Minecraft But I Can Shrink Myself

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that was a sound all right everybody welcome to minecraft shrink parkour 3. my head is on the wall on this map for having played the second one i was like wait wait did i i play the second one so i looked it up on my channel sure enough it was over three years ago but i did in fact play it and at the beginning of that video my head wasn't on the wall because i hadn't played the first one and i said i was the worst so now it's all come full circle and my head is on the wall in the third map because i played the second so everything's resolved the universe is at rest this map is by broseph m c aka jojo glick and we should be good to go i'll link the second one in the description because i haven't played the first maybe i'll go back and play the first after all this is said and done we'll see but in case you want to watch that i don't think you need to have in order to understand this but it's there in case you want to watch more videos and stuff there's also a lot of ambient music and things like that which we can toggle but sure we'll get the full immersive gameplay let's do it so i guess in this right the concept is we can kind of shrink ourselves up and down and we experience the world differently it's pretty cool okay can i grab this really cool looking oh shrinker gadget new specimen detected transferring to initiation protocol okay that's pretty sweet already dude thank you for using shrink lab technologies developed by shrink labs before we begin a calibration is needed please stand by ow ow i'm poison ow is this minecraft anymore calibration complete shrinking capabilities are now authorized this device is your shrinker gadget which is able to perform a number of functions let's try activating the primary shrinking function to do so firmly hold the gadget in your hand and sneak until resizing takes effect give it a try firmly grasp it all right it's firmly grasped hold on sneak whoa boy nice job if you want to return to normal size just repeat that action remember that you can view all the shrinker gadget's abilities by looking at its tooltip in your inventory every time you encounter a new feature i will be activated to inform you about its particular functions okay fancy dude oh man i kind of i forgot how cool this is no wonder it took over three years to get a sequel here dude this is dope okay so what do we have on this thing hold sneak to shrink and grow double right click to tp the last checkpoint drop twice to return to lobby look up and single right click to view important unloaded containers and secrets info is that like a i don't know if that's a cheat or is that just like we should do it in case of okay so i made it in and now i feel like we can probably grow again i wonder what happens actually if i grow inside of the one block high thing do i just start suffocating i don't remember it's been so long since the last map but here we go shrink shrink i mean grow mural due to safety limitations the shrinker gadget will only execute an integer is in a clear enough area the empty side of that nearby table is an adequate example of a clear enough area i mean i i just i just unshrunk so i mean are we good can i exit is this a functional door does not appear to be a functional door okay so i have to grab i can't grab the shovel my sense of size is all messed up around here i don't know if i should go back do i need to do something oh there's probably a button through here isn't there something like that either that or or oh maybe i have to parkour my way up in order to get in there hold up what if i shrink on here cannot shrink here insecure validation insecure validation cannot shrink here insecure validation cannot shrink here okay okay insecure foundation wait what if i go here okay you can shrink on the table so that's cool wait but where do i want to go from here because i assume my objective is to get over there maybe i can um oh you know i bet the idea is i have to go over there jump onto the windowsill but i still don't know how i'm gonna get into that area though there's gotta be a way i feel like i'm moving so slowly now hmm whoa oh oh god try resizing it fatal error jeez oh no ow i'm crazy i'm okay i'm okay everything's fine everything's fine they give you jump boost use this to your advantage okay so it took me a moment but i was supposed to jump off the table onto here and being on this gives me jump boost but only if i'm small i guess that makes sense okay no there we go okay now i assume i can go over here cool and then now knowing that i can get jump boost i was right about the running across the ledge but i was just like how do i go from in there to in there oh okay obviously because oh geez bro wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we don't wanna wait wait do i wanna be big and then jump on there because i don't know if i can make this jump unless that was just a tutorial oh boy oh i'm so strong boys we are so good at parkour the perception is so weird though that it's so hard for me to figure out if i can do something or not like i don't know what a possible jump is versus not i go there okay we made it very cool very cool if we fall in there we can exit do that i bet the purple blocks do something yeah step on any purple block to set your global checkpoint you will respond here in case of termination if you want to return to your latest checkpoint simply double right click with the shrinker gadget in hand what do you know works like a charm pretty swick dude okay so i bet you i bet you we wanna uh un-shrink real quick just to get into a different position because then i get onto the table over there okay i'm good everything's fine unshrink hop on that table dude easy oh my god it's like i'm moving so fast i assume i can't i can get through here wait okay okay wait a minute so where do we want to start here is that like uh that's legitimately water okay so my objective is probably like get into that pipe maybe oh it's so crazy that it looks exactly the same whether or not i'm shrunken or big i can all right so hold up i feel like the way to get in there is definitely like i gotta shrink on top of this and then we'll kind of figure out the rest as we go i was thinking maybe i could just skip it if i started over there but i don't think i could be so lucky all right so we start down there wait did the yellows do something the yellows don't do anything do they do don't don't i keep shifting because i want to get to the edge of the block but then it's like oh would you like to unshrink here i'm like no no stand right next to a block and sneak to travel upwards oh that's cool and it doesn't it doesn't trip the making me bigger all right there we go i guess