Ethan Becomes An Alpha - H3TV #52

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My house is in foreclosure and I’ve been unworldly depressed and that last segment had me in tears, laughing tears, thank you guys for all you do!

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/awiensforever 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

This episodes got the tater tots fucked up😂 love to see it

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/urfeetplug 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

I decree that a tik tok doctor be known as a Tik Toktor

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/effofexisy 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

y’all shouldn’t have told zach he wasn’t the joker cuz he is acting UP

👍︎︎ 141 👤︎︎ u/icebergnee 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

Lena is AJBAP (Assigned Joker Brain at Podcast)

👍︎︎ 135 👤︎︎ u/Magicman432 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

Dads mustache is glorious

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/BennyTheTraitor 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

If Zach is so joker brained he should have no problem handling Jimmie lee smh

👍︎︎ 176 👤︎︎ u/moosegoose90 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

Coming to work with a joker face paint is such a penguin move.

👍︎︎ 343 👤︎︎ u/Argark 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

Zach is gonna end up dying over trying to prove he is joker brained 💀

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/multimatt 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] four three two what is up everybody thank you thank you it is monday thanks for joining us [Applause] you know it's good to be here sure is every monday we're here you can count on that actually next week we won't be here on monday we weren't here last monday either actually yeah yeah you know for the most part right it's a generalization am i actually gone next monday for me and eli's anniversary uh let me look at the calendar yeah me and ela are having our 10th is that right that's in october though yeah it's uh three weeks why don't [Music] oh [ __ ] it's not this month it's yeah it's in october what it's not next monday it's the monday after that stupid oh it's almost october yeah yeah okay in two weeks yes sir yeah so so we'll be here next monday but me and either going to be married 10 years dude congratulations what's the um what's the the theme for that one you know like golden is like i think 25 or something i looked it up it's like horse hair or something horse hair tin tin oh tim yeah right yeah i don't know these these marriage uh the hell these marriage traditions are weird they're like on the 10th wedding anniversary you have to give her a horsehair [ __ ] uh bracelet tin i mean what is tin it is tin what's tin what do you buy made of tin tin or aluminum like a [ __ ] candle holder what am i supposed to do aluminum you could get her a zero baby private jet well there's a little bit of a gap there and maybe a coke zero on a private jet i'm leaning more the coke zero okay than the private jet but anyway yeah me and hila almost married uh 10 years man wow together for 15 so love is possible apparently you know wow apparently congrats for real that's that's uh that's an accomplishment for sure um thank you by the way to our wonderful sponsors here we have hellofresh and speaking of honey this back speaking of hella fresh oh [ __ ] back it up strike that start over speaking of hellofresh thus this back to school season hello fresh handle let hellofresh handle dinner their quick and easy meals take the stress out of meal time even on hectic weeknights get 65 off wow so they switched up their offer a little bit 65 off boom can they do that i'm have to check with them but it's what it says here 65 percent off plus free shipping with the code h3tv65 at h3tv65 and i mean look at this all these delicious wins you guys know it great time to try 65 off thank you thank you all right so anyway uh thank you everybody for for being here yes we have a exciting schedule for today i've been getting absolutely absolutely devastated by the amount of chat logs i've been seeing would be uh between like women and the men they're dating and it's just not happening you know i'm i'm hated by men everywhere real quick just before we jump into that where's zach where's zach i didn't even notice he was going shouldn't there be some zach zach i don't hear any like claps and stuff or the sound bites yeah well let's just do the show and then okay if he shows up maybe he's pooping okay maybe he's having issues all right shout out zach what's that what the [ __ ] this is laughter [Music] all right welcome zach everybody zach the joker what is what is this zach you're over compensating a bit after lena challenged your joker supremacy what's what's the strategy here oh there's no challenge well she did challenge you actually yeah no she did no she definitely challenged you yeah but there's no challenge now lena you did not show up and uh dressed as joker your thoughts i'm not surprised he showed up that way but yes i'm just dressed up as normal because i never said i was joker brained people told people assigned me as joker brain right and also i do want to say zach had a whole powerpoint and he explained himself very thoroughly and still the people chose me i don't know what more to say about that zach you know what that's an interesting argument she puts forward uh zach you're a rebuttal look at me if you put on yourself you look like a clown all right wallina is ruthless dude no she kids there's no evidence for her being joker brand i don't need to provide evidence i'm not saying i'm joker brained yeah right are we not always hold on do we not have a camera on lena uh we had to sacrifice one for uh our segment later come sit over here yeah come on come on down lena this is too important i think come on i don't know by the way this i've got this um gamer mango so good lena get in here zach came in here stunting on you after i mean look look on friday there was a stunning upset lena was nominated to be joker brained we're obviously planning on having a joker brain off between the two of you but i mean zach really is coming out swinging here and um i'm just not sure how you feel about that he really wants this title i mean i hate to take it from him but it's just what the people want yeah they don't want that well they said it though well actually we voted what more could we do i will say not obeying the democratic process is very joker why don't we just have two jokers then the democratically elected joker lena and the uh rogue jokers no that's okay i want zach to have it he he really wants the joker you could be at zach yeah there are a lot of versions of the jacker i mean the jack jacker and a jacker the joker i mean lena could be um you know like one of the cool ones like from the recent like the walking dead i just don't want to step on zach's toes and then he could be like the caesar romano one no yeah like the goofy 60s one all right well hang on guys hang on because we we did debate this a lot on friday but i just want to say we did run a poll 8 000 votes in quite a it's a good sample size 66 lina your thoughts uh zach on friday no right now no that's just happened right now dude i don't see that data that literally that's a that's a live poll one minute ago i'm starting to think lena is joker brain this is part of her plan to say she doesn't care about it but but the joker shouldn't care zach cares too much you can't be joker and care that much about being joker but what evidence is lena joker brain oh my god it's everything how the chip that's not joker bring pain is not part of joker that is a good argument loki that's not a good argument the joker was created his like the lore of joker he was like burned in a vat of acid that's how the joker was born what do you mean pain's not part of joke he doesn't do good with pain that's not his thing there's not a trait of the joker is that why he carved the [ __ ] smile on his face he didn't do that his dad did that that's unknown that's not a known lord that that's not yeah that's that's unconfirmed that is not cannon that's not cannon anyway i mean that's not cannon have you ever seen the dark knight yes he have you every time bro okay but that's one of the stories dude sure but the point is is that you don't know what the real one is so you saying it definitively like that means that you don't really understand the lord not good well that's joker in itself dan all right all right guys we got to wrap this up we can't talk dedicate the whole show to who's joker i've never planned that i never planned for this whole thing i just want to say that really quickly so zach i mean it's it's all yours you really want this and go for it i still maintain that lena's bane brain because she's the strongest among us all and she's wearing a mask today i was literally i have the bane wikipedia page open right now because i was trying to remind myself doesn't he have some like high pain tolerance as a thing that's his whole thing yeah she is messed up all right thank you um thank you thank you uh zach unfortunately uh you're way down on the pole here but apparently we don't care about the democratic process all the time i don't anarchy shall rise again my friend i'm joker um it's all yours zach all right well that was a little bit of a side uh side aside there but okay uh congratulations zach um thank you that was great why did you show up dressed as joker today though uh i mean you know why not it's better than the last time he did remember when he just wore a suit and you asked why you were in a suit and he's like oh ian and dan were saying i should come in one day as the joker and i was like all right [ __ ] it but he was just wearing a suit um what i don't i actually don't remember oh i would love [ __ ] you talking about i would love to remind you guys i'm glad you asked here let me find it wow a lot of a lot of uh maybe he's more friction maybe he's more upset about this i don't think he wants me to have nice things no but i want you to have everything let's move on you can go ahead and find that clip but we have a lot to get to today thank you zach uh the joker does make grand entrances so i'll give you that thank you i certainly uh prefer joker to be on time next time you know if we can do that if we can gotham's trains run on time okay but the joker doesn't these henchmen that you know dude just be on time okay fine i'm just kidding he wasn't he wasn't late he wasn't late i just wanna we're not doing schtick we're doing schtick okay abe dug this up real fast i'm sorry to be putting you under the gun like this sec but this is what they put forward so let's see we just have uh one from measured i'm sorry i'm not sure the currency but it says greetings from belgium really enjoy the podcast i would probably guess that it's currency from belgium do i need a timestamp no this is important content it leads right into it don't they use euros there yeah i have euros you couldn't tell it was a europa does this have to do with joker okay let's just get through this this is this joker thing not the top of the show can we move on ethan this is a wrap now we're invested let's just see where this is going [ __ ] baby i've never bought anything from overseas to this day the only people that ever bought wikifeed hats true and actually apparently the website was shut down i heard is it still as of yesterday why the [ __ ] they're bad god dude oh thank god thank god they're working on a new ui for the site yeah that's good that's good we need to update it we need to upgrade the servers i've never bought anything from overseas i mean not that wasn't in u.s dollars how is this related how could this possibly be related he came in that day wearing a suit you guys are talking up on me right there after you were making fun of me and then i said take that suit off zach take that suit off bro and i and then someone asked why are you wearing a suit and then i said i have a theory for why he wore a suit it's because you called me the heartthrob on the previous episode and he says no i wore it because i was going to be the joker on friday this is me as the joker what england like no that's a pound but that's not they don't use yours take that shoot off bro no you come at me bro you know i'll come at you i got a theory as to why you're actually wearing that suit oh okay why is that oh what is that because because the comment ethan made on the last episode we can move on we can move on maybe you really wanted me to watch this because it's about you being the hardship right it's so obvious because i'm joker brain wait but it's still why did you make me watch this tv holy [ __ ] it's just you talk all right zach come on i mean come on do i like someone to plan zack when you laugh like that i don't feel funny i feel like don't please this is all too much for me this joker arc it's really disrupting the show guys too tired for this [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah all right thank you a.b thank you zack no problem anyway how was uh everyone dan you're at the wedding welcome back thank you thank you had a good time i had a great time uh i had a good time watching the show on friday uh i think we mentioned this before uh i left but that was the first episode since i started working for you that i have missed you're a good man it was uh surreal to watch it just as a viewer i think we all enjoyed the you hacking in via your mobile phone did you fix some tech issues i mean did you really miss it you were there in spirit uh well i watched a decent amount of it in the car um it was a long trip up to up to big sur so uh and i wasn't driving so i was just watching on my phone do you have any notes for us uh having watched it as an audience member um make sure that you have a technical producer there right at all times right right right and honestly whoever is generally responsible for the tech and making sure that the technical aspects of the show goes smoothly right pay them well okay give them a raise okay all right great good advice thank you dad also a b coming in baby faced everybody i'm sure noticed what's going on here a little bit of a shave yeah i tried to line up my beard and then i looked like dr strange and i tried to fix that and it led to this and i hate it because i look 14. it looks nice it's nice to shave your beard every once in a while if you like see what's going on under there you know it feels nice i feel like i look grotesque but what do you think lina i don't like it as much as when he has a beard but this is cute also you gotta love when um sometimes when i shave my beard it's like back i can back demon like the girl your your significant other can't even like pretend like you look good you know yeah she's joker brained back demon yeah off um so here we have a lot of stuff at the top of the show before we get to the alpha olympics where i prove once and for all watching that i am an alpha male i will win you guys back you understand me tater tots i will win you back and prove myself to you so that's coming up now dad obviously he made an apology video so dad built a chair this was covered on wednesday or friday i don't remember i'm sorry about your dad passing away [ __ ] yeah yeah thanks bro he sent us like a unmade chair uh with a bunch of parts and asked us to assemble it i mean the whole thing was a joke so apparently he's feeling bad and dad made us an apology video so here it is [Music] hello ethan hollow h3 [Music] when did you get that [ __ ] craziness mustache that thing is that thing is insane it wraps around his nose it's an intense stash holy [ __ ] yeah i'm mortified depressed and ashamed it's me i can't believe how things turned out i only wanted to do something nice but again i screwed up as usual i won't make any excuses i should have assembled the chair like a good dad like ethan a real dad hard working laborer even though my wife left me months ago it's no excuse even though i'm in the middle of moving because i can't afford to live in this facility anymore and i have to sleep on the floor with my only companion this elderly orphaned dog that's no excuse i chose the laser by sending you this insulting chore to complete my boxing training for creator clash 2 has begun and it's hindering my loyalty to the h3 family i truly love you all and the show wow you've done so much for me and during my years of entertainment smiles and motivation to keep going i've watched for so long i even guys voiceover dad use your uh what the [ __ ] bro why is this all voiced over he's already training for his uh creator clash fight why did you unmatch me god help whoever he's up against with h3 i wear my teddy fresh fanny pack every day loaded with what he had gamer sup [ __ ] he's supposing yeah he he's a good man that is a good man i'll be honest he is my gamer subs with code h3 oh he even got the waifu [ __ ] dude my man shout out to code all right all is forgiving yeah yeah yeah yeah sup sup sup i wear my teddy fresh fanny pack every day love you loaded with backup game reception hello i haven't been able to continue my hellofresh subscription with code h3 because my youtube views are so low i can't afford it but i'll try to do better i genuinely cried when i heard dan and ethan say i was jealous of supermega and their insensitive atrocity who would be jealous of that massive pile of incompetence and lack of craftsmanship super mega are nothing more than four chan trolls all right thank you dad [Applause] i only intended to send you the chair you deserve one fit for a skinny king on a successful weight loss journey if you don't mind waiting two weeks for me to move back to el angelus he's laying on a little thick with the it's very thick you know he's a fan he use her it's a lot it's a lot we'll come there and assemble the chair myself think if you don't want me on the premises i understand i apologize for thinking it might have been a fun project for you all to work on together bro it's not stupid as a dad i love putting furniture together but i'm stupid and i've learned that please accept my apology no matter what i will always be a fan i'm sorry again ethan ela dan a.b zach ian sam lina love and olivia goodbye yeah okay now yeah yeah i was waiting for him to miss somebody and again now i got beef with that dad he didn't mention you cam no he did not mention cam man that's [ __ ] up yep [ __ ] you dad what an [ __ ] you know it's like you yeah he worked yeah he's right cam dry i mean on top of sending us a chore to do i don't care how nice his [ __ ] video is okay now i gotta watch his video it turned into a whole thing now it's all about dad just send me the [ __ ] chair bro i think that's very sweet dad [ __ ] you dad cam's right dad if you want to make it up i don't want any more videos i don't want you coming