EtaNless 1v1 Tournament! - Forts RTS - Livestream

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign welcome one welcome all I hope you guys have had a great day because it's about to get just that much better as ladies and gentlemen today we are playing or show casting the eaton-less 1v1 tournament put on by Eaton himself broadcast by us and loved by you all so welcome one welcome all it's time to get started here shall we all right then so this first match we're actually going to be starting you got we're actually going to be starting out with not the first round one but instead grindistian versus Domi I believe that is let's see here we go and we should get started here in a moment foreign excellent yes let's see today we're actually going to be joining in with Eaton himself so I know you guys love to hear their Insight so we'll be joining in right now hello there hello hello welcome welcome we are alive and good to go it's my understanding it is seem too that's correct excellent and then the players are finishing up there hello everyone players are finishing up their uh bands and then we'll jump right into the first match sounds good excellent so I do want to say shout outs to everyone here in chat and let's go ahead and do a round of introductions for those who haven't seen it before here we have eaten go ahead and say hello there Eaton hello this is Eaton you know him you love him one of the probably the single strongest Ford's player in uh fort's history uh very good at doing before it's things and today rather than playing he'll be joining us here in chat and totally not um commenting on the builds and such that our other competitors are we doing but it is not simply eaten and I here we also have Mech 70 joining us in the chat hello and there's the voice of Mech 70. I'll turn you up a little bit there you go one of the other members here in the community has participated a great many times I look forward to it all right probably stand to move my mic a little bit looks like the bands are completed so we are ready to start it off then time's up let's do this oh my gosh I forgot we had the the logos I know I was uh put in together all the I was double checking like putting together all the logos as such last night and I appreciate like most of the logos some of them are just a disaster and absolutely have no place trying to be fit into a player icon and that's just how it is that's how it's gonna be I must say gymnastians looks awful nice that little semi-circle there dreadnesty yes dronistian was one of the was one of the few that are appeared to be actually very good at making logos I will say there are a few things about it and this is so I've done Graphics design for a long time um in terms of in terms of Graphics design journestians it fits most of the good things and there's a few little nitpicks I could do I could I could bring forward about it but like I don't need to it's just I feel the urge to talk about it because I've worked with it for so long that I can but like journalistic he did well not everyone obviously we're not trying to hold people to a to a graphics design standard for well there are logos here but it just makes me want to talk about it also introduced it did a very good job to be honest I I believe it looks quite nice someone who did not take graphic design yes yes that is uh very well said you should mention um picking off we have drenistian versus Domi vanistian on the left hand side and Scatter shot Domine already setting some missiles down playing seat very interesting back turbine setup but generally that back turbine would uh you know block the silos but it appears that he's placed it it's such a we'll have to see if I can fire I'm very keen I'm pretty certain those can I've done things like this like this before although never this specific setup the nukes and the swim missiles actually have a very tight hitbox on their launch I thought it the what is it called the um there is a check for the exclusion radius to see if they're allowed to fire but if you can get past that you can almost exclusively they fit in places you would think they should not it's this very shanky looking turbine setup but it works it works exactly uh I would be concerned about whether or not it can fire but if it could fire I fully expect that to work flawlessly doesn't matter whether or not it gets a permission to actually launch because generally if you go swarm missiles you're restricted to having those undefended turbines but here it's the best of both worlds yeah exactly yeah I don't think the buzzles yeah [Music] and take some mind with it that hurts rather throw the battery storage okay yeah yeah I'm pretty certain Journey was not ready for that at all and it hurts not have enough defenses in front of his A's in general like I've said it before and I say it again like sport missiles they're great at catching people off guard and undefended they don't do much but they do break a lot of internal Goods if permitted yes and they're especially surprising because playing the seed Commander so there is no red laser scope exactly when he's painting the missiles so he has no clue where they're painted he has no clue where they're going he has no clue when they're coming at least not until they hear the target painted indicator which point it's a little too late yes by then the missiles are already flying yes you don't even spill 20 mils though so it should be too bad yeah uh that is something you can come back from like a trinity is not out of it he's just on the back foot and Domi has come in with two nukes already yeah since it appears that Genesis not constructing any AAA I really don't blame him for that one um I I could completely understand not wanting to contests the air on the map at all and just take the hits like if you could do a blade of armor it works it's so much more cost effective than trying to fight from app control yes instead seems to preparing to use sandbag walls using scatter shot active just to you a little bit of damage let's be real this is just him trying to uh forcefully send his discontent that was just a message to say stop it I don't like what you're doing here get rid of that miniguna and the only doesn't have the batteries for as you accept those it's going to need and survives of course so yeah it's not quite true oh yeah no fire dummies not ready to start rapid fire in those nukes they don't have the energy production I don't have the energy storage for it um I mean I guess they could technically they technically have the energy storage for it but that's not but that's pushing it that's pushing it real hard he would have to shoot one after the other yeah very quick chain fire though I think it's not a big better so one almost immediately after the other assuming that they were on full energy to begin with which in this instance they were not yes I do believe having that double double painting ability would be really beneficial for him because nukes their whole play is that they deal a lot of damage and they deal at all in that one second so when they're Landing separately they can't maximize that damage because you know the armies the arm is already being rebuilt um I mean yes uh the I don't ice just don't think it's that big of a deal in this instance like yes it's being rebuilt but it's in the process of being constructive and it's still in purple with the second one lands so like it's not not that big a deal I am interested to see how this little uh dangle trench works out for journistium here should be great until one does sucks at least on the other team that's what I'm thinking like dummy already has Buzz saw Tech it's just a matter of whether or when they decided to build the buzz saw which is probably going to be after after it gets shot down a few times you know um that Gunner trans proving very useful very useful already Nobody's Business energy problems and I really liked the cute turbine placement in the back the rear turbines it's just that's not sufficient to sustain this like you gotta you gotta move on at some point oh journistian used to both saw which may remind Domi that buzz Stars exist oh boy oh secondary explosions dare I say a lucky shot with the 20 mil penetrating deep causing everything to go away saw me getting a little bit too ballsy with his battery placement just a little bit you know you got to put batteries near the core that's where the batteries are supposed to go usually with more than a piece of foot to defend though yes let us see well hey you know a little bit uh a little bit of greed goes a long way though let's be real at that point nukes tend to fall off unless you have massive map control and uh didn't quite didn't quite have that level from Anna coming out of dummy not this time around stranistian got that trench set up there is virtually no hope all right then well I mean you say no hope but like hope is one buzzed all the way as far as the buzz saw to be built though it's only chose miniguns instead yes I will need to pause when we go into the next one at the beginning for a moment let's see all right so next up it looks like we have the pencil price for Crusher and Icebreaker foreign ER is AFK yeah uh we're gonna go to the next one after fireworks sounds good to me I was about to say um icebreakers profile picture they decided to use for this one is a particularly detailed anime uh art of some kind the moment I opened that up I'm like this sucker is getting crunched so hard do you have any so for perspective uh just for context all the profile pictures have to be 256 by 256 and less than 100 KB which is not much size so you really gotta crunch that down to very few amounts of colors and very few pixels which is uh you get something detailed or flashy or wavy of any kind you just nope just crunch that sucker super hard it's ideally you'd have something nice and clean like genesians yes exactly something simple I catch into ah there's still a non-zero chance he didn't win this oh no the host always wins uh that's great all right firework Pele on ledge grab teams are good let's do this real quick there we go yes please I just halfway done typing that out so I hope nobody banned this moonshine this time oh no or moonshine architect band oh my I'm terribly surprising in that dance architect is pretty strong yes architect is strong it's just one of those that's uh not particularly cheesy it's like not this super cheesy or cheeky thing it's a very powerful defensive as well as offensive ability it's a very Dynamic Commander is the cheaper wood enabled seats to just make incredibly strong defenses while four times build speed obviously to virtually get a cannon out in the same time as the active fests yes which is great I love it and I also love the ability to reactively would spam against nukes oh yeah like most of the time if you are wood spamming before the nuke launches it's gonna hit you before your wood becomes corporeal but with Architects nope you get that nice thick you don't even think it you just do the tiny little wispy single brace that doesn't have enough support to hold itself up but doesn't matter because it's getting in vaporized anyways yes Architects you don't even have to try exactly it's so strong and we are off let us go I think there might be a small issue of the players you could say that this is what did you do oh the uh this is not the right this is a firework computer there we go okay yeah problem solved perfect you know I just want to say this because I I didn't I did this automatically because I saw fingers work the moment I press the unpause button I immediately did the necessary uh button presses to start a standard build order all right let's just just X scroll click like wait wait a minute wait stop I'm not playing I'm not playing I'm just vacating I don't need to I had already pressed the buttons for constructing a mine and had selected a wind turbine like it was it was that fast just unpause just click click stop it I can't yeah stop it and to be wasting those precious few seconds seriously that's that's how that's how uh well you know how that works good Lord s yeah I have no idea what's going on with Firework and to be fair I never know what's going on firework but I don't dislike it it's just weird it's very fast this is the second match in which we have seen both silos and the back turbines being used at the same time I mean the back chair buttons are just good even if you don't get to fit like two of them it's nice to have that extra it really makes a big difference isn't that turbine too close yeah yeah it might be yeah yeah this right here is one of the reasons why I don't like doing this uh the back turbines this early because like I usually will get to maybe three turbines in front to start and then do back turbines later because as much as as much as the back turbines are nice and almost mandatory and like more competitive setting um at this early they just aren't effective they aren't efficient especially not if you're blocking half of it exactly it looks like we're gonna have this similar kind of match up to last time with different commanders the firework here on the left side firework when the pinch fist Commander they are going swarm missile Rush not seep so those nukes won't be quite as dangerous as consistent but they will come out a little bit earlier and be able to be fired a bit more often uh with Pele on the right side going with the armadillo commander and Munitions Tech so we're likely to see cannons maybe 20 mils out of Pele here so it's going to be very same matchup very same style of builds from both players as last round the difference being the flavor Associated via the commanders we even have a trench dangle coming out of Pele here although fewer Gunners and more protections for it as you can see Pila is already getting quite the defensive structure up getting some mortars out but firework has some workers of his own and he has no defenses for them as of yet I think fireworks solution to the defenses is just blow up really starting that progress already taking out one mind as pile has to reconstruct that is being directly hit by the mortars fireworks yeah fireworks uh nuke is coming online right now so we're about to see massive Firepower increase whereas pilot doesn't have any real weapons placed yet I say something a quite ugly situation for him yes yes Pele does have now three heavy mortars but that's not the same caliber of damage output no compared to firework but two silos three mortars a buzz saw and he's got the energy to back it up yes this is pila's one shot one opportunity to deal any amount of damage didn't quite make it and now firework could have retort with nuclear Firepower foreign the nuke makes it but it does Splash mostly harmlessly into peevee's outer armor meaning no real damage is done at that nuke but it is scary pelay at this point is selling off those mortars filling themselves up with all the energy and all the metal that you need to construct a cannon in an interesting position a pillar really doesn't have a good place Pele doesn't have a weapons platform for their Cannon so they just put it anywhere they can which is risky yeah very risky there are upsides and downsides to doing this the upside is you don't have to spend more on building a weapons platform and the other upside is you get it down right now and you save the precious seconds it would take to actually place the weapons platform to actually construct a weapons platform the downside is you don't have a defensible position for that Cannon and it is immediately under assault and you have to defend it inefficiently until it's completed and even after it's completed so this is not necessarily a good thing it is an indicator that you are losing and then you are desperate but it can work are there are quite a few well there's really only one place he can shoot but if he can get a shot it kills those mortars and maybe hits a few mines that would be just great for him but if you believe firework now is aware of the cannon smoke the mortars are homing in man oh that's so much nasty repairable oh yeah sure armadillo active yeah at the armadillo active didn't take all of that repair all that damage or compared for cheaper uh pla might have just been almost soft lock there heavily damaged firework knows about it he's trying to snipe it wants to get rid of it that nuke just mine oh it goes drug it doesn't hit the does it hit the cannon platform and the cannon has finished construction it will repair and we'll have an opportunity to fire here in a moment it's trying to put a makeshift door setup on it I don't it's not gonna have a good angle no it just needs to just needs to open and fire just sell off and fire needs to shoot at where where is weak you peek under there yeah well that's not that's not the kind of door you need man firework immediately armoring up his horse fila's Gunner is still doing good work though they really are they've kept the nuke from going where it wants to go uh mind you a drunk nuke is often more dangerous than a standard nuke then under simply uh flying through the air but struck drunk things have mines up there oh no I'll link the cannon I wonder why maybe he doesn't like the angle it's possible yeah I don't know it's the wisest decision to get rid of The Limited Firepower he already has Gonna Hurt yeah I'm not sure about that call especially given that uh well it is time is coming to an end here it's very limited he does have a flack now so the nukes might start looking completely shut down at least until firework notices it ah rather easy to just like yes I'm not uh oh wow wow okay I've never seen that before I did not see that one coming um I mean I guess it's the theoretical possibility but that's on the list of things that it's like you know I'm just gonna assume it's never gonna happen yeah and that's the end of that so early you look at Flack and I've seen so many Clips where all four shots failed to hit the nuke mm-hmm and then there are one side kills two I mean it happens it could happen it's just surprise those look like Pele is still getting desperate electing to go for Rockets that's a decision already has the Gunners please I was going to say rockets on this map are really not that bad like they're they're actually pretty good but at this stage of the game firework has already been developing map control for some substantial period of time uh Pele can see fireworks exposed MGS and hasn't gotten rid of them which is step one to dealing with to doing Rockets so otherwise