"Mysteries!" | POWER HOUR | Ep.118

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um hello everyone i am just checking the other guys already and oh are we live my computer froze yeah i think that that might be my fault my fault i think what happened there you're on anyway i think you're wrong it's been a long year it's been a long year as we can see your faith show us your nice jumper your prophesy jumper there we go prophesy jumper okay you can go into the into the whatever else you go to hi family welcome to this glorious thursday morning and uh we are delighted afternoon thursday afternoon we're delighted to be with you uh for our penultimate parlor before christmas yay i know it's exciting isn't it and i have got uh the marvelous duo that is look and sam with me today i love working with you guys uh you guys are epic and amazing even though you look look like you're sitting on the floor i know it's it's just perspective it's just i've got this multi-layered office mezzadine thing happening and it's just yeah i am sitting down though today we think we think you look monk like sitting on the floor in great uh you know holy repose exactly wisdom ready to just burst that's it that's it that's not a bad thing is it let's see you are so sam you went to your first virtual stag do last night on zoom why is that even possible what do they call it in america a bachelor party for a friend of ours i'm marrying them uh on saturday how on earth do you do a stag do a bachelor party remotely on zoom it was great i can't speak of it because it's just one of those things if you ever be to stagger particularly a scottish one or a british one you can't really speak of it because i don't know how they are in america or elsewhere but in the uk particularly in scotland the aim of the the stag do is to embarrass the groom as much as possible that is the aim and we succeeded it was marvelous and it was like laughing it was about weird being on zoom but i i think the groom was very happy that it was just on zoom and not in person probably thinking if this is what they're doing online what would they have done if i actually had one on in person so i was like that was a good laugh it's good actually well tomorrow my job is to write the um the sermon that i'm preaching as as part of their uh wedding ceremony but the last the last wedding i did uh it caught some of what i said had my church in hysterics because at one point you know that we i talk um i do a lot of you know marriage stuff marriage prep post-marriage counseling and that means you always talk about quite intimate things and because for a job i mean i did i used to sell viagra i have got over all embarrassment to do with that so i was preaching and saying sex is god's wedding gift to you it's what god brings as a wedding present on your wedding night and i could start to see everybody start to kind of like crease their faces and start to laugh at the thought but i tell you what it is absolutely true and uh you know and then i said and christians they should be having the best sex well at that point at that point two of the guys in our church i just saw them disappear down in the foyer at the back you know unable to to stand up right and then they're texting my husband saying we should read we should re you know market our church par church glasgow this church has the best sex it's true can i say it's true so um it's true anyway so that's my job tomorrow to write a wedding sermon yes what what an excitement that will be yes you guys are very talkative on that one are you no because as we were saying beforehand whenever i get married you do my way my way i agree thank you that will go down because i'm very conservative like wider christian family very brother-in-law so that'll be a joy won't it it'll be awesome good well you know we need to be able to talk about these things and uh and thank jesus for the good things that he gives us so we do indeed we do indeed and probably that's enough of that conversation so [Laughter] i finished my christmas shopping yesterday yeah that's good i know i know now i can start on the food prep i have lists and lists so uh anybody wrapped anybody in the comments uh across the world oh you've got them wrapped already sam yeah pretty much everything wrapped sorted done amazing yes that's preparation right there because i've got an essay due the wednesday before christmas eve i mean how nasty is that the 23rd i've got an essay just get my christmas presents wrapped get them out the way and then crack on in this wonderful world of essay writing but i am wrapped and prepared i am pleased to say my essay is on pneumatology and theological anthropology which basically means what is a certain theological writer what's a certain theologian's take on the role of the holy spirit and what makes a person a person anthropology the study of a human theology from the biblical perspective pneumatology study of the holy spirit there's your three three second lesson in theological terms for a thursday afternoon some of us might sneak a little look at the dictionary after that an incidency but i love it i mean i love the fact that you are studying theology it's so important and my dad actually has been teaching us privately and over this term and in high school actually we're going to put the package up uh for you guys out there in facebook land to download and sell by um in the new year my dad's been teaching us privately on hermeneutics and homiletics which is the art of preaching and the art of understanding the arc of the story of scripture because i really want the people who work with me to be world-class communicators so my dad's been taking us through the art of how to teach and preach and how to understand the story of scripture and so it did you guys enjoyed it very much didn't you amazing he is he is amazing so actually