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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey bye i look like i have been hit by a bus [Music] hi guys um it is early in the morning which is why my hair is not brushed and i look like [ __ ] and all that not that i don't look like [ __ ] a lot in my videos because that's my brand or whatever but anyway i wasn't gonna film today but then i got this genius [ __ ] video idea let's talk about it here's what's going on this morning i had an idea why do i try to talk when i make coffee because the problem is that it's so loud that you can't hear me anyway i have a lot of clothes in my closet and a lot of the clothes that i have in my closet have been in there for like five years it takes a lot for me to like put something in the giveaway pile mainly because i always tell myself emma you could flip this like you could crop it so that's what i'm gonna do today i'm gonna take some of the things in my closet that i never wear and i'm gonna flip them and i'm gonna turn them into something i would wear um which means i might crop it i might paint it i might who knows i think it would be nice to do a little a little cute activity today and this also will prevent me from shopping more because i have a serious shopping issue the first step is that we need to go into my closet and figure out what has potential what hasn't been worn in a while etc etc and then we can kind of go from there i think this is going to be especially useful with pants for some reason i have a lot of pants that are like too long for me and then i never wear them because they're too long okay wait also my closet is a mess it's not good let's start with pants okay the first thing i have that i might want to do something to do i want to do something to these no i don't okay first thing i actually saw these yesterday in my closet these are some green pants that are very cute but they're way too long these need to be cropped if they were cropped a whole different pant 50 times better but also check this out these pants are the same way they're black pants actually kind of a similar no they're not similar at all extremely long these jeans i don't like i ordered them and like there was something about the button that i didn't like but i feel like if i painted them or something they could be better oh okay so these i thrifted these they're kids pants the problem with them is that they're too they fit super weird um but i feel like if i turn them into like maybe some sort of cargo short they could be cool instead of wasting all of the room in my sd card i'm going to find some [ __ ] and then i'll be back it's been a few minutes i found a bunch of shirts i feel like i want to do something bigger so i think i'm going to paint a pair of shoes because i have a lot of pairs of shoes that i just don't like these so i got these yellow air forces and they're really cute but for some reason like i never wear them actually i don't know if i want to paint these they're kind of amazing but i do i could paint these so i think we're ready um i think we're ready to get started let's get started this video is basically just me cropping everything i own the thing is i'm too lazy to try everything on and like mark it so i'm literally just gonna like eyeball it this is not smart literally eyeballing it this could go really bad okay see already this is so much cuter oh hopefully i didn't crop it too short one down next we have this okay this is funny because this is literally a workout top but i feel like it could be cute if i crop it i got this from depop and i didn't realize it was a literal dan skin [ __ ] running workout top it also has a built-in bra which i kind of want to cut out but i don't know if that will ruin the whole entire hello ew i literally ever since i was younger cannot stand anything built-in built-in underwear built-in bra i actually could cut it out it just might take me like 45 minutes so you know what that means i'm not gonna do it the thing is too there's this like hack when you're cropping stuff where if you put a hanger in it so you like put it in a hanger and then you crop it it like stays straighter i don't want to go get a hanger if i knew how to sew that's something i've always wished i was good at i always i've always wished that i was good at sewing i'm like not in a mental state where i want to learn things right now i just kind of want to already know how to do stuff i would love to just be able to like go into the ocean and surf really well instead i'm not that good at it and so it's not fun to do it that is definitely something to talk about with the therapist for me because something tells me that's not the way i'm supposed to be thinking about things this top i've had for over a year like probably two years maybe and i've been waiting to crop it and i just never had the energy to do it but now here we are yeah that's gonna be really short huh okay well it's too late now i used to crop [ __ ] way too short always so i'd like go shopping buy something and then crop it too short and then i could never wear it like this is not gonna fit i don't even want to wait for the big reveal for this top i want to see it now and see how short it is okay i actually did a good job you see the blood in my pants i um have this severe issue with bleeding through uh tampons people