8-Day Couples Camping Trip on an Offshore Island Chain - The Slate Islands

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[Music] [Applause] all right we just got dropped off by evans fishing edge on the slate islands out on lake superior big island chain out here back with aaron finally say hello hello uh and this really cool building i guess the lighthouse keeper's house uh we're starting our trip here don't even know where to begin we're paralyzed with this yeah let's start with that celebratory erin just finished go ahead a term at school so she's off for a month well-deserved vacation for her i'm just continuing my never-ending vacation yeah it's gonna be a good one i'm excited yeah we got a chance to see caribou out here uh woodland caribou we've both never seen one so that would be that's really what would make the trip for us but odds are not that great there used to be an enormous herd hundreds yeah 650 it sounds like at the peak and it was a guaranteed sighting they would come up to your campsite they would eat out of the palm of your hand which you know you probably shouldn't do but anyways they would now not so many wolves came over on an ice bridge and decimated the population so we'll see if that pans out [Applause] imagine this life eh yeah so cool we didn't come to the slates for some kind of museum tour but we were immediately just drawn to this structure [Applause] look at that still turns pretty nice looks like we had a little garden back there still some rhubarb growing i'm very busy we're gonna take a quick wander up to the lighthouse and check it out it's i think i heard it was uh built in 1903 so pretty cool to see that's the highest elevation point lighthouse on superior i think i don't know yeah yeah it's way up here nice wow wow it's a big lake little hobbit door i guess we climb down this way [Applause] so [Applause] got a cooler and a bag of bag of beer [Applause] we've got caribou tracks got a caribou take me for the tour please okay we're going in so we got on shore there was a distinct track there here these are aaron's tracks here but yeah some old caribou tracks that's very exciting oh just the thought of one wandering down and apparently at some point this was a blacksmithing camp so that's pretty interesting we'll be looking around for some relics such as this warmer warmer oh nice here we are oh that's so sweet yeah great hammocking in here lovely a couple trees over the whole bench it's really not used aside from these relics it's not even a fire pit oh you should say that i don't see a recent firepit kind of makes you nervous but yeah looks like this is where the fire pit would have been at some point oh yeah pretty grown in rain just started it might be thunder showers today and we are both pooped from the last week at home so we're gonna do one of our favorite things just have a nap in the hammock in the rain the comfy sweater on stuff to beat right it is tough to eat yeah it's a good life tempted to have a beverage in here still got a beverage for the evening yeah tough call rationing the beverages it's a it's a real art be more comfortable yeah rain's picking up yeah oh just in time perfect timing this is great [Applause] i guess i should have turned the canoe over [Applause] [Applause] come both had a good nap like a light for a couple hours could have slept on but it's about dinner time so [Applause] um [Music] that's a good one oh my god excuse me it's pretty wet so let's hope we can get this badger going got some nice hardwood coals burned down here a couple of corns on the cob and just going to cook them in the husk it's my favorite way to do them on barbecue or fire just keeps in all the moisture and steams it perfectly delicious helping you cheddar pus yes we have so many luxuries on this trip due to complete lack of portages and a lack of bears on the islands uh like that we never probably the first canoe trip you and i have ever brought a cooler for yeah and i personally never do it is nice we got mayo sriracha mustard ketchup lots of ketchup butter for the corn and red onion so many other goodies in there we're we're so jacked up for this trip it's really a vacation glamping vacation trip this is mine yep oh man that smells good corn for dessert so it has comes off so nicely when it's cooked yeah here in thunder again we've heard it twice today and it's always been on the edge of the front and it's been raining after that so about down the hatches and just kind of get ready to settle in for the night if needed throw the canoe over [Applause] what a sight so oh [Applause] so this is so exciting for us to see caribou tracks they're different oh man it's just starting to rain excuse us trying to have a conversation yeah there's like this little back piece to each print that the hooves it's like a mousse print but then it's like a little divot behind it here a couple pivots oh you see that wait for it like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it smells like a rose yeah it's crazy beautiful it is beautiful [Applause] [Applause] burner to get a quick start this morning get on the water while it's reasonably calm got hash browns and then rehydrating some fruit here in powdered milk for granola so the slate islands contains quite a cluster of islands but there are two primary ones patterson island is