3 Knots An Outdoorsman Should Know - Dan Wowak

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hey what's up everybody today i'm going to teach you three super useful knots um great knots for not only around camp and when you're out in the woods doing things but also in your everyday life so is this video gonna be awesome i'm afraid not get it not i'm afraid you got it so my name is dan woak you go brand ambassador and we're just going to dive right into the whole knot making thing today um now there are tons of different knots out there literally like tons of knots you could buy books and go online and just learn knots i feel like forever but i have found that these three knots are knots that i turn to all the time so that's why i wanted to share them with you so uh like i said let's just jump right into it not number one i don't know the name now all kidding aside i do know the name of this it's called a bowline knot but after teaching people from all over the country here at my school there's a lot of argument around that boline bolin we're not sure how to say it so we're just going to go with bowline now the boldline knot is a very great knot for the simple fact it is the loop on the end of a rope that doesn't slip and i'm going to show you how to tie that right now bow line knot is a very simple knot to tie what we have here is our cut end and then we have the rest of our rope over here so cut end on the right hand side to start this and then the rest of the rope on the left side um you're going to come in about a foot for this knot to start okay now once you learn it you can tie it anywhere on the line but for now we're going to come in about a foot and what you're going to do is you're going to make a loop just like that about the size of a dime not too big because it'll get you confused otherwise so about the size of a dime and what you're also going to notice is that the cut end right here okay goes over this line is over the rest of the line so it's going to look like that very important okay now what we're going to do is we're going to take the cut end okay and we are going to go in the back side of the loop just like this now what's important when we do that okay is that we do not pull this all the way through the loop that we're going to create that doesn't slip is right here okay so if i needed this loop to be really big for some reason i would just move this initial small dime size loop further down the rope and i have more on this side okay so remember what we're doing now is we're taking the cut end we're going in the back side of the dime okay once you come in the back side of the dime only pull it a little bit there's our loop starting to get created now the line that's cut comes in the backside of dime out the front it goes behind the rest of your rope and back in the dime okay so that's what we're looking at right now at this point hold the cut end hold the rest of the rope and give it a tug that easily we created a loop that doesn't slip and that's it the loop that does not slip now application for this think about your setting up a ridge line for a shelter so now you can wrap this around a tree and pull your ridge line it's a nice way to secure it that way you can also tie this that if you have a roof rack on your car and you don't want this to bind down not gonna happen again anything you need a loop for this loop is great the nicest part of this whole thing though is once you tie it and you just grab this back section and lightly push it it opens it it breaks it free and uh you're not fighting a knot to get your line back so great little knot there to now now the second knot that i wanted to show is it's a knot but it's also a lash and that is a straight lash i think that i use this lash more than any other lashings now you you might not even know what that means so this right here which just looks like a coil of rope on a stick is a straight lash variety of different uses for this um think about this tint pull it cracks or breaks and you're not sure what you're gonna do you don't have tape but you have a little bit of rope even a rake at home the handle cracks something like that um splitting out we can use a straight lash to hold it back together so very very useful in that sense another way that you can use it which i think everybody experienced this you get a nice big piece of rope and the ends they just they look an absolute mess well have no fear straight lash to the rescue right we can use a straight lash to bind off the end so even if this end gets worked and begins to fray it's not going to keep frame it's never going to look like this now because we put this nice straight lash on there so let me show you how easy and simple this is now for a straight lash i'm going to start out i'm going to tie this twice i'm going to first show you on a stick here so you understand what's happening and then we're going to move to some smaller diameter rope to show you actually how it's finished off okay so to start this off what you're going to do is you're going to take your cut end and you're going to follow that down about six to seven to eight inches and you are just going to bend it you're going to make a loop like that and then what you're going to do is you're going to lay that against whatever object it is you're making your straight lash so in our case let's pretend this is a cracked tent pole so we're just going to lay it like this so you can see cut end long end and our fold our long end then okay is going to begin wrapping over itself and the cut end back towards the fold all right so this will make more sense once i start to do it so all i'm doing is wrapping it around just like this so see how i'm wrapping the long end down towards the loop okay and the cut end is just hanging out there so i'm going to keep doing this okay now once i get down far enough okay and i come around this would be the long end okay you'd have to pull all this if you had a lot of line otherwise in my case i only have a little bit i'm going to tuck that in the front of that loop we created just like this all right now at this point you're going to grab your other cut end and you're going to give it a tug what's going to happen now is you can see that that loop that has this end in it is getting pulled up underneath the rest of that line so as i pull that it's getting pulled up inside there and it's starting to disappear okay that's what's going to secure your knot the tighter you wrap this the harder you're going to have to pull this but the tighter it's going to make this entire knot and it's going to keep whatever it is from splitting