that those uh sessions will be packaged up by our tech team and made available in the new year but anyway uh some of you are saying nothing wrapped yet and some of you and not a lot of shopping done bless you bless you with speed to get through it all so right time for something spiritual um whoa is actually one of my favorites and i love the words that we've got because we are talking about mysteries you have to sing that every time you say the word mystery uh so and really this came from uh a word that the lord had started to give me uh at the beginning of the week about some of you think you have gifts you don't actually have and some of you have suppressed gifts you do have for years and the spirit of the lord was talking about laying gifts on the altar laying skills on the altar because next year he wanted to do a refresh of our gifting and that the church was coming into a gift awakening year gift understanding and the spirit of the lord particularly took me to some wild uh scriptures and the spirit of the lord says this i will marry the traditional church with the supernatural now i just want to take a moment there because these are things we never thought would be possible but the lord says i will marry the traditional church with the supernatural and i will divorce the traditional church from the spirit of superstition says the lord and suspicion and they will embrace the supernatural the spirit of the lord says i will marry the prophets with mysteries and i will no longer allow them to be married to culture says the lord i will bury the seer into fresh sight and mystery and i've not let them partner with staleness anymore says the lord and the spirit of the lord says i will put grace in my people to work multi-gifting in one congregation says the lord and the spirit of the lord says the preacher will know what it is to work with the miracle worker the shepherd will know what it is to work with the deliverance minister the apostle will know what it is to work with the prophet the seer will know what it is to work with the evangelist the pastor will know what it is to work with the revelator says did i not tell you says the lord that on my holy hill the lion is with the lamb and the seemingly non-coexistent lived together on my mountain says god and the spirit of the lord says if the weird and the wonderful and the extremes can coexist in heaven i will enable them to coexist on the earth says the lord and the spirit of the lord says the things that you thought would never be seen in the one church building will collide and those with shepherding tendencies will embrace those with extreme seer gifts says the lord and you will be a multi-gifted people in the same congregation god is doing something utterly remarkable in the earth realm right now and then the lord said this to me but you are going to know what mystery is like and you're going to understand the mysterious things of my kingdom let me just set the tone and then we'll jump to the other guys didn't you know first corinthians i've got to open here first corinthians 14 for anyone who speaks in a tongue speaks mysteries speaks mysteries you speak mysteries when you speak in tongues according to the word of god and that word mysterion mysteria of mysteries of god is 28 times in the new testament greek 28 times where it it starts to express in scripture that partnering with mysteries should be something quite normal matthew 13 the mysteries of the kingdom of god have been given to you mark four the mysteries of the kingdom of god are given to you look eight the mysteries of the kingdom of god are given to you romans 11 don't be ignorant of mysteries first corinthians 4 they we we have been entrusted with the mysteries of god and i feel like we are those oh sorry i'm on a roll who like control and order more than we like mystery and sovereignty are you hearing me we like control and we like order more than we like mysteries wow and we push the strange things of god out the way and 28 times the new testament screams at us and 28 times it says mysteries are yours you're entrusted with the mysterious the mystical the strange the trances the ecstatic prophecies the extreme tongues the wild languages you're scratching the surface of being peculiar but you want to throw out all the mysterious strange gifts you want to get rid of the peculiar gifts because you want faith and you want risk on your own terms wow wow wow oceans on your own terms you don't want to be like abraham who took his whole family into a journey of the unknown and i heard the spirit of the lord say to me this morning we have become mystery averse we have become mystery averse we don't like what we don't understand and the lord is saying embrace the strange the lord is saying embrace the not knowing the lord is saying embrace the mystery no longer can you say i'll risk only if i'm certain of the i comes and the spirit of the lord said this to me mysterious things that reveal my glory are about to start to happen to you and strange things that show my glory will become a part of who you are you will be a sign and a wonder says the lord you will not just observe the miraculous you will become part of it come on do you know that word mystery it means counsel of god you will know the counsel of god it actually i'm reading from the biblical concordance here it actually means detailed truths revealed by revelation it means hidden hidden things revealed it means god reveals and there is going to be a move of gifts spiritual gifts that are going to collide with your life and it will not be the buttoned up it will not be the conservative gifts it will not be well i will stand here quite prim and proper and just steward a little increase of faith so that nobody really knows anything wild is happening with me no the spirit of the lord says you will be strange you will be the wonder