the biggest on the bottom and then mortimer on top today we started out we got dropped off on the south side of patterson island and we're going to be exploring that south side while there's a north wind which will keep us leeward hopefully throughout the day there it is hooked up unless it's a little speck ready yep bring them in a bit more here i'll grab the net maybe okay easiest some pretty cool rocks here they're not quite erratics but they're pretty neat [Applause] wow look at the rocks [Applause] free standing walls it's like it's divided you can have a campsite on each beach we're just paddling over these really cool pockets there's like rock and then it'll be a cliff with a pocket and then inside is these gorgeous big round dinosaur eggs which we see a lot on superior but i haven't seen out here it's so rugged it's really cool there's several just pockets of dinosaur eggs john's got his double blade out and it's hilarious it's so efficient i just feel like a kid up here and not doing anything sure is nice with a bit of a headwind we're just turning the corner now into horus cove uh we're gonna stop there and have some lunch it's supposed to be a really beautiful beach site so we stopped on this beach here more caribou tracks and this is actually where we hoped to set up camp for our first two nights but yesterday the swells were really up and we didn't want to start with stress we just wanted to relax so we're really happy with our site too but this one's super cool it's pretty cool incredible view out here of the open lake [Applause] hey there are infinite skipping rocks on the beaches here nice found an eagle feather that's pretty cool i've never found one before yeah it's pretty big hold it up for size yeah beautiful i kind of want to get out and stand on it you're the king of the world these purple flowers are growing all over lots of these rocks and it's just stunning because they to me i would they look so delicate and they're so exposed yeah it's such a rugged spot they're beautiful yeah it's amazing i will keep you there's a couple flowers there there are purple ones in there they're just stunning like you're so exposed oh we're stopped on the beach to make a little lunch or i'm boiling some coffee right now just because we're a little tired and we're gonna have some blt's today pre-cooked bacon loon calling coffee smells good it really smells like tim hortons there we go spoiled some cowboy coffee and toss a little bailey's in there oh starting to come down pretty good here it wasn't really supposed to rain today but so it goes well the rain's picked up so we finished up our lunch and we're gonna head home and possibly have a little mid-afternoon hammock nap there's an eagle up there [Applause] oh he's looking at us that's awesome buddy sorry we touched your feathers it's beautiful though do you want the net yeah i will easier for me come on who do we got let's get a look at you yeah that's a long one from solid liquor what do you got oh you're spitting your minerals [Applause] got our first real fish of the trip all right there it is nice juicy one thick one pretty like not huge but this has pretty good gut on it yeah down he goes all right two for two so i've caught my two today just on this flicker minnow it's uh done me pretty well dives pretty deep i'm going with this jointed husky jerk deep fire tiger nice and aggressive hoping to look into a salmon that when the eren's got on i love for lakers it's probably just after three uh we got back from our day paddle back to camp and we're gonna have a little lie down we put our dry clothes on after the rain then it's gonna relax do some reading have a little nap and then get up and make some dinner and possibly do an evening fish so yeah i'm pretty excited to settle in though cozy hammock time starting to rain okay it's burrito night got some tortillas toasted on the fire with the cheese inside to get it all melty look at that beautiful veggie burrito mixed rehydrated avocado sour cream sriracha green onion i'm loving this no portage trip oh i forgot about that someone's blowing off some steam what's wrong with my teeth after a tough semester that was fun good eats and good drinks good sunday okay it's sunday i'm drinking a drink called a good sunday and we're camping in sunday harbor all unintentional i just realized i didn't even realize it okay let's dive in best burritos we've ever had out here easily by far a lot better than the ones we picked up off the ground much that's nice when the extras are intentional that almost ruined burritos forever for me i was and it wasn't even necessary no we had food left over at the end of the trip but we didn't know that honestly beautiful got some hot chocolate bailey's winding down here yesterday was amazing the ambiance was off the charts with the uh the thunderstorm last night and today just rugged coastline pretty chill day tomorrow move down the coast yeah it's been stunning it's been a breathtaking couple days and just so amazing for me to be out here again and um it feels like a paradise vacation yeah it's yeah it's stunning i've had time to just stop and spend an hour skipping stones on a beach and like really enjoy each place which sometimes we rush through [Applause] interesting spot we just walked back here a bit and there's so many raspberry