yellow blocks just don't do anything do they what if i what if i just did a what if i did like a big boy strafe jump around here dude what if instead of jumping back there i was just like i was just like big boy strafe jumps yeah yeah who needs it who needs it wait did i want to go up there no no no no no i didn't even need to use those dude all right so i bet we're going through here that's my best guess maybe there's something we have to unlock god this is cool dude i forgot how cool this map was i forget things okay is safe to jump into it is quite bouncy and it can levitate a specimen of your current size oh okay so i probably need to jump over to there get out of the bookshelf and then i see there's a chest over there nice little villager chest i like how that uh noises anyway bro i swear it's like people when we're playing maya knight these days okay brilliant brilliant brilliant they'll be like oh you remember this thing and this thing oh that's a sick reference back into season one or season two and i'm like uh yeah no i totally remember that definitely have a great memory of all the things back five years ago totally can you just can you just because i have such a great memory and i want to relive it like remind me and narrate and tell me just so i can be right there in the moment again tell me exactly what happened right just tell me because i know but i just want to hear it from you that's how it is okay we're probably never perfect for transferring blue slime into other containers oh okay okay oh i guess it's now so i have to get big transfer the blue slime into there and then i'll be able to jump across the issue here is please please don't tell me that i have to make my way back again because that would be really not cool not really nice at all if i uh try to un unshrink here so i can i can chill they'll air try resizing in an open area god dang it man god dang it here we go i guess i can't believe you've done this i have to redo it you're gonna really force me to redo it again okay wow look at me relocating that slime what if i what if i um you're gonna it's gonna tell me unstable foundation oh and less cannot shrink here insecure foundation cannot shrink here insecure foundation cannot shrink here objects in web god dang it man i have to do it again oh i can't believe you've done this to me do not shrink here objects that's not in the way come on man that pickaxe is perfectly shrinkable okay well i don't know if i missed a super obvious way to do this or if there was another thing that i needed to do to uh another bucket to transfer but uh well we'll see hope it would really suck if i screwed this up though at least it's nice and generous with it's lifting me back up in there okay all that just to get back to where i was nero please work please work please work yes brilliant all right over to here then the question is though like where ow where am i can i make that i can't see i can't tell what's is that an over three up one i just don't know my sense of scale is all screwy okay it is into the vent i assume god i hope so oh if this doesn't work if this doesn't lift me high enough it's going to be pain oh no no hint sneak what do you mean him sneak i was sneaking oh you've got to be kidding me oh you've got to be kidding me come on man i feel like it it had to be just like over on the edge right there yeah yeah no that's exactly what it is okay let's try again all right let's try this again okay line up there and got it okay see that's hard to be ready for if you're not expecting it objects containing a mass of magical particles are known as secrets try locating all 30 secrets hidden throughout the facility if you would like more of a challenge try to find all 12 super secrets which are made of orange magical particles you know you're telling me this but it sounds a lot like find the emeralds in order to increase your score and uh if you know me you know i i'm never big on collecting the emeralds to increase my score but um yeah i appreciate the thought i really do i really do anyway uh things are going great so do we want to uh make ourselves a bigger again perhaps i feel like there's some paradolia going on with that you see it's like some eyes there and then the mouth and it's just just looking the shifty eyed a little bit it's a green shifty-eyed bucket all right what are we doing over here so our next objective uh probably to get either over there or well anyway i've got a wait there's got to be a checkpoint uh frick there was there was there was a checkpoint right so i couldn't really get back to the checkpoint that he conveniently hid under a shelf that i didn't think to look for uh so i just it's fine we're checkpointed now also it appears there's a secret over here which i can just you know i'll collect all the emeralds in the map heck yeah okay back over here great although i probably should have just jumped off that and gone down to the floor is there a way down to the floor that uh does not allow god yes there is i'm great everything's good all right let's figure out where we're going to next huh oh wait there's a sequel these plant pots have the ability for housing any vegetation a user may have such as grass or pink saplings click on the containers to substitute herbal life forms i love substituting herbal life forms sounds great can i can i substitute this herbalife form that sounds like the what's the company is it the like the the multi-level marketing company herbalife this video is sponsored by not herbalife but the like button which i forgot to shout out earlier make sure you check it out right below the video click on it it's been a great sponsor for us for a very very long time so you wouldn't want to miss it can i shrink on here it's probably going to say unstable foundation what do you bet oh wait i bet i do ah that but hold on before i do that let me get the secret that's in there okay if it's obvious enough i'll just i'll get it all right oh and there's a checkpoint too wait do i need to if i'm gonna swap out the life form though then that's probably gonna fill up the plants and then how am i going to get to the top again hold up let me see this i don't know exactly how this is going to work it's all a mystery we're learning as we go so if we go like that no can i do that there wait how do i how do i substitute how's any vegetation a user might have such as grass or pink sapling oh oh it's one of these it's one of those i get it so maybe what i have to do is i have to get up there cross over there and then that's the way because i bet it'll say unstable foundation here objects in web cannot shrink here yeah objects i was thinking of that but that's the trash can that's the plant pot it's all starting to make sense all right parkour boys