glow up for 2023 *at home* in 12 hours

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foreign [Music] I think I watered down the coffee a little too much so I'm feeling extremely crusty I haven't washed my hair I don't even know when the last time I washed my hair it's just so greasy it's literally an oil spell I've been wearing this sweater for like five days straight I haven't showered in like four days I've been locked away in this room for God knows how long first of all how are you guys doing it's been a really long time since I posted I've been having a rough time recently and I just got back to work it's like the holiday like just everything's happening and I'm stressed out it's clearly showing my mental health is just not too great right now I look like a bum and today we're gonna fix that there is no better way to kick off the New Year 2023 with a glow up so today I need to do something with these crusty ass Nails I have to shower and shave I need to detox the crap out of my hair wash my face put skincare on do my makeup just get my life over all together I need to do my brows like look at the these and I also need to shave my mustache I might as well just shave my entire face and today we're going to be doing that all right wish me luck it's go time okay first things first I need to wash my hands because they smell like Indian food I was eating chunavatura last night with my friend it's just like the Curry's all up in my hand now it just like smells like spices so I'm gonna wash my hair [Music] dude I think it's just like ingrained in my fingers it's kind of like when you chop off garlic and your fingers just smell like garlic for like a month the first part of the globe is getting new contact lenses look how nasty I don't change out my contact lenses as I honestly should like these are bi-weekly so I should be teaching them out every two weeks but I changed them out like probably once a month or even more that's nasty and so bad for your eyes literally don't do that I feel like my eyes are gonna thank me they're literally praising me right now they're like thank God clean contact lenses okay I know what you may be thinking why did you change into this bomb ass workout set well let me tell you in order to look good I need to feel good okay or in order to feel good I need to look okay anyway I need to work out because I just feel like working out would just give me this glow this like Inner Glow and outer glow and I think it's just a good thing to do um so we're gonna work out I took out this yoga mat that has been sitting in my closet for months now and we're gonna use it today finally so I am going to load up a workout on YouTube um okay okay I've decided that I'm gonna do daisy Keach abs workout and a daisy peach butt workout so that in total is going to be about 20 minutes thank you did that look cool I don't know if you guys remember that era that I had when I was living in La we were like working out every morning we were eating breakfast we were doing the most um and I kind of let go of myself a little bit so we're trying to get back into the groove because it's time to take back my life all right we're getting started [Music] again for what that was so difficult this is my favorite exercise it's like not that bad y'all see my abs yet all right it's time to build a booty is it ready Burns doll this hurts so much I just finished both of the workouts I am so tired and it's time to take a shower because this greasy hair has gotta go I this I'm just fed up with it I hate it I think beanie wants to exercise too you know what I'm gonna do I only have a towel on right now but I'm gonna go run and go grab a robe because everyone wears those robes in all of the globe videos and I just I need to fit in girl who is she oh my God look at her I stole this from my mom's room all right it's time for skincare um in the mornings I like to use a vitamin C and this just I don't know this one's from alamoose and it feels really good and it smells really good then this Sunday Riley Afterglow vitamin C moisturizer as well I read somewhere that you're not really supposed to use too much moisturizer because I think it like clogs your pore like I don't even know but if you use too much moisturizer it could signal to your skin or something to not exfoliate or whatever and then cause a whole bunch of texture problems so I'm starting to use a little bit less and I feel like my skin feels less heavy and I like it so that's literally all I do I just did vitamin C serum and then a vitamin C moisturizer it's time to shave okay we're on the floor now because I need to get a good angle to shave my legs usually I do this in the shower but today I decided to do it outside the shower so I can film it for you guys because I'm just such a nice person so I have my Razor and I have my body oil and then oh okay and then I rub it all over my legs this filming is more difficult than I thought it was going to be is this the better angle I don't know but anyway look how beautiful my leg looks after this using this oil all right we're commencing the shave can you even see boy how do people do this we're going in [Music] luxurious gorgeous sleigh [Music] yo my legs are so smooth right now okay time to do the other leg E I am never shaving outside the bathroom again it's winter time and I'm shaving my legs like I don't understand what's wrong with me like literally No One's Gonna See my legs y'all I feel like a brand new person my legs silky my face smooth I need to shave my face okay we're back here again and we're gonna shave my face I bought these eyebrow razors from Daiso so we're gonna try them out all right let's just get into it [Music] all right this eyebrow is done let's move on to the next one this one I have a few pimples around so I