here and bumming around all day with your [ __ ] saw and hammer just send me the damn chair that's what mega awesome did they sent me a [ __ ] chair okay now it's the dad show dad's in chat what's he saying for himself super mega by the way awesome super awesome no there's no awesome right with tits mcgee your good friends over at super awesome with tits mcgee yeah dad come on bro yeah i'm so sorry cam you're killing me i'm just kidding i love you dad so wait was that a leak that dad confirmed he's fighting already in the crater clash uh yeah i think he leaked that he's gonna be in it i don't know if he mentioned it prior but dad i love dad i love dad watching him i love watching him fight am i having an aneurysm today my brain is just off man you got to get more gamers up to me yeah sup it up wanna go throw on the joker makeup with me nah is that gonna wait is that a wake me up oh dude that is [Laughter] that's a good time i'll pass thanks bro um post malone eight [ __ ] dude friend of the show obviously and uh good friend we have a kind of like a fetish for watching creators eat [ __ ] on stage and actually i feel horrible because the worst one i've seen the most injured i've seen someone get is friends of the show post malone i mean it was brutal you know when it was set in the chat i mentally prepared myself i was like we know pose i really like post he's a great guy but this is i'm still excited to see this because it's funny to see people fall off stages i know this is the first one that i've seen and it's not just because i know him that i was like oh that's not funny at all [ __ ] horrible i thought he i i thought he was seriously injured it looks so bad no he's like writhing on the floor for such a long time yikes i i feel like in a way we're responsible for this because we are such fans of watching people fall off stage oh it's back we may have willed this into existence i'm just so sorry to him by the way dad says he spent 300 on that stuff and he needs it back to build it but we'll put it we'll put it in a box at the at the curb now we got to pay shipping the shipping back to dad and we got to carry it out it's like so much work damn all right here's post malone oh yeah we have to turn this audio off obviously but as you can see extremely extremely hurt i think what happened was there's like a big-ass hole in the stage where they bring out a guitar for him to play a song but they forgot to close the [ __ ] hole i mean i've seen artists get hurt this way before they just falling in holes in stage can we can we figure this out people uh so it said in a in a tmz article um that he had not laid the blame on the stage crew or anything apparently he's a good guy um yeah potentially he made it sound like he just straight up forgot that at that part at that point the hole was supposed to open dude there's no way that someone wasn't supposed to close that it's a tiny ass stage right he's trying to entertain i don't know tens of thousands of people right there's no [ __ ] way yeah maybe maybe he's just trying to not throw anybody he's just being a yeah he's just being a good guy and he is a good guy yeah it's for sure not his fault though oh god if that was me i'd be like i want heads bro i want heads i want names i want extended family members names i want a dress that's gotta just crack some ribs man i think he might have broken a rib yeah some articles are saying he did actually he cracked three ribs whoa gotta have them ribs thanks obama oh what else obama [ __ ] too no thank you actually and post is such a guy he almo he continued the show almost finished it had to leave a little bit early with three crap drip crap cracked ribs so i had initially heard that it was correct but uh i thought i'd i thought he said uh after visiting the hospital it was just bruised he didn't break any he didn't say that uh but we'll get to it he said i think he said i'm fine which is kind of cryptic but here's another angle [ __ ] dude that's like the most pain you've ever been in look at that in front of 20 000 people or whatever i think it knocked a breath out of them too which is anybody's had that oh that was not a good feeling dude that was the worst one we've ever seen yeah i know these guys his bodyguards friends of the show wow you're so cool man yeah i know him i know that guy wow where are you what's his name i wouldn't tell you austin post no not oh him bodyguards that you're so tight with what are their names i'm not telling you it's a privacy issue yeah man do you think he's embarrassed or i think he's in too much pain to even feel embarrassed oh no yeah i don't think he's thinking about anything but how much that hurts in that moment everybody's watching him and then um he made a tick talk about the fall so i think that's what you're referring to dan hey st louis um bucking love you guys so much um thank you for the patience um thank you for putting up with uh my dumbass there was a a big uh so whenever we do the acoustic part of the show uh the guitars on the guitar stand and it goes down [Music] and um there's this big [ __ ] so i go around there and turn the corner and bust my ass and um winning me pretty good got me pretty good and we just got back from the hospital um and everything's good everything's good they gave me some some pain meds and everything so and we can keep kicking ass on the tour i just want to apologize uh to everyone in st louis and i want to say thank you guys so much for coming the show and next time i'm around this way um we're going to do a two-hour show for you so we can make up for um the couple missed songs that we missed and um thank you guys for your support and thank you for your love and and thanks for hanging around um uh even though i got my ass kicked by myself so um i love you guys so much um thank you man have a great night thank you yeah he seems kind of [ __ ] up i feel like he must have got some serious damage if they give him pain meds and stuff also are shows usually less than two hours i mean i never go to concerts yeah yeah really a set i mean a two-hour set is a that's a long set i mean some bands do do that but you know they're the exceptions uh probably an hour to an hour 15 minutes an hour i mean you go out you spend money you do this whole [ __ ] thing for an hour that's just the headliner i mean most shows have openers too so there'll be a couple right other artists playing i usually i usually play about two hours that's usually like an animal you're a rock god baby why do you think that other artists can't hang for a full two hours zach [ __ ] yeah that's what i was that's what i yeah that's gotta be it well not to take anything away that is impressive that you play two hours but uh when a musician is uh touring you know they're often doing back to back to back to shows and putting that strain on your voice especially if you're singer in particular that is very true all the time doing two-hour sets night after night um yeah that's that's hard to keep up i've seen a lot of people say one and a half hours um yeah when we saw him at the greek we saw him doing um i've never seen this before he was doing this crazy steam therapy to like prepare his voice so i think he does ha it is hard to maintain yeah the weekend um just had to stop a show like two songs in because he lost his voice from going for so long he did so many shows and he was playing sofi and he's like i'm i'm sorry i got to stop holy [ __ ] yeah um um here he is uh the night before the incident oh the same show it's the night after yeah oh oh so he did another show the next day yeah oh that's cool i see and it's closed this time and he's flicking it off yeah yeah we're planning a live show it'd be kind of epic if i had a stage fall [Laughter] and it's like a pretty good viral moment good lord everybody's love input as long as you shout good lord as you're lord i wonder if we could fake a stage fall and have like a cushion down there and i just we'll talk about it there's some possibilities actually yes have we talked about this public yet uh well we've mentioned that we were talking about doing it uh it's not official official yet but it is getting close there may be let's just say there might be more information next week we're planning our last show of the year is going to be a live one here in l.a and i'm going to fall off the stage and get grievously injured and hopefully have a viral knife we'll do it live but there you have it postman alone we all wish you well here in the flip soldier army you know and uh god speed to you cam what what is this can you explain this someone's found you on amazon uh yeah i'm cringing at it uh so my friend jesus christ uh so my friend chris neal bent over was his name neil no my friend christina sent me a toy as a joke and then she asked me to take photos with it and then being a whimsical showman they took all these goofy like infantilized like soy type photos not realizing she was gonna upload them as the review oh that's awesome and here's the toy that's kind of incredible that someone found these yeah i get it's pretty interesting if you if you see the third image that has the whole review there um i think that's the second one cam is loving this toy good ratings from him yeah here it is perfect for that unique friend you're her unique friend yeah i guess so so quirky move over ryan's toy review here's cam's toy review gifted this to my unique friend who absolutely loves gorillas as a way to entertain him jesus it's making you sound like special needs he clearly loves it he says quote wow it's very stretchy and satisfying to stretch and i stand by both those statements but uh you know i wouldn't give it five stars i'll give it four stars because the head i don't know if you can hear this yeah i had it he always has it here he always has it i could confirm when he first started he's like you gotta play with this thing it's awesome it is very fun to play with how's that a four-star you've been carrying it around with you that seems like a five-star the head itself is not stretchy it's plastic oh that's that is just what he's like yeah i see him is she he's a tough critic you know you gotta be you gotta critique it uh but yeah is this a fraudulent review did she fill this out for you um i think she's projecting that i thought it was a five-star but it's actually a four-star gorilla okay well we're gonna need to report that's frog yeah yeah shout out to christina who's that she used to run um lena can you contact amazon about this fraud review because it's it's a big problem on the marketplace my friends sure well christina used to do a segment called tina's toy time on the adult swim streams and this was a call back to that gotcha well there you go cameron a prolific amazon uh reviewer god i cringed so hard when i saw that i was like i just pretty interesting when was this review posted this was a few months before i moved here okay march yeah well there it is guys cameron ladies and gentlemen very premium nope not at all we love it okay now this is a treat before you uh move on to that we are at the 32 minute thank you let's take so after this i know you guys don't want to hear about jimmy lee but this is so good he got an official diagnosis right psychiatric evaluation very official and the doctor even made a video for us and this is a real doctor i have confirmed their identity he's a real doctor really yeah no we got a link to his instagram that's not that official can we find like yeah i don't know about that well let's debate it it says he's a resident physician psychiatry uh uh can you try you could be able to find his credentials online uh without giving out his name maybe but uh while you do that thank you to honey yes everybody loves honey and they are sponsoring today's uh video the easy way to save when you're shopping on your iphone or computer honey's out of control it's free money it's always saving me money it's a free extension that runs seamlessly in the background as you shop and when you get to the checkout automatically applies the best coupon on the internet you don't have to think about it dude you don't even have to think about it dude it's incredible i mean this one is uh from something else you lose a shot women be shopping and heal is no exception so true dude women be shopping yo uh graf wants but yeah she's always buying furniture or rugs or clothing or we even got it on postmates which blew my tits right off of me right off of you oh you skipped it i saw it uh dude 65 bucks off post wow wait no no 12 bucks off post wait and i just remembered just the other day we got this one from a fan some work shoes yep it's so easy it's it's really a no-brainer you don't have to think about it imagine you're shopping at one of your favorite sites and when you click check out the honey button appears and all you have to do is click apply coupon boom magic price drops i'm talking about tech clothing pizza it works on almost every major retailer and it doesn't just work on the desktop now it also works on your iphone just activate it on safari on your phone and save on the go if you don't already have money you could be straight up missing out and by getting it you'll be doing yourself assault and supporting the show so thank you very much i use honey i love honey get honey for free at h3 tv thank you to honey yeah he's a new doctor this gentleman just uh he's a new doctor yeah he's been in doc practicing for a year he's still training but he's a real doctor he's a trainee i'm not sure exactly oh he doesn't have his degree he doesn't have his full certification i because i saw this video like that does not seem like a real doctor yeah especially a psychiatrist because there is a there's a level of uh confidentiality that i think right how could he just like just i don't know if it made any sense i don't know i think jimmy is [ __ ] with us well it could be he is on a podcast uh speaking uh on different psychological issues can we get a hold of him yeah i want to know how jimmy found this guy yeah jimmy's in town and he desperately wants to come i'm not going to talk to him i'm going to talk to this guy yeah about him i think i think the the dude follows us he does he i i'm messaging him right now do you want him wait he you want to talk to him you said yeah can we get him right right now call in right now let me ask hell yeah i would love to 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it'd always be your own people at least with lebanese pretty funny pretty funny little you got you pretty good bro this is beef now of courses today i'm here to talk to you about the allegations jimmy lee has been very very unhinged on the podcast for a very long time and has caused distress to the beautiful crew that we have over at h3 thank you and i wanted to investigate whether or not he does have histrionic personality disorder well during our phone interview which happened to be a psychiatric evaluation he told me to ride a camel and offer to take my asian girlfriend to a chinese restaurant within the first five minutes throughout our conversation i was able to place him in every single category uh that would be for histrionic personality disorder and i can confidently say that he does have it and he might even be on the spectrum so i can't give him a handicap sticker for being mentally handicapped but i can assure you that he is a funny guy also very sick okay now like first of all hilarious well delivered funny video yeah but but like would a doctor really make this video about his that's when i'm wondering i want to know how much jimmy paid him that's what i gotta figure this out i don't think he i don't know i don't know what happened here well starting up this whole this whole weekend jimmy was having one of his fanfares he kept messaging me and cam just video clips of him just doing god knows what just just ridiculous [ __ ] he called me too did he call you zach of course he called yeah i didn't pick up just because it was busy but you didn't answer zach no i i i i it's he calls me at least twice every week and i'm always in communication with him in one shape or form would you prefer if he stopped calling you so much no because i i feel it's part of someone's got to keep checking in yeah someone's got to keep tabs right right so i always want to know what he's up to but he'll he thinks that everyone is on his time so he'll call you when it's like ten o'clock jersey time where's one am whatever one am here right or no no no never around you'd be in the morning here or even at and then everything has to be right now i got to know right now this moment i got a book do it do it do it and it's like well it doesn't work like that he's the boss man he's used to running the show he's the big head honcho dentist he knows us i know i was on hollywood boulevard on saturday and some fan rolled up and they're like hey have you seen jimmy we've been circling the block looking for jimmy i'm like he's in new york they thought he was in l.a with the fanfare thing but uh shout out that fan i like the idea of jimmy just being one of those uh hollywood people that yeah roams the street all day fold it for pictures oh so most a lot of people are saying this is fake um but again he seems to be a real doctor so people are saying he's not a licensed doctor because i think here when he says um mentally handicapped but i can assure you that he is a funny guy well he called him mentally handy handicapped and very ill very very very sick funny though yeah i feel like this is just a guy that put on a lab coat and a stethoscope like right i'm not a doctor they're making doctor content since yeah for this yeah i don't think they ask for credentials on tick tock that's it well if he is a doctor [Laughter] well no it wasn't tick tock i think it was vimeo dude but is he not like a tick tock doc like weren't you saying that he makes content or like on instagram or something like that i don't know what do you do yeah he makes content on on instagram and big talk but i do think he's legit i do think even though he tried to diss me i didn't fail my classes thank you very much but uh doctor so if he is a real doctor this could be a it's a goddamn a hipaa violation a goddamn hippo violation it's my hipaa right not to get vaccinated god damn it don't ask me nothing yeah this dang god damn here hip-hop don't be asking me nothing about my health it's my god damn why would a psychiatrist need a stethoscope that is a fantastic question see it just like seems like it's just he went to the costume store and got some doctor stuff that is a very good question i am going through his tagged photos right now and it checks out like there are people at psychiatry school that are tagging him in like group photos can we pull it up is it public this guy's not on a cameo right this was not that's my first thought is that this must have been a cameo right or something like that but you don't see a cameo link on any of the socials so right