like say that it's gross they're like yeah you're so gross because you bleed in your pants and it's like well it's not my fault that i've had a period for two months oh my god let me get into that i mean two weeks i've been on my period for two weeks straight i need to go to the doctor because there's something wrong with me i think i'm also really sad to cut this shirt because this shirt has such a cute it says gumby goes for gold and it's so cute i almost want to turn this bottom part into something like should i turn into a headband gumby goes for gold headband no okay this shirt is so incredibly boring as well as being incredibly boring you know i have these fabric markers that i've never used i feel like i could spice it up maybe like use black ink and like write something fun on it like something like [ __ ] everyone oh my god today i was on amazon and i was looking for like a graphic tee don't ask there was a reason and i'm not gonna get into it but there was a [ __ ] shirt on amazon that said yi y-e-e-t or be yeted who writes this stuff they're [ __ ] genius okay i also really like this yellow color and i kind of want to turn this into like a cute like kind of rustic headband honestly it's not terrible but it's a little bit like why don't i just order a pack of headbands off amazon vibes what do i put on it i want to write something well first i kind of want to test it oh my god i might [ __ ] jesus i'll test it on here like how does the fabric marker look oh terrible it looks really bad and maybe i'll paint on it instead i did bring my paint what should i paint on here what if i wrote tgif on it like thank god it's friday and then i could wear this shirt on fridays i like that brown could be kind of cute because i am very into brown and then it's like pee pee poo poo chat because it's like pee color and poopy color do you guys laugh at poop jokes i do like i love poop and pee i love potty humor like it's so funny to me i'm kidding cut out the part that said that i was kidding because i'm not kidding is the universe trying to tell me not to use brown because this [ __ ] is not opening for me god this is gonna splatter oh god it looks like i shoved this up my butthole i want to make it look kind of messy like in kind of homemade my cats are being extremely loud mommy's putting tgif on a shirt right now honey i've been really loving to say tgif recently like i genuinely say this frequently so it's kind of funny although it's like actually not funny like if [ __ ] off-white sold this everybody would be like oh or like supreme or something everybody would lose their mind you know the song um by katy perry that's like i think it's called tgif or it's called last friday night or something there's a line in there that's like very inappropriate and as a kid i used to like sing it anyway because i didn't know what it meant obviously i remember one time i sang it in front of my dad and he was like emma do you know what that means and i was like yeah anyway i didn't and i learned later what it meant and it was very sad and scary to me and i was like oh why did i say that it's crazy because when you see this shirt on my instagram don't act like you don't know the inside joke like now you're officially a part of the tgif inside joke tgif i mean it's definitely not the best thing i've ever created but i don't hate it so that was good okay painting check it's the creativity for me okay wait let's actually talk about that trend you know how everybody's like it's the blank for me um i hate that trend it's the getting period stains and all your sweatpants for me it's the old pair of air force ones that you've been wearing for two years for me like that's what people would be saying to me the truth of the matter is though for me is that when things are cropped it's easier for me like what if i wore this with a turtleneck under it that would be way cooler than me just wearing a like long awkwardly length like you know what i'm saying this shirt might be not fixable you know what my favorite time okay wait here's the fun fact about me my favorite part about christmas when i'm cutting wrapping paper and then i like just hit i hit it just right that sounded inappropriate and it goes and it just like glides through the [ __ ] wrapping paper and it's just like i don't know this shirt i don't actually hate it in its normal form but i do think that i'd wear it more in if it was cropped if i wore low-waisted pants like i could wear longer shirts but the problem is that i'm only wearing high-waisted pants and then it's all bunchy actually this shirt's really cute so i'm kind of bummed out that i'm cropping it but i like i know that it's like it's the reason why i bought it i bought it so i could crop it and like i don't think i'm gonna like it if i don't so this is what we're doing but if i regret it it'll be a bummer honestly i really thought this shirt was gonna be a fail but it wasn't so that's a really good sign anyway this is cute although this might be too short cute now it's we're getting into dangerous territory which is pants are the cat the cats are literally banging on my door like can you guys get a [ __ ] job or something first we're trying these these i'm really excited for because i really like these pants they're really cool amazing details the only problem is that they just have the worst fit i have