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[Music] [Applause] sorry I'm dreadknot get what is that [Music] this is weird I don't [ __ ] film videos like this where I like to sit in front of a camera like I literally set up a ring light for this it's crazy I went riff shopping a lot recently and like vintage shopping thrift shopping all of that everything I've been doing a lot of that recently and I've been doing such a good job and I felt like I wanted to show you guys okay so now I'm doing a [ __ ] haul I never well I guess I do hauls sometimes but I never ah to make this video like more valuable because I feel like if I just did all you guys would be like are you kidding so I'm also gonna be showing you how I'd wear these out these pieces that I bought because I feel like that's actually useful when people just show what they bought that's like not that useful for developing your own personal style welcome to my TED talk I look like [ __ ] right now but that's fine I basically went thrifting in Europe because I was in Europe recently and I went through f---ing there and then had to bring all of it home which was not okay and then I also recently went through f---ing in LA so I'm gonna be showing you all the things I bought it's a haul and then I'm gonna be showing you how I'd style each piece this videos gonna take me six years to film and that's fine cuz I love you first thing I got first thing I got you I don't know if I can do this look at this thick jacket everything about this is so cool the pockets it's just like it smells awful that's kind of like what you sign up for that when you thrift but whatever I already wore this once although I didn't wear it on Instagram yet which means I didn't wear it because unless you wear it on Instagram you didn't wear it that's my rule it says something on it I don't really know I don't care anyway this is really cool thank you I don't know how to talk about clothes very simple all white top denim shorts so this jacket can be the statement okay because it is so many fun details it's what it deserves it deserves to speak I got this college sweatshirt that says Purdue on it and I literally don't know anything about that college I don't know where it is but I bought this cuz it's a turtleneck hoodie and I like love that when you're thrifting I feel like sometimes you'll just buy random shape because it's like so it's like three dollars so it's like why not do you know what I mean if you go to Purdue let me know comment down below how the school is let me know if I made the right decision by buying this I'm trying to be like a college girl sporty girl here just be so simple with it okay I love wearing like big sweaters like big sweatshirts with biker shorts in Air Force Ones and just being so chill next I got this sweater it's actually Tommy Hilfiger which is a score every sweater like I cannot stand Ichi sweaters and like this is not itchy at all which is why I bought it like I always test by rubbing it on my lip say one else okay I don't know how I would wear this but I'll figure that out before you see me wearing it in the next clip this sweater is kind of like boring um so I couldn't paired it with like jeans and it would have just been like super boring but I was like you know what for the sake of the video I'll wear was something a little bit funky so I have these plaid pants I feel like it kind of spices up the sweater because the sweater is just so grandpa that's what it is you know sometimes you just have to put things together that don't make sense and are probably actually ugly but at least it's unique right okay ugly this is like literally this pattern is so ugly it's so ugly but I had to buy this I feel like it was fun and I honestly I already wore it like I liked it so much I already wore it so like that's how you know this is just such like a frumpy pattern and it's so corny then I was like let me fully transform myself into that time that this would have been worn seriously to try to make it seem normal when I feel like it actually looks kind of normal I wore like these you know and kind of a city wash jeans to compliment that era of time and the Air Force Ones I just don't know whether they're shoe to wear so that's kind of just what I did my goal was to look like I was in high school like 20 40 50 years ago wait like 20 what year is it okay maybe like wait yeah like 20 30 years ago next I got red Levi's okay I don't know how I feel about these but I actually no I I do I like these a lot I just like love jeans like I have a huge jeans thing basically I think these pants are kind of they're kind of bulky and you know your big statement so I wanted to make it a little bit more flirty and fun by wearing a cropped shirt with it got the Doc Martens I like to keep things simple okay I'm a simple gal this is how I wear this I look bad right now sorry also I just like wear these shoes with everything so good luck seeing me not wearing them okay bye okay next I got literally the ugliest shirt I've ever seen why do I do that there's something about thrifting where it's like okay wait this is ugly which is why I like it it's a Carhartt like button three button-down it's so ugly oh my god my dad used to wear Carhartt pants so it's like kind of nostalgic you know um whatever I know I said that I thought I was gonna like hate this shirt because it's like kind of ugly but like with the turtleneck under it it's up it's a vibe the way that I dress like I'm not gonna [ __ ] put together outfits here that are realistic I'm putting together outfits that you could actually wear and be comfortable and next I got this red belt I'm a big wear of a shoelace belt I just like to tie a shoelace around my waist is about because I have a hard time finding belts that I like but I felt like this one was really classic it's just red okay it's not that complicated it's pretty self experience yeah see like that's cute right okay I don't know okay so here's my outfit for this belt I don't actually really like this outfit very much but I thought it