let's do it we got this this is no problem this is no problemo speed around this yep yep oh oh another checkpoint you're too kind and i needed it perfect four blocks not a problem not a problem for you boy hold on hold on we gotta keep that momentum going too big too big maya knight olympics parkour champion coming in hot oh god a little bit like a leg not a big deal let me come over here then we use this to jump onto them probably yeah please don't miss please don't miss please don't miss and do i go from where do i go from maybe right here i'm thinking yeah okay perfect and then i guess we go in there i assume perfect okay brilliant brilliant don't tell me this is a maze or something like that i think we made it yeah we made it look at that checkpoint wait a minute okay just go big right here it's a shift it's not a right click to uh increase the size yeah just forgot about that don't worry about it don't worry about it okay what do we have here what are we doing okay just like in any totally legit factory or laboratory security is a big priority most of these doors are locked and can only be opened with certain key cards key cards would most likely be found in cabinets or other hidden compartments cabinets or other hidden compartments huh now where would we oh up there maybe yeah i'm not seeing really any place for us to uh wait can i like can i snag this no do that wait that did something i'm doing something things are happening but i have no idea what i'm just you know right clicking the keypad and seeing what happens nothing ah can i do this nope i mean there's got to be something that's being impacted by my doing this i just don't know what it is i don't know how to get up there to begin with let's start with what we knew not that that there's a checkpoint right there and somehow i have to get to it for some reason so there we go all right or not a checkpoint but a climby a climby block thing right okay a little secret very cool oh you know what i just realized i bet that we can use the water that's inside that cup in order to launch us up where we need to go that would make sense that would make sense like we can't actually use the bucket to move it but we're able to get up to where we need to that way and then i can checkpoint myself and oh yeah we can climb this and then uh let's see i guess yeah yeah we can probably i wonder if we launch all the way over there or is there any in here there is oh let's see how high do we go here oh wait can i get up on the light oh i can get up on the light okay there we go and nope ow it's okay we checkpointed for a reason right all right everything's fine okay so i've got it i've got to go forward but not forward too much okay so we can kind of use the momentum and go perfect and we can go from here oh god please don't hurt now into here oh god please don't drop and hurt okay we're good everything's fine whoo all right i mean good we made it and there's the key card key card over here oh you're kidding me you're landing me in a maze wait hold up wait that's the room i was in before i don't want to go down there i really don't want to fall wow i found a new emerald guys i'm so good at finding secrets wait would it be up here is that the key card would be how do they see where else we go okay here we are did i make a boo-boo uh don't really know where to go from here to be completely honest with you i feel like i'm gonna unlive if i drop down also we're getting a bit of lag here and there wow creeper branded computers that's really cool so what am i what am i doing here uh well i can either try to jump to the top of the monitor which i'm not sure i can make i can try to just run off and land down there which seems like it's gonna end my life i don't really know what the best option is so there goes nothing oh god lag oh i survived oh it was perfectly engineered wow incredible wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute that that pixelated imagery looks very familiar right there who who's that who's that handsome set of pixels right over there huh who's that handsome set of pixels from three years ago looks very familiar playing shrink parkour too wow linked in the description if you're interested ah all right well let's uh let's keep on going out wow it's amazing how you can tell even though it's very pixelated in fact you can tell better when it's like further away because when you zoom in it's like wow that's really pixelated but then you zoom out and you're like oh that's that's pretty cool also yes just a just a slight bit of leg going on right here don't don't worry about it there we go everything's fine it's all resolved itself anything over here okay oh nice little cutout in the desk and uh probably let's check everything out over here oh oh we got a chest oh it has a key card that's exactly what we were looking for so now we have to get all the way back wait how do i get back though this could be a problem wait uh oh i bet i i bet i do this wait can i just make myself big again and then use the key card open the door and then we're good to go hold on there's a secret over there dude this is very important i got it gotta get the secrets and then okay i'm gonna make myself big which could be could be i actually want to do that i didn't actually want to do that i right clicked as i was shifting even though all i need to do is shift and that was probably a mistake but i do have the key card now so hopefully that wasn't a big mistake and i can just i can just make myself big and use the key card right right yeah please tell me that's right otherwise i'm gonna be a very very sad person hey it worked awesome okay thank goodness my mistake didn't end up being absolutely detrimental oh wait checkpoint checkpoint i don't know if i have to be small for this tip nope i think we're good i think that worked okay so what's next i'm assuming we have to get over the top here somehow and in order to do that i'm not entirely sure i'm not entirely sure that looks like a jumpy boost did i need to you know what would be really embarrassing is if i actually needed to use the key card in order to open this door and get back here and then open this door and i really did screw myself over now that that would be unfortunate oh you know what i might be able to jump up there and then over to the fence and then up on top yeah easy okay perfect next up what do we have all right so we gotta go over there i'm gonna have to be shrunk to get through there that's what it's looking like dude that's what it's looking like unless yeah okay so i have to get into this pipe walk out there hit the checkpoint how do i get into that pipe i get in that pipe from there and i'm gonna have to move oh no wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait because do i have to get into that pipe okay that pipe doesn't let you through so we need to move the water from here to there i have to get up here shrink myself get onto the pipe jump across jump across water there i think i've got the strat here though perfect man it's so cool how seamless it is how it shrinks you and all that like the fact that he has to he has to build two different versions of the environment one that's gigantic and one that's like regular size is best for you to not step on the red slide its highly acidic composition makes it very unsafe for direct contact noted noted noted but yeah do this oh man sorry i know i'm breaking the fourth wall here immersion and all that but still it's pretty pretty swick all right here we go wait wait wait okay so we don't want to we don't wanna land on the red slime huh okay all right we gotta line up we gotta line it up wait for it and don't hit the red don't hit the red oh god okay perfect perfect perfect i don't know if i can butt up against the red or if i okay everything's good everything's good okay so i can i can go against the red i just can't step on it nice a checkpoint perfection oh there's a little secret back there uh ow i don't know why it stopped sprinting for a second there but we didn't want that to happen i'm just trying to get the secret okay again if it's in plain sight i will fetch oh dude oh dude that's a little stray for roo actually that i definitely landed on that and it didn't unlike me which is uh impressive i'm just gonna i'm just gonna do that otherwise i was gonna unalive anyway all right here we go here we go ready everybody who yeah all those parkour paying off that's what i'm talking about i think it's a little forgiving with the hitboxes just slightly if you land on the edge it doesn't completely unalive you and we're good made it can't touch me pink slime and we're over brilliant now we go down and land on that i assume ouch okay everything's good and here we go and then we go big again right another key card over there i don't know if the red one will work let's see all right are we good that doesn't seem to be working it's not not working real well okay well what do we need there hold on is this the same screen same screen look at that look at that handsome little pixelated blob over there dude looking great uh okay oh look at the little mini chest you can tell it's not legit though because it's not a villager chest so you're like how does that exist how does that exist without the villager skin that i obviously have okay so hold up jump up here oh i gotta use those to jump up there and then from there trying to figure out how to actually get up onto the desk because i don't know if i can do that or not so i can't get up there i did see all the green around these boxes but i still don't know how you can use that to actually get up on top hmm what is our objective we must need to get some kind of key card but my red one's not working why does not my red key card work i guess they did say that they take security very seriously around here so maybe they have different ones for different levels of access and i must find a higher clearance one okay that is fine i will do this oh man they're making it too easy on me you think you can stop me with this easy peasy parkour i don't think so you stopped me with that one fair and up there how high do i need to go that's my question do i need to keep going up oh wait what am i doing duh there was the there's a chest down there i i literally didn't need to do any of what i'm doing right now but i'm doing it in order to get this one of the super secrets wow dude we just got super secret and that is pretty awesome out and please don't like me we're good okay let's come in here what do we have oh orange key card nice all right i assume oh was it um i didn't even pay attention if it was color-coded or not before so i bet it is i bet it is all right so we just need to hop on down we got the next key card we're going through i don't know what the ambient noise is supposed to represent i'm not sure if they're doing anything or not but anyway all right we're good we saved the day i just cleared that room in a jiffy here we go brilliant i'm beginning to think that i didn't screw everything up by accidentally traveling back to the checkpoint oh what in the this must be what's causing me to lag what is shrink labs policy for humans to ride on the conveyor belts however exceptions can be made for shrink lab technologies test subjects well ain't this a trip what up jerry's wait what are they doing to them why are they being printed out and then just disappearing into the water bucket that doesn't seem very nice my poor slimes why are you desecrating them like this dude wait we have the orange key card i can just never mind never mind maybe it was orange the entire time i'm not entirely sure uh okay so there's a checkpoint up there there's a hmm i gotta just you know figure out oh i bet first off i'll snag that put it over there that's definitely gonna help me a little bit you know what i bet i can shrink up here yeah yeah it's looking good thank you for not having placed a pickaxe down there i appreciate it all right here we go and brilliant uh if i jump over there though then i sacrifice i have to go back to no i gotta hit the checkpoint first then i can drop down onto the secret otherwise it's just going to be bad perfect my mans really likes his shelf jumping parkour don't even need it when that's the case all right there we go so we hit that checkpoint now that's how you get secrets okay say it's secrets without wasting any time at all all right so they did say wait can i land on the slime wait can i go into the slime oh my god i've never been inside jerry like this before this is a this is this is new this is crazy this is crazy oh my god jerry what a wild ride this is i mean you're not the real jerry obviously there's a bunch of clones of you but this is this is insane this is insane oh my god what's happening here i feel like i have to i have to screenshot this for posterity's sake this is this has never been nothing like this has ever been seen before in the history of minecraft oh my god all right all right screenshots for for the gram and up we go wait i might have to yeah let's use that momentum and uh please don't land on the bank don't let them think oh god don't mind me yeah i just it was on the edge i didn't actually land on it oh you're doing this to me again if i mess this up i swear perfect perfect absolute perfection oh thank you for adding another one bit a lag that's what it was it's just a bit wait was it over here is over here okay perfect okay everything's fine oh yeah i see there's a there is uh i need to get to the chest but how do i get