these as a guide because i think the key like when you're cutting is to use a guide where'd i put the sizzies i'm just gonna send it oh that those are kind of dope and they ended up being the perfect length for the ah okay that was a [ __ ] serve these might be like amazing ah also if you remember these pants you're you're a real one i'm using them as the guide today these look way better guys i could have like a whole new wardrobe real quick i'm excited to be able to wear these [ __ ] pants i don't know what it is but whenever i buy like i i think well i think i'm just sure yeah these look way better too yay i hate when i look at my phone and no one texts me like i know that's something that everybody says they're always like oh when you check your phone and you have no notice but it's [ __ ] true that [ __ ] bums me out so because these are black i think it should be fun to do like cool doodles around like this front area and then like this back area like you know i hope this marker works on these shoes we'll find out right now let's see oh i don't think it works yeah now that [ __ ] doesn't work okay what if i did cow print that's kind of basic like i feel like everybody does cow print what i'm thinking is what if i paint all of this brown okay this isn't working either okay i have an idea so i have these other fabric markers that are white i have no patience today do you want to know why though because i've been on my [ __ ] period for two weeks i feel like [ __ ] my body is not feeling good i'm gonna draw with this white fabric pen on the black part that could look cool hold on unfortunately i don't really like what i did and i don't think i would wear these anymore like this than i would normally uh actually in fact probably less oh my god these look like they're [ __ ] off-white shoes um i don't like them so if anybody wants these and is a size six and a half in women's uh let me know because i [ __ ] don't like them at all these are not these are i'm donating these you know what and so hopefully somebody else likes them like i really i really think it's possible and they're gonna have one cool shoe and i mean it's something different but these are for me uh this was the fail of the video uh these shoes i'm really angry at myself currently um i will be looking up a way to remove fabric paint unfortunately that's the whole point of fabric paint it doesn't come out uh but last but not least we're gonna ruin this pair of pants so let's [ __ ] do that first i'm gonna color this button because this button is what bothers me the most oh and of course it doesn't stick okay do you know what no emma don't give up oh my god this is like you guys are really seeing like a true breakdown right now and the fabric marker looks like [ __ ] i'm gonna style these clothes now and see if i how i did like did i transform the [ __ ] in a good way did i even transform it at all is it better now is it worse now like that's what we're gonna find out [Music] wow so much better i like it oh my god i did not shave my legs i didn't like it before and i don't really like it now so we were due for a little fail which we did we failed multiple times we failed with the jeans we failed with the air force ones that are now damaged permanently i mean we definitely made our [ __ ] ups today we made our fair share this is cute now i actually love it [ __ ] yeah [Music] like if off white sold this if supreme sold this everybody would be like now that's a cool shirt crazy story real quick before i put on the next outfit the weirdest [ __ ] happened i could not find this shirt for like 20 minutes those two doors have been closed this entire time i've been filming i opened the door and this shirt is just sitting in my hallway outside of my door my thing is how the [ __ ] did it get there and do i have a poultry guys i'm a little bit frightened by it but alas looks like a workout top that moms would wear i like it [Music] okay this is cute not too bad only three fails and the rest were actually pretty good so anyway this was my last one so let's come to my bed whoa here i am back in bed well actually i didn't start this video in bed but thank you all for watching thank you all for putting up with my two weeks of menstruation attitude menstruation means having a period for those of you who don't know yes i have an attitude right now yes i'm a little bit passive-aggressive but the fact that you guys are here for me at my highest of my lowest keeps me going i wanted to be a little bit more creative and like draw on things and like you know like paint on things but it turns out we just got the scissors out and just slightly changed each piece but this is a good thing a good learning lesson because if you guys have a piece where you're like eh like i don't really like i you know these pants are too long but they fit everywhere else blah blah blah just take out your scissors and cut them yourself you know what i mean anyway i love you all have an amazing day here's your little forehead kiss can't believe that's our thing now and i love you all have the best day [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 4,980,979
Rating: 4.975852 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog, style, clothing, diy
Id: 7idDCD3SoF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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