i mean i'm looking i'm looking on cameo well he's calling in let's grill is that my damn hipaa rights i tell you what man [Applause] i tried going in to see my wife on covid they asked to see they asked to do a test on me i said that hey hell yeah i said my goddamn hip right i just love this video love dancing so much so here is um oh wow look at that tight shirt yo he's jacked bro that's like the smallest shirt i've ever seen and it was posted by um a psychiatry school you see f psychiatry yeah in orlando and he's old there's a guy in the middle is holding a psyduck that is a psychic pokemon therefore are that that's credentials okay i'll say it says it's officially the start of a new academic year this is from july first so he's still in school right so maybe he's just a student so maybe he hasn't gone to the chapter about hipaa yet we'll let him we'll let him go he didn't take an oath yet so he's not violating i am taking the goddamn oath just give me florida this is an official diagnosis jimmy you are [ __ ] in the head i checked every category of histrionic personality disorder you're that and also autistic that's what he said because he's that and on the spectrum hold it i can't get you a handicap black for that check check check [Music] i'm a fan who stopped a b in hollywood about jimmy lee what a wild coincidence that we saw you there while looking for jimmy who is actually in new york city how did they get confused about the city that bad i don't know but it's like a whole other city i would say this fan is a legend he always goes to zach's shows he refers to himself as the frenemies hoodie guy because he had a front of his head he had us all signed a really nice guy oh i remember that guy i don't even remember that guys he always shows up to support right on shout out even if he's in the wrong city he shows up yeah but wait but is jimmy doing a thing in l.a isn't he in l.a right he's coming to la soon october oh so maybe he just got confused on the date or something yeah i was thinking should we do something with him but then i i remember we pledged like once every six months max right once a year maybe so i can't i don't know if i could deal with that to be honest with you man he's unhinged you know be fun zach if he's if you role play as his son for a day and you guys can sleep together in a hotel room have meals together he won't he he kept asking me and cam to come out of this to this fan fair he's like you gotta come out yeah zach gave us the flight and i'm like all right you pay for it he's like can't do it come on he was asking us the day before too yeah day before to come fly out you gotta come on like all right pay for our flights can't do it right now you gotta come though i'm like i can't i love it man i don't want to i love i think even if he is still a student it's probably not that hard it's not that difficult of a diagnosis i mean the man is a walking personality disorder there's peace and love of course yeah there's that whole index where it has the regul like what it takes to be legally diagnosed yeah i'm sure he'll take us through it if yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but anyway he's calling in so that's pretty exciting full screen i was just trying to full screen this uh the chat has informed me i've been owned i've been uh dunked on psyduck is a water type pokemon not a psychic pokemon why's his name psyduck then thank you that's a great question stupid-ass name but i just have to acknowledge that uh i've been owned check out dr fidel bro less more time [ __ ] studying uh medicine less time in the gym damn okay player let's see what you got folks you know what's funny um i'm related to five dollars on my dad's side you think there's a relation potentially potentially that's this is real [ __ ] bro college of medicine florida fidel abbess psychiatry program yeah he's not he's not a real doctor i mean he's in school he's done with med school he's doing residency but his credentials to be jacked are legit i'm not a doctor jesus let's [ __ ] go oh yeah brother anyway that's that so i guess we're way in and uh thank you to dr fidel also side note psyduck is a water type pokemon that resembles a duck or bipedal platypus while only classified as water type this pokemon also possesses psychic powers so why isn't his type psychic or just like a water maybe of the two he's more water than a psychic you know i mean i acknowledge that he is a duck but he's clearly a psychic duck take it over to professor oak i don't know i i didn't write the book i am going to do exactly anyway um he is ready bring perfect timing bring him on ready okay copy i can't stretch this out any longer doctor let's [ __ ] talk to this are you stunting on us look all right scrubs no no no no uh welcome first of all to the show here uh dr fidel now let me ask you a question right out the back are you a doctor i am 100 a doctor and for the comment that said uh for the psychiatrist why would you use a stethoscope i call this a really bulky red necklace i don't know how to use it but we do have to be well-versed in all aspects of medicine to correlate it for medical issues relating back to psychiatric diagnose diagnosis but um yeah i don't know how to use it but we do need to use it i'm a resident physician in psychiatry yeah okay so so you the resident you do the residency after you to be the doctor how does that work so you go through oh sorry so ab would probably know but you go through four years of undergraduate school um then you go through four years of medical school and then that's when you're considered a doctor okay and right now i'm in my residency training so i see i'm getting paid and operating as a physician okay but i haven't been able to like fully specialize or like open my own clinic yet so and have you taken the have you so you're oathed in or known that hasn't happened yet almost in baby oh yeah so so was that a hypovole yeah so did was that a hipaa violation calling him uh not a hippo violation no okay why i mean well um well i could say someone has diabetes without getting like fired right i don't know can i guess it depends who's actually the doctor it's in the way he phrased it he didn't actually say that he was he said that i didn't diagnose him no he said this isn't a you said this is officially a psychiatric diagnosis oh yes oh yes it is it is but he's not officially my patient so i can go through like how we even got to this crazy ass point right now okay yeah so let me ask first of all how did you how did jimmy find you how did you guys get in touch oh jimmy found me yeah jimmy found me basically uh i'm dating this beautiful woman named berethia and she was getting me a gift and my cousin who's like a huge h3 fan they were kind of coordinating what the gift would be and he's like this is the best gift ever and oh you're not gonna believe it and i'm like oh my gosh she's getting me a ps5 holy [ __ ] like sweet like i'm gonna buy her some jewelry i'm gonna buy this and buy that and then then my friend's like oh like it's way better than a ps5 way better and i open the package and it's a [ __ ] jimmy lee audio audio audio what a guy so i always used to think i'm like who would buy this unironically and i'm standing there i'm like yeah totally better than a ps5 for sure so i post a like sarcastic story like on my instagram i'm like i guess i'm a proud owner of like a jimmy lee shirt and then like days go by and then like me and my girlfriend were in bed looking at this like h3 like a sound clip website i don't know if you guys have seen that it has like the faces of all the sound bytes and you click on it yes yes we were in bed and then it says jersey outlaw dm hey doc what's up he saw the ti okay holy [ __ ] so basically we just started like uh like a back and forth and um i'm like well like um this psychiatrist and he's like oh you remind me of me you have a hot asian girlfriend and you're a doctor oh my god that's a lot of money and we're just sitting in bed laughing and then i eventually give him my number um huge mistake yeah yeah let me ask you just to just uh just an aside here how often is he reaching out to you almost daily and uh i do i do love the guy but yeah i would tell him sometimes like hey jimmy like i'm with patients oh okay yeah so like we're going to do this thing and this and that i'm like jimmy but he i'm uh he should understand that as a dentist yeah i just i just have to let the psych ward burn down though will you tell him one thing and then you'll think he'll understand it and then five minutes later he'll just reiterate the same thing has that happened to you yet yeah this is group therapy for me and uh zach we're trauma bonding right now welcome to the media okay so you gave him your number and then so uh continue he's texting you all the time so i had this idea i'm like hey like uh i'm gonna put the shirt on under my under my white coat i'll take a little picture in it and like i was like um you want to do like a psychiatric evaluation i i brought i brought the idea up and he was like oh that's like that's a genius idea and i'm like all right this should be interesting and that call like most calls with him ended up being like 45 minutes to an hour um and i'm talking i've spoken to patients who are actively hallucinating i've spoken to patients who are withdrawing odd on meth bipolar manic off the edge kanye west style i cannot get in the word with this guy it was huh yeah he he's a guy he's a character man he's a character he was a character and um during this whole thing like i wanted to diagnose him with histrionic personality disorder like a lot of people in my uh field patients at least sometimes they'll use like oh i have this personality disorder so i can act shitty like oh i have borderline personality and sometimes i'd be like yeah well i'm an aquarius and my wife's a virgo so we sometimes i beat her like that's just what it is and i'm like nah you're just an [ __ ] you know what i mean so i'm like let me let me see if like this histrionic thing i don't know where he got this from like it's a very specific thing like people usually know like avoid a personality disorder borderline personality disorder but i'm like there must be something to this so like i wedged in like into the conversation like trying to fit the diagnostic criteria so i'll just go through the icd-10 which is the diagnostic criteria we use for a personality disorder so we have markedly disharmonious attitudes and behavior affecting functioning it's pervasive and pervasive and clear patterns maladapted to a broad range of personal and social situations that's for sure that's true um appearing during childhood sometimes due to some childhood trauma so i've listened to you that's true in the past and it's caused a considerable personal distress and strains relationships and um so that's just the the criteria for a personality disorder to to now we move on to the uh to the yeah to the extra stuff but we're in the game we're in the gate with the personality disorder uh now let's go histrionic yeah so histrionic attention seeking behavior doing that yeah yeah yeah dramatic behavior hold on hold on appropriately dramatic dramatic behavior i mean yeah yeah inappropriately seductive behavior oh my god that's one of the worst moments of my life is like i said in the in the video that i posted uh my girlfriend was there and he made the camel jokes and then he's like yeah hot asian girlfriend how about we go to a steak dinner and like we drop her off in a chinese food place with my wife and they could have this was his opening to you this was his intro to you first five minutes dude you gotta be kidding me you gotta make a good impression there's nobody like this man i'm just saying i don't know yeah so there's more yeah keep going discomfort with lack of attention yeah yeah excessive focus on physical appearance i'm working here okay constantly seeking reassurance or approval so that could be like texting and calling zach and cam shooting ideas and stuff or me now well you're welcome guys i get like you're getting trenches i find it interesting that he's so focused on you because like until now you didn't even have any connection to this show you're just like an instagram doctor not even a no offense but like relatively small following and i just find it interesting that he latched on to you so ha so hardcore that he's been texting you all day like like he'll take anything he'll get in terms of attention i think what he sees is he's a guy you are a good looking dude and he figures oh yeah the the doctor i know but what he sees oh he's a good looking dude you know let's hook up let's hang out with this guy it'll be good for the schtick you think he's just looking for good-looking dudes i think that's what he's doing i think he wanted to say i didn't think he just wanted to tell the doctor he's good-looking zach no i'm just giving him you're a good-looking dog does this guy [ __ ] oh yeah he [ __ ] yeah he [ __ ] hard dude yeah is that true doctor do you [ __ ] hard um yeah yeah yeah i think he said yeah with my girlfriend now though yeah and so uh and have we have we covered all the categories or is there more oh there's more suggestible easily influenced it by others and believing relationships are closer than they are that's the last one dude yeah i think you're right he hits everyone he's a perfect scorer with peace and love he has histrionic personality disorder and i threw in the spectrum disorder uh in there as well just to just because of like the disinhibited social engagements and inability to like see social cues sometimes so i it's a grab it's a great it's a grab bag of mental uh mental illness is it incredible to you that he was such a profoundly successful uh dentist in the face of this kind of personality disorder pretty incredible isn't it um i mean it's an underlying thing that's going to affect a lot of his actions but with personality disorders unlike something like a schizophrenia or a bipolar disorder these people are they can function normally in society and not have it just affect their like day-to-day or work life but it's i i've had like surprisingly heart-to-heart conversations with him like after the fact after this whole video but by the way when i mentioned that i was going to make a video for him it was non-stop texts and calls until i made the video so that was just like a lot of pressure there but um yeah i mean he at the end of the day is a nice guy and it wouldn't have really he's a great guy he is he's a great guy at his heart he just got older but i see i see a little bit of like sadness like under the facade sometimes it's like oh like i mentioned like oh like my girlfriend has more followers than you like has a joke and he he kind of like was bothered by that or i'll say uh he'll just text me randomly with pictures of him with fans he's like oh this fame thing is just a crazy thing so it's just like a secret it's incredible that that he's latched on to you before you even talk to us he's he's look i mean it's he's spending his whole day trying to jimmy's a he's a tick he'll bury his head inside you it's incredible this this have you ever worked with a histrionic patient before i've worked with a lot of patients and the number one rule they give me is don't give my phone number out oh yeah but he's not really a patient is he no he's jimmy yeah he's jimmy we typically the personality disorders that would put you in the hospital is like borderline personality disorder so history on it not really yeah but have you worked with a histrionic uh person before oh no this is my first one and i'm uh maybe i'll do like a presentation for like uh for the rest of my residence just on like what it is and what this guy looks like i'm actually doing a um a presentation like a case conference for like the entire like uh university that i work at and the hospital on the relationship with sugar and depression i'm actually playing one of your clips in front of this entire oh maybe a room full of hundreds to even thousands of doctors that are going to be watching this so i'm putting your clip in there just like as a main what which clip of you and just dr aid talking about that like depression and sugar thing but that's just like awesome so are you or do you agree that there's a link between depression and sugar oh 100 like i i looked into his data and several other studies coming out from like china and like south korea and stuff and i made an awesome presentation i'm gonna show that in there and uh you know you are influenced by dr eds yeah well let me ask you this since you're here uh artificial sweetener better than water i drink it every day um look at my instagram washboard abs and i drink that [ __ ] every day no problem what what's your drink of choice coke zero man cold [ __ ] oh my man doctor approved that's two doctors doctor recommended right there better than water you heard it from him quote unquote yeah but shout out a b shout out lebanon let's go okay let's go lebanon let's go lebanon shout out uh i did mention in the beginning of my video that i live in kissimmee new jersey and my mom yeah it's a town in florida it translates directly to my mom's [ __ ] in arabic i don't know if he told you are you serious that's a lot it does it does that's just that's a lot [ __ ] i wasn't talking about anyone specifically but that's just a joke a lot of lebanese people say send me flora um so basically you he you said you're gonna make this video for him you send it you post it this is very interesting that how this all came to fruition uh yeah so in a way when he comes on our show and he's telling super racist jokes and stuff can we just be like it's jimmy he's got history on it because he's not going to change right we just got to embrace them as he is he's um and if you've had a deep conversation with him too he's looking for clicks that's what he wants and that's his idea of clicks my idea of clicks i love posting doctor content but people just want to look at pictures and videos of me working out or me running around shirtless and that's just what i do for clicks so his thing is the the old tiny jokes and that's just in line when he knows it's detrimental to his social and personal relationships he'll still do it for that fame like now doctor let me ask you this how often are you in the gym i'm in the gym every day how many how many how much time 45 minutes you don't really need that's it yeah yeah and i listen to the pod while i'm there too i'm just and and and then can we can we take off the shirt please can we take a look at the yeah under the natural lighting and stuff you know what i'm in the hospital now i really hope no one walks in but me too doctor meet the doctor it took a lot of wow doctor uh dr fidel talk to me baby let's see i was never cut out for this look at that cake that cakewalk man who's histrionic around here real uh doctor well you and jimmy might have more in common than