that just happens oh and now we have an exposed core disaster there's no more AAA promoters are just whittling it away now it's gonna kill all the mines next time ouch multiple mines down and yeah not even a single rocket makes it across any longer yeah no that's uh this is death yeah there he goes there it is ladies and gentlemen firework takes this victory clean Victory if I do say so myself actually yes yes as it was very well played oops and we have rightso versus armadillo up next excellent as we go into the next round Great rule bands armadillo does that mean armadillo just can't play this round [Laughter] uh already onto the losers all right no not this time it's like we have a spook armadillo architect and pinch being banned excellent ruins oh my Hang Time part two uh all right laughs looks like we're good to go [Music] it's already up let's do this [Music] oh and we're off I like the commander choices a lot yes so this is an interesting one um two commanders that are not particularly not commonly used certainly not in this situation as fun as they are these commanders are more known for fun rather than strength or Competitive Edge so it's interesting to see them here I do like them another interesting interaction is that Firebirds unique Synergy is the antithesis and greatest weakness of uh great wuse most notable element here but we'll start off with uh armadillo here armadillo here on the left has gone with the firebird Commander one of the fan favorites because it makes everything ignites and well everything is always on fire uh not a whole lot to say about it other than it's great at just applying generic pressure ignite things you add a little extra pressure here or there good for a lot of early game weapons incendiary Motors Rockets anything that applies pressure and you just want a little extra pressure on this you gotta get that no okay speaking of pressure already gunning for that mine that's a good way to describe it armadillo going with the pressure by double sniping great Woo's in my metal expansion just immediately great Wu over here is playing as the shocking on Commander Shaka dog Commander I I say Shakura Commander has two notable elements the most notable elements would actually be its ability to upgrade its weapons uh during the commander ability the hybrid weapons I just I like to describe them as hybrid weapons the uh the fire beam and the 20 mil will upgrade into their more heavy weapon counterparts so the fire beam becomes a plasma and the 20 mil becomes a Canon standard Cannon so typical typically the Phantom Commander players will spam out those cheaper hybrid weapons activate their Commander ability to deal massive damage and then move on however there is another element here which I think will not come into play actually it might come into play given the expansion um it's the barrel the oil barrel allows the the players to effectively build a second core that way they could have multiple disconnected bases which is very useful if you don't want to have to rely on a trunk or some kind of connection like great was currently relying on rather both players are currently relying on in order to uh keep their second mineral expansion uh what was it you were saying um I was going to mention I've actually seen a all right so playing on this map he has a it is a convincing amount of Firepower that he can get out of out of shock and I'll just put a few batteries it's realistically you're saving 600 metal on a plasma oh no absolutely it is a it is a perfectly good strategy it's just very rare to see it in a one review one setting I'm also somewhat glad that you've uh neglected to mention the uh the profiles here how ridiculous is this nice our dolls is nice I'm not sure what grizzo was um really thinking here yes uh I am simply confused there's one thing I'm sure you've learned is to not question it uh you were correct I mean well I will audibly question it but I will not make statements about what I think it is and just wait and see yes that is that is my current it is my current strategy on things it's worked so far with uh armadillo placing down their fire beam both players opting to go for the uh sore Muslim from the core interesting yeah this is something I've seen a fair few times um I have not actually I've questioned my question is is it worth doing because it does actually take a substantial amount of Defense away from the front of your core I believe um there is a decent amount of stability you can still get it's similar to almost having like a sixth mine on vanilla no yes since it is just more Firepower instead of extra economy but I believe it is an edge that might be quite useful considering great so is going to be you know stacking up those fire beams as well anyway if he wants to put back turbines there so it's not really sacrificing anything I'm just getting next to you because you can't put a reminder either so it's also true just utilizing the extra Foundation space command reactive out of armadillo I mean yeah and it burns great rules fire beam and top sniper both burn so great will lose is a sniper but a great whoa here does keep one of the fire beams kind of surprised to see armadillo isn't trying to finish it off with their own fire beams so you're going to have fire beams out of every player you want to fiery match a very virus it's like armadillos trying to either hit the mines or that fire beam but it burns that's rainbows already electing to just place down a shield not want to deal with it for his minds but that buzzoff is going to keep it challenging yeah honestly the energy Shield's probably the way to go um maybe if gray will could get a barrel back there but of course dealing with fire uh that's uh risky he has actually chosen to go for the barrel no I believe he does have enough doors in front of it so that um Firebirds fire beams don't penetrate through and I should note also uh her fire beams actually gain an additional penetration when they hit structure so that is something that he needs to be careful with when he's designing these door setups yeah I'm not sure that Barrel might be exposed actually to the to the fire game oh it certainly was I don't know if it is as still I think he has enough doors in front of it now like Thursday yeah like I was thinking if personally I thought I would have liked to have seen it sitting closer to the ground behind the uh mines just to guarantee that it's much safer because here we can still get door Snipes here so the gaps those fire beams it gets really rough you're seeing this portal action here oh my gosh I mean that's one way to do it Two Fire beams are honestly doing some work though as soon as he places a shield down or just gets a little bit more defense I don't think those two fire beams are especially going to cut it here we go that's great so it does have those plasma lasers that's right plasma fire peeps fortunately he misses this one but do you believe that can be rather worth I am simply concerned because armadillo only has a single door on their fire beams and there are plasmas on the fields yeah but he doesn't know they're single door so it's it's probably fine yeah that's how that works that's a lot of damage bullets uh fire fire everywhere and the Gunners failed to defend themselves uh from the nuke the new Clans which is just really rather unfortunate for armadillo yes I think um oh after you're done but I think one strategy that I think armadillo was trying to rely on was I think he was hoping to burn out the nukes before they landed but this map is so it doesn't matter how soon he ignites the nuke it will always land regardless yes and grit was pulling ahead now he is up to three fire beams so I went to those one just a little bit of greater minds as well so let's expose [Music] a little bit oh okay but he could have killed it if he shot yeah just a little bit higher and oh oh oh yeah that's oh wow well that's a lot of damage that's great toes every Everything gone we're in that little expansion expansion is no more it's actually kind of surprising how much damage that did it goes expect to get to take a little off the top or at the front like most the fronts but it took the entire thing not a single strut was left to remain I hit all of the background it did and just took it all down oh and he has to repair the buttons well that's an expensive repair bill that was like 500 metal definitely more than that but yes the uh the money repair was 500 and then the yeah oh yeah I see what you're saying uh I'm sorry which just happened there the Gunners got burned out on from the new planted and then the firebeat just penned with the damage okay I was like wait a minute oh well are you firing the Gunners wow that was kind of surprised that nuke didn't go right back from whence it came and actually exploded out of the open air there's so much fire poor great whoa losing their fire beam or through at risk of losing their new fire beam they just placed it and it's already mostly gone no needs to play sandbags in front of it it's the only perfect counter against fire beams at least in this instance yes this sucks below I think grid was refusing to active more like he doesn't have lasers to change the fireman's changing the plasma so you might as well just disable the surveillance while you have his armor deal is using a fair amount of energy like he has the portal setup he has a shield Two Fire beams a new oh my god oh wow the court got ripped out of the base that pulled forward oh that's beautiful well armadillo wins this one Great Walls defeated those nukes were very good I did not expect them to be as effective as they were but a lot of damage man that new test one perfectly where it was painted like it was just straight I've never seen nukes that's right it's gonna say that never happens it's never so clean yes because that was exactly where he painted it and it went straight there too it's not even like it went up and down and waved its way around and just landed in the perfect spot it just straight line exactly where it needed to go When A to point B okay well see Ever every almost everyone is gone I don't know what's happening but there are so many people missing I mean what can you do all right let's see I can do this thing that you and Mark yeah murder is gone long acoustical are both gone so I'll just move taichu on for now and then we can do I think helicopter still away like this so many people gone okay well um all right let's just do let's just do bar and Benson then all right there Benson sort of I guess it doesn't wasn't really a good weekend um everyone has things they have to do I mean it's not like the sign ups were that long ago I mean people generally know what they need to they're going to be doing then following week yeah like this is It's the week after the holiday school is only just starting up you know like for universities uh it's a great weekend to do things it is a Saturday though so it is a Saturday I don't know I guess yeah okay see if we can't get a match though [Music] yes um all right so Fubar and Benson yeah I think them but there's been some okay welcome in uh February is online so a few more minutes uh which map is this actually this is okay great okay it's awesome Abyss gaming oh my gosh yeah this will be interesting I'm sure Abyss everyone's favorite map you know what map we should have seen I mean like I could I could do like a different Maps if I do another one catacombs um what else is there I just haven't seen such a very long time oh my gosh I saw a new tundra it's a really long one oh my gosh yeah I forget Harmony right built-in map store well guys make sure to uh take this time to hit that like button hit that subscribe button hit that follow button and remember if you guys like Ford's content like this make sure to join the Ford's Community for its Community Discord is the place to be if you're looking to get involved with any and all forts based activities you want to enjoy the tournaments well there's tournaments coming up all the time in fact the forz pro league sports amateur leagues are coming up again soon there's always make sure to join my Discord this is the best place to find all the notifications for whenever I do any of these casts showcase all these great games for you guys okay Mom complained 20 minutes that's that's crazy here oh my God all right luckily we might have that soon okay I think we should have enough time all right spook scatter pinch Eagle Eye all bands I haven't seen Eagle event yet uh makes sense though given the the map super snipers are really good here through oh wow to see it we bar picking Buster interesting nothing going for classic The Architects I'm a big fan of architect it's one of my favorites right behind spook yes especially on this map because you gotta make sure much wood expansions that you have to make the Busters also quite a good Commander for expansions the free Foundation passive you know I keep forgetting that's part of Buster I just I never remember that's part of Buster yes um well I think I think the main idea that he was going for was maybe uh the depleted uranium heavy mortars or I guess rockets in this case since he has an Armory and depleted uranium anything is amazing especially on a map like this where you can't build things but further far enough behind they or otherwise immune to the uh incendiary effect yes on Rockets if you can get them to land as they are nasty bunch of damage oh yeah just going to do cannons though looks like he's sitting for the tech right now true generally don't see uh heavy weapons on this map some they can work though it's just the early game is is really nice because it's really close so it's hard for the a to shoot it down in time but heavy weapons can totally work if you can defend the early game the problem is defending the Euro again because it's such a close distance that you need to expend so many resources into defending and at that rate it's just nearly impossible to actually get your heavy weapons down another problem I found with karenge is that it's actually difficult to find good targets for them on this map unless you're shooting directly at the core or at the upper expansion with the three months I have four mines the four mind slot you really don't have much to shoot at because I mean what else you got to do shoot a single turbine from any of these on the vertical trunk uh like you don't have a lot of good targets and given the way cannon firing arcs work it's difficult to get a firing position that hits both the core and the upper expansion it's going to be quite hard for him to really get a significant foothold and map control indeed so I find it difficult to even if you get cannons I find it difficult to use them other than just fitting it somewhere that shoots explicitly at the core and hoping you never need to shoot it anywhere else which is not amazing but I mean it works it's a strategy it is it is certainly one of the strategies of all time now we do see uh Benson going for more common strategy starting off with double shotguns at the top of his base and oh wow interesting and it's also going for heavy weapons very interesting a little bit more understandable for the architect player as they could just kind of operate a cannon effectively out of nowhere but those shotguns are already worth their weight in gold yes it codes oh what is it three turbines and if he focuses attention on the top base or the top part those Mayans are just free for the picking yes yes I'm wondering if benzene's gonna move their attention up there now that pretty much every other Target is uh removed it does appear that Fubar got shot up there once and no longer wants it to uh no longer wants it to be a Target yes understandable that's going with the sandblog option sandbags are pretty good counter against shotguns they can tank I think I think they can take an entire shotgun volley I mean it's still worth it just uh I mean not as effective versus other things one sandbag as opposed to two pieces of wood it's definitely better off the sandbag so here this cannon competing from Fubar looks like it really can't hit the uh really can't hit the core can hit above the core which is nice I suppose does take out a couple machine gunners but it's not going to be an exceptional threats to durbanci there mind you that Cannon can 100 hit the upper expansion with benzene's minds and line of turbines that's a good Target but it's not a game ending Target like Fubar is going to need an additional Cannon order reconstruction or to restructure that door neither of which are particularly great options Benson also already armoring up his top expansion because he's he knows that Canon is coming oh yes not only does he know it's coming he managed to endorse sniper with the shotgun which of course doesn't kill the cannon it's just more to express their spite you know if you're going to tell your opponent that you don't like what they're doing what better way to do it than a shotgun blast the face we can see benzen using the architect ability getting a rapid Cannon out the bottom of his base there it is Hoover does not especially have defenses in front of his core though I think he's building up now though below might be a very good Target you see Durbin C's Cannon it can shoot the core but it can't shoot the food bar is upper expansion this is just how that goes every time I've got pretty good worth killing a shield because all he needs is to kill a shield and then his shotguns can just do the rest yes oh no it's it's super worth I mean the Canon they're still effective it's just not it's just not Game ending which is typically what cannons are used for trying to get to that cannon that just blow through with the shotguns I don't blame him I don't blame him at all so I'm getting a EMP to replace that last shotgun that he had smart choice I I like it um I like it yes this Fubar has no map control elements he only has that one Cannon and cannons are not exactly renowned for their map controllability that's a good way to record it oh lacking the shot couldn't follow up yeah that's gonna put Fubar a little bit behind in the map control side of things using turbines getting emped these machine Gunners yeah yeah uh Fubar is not in a great position here I mean fubar's Cannon is not exceptionally threatened but Durban scene is looking to get themselves uh set up to make a punch on the core with Benson's Cannon being aimed almost exclusively at that at that core yeah Fubar is nearly just soft locked here because Benzene is not letting