"Word for the Nations Pt.1" | POWER HOUR | Ep.16

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[Music] good morning Facebook land YouTube world it is par are coming to you from a gloriously blue sky Glasgow what has happened pigs must be flying we've had days of blue sky in Glasgow it is as rare as hen's teeth to have this much some it is Wednesday is a glorious Wednesday the 22nd of April 2020 and we are delighted that you are with us for another fast paced intense 60 minutes with the profits from Glasgow I noticed lots of you are already on and waiting in facebook shadows for us to join you and so many I mean this minute comments you might my head is fitted with Australia Germany Minnesota Michigan Pennsylvania Dorset and Bonnie's remembering yesterday you are the bride you are the warrior bride and I am so glad you guys are with this am so Jane gonna greet people and yeah hi L mean and you're just saying hi friend in South Africa I think she's been on every day well done you friends in Denmark and and North America California Oh lovely California and Colorado we love Colorado and so welcome and good morning from Scotland yeah it's good to have you all with us we're super excited for the next hour we have some great stuff to share with you that God is just releasing over the nations right now and I'm we're excited for you to join from wherever you are we have Denmark as well you're so well I'm high from as well you're super welcome with us as your first time with us as well do let us know after your first time joining we'd love to hear from you as well I'm Alabama to Florida I'm sure you've got better weather or even warmer weather but we did manage well I managed to say stayed for a little but yesterday although it was quite one day so it's nice and Kazakhstan as well mmm this is a day where I have to say and I have some fairly heavy-duty notes here and rather than us you know just dealing with things of our own mindset or our own spending time well I actually feel like the anointing of the Prophet is really upon the three of us and I want to be direct with you we are dealing with some weighty international and national issues and not just prophesying about the status quo which you've heard a lot of but we have some words this morning about the future and how we're going to steward the future of nations and this is a kind of seat belt yourself in type morning as the prophets released the word of the Lord rather than some of the chat in the conversation that you've heard from us over the last few days so we're going to it is meat and we're going to and I have some fairly serious teaching here to go through and it is stretching and is going to bring us to repentance and to a better situating of our nation's for the glory of God as we move forward so please make sure that you like this please make sure that you are sharing this on your social media platforms I know they all look a little bit the same all our powers as you scroll down through Facebook land but I have to say I think this is one of the more important things that I need to share with you so you got your seat but on some of you shall we dive in Jesus we just ask for revelation and for wisdom this morning she Amane us so we welcome your par and your glory to come upon your people this morning okay let me just dive straight in as we're all on board I think that what we're seeing through the corona virus and kovat 19 is that our world system was built on a lot of dysfunction and that our world systems are actually very fragile and that this relatively small virus has brought the world to its knees and we are learning through that that we have had confidence in a system that is flawed and we've had an unfounded confidence and here is the problem with that that as we move forward the continents and the nations will want to go back to their safe default setting place they will be scared of the brave new world that God is opening up for the nations and the nations will want to retreat back to what they know and to what has worked for them in the past and we want to say right now that we do not want nations going back to the dysfunction and the fragility of the systems that they have had in the past we are not the back to normal people here and we need to just say that we are not the back to normal people we are wanting the nations to swing forward into a new biblical normality out of a dysfunctional normality that Satan had constructed no here is the real challenge in that Europe is a little bit different from America and we're going to unpack both of them Europe built itself on the adoration of knowledge on the worship of science on the days of the Enlightenment in science we trust is really Europe's underpinning motto in America it is not science it is in money we trust and what finded America is this glorious entrepreneurial capability this kind of Gold Rush mentality which is still in the land which is why we love America for its entrepreneurial greatness but America is in money we trust Europe is in science we trust slightly different routines and foundations in each continent but slightly different demons therefore that rule the systems in America in Europe let me just go over that it in Europe it is in science we trust in America it is in money we trust which is why you're going to see these continents respond very differently to this coronavirus I break why because where they trust and where they put their emphasis is very different continentally so we're going to see that play right in hi and Donald Trump and hi the presidents of the individual countries in Europe navigate the end of lock time okay just so that you understand the demonic forces in your nations really important I know we're straight in with heavy duty stuff but I need you to understand