ESO God Mode Warden in 2023 - Solo Magicka Warden - No Trial Gear Needed

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hey guys welcome back and today we're going to go over the magic of warden the magical Warden is in a fantastic spot right now perhaps the best spot that it's ever been in and we're putting it together in a way that's really really fun it leans into its ice identity that Frost Mage feeling and it's got fantastic AOE damage it's one of the best solo classes in the game right now it's one of the hardest hitting classes in the game period whether it's for Solo or group content so let's dive into why the frost Warden is so amazing right now first up for the race you can go High Elf or the most DPS possible you can also go dark elf they're very good well-rounded at class which allows you to go stamina later but high elf is gonna be the most performant retin is also a fantastic choice especially if you're going to be doing a lot of soloing Brighton has amazing sustain they're always going to be a really nice choice for solo content as for the Mundus while we're soloing we're gonna use lover Mundus to jump into group content then go ahead and Slot Thief Mundus like if you're gonna do a dungeon it's fine you don't need to change it but if you ever start doing raids and stuff like that you're going to want to put on that Thief Mundus take off the ring of the pal order as for the attributes we're going to use all 64 points in Magicka more magic you have the more damage you do so we want to really pump that up as for the food I'm going to recommend ghastly eyeball ghastly eyeball is going to be perfect that's going to give you 5 000 Magicka and it's also going to give you 500 magic in regen thereabouts right which means you have a ton more Magicka which means you're doing more damage with every cast and it's also taking you a lot longer to run out of Magicka and actually in in the content that I was testing this in I was not able to run out of my resources this was a really really well balanced build it really felt good this time around as for our consumables you've got two types of potions that you could use one is essence of Magicka that's the cheat potion you can either buy it at Guild Traders for next to nothing or you can find it on mobs when you kill them it's just essence of magic a potion it's just gonna give you some magic and a little bit of sustain and they don't last very long but they're perfectly fine for Overland content and they're great for getting in the habit of using your potion every time it's off cooldown that's going to be very important at getting good at ESO is using that potion anytime that you're in combat next potion that you can use is the essence of spell power potion this is also a really really important potion this one gives you major sorcery though and it's going to increase your spell damage by 20 that's a massive buff right so don't underestimate this potion whenever you're doing something hard these Buffs that it gives you are substantial so if you're going into veteran content if you're going into a solo Arena right anywhere where you feel like you need to try go ahead and pop these things on they are expensive so use them sparingly when it comes to like easy content but like later when you get experience of the game you'll almost always have these things going the next Buff that these give you is Major prophecy that's going to increase your crit chance next we have restore Magicka immediately and major intellect which increases are recovery by 30 all right next up let's go over the armor for the frost Warden the frost Warden is definitely leaning into that Frost damage lifestyle we are leaning into ice anywhere we can grab ice we are taking it on our gear on our weapons and even in our abilities and we're being rewarded for it right now so our monster set that we're going to be using is going to be our ice hard sky is ice heart is fantastic for a few reasons one it's got a really solid one piece bonus that one piece bonus is giving you crit chance which is going to be great for your damage two-piece bonuses giving you a AOE explosion of ice damage that radiates from you doing damage to all of your enemies and it's also going to apply a shield to you that absorbs 5000 damage for 6 seconds and you can proc this every six seconds it's simultaneously very defensive and very offensive and because of that one piece stat it's actually really good for our damage as well on the body we're gonna grab frostbite and this is a really easy to grab Overland set if you want to just go farm it yourself or you could go ahead and pick this up into Guild Trader if you're not sure where to find any of this gear as always look at the written guide link down in the description below you just hover over the set and it tells you exactly where to go to get it frostbite is great because it's going to amplify all of the frost damage that we're doing and we're doing a ton of it and if you're willing to get into trials then you can go ahead and at some point replace frostbite with oral of the depths which also does frost damage we're gonna pair with that the 2 piece set this is kind of a unique setup for the warden because we want to use a master's weapon on the front bar and we want to use a Maelstrom weapon on the back bar so we're using a two Arena weapons and Arena weapons are really fun in ESO because they can do big things for your damage especially when it pertains to one specific skill we're going to take advantage of that on this character because the Masters eye staff just pairs so well with this class so we don't have room for a full five piece set to pair with this so what we're going to do is we're going to take the Masters eye staff on