you than you uh than you know i do want to say i want to say one thing about jimmy i've had these long uh deep conversations with him he's really he's he's a good guy and um i actually told him that my my brother is applying to dental school and he without any favors and i thought like no way jimmy would help him he called my brother up talked to him on the phone like 30 minutes of advice heck he put two admissions counselors from dental schools on the call with them and that's just like wow okay that's really nice of him he's just a really really really nice guy he will come in clutch like that sometimes yeah um and he does have a good heart like you're saying like everyone does yeah also something that i could say in his favor is like whenever he's in the you know the deli is causing a muck he's always got long-term friends with them so he he he has the ability to keep long-term uh friendships going which says a lot you know about a person yeah yeah for sure well that was nice that was that was great that he did that for your brother all right exciting stuff so officially not a hipaa violation we're we're we're calling it here so what would be a hipaa violation if not this if you were my actual patient yeah okay okay i see he's not your patient no no no okay okay got it well then then you want to disclose anything else about him that now uh just if you want to give out any other dirt on him since we're on the call uh not yet i'm not yet he's thinking uh i've given the idea of going to new york comic con uh so that'd be really really [ __ ] hilarious so maybe that'll come through if he wants to go to la and like meet you guys but that's like the backup plan also i want to call out dr mike [ __ ] oh yes he is let's go there's a new dock in town [ __ ] i'll fight you whenever man that's what's up we got to set that up doctor okay they're both in florida yeah oh they're you guys are both in florida yo you got to track him down go to his practice i think i think doctor mike's in new york doctor mike doxter he went on a yacht during covington miami let me ask you i would never do that uh how i personally would never do that i believe how tall are you doctor i'm 511. okay because he's like six too you think you could take i don't know i l i live in a war zone before man i i can take a little dr mike yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah were you born in lebanon i was actually born in new york um but it's a war zone yeah immigration issues like with my parents so we ended up getting like deported i spent most of my childhood in like high school years up there i came back from medical school here and they didn't they said like oh you have to be this plastic surgeon like unless you're not a doctor so when i chose the field of psychiatry they're like well what the [ __ ] is this you're basically like i still don't get like approval sometimes from my parents but i think they're like way more accepting now and like any any arab or a lot of foreign cultures like whatever you end up doing you're never going to get the approval but you're never going to be successful unless you fully embrace like what you want to do so i made the joke about like a b like feeling out of medical school that was a really that hit him hard oh just let you know doctor that was a low blow it really hurt his feelings no no no and i i said like that was something so brave that i wanted to do it so many times and if i didn't find myself in psychiatry i really love this [ __ ] i would be just looking at ex like in medical school and like in my rotations i'm like i look at an x-ray i don't give a [ __ ] i look at people's urine and stuff it's like i don't care i can't do that for the rest of my life so the fact that he took that huge step and went against the grain is successful there you go thank you thank you brother now let me ask you this doctor before we say goodbye um listen i've been a little stressed can i get a script for some xanax please before we go all right thank you doctor pro's not working out hey i need a supplementation you know just a little something on time i'll send you my pharmacy all right all right all right thank you doctor all right if you want me to diagnose anyone else in the future just like oh that's yeah that's actually a good resource if you want to do a psych evaluation live on anyone in the future white cloud game perfect um let's you know who i would like to evaluate the guy who puts his dick in peanut butter yep oh boy i would also i have i'd love this for that guy should we but he might be a sexual predator yeah you know i can you guys can watch it it'd be it'd be really awesome but yeah let me know if you guys need anything okay all right thanks i'll send you my pharmacy okay doctor thanks for calling okay all right take care thank you so much thanks uh dr dr fidel what an unexpected treat yeah that was a nice little uh side mission we went on i always love when we get people on the phone right away it's the magic of live you know what i mean this [ __ ] doesn't happen when you pre-record that's why we do it live do it and nobody does what we do four hours a week live unscripted i wish we did foreign exactly nobody makes this much content live well i'm here live that's not i'm not a cat okay let's just go with it yeah you're right nobody does it like us that's right ride with me that's right thank you thank you fermi uh 50 sorry to bring the vibes down but i really need to spread this message so my roommate crashed his motorcycle essay and died um all right well thanks for watching everybody tell your friends you love them please drive safe you could only crash at 100 miles per hour once he was just 24. that is sad i was very sad head down head down prayers up for your buddy and sorry for your loss uh for me it's it's cars are dangerous people don't appreciate it because you're in the car all the time you kind of go in the bot mode when you're driving it that [ __ ] is [ __ ] dangerous so keep your head on straight because if y'all out there dying we're losing subs every day you think that's going to [ __ ] help me you guys out there dying on um it's just not gonna help it was a motorcycle motorcycles cars whatever yeah hello we need you guys healthy okay because i'm not getting any news fans i need you guys to watch well we're working on that today we're turning the tater tots around yeah hello hello hello can i say that that often the soundbites oftentimes infect all of our brains i don't know what it is about that [ __ ] hello hello i can't help i can't stop i can't stop saying hello hello i took a call yesterday and i found myself i said it exactly like he didn't think about it and i was thinking about the whole call i couldn't hello i was like hello hello hello hello hello hello hello so we can afford uh speaking of ninja yo check this out attention all fortnight players in the audience fortnight has been sending out surveys because they're i guess they're trying to do some market research about who they want to work with in the future and on the survey is none other than age three eight four tonight gerber x fortnight like i love that what are we gonna do a kaya gerber collab that's like cindy crawford's daughter yo we got a really vibrant fortnite community here we got the gamer sup mango flavor sam is basically ninja's protege if we don't get his sam skin by the end of the year i'm [ __ ] pissed oh man now that would be epic i would absolutely die we need a sam skin yes so pretty exciting um up against huge huge other competitors like uh the stokes twins dixie demilia's on there angry birds characters trinity trinity from the matrix sorry okay i don't know if you all heard them from lord of the rings eminem characters nemo peter griffin what year is it wait nemo conan the barbarian that would be dove how would that even work it's a fish wait who nemo yeah uh does that have a very could work they'll make it work yeah fortnite's wild like yeah meta no one has legs okay right but it's kind of cool that i'm on here even mm-hmm with the likes of now you have to start playing fortnite yeah i don't know why i'm trying to force it but you have to play you know listening to um that sound bite of will smith it is incredible the staying power of fortnite they're they're pretty pretty for tonight that was like pretty incredible 2018 2018 yeah yeah no it's they're incredible i'm telling you guys they're smart they know how to run a video game over there yeah so vote for me as your next fortnight skin i got moves you know that the crazy good at dancing [Music] no offense to ninja but that's some [ __ ] dance like excuse me [Music] it's only a dance because they put it in no it's ninja's dance whenever we get a clue it's not a good dance and i'm sorry ninja it's just not ethan klein boys over there the crew [Music] we think the dance is iconic i'm just saying i have better moves vote for me ethan klein thank you for the five dollar dono think of it yes so if you guys if you guys get this survey in your mail uh check it out you know what to do here's another great moment that happened over the weekend some dude randomly posted on this subreddit he just said ban me mods please ban me from this sub i hate h3 i'm not subscribed and reddit won't stop showing me the sub and i don't see any way to block it please ban me uh it now has 7135 points i actually i think we should make them a mod without any authority just like an honorary mom yeah can we do that right now when i add him uh i can try i think they might have to accept it though so they might oh [ __ ] they may not go for it yeah i'll see what i can we're gonna mod you bro i think it's only fitting i'm so happy this went up because uh if you scroll down you'll see that i actually replied to this and i i just happened to uh i was still on the road driving back from the the wedding and just opened up the subreddit and i saw this post with i think at the time about hundred upvotes or something and i just thought it was so [ __ ] funny that i had to reply to him i said nah yeah i'm not banning you i'm not banning you it's on your homepage bro that's great for me of course a lot of the uh sentiment was that he's just one of us which is true you know we hate h3 we're not subscribed right and we're on the subject we're on the subreddit yeah this is exactly where you belong hundred subs yes okay so welcome everybody our new mod reinaco look through his post history yeah i'm not i didn't even know that if you weren't subscribed you could even see posts from our subreddit i don't think you can i don't think you can either i'll be totally honest i think he might have accidentally subbed at some point or something because um i don't think we show up in in the uh there's are popular and are all which will show you you know big posts from subreddits that you aren't subscribed to and i believe we're blacklisted from both of them we are we are i know we are i remember when they changed the algorithm there was a point when anything would show on the homepage and people were getting annoyed by a bunch of [ __ ] they didn't care about so they started restricting subreddits like ours yeah with a very niche community so they don't show up on the homepage but this guy's definitely like a uh tater tot slash rogan head because all this posts are about mma and [ __ ] so this is this is the real deal people are saying they now do suggested posts which is different than all and popular and i guess that that that is uh yeah people are saying recommended it's all mma yeah we're getting recommended well maybe he'll like you after today because we're gonna i'll put the [ __ ] out of him if we can convert him because that's the goal today if we can convert we can convert anybody right also his other post about bitcoin where can i buy bitcoin and then transfer it out immediately interesting or do you happen to be working with steak anyway uh did were you able to send that mod invite i'm working on that right now yeah please check your um he's definitely going to see that's so awesome dude i hope he accepts um jordan peterson also speaking of uh red pilled alpha chads l-m-f-a-o uh joker-brained peterson took to the stage last week to do a comedy set as you know when i think jordan peterson i think hilarious funny guy he's a funny guy he's the man has a way with making people laugh unleashed i don't think of like a teary-eyed crying all the time yeah uh depressed sorry not eating slowly dying wonderful to welcome george peterson to our show tonight at comedy unleashed finally freeze let's unleash this comic [ __ ] become the joker literally crow this is mad joker contour oh so true yeah so um here's a clip of him going on stage but somehow this set is gone it's just so interesting if anybody has the set i'm dying to see it great night at comedy unleashed i love that they're unleashing comedy finally finally it's been held back too long i haven't laughed in months years every budding beauty god i hate that clip it's unleashed and with that in mind we've got some guys coming we need to leash up the trans and unleash the comedy feelings would you please welcome jordan peterson this is a comedy club right [Applause] standing oh standing oh he just crushed he's gonna crush that room bro he's just crushing it the fact that this man gets a standing ovation is just so [ __ ] [Applause] i wouldn't wild call this a set wow easy crowd i wouldn't exactly call this a set man if only i had a crowd like that he then proceeded to just ramble about the fall of western civilization for the next two hours and then she said to me i was born a man and i said then you're a man dammit trans people in my right oh where would we be without comedy clubs they've leashed up comedy all over the country all right reinco has been invited as a no permissions mod and honorary mod thank you man to the subreddit so we'll we'll see if he accepts i'm so excited for that um he says the show describes itself as the home of free thinking comedy and comedians who leave self-censoring button leave the self-censoring button at the door finally l-o-l stand-up comedians who think outside the group think bubble and make us laugh fine it sounds so funny this sounds like it's such a funny set of people dude i just oh that's so awesome bro tell me tell more transphobic basically they're like we're just gonna tell a bunch of trans jokes all night so just a dave chappelle set basically yeah pride according to one audience member jordan was reading a poem from his phone [Laughter] unleash that comedy jordan oh i'm being told uh a two dollar donation from anthony hey king tick-tock banned you again rip those tater tots man they're they are relentless but if i i so far if i appeal it [ __ ] yes it works every time is it true this is just a random donut definitely true live access suspended so nice um let's appeal i mean misinformation yeah they misinformation they just get reported for tons of [ __ ] the last time was harassment this time they said we do not allow content that spreads misinformation uh okay appeal shut up thank you shout out to all my the tick tock uh tater tots out there good people that's the game we were targeting today that's the whole point of this episode right well they'll find it they'll find it yeah so here is comedy unleashed here's the great man in action reading a poem from his phone now this isn't ironic somehow this is a comedy unleashed ladies and gentlemen maybe maybe it is like some real like you know hyper ironic like some andy kaufman kind of [ __ ] he just goes up there and just dryly reads poetry for two hours i've seen why do i why do the trans people offend me so is it because is it because i love men i don't know anyway uh they said do you have a recording someone said they'll probably put on youtube soon have we checked youtube for comedy unleashed let's check it out let me check again elite yeah well i want to unleash this set can't handle jordan set being chained up like that thank you anthony hey king tick tock banjo again thank you yeah we got that i don't see damn jordan dying for that [ __ ] man they got some big names on here though really pull it up yeah i've i've been refreshing this rosie will be the legendary rosie wilby uh we have isa bonacera you know her right huge fan of her work unchained man she just speaks her mind i love that jonathan cogan you can't you can't stop jonathan cogan what i love about donna is that he doesn't hold back yeah no he's on jane he's unleashed he's free oh tobias well sort by popular let's see if actually anyone's done this nicholas is santo politically incorrect guys let's let's watch this check it out yeah let's see let's see how it changes this some people are chuckling looks like some people are not happy with their ferrari's performances lately is your lamborghini losing bits and pieces sir what's going on here anyways uh people tell me what's with that american accent i chose to learn english with an american accent because i wanted to sound cool that was not the funny part why are they laughing this is like the softest audience ever dude i gotta do a set here man i love these unchained folks it's like the softest set man wait i wanted to see a joke you bailed too fast oh you want more yeah okay i want to see their star pupil europe my comedy coach told me always open with your least controversial joke [Music] my wife is from south of germany she's austrian wow that's [ __ ] awesome dude geography with uh with dark historical undertones germans have the best sense of humor in the world skeptical didn't you know that the main purpose of the european union was to contain germany's aspirations of supremacy [Laughter] you still don't think they don't get humor i i must say i'm a right-wing comedian by the way do you guys like it yes we love that comedian he's excited dude he's positive i love right-wing people that say i have this political affiliation at the top of the show [Laughter] my meta audience went harder yeah that's true that's [ __ ] true that's from chat very true yo he's right wing okay he's unchained let's hear it you get things that you get to say things which are not politically correct you are essentially correct right for example maybe maybe if you want to go to university you must pay for it dude no he didn't just say that this guy is so unchained right now dude did he say that did he say that holy [ __ ] bro they let him say that all right let's keep going man i don't know what he's gonna say next this is crazy not fair to tax the bus driver because you want a degree in history of art what is history of art anyway history of art has anybody ever studied history of medicine can you help me with my heart problem doctor no but let me tell you all about dr christian barnard the south african surgeon who carried out the first ever human to human heart transplant yeah i mean okay thumbs up a little semantical there buddy i mean you're not gonna go to historian for medical