the demonic force that holds your nation in science and medicine and pharmaceuticals we trust in Europe in money and wealth creation and greed and the economy we trust in America now you've got to understand that those are demonic structures that are holding those nations and so we want to be those who say hang on a minute we don't want to go back there we want to speak over the nations in Jesus we trust that Jesus is the Foundation's on all the nations and so we know that we are going into from a health crisis we are going to go into an economic crisis then we're going to go into a social crisis and then we're going to go into a political crisis and so I want you to understand the art of what is about to happen that a health crisis precedes an economic crisis which births a social crisis which was a political crisis in other words the nations are not coming out of crisis for a long time because one crisis breaths another crisis burst another crisis breaths another crisis and the role of you and I the point of this part are today is that you and I in the arc of an extended crisis over the nations is gone are going to have to say in Jesus we trust and we're gonna have to have that on the airwaves and in the atmospheres of our nation's and we do not want to partner with the demonic error of our continents we do not want to partner with the demonic forces that have a part in birthing our continents so in the States we are running away as right in the in Europe we are running away from the deification and the idolizing of science and medicine and in America we are running away from believing if we just have a strong economy and a lots of money that that will rescue us and we are speaking into the very deep deep psyche of our respective continents okay I know some of you are saying what's the power over my nation we may well come to that but I'm talking about these two continents at the moment who it's intense stuff because we're not exposing the demons that have held our nation's no salmon so Jane you want to comment on that because what I want to do is to unpack those concepts looking at the demon of behind science and the demon behind Mammon so that you understand what the medicine is from Scripture so that we can medicate our nation's back to Jesus this is serious stuff these days okay Sam help us out here along you there sorry yeah and so important what Emma said of one key phrase there where M as the deification the creating of a God I of these two things that really limit their nation so the deification making a god of money the deification making me god i of science that actually as the real issue here and there's kind of one phrase that really we need to deal with and it's this whole concept that through this crisis money will save us and science will save us and really this question of who is your savior who has our savior and got a sing look there are two things here that i want to reset and then they are the concepts of savior and solution that actually Jesus as the Savior so money will not save us science wouldn't save us no good idea will save us not even power our as great as it may be for a moment will save us Jesus saves us he has our Savior he is the one who brings salvation he is the one who solves issues he's the one whose gospel is always moving to bring salvation science and money these things when they are rightly recalibrated under God become part of the pill of solutions that help us solve crisis problems and they are tools they are not God's they are one of many solutions are two of many solutions any pool of solutions they are not our Savior and we really have to understand this that actually and many of us have had those thoughts if I had more money than I would be if I had more than I would be if this was in my life than I would be and that actually completely removes the concept that Jesus has saved you and invited you into a supernatural life and a life filled of power that actually shouldn't necessarily be if I had more money or if I had more scientific evidence or research then I would be this way but Jesus if I had of you Jesus if I had a greater main set of who you are Jesus if I came to a deeper understanding of truth then I know that I would be more of who you've intended to meet to be because you are my Savior and the Bible talks about through Reggie's true wealth true treasures quite a lot of the time and so you have that in Matthew sex and in look 12 and really the question is where is your treasure where do your loyalties lie really is what that question asked who are you loyal to whose orders do you follow do you follow God's orders or are you following monies hors d'oeuvres or science ease orders who do you get your instructions from and really at this time God is saying look church where is your treasure look people where is your treasure will do your loyalties lie whose orders are you following and really we ran this key time where God is saying it's time to reset your relationship with money and it's time to reset your relationship with with medicine and it's time to read set your relationship with science church it's time for a reset across the board because God says it's key that you understand where your treasure is and really there's this deference between Wretch's and resources just like there's a deference between salvation and solutions rat cheese are wretches true red cheese is God God is mic true wretches you know look 1221 says be retch towards God or God as your wretches have em as your wretches that God is my wretches these other things money says they are not my wretches God as my wretches that is who he is he is my treasure and that is where my treasure lies but then he gives me resources and I have resources that should be used as acts of worship - he who has my true