through it no no not like that oh man he's good at the hops yellow key card see i wish i knew what color key card i was going for because it's just sometimes how do you know okay i think we did it oh man we're crushing these ribs now okay little secret down there please don't hurt i mean it hurt but i'm still here and please don't hurt it so hard to judge okay we're good we're good we're good i'm just collecting a rainbow assortment of key cards here i wonder how many there are oh perfect yeah there we go that's what i'm talking about now let me guess yeah it doesn't work you guys really have a different color key card for every single door don't you okay so we need to hit a checkpoint somewhere all right where do we need to transfer you to there every time i do okay so that must just be the noise of moving something it must not actually mean that something is happening right okay so we got a bunch of these boys okay so our goal must be to get in there right right because we gotta bounce up there bounce up there bouncing the light across the light into that but the question is where do we start oh okay now i got it i got it we gotta start at the bottom here yup yup yup yup i wonder if it's the same thing again oh it is oh we're already practiced at this i should ace this in one try no failures if i fail if i fall even a single time i should be ashamed of myself oh my god this is just man that's what an mc champion does over there let me hit the checkpoint though just in case oh boy oh is that is that a secret you say lovely um soda dasso do love me some dasso also some some diet dad so wait why didn't you give me the secret sir thank you i just wanted to make sure i really wanted it wait on off on off look at that handsome little pixelated blob there in the corner sorry i need to stop but i'm very honored that he used my video as his screenshot there and that's gonna be the last time he ever does that he's like okay you've made a way too big of a deal about that here it was supposed to not even be recognizable so um yep no but i consider it an easter egg oh god no i severely overestimated the uh jumping abilities of the green blocks not my own jumping abilities i'm very familiar with those but it's like you know i gotta get used to the the green block jumping you know my my failure thing only applied to the trash can didn't want to fall in the trash can otherwise it would be trash but over here it's like you know it's you got to get used to the amount of hops that the thing actually gives you uh i guess we'll just start from over here please work yes okay easy and up we go and please don't fall okay we're good okay so i'm assuming catches me off guard every single time i'm assuming that the next key card is somewhere in here right shift nope ear full of shift there we go oh god do i have to navigate an entire other room this key card's a whole thing isn't it all right i assume i need to enlarge myself now at this point a secret down there oh look that is secret right there do i want to drop down please don't hurt me now it's fine everything's fine am i trapped in this room now try resizing in an open area uh excuse me very open area here i don't know what you're talking about try resizing it what are you on about this is very open area they need to not be on the checkpoint is that what it is that counts as a full block okay weirdo i don't know this looks pretty open to me but what can you do wait a minute oh my god like what how many freaking key cards do i need here none of these working none of these working at all oh look at that that's really cool oh my god wait i bet i can go in there if i get up on the desk hold up hold up wait okay so i do i do i get up there i don't know what do you want me to do i can get up there i don't know what that mmm there's so many options there's so many things to do so many places to see and no key cards in sight well here we go i guess i'm really good at this trash can parkour yeah i can't say i blame him for just kind of copy pasting the same trashcan module over and over if i was putting this together i'd be like yeah no i'm not going to customize this when it's going to appear in so many different spots oh my god i am officially trash i just fell into the trash can and boom boom boom boom boom and up we go okay so do i go there to a oh i might need to go up there so i can drop on the monitor and then that way i can no i really i'm not i'm not sure not exactly sure but i'll just do this maybe there's a secret up here yeah yeah you better believe it what a great secret that was and over here and i definitely can't land on that that's fine wait oh god yeah that didn't work that didn't work at all i didn't work one bit there's got to be another way though there's got to be another way there's another way there's another way okay i'm gonna be really bummed if i was just completely locked out there a gold nugget okay hadn't seen that before oh green key card heck yeah dude is that it though i have no idea what the gold nugget is is that like another you have secrets you have the super secrets you have you know gold nuggets anything else that i should be mindful of i guess i didn't need to i guess i didn't really need to access that tree maybe there's just more secrets up there or something like that does this let me make through i think it might let's see and then oh i'm an idiot it's the it's the particle effects it's not the button it's the particle effects i'm i'm observant and good at things not usually sometimes a big metal box with a bunch of buttons on it that is a control panel click the lower part of the button array to access a few factory controls big metal box with a bunch of buttons on it looks like that looks like that okay click the lower part of the button array to access a few factory control lower part oh open storage closet cool that was easy okey-dokey i will go in there and what do we have in here oh we have oh i gotta get that chest okay hold on yeah there's definitely definitely some stuff going on in there how do i get up oh wait i bet i can shrink on top of here that's not what i wanted to do it's not what i wanted to do thank goodness it didn't send me back to the checkpoint okay everything's good please make it yes okay oh wait where was the thing hold on where was the chest i think it was a freaking heck i think the chest was over there wasn't it i was inside this i mean i have like no idea oh oh oh i just probably dropped down easy just like this nope hold on perfect oh we're looking for fragments now i see oh god that means there could be more in this room dude yes i'm i'm bending my head down in real life so that i can i can see it it's definitely gonna work all right don't question it i think that's it though it's not