the front bar ring of the powder on one piece of jewelry and then the two-piece assassins guile assassin's guile is a set that gives you crit chance for your two-piece bonus and you can take any set that gives you crit chance for your two-piece bonus so if you don't have assassin's gal you could use false gods you could use any set that gives Brit chance as the two-piece bonus it doesn't matter which one you pick assassin's gal is just the easiest one to make yourself it's a three trait set so if you've done any research at all you can almost certainly craft it yourself or get to the point where you can very easily or you can just buy it off a guild Trader for very cheap so you'd want to wear on your jewelry two pieces of Assassin's guile or any set that has crit chance as the two-piece bonus like we mentioned Masters eye staff on the front bar because we'll get into it with the passives for the class Frost wardens are really amped Up by using ice staves we'll talk about why in a bit and then on the back bar we're going to use the Maelstrom ice staff so you've got ice staff on the front part I stuff on the back bar and wardens are really rewarded for doing this right now all right now let's dive into the skills first skill we're going to be using is called Deep fissure this skill is our semi-spamable on the warden this is one that you always want to prioritize you want to make sure this is going off anytime that you can and it's kind of a unique ability it's doing a few things for us one it's on our bar and it's got great bar buffing passives from our class when we get into the passives for the class you'll understand why we want as many of these animal companion abilities on the front bar as possible there's a passive in there that's amplifying our damage greatly for each one of these that's slotted so we really are rewarded for using class abilities on the warden right now the way this ability works is you fire it off and then three seconds later you get an explosion in a line in in front of you that damages all enemies in a line in front of you and then six seconds later again without having to press it again six seconds later still you get another explosion where they resurface doing even more damage so it's two explosions one after three seconds and then six seconds after that so a total of nine seconds for this ability to fire off both explosions this ability is also going to apply two debuffs to the enemy one debuff is going to be major breach and the other is minor breach so you're getting almost six thousand reduction in their resistances plus three thousand for a total of nearly nine thousand it's over nine thousand nine thousand there's no way that could be right reduction in enemy resistance is so like just this one ability alone almost gives you all the penetration that you need you stack with this light armor or you stack with this lover Mundus and you've got more pen than you need all right the second ability on the front bar is going to be screaming Cliff racer this ability is kind of interesting when we hit the enemy with this ability it's gonna give us a 10 second buff that gives us 100 extra spell damage and weapon damage and if the enemy's off balance when we hit them with this ability it gives us four times that it quadruples that buff to 400 weapon and spell damage so we're gonna use this once every 10 seconds or so as a bit of a self buff direct damage ability next ability on our front bar is going to be frost reach this is going to be our spammable we devastate the enemy with an enhanced charge from our staff dealing 7400 Frost damage and an additional dot over 20 seconds enemies hit by this are afflicted with the chilled effect now because we're using the Masters ice staff this ability is being changed a bit by this weapon it says it reduces the cost of this by 10 making it easier to use as a spammable and it also causes this ability to give us a 600 weapon and spell damage buff for four seconds after we activate it so every time we use this ability we are going to get a 600 weapon and spell damage buff for four seconds that's why we want to use it frequently that's why we want to use it as our spammable that is a massive massive buff to our damage output so definitely use it definitely take advantage of using Frost reach as a spammable since we are using the ice staff next we have Barb trap Barb trap if you've watched one of my builds before you know how effective this skill is right now not only is it one of the hardest hitting single Target dots in the game it also comes within some great passives and gives your character minor Force increasing your critical damage by 10 then you've got your fighter skilled passives which increase your weapon and spell damage which increase your alt regen tons of great passives just for slotting this even when you're not even using it that are all good for your damage plus one of the hardest setting dots you should always have at least one fighter skill ability on your front bar really and next we have bird of prey bird of prey is one of my favorite abilities in the game it just feels good to use it increases your move speed by 30 for six seconds and then when you don't need the move speed it's constantly giving you a minor berserk which increases your damage by five percent this is a really fun ability to use in Solo play and when you're in a group you can just replace this with any dot that you really like to use but for solo play it feels really good and it works as simplifying your rotation because it's a skill you don't have to manage in battle you can just not press it and you're still doing more damage by having it slotted plus again we're getting another buff from the animal companion line because we're