riches not to replace he who has my true riches and that what that's why the question is where do your treasures lie and so actually we need to say look I recognize some Titans money has become my wretches medicine has become my red cheese and they have almost been promoted by me and an unbalanced way from resources to red cheese and become a god but actually God I recognize that you need to be my true red cheese and these things are resources that set a way down here below you they are and my pull of resources they are one of many resources but God you are my true wretches so so important and I think some in what you're saying and we and to answer some questions we are dealing with demonic principalities I am NOT talking to you about little stick demons that you kick away I am talking to you about the structures of demon that rule and run and reign in our nations and that God has shaken the earth so that what we built our world on money and science can be shaken as our foundational blocks so that Jesus as foundation of the nations can come into place and we said to you before the crisis is a terrible thing to waste crisis is a terrible thing to waste personally but is a terrible thing for a nation to waste and so now we're starting to say nation you will not waste this crisis nation you will not waste this crisis nation you will put Jesus back in as your foundation instead of wealth and instead of science and this is serious stuff today that we're talking to you a byte and Sarah Jane do you want to jump in before I unpack some of these demons because I need you to understand the demons yeah sure I really felt the Lord is saying he has a wealth and health plan for the nation's and he wants to replace it with what we have relied on and what I've been hearing over the last I would say 3 3 4 weeks as the Lord has been showing me the nation he is thundering with his voice and he's speaking over the nations be righteous turned to righteousness and what does that actually mean there's this sense of actually you know we've already turned to Jesus we've already turned to righteousness by seeing and receiving Jesus as our Savior but there's this next level of determination that is required from the people of God there's this next level of determination required from Nations responding as Emma was saying to cry out and say Jesus you're our solution righteousness is our desire we desire righteousness we are hungry and thirsty for righteousness what does Matthew 5 say blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled and it's time for the nations to be hungry and thirsty to be righteous again as much as it is for us individually and what I was watching in the spirit as we've been praying into Mammon and pharmakeia these last weeks is this the key that God is saying turn nations turn and it's almost with the force of agreement with the force of Prayer as we say God we're turning we're choosing righteousness we're determining ourselves were turning away from Mammon we're turning away from wealth and riches of the world being our solution we're turning away from drugs and NHS which has our National Health Service or Medicare or whatever your your health service is we're turning away from that not abandoning it or rejecting it but we're turning to you you're our solution it's in you that we find our solution and as we turn in righteousness these alters are getting broken these worshipful places and nations are getting broken as we turn to God unto his righteousness and you know there's a real promise there's a real promise as we do that people of God as we choose righteousness for ourselves our families and our Nations as prophets that God says righteous the righteous nations the righteous will flourish and prosperity will abound till the moon is no more when we choose righteousness that's found in Psalm 72 verse 7 and I just really feel that and I really feel that strongly Emma and I don't know if you'd be feeling it that I feel that we are on the edge of nations being coming coming alive in wealth coming alive in health like the the people uh in Israel when they're in the desert where there is this divine move of God as we choose as nations to follow him they're actually prosperity and health God's health and wealth plan is coming to nations as we determine ourselves to choose him and righteousness great night let me say a few things before I unpack some more we are going to keep you safe somebody's saying oh I thought you know it was dangerous to go against national principalities yes it's not great to go against ISIL principalities without a mandate and a plan so nobody panic we're all staying safe together all right that's the first thing the next thing is we love science and we love the fact that the Word of God says that God gives us power to get wealth the problem is not science the problem is not wealth the problem is the worship of them you have to hear that the problem is the idealization of science and wealth the problem is when wealth and science is your Savior okay so there's nothing wrong with wealth and there's nothing wrong with science it's where it is in the order and what the foundation of your nation is okay so we left that very very clear let me start to unpack I'm going to go with science first although to be perfectly fair most nations have a bit of the deification of both science and money it's not as just we have dot continental dominant issues but they are a little bit mixed okay let's jump in so the word in scripture for the demon and it's in the Bible twice the demon behind science this demonic strongman this demonic principality and power is in the new testament greek the word pharmakeia some of you may have heard that pharmakeia okay that is a demon pharmakeia is named in Scripture as a demon I will give