bushes but it's been so dry this year usually it's like prime time for them but they're just no berries on them this is all raspberry that would have been so good we missed out twice in two years in a row on berry season but it's okay had a lot of other luck we just got into the hammocks and then heard something pretty heavy-footed trump kind of behind our campsite didn't last long but i figured it could be caribou if not it was like a beaver taking down a a log but it didn't sound like that it sounded more like hooves tromping had to be oh it was close too i heard it too yeah for sure definitely was like hooves yeah no for sure that's pretty cool that's crazy so we brought the big boat on this trip our prospector 17 gives us lots of cargo capacity so we have two big 115 liter packs food barrel cooler a bag of beers and it's all fitting perfectly not a lot of extra room but uh certainly enough so that's why we brought this big boat to this trip nice to have a big boat on superior too yeah let's go in the back uh in the front we're eating breakfast on the go this morning there's some granola bars trying to get ahead of any potential wave buildup we are heading from sunday harbor around the coast up to hopefully this campsite here and then after that we'll be in the interior islands where it's uh calmest and shouldn't have any issues with with being wind bound or wave bound for the day so hoping to get it while we can there is a south wind i think and we're seeing some old debris here which is really interesting almost looks like a truck or a car but probably just boat remnants [Music] must have been a caribou last night that sound was so distinct yeah if we were on the mainland i would say a moose but yeah here it's got it had to be caribou they're the only big animals out here and it was we know yeah and yeah it was definitely sizeable and it sounded like pretty stinky hoops some pretty big swells out here too easily that's probably here but we're hoping to get around this exposed shoreline paddle here and then we should be in the clear fully understand the danger we just came around this point and we're a leeward now quite a relief to be honest this camera was out and there was no chance to put it away and not to mention dumping would just suck in general i've gone into some two three foot swells sometimes braking but we was trying to stay offshore to uh to get away from the braking waves but it wasn't uh it wasn't uh usually starts in the morning we were very awake we were in control you know what we're doing and uh yeah we're prepared yeah it would have made for a bad day um aaron also has an emergency fire making kit on her life jacket and then i've got the zolio so sos button and satcom device so we're prepared but it doesn't make it any less nerve-wracking [Applause] yeah okay i think we're around our last kind of nasty point that one wasn't so bad but nice and calm in here feels really good we're just coming into a gorgeous bay that's got these little islands beautiful sand beaches and uh it's pretty hard not to want to stop instead of camp here but i think we got a little bit more we want to travel today we're gonna check them out at least [Applause] [Applause] might be a bit juvenile yeah it looks like maybe some juvie feathers yeah you're right beautiful yep buddy there he goes juvenile too it's juvie it's got some yeah really i think so on its uh body okay it's still got some gray i didn't let that look dark to me he is zooming in this wind eh yeah oh he's still flying so we've seen four eagles this morning all kind of at different stages of life um several juvenile eagles which is pretty cool and a couple of them we've seen more than once it's just been stunning we're just going across this beautiful coastline flower pot rock flowerpot rock and and just every 100 meters there's an eagle it's amazing yeah the sceneries i don't know this it feels like everywhere you go is the best scenery yeah which is really nice oh it's this feels like maybe tops breathtaking everywhere you turn [Applause] this cliff here it's like a little standing wall [Applause] it's quite narrow [Applause] [Applause] pulling into home for the night here that's a hot one you want your bun toasted [Applause] eating up the last of the sausages terrific view from where we plan on camping here but the actual camping opportunities are not good especially for hammocks it's just like very very dense balsam fur so we're going to move on but there's a little trail here we're going to see if it's in decent shape to just walk back to a lake in there small lake [Applause] [Applause] not much water in this quote-unquote lake damn must be living out it's called high dam lake i think we're standing on the dam and it is washed out where the caribou right supposed to be one right here [Applause] so we're just leaving behind the beach we had lunch on we were planning on staying there but we couldn't find anywhere really to hang the hammock so we're gonna move on uh around a couple more points and see if we can find somewhere nice to set up for the night and there's just crazy dragonflies up here [Applause] we're almost around paterson island now coming into almost the uh the harbor where it should be nice and calm supposed to be good fishing and the best chance of seeing caribou so it's not spending as