getting rewarded for each skill we use from that line and we have one two three four of them so we're getting majorly buffed I'll talk about that very soon wild Guardian for our ultimate the bear is just a fantastic ultimate he does a lot of damage he does way more damage than he looks like he's doing over there while he's slapping the enemies and he also serves to deal execute damage he deals double damage to enemies below 25 health so when the enemy gets low on health if you're fighting a boss or an ad or whatever once they get below 25 he really starts crushing them he has a chance to knock him down and stun him he's just really really effective at doing a ton of damage plus he's from our animal companion line so we are getting further buff our damage is Amplified because we're using another animal companion ability now the first ability on the back bar we're going to be using unstable wall of elements now this is going to turn into unstable wall of frost because we have a frost staff equipped and what this is going to do is it's going to create an icy barrier dealing 888 Frost damage to enemies in the area every second and applying unstable Frost shield for 6 seconds on you and your ballast that absorbs up to 5 000 damage from projectiles so it's another Shield that we're getting right we've got our I start giving us a shield we've got our Frost wall giving us another shield and wallets while this effect is on the floor it's also doing damage to the enemies and then it explodes when it expires is doing even more damage and applies unstable Frost shield to you for 6 seconds and then absorbs another 2 300 damage from projectile so as you can see this this ability is doing a lot it's doing damage to the enemies that are near you and it's also absorbing damage from projectiles that are flung at you and as you can tell it's another Frost ability just remember we're using all these Frost abilities that's going to be important in a bit when we talk about passives so make sure to listen to the passive section of this video because it's especially important when it comes to putting together a frost Warden next we have the fetcher infection this is an animal companion ability so again we're rewarded for using it because we've got a passive in that line that says hey every time you use one of these abilities all of your damage gets Amplified this ability is great because not only is it a fantastic dot to the enemies it also is going to apply minor vulnerability to them increasing the damage they take by five percent which is just another way of saying it increases our damage by five percent right but it's not just our damage it's everybody that's attacking it so this is a great ability to use when you're in a group especially if there's no other wardens casting it or the middle ability on the back bar this is kind of a flex spot you could put a shield here like harness Magicka if you feel like you need a shield I didn't because of one of the abilities that we have later that we're going to talk about in a second that's kind of unique to this class and I love that I didn't feel like I needed harness Magic on this build because I always feel like I need that on every DPS every mag DPS I always needs a slot Shield this one I really didn't not even in Solo content which felt great so consuming trap is fantastic because it's a great single Target Dot and also when the enemy dies that you apply this to it gives you a ton of resources back it's going to give you 5000 magic it's going to give you 3700 health and 2400 stamina right it's enough to pretty much solve any sustained problem that you might be having in battle you just make sure you put this on an enemy before it dies and you're you're going to get so much resources back so often that you won't ever have to worry about running out of resources really on this build next we have Winter's Revenge another Frost damage ability this conserves uh icy shards at the location that you cast it doing damage to the enemy this damage increases by 30 if casts with a destruction staff equipped we are wearing a destruction staff so it's doing 30 more damage and the ability has a higher chance to apply the chilled status effect remember that word that's important it's doing a ton of damage for us next we have Arctic blast Arctic blast is a fantastic ability it's my favorite ability on this class right now because it's doing good damage and it's a flying chilled which is important and it heals you so anytime you need health back boom you pop this ability off and it's going to give you a massive 8 000 Health heal and it is a damage dealing ability that's a DOT that lasts 20 seconds these wins persist for 20 seconds and chill your foes to the Bone stunning them immediately for three second spawn Activation so it stuns enemies you'll literally see them Frozen in place unable to attack you upon activation and then it deals 1 285 Frost damage every other second the damage has a higher chance to apply the chilled status effect boom Another chilled sass effect right that's great and then we have to double bar the bear if you're wearing the bear on the front you gotta wear it on the back in the old slot otherwise it'll unsummon every time you switch away from that bar so we do have to double bar the bear as an animal companion skill so again we're going to take advantage of these passives we're about to talk about right now so let's talk about those passives I kept kind of hinting at because they're especially important on this class it's really important okay so first passive is going to be from the animal companion skill line is bond with nature anytime one of your companion abilities ends you get 1 285 Health back cool it's just a nice little heel