you the references and it is the demon behind the administration of medicine witchcraft spells and drugs hear me again medicine is not wrong it is when it's an idolatry that it partners with the pharmakeia demons no pharmakeia is first mentioned in Galatians 5 verse 19 it is a revelation I'm coming to that some of you are like 10 steps ahead of me it's in there twice is in Galatians 5 verse 19 in a passage called life by the spirit and it says over the individual beware of idolatry and pharmakeia which is often translated beware of idolatry and witchcraft but the word in the original is beware of idolatry and pharmakeia in other words make sure you don't worship science or medicine make sure that you don't worship the administration of drugs because that is a witchcraft in your life ok these large concepts when you jump to the second use of pharmakeia it is in Revelation 1823 this is a fascinating verse revelation 1823 and it says by pharmakeia the nations were deceived that is vitally important that you understand that verse right now by pharmakeia the nation's we're deceived it's also in the same scripture that talks about Babylon deceiving nations in other words by science the nations were deceived I hope you're getting this it's translated there as witchcraft but the word is pharmakeia no pharmakeia yes Paul you're absolutely right the application and the taking of medicine is not wrong is when you worship it I feel like I need to say that about 20 times medicine is not wrong it's the worship of it that is wrong and so what pharmakeia does as a demon is that it promotes your rational mind over your face it leaves no space for God in the thinking of a nation it almost mocks faith it mocks people of faith and you will have seen atheists and secular humanists you may even have had conversations and with these people where you feel like you feel laughed at you feel mocked why because that pharmakeia stronghold in the nations says the rational mind is more important than your faith and that is the pharmakeia strong demon in the nations I hope you are learning okay okay from us this morning so this is not your gonna hear what I'm saying it is not a criticism of intelligent people hallelujah I'm married to a highly intelligent man with some highly intelligent children it is not a criticism of your brainpower it is a criticism of where science says God is irrelevant all right it and there are some great amazing Christian Scientists right there but in Revelation 18 it is saying look the nations are led astray not by new age fairs not by new age kind of gullibility and new age kind of fairy worship but the nations are led astray because they put their faith in hygiene they put their faith in science they put their faith in pharmaceuticals they put their faith in astrology they put their faith in assists they put their faith in medical advisors and Paul in his day have this in the form of Greek thinking we in our day in the seventeenth century had in the form of the Enlightenment where we have this I yes it's translated Karen Andrew as sorceries but the original word is the word pharmakeia go and look in your and your Greek concordances and but the real issue is the idolization of learning where you rid the world of the supernatural you rid the world of faith and unfortunately and here I'm going to shoot some holy cows right now so beware of the profit creating an abattoir where we should some some things you think should be honored but dear old Calvin and John Knox in their Presbyterianism and then eventually the Dutch Reformed Church they stripped they stripped from the church all supernatural acts and all miracles and so for years we have had a church with no supernatural no miracles is been very hard to to see them applied it's been very hard to live there because of this idolization of learning above everything else okay and so hear me I love my Christian doctors I love the medics I love I used to work in pharmaceuticals for 10 years I made my money in pharmaceuticals and it was my absolute joy to learn about medicine and I have a lot of time and affection for the researchers and the scientists because that was my life but what I am saying to you right now is that the worship of that has become foundational to our nation and it has robbed us of the miracles and the supernatural power of Jesus and right now high desert savior nation I mean how do you save your nation how do you deal with the idealization of learning how do you deal with the fact that the government is saying things like I wrote on a piece of paper the the NHS the National Health Service is the heartbeat of the nation when you want to cry and say no the NHS is not the heartbeat of the nation Jesus is the heartbeat of the nation when your Prime Minister speaks that over the British Isles and we want to say no we don't worship the NHS we don't worship the scientific advice yes we listen to them yes they have something to bring yes we thank Jesus for their intelligence but ultimately we want to be a nation whose foundations is Jesus Christ and not the demons of science and the idolization of learning we are in deep deep deep deep waters here so high high do you heal that particular issue how do you pull the throne dine oh I mean we are saving continents here come on you can feel all of heaven watching you can feel the demons starting to perk their ears up and go they've seen the prophets the same how do you start to have salvation and Nations how do you start to grab hold of the scaffolding of those demons that have said we will mock you we will knock your faith we will make humanism in secularism the only thing worth going for how do you take that out of a nation you put in supernatural acts you put in radical supernatural living you start to scream the testimonies