him use that Cannon I mean I wouldn't like you've got an EMP and fubar's not stopping even using e-mod as a lock up down right oh yeah I think he's been he's been shooting that for a good minute good good for him I am surprised to see Dr Benson actually trying to focus the cannon rather than going core here like sure fubar's Cannon is a threat but like you could just remove Fubar I understand we only have this uh you know capabilities observers but if you look at the bottom of fubar's Base can you just look at those foreground bracings the very bottom nice they're not they're not quite very happy though I don't think I've ever seen abyssport collapse when those break at least not without some extensive deformation causing critical issues I was more thinking to just double shot those cannons straight the fruit buyers core oh yeah they definitely kill it but that's not you could just do that like at least he's got energy shields in there or all of that is interlaced metal then you can just kinda punch the cannon that's effectively Game ending but it's the long and slow way to do it which is fair enough to make a statement yes I will defeat you in detail because I can no he's gonna go for the top ones that's what the shotguns for maybe not oh he's he's just gonna get up let's get a third Cannon you're getting a third why are you like this I think he's gonna get a fourth I think he is building for a fourth yes he's he's definitely getting a fourth oh my God doesn't have enough cannons he can't break through that of course not a lot of wood yep four cannons oh I wanted to wait till both can enjoy under construction oh doesn't even have the energy capacity to fire three cannons they look cool they do look cool that's for sure yeah one thing we have to take away from this four cannons looks cool why are you like this they don't even have doors on them yet yeah good Lord well you know um I I think Benson is it's got the advantage here yeah but the core he really is like literally everything but the core fubar's core hasn't even been damaged yet which is impressive at this point given the splash damage options that have been slamming around it now any of those EMP hits could have gotten close enough Canon rounds so there it is triple Cannon straight to the core maybe the four cannons was necessary see there he used all four cannons he built four cannons and he used all four of them all right [Laughter] oh dear bency coming in for the cleanup and the victory in this match well done well done that was very well played it's definitely a mess to us I have not seen heavy weapons being played in a bit in Abyss in a very very long time yeah certainly and the part the best part about that is it was the shotguns that won the match the shotguns in the EMP that really ruined the match the Cannons were just the flavor those are those are quite a Paramount in any of this build order shotguns at the top for harasses they are they are frightening which how much with how much they can kill yes yes they are because I know we saw a lot of turbines being eradicated but um there's there's also opportunities to just erase the minds at the top if they're not properly defended what they really do is they just apply they're almost hybrid weapon levels of pressure perhaps yeah they're almost they're almost hybrid levels of pressure which is uh they like two shotguns will kill nearly entire an entire box of wood yes what's in in regards to defenses on Abyss where everything is so stretched thin and spread out one box of wood is really pretty much just the defense that everyone's going to have so they they're just devastating I mean that's the staple of Abyss everything's defended by a pieces of paper almost yeah but all the things being defended are generally very few as in you you have what eaten what did you do I I didn't do anything I think aska uploaded the new version it's like yeah oh I see okay that makes sense you joined to get the update in I think we might be a little overview also on the um the numbers at the top of the screen yes I I wasn't mentioning it but it did exist because it's a little bit I'm gonna describe it as Arcane to those who don't know I'm gonna chat was asking uh we can I'll explain it when we uh get into this next match I probably could explain it now effectively it is a calculated score for those who are unfamiliar with it uh the score I believe is the sum of the metal cost of all of the weapons of a player which have done damage to an enemy multiplied by the core HP as a percentage that's correct a little complicated but effectively it just serves as a score to keep track of the player's current score so at the end in case of a tie we use that score as a tiebreaker oh luckily uh we haven't heard any much let's go to 20 minutes yet so yes luckily I suspect we won't yes I suspect we won't see any go to 20 minutes it's quite rare to see a match go that long but in case it does that will be the measure of determining who is Victorious make sure the 1V ones don't last two hours yes and we have a eight hour tournament oh Lord that's how you beat the Europeans you just make them start playing 4 P.M in American time zone and just play for so long that they have to go to sleep and complete a fort's marathon [Laughter] are we are we seeing I I think this isn't going to be out of armadillo all right I I don't I don't know what to guesstimate this as armadillo is playing firebird and is opening DMP oh opening EMP is not terribly surprising like we've seen it a million times before just a token EMP to keep your opponent honest it's fine but they're playing Firebird they're getting okay no no they're getting storages they're going up to heavy Tech all right this is fine they're not they're not gonna do a rocket Rush here oh that EMP uh ignoring that last shot did get quite a bit of worth and it's disabled three Minds at one point and disable the core every single core hit is a nice strong hit for that oh it's not especially uh Game ending given that firework also is getting it appears he's just going Max into Eco before he gets any weapons of any kind out it's already got seven Minds three turbines working on an upgrade Center I am so perplexed like the amount of times I have seen Eco first work in any match let alone a 1v1 is like it can be counted on a single hand oh it's becoming a little bit more prevalent now yeah and I think he's just going through missiles so it's fun to do the mines first because his weapons will be faster than heavy weapons anyway given given that armadillo is not stepping up to any heavy weapons as of yet I don't think fireworks going to be punished at all for going into the economy you know I've got to agree with you like I was assuming armadillo was going for heavy weapons but instead we see a workshop we see both tier one text which is uh uncommon but nevertheless this is the world we live in now actually I actually don't think fireworks going to go into heavier weapons no I think he's going swore missiles in the nukes yeah they are I already see it two being placed at the top ball that that was my thought on the upgrade Center just max Minds which is understandable into nukes um my question is whether or not he's going to upgrade those mines first which it seems not which is much more standard yes it's not like he has a need to yes especially given armadillo is not playing aggressive at all no not in the slightest and also not really going for a late game build I mean I guess it's got to be a late game build because it can't be anything early it's not an extremely strong heavy hitting late game build it seems to me like it's an early game build that is going into late game just not really a good thing for it but oh my God that could be really good if I were could have died to that yeah yes both out of nowhere threatening to disconnect the core yes a piece of safeguarding metal there so shouldn't happen again and also speaking of which he is ready to fire his swarms so armadillo does appear too have quite the amount of AAA wait until uh firework is about to fire those missiles and then get immediately Buzz side I won't get it yeah armadillo's got enough and Sierra to shut that down at least this time around armadillo also finally stepping up to a factory and building a platform for the uh lasers so it is still quite a bit late a firework already has his weapons nearly fired up and ready to go it's just now a third of the way done with the nuke playing as Firebird like it's just strange to me to see such slow play coming out of Firebird play yeah and we've seen the armadillo in past tournaments get pretty good use out of the uh you know flaming machine guns and flaming snipers but quite seeing that today I Only Could the park hasn't really built many exposed weapons but this gun or wall could get torched oh my gosh was uh almost destroyed all of that armadillos weapons platform is quite vulnerable to a buzzsaw right now perhaps two of them oh such a tight angle weakness detected hello wow and the bus stop follow up and away it goes bye-bye firebeam hey boom well armadillo just got reset it's back the square one and Firework is just continuing his assault hey there we go there's the disconnect finally get use out of that buzz saw man Firebird just igniting things just wiping out Gunners left and right it's beautiful to see the AP sniper not making it through the double door on armadillo's fire beam fire beam has been reconstructed in approximately the same location again oh wow you need soccer now and you can just Tavi that was so tight AP sniper doing AP sniper things Flack shutting down pretty much the entirety of that swore missile and the nuke with one brilliantly brilliantly fired fly but do you think that top sniper has an angle on it firework can find it see what he wants to now there it is and that bottom flag I can't Auto black isn't alive anymore so I suppose that's the end of that oh wow all right not quite corporeal yet it doesn't quite manage to defend against the nuke leaves those fire beams exposed enough to take heavy damage but not quite destroyed just yet oh balls Matt yes balls indeed no ball swing this time luckily oh luckily the chances can you imagine it just the round just ends immediately when someone tries the ball swing armadillo down to 11 which is not a much which is not much in the way a percent yeah this is looking really bad that is that it's missing the other 90 that is gone of course not happy and Firework has plenty of defenses yikes yeah ah armadillo finally gets an opportunity fires their fire beams once for the first time this match and loses them both to a sniper oh oh no I will comment that was some pretty beautiful sniping from that was some good snacks that was some very good sniping I I'm impressed oh man that Fleck just consistently removing that nuke yeah that black is really good it's I don't flat my flax never do that so I don't know what's going I don't know what armadillo is paying them or what's going on there but like I want some of that action in my life yeah I mean all of the flags we've seen this game have been amazing that's one shell that killed two nukes yeah like on uh on Moorings I I've still never seen that I will never see that again it's oh but this time there is no nuke and so oh oh but firework didn't go to the Core it's okay firework had no way to know that armadillo's core is so damaged besides um besides it looking uh somewhat Smoky somewhat smoky looks like a forest virus going inside of space yes the uh the legendary flag has been reconstructed let's see if the replacement can handle can handle the nuke as well nope and that's it the new clan in armadillo goes down firework as warthog Victor well done firework moves on see ya so we have a bomb back yet no he's still not here oh my gosh uh helicopter engine let's see helicopter return to us come land come down from the skies you need those sweet tasty laser beam actions he's offline so I'm guessing I'm guessing you know um mom also Idol okay well um oh if helicopter's not here then I guess I mean yes helicopter then we'll just do a tradition to win and then tight shoot the wind and keep going kaichu has made it all the way to the semifinal Cell playing a single map like I've never seen I mean it is what it is like I just get they knew they knew the rules they knew where to be they knew the time like all this was announced I had a countdown was it for the past day yeah but at least now we get to watch some best of Threes yes best of three times I think we're starting out with [Music] this team one generation I think yeah all right let's do this Commander band's time and then so we'll do any commander bands now and then we'll be jumping into this next match specifically journestian versus the Benson press for Crasher that should be a very good one yes I'm looking forward to this one Benson has really impressed me especially recently yeah he's quite good quad Cannon I I love how I fully trust Benson was where they did not need quad can she just wanted quad cannons because you can gotta make a statement exactly and I'm very happy with this I mean I've never ever seen anybody else make that statement so quad cannons on Abyss this was a statement indeed yeah quad cannons is already something but put that on Abyss God all right the players already let's do this Eagle Eye scatter and armadillo being bent and wear off ladies and gentlemen if it isn't ledge grab we've seen this map in the tournament once already but now now it's dronistian versus Dirk Benson going up to four mines playing as the warthog commander in this best of three we'll see how they play this one out selling off some of their early metal similar armor to fund that economic expansion as Durbin scene is doing the exact same thing except they're playing as the architect Commander oh my God slightly different flavors and they both placed down the Armory at the exact same time just you'll love to see it it's like when you're looking in a in a mirror in the reflection is just barely uh the army that sounds like some kind of horror movie imagine waking up in the morning look in the mirror and like you could tell it's just not it's just the marriage is not happening today it's like wait that's not how mirrors work oh my gosh the same build mirror has been possessed it is actually the same build but that's what I mean like when you look in the mirror it's just like perfectly reversed but like it's also flipped that that's what's going on here [Laughter] uh all right I'm waiting to see when or if they diverge the other placing ammunitions plan yep there it is okay there's The Magician's plants and oh we have diversion technically Benson's going for the low oh is that a weapons platform not a turbine platform no I think that's true yeah that's true what's with the okay I'm just gonna ignore that for now uh as journestians going for their turbines up top and that thing he built was to get before long at the bottom of the base so it doesn't uh break as easily yes the same yeah look um okay at the very least what do you do Ernestine does not have three upgraded lines yet oh he is okay I was I was curious to see if each one would go for a Howitzer given the upgraded lines but I think tradition's gonna try it it's adding a metal story battery and one more space for a battery yeah which I think I'm better yeah we're there you see that with the upgrade Center and play it means they're almost certain people's gonna have shotguns so that Howitzer will likely Never Land but it might at night that's a good way to uh chunk through a high Eco opponent if it does land very true I appreciate I just want to say I appreciate the battery being in the position where it's gonna be behind the weapon such that if the weapon does the batteries die too yeah which I think unironically think is one of the better places to put it because if the weapons die you don't need the batteries a third metal store as well this one's interesting I guess it's because he was floating a little bit didn't want to waste so much metal I think Benson's gonna do a third Cannon already if Benson has predicted or properly scouted journestian I don't see why he wouldn't because he knows that your nistian is gone full Cannon and for uh eco yes you may as well just do that it's not quite getting the Howitzer defenses ready I don't think he really needs to just yet okay the players should know they have a few more seconds left before things really start kicking off uh Journey's Dean is arming up their weapons platforms before the core Benson is armoring up the core before the weapons platforms but I think we're gonna see both yeah we see them both just slightly different orders keeping up with the uh the mirror theme that's it's not a direct copycat build anymore but but it's close it is a copycat themed at this point Benson's gonna have a quite powerful opening coming out here soon just look how much defense those cannons have beautiful good Lord I'm into it like Benson even knows the howitzers are coming they've got the Howitzer defenses and defenses around the Cannons I'm surprised to see Benson has waited for all three cannons before firing at all um maybe he's looking to catch him off guard who knows I mean I don't think anyone's being caught off guard by anything at this point it's a very good point so I do fear that Howitzer and two cannons might actually punch a hole through uh benzene's Court offense oh yeah I could fully see that happening oh especially with the warthog empowerment and there's the exposed core and the third Cannon oh my god oh architects an architect rebuilds it so fast okay well you tried it's gonna say Benson I didn't really see a reason for him not to be firing constantly journistine absolutely had a reason to not fire until all the weapons tradition also doesn't have the energy he's missing the moment of opportunity though yeah and he's gonna have to start paying massive repair bills oh yeah that's that's a lot of damage that's the one downside to that back turbine build is that it's just it's so difficult to expand it like you don't you just get limited amounts of rear turbines which I think is a perfectly fine way of balancing it oh oh well that was close still chunking through that defense seriously needs to do something about that he really has to get a up is that core is it uh 25 HP yeah cannot take another another hit like that and it does look like he's working on a shotgun at this rate too so it might be too late oh yeah 14 yes another Cannon that's fine all right well it's