5 OUTDOORSMAN KNOTS - Truckers Hitch, Bowline, Tautline, Prusik, Chain Sinnet

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in this video we're gonna look at knots we're gonna give you the 1 2 3 4 5 knots that you need to know is an outdoorsman right the first one we're going to talk about is the trucker's hitch all right now the trucker's hitch comes in handy when you want to take something say like on top of your car and you want to tighten it down quite a lot this kayak works really good for demonstration purposes so I basically got this kayak on here and this is the last bit that I want to tie down now one way that a lot of people will just tie down a kayak is they'll just you know wrap wrap the rope around and they'll try to like tie some hitches or something in the in the rope but the problem is that then it's still not super tight that's why you tie a trucker's hitch so to do that you need to tie a little knot up in the top and I like to tie a slipknot which is the best way I think it's tired truckers it basically take the rope twist it like so and then come back up through it a little bit of rope kind of tighten that thing down just a little bit so you have that loop which is easily pulled out if you want right and then you're gonna take the leading edge through your hook on the car put it back through that hole and then you can just crank that puppy all the way down that's pretty good tight enough for my kayak to stay on now I'm gonna finish that off with two little half hitches here it keeps that tight and then one more make sure it stays on there you go that's your trucker's hitch the next knot is the self tie bowline now we learned how to do the bowline knot right here so you can check that one out but this is a different way of tying the boland where if you were to say need to tie it around yourself and get hauled up a cliff then it's really valuable and all you'd basically do is hold it in your hand spin it around tie the bowline like that oh and then they can pull you up a cliff right I'm gonna slow that down obviously and show you how to do it hold it in your right hand over the top of the rope do a little twist like that create that hole and then let the rabbit around the tree back down give yourself enough rope there's your bowline knot and you can get hold up the cliff just like that like next we have the taut line you pretend that this rope is coming off the top of your tent and you want to tie it down to this tree so instead of just kind of like trying to pull it and getting it tight and tying some sort of knot all you got to do is tie a taut line so you take this this leading edge and you put it over the rope and then you're gonna come up and around like like to do that once and then another time on the inside that's twice and then you're gonna cross over and you're gonna go the opposite direction under and through just like that so there's your taut line and the cool thing about this knot is you can basically tighten it by hand and it'll hold now you wouldn't want to use this knot if you were putting it under a lot of strain and pressure but if you're say tying up your tent stakes or something it's a really handy knot and you can loosen it you can tighten it there you go that's the taut line all right we learned in another video in this knot series how to make one of these prusik knots and now I'm going to apply that to a climbing scenario as you can see I'm actually attached to a light post right now for this demonstration and I'm using a belaying device that you would probably not use with the prusik but it is just for demonstration this prusik in the climbing scenario can really help you stay safe when you're going down the mountain and how you do that is you take this loop and you you hold it like so basically the knot is a little a little off it's not centered in any way it's just I put it right next to the other rope and I wrap it around round like this wrap it around the rope that I'm gonna use to belay myself downward I'm going through the bloop wrapping it around trick is not to get in caught and I like that and then here you see this I end up with two loops like that push it together looks nice and clean hair is pinching my climbing rope and then what I do is I take these two loops and I hooked them onto a carabiner that I have clipped on to the leg loop of my harness like so so now this is what it looks like if I fall or do something stupid this prusik will actually pinch the rope and catch me and that's why the prosecute so good it will basically save you in a really sticky situation it's a backup that can can really help you when you're climbing this is the next knot we're gonna do which is actually not so much of a knot we call this the chain Senate and it's a way to to make a longer rope a little shorter when you for example are going climbing so I hang this on my harness like so and I can walk around with my harness without getting the rope and tangled I use this rope when I'm building like an anchor for example on a climbing wall and the good thing about it is this is where I'm gonna show you unhook one and then this is how long it really is and that's not quickly I can get it out alright so this is how we do it start by making a simple Slipknot cross it over slip it through and there's just slip knot right there and then all I do is I just keep going through the opening do one loop it through once more there's another one loop it through once more like that I just keep on going until the rope is all looped up actually I'm gonna stop right there you see how I have a little bit of a slack there I'm gonna use that and do up just a simple locking hitch right at the end to make sure that my loose and doesn't slide through all right I have a loop right at the end and I take it back and I connect it to my original loop like so and then I have my chains in it like that this I can clip to my carabiner clip it to my harness and bring with me on the rock climbing wall which is great so it thanks for watching I hope you learned something and the cool thing is this is just one of the videos on moss that we have we've actually teamed up with a lot of cool people that are specializing in different sports and they want to show you their favorite knots for their specific sports so we're putting the links down here below and click them and see you in another video
Channel: Sportology
Views: 1,339,426
Rating: 4.7885666 out of 5
Keywords: Clumperknot, 5 knot series, five knot series, basic knots, knots, tying knots, sportology, rob nelson, jonas stenstrom, robnelsonfilms
Id: TIjqJQ1nTV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2015
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