Esports life but I am a horrible gamer

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hey there friends how's it going you ever get so hammered you wake up the next morning and you still feel a bit drunk yeah me neither never never would i don't drink anyway today we're going to be playing esports life for something similar i can't remember the name who do you think i am a professional youtuber i actually went on to play a youtuber's life i wanted to continue that if you don't remember i did a video on youtubers life before a really fun game just because obviously the situation and it's it's it's just kind of funny okay i don't want to insult anything it's a funny game and then i realized they had this game out which is like esports life so it'll finally allow me to simulate being good at video games so let's jump right in and uh get started the music is pretty damn intense it's it's been here in the background as i did my intro this whole time just in my ears okay who is my favorite team i don't really have a favorite i don't watch like anything not in mind esports oh i'm immediately liking these they seem like bros and this guy's misunderstood okay who is the most multicultural oh you guys all look the exact same you look like tunnel snakes tunnel snakes rule except for you i don't know what's going on here you're out at the team why do none of them have girls this is not fair i mean maybe yeah you know what go with them i'm happy with them and the grumpy guy cheered up because i'm picking them experts only all right story mode i guess why is there a story yes on my favorite part making my esports champion wow he got into esports at the young age of 37 looking good buddy those glasses must have cost a fortune to get them specially made like that god i must be good at games because no one's friends with me for my looks that's for sure can relate he looks like the villain from despicable me he's just aged badly [Laughter] what the hell is going on here i don't know it was just hidden the whole time by glasses so like he didn't look normal but i guess so much of his face was hidden there was like less to take in but when you put on glasses or take them off there's just a lot going on there the name's ringo i'm the second best drummer in the beatles where we just take off these entirely i'm leaning towards these though these are pretty nice i don't know how they're connected they're two separate units you put on one and you put on the other and they just rest there on the nose oh my god i don't know if that's better or worse a bit of cultural appropriation you know he's got enough going against him as is we'll leave it at this the only hat i would put on him is a bowl personality affects your skill and initial leadership cards aggression oh my god defensive is pretty good look at that expression i'd be pretty defensive if i look like him right my name's gonna be feck this game could be complete trash i know nothing about it it's just like esports life wow and i bought it without even looking at it god damn look at that house and i i'm being kept in the attic no wonder i look like a monster i haven't seen sunlight in 57 years oh someone calls me okay great i hope i'm catfishing him hello beck [Laughter] he's got two tickets to see a grand final great okay mike he's so enthusiastic with the emojis and everything and i'm like okay go to mike's house all right how do we do that mike's house that's a long walk and he lives in the basement why are you texting me or right next to each other damn millennials this is esports what did he just say really shouted like he just chanted gay which is a fantastic way of coming out game zone fact that's my full name just [ __ ] god the story is moving fast it's hard to keep up with hey mike i want to go in now listen he never chanted gay you can't just decide that wait a second it's totally fun all right we're going down a bad route here this this is very immature julia nigri is there shall we go and say hello okay let's go story dialogue talk hello julian nigri thanks for coming guys what are your names um [Laughter] stop oogling her the one who is drooling is mike how is he doing that face why is he doing an emoji when he's talking face to face and i'm beck nice to meet you likewise have fun okay wow she is rude there's john malette shall we go to say hello to what emoji is that the hell is that damn millennials who is john malateut who is that parodying i hope i'm in the game i i can't talk to him the camera is not changing i'm trying to go up oh okay you just drag the mouse okay great oh it's probably an esports person now is probably a good time to say that i know nothing at all about esports by the way we would love to become professional players like you any advice don't do it it's really stressful and you'll retire early i think i'm beyond the normal retirement age so i'm not worried about that it was a joke i'm going in now see you guys bye what you didn't help at all and why why are we leaving he's the one who said he was leaving i wonder what the actual game is like do they have the license for no they're not gonna have the license to a game was that a miss incredible wow yes i love esports i have no idea what's happening that was smashing wow oh my god