your nesting the smell looking to Spanish energy so hopefully it doesn't have any problems there oh oh wow it's close to punching through but it doesn't quite get it the Cannons are pummeling this is one of the joys of cannons oh the shotgun nice oh oh but they're Ben seeds lower core takes the hit this is one of the joys of cannons they don't really win by punching through they win by draining the opponent of Eco so these bases even though they are constantly being reconstructed and rebuilt with haiko they're not being reconstructed to the same Fidelity to the same Integrity as they were before the Cannons are being had had hit them and that's just going to keep happening until someone finally breaks that's how cannons work do you remember their benzene's initial base and now you look at it now it was once so pretty an amalgam of wood so it does appear to be quite the defensive Powerhouse yes defensive Powerhouse as it may be uh it's only a matter of time before someone finally breaks yep those cannons really just labor away it everything oh my goodness again indeed and the question is who breaks like that actually penetrated deep enough to hit the cannon directly it just didn't break the cannon that shotgun clutch but the buzz saw that is so close to getting through buzzar could be Game ending for benzene but soccer could be Game ending for any player here it's just that dronistian has multiple of them yes turnestians going all in with them blowing chunks off of journalistian's Base here yes good God a shout out to Der Benson with the four percent coordinate HP remaining dude at the bottom oh my God how long is blinking oh oh no oh that's scary uh he's aiming directly at the shotgun he wants it gone oh the heat comes with a shotgun now oh do you believe um tunisians also being a little bit too oh my gosh it's being a little bit too confident with that bottom defense like I understand that most of the Cannons don't have an angle on that but maybe it doesn't matter oh maybe clean proof just doesn't matter Benson unable to sufficiently defend the portion a top portion of their base loses a cannon the Benson takes the first a major loss of this war of attrition is Here Comes an EMP not sure the purpose of the EMP but the buzz saw is certainly uh definitely threatening yeah the MP MP is the Shelf kind of an intense how we know oh boy truenistian slowly trying to expand armor up or but with Benson having lost a cannon that's a third of their Firepower gone yes and they really needed that they really needed that oh never mind hey I'm going to describe it as a lucky shot a critical hit oh that's it yeah death is Splash damage speed who would have thought four percent core HP is not enough to survive 120 000 damage wow as journistian takes round one are we keeping the same sides do we swap sides uh swap sites please up next we have stalactites excellent stalactites 1v1 yep that sums them up I personally like it's it's quite close range it's a little bit closer than vanilla so you can often see some cheeky rocket strategies and steep missiles are pretty good here as well because yeah like you said the range is closer and there are fewer mines to work with so having the missiles isn't hurt as bad but you can get a giant mg wall dangle this is true though Buzz thoughts are also quite effective against yeah but who remembers because saws exist it's a very good point I certainly don't [Music] understand the Banning Phantom yeah let's do benzene's dismay Matt tells a story there right just alone and then see in a counter Banning warthog the vengeance yeah all right so Eagle Eye pinch Phantom of the war hugger bands excellent all right let's jump right into it rounds two so let's see uh journistian won the last one uh yes so if he wins this one that's that's it human's the best thing excellent is a new feature that the uh devs added I'm going to see if it breaks the uh it does not okay sweet oh nice yeah if you look next to the names you can see the current score in the best of three speaking of what's our uh Man Down benzene picking Architects again just going for looking like a standard build order getting the three Minds Armory turbine engine on the right hand side playing scatter shot I'm interested to see how scattered shots gonna work out here I believe this is quite a good map for scatter shot I tend to agree funny Mouse can just pound through so much like what my only question is whether or not Benson's gonna go for a a straight rocket Rush which would do pretty well versus the uh scatter shot but Benson is playing architect which usually implies a slower build order which means seeding momentum or the initiative at least to uh Tunisian and giving initiative to scatter shot is a mistake like 100 of the time we do see Cannon rush out of benzene faster Cannon Rush than drudistian which is kind of a surprise genesium was opting for a more Eco start I believe you can see as he he already has his fifth mind done that is correct as well as a few turbines and yeah it's it's fun for him to be a little bit slower because 20s build faster foreign so generally you don't exactly want a 20 mil to be going Toe to Toe against cannons that's true generally yes so with scatter shot I'm gonna say it might be a bit no we scatter shot with the difference yeah and I do think Tennessee is actually going for a Howitzer as well I was about to say we're talking about 20 minutes it's not even gonna do it yeah he's got um three batteries two metal stores and Benzene is also doing the same yeah I would say editor benzi and I believe as soon as journestians missions plants finished yep quickly selling off the unnecessary Metal Storm I guess yeah that makes sense 20 Wheels aren't awful with houses anyway and having scatter shoved ones is even better it's not only can I I mean you may as well I mean like it's I howitzers are just strong especially on this map they're known for one-shotting these bases howitzers are like the go-to you might as if you may as well go with a scatter shot flavor on top of it and now we cannot we can actually also see uh their benzi it's also going for a 20 mil sir that I'm not surprised by at all that one that one I saw it coming I was a little surprised to see Howitzer had a journalistian just because you can abuse scatter shot that hard but like Howitzer on this map is just that good so I guess I really shouldn't be too surprised they do they do work even better in tandem though so yes that is certainly a why not both situation what surprises me most is seeing the 20 mil out of benzene I mean it's I think I think you're right I think the Canon would be better but 20 20 isn't awful at this range you can certainly work it could certainly work I think the main thing with the uh the 20 is just that it's more used to I guess Whittle away the damage that they have Howitzer causes whereas the cannon just penetrates straight through um here it comes first shot out of Benson a 20 mil follow-up oh you know if that was a cannon this match would have been over right there wide people love their toy films you feel like more DACA well there we have it more DACA though you switched your Kim your your overlay uh yes many minutes ago okay I got someone asking because they don't see it uh just I don't play I don't blame them oh boy I will mentioned genestian does have is active fully charged so a little bit more penetrative power quite a powerful Alpha strike when he chooses so it does appear that their Benzene is waiting for it with already 20 mil oh wow okay no one died well that looks terrifying just a little bit Howard sir my question is what does Benzene do from here splashing pretty hard but quiet I have to your Parable for durbanzees really struggling to get that metal now is my question is what does derbency do from here but apparently just repair themselves and then nothing because defense you can't afford anything else and I think we just saw the uh the reason why he chose to go for the 20 mil to clear out all those machine Gunners and map control oh yeah the scatter shot 20 miles so much though it does also look like the journestian is trying to prepare her stepping up sometime hmm well there's the buzz saws coming out that's inevitable and expected scatter shots 20 mils were supposed to be less accurate are in Jesus comes into it alright so these Buzz saws should be dealing devastating damage uh if they weren't so expensive I imagine we might see more of them nearly a critical shot very nearly and yet neither player has any follow-up beyond the 20ml which is that they just don't 20 mils they just don't follow up very well there's simply not enough economy in this match to step up in the first place I don't think I mean like they're saving for the buzz saws but they're constantly just being trained of metal yes trading flow after flow oh just enough damage with the Howitzer and the 20 mil follow-up destabilizes your nistian's base get some deformation in there but nothing to break him oh that's like that's a big hit journistians in power 20. Focus fire shotgun blast overpens Benzene here breaking much of the internals and that's it drop some that was very well done very very well done journistian coming in with the victory with scatter shot gameplay very very well done and that will leave dronistian up 2-0 in this best of three I put some going to the finals now excellent now we're going to have mom was still not back right nope he got back we're gonna we're gonna do that now excellent okay you'd love to see it and that's going to be out of crevice nice some map making a competition I know that was that was map making tournament three man making tournament not a competition that's how old it was before it was a contest yeah I haven't seen crevice played competitively like ever so this will surely be quite fun to watch because I'm sure neither of these players have filled orders for this oh I'm sure this is a such a strange map it's a good map but it's a strange map I guess it's quite similar to Skylands with the uh explosive little structure in the middle but since the bases themselves are so out of the ordinary that I don't think really anyone knows especially or especially has a concrete build order or plan for the map it should be interesting to see what they do I just think this map hasn't been played enough by most players yeah outside of the one AI tournament there hasn't been any tournaments that was a oh certainly an AI tournament how many how many mortars was that again like 18 yes I think those around that yeah it was ridiculous I remember I was very tempted that's not true I guess it wasn't very tempted I thought about doing that kind of thing because that's the kind of thing that AI tend to not perform well against but if you do that you just become incredibly vulnerable it's like throwing rock paper scissors you just lose like half the time but you wouldn't either have yeah I mean it is funny though he rushed hard enough into it it's not like anyone's going to stop you that's a good way to describe it I remember my AI for that tournament I was specifically building it such that it would be much more of a threat to humans than other AIS and I I met the goal but it did mean that I did not performed particularly well in the AI combat Department I did love watching a curb stomp other humans that was a great experience I think I remember going against that once it was fun I forget it was um was it mortars or was it swarms for which both it started mortars started Motors okay I think that's what I remember all right so we have spook pinch uh armadillo and E coli band perfect and we'll be jumping into the match moments early all right let's do this let's go I choose [Laughter] I know he you know this is another one that actually fits really well yeah it was it had it was one of the few few icons that came with a uh a transparent background and it was already fits the required dimensions in size so I didn't have to do anything to it I didn't have to optimize I didn't have to fix it just copy paste it it worked good work tattoo as funny as it is not only is it funny it's actually well made yes uh yes we can see uh both players starting out relatively similarly though um yes both players starting out relatively similar really um we have Mom on the left side saying architect starting with the four months Tech Two turbines and taichu on the right hand side four Minds one turbine Tech playing as the warthog Commander so I believe this will be another one of those uh heavy weapon masses yes and it's looking like we're going to have a very similar no we already have it we already have a bit of a discrepancy okay no I already have a bit of a discrepancy in the build order not going pure mirror this time ooh well I might be going swarms here I can't no okay it's getting an early Buzz though interesting okay uh worth noting that taichu hasn't constructed their last mine at least above their base so melm has more Minds at the moment well that's changing changing and they're going for different texts okay oh I'm going to the factory this is on this map yeah because on this map there's a lot of um I've seen a lot where people build cannons on that bottom expansion and they just sort of Arc them over yeah but this map is so many sliceable bits yes I'm already getting good use out of that buzz saw speaking of which if he does that again and manages to take out that lower node just below the battery that could do some damage oh I think it's what he's aiming for he needs to aim slightly higher the bridge that is a really good shot oh yeah I don't think he's going before okay yeah for now given up it's probably for the best no I don't know how much I don't know how much damage it would actually deal if I took out that node underneath the battery probably not all that much but it's scary to think about it oh all right he was definitely aiming for it if he just wanted two birds with one stone but we got to see it break slight deformation so that's pretty much the expense of it okay so not too big of a deal it definitely a uh definitely a worthy thought so that Foundation is now worth a bit less permanent deformation interesting to see so I've played around with the fire beam and laser beam or at least the lasers in that lower position I don't like it yeah you can't really hit the core not without uh getting a bit of a down not without getting yourself a nice trunk to dangle from we can see taishu is placing is Howitzer above his core so those lasers really are not gonna have an angle on that yeah now uh mind you these lasers should have a reasonable angle against everything below the core including some of the that Eco yes including the uh cannon that was just placed yeah so it's not like it's a terrible place to put the lasers it's just not personally what I like it's not the perfect place yeah I think I think it would be good would be like somewhere near the top mines in a similar fashion to uh stalactites yes um I'm partial to putting them either directly below the core or right in front of the mines on this map one kinda shoots over the centerpiece and the other just blows clean through yes but where they currently are there just blocked by that terrain piece which you know it kind of can't really destroy exactly you can destroy the structure but you can't destroy the uh you gotta get you gotta get flintech in here to destroy the terrain yeah have to get the uh heavy heavy plasma beam well that's a lot of damage outside your first shot quite the scare for a mom big shock big surprise but uh not Game ending amounts of damage just a bit of Disconnect from the line yes this could be great damage here oh I really missed that didn't quite focus the beams the fire beam extremely well aimed the plasma not so much now the only issue is that Mom has a definitive Target for his weapons which would be that cannon that taichu has but taichu sure you can shoot the Howitzer at his face but what is he gonna shoot it at there's exactly there's nothing besides that just hunk of wood what out of energy mom you saw the plasma touch that Gunner's forehead yep didn't quite get through it another thing to worth mentioning then another thing worth mentioning there is Tai Chi's placement of their Cannon means that it can't do any kind of follow-up shots punching into the same place as the Howitzer at least not for some time exactly I don't know I guess besides Energy is another energy I think the only issue with taichu's weapons so it's like really severe is that he has zero and I mean zero angles on Mom's weapons yeah that's that's a pretty good that's a pretty big issue which I guess you could say that's one benefits where mom actually placed his his there they have reasonable access to killing it anything that's under the core but it's almost a sort of one way because projectiles can't go the other way they will fall you say that but taichi wouldn't have this problem if taichu had built their Cannon above their howitzer and just ignored malm's weapons entirely and went directly took two uh malm's core instead that's true but still even then like if he bought tiny doors or like the the usual door placement it would be such a struggle fire beam Under Fire almost definitely taking advantage of the limited fire getting some upgrades well there goes the centerpiece um the fire beam and plasma beam are no longer really sufficient to penetrate Tai choose defenses at all though he does have those miniguns to get rid of the sandbags so off to see um if he finds a sparket yeah that poster is just not Landing but he can get a decent amount of Slash damage on that core using the warthog active I thought you need something to clear the air because the Howie isn't planning at all see yes he does to get a sniper or anything on the top yeah suffering energy production issues his bottom turbine is blocked more turbines I don't I don't think that sniper was meant to have a door oh my oh wow I think it almost made it through that was close it's like tattoo probably getting a shotgun a top that should solve a lot of his issues mom has stepped up to two plasma lasers and got the zero extra turbines yeah that's not enough energy production for this um I mean he's working on constructing an additional turbine but that's still not enough energy production for this he does not have storage either that too although that could be worked around just by getting enough energy production but like I don't really want more storage oh wow almost getting it through that door so it was very close to killing that