gotta be kind of careful here my eyebrows burn oh okay I feel like that's good enough my eyebrows burn all right on to the rest of the face I'm gonna put more serum because my face Burns oh my God so I'm using a bigger razor for this part because I feel like it just makes more sense so I don't even think you can see it like it doesn't even pick up on the camera but I definitely have hairs here wow my skin is red my eyebrow eyebrow putting my mustache now [Music] y'all see the hair that came off of my face okay I rinsed my face again so we're gonna do my skincare once again I look cute though so it's okay oh my God it's literally stinging my face oh my God I think there's like Cuts in my face oh ah it's burning oh my God I don't think you understand how much that burned you know when you get a cut and there's alcohol on it oh my God oh my God I'm like literally so scared damn how did it get so dark in here anyway the next part of the glow up is um doing my makeup so we should probably get into that you want my eyebrows still burn I don't know if this is a good idea but we're just gonna go ahead and do it guys I was just looking in the mirror I can literally see specks of blood do you see that and right there I literally caught my face okay I'm gonna turn the lava lamp on if you know you know let's just get into my makeup I need to get situated here I've been using the milk primer recently and just kind of bomb so last night I went to an Indian restaurant to eat food with my friend and we decided that we're gonna go out tonight and I totally forgot about that until now so I'm basically getting ready early and this is just great because it's a two in one because now instead of doing my makeup for absolutely no reason where is my brush [Music] I always see Erica Titus use a spatula when she puts on her foundation and concealer so I'm like thinking do I need to get a spatula will it just make it look 10 times better I don't know it's gonna go in with the concealer and touch up these little areas here I got this new vanity mirror that's right in front of me that you can see is emanating this light and it's so great because it's so bright and I can see everything I used to be like freaking doing my makeup with this little tiny mirror I was literally doing my makeup like this the entire time finally I have a mirror and I'm so happy I'm gonna try this new uh Maybelline it's not new but new to me it's a contour uh stick well it's actually just concealer in a really dark shade for my skin color and we're gonna try using it because I saw Alex earlier use it and holy crap that's really dark all right we've already committed so let's just do like my nose here oh God did I ruin my makeup see if I can blend this out oh okay oh it's not too bad oh yeah I kind of like that it's a little I think it's a little too cool tone for my skin color but it really works wow I am a fan look at that look at my nose is that not just so cute adorable we're gonna top it off with some rare Beauty blush it's really beautiful it's just like a really cute rosy red hello [Music] do you want to just eat the food while I do my makeup okay sure sushi wow look how cute my nose is I haven't looked this good in a long time so excuse me for being a little excited because I look a little bit better for going with the rare Beauty highlighter as you can tell I'm just a rare Beauty fanatic oh that reminds me I should probably use the rare Beauty setting spray too [Music] oh my God Jesus Jesus Christ it was like a little too much okay okay now we're gonna go in with some powder Contour this is just the Too Faced bronzer [Music] gorgeous y'all my lips are dry are you guys lip balm girlys because like I have like 10 lip balms each of my bags I'll have like one lip balm and then like by my nightstand I have a lip balm at my desk I have a lip balm like I am stacked with lip balms like if I don't have a lip balm like it's over we're gonna do a quick eyeliner off camera of course because she's difficult and I cannot handle any more pressure all right she's done I hope they look even okay uh I need to stop touching it guys I want to put you on like the best makeup tip I have this really applies if you have very sparse eyelashes so typically like when you have sparse eyelashes your eyelids show through a lot like here so what I like to do is I'll take like an eyeliner gel eyeliner go under my waterline on the top like this and it'll just like really snatch things up all right now you can see like it looks so much better right like is it just me like I just feel like it's so much cleaner all right besties the moment that we've been all been waiting for eyebrows let's hope that it oh wow it burns okay it's fine oh also I'm using a morphe brow pencil this is my favorite brow pencil ever ever I like I literally have gone through like seven tubes of this seven pencils [Music] yo look how clean my brows look all right we're gonna do the finishing touches lip liner and then we also have to do the lashes it's such a beautiful little Rosy Rusty red let's curl these lashes I'm so terrified of curling my lashes because last time I curled my lashes I literally chopped off my lashes and I was traumatized and here I am today still using an eyelash curler but you know what I have to it's like the only way I can achieve this look look how curled my eyelashes are I use the Shiseido eyelash curler and I'm gonna use my tubing mascara from blink I love tubing mascaras because they're just so easy to remove like all you need is a little water rinse it off a little bit and then you're good to go [Music] all right this is the final makeup look and then I'm just gonna grab my Rarity setting spray does douse my face in it oh my God that burns literally like why my eyebrows burned so bad okay it's time