victory is on their sights that guy's not even playing he doesn't understand that you need to use the mouse to shoot he's trying to shoot them with his fingers you're tournament winners nice who are they are they my team oh my god look at that crowd they're all just vibrating oh is this a dream or something oh my god he looks great on the stage how come i don't get a uniform why am i just in my normal clothes [Laughter] i think i'm just going to watch this this is really uncomfortable music all right honey good morning it's time to get up oh he's such a problem child feck wake up wake up angry emoji oh sorry mom what time is it also how am i older than you is it adoption or what what were you dreaming about i don't even wanna know i was dreaming i was a professional player they've got the ghost emoji thing i'm not hip enough to know what they are but you know the one where it's like the scream painting like that hey what is he doing are you taunting your mom yes of course my darling what sport football like pele no no no video games that is not a sport damn you mom you wouldn't understand yes it is yesterday i saw it clearly i want to be like them muscle emoji what the [ __ ] is this it's good to have dreams at your age but please get to school and study i don't think my guy would be allowed within a 10 mile radius of any school wait do i actually have to go to school i'm going to get arrested this is such a weird game like it's nothing like youtubers life it's the same style but it's like it's trying to be a telltale game or something but with more emojis which is what everyone wanted from telltale games that's why they went under they just refused to put in emojis remember when clementine had to kill lee study simulator play play i want to study pay attention to the target image click the button when you see a matching image by choosing the right images you'll increase the probabilities of passing the test wait what is going on what the hell oh i'm supposed to match this one isn't all of them match oh wait no they don't okay just most of them well it is a shame but i don't think i'm gonna learn much today i guess i could just get them intentionally wrong he's definitely gonna fail wait i didn't get that right it actually takes effort to be this wrong [ __ ] you see what i mean [ __ ] okay success probability zero stop task oh my god is this the school bully russell give me my laptop back please crying emoji shut up kid i'm just doing my job as a bully is anyone really like that way of thinking like isn't everyone the good guy in their own heads or like doing it for some reason they don't go i am the bully he's got a little laughing emoji and he says i'm doing my job as a bully oh good old man's here to protect him why don't you leave us alone russell mind your own business feck angry emoji wait i should have a more accurate voice for effect my friends are my business very good do you want to get your friend's laptop back i challenge you and your team of losers to a match in the esports bar if you win i will return the laptop to you what do you think we'll be there he just has to make sure everyone knows he's out now buttfeck what have you done you don't know a thing about master champions or esports then why did we go to the [ __ ] show we don't have a team we're gonna put together a team okay i'm ditching school to go to the esports bar let's go i failed that test anyway it's hopeless like i gotta rely on video games for a career i mean i did in real life left school did a career out of video games i can do it in games too oh this is getting a bit better i wish there was an esports bar near me i would go to them like as long as everyone was pretty bad at games i'm gonna go practice let's let's no this one i use pc i'm gonna use the pc for four hours that's quite the commitment what do i want to get into on steamy i'll place the modern warfighter red team against me blue team with me i get it i'm good at games i know what i'm doing bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang i need to reload and everything god video games are just getting better and better aren't they you ran out of time okay i'm ready for esports now talk to this guy come join our team just talking to people normally just small talk is stressing them out i'm starting to relate to this character more and more is he my friend yet are you my friend do you like me okay i i think i've made friend i'm going to watch a match in merch god what what is this oh it's like twitch okay but totally different no copyright infringement or trademarks or anything all right use the pc for four hours just watch a live stream don't know why you can't do this at home but hey may as well just watch let's watch the moba and i know i'm gonna play it i'm not simulating anything wait i i have to react i'm just gonna get angry i'm a [ __ ] troll i have to match the reactions but all i'm doing is getting angry my time is running out really fast that makes me angry have you seen how your skills have improved i don't think so i gotta fill a skilled bear and he'll tell me more what have i gotta fill how am i gonna do that even when i simulate it i still have to sit here and just watch him do it the only thing i'm leveling up is my stress but why would