Cannon oh speaking of what's the uh bottom of taichu's Canon is quite exposed to that plasma laser so if Mom can find the angle yeah it's it's not perfect at all the sandbags are not being replaced and there's no wood or anything yeah he's too he's too busy focusing on the button it's such a tight angle though well mine I didn't even recognize it as vulnerable oh this could be good a beautiful slice and uh Tai Chi's hard work for the past couple of minutes is um scattered on the floor like uh like it was a Lego set like a mosaic a shattered mosaics of one's past so sad oh oh a door snipe completely unintentional but away goes one plasma for malm not that mom had the energy to fire it anyways uh oh well that's just bad wow that was so much damage yeah um so the Howitzer makes it through the machine gun war and in doing so all right Mom 100 sees that and is trying for it okay um it's about the only thing malm can do because melb just lost pretty much everything in that last Howitzer hit which is really rather unpleasant now the thing is I think he does have one thing going for him I'm pretty sure taishu doesn't know what is Canada why does he keep shooting me oh my he's 100 aiming for that he almost gets it that's like a half of a degree difference sending it now yeah you're right if he hits it with the fire beam too it's not enough he would be gone he would be posted nope oh my goodness it's still almost got it it's just nerve-wracking it's so bad because she wasn't defending it either yeah like he had a sandbag there before but he's just not placing it yeah you know maybe this is Tai Chi's plan Tai Chi knows about it and just wants melm to spend time trying to make that almost impossible shot yeah yeah because we might actually um get to the timer because there's only five minutes left in this match constant lands more core damage being dealt almost being his score is being driven further and further down there's the metal long metal my dad I wonder if that one was a mistake and then he was just trying to convert the ones that were there oh oh my well that officially puts melm in the lead of the score yeah not by much but ahead nonetheless tattoo needs to be very careful when shooting is how it's enough is that plasma just has a direct angle it is both the best and the worst way to go about it because with that direct angle the uh the howitzer does actually it can be shot down pretty easily by that plasma but the Howitzer takes the Howitzer shell itself takes so long to burn that generally the Howitzer doors can safely close in the time it takes for the lazy to burn through it so it's quite difficult to do a snipe that which is sad for the laser player I wonder if he's waiting for that howitzer for the opportunity to do a sniper oh no he doesn't have the energy never mind takes another core hit like it's not even it's not even a house it's just the cannon it's worth noting the players themselves do not know their scores so and there's no way of knowing who's winning right now yes and when it's this close taichu could simply build one Gunner and shoot it and you'd be ahead yeah he keeps opening the plasma because he wants to tour snipe out yeah at some point he's just gotta fire it like I think that he's uh playing the battle okay I'm almost not taking any more chances with that angle so mom hasn't constructed additional batteries and is not floating a lot of energy but isn't really capable of keeping up with the uh energy requirements of his lasers it does deep but doesn't quite get through now I'm looking to finally expand those that energy production those turbines but with only a minute 45 left in the match it's a little a little late yeah and he's going to need more heavier weapons because taichu is now 900 points ahead oh mom needs to do something about it but does have the weapons to do something about it um finally expands those batteries meaning they might have an opportunity to punch through here this has too much metal there that did a lot that dug really deep through but taichu's got the bank to just sit there and eat it like he still has 500 medals 60 seconds left is that bottom bit oh oh it touched you touched the second plasma it's not gonna have the angle for it 45 seconds like there's no way I think malman's armoring I think he thinks he's won I think so but you guys because taito has the Howitzer he has two cannons and a sniper so that's that's just more than anything mom would be ahead but he's taken so much core damage that it's just too late and then Howitzer is just it's not gonna complete in time yeah I placed it a bit sooner there it is Tai Chi with the victory we have our first match going to round damage nice go into timer yes not only around those but also just plain core damage either way you look at it yeah there it is well done Tai Chi moving on to face firework in the next match next round all right let's see firework versus taichu is the next match on vanilla first after all these years ah there we go all right fireworks in the lobby we're doing Commander bands now we have vanilla okay you know makes me wonder this is not this would not be a strong strategy or anything but Phantom moving weapons around getting one hit off from somewhere and just hiding them off behind everything you know we actually talked about that but we just we just figured it wouldn't happen so I can't imagine a world in which it's a good strategy we're we're banking on it won't happen yeah it's all certainly better to keep shooting so yeah yeah like I I can't imagine it working just because if you aren't regularly wagering those weapons you're just gonna lose by virtue of being shot yeah so like because if you're not putting pressure in there putting a lot of pressure on you then they have more medals to work with you can get more weapons exactly it's still a funny idea though all right all right all right and we're off yeah the firework playing as the warthog Commander and on the right hand side we have taishu playing as armadillo which is have we seen armadillo yet like maybe one we did we did it was armadillo versus I don't remember who is versus it was pinch fist s with all the nukes yes yes players both starting out with quite identical builds both going for four months sort of on and a workshop of course which who could have who could have saw that coming vanilla absolutely nobody vanilla the exact same build have you ever seen this happen before my only question is who's gonna Pence swing first good question actually [Laughter] [Music] last time in this tournament these I don't uh has it ever been I don't think it has ever been I see it fairly commonly and when we're doing the like just the community matches we're doing 4v4s or anything outside of tournaments I see it frequently but in tournament just never happens true like it's a fun strut and it's a strong Strat it's just not tournament strong you know yeah that's interesting to see taichu sold his workshop and replaced it with an Armory I May understand the Temptation for that um except that he didn't build like any Buzz saws or anything first so I'd no longer understand the temptation of that I know that's uh I've made a mistake and I'd want to fix it now kind of kind of situation yeah it's the fun part of uh guessing why people do what they do standardized vanilla stability Tech as well um we have both sides up to six mines firework is going to have his Munitions planned out just barely earlier I think yeah looks like fireworks going for the uh traditional Cannon Rush except that he just built like four blocks of wood which you just throw him down significantly interesting to see tights you going with the upgrade Center here oh and the EMP okay I think taichu um given with the armadillo Commander I think taichu is going for sort of more slow and methodical approach or as a fireworks going for boom boom guns blazing I'm a big fan of both yes do I think boom boom guns blazing tends to have a higher percentage is like the higher percentage play here mind you um that can change with an EMP hit or two or three because Eric has quite a bit of vulnerable and there's that first EMP hit all of his energy and production going and uh that EMP is behind such a tiny door it's gonna try to snipe it oh she's already got it oh yeah so close yeah the recent buff to armadillo that uh made his doors close much faster they basically removed the door closed still after you fire your weapons it's so strong oh but he gets it there goes the EMP still just that EMP alone taichu's Canon is now going to be out quicker than fireworks is yes and remember that firework cut Corners to make their Cannon come out faster so taichu is just ahead at this point the only concerning thing is firework does have two Buzz saws taichu has no metal at least at least this could be a beautiful attack Double Buzz saw straight to Tai Chi's core with the Canon follow-up to punch through could just end the game right here right now oh yes we're gonna see it no oh you missed oh no oh no too late but yeah but it's too late you can't miss that and now there's metal and now now it's over well it's not over but firework is so far behind they spent so much to do that and just missed just clean whipped didn't even hit the base at all oh that feels so bad really the only thing firework has going for him that was just he has two Buzz saws but there's just no there's no more opportunities to make an apple stripe if I choose Cannon isn't really defend oh never mind yeah well there you go firework redeeming himself immediately with a beautiful door snipe removing Tai choose Cannon putting Tai Chu on the back foot by a substantial margin at least for the moment remember the taichu still has a stronger economy than firework does so given perpetuity perpetuated given enough time uh firework will will inevitably fall behind but will firework let that happen oh oh okay you know I don't blame him for this I don't blame him for this at all I'm disappointed I'm not playing uh I don't I don't blame taichi for this not not even a little bit um this is obviously an incredibly risky strategy um this isn't boat forts so firework isn't going to be unnecessary like unexcusably and undefended from this I'll just find just a vanilla tier three yeah uh so there's just a chance at this time in the time that he's taken they get one tier three firework is already working on them Howitzer well Tai Chi also is getting one but right next for both of them really my question is does firework notice this there's there's no way he doesn't right right I mean once he gets hit by it or sees it go up in the air like once it fires you'll notice it but he may not have noticed it right now oh that's how it's just going oh well yeah you didn't miss this time but he didn't hit the intended target God that did probably at least as much damage to see that Howitzer though [Music] like I'm not sure which is more damage didn't that Howitzer or all those turbines honestly probably the turbines this is probably the turbines it's not like he has weapons to use energy with though all the buzz saw oh he could just plain to drop it oh he's not doing it let's do it firework now oh fireworks selling off one of their minds for a uh it's warm this one interesting decision well it's a buzz sauce chopping off the bottom half a Tai Chi but nothing to follow it up with Howitzer does as much as it can Cannon follow-up also well placed but again there's just that area is too well defended the tier 3 fires surely firework notices this question is how did they react oh it hits it's a miracle that was a really yeah all right so we have our first hit it did not hit anything particularly worthwhile but it oh this is it it's death there you go standard kinetic straight to the front causes the collapse and with that firework wins round one in this best of three very well played very very well played uh that's that's so so sad to see completely missing the core it hurts every time but hey he made it he made it come back and it worked still still one still shout out to the uh tier three making an appearance I actually dealt some damage which is always fun to see don't see that every day so good tier threes are always one of those scary things because like the chances of them actually dealing damage let alone critical damage is so very low that half the time you just don't even want to bother defending against them at all but sometimes they get that hit and it just ends the game immediately that's why that's why you need to make six of them so you can't defend it obviously just roll the dice enough okay you'll get the net 20 eventually yeah and ironically that's that is a good way to go about it hey it works on Leviathan if it works on Leviathan it could work anywhere right obviously yeah uh though I think I have gone up to nine on a vanilla base Jesus Christ I remember seeing those screenshots of you guys doing that it's just this giant arm extending behind just just barely dangling off the ground trying to survive the recoil yeah about the turbines the four four three lines on Earth it does make me so happy it does it does I'm a big fan you guys know that and the ice soil is always fun for that all right looks like bands are in players are ready let's jump into the next round time's up let's do this I think the players for two oblivious for Ethan the care about bands as long as they don't pick band commanders uh warthog wasn't banned was it uh no probably not okay that was architect spook ancient Eagle Eye okay I was like wait a minute okay I wonder what type she's doing with Phantom Mass tier threes mastery how does fancy help with that no idea um invisible portals yeah yeah portal tier three like a scrub I mean it's the only relevant Phantom ability if only yeah I I don't know uh I'm just going to expect standard play out of these players the Howitzer in a cannon is sitting above the core uh probably Phantom to just move things around so that they don't have the cannon collapse on their base because that's usually how that goes I'm expecting some Phantom Shenanigans but I don't know what the Phantom Shenanigans are gonna look he has he has a bus I think he'll he'll build a really tall tower and try and shoot the gold medal in firework space I've seen that I've seen that before actually I have seen a phantom match where someone built a really tall tower just put a buzz saw up there and fired from above I've seen them to do that with the cannon too although that didn't last very long good enough Canon cannon on 12 on top of a precariously tall tower what could go wrong yeah the moment their base went invisible the other player just Mass Buzz saw just scatterblasted the whole area just chopped the whole thing down no uh I don't know what he was aiming at this is visibly metal yeah I think he wanted to hit the turbines would have been a hard shot with the mortar there though yes he may not have known the mortar was there like it was technically visible but he may not have known it was there um oh he tried to save it didn't work oh this is the semi-finals right Tower of Babel uh Tower battle experience going on here just uh it's fine oh all right so firework looks like they're going for howitzers here um taichu on the other hand looks like they're not going for how it's a gold order I think it's just standard Cannon build order here yeah probably probably just cannons cannons but Phantom Phantom what is that what could possibly go wrong what is what are you talking about right now why are you like you know you know I've stopped questioning I can't questions he doesn't need heavy weapons he just needs Buzz sauce I can't I never know what to expect from this man and I I just can't he builds a Howitzer a Howitzer nest and puts us puts a buzz saw in it no he he put the buzz off first and then he put the nest around it ah I was making it all background why why oh my God all right I think I understand the logic here he didn't have the money to know he had the money he he wanted to take advantage of the timing I'm gonna try I'm gonna try he wanted to take advantage of the timing assuming that taichu was on top of their build order there would have been a cannon inside the cannon nest that's a bold assumption but it is an assumption that I would have made an assumption that I think firework did make I think he just fireworks saw this and said let me do a timing attack I'm going to build a buzz saw right now where it has an angle on taichu's under construction Cannon and so he did he just put it down and started building and then in order to save time or to not to not lose time he just put a cannon down to place instead so you're calling him accidentally genius yes this way here look at those moments this way he can get a timing attack on the taichu's cannon except taichu is Phantom and it's not in the cannon nest so when firework broke the cannon nest because you see he also built a sniper up there and was immediately firing on it yeah I mean the thing let's go oh but he built it wrong wait uh yeah it's a little bit dangly he's doing at the weird setup but it still works yeah okay presumably two or threes on this map are a bigger threat than on most oh my goodness it just dodged it I kid you not I kid you not like no swiveled out of the way it's it's absolutely swiveled out of the way it would have been hit if it were not in the process of swinging uh it also means that there's a very visible vulnerability there which is okay yeah is Reloaded really really good this has the potential to wipe out a majority of fireworks base um but that's about the expected outcome everybody built above his core frightening not really normally you just see like little one by one boxes uh no we're going to hell that's that's what that's from that is from Hell basket weaving the forts fort's themed basket weaving you know it'll work it'll work 20 mil is still firing it along see there's the Howitzer the buzz saw finally served its purpose how it's just showing up now imagine if that tier 3 landed would have been so good yes it would have been so satisfying it could still do a little bit of core damage but yeah the two or three is all the tier three is always going to be a threat here it's just it's been effectively dealt with of course the tier three defenses are in and of themselves a threat because now there's all that extraneous weight just chilling on top of the base which just makes every standard Cannon hit that much more dangerous and you can't really build this tall because he's building the defense is really small and