treatment i mean uh let's be real wait i [ __ ] love this guy send me the link down because i get in i'm gonna need to pause it send me at the time stamp you know what i mean this guy's crushing man who's better him or dave rubin discover usually this guy yeah this guy you think i mean dave rubin unironically does not get laughed even in the software even even in this audience he would be because they because he's gay they don't like that yeah his friends come to his wedding so yeah exactly his own friends [ __ ] hate him it's just common sense maybe islamic state has something to do with islam just a little bit i mean it has is let's [ __ ] go ethnic genocide muslims are terrorists let's [ __ ] do this i'm in let's go let's go god he's spitting right now did he say that damn it's not that like you can't say it it's that you're it's not really funny or it's not funny yeah exactly i mean also it's not even uncommon it's what people said right thinking and saying for decades right yeah but you know i just find so ironic because the minute you make fun of christians they [ __ ] the tears the tears the amount of [ __ ] people can't gave me because i said the church is just like basically uh sanctioned to pedophilia the tears bro i love this that's great man yeah uh i don't uh elijah wood is doing it is crushing it today thank you i saw that on in uh the chat in its name if something yeah there's also ugh all right i'm not going to pick apart his uh thank you this is going better than it did in camden look at the [ __ ] hogs in here bro look at this this you just got back from a pig calling contest he plays second place not first he's not the best but he's pretty good damn and this dude just grew the biggest [ __ ] pumpkin in the county [Laughter] squeal now a lot of white people here too eh yep kind of weird how that happened not very diverse in there right if something were called nazi germany don't you think it had some elements of nazism to it yeah it's the whole country's foot let's hear him out i thought he was about to be like yo the islamic state had some good ideas because that's kind of what they play with these days right yeah it's not that like what's the first baptist church or what's the ones that are like protest people's funerals and [ __ ] uh the westboro baptist church church is in their name [ __ ] owned all christians [Laughter] some of you are thinking this is getting pretty offensive my grandfather fought for nazi germany i'm shocked right on the this man knows his audience yo that joke [ __ ] rules how many nazis in the audience tonight oh cool me too dude they love the joke yo they love that joke too much man they love that joke too let me tell you a bit much myself uh i graduated in history of art hey hey i graduated in italy do you know what it means to get a degree in history of art from the country that invented history and art getting a degree in history of art from italy is like getting a degree misogyny from pakistan it's the highest level pakistan invented misogyny i mean it's a country that ever created in the 1950s didn't exist before that that's kind of funny why i don't know why singled out like pakistan yeah why pakistan there's plenty of misogyny in other places okay shout out to the pakistanis ladies and gentlemen also italy famously not a misogynistic culture what is this guy's ethnicity i'm curious because he said he was german or austrian or something oh he is didn't he say that at the beginning maybe that was just a geographical joke yeah i thought he was just a little geographic comedy there because it's a muslim country that's a joke right but they're a much older muslim country like there were many many better options to pick afghanistan yeah i'm saying he's italian iranian oh okay yeah okay so he's persian gotcha okay interesting do you guys like nation states yeah give me any country slovenia can you do more difficult slovenia is not bad uzbekistan okay what did he ask them any fans of nation states any fans of nation states out there um yeah oh your audience man [Laughter] they so know your audience what was what did uh hitler called the plan he wanted to take over like all of russia for like bastard for like leban's room yeah or something like that any any any countries for some levin's room out here that means living space a living room living spaces in slovenia former soviet republic in central asia landlocked country the flag has three horizontal bars uh green and uh blue and in the middle you have white white is edged in red and there's a crescent and 12 stars capital city is tashkent what on earth was the point of that bit the point of that bit was not to impress the ladies the point of that bit was to show you that brexiteers can be cosmopolitan and knowledgeable thank you he's a brexiteer that's yeah oh my god this guy is [ __ ] this guy is funny holy [ __ ] yeah i thought i could see why this is the top rated video on this channel this comment says i thought this sort of comedy was illegal in the western world yup [ __ ] so refreshing to see comedians at this club who remove the veneer of [ __ ] that is foisted upon interactions and create real laughter that's awesome yeah the comedians are the real uh victims here society so um fifty shades of grey is the i don't have time for segways uh um i know you want your brakes um listen uh segway is an italian word by the way that's right this is the most watched part so i'm just gonna skip ahead this is apparent when he tears the [ __ ] crowd down let's see i assure you none of them none of them had cat ears of course strong independent women hate donald trump because his policies mean that they will ultimately have to pay for birth control and if there's anything a strong independent woman really hates is to pay for her own stuff dude i [ __ ] love right wing comedy it's so awesome at least that one like that was an offensive joke or whatever but at least that like that was maybe the first like joke that i've heard this interesting by the way we've spotted the lib [ __ ] i guess it was the uh she's not amused what happened we got the first joke laugh forget the [ __ ] out [Applause] speaking of strong women hillary clinton is still promoting her latest book it's called what happened in this book described by new york times as a feminist manifesto hillary explains that she lost to trump because american white women could not resist persuasion from their male family members so they went out and voted for trump don't you just hate it when a feminist candidate cannot smash the glass ceiling because of all these millions of stupid impressionable women standing in here and then hillary clinton is a [ __ ] lame-o sap so i haven't read her book though [Applause] yeah somebody said this guy would crush and gilead i'm just chilling in cedar rapids that video is funnier than anything i've seen in this video women can give hillary some credit that's a good point i'm just saying story does suck but that video is fire women be shopping i'm glad you got that joke because that could go either way formula one abolished grid girls you know great girls were models wearing kind of revealing skimpy clothes on on the racetrack doing promotional activities and after formula one abolished them some of these girls went on twitter lashed out at feminist they said we lost our jobs because of you but i think it's great it's great that formula one did that because in this day and age we can no longer allow the patriarchy to tell women what to do with their bodies it is up to less attractive women [Applause] any any dual citizens in the room yeah yeah uh okay people ask me what is the best thing about having been in solitary confinement in the islamic process in the islamic republic of iran you know the silver lining and that stuff um you know the great thing about having been interrogated by the notorious iranian intelligence in a dark cold hostile room is that this thing is no longer the scariest experience of my life all right everybody it's nicholas de santo yeah comedy unleashed uh just imagine what the [ __ ] on the bottom's like holy [ __ ] that's if that's the top rated [ __ ] holy smokes man well i'm super happy to welcome jordan peterson to the ring so that great organization yeah i can't wait i can't wait to see his worthless it makes me happy that so many unfunny people were able to find each other yeah yeah they probably felt like really left out community is important that's so that's so true solidarity is everything that's what it is so so there's that um we're working towards the alpha male segment i'm not looking forward to it because i'm going to take an ice bath and i'm [ __ ] putting it off for as long as possible i do not want to get in that ice um well we are uh closing in on it though so i gotta go to the bathroom okay then maybe we'll do the alpha male uh segment here hell yeah brother there's a few other stories here like um one that i'm really interested in oh interesting no real quick yeah very insightful comment someone said it has views because it got posted on our crin no [Music] yeah let me see if i can reverse search it that that actually explains a lot that's the best let's check it it had a lot of likes though it had like 29 000 likes yeah and all the comments were super crazy crazy that's so good whose grandparents fought for the nazis here show our hands joanne um all right i'm gonna go to the back i also wanted to talk about this the twitch streamer that scammed a bunch of people oh right no we definitely got to talk about that so i think we should do that beforehand yeah stuff lasts because you are not going to want to continue the show after um shredder puked apparently earlier in the stream and the chat is trying to let us know oh they saw it what he always pukes a lot i think it's like one of the potential conditions of being a little yorkie being inbred but i don't know i've been trying lots to like they say feed them a snack before bed um there's this enzyme or uh enzymes that he just won't [ __ ] eat he will not eat it so yeah i'm saying it's very common yeah it's common with yorkies yeah but i i feel bad it's not good for his mouth and his teeth are getting [ __ ] up mm-hmm you're so cute look at him i'm cute the puking one it's not normal actually i was gonna wait till after the show ethan but the the vet said we should bring him in um if it's been happening often it's not common that's weird because i took them to the vet like a year ago and they said it's normal for this kind of small dog and they just told me to give him a snack before bed and to try to get him to eat these uh yeah i remember that whatever some [ __ ] enzymes but so what what did you tell the vet lena oh i said i was gonna double check with you because they wanted to know if um is he still behaving normally like yeah he's totally yes everything's normal his behavior is normal his appetite's normal he's totally fine and then is the puke like liquidy or is he throwing up food uh it's like yellow stomach bile it has it's usually just stomach while i love that we're doing this diagnosis now it's just yellow stomach well sometimes you can see here there's just little bits of stuff but he's not like puking up his meals you know okay yeah and they said if it is bile also that's not common for them so what yeah that's literally the opposite of what they told me last time i'll double check because she didn't ask what breed he is i just gave the name and because he's been there so many times i figured maybe they'll pull up his chart but i'll double check with you yeah it's you it's it's always just yellow stomach bile okay yeah i'll let them know um i'm gonna go to the bathroom and then we'll we'll we'll move on so i'll be right back okay what the heck what the heck is right how we doing everybody out there beautiful world let's see we have uh some member chats coming in we got a let's go for manual let's go 17 months a member wow legend what a g uh redders in the chat oh that's like shredder but with the w redder's in the chat saw bert and tom talk about how ethan is the wrong guy to mess with laughing emoji uh facts i feel a faint uh i feel ashamed to bear his name oh you have the same last name as uh no you're santos this guy's santo you're good you're good santa we love the santos clan here [Music] uh so no stress i have a story real quick you got story yeah this weekend i went to hollywood and i went to a place called the icons of darkness museum and i saw something you might like to see guys what'd you see hold on let me share it can you pull stuff up on the discord yeah yeah just send it in this card and upload and um the tour guide was matt who's also a food trooper so shout out to you matt why is there just a picture of ethan well is this what you meant to send yeah they had the original penguin costume there and i thought of uh yeah that is really cool i thought of you guys that's awesome not to say who i thought of but i thought of you guys keep it general yeah can i say two things one i want to shout out all the fans i met at universal over the weekend you guys were awesome it was really cool meeting a lot of you guys we got flooded there it was really cool and you got like approached by a ton of people yeah a lot of people i have family here from out of town so it made me look good oh very good and the other thing i want to say is uh zach lewis live at the troubadour let's [ __ ] go dude i went to a karaoke bar this weekend and it's the coolest place to just sit down and watch because for some people it's you i didn't realize this but the more that i stayed the longer i realized that performances were like really important to some of them like there was a guy who was i think it was probably his 50-something birthday and he looked like a really jock he had a letterman jacket on he clearly played football or something and all of his buddies were with him and they were all supporting him as he went up and he like said i'd love to sing for a really long time and then he just busted out and he gave us the most beautiful performance and then there was a man what was the song oh it was some country thing okay i don't know but um there was also a man in a red leather jacket i took a video of him but before his performance he leaned against the wall he had no no one was there with him it was just him he leaned against the wall with one of his legs up just like arms crossed and then he got started and it was really really something to see it was pretty fun pretty good somebody said dan i was also at a wedding this weekend and we kept joking we're gonna run into you at the dance floor um i i boogie down a little bit i got down it was an interesting wedding because the groom uh is costa rican and his whole family was there and the bride was jewish and so it was it it was like a both um latino jewish wedding uh uh i think that's the fridge open or something oh oh stop so you know they did like the horror and like all that and then you know a bunch of like latin music going back and forth between jewish and lab music all right well let's talk about this twitch streamer and then i'll [ __ ] god i don't want to do this ice bath oh i have to do it though yeah improve yourself come on all right so this story is really interesting a lot there's been a lot of twitch drama lately i don't know if you guys noticed that like yeah there was like xqc you had an argument with his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend that was freaking out about but this one seems downright just crazy and criminal uh it started there's this streamer called slicker and do you know who this is love did you know who this was before of course he's a massive streamer he is yeah or he's been kind of m.i.a for a while i guess since his starter wow that's interesting so he was at one point a massive streamer yes this situation started when a user on live stream phil posted a video of this guy asking them for money and this started a chain reaction where a bunch of people revealed that this streamer slicker was also asking them for money so here is the video um i hope you don't hate me on this it's so cringe and i'm cringe for asking my brother please do not hate me please keep it personal as well basically um my bank account got locked this has happened for like three four days i've been asking around people sadly um today well tomorrow is the last day um until my credit starts getting [ __ ] up it got locked out and i was looking for people that actually work and that could i either i could ask if i could borrow from and i'll pay back genuinely give me two months and i can pay back if you can't know where is my brother if you can but please um don't feel forced to say yes uh yeah i'm sorry i couldn't get in the call to do this so i'm i feel genuinely embarrassed i've asked a few streamers they couldn't help and yeah i don't mind it it's okay um so i just went out asked a few subs i've noticed and yeah he's asking a fan for money dude why don't you just stream he's a big streamer does he just make money when he works you know who wants me to take their money yeah so apparently he's been reaching out to a bunch of his viewers on discord asking for money yo here he is yo you there yo bro you couldn't do another 600 legit i will have you back soon what here's another one i sent you 130. i'll send you 1300 now love you king no problem yo bro if i ask for 1.1 k i got you all on my brother say no if you can't don't worry but mom's life i got you heading to bank tomorrow damn bro i gotta go to bed now work in the morning so the i mean this is all just him hitting up fans for money dude look at all i didn't realize there was so much going on here wouldn't the guy just stream he's well he's just all day scamming people so i i just double checked his twitch stats and he i guess he kind of fell off a little bit late this year i he dropped some viewers this year quite a lot so maybe maybe streaming isn't as of a solid income for him anymore so it's like everyone knows who he is but he's not definitely crazy money he's very very known on twitch yeah what was his category of streaming like just shouting and i think he played some games every now and then don't want to be rude or anything please do not see this as a disrespect disrespectful message non-intended um basically um my bank account got locked this guy's running the nigerian prince i have access to my money on everyone because he wants to lose some money it doesn't really work when you're everyone knows who you are that's like a bad way to commit fraud so the reason i guess it came out that he's scamming his fans and he moves on to start scamming fellow twitch streamers he even scammed the cancer patient out of the money they needed for treatment hell but man like you were my friend bro and before i was going for my transplant knowing you're not going to pay me you're asking for my money but i pulled together to save my life and you had no intention even