as mysterious thing mysterious things happen to you and get revealed to you the trances the third heaven encounters the translations the transportations are going to come in a year of the explosion of the sovereignty and the mystery of god where god says your tight control over your own life i will break sovereignty and mystery are coming to the church i'm going to unpack some of them but over to you boy you've lots of things to say on this wow wow yeah look do you want to go no you guys sound good go sam no nobody's like let me just pick up on some of the conversation there emma about tongues and speaking mysteries and that is a mindset shift because how often have we just said well tongues is just it's just my little prayer language that i use in a moment when i don't know what to say or i don't have english language when god is saying it's the language of mystery that i have put on the inside of you the way you speak you are speaking of another world's happenings another world's way and god caught me up in the spirit this morning and he opened this vault in heaven and it was filled with tongues of fire like i would have imagined it would have been released on pentecost when the holy spirit filled the room and the disciples ran out into the streets and they started to speak in known languages and i watched as from this vault they started to be dispersed these tongues of fire across the face of the earth and the lord is saying just as we have seen seasoned healing ministers seasoned prophetic ministers those who have a a seasoned ability in the area of words of knowledge i am going to raise up the lord says those who carry a weight of anointing in speaking in tongues and if we are to say you know who do you know in the world that is an expert in healing we could probably pick out a good few if i said who do you know in the world that's a specialist in words of knowledge well we could pick out a good view i asked you the question who would you pick out in the world that's a specialist an expert in tongues whoa apart from what bishop bell hammond wrote on the 77 reasons for speaking in tongues i don't think we've actually seen that weight of expertise within that area arise in the earth and the lord says i am asking those who feel awake particularly on this call to give themselves to this gift to give themselves to understanding the mysteries of my language and my kingdom but the lord says this with with tongues in particular i am going to raise up those who now know both the unknown tongue and the known tongue what happened on pentecost and those of you who have an evangelism call who are called as evangelists the lord says contend for this mysterious gift this mysterious mantle because known tongues is going to become one of the foremost tools for evangelism oh come on and beyond and we just need to go i know it's a bit odd but actually why isn't it one of the most foremost tools when it is the way we got introduced to tongues on pentecost we were introduced to tongues at pentecost was that it was used to proclaim the kingdom of god that had arrived on the earth yet we have wrongly categorized it is just my little prayer language that i use privately over here and god is saying i am looking for those who will contend for both the unknown tongue but the known tongue and on them i will put a weight of harvest and evangelism like i did on pentecost that will communicate that that my kingdom has arrived and my kingdom has come and this call is to contend remember we talked about on tuesday about people people becoming an expert like speciality and spiritual guest this is one of the ones where there's a weight on it for this season and so i release to you right now those of you that are watching who feel this beat inside your chest in response to this word that you're about to receive an ability to go deep in this realm of speaking in tongues both known and unknown in the name of jesus that that starts to arrive on you even now well i mean i actually have written in my notes that the lord says we are only scratching the surface with the gift of tongues we have made its application too small and that god is about to explode in the mysterious gifts because tongue is one of those mysterious gifts in the mysterious gifts multiple languages into one person after another after another that we are going to have a linguistic capability to speak heaven's language of mysteries but known language that means you may well get the tongue that knows how to speak into business that you get the tongue that knows how to speak into science communities that you get the tongue that knows how to speak into an african tribe that you get the tongue that knows how to speak into the arts and entertainment mountains known languages in the gift of tongues as a deposit into your life and the lord says you're only scratching the surface of what the language of tongues gift does the incredible power of god on this i can feel it as we're sitting here as god's i want to go back to that phrase where god said you have loved control and you have loved order and you won't be an all-knowing people you will only have faith and risk on your own terms but 2021 you will partner with my sovereignty and mystery and there will things that i will take are things i will take you into that you will not have full understanding of so look if you can pick up the baton you have some real great insight on this stepping into speciality that we nudged it into at the end of our tuesday par r yeah absolutely uh yeah you can feel the weight can't you on that in relation to tongues and language and um without a doubt um tongues is the is the key quite often to the release of the other spiritual gifts and the authority as well in the release of the other spiritual gifts and so and we have been guilty of uh belittling that but also again just fitting