though a little break if he goes High exactly just having a cheer with you on the field is a threat and a detriment to the opponent even if the tier 3 itself is not doing much pick out some gunners oh wow that wasn't even a phantom a phantom style risk like that was safe inside of its Cannon box it just got the angle that hurts that hurts my soul just a little bit and two or three little short oh that's bad yeah this is uh it's not looking good um you know I guess taichu could always move the tier three into the uh weapon box to fire it directly if necessary although it well probably don't want to do that so never gonna be able to put it back so we have core damage tied through down to 71 percent fireworks just got so much Firepower that's two cannons and a Howitzer on the field unfortunately um I choose next spot the the mortars are kind of already countered mortars on this map is so iffy is you have these machine Gunners in the front lower part of the base I'm sure just effectively immune to all things you know what's this tier three mortar and he wants his tier two mortars oh hey that was about as good of a hit as they were gonna get with the two or three actually splashing onto the weapons solid two three hit uh Howitzer can totally just land yeah this is gonna hurt oh and it's in the good spot cannons follow-up core down to 58 it was in a good spot but cannons cannot follow up at that angle there's so much just damaged wood in front of this board surely a buzz saw could take out a bit of fireworks Tower there uh let's touch you not touchy doesn't have buzzside Tech okay one a bus I wouldn't even hurt him that much like it's got bigger that is true oh oh our cannons can yeah cannons can just blow through that oh there goes the tier three I'm so mean with that Tai choose down to 39 and no heavy weapons to their name uh the tier 3 did land its final hit in a relatively similar position um did not do any meaningful damage so sad Here Comes yep there it is straight to the Core firework takes it rip toucher well with that firework wins 2-0 over their opponent taichu yes and they move on to the semifinals oh no those were the semifinals uh so they move on to the finals uh taichu moves to the bronze batch where they will face spencing we're doing the bronze match next yes uh yes bronze match next excellent fortunately we do not get to see these two play on Abyss oh no we're missing so much gameplay see taichu will be team two to start to Benson press for glacier what did I do what did you do I don't know what I did I'm being thanked for it oh for hosting Maybe I don't know what did I do I mean you must have done something right panic you were you were cool so he's thanking you for that that she says he's drunk oh no oh God that's not even five o'clock in the US yet I no he's in Germany it's like 10 there oh fair enough I I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually [Applause] let's take it we get to see elephants this time I'm just looking forward to it muscle oh Lord elephants good enough yes let's see if you guys like this kind of content you guys like these top tier games make sure to hit that follow button make sure to hit that subscribe Button as always check out the discords because the discords is where we actually get a lot of the community interaction you guys want notifications about when I go live about where do you see all these great beautiful videos uh my Discord is a place to do it if you guys want to join in on these tournaments such as the Eaton list tournaments or the Fords pro league that's upcoming later on this month the force official Discord is the place to do it you can find descriptions or links in the description below foreign there we go all right Eagle Eye pinch fist spook and warthog are banned for this upcoming match oh tattoos actually drunk okay I figured that at this point it's pretty obvious there are six people in my room and we're drinking [Laughter] oh boy all right then I'll explain all the tier threes yes I mean to be he's managed to pull them off quite cleanly for the uh apparent intoxication level at this stage if you can play that well wrong I'm scared laughs he's gonna try to operate Motor Vehicles let's not go there all right here we have on the left hand side we have defensing press for Crusher rocking out the architect Commander going for a quick expansion when you get to see some mines being placed as their opponent we're playing in a mirror match it's taichu on the right hand side also playing as the architect commander and starting off at exactly the same fashion actually that's not true taichu invested into a workshop before moving down to place Minds whereas Benson has not yet placed their technology so we'll get to see Ben seen ahead on minds but behind her technology Eco versus speed indeed yeah Benson's already up to three mods or all the way up to six Minds whereas taichu's still on four but Tai Chi will be able to place their heavy Tech look a bit quicker like notably quicker all depends on how effectively they can uh play their late game exactly there benzi going with a Armory of the typical municipants plan not in a snack Workshop note that uh Benson placed their tier one Tech at approximately exactly the same time as taichu placed their heavy weapons Tech yeah he'll probably get a lot of turbines and grid mines then like in the legend of Thruster Mission yes it worked out well let's see so I'm like not expecting much in the way of action for some time here as taichu is going for a pretty clear heavy weapons Rush um specifically the Howitzer variant so it's going to be a couple more minutes before we see anything out of taichu similarly Benzene is also not being aggressive and they are further behind the aggression index than a aggression timing then taichu is so it's going to be a couple minutes of just staring at each other angrily before they do anything about it yeah we're gonna get to hear some overdrive noises uh yes yes yes we are soon good God Ben seen going up to going up to six turbines already I mean I guess why not yeah there's no reason not to at this point um I'm curious to see if Ben Scene goes for Howitzer Vera to just Canon variants a taichu just placing their first Howitzer right now it could be smart to go for a highway but we'll have to see yeah uh given [Applause] given the timings of things knowing what we know as a spectator I would not be comfortable going howitzers just because howitzers require additional resources and the time it takes to get those is substantial but Ben scene doesn't know that so I am curious to see which option they'll go for well he's um definitely making sure to not skimp out on our third offense good all right I mean working on a shotgun yes that'll help clear out things from Below we'll need something to defend the direct core yeah it looks like Ben seems going for the standard Cannon set generally I think uh I've seen that a lot of people have a lot more to more confidence defending their core than the weapons platforms because they're just so vulnerable yes especially on this map if you hit just above the mines you can just topple it all especially the way most of these players construct their uh bases here with minimal Foundation notes never mind we have a second shotgun as well that one's much more capable of defending the core you know and I'm not gonna lie that's uh that wasn't that one in the back I will be a little bit tight he put it super far back on the platform as well yeah it's just uh it's gonna be scary trying to intercept those Pilots there's such a slim angle yeah I mean well I don't have doubts you could do it yeah it's doable and it's a pretty safe shotgun spot as long as he doesn't accidentally blast his own uh technology that is that would be so sad the worst part about it is you can absolutely do that because the spread the safety check doesn't account for the spread particularly well yeah especially without or especially with scattered shotguns yeah terrible there it goes solid defense interesting note that Benson gets his candid out and it's ready to fire it almost the same time as Tai Chu despite not using the commander ability to do so yeah and also um just the fact that he has six upgraded Minds whereas taichu has none like nothing close to that yeah that puts fencing quite far ahead that's the main upside to uh going Eco or I guess you could say the main downside to not going eco it's just that when you're rushing like that you're you're waiting on every little Penny to come in so you can place all your weapons but when you're starting with six upgraded Minds it kind of just it kind of just Flows In you get a lot of them you might see quad cannons that have been seen again I would love to see that but I also kind of doubt it that would be devastating it should happen I think tashu can't really kill him and he also touch can't really diet if we cannons either so at least not for a while the only scary thing is just defending all four cannons yeah it adds up over time yeah it does God for a bit of Howitzer gets there so he does have some good racing in the way what I'm wondering is why Ben scene hasn't fired yet Benson seems to like waiting until they have a large Alpha strike as even if it means they don't fire for additional two minutes after getting their weapons I think he's just waiting on energy right now I mean he's not exactly starved for energy floated 31 000 of it already very very right oh my God it's possible he didn't want to charge the active until he had a good attack so he could do that close I mean sure but like you could have started firing this is this is just a difference in play style I suppose huh but you could have started firing that first cannon even second Cannon multiple minutes ago and prevented your opponent from just having the things that they have now um and the thing is after they trade all these volleys the the commanders just always active indeed and the uh it did punch deep I'll give it that those are some well-aimed candidates knocked four percent off of Tai Chu's core like it got close they're just not quite close enough he's missing that fourth Cannon oh you got four cannons because it's like the splash of all the Cannons will actually start breaking stuff so you can't really defend it because it does that at three as well it's only a three uh at least wood I know yeah I don't know about doors I know uh the four cannons definitely starts breaking doors with splash which is just devastating oh yeah Buzz saw man on the uh if he hits the Howie defense with those Buzz saws which I think is what he's aiming cool oh my god oh oh no it's an air-cooled core it completely knocked everything off oh oh my abusing architect to keep himself alive is derbency drops to 34 percent I from that though taichu had charged cannons yeah it wasn't really expecting that to happen I wasn't expecting that to happen like the buzz saw just ripped the whole thing off the top yeah oh there it is the triple Cannon punching through okay interesting note the taichu still has a high risk ribbon Benson just entirely to core damage yeah it's because of the one one gunner in the one sniper um well good news for Benson not only does Ben scene have a massively stronger economy but also has more Firepower now so Tai choose on a pretty rough clock and that clock is at eight minutes and 50 seconds just a matter of time now he does have the architect actor to work with though Benzene just has so much more economy taiju doesn't have the money to really utilize the the architect active right now like taichu has literally floated zero medal this entire game and is broke right now oh yeah honestly in his position I would probably sell the missions but because it's unlikely I'm gonna get another Cannon there I mean would that feels oh yeah like if you had four extra metal from that musician's plan he could have had more doors so bad yeah cause like the Howitzer alone is unlikely to do anything just because Benson has map control but oh man he's doing it three cannons in a super cannon it's tragic that Howitzer will never hit taichu's core but actually it's actually just a bigger Cannon it is that Howitzer will never hit taichu's core but it's still gonna it's still gonna try to participate oh my God another one you know I always forget that you can just straight up fit a Howitzer in there yeah five cannons I'm telling you Benson knows he doesn't need this much Firepower he just wants this much Firepower just because Overkill is underrated and I'm all about it it's an ego boost Tai choose even selling off mines right now oh no it's like he knows this end is coming needs every ounce of his resources just to survive the next few seconds I don't know why he's selling them like oh he's going swarms Tech switch time I think the Swarms are a little bit late but it's a valiant effort oh oh with the sniper okay sniper antier you don't see that every day second Howitzer would have been seen saving it for the office track he's got 16k energy capacity so if you can absolutely there's the top Howitzer it lands no uh snipers shotgun oh he's trying he's trying ah it doesn't quite make it in time architective too strong um I've been seen [Laughter] not playing around he see he saw those missiles in production he's like I'm gonna build an mg wall not like this oh oh the over penetration and the shotgun blast doesn't make it there it is oh my gosh uh taichu finally Falls as dear Benson comes in with the Quince hubblekin and why are you like this just breaking taichu over his knee well played well played it looks so twig s all right and benzene which map is next elephants right yeah elephants oh [Music] there we go it's the prettiest map in the game is it is pretty good not Shameless at all Mech honestly modesty what's that I like Indo or it is a very nice looking map and it was pretty much much better than um me trying to make Japan uh no add some interesting and some on this map makes sort of sense I guess it's such a long range map right so you can yes you can right you can move weapons and they can't really get punished re-exposed I guess I suppose that is one way to go about it uh yeah it's waiting for next Tai Chi ban and then we'll uh go on to the next one start up round two as soon as no dragon I grow Eagle is already banned it's just Eagle you know [Laughter] moonshine that'll do whatever I think I think Tai Chi's just gone I need to save that as a screenshot oh my God all right all right let's do this once more into the bronze match best two out of three with Benzene up one zero over their opponent here we have on the left hand side it's taichu playing as architect commander looks like we're going for another mirror match as Ben seen on the other side is also architect Architects seeming to be the popular choice he's just that good yeah it is the thing about Architects it doesn't feel like overpowered it's just general all-around good yeah very good yeah like it's it's just architect is good in pretty much every situation like a game where it's not a good thing that's that's the problem yeah I don't I don't have one and it's like if you shoot architect a lot then she gets active and she can basically just get weapons as many weapons as you have down and it's just she's it's it's punishing to shoot her which is too defensive it's it's like it's like the players are punished for attacking it's not a good thing it's like a spook the more you attack spook the more money they get out of you um yeah exactly and now she's like 16 other but yeah spook isn't bad pretty good yeah yeah it's just not like almost every game as well yeah it's not amazing anymore yeah it's my favorite kind dangling from a rope that's that's my favorite take on back turbines they should be challenging you don't think they should be able to be both with like a couple of struts and that's it those back splines I guess we do see an upgrade Center out of Durban seats we may be moving toward that same style as last time with mass upgraded what is taichu doing he's building a man okay that's not a man that's a voodoo doll oh yep you're probably right here I feel bad for whoever's Voodoo that is whatever are we getting the art going already yeah it's being hard better on making oh Benson is responding in kind about to say at least there's not um it begins three kittens the art War has oh God yep I'm surprised neither side is going lasers just despite the background racing that is the other player's art foreign must live but that's how you win the game you break their art you break their soul and then then you win realistically speaking the among us being is stronger than that thing that thing I don't know how to describe it anymore it just scares me looks like something that would be like out of poly Bridge or something I mean that's we're playing we're playing poly Bridge don't you see all these expansions and bridges everywhere only Bridge with guns yeah good Lord uh Tai choose having some energies facing an energy crisis right now um blocking up one of their turbines they're kind of hurts for energy production of any kind uh Benson's base on the other hand is getting some economic upgrades he's empowering the Among Us okay laughs that's the sentence I never thought I'd hear turning the among us into armor which is actually not a bad call here like that's a pretty good place for armor mind you uh he still has the drop shot above his own core so if those cannons come calling from from the above angle it could be a problem and I mean even if they missed the core at base 16th but even if you missed the court hit the tech in the turbines as well and see Tai choose Pioneer to aim their cannons but where does it hit it's going straight for the art love to see it ah that Cannon is so protected that is four boxes of wood you could say aiming at that Cannon is rather suspicious one could say that yes I'm disappointed oh [Laughter] uh all right Tai Chi's got both cannons off cooldown doesn't have the capacity to dip to uh group fire them but chain fire them can absolutely do I find it interesting that Benzene isn't going taichu well you know he did aim Center Mass did aim his Center Mass successfully he made them both land at the same spot you know it takes a lot of skill to do that I probably couldn't do that if I wanted to the shot that was made here if I wanted to make that shot there I probably couldn't do it not successfully it's not going for the bottom suspension uh yeah me too although suppose at this point you can only do so many things at once I get