though i've already given you money you never paid backpack and then you asked for another 10k before i'm meant to be going to america to pay for this stuff man i just want to know i know addiction is difficult but damn that is [ __ ] up shout out uh hassan's this apparently his strong clip so he's all over this [ __ ] too we're back this thursday by the way wow this guy is [ __ ] up yeah so it came out he's a gambling addict which is interesting of course given twitch's cozy relationship with gambling here's an edit of all the videos he sent out asking people for money it has copyrighted music in it though or in the beginning it does sorry to bother you oh this is hassan's editor who put this together um i have a problem with myself should i just skip four past the copyrighted music got queen the whole way um okay so that's not gonna work but you guys get the idea it's a mash-up of all these edit videos he sent people streamers started coming forward asking about uh saying they that he asked them for money too names include hassan xqc mizkif anika anita pokeman minks asthma gold and many more damn here he is saying that it all started from you guessed it cs go gambling what a surprise [ __ ] shout out face clan it's all it's all happening right here phase of the [ __ ] up dude um ever since cs go not to blame but ever since just to clarify this is him like coming clean uh yeah or yeah this is from two days ago and is there people who are like oh it's an addiction let's get him help or is everyone like [ __ ] this guy to hell but probably both at the same time i think i think you can be you can think both at the same time you know it's it's sad that he's in that situation but he kind of put himself in there you know i mean there's just it's a little sadistic though to be taking like money from cancer patients i mean yeah there's got to be some there's got to be some well it's like an illness you know addiction all that but you know it's definitely not all to blame you know definitely not um it's the first time i went on that site and i uh i was it was it was a fun place to be you know gamble skins and stuff and um uh wow eventually i found out you could gamble with money i i started to gamble with money and um [Music] this was even when i started having my first job and then um [Music] whatever um yeah and uh going on one streamer says he was scammed out of 27 000. train wreck says he gave him a hundred thousand dollars as a gift what the [ __ ] you just gave him a hundred thousand dollars yeah i gave him a lot of money usd just a gift like i literally said just give it you know i mean straight gift and i wasn't happy about it like don't get me wrong i wasn't like oh you don't have no and i was like listen like get your [ __ ] together i'm pissed we're done though i mean that was the trade-off it was like we're done i'll be done with you for a hundred thousand did train wreck i'm sorry but this guy is [ __ ] the amount of money that passes through this guy's hand from being affiliated with steak is [ __ ] mentally ill like i've heard him do this before he's like here's a hundred thousand dollars for you here's it's like dude it's not normal this world you guys are living in state gives him so much [ __ ] money he's just like here's a hundred thousand to feed your gambling addiction don't ever talk to me again i mean like it feels dumb and that's a lot of money it's super generous whatever but it just feels [ __ ] weird it is weird yeah it's very strange it's there's no like [ __ ] man yeah but hit uh train i'll hit you up i got problems we can not be friends anymore i'll take the 100k we got i got problems bro train i got problems my bank account's all [ __ ] up i can't play my employees just this one time bro come on that's insane uh slicker confirmed that he got a hundred thousand from train wreck on stream um well i didn't i didn't question that so whatever and then trainwreck of course is coping hard of course he gets all of his money from gambling from steak to be clear the people scapegoating slots blackjack and roulette and not blaming the individual are the real oh they're the real problem they're the real [ __ ] problems this would have never happened without you guys you're the real problem the real problem are the people that are upset the you guys are you guys did this the real problem on top of that slicker was a sports gambling addict hello the one type of gambling that is normalized and that i don't want to hear a single one of you clout goblins [ __ ] talk about yeah no sports gambling is the problem not slots i don't know so you guys are the problem also i gave him a hundred thousand dollars like it was a [ __ ] like i was just buying him a coffee that's normal anyway yeah steak paid me five million dollars this month but you guys are the problem what a coping ass [ __ ] bro how much [ __ ] you you you could only bare your head in the sand for so long i don't know this is [ __ ] insane to me this man is so deluded he's never gonna stop either until either he's i'll tell you what train wreck at this rate is going to be the one scamming people in a few years when the stake money stops [ __ ] this came after um lots of people were calling for twitch to ban gambling which a lot of people have been saying youtube doesn't allow gambling which is why steve will do it was banned pokeman said like if twitch should ban gambling and of course trainok was she's the problem when i jerk off donnie i might dude i'm actually surprised 21 000 people actually like this i'm 21. yeah you also make up your mind is it the individual's fault or is it a disease you know it's like he's picking and choosing where where to put the blame oh god train wreck i don't know love i know you're a fan of these guys i mean this this [ __ ] is [ __ ] insane right i mean i don't know yeah yeah he's got a tweet it's insane okay okay good i'm glad because i don't think you're like a defender of them but you generally have like a a fairly for a long time and i really like them as people but what they're doing right now is [ __ ] [ __ ] i think gambling should be banned you know the like top of the top argument for everything is like you get paid right they pay you for a reason they don't pay you for fun they pay you because you are making them profit you know yeah you're fine so that means that well according to train wreck love you're the real problem yeah yeah i am i am this is all your fault yeah sorry trey you know what you know the problem is though it's definitely not me wow that was [ __ ] on the nose zach [Laughter] that was on the nose what what is your what is your hypothesis at this point for twitch not acting on this i think it's been well over a year at this point that it's been like a phenomenon on twitch i think twitch is losing audience they're losing people people so many other top streamers are going to youtube there's more competition i don't understand twitch bismuth they're like they'll ban their biggest streamer dr disrespect who goes to youtube and all these people are coming to youtube i think they literally are afraid of losing more people i don't think twitch is long for this world like i'm i mean they're not going away anytime soon but i'm talking over the next 10 years i don't think they're going to have this monopoly at least that they do now and they know that they're scared um and it's actually a fairly big category for them actually yeah no absolutely so i think that's the only reason is the xcc not the biggest streamer on the platform still yeah by far i think so oh thank you to slicker for 50 gifted subs thanks bro whose money was that hello was that train part of train wrecks 100k i'll take it so in essence that was from steak stake by the transitive property just gifted 50 subs i mean i just put i just pulled up i mean qrik my wrong this is this is his account right i mean seven hours ago yeah he's not banned they haven't taken oh no yo just and he's literally scamming users and and colleagues and actually what's interesting is i feel like he's riding this wave it's benefiting him people are watching him they're talking about him and then the other crazy thing is he said a gambling company he didn't say which i'm assuming it's stake said we will pay off all your gambling debts if you let us sponsor you now i'm not i don't know that at stake for sure but stakes the person that i see predominantly across twitch so if someone did reach out to him it's my assumption that it would be stake and so um they're essentially pro uh gambling addiction i mean obviously that's how they make their money yeah they come out and say it they're 100 because usually again with regulated casinos they have to have a lot of they have to have ways for you to ban yourself from a lifetime where you can say don't ever accept my money again they have like get help for gambling addiction all over the place there's regulations uh basically in place whereas stake is like i will pay off your at stake allegedly based on my assumption is like um i will pay off your gambling debt and allow you to keep doing your addiction that's [ __ ] crazy ian just sent this this is this is the clip if you want to watch it yeah i'm gonna pull it up right now okay that makes sense if you've got a gambling even he's chatting with hassan and his give miss kiff he's is this what i'm saying he's not he's kind of like embracing it all it's kind of gross that way yeah juicing he's juicing it up uh slicker said on stream today had he not got caught he would have continued it legend i'll get to that next got a gaming sponsor tomorrow would you do it um i that's a yes i mean already yeah not gonna say who yes um i just got a call with a casino they said um they would help me pay off the people if i do the sponsor of them but i refused it i couldn't do it no that's why there's a there's a chance that he's making it up too because i mean the guy's a fans he's a serial liar hammer because i was like it would just not make any sense like [ __ ] mind dude okay um yeah i love that he's on the apology tour right now it's awesome people are watching his stream again he's loving it and then the other funny thing is xqc who makes a shitload of money from gambling sponsorships who said i'm done it was [ __ ] up i should have never done it and then a few months later i was like let's get that steak money coming he's like yo i'm gonna pay off all the debt using stake money because i'm like train wreck have irrational little irrational amounts of money from steak isn't that what happened love so he's like yo i'm gonna pay off everyone's debt and and but he's still doing the gambling on his stream right yeah so he's probably back the money so he gets to be the good guy but he's part of this whole [ __ ] machine actually he's a one of the main parts of this machine being honest as the biggest streamer on the platform oh yeah i can't imagine the amount of money yeah but what the [ __ ] this is this is gonna eat itself alive yo this is like a dragon eating its tail this is gonna come to a head because this [ __ ] is so shady it's so [ __ ] up it's integrated and twitch in all the fundamental ways from the top up and i i i think i said this last year when we talked about this and the fact that it still has not hit the mainstream press as a massive scandal that this website that is primarily used by children let's let's be honest yep the biggest streamers on the platform are just slamming slots for eight to 14 hours a day this is [ __ ] insane this whole thing is going to explode one day i don't know when but it's gonna be catastrophic for everybody involved and twitch i mean and the fact they haven't banned him yet it's like why not okay don't ban gambling but why not him he's a scam art he's scammed exactly people because that just admits that that you can't do that why can't they he's scamming literal users of twitch right like youtube reserves that right they say like if someone is damaging the ecosystem for other people we reserve the right to sure that's in twitch's tos too but i mean it's clearly a conscious choice and it's like it's hard to i'm not saying that this is what's going on but at this point it's hard for me to not start thinking like somebody high up at twitch like own a piece of steak or something like what the [ __ ] is going on it is hard like how have they not acted on this it's hard to imagine that level of corruption because it's like jeff bezos owns it it's amazon you know they run a tight ship i'm sure but ultimately you might i mean i guess it's possible that one person high up and and setting policy is getting like an insane kickback from steak i don't know it's hard it's hard to say that you know it's hard yeah i mean i'm not saying that that's what's going on but it crosses your mind it's hard to not start thinking like there has to be something deeper going on because it's just so irrational for them to be completely passive about this it is it really is what are we going to say love there's a pretty interesting thing that i heard a person called devin nash talk about the other day he's like a big shot he's the owner of like gaming orcs and stuff ex-owner and he knows a lot about these things apparently the reason i'm sorry the reason amazon bought twitch was not to be the big big shots in streaming they wanted the streaming technology and they actually make their a lot of money more money than from the streaming platform twitch itself in selling the actual live streaming service to other companies if that makes sense again underlying technology yeah the software no that makes sense so they actually he davinash said like the top people don't give a [ __ ] about uh people on twitch or yeah on there i think their money maker i think the high ups in amazon don't give a single [ __ ] about twitch just because it's not making money i mean i don't think twitch is making money i don't see how it's even possible it's not maybe they break even at best but um here is one of his this was actually she was this girl hat you was apparently really good friends with him he says sorry sorry i have a huge problem right now i don't even have that much on stream because of depression look i believed you at least try to pay me back it's still a really tough situation for me and i really need the money she told him and he says please please send me he's asking please i'm really sad and that i really depression but at least i need to try but he just said he even didn't try you know what money was even doesn't matter at the time i just said because he just he just didn't think about me he just didn't give a [ __ ] about me i thought he was my friend at least he was trying to he should try to oh it's just interesting to think that like stick cup steak or companies like they're the only best beneficiary of this grief this horrific the wake of destruction like the gambling addict doesn't benefit anything the people he's stealing money from doesn't benefit anything steak and companies like it are the only ones that end up with the money well twitch is juicing views off the drama it's not just like you said slicker he's kind of benefiting from it he's not banned he's getting lots of views that is [ __ ] mind-blowing that that man is not how is he not banned like what the [ __ ] and he's just he's hundreds of thousands of dollars i was checking his page yesterday it was like oh he was live two hours ago yeah he's just living it up you know people people keep pointing out like either ms kif or or xuc they're giving these people their money back which is good obviously that the victims are getting repaid but it's like this is clearly a systemic problem they're being paid off by the [ __ ] people promoting the god damn right well in excess case i don't think i think gambled a long time ago but i don't think he's no i'm not talking about yeah talking about xqc and trainwreck right love says that he had 10k viewers on his past two streams whereas his average is 1k so this has been a huge uh benefit to him oh yeah crazy great great uh market ploy there yeah here's xqc trying to convince train wreck the two biggest gambling streamers to pay back the people scammed let's see it was stand by slicker you know what i'll throw an offer out there i'll throw it off right there okay i'll do a curveball okay and i will stick to my word if train wants to if he wants to join force with me on a 50 50 split okay i will refund half of everybody who has been scammed of any money a singular dollar with proof we'll go through all of them and we'll refund them if she wants to go fifty fifty-fifty how about that i'm sorry you just don't get to be the good guy when you're the one causing this problem i'm sorry it's [ __ ] up it's just it's insane no free good will for no good will for you bro like i'm i'm a good that that makes you feel better but you guys are still responsible for this and when the dust settles man they're gonna have a lot to answer for those two guys it's gonna be a lot it feels like hush money yeah maybe a little bit i mean that was yeah it's like settle down it's like nda's money yeah yeah don't rock the boat here steak is my cash cow then people start to question it and then fbi maybe gets involved exactly was my my gut instinct as well when i heard that that sounds like damage control to me sounds like an investment yeah damning people did i'm i'm also a little bit curious how does train give slicker one hundred thousand dollars from canada to england that is impossible which i think it was probably crypto crypto right because yeah there's no way to pay that you can do that uh legally oh i see what you mean like tax wise yeah i mean probably definitely not but impossible well well well so to do it legally train would have to he would have to acknowledge it on his taxes as a gift and then it would make silker liable to pay income tax on it depending on his jurisdiction right but i'm sure he's not doing that right it's on it's basically on slicker to report that as income so he's the one breaking the law yeah all right which i don't think he i don't think he has any problem doing that clearly fair enough but that's a good point that's a ton of money changing hands you need to report that stuff and that's the other thing too i don't know where slicker lives i don't even know what country's in but um if he was in the u.s i mean this is beyond like tos [ __ ] at this point like oh it's a crime it's fraud yeah it's like all kinds of fraud like this is serious jail time territory in the uk but i don't i don't think their laws on this [ __ ] is very different than ours that's not fraud it is fraud damn it i would call that uh false advertising no darrell he straight up lied to them it's not false advertising let's figure out how to dig ourselves out of this [ __ ] that's a steak ladies and gentlemen yeah this shit's nuts man twitch man i'll give you be honest i've always hated twitch as a platform and ever since they dumped