it into the box that we see it fits in whereas when tongues was released in the day of pentecost like sam was saying the um the moment um that um happened there was so significant it was such a significant shift um and um where with moses the language you know he was given the language of holiness for the old testament and that holiness was the thread of the old testament the language of tongues when it was released was supposed to be the thread of common language for the church new testament church and to be honest we haven't really stepped into the the realm of that and the fullness of that yeah and it is exactly with the sovereignty and mystery of god and um i heard the lord say that um in this coming year that um he was gonna start we were gonna see the thousand-year days and i would say that you know that passage of scripture that talks about how um god he he does in a day what it would take a thousand years to do a thousand years like a day there's like a hundred years and when you were saying that that moment where tongues was released it was like one of those days because it established it established generations language for generations and i i i'm hearing the lord say that the language i'm going to release and the speciality of language i'm going to release in this coming year is going to be as significant as when tongues was released it is just going to because people are going to step into the realm of understanding sovereignty and being able to release it in their uniqueness in their realm of uniqueness and influence that they're in and so we will start seeing single moments where almost like millennia in a moment oh come on yeah where god does things so significant in a moment because of the language that we are releasing with him with the spirit of god so we need to step into this we really need to step into this because we've been guilty of wow we've been guilty of of making the language of tongues common and not speciality and bringing a commonality to it where yes it is for everyone but there's uniqueness in it even to the extent that when i speak in tongues you actually hear a totally different technique and a different spiritual language to emma when you speak in terms of sound when you speak in tongues we all have a uniqueness to the tongues already but it comes from the same spirit we and we just have not become experts even in tongues but the lord wants us to become experts in these other areas why because quite often the speciality of our gift and we need to see that it's not commonality of gift yeah we might we may be called profits are called across the board but the uniqueness and the directness and the fine thread that god calls them to speak is different yes for each person because of the place that he has in the earth for them to speak into so quite often the speciality of our gift it accompanies the speciality of our core come on god wants to bring us into the speciality of our call in this coming year amazing emma when you said i'm taking families into the journey of the unknown what struck me was that this year we have been forced out of you know the commonality of what we see as church and thrown into our families again and the significance of that is that just like with abraham he calls families and also he actually he calls families and and the individuals within families with unique cause yeah yeah and he wants to release us he he's removed us from almost the church contacts context to put us back into the godly family context yeah so that in this coming year he can release us in family call in family uniqueness in family speciality and the speciality of gifts you know it's it's like he's he's just re-established the foundation for the release into this um i i've got so much i could say on it but he's because you're so honored what i want grab is that phrase you said in 2021 you're going to be released into i had to write it dino is so good into the speciality of your call yeah actually rather than that feeling of one day one day one day one day maybe perhaps maybe perhaps or maybe kind of being in the shallow waters in the spirit or the shallow waters of your gifting or the shallow waters of your destiny because many of us spent our feel like we spent our whole lives in the shallow waters god is saying i'm going to release you into the speciality of your call where there's a mature depth and weight and specialization to the spiritual gifts that you have been given are you hearing what this man is prophesying you're going to be released into the speciality of your call i want to jump up and dine on the spot and say that's me that's me and you can do it with me because we want to jump into what's being prophesied to say yes god yes god yes god i want to jump into being more specialized i do i want to jump into being more special you know and it detailed and established in my call yeah yeah i mean wow keep going look so in um i was i was i was led to read about paul um and how he was called and how was so long but i read this which was uh let me just find it um acts 9 and this is de paul but the lord said to him um this was ananias he said to ananias when he called he he said to ananias to go and find paul yeah after paul and have a conversion but the lord said to him last go for paul he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name first before the gentiles then before kings and then before the children of israel for i will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name and the lord the lord hit me with that and said look at this you have been great at going before the church you have been great at going before kings you have been awful in standing in your uniqueness and paul's uniqueness was the gentiles you've been awful awful outstanding in your uniqueness of course yes but look how he look how he lists it in scripture he puts with