really looking like there's a whole bunch more and i guess we're good okay brilliant ow i don't know how i survived that but we're good i won't question it like trying to figure out oh and then wait oh is that that's actually a crafting table okay cool and then does that five okay that makes it so much easier all right so hold up let me just see we have one two three four oh i bet you it's in the house except i have no idea how to get up there and then that's the blue key card okay so at least we know what we're trying to do i just don't paper wings recipe for small specimens a simple piece of equipment like folded paper can act just like gliding wings oh that's cool all right oh so not all these chests are necessarily uh blue key card fragments then some of them might be like elytra wings right all right well we gotta we gotta choose something first where do we wanna start off here you know what a funny story it turns out these are these are chests and they've got gold nuggets in them huh i gotta wonder what i might have missed earlier on in the map uh except i can't really go back further than that without really getting into backtracking and shrinking and actually i don't even know if i can get back further than that i wonder if i've missed anything important this is yeah that's not great i mean how was i supposed to know you know it's just i i guess i oh let's see we got okay so if i fold a paper for an electrode that's very fancy uh i guess i didn't realize this is a crafting table but beyond that oh hey that's uh would you look at that that's cool is there is there another one of these huh okay well uh good thing good thing huh where do i find the paper well i guess in any case can i can i shrink on here oh you know what i bet the way to uh i bet the thing i have to do is i have to shrink over here get up that and this is how i'm going to actually end up getting on the table over here i just have to keep track so i need to get there i need to get up there and then i need to get over there so god how am i going to get over there that's the real question because it doesn't seem like there's a very oh that's got to be the elytra duh it's got to be the elytra okay so let's start off over here and see if we can figure the rest out oh boy i don't know i did it all the way back there i should have started closer all right we've done this be just as i was saying we've done this before because it's the same as the last stool i managed to screw it all up don't worry i'm good other things all right go boom boom ah the question is do i jump over to niche that didn't work i thought this is the way to do this cause if i go i might just have to figure out a way to like jump onto the top of this from here probably that is more difficult than i'd like for it to be it's fine it's fine actually i don't know why i'm not just resetting myself back to checkpoint there and saving a little bit of time there we go wait a minute wait a minute what do i do now that i'm up here i don't think this does anything for me can i make that jump oh it's so hard to judge though who no there's not a chance not a chance at all i mean maybe this isn't the way you know i just i had this thought that uh a gigantic pink wall maybe maybe it comes in handy you know maybe i should put it to you so maybe i should use it in order to climb on top of there that that might be smart yeah uh yeah that might be somewhat intelligent yeah great okay let's head on over here brilliant okay there is a checkpoint over there but i don't know if we need it nah nah we're good cool let me checkpoint this up here and then always get back up right okay chest down there nope let me under let me enter the man there let me let me under please ow that hurt okay good thing i check pointed it get underneath quickly enough there we go perfect hey blue key card fragment heck yeah dude and there's obviously we know there's one underneath okay no i can't draw oh man it's inset from everything else okay and always checkpoint back up i just how in the world do i get down that that must be an electro once again that's the only thing i can think of i can use that oh there we go in order to get up here yup that's probably good and then i bet you that you that one over there and the one under the desk those are both elytras need the electric where the heck do i find the elytra oh god i must have missed it somewhere oh boy oh this isn't good you know what i'm gonna try something here it's crazy but it just might be crazy enough to work i i keep on underestimating how far you can fall without unaliving in this because it's so hard to get a sense of scale please oh i'm here oh i'm alive oh we're good oh we're good i don't need the electra to get over here okay can we drop down another okay oh god please don't fall all the way ah give me that oh this isn't a key card fragment that's what we needed oh a full stack a full stack that's what i'm talking about right there okay i think we need to unshrink and go back over the crafting table but i have to i have to get down without all the living uh can i wait actually probably alive and be fine oh i could just teleport back to my last checkpoint couldn't i i'd be fine with it that way too oh here we go i'm still alive good to go and down again brilliant all right see yeah i just i can follow all the way from there to there and be fine okay yeah it's all good all good so oh dude we can make so many we can make so many let's just ah we'll make three who knows if we need the others for anything else all right doesn't look exactly like paper wings but i'll take it okay so now i guess the next one we need to get over there hold on we have three key card fragments all right so obviously we need to get in there and then the other one's probably in the house up there so oh all i have to do is shrink again yeah i can do that and then oh it's so easy oh it's so easy now number four i'm good at other jumps there we go and boom and perfect all right now i think we just go all the way back over to where it was all right there we go oh easy electro you know i've been practicing my light ring recently and uh it's where it's at okey-dokey how far can we make it how far can we make it gonna make it all the way back to the crafting table perfect all the way back oh it's almost like this is even faster than walking it's probably not exactly but brilliant and god what an elegant way to get the key card we needed boom got it okay this is looking a little bit complicated here huh what do we got what do we got oh we got an absolute unit of a slime over here they're still manufacturing jerry's all right what do we have what do we have well thank you thank you what do we have in here oh more gold nuggets uh whoa a purple key card fragment