us like unceremoniously i've always thought that they just suck as a platform which sucks to say because the employees there that i met are awesome super sweet great people people that work at twitch but as an organization it [ __ ] is horrible like toxic even um really bad yeah and i mean after years of working on the show and being on youtube primarily i mean youtube is far from a perfect platform but when it comes to um being at least remotely consistent with like enforcing it rules and everything i mean youtube is way better about it than twitch and yeah just the way that they're so arbitrary about how they i mean the fact that this guy is not banned at this point tells you everything you need to know whereas you know hassan caught a band for saying cracker it's like why that's so true you know what i mean like it's [ __ ] crackered they ban they ban women for showing too much cleavage you know what i mean like they ban people for the most arbitrary [ __ ] and then here is just clear-cut he admits to it he's on the users not just other creators but like the subs like people that use the website you're he's defrauding your users not like not like a little fraud like this sounds like this guy stole like hundreds of thousands if not a million dollars like this is grand grand fraud here insane high level crimes yeah [ __ ] twitch i'm i'm so done with that seven day ban for saint cracker it's just like what is that you can't say cracker i mean this still blows my mind crack it cracker still no explanation for why doctor disrespect was banned actually nothing isn't that amazing one of the greatest mysteries of all internet history really is it's so awesome i would pay to know that i would pay a lot of money to know that well there it is guys uh twitch continues to be the best it's the best the undisputed greatest platform out there and actually i'm super happy to announce my new sponsor steak maybe twitch later a little bit later today with that music zach let's hear it i'm happy here to announce that i will be uh redeeming all of [Music] slick's uh victims go ahead and use uh slick 40 get 40 free dollars if you sign up today at stake he's going to jail that's right 40. let's go hey ethan can i have 300 000 i know you got it i got you bro but we're done after this all right deal all right yes slot machines big money it's sports betting that's the problem okay let's go let's play some slots h3 i trust them i think you can too i trust that's just alone big difference is how you pay it back [Laughter] and it's become your family's heart and soul it really is h3 so you can retire better somebody in the chat said xqc tweeted he gambled 1 000 and made 1.5 million and is using it to pay all the debt don't care oh that's great hey you can no is the solution i'm gonna go dude that's it if only slicker would have gambled harder and longer that's right won and paid them back yes yes yes yes how did i not see it before free money it's free money xqc only refunded people if they made a stake account not kidding to apply for uh debt forgiveness refunding imbalance avery said he sent the clip hey dan you think gambling's a problem it's you're the problem let's go this isn't my first rodeo it's come visit our hut [Music] all right all right i can't put this off any longer right oh wait so we have uh some prep work to do while you're setting that up yeah so all right guys i've been getting a lot of [ __ ] from people's from ladies out there's boyfriends and i'm sick of it i'm sick of people thinking me as a soy you guys got to see this i love when you guys post these by the way so keep it up guys i've been seeing this has turned out to be a real high value man everybody i'm so lucky he says h3 is a [ __ ] r word and not in a good way which i find did we i find that interesting because yeah what's the good version of the uh of the r word there [ __ ] thank you quartering that is the word i was referencing well i that that just breaks my heart because i thought it was one of the good uh uh can i say that word or can i say it or something jeremy say it for you maybe jeremy will say it for me yeah yeah yeah i i i breaks my heart because i thought i was one of the good [ __ ] yeah she said why though because interviews suck and he's an unprepared idiot he's completely unable to handle his platform correctly wow talk about a critic this guy is a deep analysis he got his thank you shredder he got his rise and fame from good content and then his content sucked when he ran out of ideas and now the podcast is all he has left dude is see this inability you're bringing some alpha male energy she said you are blind i love how he flips on her so [ __ ] hard bro like like she's not even really she's kind of just goofing around like mad alpha energy you are blind [ __ ] this is my favorite he goes his bill burr interview and doc disrespect interviews are an example that [ __ ] happened like five years ago yeah i don't know what's his beef with the doctor disrespect one you know the bill the first bill burr interview is actually lower obviously but that happened like five years ago and we had a second one people forget we had a second one that was great he says i'm straight up unprepared and winged it again five years ago his interview his interviews have actually significantly improved since those examples and i find it unlikely you've watched thank you queen you're but i hate to tell you queen but you applaud it's incredible how much they hate me though like he passionately [ __ ] hates me it's not even like that's not my cup of tea i used to be a fan but you know i just stopped watching it's passion it's incredible it's like the alpha males being a fan threatens almost their self-identity as an alpha male yeah i'm not sure he says i'm seeds i see the inability i was also feeling like that wasn't a proper usage of the word seeds or inability it just makes that make much sense beta behavior that's just one okay we have had so many posts and look here's another one keep them coming by the way ladies told the tinder date that i watch h3 and i'm a curt member he literally laughed out loud he said i don't [ __ ] with h3 a lot because he's like strongly against working out which i think is kind of weird oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that love i glanced over at you let me see that again oh hold on hold on yo are you against working out bro yeah bro oh i i thought it was like a fat filter dude it's incredible the uh reach that these alpha exercise guys have they've turned they're all turned against me i'm against working out people who work out are enemies if you work out i don't want to be your friend if you work out you're not allowed in my house we don't welcome your types working outs for pansies and losers and women get down you work out what are you a woman that's just another one you're making these jokes but this is going to turn up on the next uh tick tock compliment here's another one i brought up the podcast with the guy meeting in person in a week h3 podcast i wasn't lying i don't know dude i might have to ghost you i love h3 lola i'm just kidding i watched them for years he was funny like six years ago not sorry dude so fat and gross and tells people tells people they shouldn't talk about health [ __ ] fat ugly and stupid he's kind of a hypocrite his vague nation video was legit funny though it's like it's just the infamy i have like infamy as somehow and it all boils down to fat batman bad fat ugly and stupid fat man bad fat ugly and stupid skinny man good strong man good how i'm sorry to ladies ladies how are you it must be really hard out there to meet a man if this is the [ __ ] you're encountering he literally criticized me because i'm fat and gross to a date yeah a lot of boys that's what men are like out there for real like some of them a lot of them and actually most of these girls are it seems like they've been talking to them for a few days or even a week and it's like damn yeah sometimes people will uh come out of left field can you imagine saying that i don't like him he's fat and gross yeah you just like being on dating apps as a girl i'm sure guys go through their own separate thing and um the people blah blah you know what i'm saying okay what was i saying i don't know what you're saying that everyone has their thing you think there's [ __ ] girls too it's just you're prepped to to respond to various situations like if i get a certain text like send pics i'll be like oh okay i i know this situation and this the the right wing situation is it's one that you're prepped for and the the women are lesser than yeah i've the few so you think this is a right wing like a conservative guy thing going on here yeah yeah here's another one me and my co-workers were getting along and playing fortnite together until i told them i'm an h3 fan now i'm scared these people were friends they were playing videos together video games together tonight she said me and my boyfriend are watching the h3 pod ugh and also what's that how's those two sentences the h3 podcast is a comedy podcast on youtube oh my [ __ ] god i remember him from back in the day he fell off i don't think so i still like his stuff today why don't you like him super reasonable by the way right super nice he's fat bro how do you type that he literally says why don't you like him he's fat he's fat and tells little boys that working out is bad for them [ __ ] what little boys it's like i'm doing i'm doing i'm going around kindergarten giving speeches [ __ ] yo if you exercise you don't you don't be around my kid what the i mean it's like the the boogie manification of me is kind of crazy i'm more interested in the next line actually he's a sellout to his fans selling out she said that means selling out as in like bending to the will of your fans or a sellout to his fans well let's see she says sell out how he used to be chill but now he's afraid to say anything because people form a mob he's a [ __ ] now oh i know what happened he read that jordan peterson tweet where jordan's like one day one day one day i lost it one day you will bow to your walk mob and they'll come for you next buckle he used to be chill sell out how he used to be chill bro oh my god i wish i want these guys to to watch though they need me these guys need me more than anyone oh sorry no no go ahead they just they give you so much power it's crazy they think so much about me i'm such a boogeyman in their world usually you're just like what are your interests xyz cool what are yours people really have a lot to say when when they give their podcast you could have just he could have just been like cool like i'm not a big fan of his yeah literally i used to watch him back in the day i don't really watch them anymore that's fine even that is telling enough low-key though no i mean that's right yeah i mean there are no there are things that i used to watch that i don't watch anymore and it's not because i dislike them you just your taste change olivia's right but that is the pipeline that's that's the that's the go-to you got to be careful man there's a lot of clowns out there wow that was good wow i did enjoy that wow that was great also i was gonna say i've been caught in 4k it's from zach yeah i saw that yeah a little joker brain action yeah split personality yeah dude i don't even remember that he continues look all i'm saying is every time i see him anywhere it's because he's being a beta [ __ ] yeah it's probably because you're on tater talk and i used to be a fan of the podcast until you started apologizing for everything okay apologies are for women i don't even know what he's talking about yo only [ __ ] apologize beta red flag love that yeah what about it lol don't tell me you're gonna spaz out what do you think of andrew taylor she's right on the money [Music] oh boy phoning in you wouldn't be the type right on the target his content isn't for you is it for you he changed my life and made me want to speak my mind and not care to be silenced by the mob he gave men a voice when people wanted to remove you're it fortnite oh bro chill you're playing fortnite yeah so these are the people uh these are the people yes but i but it's not okay because i wanna you know i want to grow the channel i want that's the game that's the game i want people to i want them to come back the fallen fans i need to prove to them that i am indeed alpha i do think i'm more alpha than andrew tate i do shut up it's just a matter of fact i'm more alpha life's too short to exercise here's one here's just an example this one has a 1.5 million views 200 000 likes so let's see here we go life's too short to exercise i'm just going to be honest there's so many you can even hear people laughing in the background that's me like thank you zach i'm not like delivering a ted talk saying don't exercise better things to do than exercise it is a shame for a man to grow by the way this is from uh berserk oh this is berserk oh maybe not no it's that one it sounds like the opening uh it's an anime where everyone's super jacked jojo no no [ __ ] what's it called i've watched it it's pretty good talk about the old school one no no it's it just came out on netflix baki baki yeah it's like a weird met it's like a muscle fetish [ __ ] like to be honest i like it but the muscle animations are really kind of sexual without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable socrates was very interested in man's body yeah oh yeah socrates was interested in [ __ ] touching a little baby's dick how do you feel about that sex good yo dude you're jacked let's [ __ ] go it's awesome do it oh it's so awesome so that one has 1.5 this one has 2 million there's all so many of these i don't have time to show you all of them like it's too short to exercise i'm just going to be on it i love that i became a meme on gym talk 250 000 likes 2 million views there's so many better things to do than exercise it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable yeah oh yes [ __ ] yes oh let's see all the sounds that use this yo i'm [ __ ] owning this [ __ ] 6 313. look at all these life's too short to exercise i'm just going to be honest so many better things to do than exercise life's too short to exercise this one has uh five hundred thousand it's too short to exercise i'm just gonna be honest there's so many better things to do than exercise it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable you know what's so awesome about like weightlifting community it's just a bunch of dudes like checking each other out i don't think from what i understand i don't think women prefer this body type to like others i mean i'm sure some women do i studied i saw someone do like a survey of like body types that women prefer and the super muscly guys were not anywhere near the top but anyway all the top comments about me why ethan such an l now well so many better things to do does none of them how do you know like every single top comment so many grammatical errors all over the place doesn't really make any sense i guarantee those types of people never took it seriously that's why just look at him no wonder why he says that lol the creator said he never did what the [ __ ] you know me he sits in a chair all day doing the worst podcast what else is he doing love it man so gym talk was really prolific with this it's pretty pretty interesting it is a shame for a man oh you used to be a fat loser like me [ __ ] look at that sunday you fat [ __ ] i bet you ate that whole thing hump fatty life's too short to exercise let's see i love the self-loathing that like sex people have for themselves it's like you were fat your whole life now what fat people are like the biggest [ __ ] losers in the world because you you got your [ __ ] together [Music] [Music] the poses are so crazy like he's so glamorous with it i used all of it look at that big old smile look how happy he is to eat that [ __ ] sundae where's my daddy who's this really nice loki yeah like he looks like he would be a very kind kind guy yeah he looks like a teddy bear let's see if there's any comments about me i mean good for him but i don't see why you got to put other people down i used to be a fat [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] anyway actually all the comments here about him that's nice but um pretty interesting little uh meme there on tater talk yeah well you know what [ __ ] them i'm gonna prove here now are we ready to to for the uh yeah i guess so um i'm here to prove all you taylor talks wrong that i am an alpha male exercising is not what makes you alpha let's be honest let's be honest i'm richer than you i've got a beautiful family my wife loves me we're about to have a 10-year anniversary i've got a meaningful job that i love i work with people that i love what's not alpha about that you know what's [ __ ] beta is going to a gym and salivating over another man's body all day that's fine that's just gay but it's fine [Applause] is that a dude coming that's great ball that's big ball that's grateful you know what's beta listening to other people tell you how to run your [ __ ] life be your own man that's beta oh daddy andrew tate tell me how to live beta real men walk their own path i felt worthless [ __ ] i felt ugly that's right keep going i felt gay that's the worst of all like that's based on what they told me [Music] i'm sorry but i'm here to show you what real alphas look like they look like me they look like dan dan's alphas [ __ ] bro cameron alpha love alpha chad omega zack zack is something else i'll take that but he's not a beta no he's he's uh what's the what's like the greek uh for jay they gotta have one j alpha alpha alpha brain jumping brain dude ian is so [ __ ] alpha i mean take a look at this guy go ahead ian that is the face of an alpha male i'm serious he has a massive penis like these guys who talk about alpha all day they're such sheep they really are they're they're just members of a [ __ ] herd that makes them feel superior but you guys are actually the betas okay got nothing to do with physical strength i appreciate that thank you you're welcome ian the alpha is in your heart okay i got some muscles you do let's see him oh my god do you exercise sometimes sometimes there it is we got the gym back there in our office i mean that's how alpha we are we have the gym in our studio how much how much weight you got there love uh let's see i think it's like um it looks to be around uh 24 pounds wow yeah but alpha's not about how much the weight weighs it's about how much [Applause] of a weight you don't let society weigh on your heart abs alpha is [ __ ] we all know that are we ready dan okay so all right so this is proving to you all all you alphas at home listen and watch here we go first of all i've got alpha brain this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] expensive talk about sheep i know i'm it's hard not to react you guys paid like 60 bucks for 30 of these alpha