of the healing power of God over the nation's you start to grab hold of supernatural capabilities you start to put that back in your family back in your life back in your nation it is that way that you D thrown the demon of pharmakeia that sits over Europe that says the enlight is what matters when actually it is Jesus that matters who I'm preaching today Sam Sarah Jane help help me out here as we explain how the UK and Holly Europe and I many nations who have this issue are going to be turned around Sam sir Jane jump in you know just as you as you're unpacking that mo just very aware in the spirit watching in the spirit and even as we prayed about it this morning that sense of the chains of oppression being on the nation's and on the people of God where we've partnered with pharmakeia and pharmakeia and the the worship of it being as witchcraft that is actually change up people both in codependency and in addiction and almost like the sense of people that are sleepwalking and nations that are sleepwalking where God is saying wake up Church wake up nations to my power wake up to the reality of the miracle-working God who wants to move in power and move in enlightenment by his Spirit illumination by his Spirit in our lives and it's almost like we've become as as even as Church in the West particularly I don't know about you guys who are in India and in other continents if in Africa I think you probably are hitting the supernatural more than we are because there's not as many options as we have right now and here in in the West but this sense of actually we've been sleepwalking Church around and we are half asleep thinking that God can only move in certain ways because our partnership with this pharmakeia demon is so strong in the nation's and it's like like I see it like chains that are weaving around the people and holding them down in this half-awakened state and so I think we just we do need to deal with it for the nation's but we need to deal with it where we've partnered with it individually and even through our bloodlines that has got such a hold on us in a codependent way I sorry if I uh myself but you you need to know this we love intelligent we love science in fact I'm just on the text this morning to one of the leading scientific thinkers and professors in the UK you know who's working on the breakthrough for skin cancer who's working on the breakthrough for aging and male pattern balding and he and I are are chatting back and forth on text this morning you know we have these scientists in our lives and we honor them but they too as godly people of science will say the same thing it is that dependency on drugs that dependency on science that thought that when a scientist or a medical advisor or physicists or an astrologer says something that that must be taken above the word of God and and we are we are reading the nation of that warped Ness and think Jesus what do you say Jesus what do you say Jesus what are you doing Jesus where is your wisdom Jesus what is your mindset Jesus I come to you first above everything else so and some surgeon I'm gonna get you to help us repent and of a wrong honor of science a wrong priority but more than that really what I want you to get I know I'm leaning right in what I want you to get right now is an anointing for the supernatural that's how we're going to win that's how we're going to deal with this we've lost Sarah Jane Sam is going to be all on your shoulders and anoint you for the supernatural jump in and I'd written something down that you actually just said there of how do you test whether or not there has been an element of the deification of pharmakeia or and you have created a God of medicine or money or all these different things and God just says super quietly to me just about five minutes ago who do you turn to first in crisis so who do you turn to first that actually gods as an afterthought he becomes even the second thought but I have a sore head so my first destination and my first solution is to open my medication drawer or to open a store to open that I got a signal turn to first and that's how you taste it that actually when you ask yourself genuinely God who do I turn to first do I turn to you first or these other means and it's thought not that you as we're seeing never then turn to these other things but you turn to them after you turn to Jesus and you turn to them and submission and obedience to Jesus and so I feel like we have to repent of turning to other things before God and it's that whole concept you shall have no other gods before me actually you shall not turn to anything before me you shall not put anything first and so we have to really create God I'm sorry for turning to medicine in signs before you because when I turn to something before you I've created a God I have glorified that your on your on your Emma your um you yeah there we go I'm yeah I was I was so hot my office because I got so excited can you open the window I'm not even a woman of a certain age but I was just getting hot in the glory so I was of you okay the line that we walk here is an interesting one to balance because because you know you heard me say yesterday and it may be the day before you know I sold every antidepressant on the market and I think I sold every statin in the market as well it's sort of fair number of oncology jobs just because I spent so many years as a pharmaceutical rep so and you know I'm aware with a lot of a lot of different remarkable drugs and a lot of different remarkable therapy areas and so realize go to the hospital or the doctor's with my children yes I will will I take drugs yes I will if we need any depressants when we take them yes we will you know Willie will we use you know bandages and and the NHS you better believe we're going to do it the