paul's call he puts gentiles first come on so he puts uniqueness of call first and then he puts before the world kings and then he puts before the church and we've so so our uniqueness and our ability to step into the speciality of our call and our spiritual gift you know if we're a prophet if it's prophesying to the to the media community if we if we choose to just prophesy to church and just prophesy to the world but neglect media community then we miss the other two because we we miss the anointing and the fullness of the kingdom of god that was deposited in our lives you know to release and so we have to step into the uni the uniqueness and speciality of it and actually tongues is really key in it because um it provides us with the unique language to release that unique gift in the unique area that we've been called to yeah i'm tired i mean i'm challenged by that too because what that does it's like a one-two punch in the face for our nonsense around comparison uh a punch for our nonsense around celeb celebrity and wanting to be like each other rather than specialize in our uniqueness which is actually different and strange for every single person sam you want to to deal with some other stuff uh i don't know where you want to go ezekiel 8 or the demon of cynicism pick up from on it yeah i i think we will go into the demon of cynicism because it's it's it really hangs on to this but i just heard the lord say we have to pause for a moment and repent for neglecting the gift that he gave the church which was the ability to understand mysteries and because we neglected it others like new age communities picked it up what was mysterious was evil and we thought that what came as a riddle or as a rhyme or as a mystery or as a dream was almost an evil thing away out there anything that played even to our imagination that we neglected it and pushed it off and there is a moment right now where we have to say god i am sorry for neglecting the gift that you gave us as the church to understand mysteries the understanding of mysteries should be unique to the church the understanding of mysteries should be unique yeah people have dreams when seeing your business people have dreams when politicians have dreams they don't pick up the phone to their local new age community church they pick up their phone to their local jesus loving holy spirit-filled believers their local community because it is on us that god has put first and foremost the understand the ability to understand mysteries and we've so lost that we are joseph's and we are the ones that are picked up we are daniels we are the ones that are contacted when someone gets a mystery or should be that actually we've not even just thought that's not us we've even demonized yeah i mean sam i mean you're on fire you're and i mean i'm running on the spot because i can feel the glory of god all over it thank goodness i'm in flip-flops and not high-heeled that sense that we have you know we should be the place for mysteries not new mates not the wiccans not the witchcraft not the spiritualists not the mediums we should be so marvelous at knowing what it is to interpret dreams to steward strange signs to read what's going on in the earth and in the heavens above where god says i will show signs in the heavens above that actually we should be the ones who know those things and that we can people can point to us and go look how strange they are they must be spirit-filled look how it must be demonstratable look how old they are they must be one of those disciples that turned the world upside down mysteries need to be re-embraced by us yeah well they do instead we have embraced we have called mysteries which is godly and pure demonic and we have called cynicism which is actually demonic godly and pure cynicism up in the church as the godly sign of maturity the cynical as the mature and the one who operates in mystery is the one who's immature and needs some freedom and needs a lot of work and needs looked after and cynicism in our churches had become almost an aspirational quality and i watched in 2021 as i was asking god what do we need to be aware of you know we've got to be as shrewd a serpents we've got to be aware of what's going on as we enter 2021 what what is going to be the enemy of this if this is what you're releasing on the earth which is so revolutionary what is going to be the enemy of this and god said so clearly the ancient ancient ancient demon of cynicism i thought it's not a new demon it's not something that the enemy has released it is something so ancient that is going to come back to the surface in a more aggressive way and it's the demon of cynicism and it's the demon that is behind even moves in christianity of cessationism where they don't believe in the holy spirit moving today as a demon behind some of those conversations and the lord is saying as mysteries rise in the church in 2021 so cynicism will try to rise and it will be as you raise yourself up against the demon of cynicism that's defeated but in us as we enter 2021 we've got to say personally redmi of cynicism and amy you're writing there something that i've written down actually almost worked for word cynicism is cloaked as discernment in the church said to me stop confusing cynicism with discernment they are opposite ends of the spectrum cynicism doesn't just not trust what's not trustworthy cynicism doesn't trust anything really apart from self cynicism is always not trusting and not trusting and not trusting and looking for faults and looking for flaws discernment is trusting what is of god and it enables you to advance into his depths and the lord says cynicism is what locks doors to mysteries discernment is what unlocks doors to mysteries that's what i hear him say today and if you want mysteries unlocked and the doors to the mysterious realm unlock you've got to deliver