it is just one mind but it's also quite a bit of stability I'm surprised Benzene hasn't gone up to additional capacity it's a group fire those cannons or at least to uh be able to rapidly fire them well I am I'm very sad that it's become a thing or a bad thing to group fire cannons it's not a really a bad thing it's just not as good as chain firing oh that looks it looks cool it does look cool that's for sure if they both go in the same spot it does the same thing that's DC that's the big If part do you have a higher chance of them going to the same spot if you Chainfire unless you've got the uh unless you've offset your cannons like horizontally and or have the like like the 45 degree angle on the drop including the gravity drop at which point then it's better to group fire yeah or equivalent to group fire which just makes it better because it removes the human elements of aim I just appreciate the art is still standing for both sides it's not like there's anything that could kill it though I think Tai Chi might be getting it Howie oh well that's not good for taichu as taichu's already suffering an energy crisis oh my gosh I just realized how frail that weapon setup is go through to the mines it might now it shouldn't collapse but it'll still uh fall back a lot oh yeah uh it's a bit wobbly yeah not even sure why it looks relatively stable I guess it's just because it's such a small set of Foundations like that's one and a half boxes worth of foundation space to work with for either player and he could like attach it to the the part below the line there and it would be more stable hey yeah I suppose it would certainly help the rotation a bit which I think is the big thing yep there's that Howard sir some interesting expansion question mark yeah I don't really know what he's going for there oh that was expensive Benson just lost three doors which were under construction after having been converted from wood oh ow that could convert from wood to Door immediately loses the wood he's trying to shoot the elephant why why are you like this so violent oh wow that was good oh yeah that hurts that's why what do you okay he doesn't like it I don't think he likes elephants oh man wait wait what just happened he repaired this deal then it went through oh my God so not only did the Canon do a drop shot which is just so difficult we've seen a couple of those this tournament already yeah it's so very difficult like I don't know how to stress how difficult it is to make that shot like that's not something you aim for that's just you you're aiming for the cannon and you you accidentally get it uh and it happened through an energy Shield which was active up until the exact like couple frames before like that's just no he's back to the sniping balance he's just flexing his APM right selling he's defending the Among Us from the howitzer with a cannon route and now he has a shotgun he's still not placing a mine there It's upsetting someone's gotta remind Benson that he can go up to six miles on this map yeah I want to but so badly but I can't that actually puts uh Benzene and taichu on approximately the same economy despite Benson having five upgraded mines and uh taichu having only two upgraded mods for all of their economic expansion in the earlier game Ben scene is not incredibly far ahead in the economic game and now taichu's hidden with the howitzer which is scary mind you uh Benson's got three cannons which is a lot it's substantive Cannon how about three cannons isn't four cannons so he can't win yet mirror correct fencing is required to have three cannons now actually yeah if taichu shoots that top one he'll be winning right uh yes shut up as soon as I say it it's called the Caster's curse and is entirely your fault now that Tai Chi is losing this yep I'm so sorry huh even the Howitzer gets shut down how could you do this to taichu taichu just trying to have a good time he's already drunk he's got his friends over he's having a good time either way he was busy shooting the freaking elephant oh God this is this is great if someone is more focused on shooting a prop than the uh the literal enemy they're probably having fun you can't lose all right you can't lose he's already he's already won the real game having fun yep that's beautiful why did he use his active what did he build uh uh support turbine at the bottom that's nothing support for the effigy this is one way to describe it let's see where is Ben scene going to build before with Canon it's my question is hmm I see yes right below is it going to be a Howitzer or it might be Howitzer uh more doors oh God the more doors the best kind of door you betting on how it's her Cannon down there Howitzer yes oh God taichu wait you could actually win yeah yeah okay okay wait you know what not funny anymore I mean it's still funny it's just funny and also serious I wonder if he shoots the Among Us with these you know I wouldn't put it past him he could just straight up shoot the core no the background oh my oh my God and he gets the Among Us oh my God and it all comes crumbling down it's not even blinking oh God stability this doesn't even have proper stability Tech in there he's got a little bit of stability in there but holy smokes Buzz saw strong uh-oh oh boy the cannon the Howitzer has been detected and been seen once it gone okay he holds on the middle no you're not supposed to shoot the metal with the bug sauce oh no on order here I come here comes death this is this is what the end looks like the Canon follow-up there it goes now his art is gone yep we are now living in an art free world dang we have three minutes left in this match uh Benson is a world ahead of taichu here uh Tai Chi's base is battered broken and he defended itself from a Howitzer um not working this is this is what the end looks like for Tai Chi so she's still managing to rock out at a hundred percent core HP despite all of this wait wait Cannon no he's doing a Howie oh no no no no another Howitzer out of Benson I hit you you're shooting at metals oh yeah that makes sense yeah I like how Benson's playing along oh geez kill the elephant he's he's still just shooting the freaking elephant the elephant statue the Real Enemy I mean look at its eyes you could see just malice wait so back to the yard taichu broke the among us before losing the effigy yes does that mean taichu wins yeah that was that was spectacular how it fell I did not see that one coming yeah like I thought he was just gonna freaking explode no he crushed it under its own weight the the Among Us was his immortality totem haha ah he used it so he could live that was that was amazing this match is amazing yeah shout out to taichu making this game good mortar no shoot it down touch you no he tried he actually tried for it yeah all right here come the Cannons for the core clean up and yeah 10 seconds left Benson finishes it off well played well played oh my gosh oh my gosh oh he didn't even need those notes oh lord well that will lock in Benson as the bronze place third place for this tournament succeed in themselves I believe it's the 50 Steam gift card fifty dollars yes excellent yes all right then next and final time let's go my favorite journistian versus firework see firework team two all right German stream uh I didn't recognize as is the German stream live right now yeah finland's on Naomi were casting actually I guess Naomi had to leave so okay I guess we'll take his place all right well if you guys want to see these very matches casted in German the native German tongues I know something like half the players here are German something like half or a third a significant amount of the player's hero German I believe Let's see we had Duncan Merkel who was live on Twitch right now I'm checking those out so if you guys want to enjoy this content in the native German language make sure to check that out there this Tides you truly win of the elephant yet lives oh no all right then get those Commander bands rolling I sense a gif of that sound ing in the chart the let us go all right I don't even think he caught it it's just like his face was stable enough this is wild yeah that's that's crazy yeah no no the uh and at the end there uh Ben seen his base recoiled from the hit and started to collapse but this stability Tech captured it caught it um his a connection to the back the back Foundation yeah and another element of it is the Among Us actually broke like the humongous itself it collapsed reducing the extra weight alleviating a lot of the weight that would have otherwise been on the base it was um as the immunity idol oh my God makes sense makes sense oh my God four player Force that's beautiful uh three teammates on the keyboard you know it can't possibly help him so I ca I can't bring myself to to think let's make a really good on that oh that's amazing interesting shot Lord okay on this map not to unorthodox all right so here we have on the left hand side in the grand finals of the etonless 1v1 tournament in round one we have journistian here playing as the shocking out commander on The Blue Team here on the left an interesting Commander choice but a commander choice that is not terribly unused for its power and that's going to be wielded against their opponent it's firework here on the right hand side in the red playing as the warthog Commander of both of these commanders specialize in the later game style play with firework enable a with their command ability enables empowered heavy weapons which deal bonus damage which is just incredibly powerful and Incredibly popular for it this is contrasted with journistian's shakana pick which their Commander ability upgrade temporarily upgrades hybrid weapons these are weapons like the fire beam weapons which are the like the 20ml into their heavy weapon counterparts so the fire beam becomes the plasma beam the 20 mil becomes a standard Cannon so these kind of hybrid weapons which don't really destroy bases so much just spread damage around will be temporarily upgraded into devastating damage dealers and that means that journistian doesn't have to spend on proper heavy weapons but instead spend less money and less time on getting out a whole bunch of hybrid weapons and then hit just as hard as heavy weapons for a brief period during the commander active but making it quite the strong strategy we'll see how it plays out here additionally um it's quite relevant on this map but Wagner has the explosive barrels which she can just place at any of the expansions and will be practically immune to those expansions being buzzed oh yes which is one of the most fun Parts about sharkanon is something you see all used um great many times in custom ads especially because shark attack doesn't have to maintain this rather vulnerable tendril up into this Barrel up into this ball up here because instead just build the little box off to this side little Cradle to hold a barrel and in in the Cradle goes a barrel and now this entire tendril can be disconnected look at it it's so pretty and now whenever the buzz saws inevitably chop that tendril into they don't lose access to the ball it's like firework starting off with some uh looks like a similar strategy to last time um starting off with the swore missiles on top not sure how janistian's going to respond to this because he does not have the armory well the offensive Tech so both players have access to buzz saws which is sufficient to do some tendril chopping I should know Tunisian also is going for the swore missiles even more so taking advantage of that Barrel as we've seen uh in fireworks last match very common strategy to deny the missiles is just Buzz saw the connection and they just don't fire sequence you still pay the energy but they don't shoot here's the thing firework doesn't know that journistian is shakana I think I'm pretty certain dronesian didn't expose the barrel oh well now he knows okay now he does I was about to say firework could be I'm going to use the word baited into spending on Buzz saws which would not do much given the federal status of journistian but well no longer the case I'm sure he'll get pretty good you saw that that's not regardless oh I'm sure Buzz saws are always traumatic levels of effective but at least they are at least at least they wouldn't go chopping some tendrils eh yes the mg wall coming in incredibly useful but art does actually have an AP sniper so seeing more and more of those I feel like lately oh my maybe he was imagining that bridge was still there he's like wait it's supposed to be there is it invisible what happens Phantom Bridge oh no nuke yet that's still quite scary you know at some point swarm missiles you get enough of them they start breaking things and like two of them plus a nuke is already reaching danger levels the nuke alone is reaching danger levels yeah yeah pretty good damage on the mine but his hits just aren't doing enough oh that's what the nuke is for eventually I'm kind of surprised okay yeah there it goes I was like wait a minute the the fire beam is still alive no no we're gone oh my God he's sniping it oh well there it goes fire beam being being upgraded to a plasma loses the fire beam in the process but manages to wipe out half of fireworks mines which is a lot of damage yeah that is that is 900 metal there to replace oh it's dangling once those machine guns fire The Recoil is just gonna cause a problem oh he takes out his own nuke with the minigun oh well that's unfortunate interesting to see that journalistian's not going for uh Armory or anything I mean neither player is going for an Armory generation is just being hammered though easy I mean he is he did lose his he did lose his fire beams like these tries to Wood spam in front of him but oh it's just not enough a lot of time unless you have like one God Gunner there's lunch yeah that's all all three oh but the news gets sniped out that's not a battery though battery's not battery's not repaired this time well there you go I'm not sure you could have that was those got a couple direct hits on them they didn't explode immediately upon impact but the fire yeah I don't think it could have been put out in time by the way that that hurts fireworks substantially because no new can be launched until the batteries are replaced he's already struggling he can't even fire two swarms at once nope and the each individual swarm got shot down completely oh great use of the fire beam incendiary nuke pretty catastrophic damage he's burning fireworks on fire and not in the good way and I think I think this is where genesian turns the side I think so like not having to worry about losing his own trunk his connection journistian may have been taking heavy hits but really wasn't taking damage meaningful damage if that makes sense that's why I was not too concerned about it like he's losing a couple Gunners here or there we'll say the nice thing about Shaka Natsu is that fire beams are so cheap that you can just keep spamming them out and if they die it's 400 metal you can it's it's rare that you can't afford it it matters but it doesn't matter that much yes as opposed to a plasma laser which costs two and a half times that yes they are not the same plus they they build so quick too oh the new Clans oh no the tendril it backfired it dragged the barrel down with it well that's bad I really are just trading blow after blow oh my God okay I would also like to know fireworks still has not replaced those mines that he lost no he's not replaced now he doesn't he doesn't care he doesn't care about them firework care about things more Minds oh gosh but a direct hit straight to the Core a dronistian takes the nuke straight to the face knocking him down to 45 HP that is a lot of HP to lose yes like genestian very badly needs to get some AAA that he can keep up wow oh this could be it oh yep he misfires the gunners diving down from a top fireworks nuke lands on the core knocking Ernestine out there is round one in this best of three I think that one minigun made all the difference because the Metro machine could almost never shoot anything down and Firework could every time yeah like when janistan got that uh Fire game that worked really well but he just wasn't able to keep it for offense huh like the only other time the only other times that you was using it he was mostly just using it for defense like even if even with the chagano active yeah he's using the plasma to shoot down the nukes and fireworks bus stop work was also very good because she can never get wood in front of his weapons and that one nuke at the end was because um he couldn't put spam yeah it was pretty bad going to get some water real quick be right back ah yes almost ready for the next match Nick is just getting a drink and then then yeah borings what do you think we're gonna see on Moorings oh that's a good question let me think I think we're not going to see more of the cutesy bag chair bunch it's probably not um I'm not gonna try to predict firework s yeah we'll probably just see standard Cannon styles out of uh journestian maybe a Howitzer then because warthog is on the table it is architect is bands we're not going to see that mirror match happening yeah I think I've seen pirate go mortars could be a possibility yeah that would that would be very cool I would like that but I don't expect that you can't expect anything from fireworks ah moonshine you can only expect that he plays pretty alright chaotic to say the least but it's good oh geez it seems like the Moonshine took uh from dynastian I know he's sort of advocated for it in the past yeah does this mean he's gonna go 20s like surely not no probably just tannins with moonshine just standard counters of the Moonshine I think I've seen him do this build before but he just goes um moonshine cannons and it honestly works really well because yeah once you get to Moonshine cannons you can shut stuff off for like oh I think it's 16 seconds not more it's a long EMT time I mean I've been on the receiving end of it before it's it is a good strategy a little surprised that he didn't just go with warthog because it seems like the or a consistent pick that's what I was thinking like warthog under Nissian and I I don't I'm not gonna I'm still not gonna try to predict firework even though he seems to be doing a standard Cannon Rush yep that's for the battery goes yep it's actually pretty good place for a battery I like it you're not nowhere nowhere near the explosive quarter hey if the if the battery explodes into the courts because the core is already dead so it doesn't matter