nut is not the problem the problem is that I will go to Jesus first and I'll say well which medicine should I take and Jesus what do you think about this procedure what do you think about this operation and it all comes through Jesus as my first point of contact I don't go to the doctors I don't go to the antidepressant and then say oh Jesus you know after the fact you know do you have anything you like to say into this I go to Jesus first he is the first point Jesus how would you like me to navigate this Jesus you don't know my body Jesus you are the Great Physician Jesus what is good for me Jesus what doctor do I need to see just as I say to Jesus what hairdresser do I need to see in Jesus please make them open so and Jesus you know what dentist do I need to go and see you know Jesus you know what friend do I need to see today is putting Jesus as first as your life experience so that we seek his kind soul first so that we stop the idealization of I will just take I will just take what the doctor says I will just take you know whatever my friend says no no no no you weigh it before Christ who is the head of all things in him all things hold together okay so let's make that really really really clear he is the great physician so what I'm doing is I'm rien throwning Jesus and by a passion for the supernatural I am dethroning the Principality of pharmakeia over Europe and some other nations - okay haha this is a this is how nations change I mean this just gets me excited this is how nations change okay so Sam sir Jane you're you're on mute you're back but you're on mute we don't know what happened I got thrown off and came back on here okay so and which one he wants to lead us in repentance for not going to God first because the joy of this is is like taking par out of the demons hand I love it this is how demons die brilliant right let's repent and and grab hold of the new supernatural anointing radical radical radical supernatural ability is coming back into the hands of the church as the key weapon that will overturn pharmakeia and that default love of science in the nation's look we're gonna be on this I think for quite a while and not just a day but as a lifestyle because we've had years of this being the key demon that Revelation 18 talks about by this demon by pharmakeia the name of the demon by our love of science the nation has been deceived right some are searching help a sight in repentance mm-hmm I'm jump in first because you heard more of the conversation yeah that's fine that actually you jump in on the back of them so remember you will have no other God before me you will put nothing first other than me Jesus as what we're really praying around to when you say it the order that Devane order and our lives so just and repeat after me you know how it goes we do this every day you could probably lead us and that's our of repentance by now but Jesus I am so sorry for where I have not put you first in my life I am sorry Jesus where I have not put you first in my life I am sorry for where medicine and science I'm sorry for where medicine and science have come first has come first and you have been a second or a third felt and you have been a second or a third thought I'm sorry for not turning to you first in crisis I'm sorry for not turning to you first in crisis and for having other gods before yeah and for having other gods before you oh Jesus have mercy on me Jesus have mercy on me I asked for your forgiveness I ask for your forgiveness and King Jesus and King Jesus I am pitching you first again I am putting you first again I am declaring and I am declaring I will have no other gods before you I will have no other gods before you particularly medicine and science particularly medicine and science and I press the reset button relationship with medicine and I press the reset button over my relationship with medicine and over my relationship with science and over my relationship with science I worship you gods and not science I worship you God and not science Jesus name in Jesus name no Jade you want to add to that because you haven't keep it when we were talking before the bite and generational lines who have got addicted to even prescription medicines yeah yeah yeah so thank you Lord we do want to thank you and we want to bless you God for the godly solutions in medicine we want to say that as always blessings and God has allowed scientists to have solutions that bring healing through medicine so we want to thank you God for that but God where there has been abuse in my life or in our family lines God of drugs where they have brought that pharmakeia poisoning to me myself or my family through partnership with pharmakeia and that demon of pharmakeia Lord we just now repent so if you would pray after me Father in the name of Jesus I renounce I repent and I break agreement with that principality of pharmakeia so you need to say that after me Father in the name of Jesus I renounced I repent and I break agreement with the Principality of pharmakeia from myself for my family and my family lying Shanda ha sunday he died last old or a Sunday and wherever in the name of Jesus that door of partnership and agreement when my family and my family line was poisoned and it looks like a poison it's almost like an IV and intravenous that spirit of pharmakeia has put in too many family lines who we just agree right now that we are breaking that agreement and if you break agreement right now where you are for your family this can be disconnected from your family line so as you break agreement from that we remove the IV we remove that almost like a hypodermic needle in the spirit out of your family timeline we pull it out and we say you will not bleed out but that poison will come out of your family line we're draining it now in Jesus