kind of was cool it was a cool idea hopefully this maybe gave you belt in SPO these are so skater girl welcome to Emma trying to be a skater girl you know what though I can skateboard I like them because I feel like they remind me of Mac DeMarco this kind of just looks like a school uniform like a middle school school uniform but like a little bit fashioned version cuz this top is like cropped and you know like the red converse are probably not allowed at most schools for school uniform I don't know I don't know I'm just showing you this I don't know what came over me but I saw these and I was like wait I need them like what even type of pants are these I literally don't know why I like them so much we've Isis laid my face I'm so pissed these pants are like great like I don't know what they are because they're just like tight here of a pocket like I don't know what type of pants these are like I don't know what they are I just work with like a simple tube top because I felt like these pants were really puffy and and needed like I wanted my upper body to look smaller so I wear the tube top okay or some chunky you know Doc Martens who would've thunk it they've got another pair these are in like blue they are sick though like there's something fun about them I feel like an old lady would wear them to like a bingo match cheese pants I literally couldn't tell you like what type of pants they are but they're actually really comfortable in there kind of cool-looking so I love getting those shirts and either cropping them or getting ones that are already cropped and have this like little thing in it so that it's like you know more interesting again you could do this yourself - I've seen people on my Instagram Explorer page yeah I think this is very interesting look okay that's why I did it these pants are interesting and they deserve an interesting outfit this looks ugly right now because I am the babbly but you have to imagine this on me or on you more preferably on you when you're fully ready for the day next about brown jeans which like I don't know if that's a good decision so a lot of people will go into detail about like what they bought like you see it I don't need to go into it so basically these brown jeans we're kind of hard to find these to pair with it because even the Browns neutral it was just kind of like hard to find a color that looks good with brown so I just did black and we're good I like it when in doubt wear a mock neck and then I'm wearing these again because these are some of my favorite shoes these are creepers and they're very underrated and you know I wore them on my Instagram once and everybody was like what are those and I was like okay they're interesting okay these are so ugly I got these Asics like they're so ugly I think my style is actually like picking out stuff that I think is actually kind of hug I literally just bought these because I thought that they were like kind of cute I always thought that I'm just gonna wear them like today and like now I'm like wait maybe I'll wear them in public all right be sure it's actually really cute like the little pockets so cute yay don't take fashion advice from me honestly or maybe you know what at your own risk yeah so I got this like grandma's shirt like I actually think my grandma has this shirt like not that that's a bad thing Thanksgiving is gonna be awkward now that's like anything also I like to challenge myself like how can I make this ugly piece of clothing cute like I literally brought bought true religion jeans and like [ __ ] Von Dutch hat if you're wondering like Emma this shirt is already ugly enough why are you wearing it with like kind of borderline ugly shoes also well that's the whole point also am realizing that you like I'm not wearing made any makeup my hair is not done so like these outfits probably look 20 times like more questionable because I'm not ready also have a mirror right here and that's why I'm looking in it to see what this looks like I like the shirt it's frumpy but I like it okay this is so cool this isn't even ugly Oh like can you just like picture like Elvis wearing this I don't know if that's the right person to use for that example but I feel like this could be done differently and I like it better but I just like doing interesting come to me so this is all working when I'm wearing these like white jeans because they feel like the white wigs on the way at the top you know what I mean I tied this shirt although I would actually also tuck it in but I just felt like the time it's it kind of more I don't have an adjective to describe that Doc Martens you'll be seeing these a lot oh okay I also thrifted choose and I normally don't do this but it's actually really nice well it's kind of gross it's nice that these shoes are already worn it because like wearing and shoes takes a while and like they're not usually the most comfortable and I have sensitive skin so I was get like blisters and all that cuz I'm you know I'm human these like Nike skater blazer made sneakers I think they're the Blazer mid ones wait is that right I don't care correct me rows me I don't give a [ __ ] about these shoes I would wear something kind of like this I love me some color coordination okay so this is like that that's like that so matches and then have the denim to like break it up you know what I mean so it's not too matchy but that's how I wear this it's not very complex these would be for a very casual day they kind of make my legs look short though just so short but you know what that's okay next thing out red converse that are already there like at the perfect level of warning they look perfect like do the it's perfect are you kidding me Declan like don't do that I am NOT putting on a full outfit with red converse anything you can wear anything with these moving on somehow they had two pairs of shoes that were my size and that I liked which I've never experienced so that was like whatever I guess that's how it works in Europe I had no idea that like thrifting or vintage shopping in Europe was like