every time one of these abilities ends we've got like five of them slotted you know we've constantly got one ending uh we're always getting that little drip feed of Health it's not a massive thing but it's you know every little bit helps the next passive is Savage beast when you cast an animal companion ability while you are in combat you generate four ultimate this effect can occur every 8 seconds so you're gonna get your old back pretty fast you're always going to be casting this every eight seconds because you do have four or five of these abilities on your bar you're gonna constantly be procking this with those abilities this is enough you know these are all reasons why we want to use as many of these abilities as possible flourish increase your mag and stem recovery by 12 if an animal companion ability is slotted we do have an animal companion ability slotted on both bars so we always have this 12 increased regen of our mag and our stamp great because we are pulling from both resource pools next up we have advanced species this is a big one it increases our critical damage by four percent for each animal companion ability slotted giving us a total of 16 increased critical damage on the front bar that is huge we're almost forced to wear Barb trap for the minor force that it gives us and that's only giving us 10 for a chance in every class takes 10 crin chance they can't pass it up right we're getting 16 on top of that just for free just because we're using these abilities from this line that is huge so when we do crit it's hitting that much harder which is another reason why that crit chance line on our eye sort feels so good because when we do create we hit so hard next we have the green balance skill line we really ignore all the passives in this line except for the last one when you activate a heal on yourself or an ally you grant them minor toughness so this is going to increase your max Health by 10 for 20 seconds every time you heal yourself guess what you heal yourself every time you use your Arctic blast and it lasts 20 seconds you get a hundred percent uptime on minor toughness which means you always have 10 more Health it's very good for you know keeping you alive making you thicker 10 extra health is a lot in ESO because we typically we just barely meet the threshold to surviving one shots and stuff like that well with another 10 now you've got a lot of wiggle room that a lot of classes don't have access to Winter's Embrace this passive line this one's big okay so first glacial presence increase chance of applying chill on enemies with Winters Embrace abilities by 200 percent and then increase the damage of your chilled satisfact by 9 59 this scales off your highest offensive stats so our chill status effect is is doing a ton of damage now right and we are always applying chilled and this is going to amount to a very substantial amount of damage for our character next we have Frozen armor increase your physical and spell resistance by 990 for each Winter's Embrace ability slotted on the front bar we don't have one in the middle back bar we've got two so on the back bar we're a little bit tankier than we are on the front bar we've got almost 2 000 extra resistance back there reduce the effectiveness of snares applied to you by 15 from icora we always get this because we have the passive that feels great and then finally piercing cold increase your Damage Done by two percent which increases to 12 percent when using an ice staff so this is why we were using those ice staves we've got one on the front bar one in the back bar and that's because we get 12 increased damage just for using an ice staff that's huge man we are gonna definitely take advantage of that 12 damage bonus for using an ISF so though Frost Warden really starting to feel like a frost ward in an ESO you love to see it and it feels good and it's a lot of fun to play man I can't recommend it enough right now the next set of pacifists we're gonna grab are going to be all of our destruction staff passives right because we are using two destruction steps a nice staff on the front and a nice staff on the back bar we are going to grab all the light armor passives because we are using a bunch of light armor you can go ahead and grab medium or heavy if you're wearing any medium or heavy armor for some reason you can go ahead and grab those passives they are very effective in this game we're gonna grab the first four Fighters Guild passives because they're gonna do things like increase the damage of your fighter skilled abilities your Barb trap it's going to give you increased weapon and spell damage for having an ability slotted from the skill which we do it's going to give you increased alt regen for having an ability slotted which we do and it's going to increase the damage of your fighter skill ability itself it's great right so first four passives here grab them then undaunted we're gonna grab both passives here this is going to increase the the amount of resources you get back every time you grab a Synergy that's pretty much what synergies are for in ESO is you grab them you get resources back because of the andanteed passives the other thing that synergies are good for is occasionally there will be a buff associated with that Synergy so sometimes there'll be a damage buff like 10 increased damage for six seconds after you grab a Synergy depending on the Synergy it might have a different buff but the ones the one constant is that you always get resources back for grabbing one and that's why it's so important in group content to be constantly like grabbing those synergies as they float by you from one of your healers under the assault skill line we're going to grab continuous attack this is a permanent 