brains and you're accusing me of being a beta you're literally cuck to alpha brain [ __ ] you show up at work and then you're supposed to take four a day right olivia is that what i said i think serving size two capsules and it says suggested use okay take two per day that's four bucks a day so here you go guys it doesn't matter okay here we go who's more alpha now how many [ __ ] alpha brain is that lunchtime [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] just like something that alpha brain is good stuff dude you're just like socrates soccer teams would have eaten it more alpha brain i'm not on that level yet bro does it taste like mussels tastes like a bunch of dog [ __ ] it tastes like beef jerky you know what's one of the health benefits you want to know how this is legit it says promotes flow state state ladies and gentlemen not taking a pause to pee uh they don't define what flow state is unfortunately could be how well i urinate close state okay 10 alpha brains down what's next simulated hunt joe rogan hunts with the spear i hunt with my [ __ ] hands or he hunts with the bow i hunt with my hands this is my trident this is what i always go hunting with this is there's a little echo this is my hunting weapon of choice like poseidon himself only [ __ ] and bettas and fools use hunting bows rifles really dark in the shot very beta of you dad there you go pretty darn okay whatever yeah it's brian we're uh you're being sub-primal right now yeah you're being really surprised all right wait wait wait wait wait hold on you need your hunting buddy come on join me bro we about to open the [ __ ] up and you know i hear beta's talking about using guns rifles nah the real thrill of the hunt is in hand-to-hand combat with the spear let's go love leave the church okay leave the charge but i'm right behind you there's your uh there's your prey over there you see that right behind you there buddy yeah i see right i'm just letting love leave the charts all false a grizzly one of the most deadly animals all right eat this chip [Music] some technical difficulties we'll get back to the hunt momentarily [Music] i'd like to see joe rogan go toe-to-toe with the grizzlies we good yeah we're back yeah yeah anyway there's some real alpha [ __ ] bro [Music] by the way [ __ ] the little mermaid being black i gotta tried it like her dad and we all know she's white [Music] that little mermaid is white excuse me love oh that was pretty good pretty good yeah that was really good that's the primal go ahead love your chicken just scream the little mermaid is white as you yeah yeah yeah spear you know i was our father [Music] oh um is this speaker not working what's the little mermaid white hello yeah i'm speaking on this one here okay so she was white right right yeah okay cool anymore whoa bro what you want to square up what are you saying oh [ __ ] what are you saying dude [Music] bro what are you saying it doesn't even make sense to devote [Music] and that's what happens bro when you talk [ __ ] that that's what happens what the [ __ ] [Music] primal moment dude impressive thank you it doesn't make sense you wouldn't even be black at the bottom of the seat because there's no light like doesn't scientifically make sense [Music] send this to your boyfriends ladies but we're not done yet elk they say there's many things they say make the man but in my opinion it's the elk me that makes them in mmm healthy it's like remember how they're all like elf meat and egg yolk is healthier yeah sub subprime alphas don't eat ketchup are you kidding i mean like raw raw like does that cook oh yeah no no no no oh no no no only sub primals get flesh hitting bacteria yeah [Music] yeah you know what you could wash that meat down with i'll eat all these send this to your boyfriends ladies hey hey alpha tiktok this is me with a cigar cutter this is your [ __ ] [ __ ] this is what happens when you when you try to step and we step to me with your alpha [ __ ] yeah no i don't beat my wife and children [Music] who's ready to play let's go let's smoke a car [Music] i'm gonna go rip a dart dark dark [Music] he's smoking a guard dude oh yeah oh that looks tasty a big fat brown [ __ ] turd in me now another manlier than that oh yeah as a meat too dude whoa [Music] more alphabet yes [Applause] we're nothing more alpha than mouth cancer and now for the biggest show the biggest tour de force you've seen yet do you think i give a [ __ ] about some cold weather in an ice bath then you don't know me ethan alpha climb no i do want to point out we poured all the ice in and it it it pretty much instantly melted but it is cold as [ __ ] and confirmed to the people okay the temperature here oh it's freezing and you can see some of the ice is there yeah no it's it's very cold uh do i have a chain is there a change of clothes here for me uh lena how should i should i go in we have a change of clothes ready for you no shirt we don't have extra underwear oh with that i'll go in my underwear no go outfits commando dude i'll just go naked it's no problem no it's a problem no i ian will blur underwear i need like a chase cam here so you guys can see me submerged in this i'm just i'm making sure the little hole doesn't open you know this is a loose hole guys it's a loose hole i don't want to do a dick out i'm shooting you from the waist up here i'll do it like this just just because if my dick comes out i don't want to get by the way what do you guys think 15 pounds down yeah looking good my boy looking good even more try to get a shot in the tub please now all you mother [ __ ] beta ass [ __ ] [Music] think that taking an ice bath is the pinnacle of alpha technology now me a fat overweight jewish [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] losers about to dip into the ice of oblivion with a guard oh my god oh no don't complain no complaining [ __ ] that's cold [ __ ] think about rogan what's that moment come on okay don't show my crotch because it pops up give me a burger give me a [ __ ] health beat dude [ __ ] you give me a quick hurry i needed to warm my [ __ ] look inside it's freezing bro no you can't see my dear comedy picture right show it ian show it you got me some alphabet [Music] no thanks [Applause] [Music] here's your clip here talking your heart out i just got done eating some seared testicles eat your heart out alphas who's your alpha king now [ __ ] throw the proof over the meat in dan we have frozen hamburgers throw it in show them what real out real outfits bathe and frozen meat patties [ __ ] [ __ ] you that's raw beef [ __ ] who the [ __ ] are you that's raw beef that's alpha brain and that's a guard i'm happy man i'm chilling bro i'm totally comfortable in here ain't no problem you can show and you can't see ah that's raw meat oh wait are these cooked actually no those are raw broth that's raw meat who the [ __ ] bathes with raw meat but me nobody i got a body like alex jones how are you gonna accuse me of being how are you gonna accuse me of being a beta when i look like alex jones just a little less red that's right baby oh yeah i'm liberal you know what i inhaled that i held that whole [ __ ] thing here is ethan klein oh jesus that was a i ripped that dart so [ __ ] hard and this is how we do it i'll do the whole show like this man do a temperature check on this water easily below 30. easily [Music] it's not even a problem for me it's not even a problem this is how we do it so go ahead ask me any questions in the chat this is your alpha lord uh i actually have a uh little quiz i could give you an alpha class okay i wish people knew how cold this was because all the ice is melted up yeah it's cold as [ __ ] it's over four bags of ice so all right so uh question number one do you work out bro do you even lift lifting's for betas next so not at all i mean i'm i lift basically the whole male community on my back does that count oh so i don't need to work out my body is naturally in good shape yes and also you can call me atlas now because i carry the world on my shoulders next uh do you prefer uh sports or video games sports easily every time got it do you respect women no [ __ ] women losers idiots subclass would you rather have a lasting relationship or a string of one night stand one night stan's commitment is for losers and idiots there's always a better opportunity over the corner okay do you maintain eye contact when you're talking absolutely never look away i walked into our trip i was in the bathroom once and i opened a stall that i thought was unoccupied there was a man [ __ ] there and we locked [ __ ] eyes for a minute because i refused to look away i refused to [ __ ] bow down and then he left he actually finished [ __ ] he wiped his ass and he left that's how alpha i was from that's awesome never unlock eyes go uh what is your political affiliation are you a liber the four classical parties liberal capitalist anarcho-capitalism or i'm not into politics i'm a capitalist baby money cream cream makes the money go round that's right get that dollar dollar bill y'all how tall are you way over six feet six feet or over i love that your height determines your alphaness of course it does uh what is your hourly wage uh i will point out i'm not a wage slave i couldn't even count i couldn't even count i'm gonna go ahead and say i'm not a wage slave no no masked intruder breaks into your home what do you do do you call the police release the hounds try to reason with them or defend your home and family with your weapons or your bare hands that one obviously but i have like foam alone style traps over my [ __ ] house bro i got marbles and [ __ ] you won't even [ __ ] know uh how many how big of a family do you want as many kids as possible triplets two kids one child is enough i want my kids to not even know their dad let me ask let me answer in that way so as many as possible as many as possible these kids are not even know my [ __ ] name but when i'm done having kids sick sick sick uh would you forgive a girl if she cheated on you i kill her i bury her um i don't see i kill her i would bury that [ __ ] if she ever [ __ ] cheated on me do you understand how about okay interesting that doesn't sound very i think if i'm reading between the lines the alpha rule here is that you don't actually give a [ __ ] that she cared about you in the i kill her okay well i guess we'll just skip that one she's dead yeah uh are you an extrovert or an introvert i'm technology oh that's the thumbnail bro i don't even [ __ ] know what that means dude i'm just alpha what are you talking about right are you good at telling jokes obviously everybody loves me yeah i'm a pro i'm a bass i'm a professional comedian do you like parties i live for parties bro everywhere but everywhere it goes a party right you bring the party uh when did you learn lose your virginity okay uh what kind of education do you hold education's for [ __ ] idiots i i hold a phd in life and you learn everything you need to know from the internet exactly phd in life do you believe in children hold on dan hold on go hit the software okay okay could be out of the outward uh do you believe in traditional values obviously women but belong in the kitchen uh okay [Music] uh do you have trouble breaking up with girls never i just killed them no no i just killed him are you a natural leader yes born how competitive are you i will [ __ ] literally hurt people over a game of pinball i don't give a [ __ ] i'll win every competition period how's your posture alpha what do you mean erect and dominant always i'm homo erectus posture [ __ ] okay are you a loud person what the [ __ ] uh what's your handshake technique so strong uh you try and crush the other person's hand in a show of dominance is that is that your answer it's a successful handshake if they need to visit a doctor afterwards right okay uh how emotional are you emotions are for women uh i'm gonna go with that one then uh what kind of car do you drive is a sports car if you drive a sports car okay uh what do you like to drink budweiser whatever it's whatever gets it done bro actually i don't drink change it i only let the woman drink i'm sober right okay yeah that's very easier to seal the deal uh one in a busy street how do you walk what the [ __ ] is this question you walk guys hold on kev look at this you wanna know how else i am i'm putting the cigar out in my [ __ ] pool next damn light me up [ __ ] thank you baby new guard you lighting up a new guard i never stopped oh okay uh when in a busy street how do you walk uh i don't even look two ways [ __ ] the world stops for me you understand what i'm saying when i cross the street the cars better look both ways okay this one seems to kind of check some of those boxes uh are you okay with an open relationship i can [ __ ] whoever i want the women can never cheat or i kill them uh eg i guess that's this one uh to what extent do you agree with the following statement the weak should fear the strong they should easy done completely they should they do right is it better viewed by women as the nice guy or a badass do i mean to answer that your [ __ ] dad for even asking me that question yeah that's true i am a [ __ ] uh do you avoid conflict never claw fifth is my way of life you seek conflict yeah no right uh do you always try your hardest that's like a trick question about everything i do is to the max try my hardest are you serious my existence is try hard everything i do is [ __ ] 11 out of 10. [ __ ] i'm gonna go with yes then uh when a relationship ends how long does it take for you to move on immediately i'll [ __ ] the next girl after i'm done burying the other girl's body instantly okay instantly uh to what extent do you agree with the following statement i have more female friends than male friends i have no female friends they're only all jokes do you have male friends only my brother right okay so friends are just uh a distraction right i have my brother and people that pay me next cool uh you put others first you put yourself first bro are you stupid world doesn't exist outside my [ __ ] brain why should i put someone else through first who's the nbc next uh that seems to be it let's see oh what do you know it's official everyone he's an alpha male 1 [Applause] top g sub g you can call me at the top e top e careful about showing down in my dips away there it is guys one more for tick tock you ready elk meat done alpha brain consumed gar ninth one of the day [Applause] i literally i literally have heartburn up full chunks of meat do you know what alpha means [Laughter] i don't have stomach bile i have [ __ ] i just have meat blood chunks how i digest right they just it's kind of like a mechanical process that's just how we do it thank you point proven guard goes in the bath the alpha brain to make the water oh it's all gone you ate it all it's all gone hey joe rogan do you take baths and alpha brain no is this sawdust what is happening yeah sawdust asbestos and rat poison all right yeah the main camera's fine who wants to try to who's in this next who wants to take a bath in this i am not getting in there stay on me as he stands up and he'll do it there's a little slip there oh good all right ab wants to show you guys how cold this water is because i want to prove to all the alphas get a look look how clean and pure this water is did you get that feedback come come look at the water cameron hold on come look in the water this is what outfit water looks like you think clear waters but not this is what's up that's alpha brain cigar ash and raw meat who are you they call me a beta who all right i'm getting up don't show my dick ian i can't afford to show my dad no no [Applause] jesus man there's a bunch of towels next to the uh mix of things i'm just blocking ethan with my hand right now so obviously the ice was melted but that water's 30 degrees maybe go ahead are you getting anything or two all right in the bear costume we're gonna have to get that dry cleaning i'm not doing it oh that's freezing water what are you doing oh my gosh what is she getting in that now oh that is drinking water no hell no don't drink the water don't drink the water that's so awful of you to bathe in ethan spits no what are you doing did he just drink it no he ate a raw beef patty you guys are [ __ ] so gross that is joker brand hey joker that give me a cigar that's that's raw meat yeah put that out zach yeah don't swallow that don't swallow the ramen what are you doing ew wait come back oh [ __ ] him dude that is literally foul this is horrific okay zach this is too much for me and please don't you drop the you're grabbing raw meat on the floor joker who's god all right thank you joker that's good that's good joker content right there [Music] hell yeah you're disturbing the joker brain that was joking as [ __ ] we're good here are we good can we end the show yeah i'm good maybe thinks she's gonna get hypothermia i think you're gonna get it i'm gonna start puking do you think the suit keeps you warm a little bit all right guys all right can you can you uh take us can you go over to your normal seat and end the show yeah i bet so do the math that was the stupidest thing we've ever done do the [ __ ] math my toes are black do the math okay i'm experiencing gangrene do the math elf as [ __ ] flow state pills is such a scam it's like selling smart water when tap is better flow states are just a state of mind based on your surroundings free of cost it's science originated from fear death experience yeah i just i don't know how you can package uh flow state stuff but anyway that's the show spread this on tik tok can you guys make tick tocks like ethan nation or like you know how do it yeah yeah yeah i'm on that [ __ ] dude alpha ethan and spread this all over tick tock let him know who's the real [ __ ] alpha boss around here right is zack joker after that i'm gonna vote yes i also voted yeah that was pretty shocking i'm not going to lie yeah he stepped up i guess yeah zach you're crushing it right now 70 yes let's go you did you did what had to be done you got to do what you got to do man now we eat the hot chip we got one left no that would be a pretty joker brain show zach the guy just ate sick come on dude okay okay we gave you a chance to redeem yourself but that's okay that's okay you ate the raw meat all right thanks for watching everybody we'll be back on wednesday do we have gravy on wednesday gravy is wednesday yeah young gravy is going to be a special guest and i'm finally going to get to the bottom of this addison race love triangle hopefully oh zach yes just brush your teeth or something nah dude all right thanks everybody see you on wednesday [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 620,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, h3tv
Id: qd6fwV2KnuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 15sec (11655 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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