i just wonder what were you going through mother how holy are you how faithful are you to god how how loyal are you to god suffering so much so immensely suffering yet standing like a rock silent unmoved unshaken unbroken wow now this you call faith now this you call faith facing the ultimate tribulation of your life as a mother seeing your own son dying before your eyes unable to save him yet standing firm in your faith now this is a true mother and this is a true person who is faithful to the almighty god blessed are you holy mother mary our mother now and forevermore are men blessed are you mother pray for us mom sweetheart we love you mother pray for us ask your son you know you just just the way you asked him in the wedding of canaan of galilee and he did it he did it because you asked none of the disciples understood what to say but you did you asked him and he did it for you we ask you again holy mother beseech your son beg your son to have mercy on the church unite the church renew the church refurbish the church make the church ephesus one more time not le odikiya veering of the road bring us back to ephesus the beloved the beloved of the beloved jesus of nazareth beg your son to make the church ephesus where simon peter oh my goodness philip andrew bartholomew james and john and the rest you read in the book of acts says and all the all the disciples all the followers of christ they brought everything they had and placed it before the feet of the apostles they placed everything before the feet of the apostles and their apostles took him and they started giving him to those who were in need because it is it cannot be someone call himself and herself a christian and be in need where is the church from this we have gone so far away from the true christ as a church today the church leaders who were supposed to be like simon and andrew and philip and bartholomew today the church leaders are not sitting on the ground they're sitting on high places today the church leaders are not walking with sandals in their feet they are walking with absolutely expensive footwear they are not walking in torn outfit they are walking with golden linen and sitting in mansions yet the disciples were nothing but beggars for love they lived like beggars on earth we need to come back to humility have you ever heard i'll leave you with this have you ever heard someone sitting on the floor or on the ground and falling have you ever heard somebody sitting on the ground unfolding who falls the one who climbs up the one who jumps the staircase don't jump my dear friend and don't climb up sit on the ground humble yourself let god jesus christ exalt you and lift you up don't lift yourself up by yourself satan will devour you with this false glory he will eat you alive before you blink your eyes and your phd will not come to your rescue we need to learn from our holy mother on how to be humble servants for christ church leader and faithful followers learn how to be humble servants for christ beg jesus to teach you how to be humble ask the holy mother to teach you how to be humble let us bow our heads and ask the lord jesus to forgive us to grant us wisdom through humility and to bring us closer and closer to him and make us worthy to be true servants and true children of the almighty god amen our good god and full of mercy our good god and full of mercy whose grace and mercy is poured upon all pour my lord the compassion of the delightfulness of your love upon your servants and again transform them in the hope of renewal to the life of repentance renew in them your holy spirit by whom they are sealed for the day of salvation purify them by your compassion from all flesh and spiritual blemishes and assure the hope of their faith by the aid of your grace and instill the walks of their behavior in the paths of righteousness please them along with the saints in your kingdom by the assurance of the hope of their faith in the adoption as your children and in the joy of your absolving mysteries empower them by the aid of your mercies to observe your commandments and fulfill your world to confess worship and praise your holy name the lord of all father and son and holy spirit forever amen may the feast of the assumption of our holy mother mary be an enormous blessing to you my beloveds in your homes in your hearts may the lord jesus bless you guardian protect you through the intercession of the most powerful advocate mother mary the queen of heaven our them our mother and the mother of our lord and savior jesus christ in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 1,180
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Id: T_yAVGz9om0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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