to do our hair [Music] okay I brought my curling iron to my desk and I have a hairbrush if you guys don't remember I cut my bangs pretty horrifically like two weeks ago so we're dealing with these pieces now but I'm excited because I haven't curled my hair in a while and I feel like it's just gonna look really cute also a word of caution for anyone who wants to cut their own bangs or get bangs or whatever they only look cute when they're styled like when they're pinned straight it just looks like this okay so just be aware we're just gonna do the normal curls that I usually do because I don't really know how to do it anyway else okay slay okay I finished this side and I'm gonna do this side foreign the more that I look at my face the more I kind of want to put lashes on while and like I feel like it'd be nice to have lashes on you know what I mean I don't know lashes just give like that Glam Vibe but then like the no lashes is like clean aesthetic like sharp hey girl finish curling my hair look at her oh my God literal princess okay I can't stand it anymore I think I'm gonna put lashes on dude it's like pouring outside and it's so rainy I don't think I'm going out tonight okay we're here on my bed because I need to figure out which lash I want to use okay so I have like these three I'm gonna go with both this one is called starry night I think it looks really cute adorable okay so I'm taking out the Lash and I'm like trimming a little bit [Music] before we go ahead and glue the Lash on I want to thicken my eyeliner because this type of eyeliner I did is the type of eyeliner I do when I wear mascara but with lashes I do a little bit more dramatic because when you put the lashes on they kind of get lost okay I finished my eyeliner I'm going to add this on [Music] this is what it looks like I think it looks so good wow I don't know if you can tell it's so dark on the side of my face but let me do the other side second lash going on so cute oh my God I feel like this looks so much better now with the lashes on do you guys think so wait why does this side look so intense what the heck I'm gonna try to balance out this side with some more liner the sides are not even okay is that better I can't tell so like why is it so dark on this side okay guys my makeup is done my hair is done and no we're gonna have to start on the nails and I think that will be the last part of the glow up oh wait I need a fit too like what is this okay y'all we're choosing between these nails I really don't know which one I like we have like a short little moment here and then we have like a longer moment water we're thinking no uh I think I'm gonna go with the short because I think I'm going into work next week and I feel like having shorter Nails would just be more professional all right let's open her up I love glamnetic nails [Music] the nails are done look how cute these are oh so cute oh my God also look at the lava lamp she's fully warmed up it's so cool wow I love it look at Mr Beanie hi what are you doing I'm gonna have to pick an outfit right now and I've been like thinking in my head like what outfit do I want I was kind of thinking about it and this is a glow up video and I don't want to wear something like too dramatic because sometimes I just don't feel too confident in something that's just like extreme so today I think we're just gonna go with something that's a little more every day and like a very everyday basic style that I know I'm gonna feel confident and I'm gonna feel my best self in and ladies and gentlemen that is t-shirt and jeans oh oh my God I feel like I'm like actually living now wow let me just set you guys down right here I'll give you a little fit check okay I'm so excited guys uh let me take the clips out of my hair this is the vibe this is the glow up it's basic but it's cute and it works honestly something's as simple as like putting on a T-shirt and jeans can be like really difficult for me sometimes because I'm always just in my pajamas or like sweats and like an oversized t-shirt like all the time and then it just it just it's just so easy to fall into that slump but this outfit is comfortable like don't get me wrong it's super comfortable but it's just like when I wake up in the morning I'm just not inclined to put on a pair of jeans yeah what I mean I'm so obsessed with my hair and my makeup I just look and I feel really good so if you guys are ever feeling like you're in a slump or you're just feeling like you're heading down that treacherous road to deep deep depression maybe just do your makeup or do your hair or put on an outfit or just do one thing for yourself to get yourself one step closer to self-care and as soon as you do one thing all these things will just kind of like slowly snowball into a bigger thing and then you just feel so much better unfortunately it's like extremely pouring rain right now if you live in the Bay Area like me um you'll know what I'm talking about because it's been pouring for the past like two weeks and it's just crazy so we've decided not to go out tonight because I'm not trying to walk in the poor grade so um I guess I'm just gonna Revel in my makeup and hair and just feel good for the rest of the day and tomorrow is going to be a better day so this marks the end of the Vlog today thank you so much for watching make sure to like comment subscribe and I'll see you guys next time bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Julia Huynh
Views: 1,857,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glow up, makeup, hair, skincare, shave, transformation, that girl, clean girl, 2023, new year, vlog, how to make money online, finance, money, marketing
Id: qT9cct5vTYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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