yourself of cynicism and welcome an increase of discernment and as you do that god will enable the door to the mysterious realm to open to you so that you can walk into it and can i say i think cynicism is not just something that the traditional church you know is guilty of or that known spirit-filled church i actually think cynicism is a structure that we live inside of in the charismatic spirit-filled church i think the cutting edge at church is as cynical as everybody else's and that actually we contrast we compare we roll our eyes we critique and we are not accepting of the strange in somebody else [Music] we want them to limit the strange and how many of us have seen this the holy spirit starts to move in a room even the cutting edge church even river churches the holy spirit starts to move and some high it gets shut down by cynicism in the congregation time and time again so i think we've got to be really careful that the finger is not just pointing right there but we are aware of the fact we i roll at other people's strange behavior oh they're often one again oh that's them with their spirit horse that they always gallop around the room on oh that's them with their funny manifestation oh that's them with their strange you know dance oh there he goes again oh there she goes again you know we are those people who say that kind of things those kind of things lord of mercy on our cynicism absolutely look do you want to add into that i just was hearing the lord saying stop stop dabbling and start delivering stop dabbling in this and start delivering as i've called you to deliver it and we need to step into this in this coming year because the world's eyes have been turned by 2020 to 2021 and if we don't start delivering in 2021 then the world is the world is going to go back on its cycle of believing false gods again and we have an opportunity and he is calling us to step into this um yeah wow wow i was struck as well by just that in relation to porn and you can see it throughout scripture with everyone in scripture they that you know they were uniquely called by moses was called to you know be the deliverer to israel but then joshua was called to be the one who led into the promised land and so you know they were still called to the body called to the world but they had uniqueness in their calling their gifts and even on a daily basis how the lord then worked with them in their gifts to accomplish the call was unique and we have just been so guilty of putting ourselves into a pastor's box or a profits box or a teacher's box by categorizing ourselves in those things and weighing ourselves up and measuring ourselves up in relation to what has been established as the mold for that i'm not saying that we should be rebellious in in in stepping away from that we still do all of the things we've been talking about about honoring authority and honoring the godly authority and the the authority in nations as well but in this season um god is calling us to step into the uniqueness and the speciality of our gifts and core because uh like you said we've touched a glimpse in the structures that we have been used to we have thank god touched a glimpse but it has only been a glimpse and there is a measure of not even a measure there is a fullness to it that we um are are due to step into in these coming days um to the point where um i feel like he's maybe even warning us you know in relation to i was reading matthew 24 you know therefore stay awake if you do not know what day your lord is coming but know this that the master of the house if he had known what part of the night the thief was coming he would have stayed awake would not have let his house be broken into therefore you must also be ready for the son of man is coming at now you do not expect he is coming in a moment where it took decades and hundreds of years a thousand years before to see something happen he's going to be coming in a moment knocking on the door and our readiness is in stepping into the realm of the spiritual gifts and stepping into the realm of speaking with the language of the spirit of god just like on pentecost if they were not there ready in the moment when the spirit was released now they wouldn't have stepped out it's just the lord is causing us and prompting us and pushing us to pursue this and to be ready because he is going to do things in moments in this coming season with authority and a realm of signs wonders and miracles that um we must be ready for or equally as quickly as it ha as quickly as the moment is there it will be gone wow and he wants to use us for it and as somebody in the comments right they go so fast is saying you know how do we step into this well i want to give you some top tips and i want to talk to you about ecstatic prophecy yes ecstatic prophecy is what it's called you see you can pray in tongues and you can read scripture and you can practice you know you know giving a word to somebody a word of revelation but i think we begin in the place of holy spirit possession i think it's like the day of pentecost where the possession of the spirit of god he takes over us and i think we have to pray god holy spirit would you possess me and then we go into this ecstatic state and don't be shocked when it happens when you pray it don't be shocked when you get the answer but we so surrender to the spirit of god that the spirit of god actually takes over did you hear me there you so surrender to the spirit of god that the spirit of god is able to take over where you are so seized by him that it means actually that your body does some funny things and actually this is the kind of prophecy i love the most whenever you're possessed by the spirit and you don't just prophesy in that normal kind of linear way where you're in control of everything but you start to prophesy ecstatically where the force of the