yeah yeah horror was behind like eight pieces of wood the batteries just explodes murders and good Lord this sniper has begun you know we haven't seen a whole lot of uh we haven't seen a whole lot of sniper dueling this time around yeah I think oh we out we've mostly just seen I think Canon Shenanigans the most yes Cannon Howitzer I'm not I don't think people use a sniper that much oh that's officially core damage seven percent core damage at that but this EMP is not meant to deal damage this is just the cheeky this is just the cheeky imma hit you with an EMP because I can sitting andronistian does not have a sniper available nor is they nor are they reacting with them well he's about one Gunner down below but yeah he's he spelled a gunner he's sort of covered up the core I think he's called that just good fair enough the one thing that you cannot give an EMP player is satisfaction that's the illegal bit it's the one thing you can't give them and oh machine gunner does nothing knocking you this unicorn down to 92 percent did we did we accidentally put taichu in that uh machine gun booth oh no oh no interesting note despite the EMP hits uh journistine's not been slowed down at all um no he is still rapidly progressing with this how it turned 20. yeah he is going 20 rather than standard Canon but it's Howitzer so we've seen this before where the 20 mil just does nothing to support the Howitzer but you know what this is the world we live in but this is with moonshine though yeah so the EMP stable large breathing it's just the entire base gets shut down yes because even shotguns won't be able to do anything mm-hmm so it's a little bit more worthwhile but this does mean that your Nissan really doesn't have a damage follow-up to penetrate through the gaps that the uh Howitzer creates beep unless he gets like a a cannon or something else oh it looks like he's just oh hold on don't go crazy this isn't Benson here we're not gonna see crazy uh [Music] now I am curious to see how it will pan out uh we do see double cannon out of Firework double cannon warthog which is this is about a standard of a play as it gets with the exception of it being a little bit slow no that Howitzer can just fire and there is no Howitzer defense to be known there's also not a whole lot of places the Howards you're gonna break things oh come on lights from there okay Christmas I think I think you can't do this to me like it blew off the front and then the whole thing just came collapsing down like you can't firework what did you do howitzer uh it's how it's your defense don't you know yeah yeah but after all the stuff dies yeah that's the best time to build defenses yeah can't argue with that firework you built your your weapon platform such that if the doors break the whole thing falls down why are you like this granted I think it was a lot more than the doors that just broke doesn't have anything to anything really to follow up the howitzer the 20 mil can kinda but you know how that goes I'm kind of surprised that fireworks not putting anything in that little spot underneath this cannon so that's a pretty good spot for a weapon yeah as long as like you defend it from eating the sniper I'm trying I'm trying not to say it while also saying it at the same time [Laughter] yeah that was that was such an incredible shot he was completely winning even I didn't see that one coming already going up to Triple Buzz side of jernistian and another 20 mil okay I think jonestion is um just oh I think tunisian's just winning yeah yeah okay you might be right about that did he just sell off or off he just had a oh my God a particularly rough base layout as I guess that even like that yeah something about getting hit by a lot of howitzers why was he just he was like making Gunner trenches without the Gunner like if he was fighting mortar oh God who knows I recognize probably sure maybe I don't know let's see okay final match is hang time all right Hang Time one of my favorites we need to swap teams here and get those Commander bands going no pinch fist ever oh well this was we're actually going to the last round in the grand finals we are I'm excited about this [Music] on Hang Time time is a very good map interesting to see Eagle Eye bands so much all right [Music] yeah I'm kind of surprised too eagerly over warthog it's just like more this is a Little Bit Stronger but fancy okay so I guess spook and warthog are available okay time's up let's do this yeah oh that's very interesting well here we have in the last round in the grand finals it's drenistian here on the left hand side in the blue playing as the sh as the scatter shot Commander the commander known for 20 mil spam and shotgun blasts we get a lot of potential Firepower coming from some very efficient weaponry facing off against their opponent on the right hand side it is firework firework playing as the spook Commander spooky Commander known for its power in the 1v1 scenario gets access to see the inside of the enemy for just as we The Spectators do so here firework will know everything there is to know about journistine including their Commander choice and they can prepare for it appropriately but perhaps more importantly spook's active ability actually steals resources directly at a jernestine's pocket and puts it right into fireworks capacitors which is just strong I mean that's the main draw that that is that is the main draw right there like for all the spectator view being able to see inside the fort most the stuff you know anyways and a lot of the stuff you don't know is also the stuff that doesn't matter but being able to literally steal resources that if your opponent can send someone down in death spiral which they otherwise would not have been it's like getting a free Cannon shot every time you press the commander ability button which is just good it's also rather useful against scatter shot in particular because he can know he can he can know before the um the 20 mil fire that's um he needs to build sandbags and you know just general scatter shot defenses exactly that or just the knowledge that you got triple 20 mils coming down on you so you could literally just cover your entire base in Shields and be immune to everything it was also a play but scatter shot is one of the more um one ones that you want to keep secretive until you shoot them which is going to backfire hilariously given fireworks choice of spook yeah at least potentially Lord knows how the firework is going to handle this yeah hmm it's it's it's anyone's game when fireworks involved he's so very good at the game it's just something he's just so chaotic in everything he does is just nearly the opposite genesian is just so clerical about everything he really is he's very predictable about it too which is a weakness of a kind but it does if it does make it fun to watch though it does it really does vanistian is a fun player to watch as here comes the EMP s the core that's a pretty bad Avenue to the turbines in the back and chances of it getting that are not great but that is possible it's possible more interestingly a drudenistine is ready to start placing 20 mils just anywhere and everywhere they want I think he's gonna do a Howie yeah there's the Howie Howitzer is another great choice on maps such as this getting a Howitzer on top of the front's most Foundation node and actually having it hit that node is usually death for the entire base very interesting spot to uh put the house here itself also I've never seen it there I think it's I think it's akin to the one on select tits that you put at the top of the core oh yeah it's similar but I've never actually seen it placed there on this map it's also paying time not stalactites so yeah this is true oh boy yeah it made it man and it gets a turbine man why'd I speak [Laughter] doing 200 damage worth of metal and shutting down all the vagina scenes and energy production for a good 15 seconds and two Mayans pretty pretty nice EMP there and tearing it up though it's mildly upsetting uh yeah but the EMP is gone so it doesn't matter yeah uh worth noting that yes journistian has that Howitzer and yesterday it's about ready to Alpha strike about 15 or seconds uh firework is already prepared for this he's got extended bracing out the front of his base he's got multiple machine gunners as ants here to deal with this and he's got a fire beam and he gets a snipe on the he he hits the 20 mil he doesn't break it he's just being active with this sniper oh but he does break another turbine fire beam strong or four back turbines they're supposed to not die finally a counter snipe we have a sniper duel yikes that's a terrifying plasma that is a very terrifying plasma almost takes the howitzer you know those back turbines are having a real bad time um journistian probably wants to fix that as soon as possible he is okay good I'm a little confused why he's just keeping the background above his 21. I'm not sure because I get if it's foreground it can collapse but you can just convert like a few struts some really good sniping going on though yeah this is nice to see this is something we haven't seen pretty much all tournament and they're not being super active with their snipers but they are presenting a consistent threat as active as they can get yeah oh another scary hit with plasma it's still enough firework just has enough enough answer to deal with this with only one 20 millimeter as a follow-up adrenistian does not have the damage output necessary to break through firework at this point in time the firework is free to do whatever they want which at this point uh firework also doesn't have the Firepower to bridge your nistians so this isn't exactly a a quick match going on here it's stepping up for the second plasma a second plasma will make a difference I'm wondering if firework is going to switch targets to that 20 because it's a more vulnerable Target and you should know this at this point nope you turn the door wow I almost got it so frightening close but not quite he did actually hit the Howitzer he did actually hit the Howitzer with that it just the door is closed in time firing spilled now otherwise it's going to yeah there we go that'll be close still do a hefty minor Splash damage and uh cause some nasty repair bill yeah I don't imagine Dynasty and wants to risk too many chances for this howitzer gets the sniper it makes it halfway across ah this has got to hurt fireworks so much does not have the energy to fire that plasma right now this is funny because he is smooth and you spook but he just hasn't invested enough into his energy economy the problem is fixing right now especially going up to two plasmas that is incredibly energy hungry yeah there's an energy Shield there for journalistian journalistian understanding what's important protecting his Minds not risking anything hmm it's also going with a EMP I thought he was going to do a shotgun I'm curious to see what he's gonna try with that at a workshop I think the EMP is just debate so the Howie gets through like that okay yeah that's smart though he's he's still burning yeah and the 20ml got EMP because of diet which was also very unfortunate the follow-up would have been so nice [Music] that one machine gunner getting replaced and sniped every time chronicians sitting on the sniper a lot and is making great work with it you love to see it as much as he can yeah are trying to zero it in it looks like hmm terrifying implications for that I would say oh wait it's exposed from the top oh my gosh there it is the sniper doing sniper things actually making it through so with the fall of the 20 mil dronistian loses substantive amounts of there did he get it no no it hit the door oh that was close yeah there is the bait EMP yeah he really needs the step up as Firepower like that 120 mil is not cutting it every player here needs to step up their Firepower work needs more energy production in order to use the weapons they currently have available saddling ammunitions plan he's able to kill the weapons just um not kill anything else [Music] which is good enough for now yeah like it certainly works it's just he can't continuously fire his own weapons at this stage of the game yeah which does not work oh my gosh the sniping is so funny you just should have tried so many times to shoot over that door and like put through that background to the sniper but he keeps missing it oh that was almost the perfect uh anti-air fire beam out of Firework that one energy Shield journistian seems to be slowly adding in more energy Shields and it's uh working out in his favor yeah yeah that's the scary thing is he only has seven minutes and he needs to be building more Firepower like now there's we're getting to the stage of the game where oh again keep losing 20 mils like that a beautiful door snipe out of fire electronician loses another 20 mil in this final round firework is looking to have a dominant position s here working out for him I mean that's the thing like firework isn't able to break Jonathan dronistian on the other hand is cracked he's breaking at the seams but is all together holding fine no oh my goodness yeah plasma does not have the angle against the 20 against the Howitzer confirmed that's still terrifyingly close really wanting that howitzerland but it's just not enough like even with the shotgun oh my even if the howitzerlands it's not gonna kill him well you see that's what I said last time we saw how that turned out okay but here there's no way there's actually no way there's no there's no venue for the Howitzer show to fly in and kill everything that's what I thought there was like the whole cannon at stake is loading but here everything is actually defended here also we now have a Howitzer out of firework one third of the way completed and one's done I should be able to crack open anything and everything on journesty inside of the field and journistian I doubt we'll see it coming yeah that was all of his doors gone running out of answers for fireworks questions he's got nice use out of the scatter product Oh my God he actually got it yeah fire beam down does he get it the doors are oh no oh okay uh error I think the players are still intact okay yeah yeah it's just since it reflected off the shield I think and diarrhea I think I think that was all the costume hopefully it didn't break it now we're actually getting really really close to their their points being equal yeah firework only has 300 more points that's about to change now Pam there it goes he does have um multitudes of weapons building at the time but Howitzer just landed at doubling fireworks score yeah in all honestly I think there is a great chance that uh tradition does not survive the next three minutes oh there it is wow that was a good shot yep and there it goes the last of Drew nistian's core death by sniper perhaps death by firebeam which weapon shall firework decide to end it with to finish the execution flaming sniper it is and there you have it ladies and gentlemen firework taking victory over dronistian in this best of three in the grand finals we have a Victor it's Firework and that is a that would be that means you know what that means firework wins the 100 steam gift card knocking Ernestine down to Second Place who gets the 50 Steam gift card congratulations to firework congratulations to judistian congratulations to what was it uh Benson golfer Benson in the bronze to take bronze shout out to everyone thank you thank you competitors everyone has performed extremely well and let me go and check out that that replay that last shot because I was I was a jersey hit because I want to see that one gorgeous beautiful I just wanted to say again shout out to other great competitors here who have joined us today for the eaton-less 1v1 tournament it's you know it's an eating this tournament but it's not so easy on this has eaten is is here with us our voice and in spirit yes it was very good very very good oh Lord these are the kinds of matches we love to see these are the kinds of matches we are here for great games for the fans and I want to say again shout out to everyone who joined us in to view for the viewership is these are is you guys here watching oh the reason why we get to keep doing this it has been a great showcase here you'll love to see it and real quick I want to say shout out to all those who have supported the stream during during this segments as we have here it is Cavs coming in with the 65 well that's as I here let me adjust this somewhat there we go we have Cavs coming in with the 65 we have kalijah coming in and read Jordan the incursion for 50 months that is a long time with kalijah coming in with the 50 dropping the nuke that is a lot of support and we'd love to say we get some love in chat for those who have supported this stream during all this and cabs coming in again with another 65. I'm glad you enjoy because I know it's getting late for those on the Europe side of the world but that is going to have to wind down this cast for today if you guys like this kind of content make sure to hit that subscribe button make sure to hit that like button and check back soon because we've got more coming out uh we've got the forz pro league coming out like two weeks from now or something like that oh next week next week it goes so fast yeah good well there you have it more content coming out very very soon and I know you guys love to see it so for now or to say congratulations to the victors congratulations to journistian congratulations to Firework and Benson and shout out to taichu making things so much more exciting I want to say again thank you to Eaton for putting this all together putting this on and again say hello to Mech 70 joining us here in voice chat remember you guys can always check out the VOD if you guys want to see this in the German tongue and check it out at Duncan miracle and also I believe it was who is streaming it was a Naomi uh Naomi was streaming with with Finn buttons streaming I believe okay so Finn was streaming and then swapped out for all right you guys can check them out on Twitch but for now that is going to be the end of our live stream segment today we will be back later on tonight to do the regular scheduled stream but for now
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 18,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Incursus, Forts, RTS
Id: GKv1LDklumM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 259min 19sec (15559 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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