out not splitting out okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to take our smaller line we're going to fold it over on itself so i made that loop again okay i'm going to lay that on my rope just like this i'm going to pinch it down and then i'm going to begin to wrap from my cut end down to the loop okay i'm going to just wrap like this nice and tight wrap it downward now once i get down to the loop i'm going to take my other end and i'm going to place it in the loop just like that and i'm gonna pull that initial front end that's going to tuck that line back up into the other line underneath all the wraps okay so now that's all hidden away i can go and cut that free and i have a straight lash keeping my rope from fraying and there you go straight lash not number two two knots for the arsenal not number three this is gonna seem a little bit technical um but just follow me okay just follow along if you remember these crazy i'm gonna tell you the craziest steps you're going to think what this guy lost his mind but honestly if you remember these steps because they're so crazy when i say them you'll get this knocked down now this is called a trucker's hitch a trucker's hitch is a tensioning knot and it's used when you need to make a line really tight this one is going to get a little bit more complex okay um you're going to need to use that first knot we looked at and that is the bowline knot that is how we're going to attach it to our first anchor point now i'm going to go between trees but again think about this in all different aspects if you need to tie something to the trunk of your car you tie something down in a pickup bed truck if you need to put a clothesline up at camp any of that stuff this is going to work so bowline knot is the first part now all i'm going to do is i'm going to take that bowline knot i'm going to wrap it around the tree and i'm going to put all the line through the bowline knot okay and then i'm going to give it a little tug so that's how we anchor this off now all the magic's gonna happen at this end of the tree okay so you find your second anchor point take your line and wrap it around now this is where people get into trouble all the time they don't know what to do here so they try to tie a knot and and no matter what they do that rope is loose we're going to fix all that so we we pull that rope around our anchor point and what i want you to do is i want you to be cool because you're going to tie a cool knot now remember i'm going to say all these crazy things and i need you to let them sink in be cool going to tie a knot you're going to reach out like this you're going to reach out and wherever you grab the line is we're going to tie your trucker's hitch okay now i identified where i need my trucker's hitch to be tied so this is what's gonna happen it all pretty much starts one-handed i am gonna first of all be comfortable so being comfortable with my hand that's holding the line um is like this i can also be comfortable like this but i'm uncomfortable if i turn my hand like this so it's important to be uncomfortable okay when we're using this for a shelter i tell people hey you don't have a shelter up you're uncomfortable so my hand like this is uncomfortable again if your palms up palms down you're comfortable but when you turn your whole arm like this and put your palm up super uncomfortable okay that's how we're gonna start now from that point you're gonna grab with just four fingers you're gonna grab the line you're gonna make yourself comfortable see i'm giving myself a thumbs up yeah it's awesome right so my thumb wasn't involved at all um in that um little spinny move so i'm uncomfortable thumbs up i'm comfortable okay now when i open my hand up just like this what happens is i can stick my thumb through the line and there's only one thing i can grab and that is the proper side of the rope so again i'm uncomfortable hey this is cool i'm setting up a nice knot i open up my hand stick my thumb through grab the line and pull it to my second anchor point what that did now was created a loop now with this loop i'm going to put all that extra line through it and i'm going to pull it yet again back towards the second anchor point now what you're going to notice here when i do this is that i have a loop okay with the line through it and i can pull this thing super hard and the more i pull it the more tension in my line is created and that's how we're going to create the tension the confusing part now for people is how do i actually tie this off but it's actually not too confusing it's pretty simple so where my line comes through that loop okay this right here all i'm going to do is pull it tight take two fingers and i'm going to pinch it so the loops here the two lines are here i'm gonna pinch that and i'm gonna take all of my line that whole bunch i'm gonna throw it over all the lines now what that's gonna do is that's going to create what i like to say is a number four so here you can see my crazy looking number four okay easy easy stuff at this point i'm gonna reach through the number four now remember i'm pulling this tight i'm pinching i create this number four so here's my number four just right there i'm gonna reach through the number four all the way through to grab that other line and i'm gonna pinch it with a death grip and all i'm gonna do is pull it and pull it and pull it and pull it now as i pull that it binds up against my loop and now my knot is in place all right now you can see that line is super tight for a big thick rope like this with a really long stretch where it's stretched out about 20 foot here super tight so this trucker's hitch is a great one this can pull and tighten things down like you can imagine again in a outdoor environment what's really nice with this number one clothesline number two um this is great for setting up and then tying a tarp off to so if you want to get involved with tarp shelters this is your go-to and there you go my friends three useful knots the bowline knot the straight lash and the trucker's hitch great knots to know share with your friends and have a good time with them and they're gonna make your life that much simpler so thanks for joining us on this video hope you enjoyed it if you haven't already hit the subscribe button blog all the good stuff over ecogear.com and until next video stay lit
Channel: UCO
Views: 259,886
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Id: FmpSOLnJ-Yc
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Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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