spirit of god explodes from within you your agenda is out of the way you have divorced all your wrong alliances and the weight on your words is almost shocking and of course you i mean occasionally it happens to me and usually my my head and my body start to go like that where i'm completely taken over by the spirit of god and of course that funny body movement should not surprise a single one of you because of course the holy spirit when he's introduced in scripture in genesis 1 hovers and flutters and shakes he's introduced as a as a vibrating you know member of the trinity to shake to tremble to flutter and so when you are possessed by the spirit you've got to know that your body will start to do some odd things somebody saying i stopped wearing wigs because i don't know when he's gonna do it i love that comment i love that moment okay but actually interestingly prophecy that it's done in that ecstatic um possessed state let me tell you where it is in scripture isaiah 1 1 it sets the tone that everything isaiah prophesied he prophesied in the ecstatic state habakkuk one one he's talked about as being an ecstatic prophet in the original text in other words everything habit prophesied comes ecstatically one one are you getting a picture mica one one and so as these profits are introduced we're starting to see how they prophesy ezekiel 12 27 in fact many times all the way through is he killed in the in the hebrew it it uses the word ecstatic prophecy lamentations 2 14 numbers 24 4 in fact 51 times in scripture the prophets speak in an ecstatic manner in an altered state of consciousness shaking in trance-like utterances can i tell you that in terms of quantities of biblical scripture that ecstatic prophecy is actually the most common form of prophecy in the bible wow and we are so married to our agendas that we stand there like political lobbyists so in control of our own image so in control of our look for the day so pr marketing up that we bear no resemblance to the majority of biblical prophecy wow and when saul starts to prophesy remember king saul you know good on bad moments in his life but you remember first samuel chapter 10 uh the prophets with samuel are coming down the mountain they are in an ecstatic state they are with liars and timbrel's pipes and harps they're prophesying in this altered holy spirit possessed way and then by the time we get to verse it says this of king soul and the spirit of the lord will come powerfully upon you and you will prophesy with them and you will be changed into a different person and the pro the prophecy in that scripture the root word is you will prophesy estatically like them and so they say is saul not among the prophets why do they say that is saul not among the prophets because saul started to prophesy in an ecstatic state to the point where the man's clothes are hardly staying it is a wild prophecy so they define him by his ecstatic possession as a prophet and in that moment they don't call him king because things look buttoned up and regal and true prophets look wildly possessed whoa whoa oh we're hitting something here jeremiah is it outlines the same principle my heart is broken within me i'm reading jeremiah 23 all my bones tremble i am like a drunk man because of the lord's holy words wow did you read that before i'm like a drunk man because of the lord's holy wells words this is not just my heart feels a bit enamored this is not you know i'm a little bit oh there's a little breeze of the holy spirit this is a deep manifestation of the power of god and when we talk about mysteries this is what we're talking about yeah oh i've more to say on it do you guys want to come i can feel the glory of god all over this physical sense activity ceases memory and imagination are absorbed into god your whole being becomes intoxicated your body and your spirit are in ecstatic flight and your whole being is lifted up by god to be one with him it's a bit like enoch i mean that's probably the closest biblical character is that you know enoch who walked with god now if you want to new testimize this which i jolly well hope you do you gotta go to second peter 1 21 and what does it say you've got to memorize this verse 2nd peter 1 21 it's dialoguing about the prophets and it says there's the people of revelation the prophets they are the ones what carried along by the holy spirit carried along by the holy that's the definition of the new testament prophet carried along by the spirit of god oh may we be the ones so surrendered so devoid of control and order that it is possible that in 2021 a generation of church and christians will arise who are carried along in the mysteries and the ecstatic movement of the spirit of god that's how you become a sign in a wonder that's how god is gonna show his glory off that's how the world will say oh mysteries oh mysteries you go to the church for those yeah wow who salmon look who's up next yeah i have to give or repent or say sorry for giving god limited access to us and almost boxing god in and making it out as if he was just a god who only interacted with our spirit but our body was up to us our physicality well that's up to me to control that's up to me to start out i'm the god of my body god you can be the god of my spirit and maybe you can be the god of my heart and my emotions as well where actually can we just you said something so wild there god i will be the god of my body you can be the god of my spirit that has got the glory of god all over it we'll repeat that theme again we can't just run past that level of revelation no totally because we want to control how our body reacts to god we want to control we want to control our body in every way possible we want to be the god of our own bodies and the sadness of that is that when we then limit how god actually wants to glorify himself through our physicality and