you want to become an esports player if games literally only stress you out like he's getting no enjoyment out of this and the stream just made him angry why is he ringing me isn't he in this bear hi feck i'm mike we've been talking for the past like three days something was telling me that i had to call you right now well you've nailed it these people who wrote this dialogue you know this says episode one on this game but i don't think there's going to be an episode too wait minecraft in the background there's definitely gonna be an episode too master of champions will be the game judging which team is the best oh it's weird to actually hear a voice now i i can't really understand what he's saying without emojis fix it i don't wanna learn how to play a fictional game inside this game like i don't even want to learn normal games skip i never do tutorials i don't want a new tutorial for a game inside a game this team is on another level that's because they didn't do anything oh my god that fail oh my god can we can we stop this i don't want to watch this no wonder my guy was getting angry watching this for four hours i'm pissed just watching it for four minutes i'm going to use winning play oh my god that fail i don't even have anything to say i'm just like this is really depressing like everything from the narration to just what's going on i've won though at least i've i've won great good i understood what a complete lie choose the skill you want to upgrade what what i i can't see because you're in my way this pop-up just do anything it gets something i don't care i don't understand what's going on i'm going to get better and get your laptop back i think we should go to the police like he's stolen your laptop oh my god mike leave me alone for one second their conversations are just so disjointed hello feck tell me mike like what does that even mean i just got home and he's making me go out to the burger joint he must not have arrived yet well there's no problem it's full of girls winky tongue out emoji what do you mean mike curiosity emoji that while he is arriving we can try to flirt with anyone you like stop it stop it by the way who do you like you mike [Laughter] why do you think i'm hanging out with you every moment of my day i like guys i keep saying gay but you don't listen i keep shouting it out he's like i thought so the first hint was when you kept yelling gay out of nowhere he said it's full of girls and to go flirt like there are no guys here for perfect to flirt with are you a guy this is so [ __ ] awkward go for a kiss whenever you feel ready all right i want to do good at this because this just seems so [ __ ] awkward all right what is this games you like games you like latin music and running try kissing i didn't even attempt to flirt i just went right for the kiss okay that didn't work mike something went wrong it went good just lie that was the closest yet i smelled their breath i'm happy i think you have a gift for this okay we've got a member of our team what am i doing now where am i going i gotta gain talent points fix sake all right go to the bear the test can't continue you're too stressed what has he got to be stressed about that he needs a haircut because that's about it flirt flirt i didn't realize i can flirt with anyone i wanted go for it just try and kiss him i don't understand what this the game mode is oh my god why is this working you flirt with me okay i think i'm kind of getting it so he likes retro games from this i'm not even gonna try and explain this to you because this is not worth your [ __ ] time and brain power okay you don't need this information i'm just gonna try and get a nice case just know it's near impossible there we go two two and one that's pretty good 76 percent chance of kissing oh oh fake you dog you i don't care about his laptop anymore i just want to come to the esports bear to kiss boys says i'm just making up my own dialogue oh sorry i'm a kissy emoji okay good i could write for this game if you need any help for episode two uh let me know i'm willing all right i'll be in your game i'll voice someone i'll i'll voice the narrator i'll do whatever you want me to as long as i can be in the game but i think we are going to end it there but i do want to play more i think we should continue this i want to see if we can beat russell that bully angry emoji but i do hope you enjoyed please let me know in the comments or by leaving a like on the video i would appreciate that and i'll just let me know if i should make more because i really want to i think this might be my new favorite game for all the wrong reasons but yeah i hope you enjoyed appreciate it as always folks and i will see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 730,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, youtubers life, youtubers life gameplay, youtubers life game, best indie games, youtube simulator, youtuber life game, youtubers life funny, youtubers life funny moments, youtubers life omg, youtubers life gaming, youtubers life callmekevin, esports life, esports life tycoon, esports life ep 1, esports life gameplay, esports life callmekevin
Id: XBRqQPbAnyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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