30 increase to your move speed on your Mount all the time every character that you ever make should always grab this ability it's really easy to get you go to cereal not to PVP just do the PVE quest in there it takes maybe five minutes that's the Zone story and by the time you're done with it you are level three in assault and you can grab this passive it does unlock at level three so you have to get to level three if you accidentally skip the ballista training you won't get to three you'll be get like two and a half and you'll have to go do one Battleground no big deal go just queue up for it rip off the Band-Aid boom you're level three and you can grab this passive and then you get to move 30 faster on your Mount forever I can't explain how worth it that is that's a big deal next we have uh racial passive scrap all of your racial passives regardless of which race you picked those are big and then finally last but definitely not least grab medicinal use under the Alchemy skill line medicinal use will make your potions last as long as the potion cool down and potions in this game are huge right they're giving you 20 increase damage they're giving you an extra crit chance they are really really important and you should be using them the second they come off cooldown so they have a 45 second cooldown which means every 45 seconds you should be using your potion that's how ESO is designed and if you're not doing that you're operating at a fraction of the power that you could be these are a very big deal in the game and they're very important for sustain and your damage so definitely use them and so this passive like I said by default a good potion will last 35 seconds uh the Buffs that you get it will last 30 five seconds roughly which means that 20 increase weapon and spell damage you get from it only lasts 35 seconds unless you go ahead and get this passive then that makes it last 47 seconds giving you 100 uptime instead of 75 of time on your potion Buffs really big for your damage that's it for the passives all right as for the rotation for this build what we're going to be doing is we're going to get all of our dots up like normal so you're gonna go to your back bar gonna lay down all your dots pretty much if you want to you can start off with deep fissure and get that countdown kind of going as you run up to the enemy you can even launch a screaming Cliff racer Atom from a distance to proc that off balance and get you know quadruple the effect if you're far from the enemy but yeah you can start off with deep fissure and get that clock ticking down that first three seconds before that explosion and then go to your back bar and start lacing all of your dots on the enemy get your unstable wall your fetcher your consuming trap your Winter's revenge and your Arctic let's get them all going get all those dots going come back to the front bar right this is already exploded once at that point your deep fissure and it's doing the six second countdown to the second explosion which is going to be just enough time for you to get the front bar going and you get your Barb trap and you're going to get your Frost reach out now around this time your fissure will have exploded twice and so you can go ahead and recast it after that second explosion at this point you kind of switch to a dynamic rotation you're just going to be casting any dot that falls off when it falls off or any Buff when it falls off and anytime everything else is ticking you're going to be using your Frost reach as you're spammable the hardest thing to make sure you're doing is keeping this deep fissure going because it is doing a lot for you and it does a lot of damage right and it's got this awkward like nine second countdown where it's three seconds and then six seconds and you just want to make sure you don't recast it early because if you do then you are losing that second 12 000 damage explosion so try to keep in eye on your fissure explosions make sure it explodes twice and then as soon as it does recast it and anytime everything else is going you're just your spammable and next for the champion points we're gonna go ahead and send you to the website I have a long list of champion points there and the order that you spec into them it's so much easier to read than me just sitting here and reading them out to you and the number and the value for all like you know there's a ton of them spoiler so check out the website and follow the champion Point guide down at the bottom of the build there and really take advantage of that build guide we put a lot of work into them also I stream on Twitch be sure to swing by my twitch stream over at lucky ghost I'm sure you'll find me streaming ESO as well as like a host of other MMOs I'm an MMO degenerate I love these things sure you like And subscribe to this video and if you enjoy my content and you want to support me make sure to click the link to become a YouTube member uh and you get perks like access to a private Discord channel for my YouTube members and my twitch subscribers and you guys can just ask me anything you want there take advantage of that if you want to you know by clicking the link down in the description below to become a YouTube member and I think that's everything for this build so thank you so much for watching if you have any questions don't hesitate to leave a comment comment down below also check the website the answer is probably there but I'm happy to answer it either way see you in the next video take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Lucky Ghost ESO Builds
Views: 55,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L5sf41Ckvyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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