oh god we got to do it again now we have to do it again oh man dude this is wild what do we have in here though what do we have in here okay we gotta get rid of all these remaining keyboards or key cards uh add shelves purple key card required okay guess you're not working yet oh my god things just got complex oh my goodness wait can i parkour up to here not looking like it not looking like it oh i bet the shelves will allow me to get up there wait can i walk through here nope see some of the doors they open other doors not so much even though they don't mind me just riding on the conveyor belt yeah here we go just taking a trip it's great this is good times okay so i feel like i have to take water and transport it somewhere here right grab you yep bet we needed that okay so the question is though what what one needs water here that might need it it's not really looking like anything in there uh there's got to be a pipe that we're supposed to get into though oh i wonder if i can jump off that i wonder if that's actually a slime jump hold up is it slime oh no i'm trapped what have i done what have i done no i'm stuck i guess hey there are worse things to be stuck with wait oh it shrunk me again i was not ready for that i was not ready for that hold up no i don't want this no god dang it well you know i guess okay we look around for some chests we got one right there and it's always a starting point with the trash can on the ground and then i think i saw a chest yep there's a chest over there anything up there we got another work bench and then i don't know if i need to move that anywhere okay okay well let's start off with the trash can probably and then see what else there is to go from there okay i should be a real pro at doing the trash can parkour by the way yeah okay there we go it's still the same every single time thank you thank you for giving me the practice that i need by the time we're done i'll definitely have the world record time of doing trash parkour of anyone who has ever played this map question is can i get over to there it's not looking good oh you know what i can do though i can just shrink when i'm on top of there probably and then i can just electro down easy i don't know why i didn't think about that i can you oh wait i can use that probably as a taking off platform for getting almost anywhere in here yeah duh oh that's like a super duh wait oh i wonder if there's a chest down there there might be a chest below the table that i didn't see would make sense i don't know if i can actually can probably just jump across the control panel though yeah easy secret up there um not much else oh there's a chest brilliant all right i assume we need uh if i look in the workbench it'll probably tell me what the recipe is but i assume i need five again probably okay so that solves that it takes care of that one um i assume these are all they kind of stand on their own probably so let me just like unshrink and then actually out i hope there wasn't one underneath there hold up let me just see if i can use that as a really easy jumping off platform for getting my life here pretty much anywhere in the map i don't see anything there cannot shrink here objects what are you talking about no objects in the way come on actually i could probably just drink on top of here right yep okay perfect number three all right and then let's see if there's anything else just in case wow look at i'm not gonna say it again okay i know you're getting tired of me saying it but i feel honored my head's in the map and i'm a screenshot okay i'm hitting the big time now officially wait i wonder if i could get up there no i don't think there's any way to get up there um oh but you know what you know what we can use that's what we're gonna do we can use the bucket as a way to get elevation and then we can elytra out of that and that's probably a good way to get to one of the other uh key card i bet i bet all right let me see because where were the other ones i know we had uh we had one there and we have it's still five right yeah it's five okay yeah the one in there where is the other one that i'm missing somewhere um okay you know wait will allow me to cannot shrink here real quick why are you no it's not insecure oh i bet i can do this yeah that's what i'm talking about okay so from here electra down to there and then i can get elevation using the bucket wait for it no we'll get even higher we'll get even higher yeah sick okay number four and then uh all right so from here i don't i don't actually know where the fifth one is but i can definitely use that to get elevation and get almost anywhere in the entire thing whether or not he intended for that to be the case i'm not entirely sure but uh you know what i ain't bothered by it i ain't bothered by it at all hold up let me oh look i can get down i can get there that's a super secret which you know it doesn't really matter all that much why not go for it knowing that i'm able to get there uh but i need to find where the last one is i can't tell if it's in that keep getting blocked god dang it where's the last one done that i've done that done that one we just need one more fragment somewhere in the map don't know where it is though you know i bet there's something to do with the vents one of the vents there's always something to do with one of the vents i think i can probably electro back into it i mean i can i could use this to get basically anywhere right so let's actually do it from there i don't know which is better to be fair but uh yeah here we go this is such a big brain dude there's such big brain using the buckets oh my god what would i do without them what would i do without them also how's my wings oh they're doing great okay perfect nero up we go actually am i gonna be able to do it oh yeah we're good and then oh wait that's gonna be a heck of a flight that's gonna be a heck of a flight can he do it can he do it can he do it oh he can do it oh he can do it he can do it that's no problem oh there is something in here what do you know let's see what we got oh look oh look it's a little house i wonder if that has anything to do with getting key card fragments yeah it always does it always does right we've like a mini control panel oh hey more gold nuggets and another purple key card fragment provide access to upper control panel physical access has been granted to the balcony control panel oh that's nice can i just dip on out of here yup all right so now uh i think i just wanna get back to big make the key card brilliant and then oh my god we just crushed it we just absolutely crushed it oh then we got the checkpoint there add shelves okay well that thing wasn't in there um so let's see i could shrink and then i guess i can just kind of