name you want to say the Holy Spirit just repent again a few of them are saying go slow or go slower John Owen yet your age and what will repent after you you know I feel like I'm getting delivered and I prayed these prayers for years but I think because we're not dealing with national territorial things and we want to off us so that we are pure and flow of the supernatural power of God without dilation is so important and actually the spirit of addiction and family lines is behind this and pharmakeia too you can feel it that's about to break so let's go again I'll repeat oh can I just share a brief testimony tomorrow because I think that's really helpful just just kind of said it maybe in a personal context as we deal with personals of God kind of promote provoking me in that so I suffered with asthma for many years and actually found that the root of that was a family curse and because of the partnership with Freemasonry and the gods of Freemasonry and I don't want to get sidetracked on that but the the health issue from me from being very young and I almost died when I was four I almost died again when I was 17 of asthma attacks and I was taking ventolin and Beckett IED and steroids pren ditional all these things when I needed to take them and you know I recognized that medical intervention saved my life and a couple of times and that time when I was 17 was really key and there was an awakening to more of God after that however not to get distracted for many years I didn't realize the link between the spiritual and the health of the Freemasonry issues in my life and through prayer through renunciation of all of the worship of Freemasonry gods I got delivered but I also got healed and asthma that I was struggling with got healed but after that I needed also then deliverance from a codependency on the drugs because I had this mindset that had been told to me by my doctors and by my parents make sure you take your drugs with you wherever you go in case you have an asthma attack and it was almost like an imprint on my mindset and imprint in my emotions of panic panic where my drugs you know I need them in my handbag I need them close to me just in case and so even after I got delivered of asthma and was free from it I had also had to get delivered from the codependency of the drug taking because that was a whole mindset so what we're doing is as Emma saying there's a supernatural healing coming to our bodies but we also have to acknowledge we need supernaturally delivered from the the reliance of and this codependency on the drugs as God brings a healing Emma do you want to add anything on that no just just you repent but right I'll repeat it after you so we can get more people free because I really felt like I was getting delivered as well I want all freedom in my life I can get oh don't we all absolutely so repeat after me Father in the name of Jesus there in the name of Jesus I repent renounce and break agreement with I repent renounce and break agreement with the Principality of France the Principality of pharmakeia and all of its demons and all of its demons and all of its ways and all of its ways on behalf of myself on behalf of myself and my family line and my family line all the way back to Adam all the way back to Adam hmm well then we pray in the name of Jesus every place every door that was opened every partnership with pharmakeia every hook every hypodermic needle in the spirit that is in your family line we just pull it out right now in Jesus name we remove it we we extract you and your family line from that demonic principality of pharmakeia and we literally go into the spirit and we pull you out of where that principality principality has been shrouding you and covering you I pull out your children we pull out you you yourself and your family out from that it's almost like a poisonous green cloud that we've been been in as the people of God so we just agree now we are coming out of the shadowing of pharmakeia and of course it's so deep isn't it because it comes through the enlightenment it comes from Calvin it comes from Knox this idealization of learning and of science a bit beyond anything else no in our last seven minutes haha the glorious bit can I just say we will remember I set the scene with the prophetic word that we were going to have to kill pharmakeia or the idealization of science in Europe although that's in other places too and the continent of America and it's and it's Mammon orientation so tomorrow we're going to deal with Mammon I mean that's it just another day another dealing with another demon isn't it glorious so and so tomorrow we will compact that don't worry it's so detailed this word that we're bringing to you avoid nations wanting to go back to their default settings that it's going take us today and tomorrow to deal with it but right now we are looking at the restoration and the re grabbing hold of and being supernatural beings with supernatural power weaponized by heaven wielding supernatural swords and working signs wonders and miracles wherever you go that they just kind of like drop off you and you can't even help it because you're so broken agreement with pharmakeia and logic that you're in the wisdom of God and supernatural par just surges through you and you become a supernatural son or daughter who boo okay son let's start to release it so right now in the name of Jesus we loose to each and every one of you a fresh wave of loving supernaturally with your gang and where there has been a copping even on your ability to stir the supernatural we just tear that off right now in Jesus name and decree that these are days where you're gonna know the daily explosions of the power of God in your life and gotta just expect me to move and supernatural ways expect me to move wait are you