god wants a response and you you just need to open scripture to read time and time again i saw god and i fell down as though dead i saw god and i fell down as the dead i shook my bones trembled with enemy time and time and time and then i felt overcome like a drunk man and daniel needed a sleep and a holiday because his body was so infused with the divine his body was so infused and overcome by god and some of my favorite quotes of those of older some of the early church fathers and mothers and some of the those who who understood union of god would say it's about enthralling immersion in god where not a part of you isn't saturated in god not just your spirit saturated but your whole body is about absorption into the beloved into the beloved a divine and flowing spiritual inebriation sublime perception of god where all of who you are responds to god because he becomes the god not just of your spirit but the god of all of who you are and if he turns up that means your spirit doesn't just respond to him but your body responds to him as he wants a response as he comes into the room yes absolutely look do you want to add to that yeah one thing you said emma i think it was um that we've been married we've been married to the church and straight away i i felt i felt the weight in my heart that said you've been married to the church not married to the spirit and you've been married to culture not married to christ and i was just oh i need to reaffirm my vows and to the spirit of god because i have been guilty of using him in relation to culture and church rather than culture and church you know because of what i'm being used by him to do and and so a lot i i want i want to repent for marrying something that is good but god not marrying you that not marrying god just lord i want to re reaffirm my vows to being married to your spirit and joined with your spirit and one with your spirit as its talks in scripture to be because when i'm one with your spirit suddenly physical movement and manifestation all those things are a response to the spirits they're not the spirit is not a response to what i'm physically feeling so god i just again align myself with you spirit of the living god and step into that place of revelation with you because because that is what i was going to say because of this and because because we need to do this but god because you are asking us to be one with you to be one with you lord that we're a people who are known as be people who are one with you oh my goodness that happens there because they're one with god they're one with the spirit of god absolutely and somebody in the comments are again it went too fast to catch the name said uh that means we've been guilty of adultery and i think they're spot on we've been an adulterous bride in marrying our conservative traditions rather than marrying the spirit of god and there's a number of comments about oh but but but is the the the the words of the prophet not subject to the will of the prophet yes and that scripture where it says in the new testament that the words that come out my mouth are subject to my will in other words i tame my tongue when i'm being mean or nasty or judgmental or unkind don't misappropriate scripture here okay it means when when my words are subject to my will it is about me not uh killing people with my words it's about me not being like elisha who calls the beggars out to maul the boys in the old testament so so that that is talking about something completely different all right this is talking about the permission of the holy spirit to totally have all that you are and undo you sam we've got 90 seconds left talk to us right finish up first okay i think we just need to pray and we need to repent and realign our focus again and pick up the mantle of being one who operates in the realm of mysteries and you you're gonna need this for 2021 so right now in the name of jesus i bless you to throw cynicism off completely to discard it where it has become a wall in front of you that stops you advancing into mysteries that you now throw cynicism off in the name of jesus and i loose to you discernment which will release the capacity to walk into the mystery realms of god and i just hear him laugh and say this is what you are made for this is what you are made for you are not becoming someone that you're not you are becoming someone that you truly are as you come and dwell with me in the realm where mysteries make sense so i bless you in that in the name of jesus amen man i think guys watching this we hit a moment of the glorious day i'm actually still trembling i can still jog on the spot so i think you need to share this make sure you've shared this today because there is something of god on this in terms of what is going to be what we're going to see next year and our response to god's move next year and i think if you've been blessed it make sure that you donate uh we love receiving your your offerings and your uh blessings to us financially so you can jump over to our website prophetic scots because we're in scotland uh and make sure that you uh do that and we happily uh will receive that blessing from you and i want you guys to be blessed over your weekend we will see you again tuesday and sam is you and i with my dad and it's our last one before christmas because we're having a holiday over christmas a vacation so don't miss tuesday with sam and i and my dad because that has ever has something controversial to say about christmas because doesn't he always have something i wonder where i get it something controversial just to say he's brilliant isn't he all right okay we love you guys bye see you later [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 14,000
Rating: 4.9352751 out of 5
Id: d3UgPfWIKP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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