elytra over to the shelves maybe the question is hmm let me grab the water actually because we might need it i'm like trying to get on top maybe no i guess i'll just shrink here not shrink here objects objects from here objects okay mr picky i'll go over there as you wish excuse you i thought i found that secret fine i'll get this one even though it's completely unnecessary actually maybe it's not completely unnecessary it usually gets some momentum or maybe not okay i can do this i can do this here we go shelves have been added all right sick i'm still not entirely sure what what the sound effects are doing man okay so it's like yeah we can get over there we can fly into the vent um i guess we can just fly into the vent i'm gonna smash my face okay everything's good yes we do not wanted to do that you just want to go around okay easy dude easy hoot perfect just don't give me a bunch of four block jumps over three up ones and we'll be good i guess i want to go down there yeah out who needs an electro but you can just smash your knees where am i going where am i going i'm going i'm going to collect a secret over here wait i'm going to do this we're just using the elytra to our advantage i hope i didn't miss anything of importance but uh there we go six secret i guess i can just kind of walk up there hold up though what do we have over here wait why didn't i just use this give me a sick jump a lytra boost it didn't really do a lot but it's fine i kind of think i kind of think we just stand up and walk up those stairs but i'm just making sure before we do that in case there's anything down here other than some sick screenshots of uh you know shrink parkour too but all right let's see we got up here this place has a lot of creeper computers dude smart idea though mojang microsoft licensing creepers to computers dude that seems like a really good idea i bet a lot of people will buy those computers made to run minecraft with some super sick shaders some of the best super computers out there struggle with it congratulations you have made it to the second floor that means you are almost done adventuring the facility you tease me but then you present me with a pink keycard which i assume comes in a bunch of different fragments so i'm i'm not exactly done i'm just close that mean this is the final stage wait i don't even see any chests though so uh yeah that's that's rough it's real rough what am i supposed to do with this i don't see anything i don't see any chests here dude i'm not seeing any chests uh purple key card nope it's definitely pink definitely pink well that's really not cool oh chest up there i wonder if it's just that one maybe we don't need to do any fragments maybe it's just good what if i do this cannot shrink here oh come on it's just a stool seriously okay i can do this instead apparently a half a block is an object in the way that's very disrespectful to stools it's just secret all right well in that case maybe it's just the pinky card is up there maybe that's all there is to it all right i'm sure there's a good way to do this using the elytra okay so we're gonna have to get up onto that somehow oh you know what i bet it is get up there bounce elytra over done done easy other than the part oh wait nope there is a chest down there all right almost ready to go hold on do i have another key card thing no i don't need to find a workbench for that i guess also i really hope there's not it just presents us at the end like after we're done with this room and getting whatever this key card is it's gonna be like all right final door did you find all nine gold nuggets to be able to craft the gold ingot card and be like no no i definitely didn't guess we failed i really can't believe i've done this yes we can do that that was the first time i failed that four block jump i thought i was on to something but instead nope just bad you're gonna be a fragment aren't you no you're gonna be a maybe that is it really is it really gonna is it gonna be that way is it really gonna do that oh please don't do that at least not do that to me wait uh do i have to do a little like for navigation out here dude oh god no oh that was so close we're good we're good everything's good great stupendous how do we get up at least we've checkpointed it but now i have to figure out how to get up there i have to electra over yeah yep yep we're using next level 200 iq techniques for this now at this point okay so we go over here yep perfect and then electro on top oh yes okay oh wait what what are you doing that is not what you're supposed to do all right can he do it can he do this okay i think i can i think i can oh i know i can oh sick thank goodness thank goodness it wasn't another fragment i was like i cannot find any chests looking around here wait a minute i didn't go into that did i hold on how did i miss something so obvious and so important oh god oh god ow almost done alive myself there oh just secret yeah i know for someone who doesn't collect a lot of emeralds to increase my score on other maps i've certainly collected a lot of secrets until we get to the end and it's like you collected 15 out of 90. did i do it did i do it did we make it oh sick shrink park or three the factory by broseph mc we absolutely thank you for visiting and exploring shrink labs code we hope your time spent using shrink lab technologies was enjoyable if you have any comments about the experience please feel free to contact our ceo brosephmc on any media through which this experience was published that was sick all right no that was a good sequel after uh after three years of waiting i was waiting every day for it dude i was just like when is the next shrink parkour coming maybe i should check out the first one anyway thank you so much for watching hopefully you've enjoyed again check out our sponsor the like button located right below the video it's great stuff it's been sponsoring us for many years now and uh check the link in the description if you want to catch shrink parkour 2 yeah and uh subscribe to the channel hit the bell playlist for more maps things like that we'll just like up up in the up in the place over i don't know what camera's being used by right now but up in the corner we'll we'll link the you know the last shrink parkour and also the latest music upload down over there i'm anyway that's it thanks so much for watching and uh i'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 161,407
Rating: 4.973278 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft map, shrink, shrink parkour, parkour map, minecraft parkour
Id: DsyYXxIuErs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 49sec (3889 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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