expecting your sent your salvation to come from wait are you expecting the solutions to come from expect it to come from me so in Jesus name we just list that fresh when'd that fresh blowing of the supernatural power of God and I feel like this better I've got to sing look and we've seen this all the time but if you sure I'll show off so if you start to decree and if you start to heat rest and step out for the power of God to show up goddess sing look I will shore up I will turn up and I will release my power so we list that fresh wind up fresh wave of the power of God and we just see that these are the DS we're not just your Sunday mornings not just your 12 to 1 Tuesday's afraid there when you tune in to us will be filled with the of God but every moment of your day 24/7 the that you are coming into a new dimension of supernatural living where every part of who you are love supernaturally and not just a small section in Jesus name we step into a supernatural lifestyle in to the expectation of the supernatural in our day to day God 24/7 and we decree and declare over ourselves that we are supernatural beings we are citizens of heaven on the earth with full access to the storehouses of heaven and your supernatural ways so God why don't you just open your hands let me just say right now we open our hands and we say we are ready we are making ourselves available to the ways of your kingdom that are supernatural that are beyond the natural of this realm of the earth but are completely natural in heaven and we say we make room for them we welcome them and we welcome your ways and we say over ourselves we are a supernatural people with supernatural expectation of you moving through our lives and in our lives in Jesus name Oh in the name of Jesus she are manna may Allah show a a mercy Eilis over your life a new level of supernatural ability that right now into your hand is being dropped weaponized miracles weaponize signs and wonders that right now you are a miracle worker that right now you are a supernatural carrier of the power of God that right now it's gonna use on every pore of your being that right now you're gonna become those who leak breakthrough in the lives of others that you're gonna lay hands on the sick and they're gonna get better you're gonna speak a word and there's gonna be a breakthrough you're gonna say a prayer and the heavens are gonna come down on your behalf you're gonna be the one who sees massive turnaround to break through because you've been weaponized with the part of God that you're gonna have stories to tell that you're going to be the worker of miracles in the lives of the many and that many will have testimony because of who you are or what you do and right now the Lord says I'm catching you up in my glory the Lord says I'm catching you up in my glory I'm not leaving you out I'm not leaving you out the Lord says miracle workers arise miracle workers arise miracle workers arises God miracle workers arise miracle workers arise says the Lord and he says you are my miracle working army you are my supernatural warrior rise and with the power of the signs and wonders that your hands will perform says the Lord pharmakeia will be disabled dethroned and decapitated in your nations and in place of a love of logic says God my power shall be seen my par shall be on display through you my spokes men and women through you my hands and my feet says the Lord the Lord says I'm recognizing you because it is a warfare that I am looking within you for miracles that pharmakeia maybe to throne and the mocking of who I am and the mocking of Who I am through science and the mocking of who I am through science says God will come to an end as this supernatural church arises who so it's one o'clock I've actually just broken my ring and was so excited so we will see you tomorrow and I'm even quite think straight now Sam why don't you tell them about tomorrow well yes awesome continued part two on this dealing with mom and dealing with money again just partnering with God and this reset resetting or relationship with money but resetting the nation's as well where so do come ready for that they'll be teaching a little bit as we always do loss of prophecy and lots of activation with that as well tomorrow at 12:00 midday so we've we've started the process of killing some demons today we'll kill the rest of them tomorrow [Music] hello I want to welcome you to go on a journey with me into a free liberated victorious place I know many of you have been hounded over the years by fear and worry and anxiety and grief and sometimes those emotions are so strong that actually is very hard to feel like you're living successfully well I've written a book especially for you and it's called freedom from fear how to live victoriously in a time of crisis and of course we're in the middle of this coronavirus pandemic and it's like we're standing a little bit on sinking sand and we can feel the turbulence of the age upon us and Jesus wants you to live in a way where you're you're calm and you're peaceful and you're in tune with him on the inside and so this book freedom from fear it's a short book it's a short ebook that you can buy on Amazon as these are quite a straightforward read so it's not going to take lots of your time but in it I have packed it full of prayers and activations where you get to work with the power of Jesus to annihilate the opposition and the demons of fear particularly in your life and some of you have had those issues honed you for years this is the moment of liberation jump over to Amazon and download freedom from fear
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 2,824
Rating: 4.9509201 out of 5
Id: SY4njneRhVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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