that good last few things neither things I got in LA but I wanted to show you anyways because I thought they were fun and they're kind of they're in the same genre of like clothing so like why not burst oh these are so [ __ ] up these are so [ __ ] they're red jeans but look at this [ __ ] detail on this pocket that is seriously next next level I saw these and I was like yeah I'm sorry I don't even care if they don't fit me I'm gonna get them because I'm obsessed with them like those are just like I want to get a [ __ ] frame for Declan I'm serious I might have to lock him out of my room until him done filming he's being so he's trying to rip my clothes off okay sorry I'm like virtually naked but like that's this is the way I'd wear these pants so I'm not going to sugarcoat it again I just like with shoes okay I just like waiting with the shoes I just whatever I actually really like this outfit I feel like it kinda reminds me of like a pirate when you feel like a pirate would wear this like the jeans are kind of like bread you know this top is very much like a pirate Captain Jack Sparrow with like this okay that's like not in a weird way just in like a he would think he was a good outfit okay next I got these there guess look mom jeans like okay great cool now I'm gonna be [ __ ] called like who knows what I'm gonna be called for that so for these jeans um I wanted to give it kind of like a preppy look so I have this cropped sweater that is very fun with the airport whatever you get it I bought this Britney Spears shirt I'm not like the biggest Britney stand that exists but like I just think that she's such a bad [ __ ] so this is an outfit that like shouldn't exist but like it feels so right to me because it's Britney Spears B's the True Religions you know Britney would be proud of me this just feels so right to me okay and like it's so I hate it it's ugly but like it feels right fashion doesn't have to be serious all the time like if you want to wear an outfit that's like kind of funny or like a little bit weird like there's nothing wrong with that that's something I realized recently because before I would be like oh my God if my outfits not super cooled and like and that's bad but it's like no it's actually fun to like kind of wear things that are almost corny in a sense I've like found the art in that recently so okay next thing got this this is kind of like weird I've never bought anything like this before it's like a romper it is a little weird but I actually think it's kind of cool so for this like romper thing listen I'm wearing got worms with you that's not probably how I'd wear it in reality you'd actually probably wear it with something a little bit more dressy because I believe this romper is kind of dressy but I don't have any other shoes right now and I don't know like I don't literally owned anything classy so so we're working with but the main thing I wanted to show is that I tied this with a little shoelace because it needed it okay it was like really just kind of like a box before but once I tied it with the shoelace it looked really cute I wear this oh I got these this is weird - it's like an overall score and then on the back it's shorts I don't know how I feel about this but I just was like hey why not so I paired the overall dress well it's actually a score I'd wrap my hair day with a turtleneck to kind of make it a little bit it's like innocent you know it's innocent it's cute and then I added the dog learns to make it like badass so it's like for a second you like see me knees up and you're like oh she's so cute and innocent and then you see the shoe and you're like but she'll kick yo ass next we just have some light wash Levi's I have like 400 of these but I just keep buying them every time I find them because they're just so comfortable and they make my butt look better than normal although that's hard to do because it's not really there so anyways okay literally you could wear anything with these jeans sorry you can literally wear anything with these jeans they're so versatile they're so comfortable they are just so cute they're just so awesome last but not least I got this shirt that is like satiny or weight silky stop oh no okay I really could not come up with an outfit for this talk this is what I got though I don't hate it because the top is white and like kind of boring so I was leaving a long a pop of color with the green pants and then the air pours it balances out I have been trying on clothes for the past three and a half hours so I'm very I actually don't think my brain works anymore so that's why this is what we're working with I could definitely come up with something better but for some reason my brain is broken it's a lot well say bless me Declan you [ __ ] man acnes no I was about to say my acne is clearing up and then I looked and then I was like oh wait it's not I probably do this again for a long time but it was fun though to try you know fun to try anyway this is the last thing I got it's this shirt it has like polka dots on it I don't give a [ __ ] that was my video um I will see I love clothes and I love like fashion so even though this isn't something I normally would make a video about I thought it would be fun anyway because I just like I got some really cool stuff I wanted to share with you guys maybe give you some in SPO maybe you found it useful maybe you found it interesting and maybe [ __ ] hated this video that's fine I don't care anymore I'm gonna go now so thanks for watching I love you guys I love shopping I love coffee and I love Declan and kind of love macho recently - and I love youtubers wait why did I say that I meant to say I love YouTube alright peace yo sorry I didn't mean to flip you off my I'm like tired today oh why do I make my outro so long [Music]
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 6,280,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog, thrift, thrifting, haul
Id: AXpAE48fr3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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