much time on the coast as we expected but really there's probably more reward in the harbor so it's a good thing wind is really picked up and the skies have hazed over not with cloud but with forest fire smoke we've got a nice spot here both for our hammocks right by the water hey if any rain kicked up it would be no good here it'd be way too exposed here we are lucky enough to have an icy cooler uh what would you like honey um [Applause] feels nice and cool amber lager coming up [Applause] cheers [Applause] sleeping giants is a brewery from thunder bay not far from here you bet northern lager and amber lager oh good can i try yours mm-hmm i quite like this one actually i i've had this one many times i don't know if i've had this one i like that one more than the northern northern is one of their standards wow that's good good living on this trip easy yeah this looks pretty full from lunch so we're just gonna have some uh popcorn we assume must be a caribou bone here printed size i think aaron's asleep she needs it after a tough few months oh no she's murmuring something indiscernible skies their sun is still pretty high in the sky and there's a smoky haze which should make for a very interesting sunset and we are just thrilled with our spot here by the water so comfy just going to read a book [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] just making some coffee and i've got some milk powdered milk going with uh a bunch of dehydrated fruit to mix with granola this morning and then i think we're also going to make pancakes so it should be a good one [Music] pour the coffee in we're just doing cowboy coffee this trip last time we made it it was pretty weak for me so we're gonna let it boil a little more beautiful morning here in the harbor got my trolling motor up front it's gonna be a good fishing day first real chance to fish gutter line in occasionally but usually with the chop we just couldn't and shoals just going over shoals non-stop it was difficult to troll the haze from these forest fires cleared a bit overnight it's still around and you can smell it but it's not um accurate or unpleasant it's kind of smells like someone's smoking a cigar nearby it smells kind of good beautiful paddling here just looking around for caribou hoping we get our moment looks like there's just a old docking platform or something here it's kind of cool or was it a boat [Applause] pretty cool so sweet spot here this beach and picnic table back to blt's no lettuce so there's supposed to be a mine an old mine shaft here and we think we might have found it there behind that cedar and check it out oh wow oh cow it was way more substantial than i expected a real chef oh oh my oh it's cool down here oh it's cold yeah this is really cool we're inside i wonder how far back it goes this is crazy wow don't collapse don't how do we do collapse [Applause] and they call it a mine a mine this is no mine it's a two i can't tell it's here oh it goes down oh my goodness it goes down here [Applause] do you have a light on your phone oh yeah i can't see that but that's crazy just a pool it's like a pool yeah it's just a pool of water there's the tunnel not sure how well you can see but it's pretty cool what what would you say the depth is hun uh 10 feet i can stand comfortably no height but like how far back do you think oh 50 feet 50 meters 50 meters yeah so it's about yeah 10 feet high i just barely kind of touch and then probably 50 meters back and then there's that really cool pool it's uh it's neat no and then we turn around that might be overexposed but it's so cool say hi oh it's nice and warm out here awesome that was a cool experience i might even go back later we might we can do whatever we want we're just out on the open lake here on one of the islands on the outskirts and it's got some beautiful sand beaches and then there's a nice rocky little one over here as well [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so we had an amazing day today again and it's four o'clock and sun shining it's still hot out we've got this beach so i'm just gonna relax have a drink and lay back and enjoy the sunshine until dinner [Applause] good [Applause] tonight we've got a big plot of chili with some garlic bread we are stoked really chilled down actually while we took a little nap there that was pretty cool so this is good we got hot chocolate and baileys too perfect remedies it's a red hazy forest fiery sunset tonight got some rain this morning just waiting it out before we pack up camp no real rush limbs are calling some thunder it's pretty cool we're gonna pack up and race over to a site that we like but uh yeah with the rain we're just gonna put coffee and oats under the tarp as well [Applause] we've got dehydrated apples banana and blueberry i forgot the cinnamon but we'll have to we'll have to manage roughing it yeah so [Applause] so our target site was taken but that's all right it was nice but not perfect paddling on in the rain which should end pretty soon looking for something else and there's thunder booming in the distance on land you can hear it out across the lake here 10 kilometers out in the slate islands pretty cool nice calm paddling [Applause] so there's supposed to be a second mine shaft and we're just uh kind of scouring around it's on this coast somewhere so we're looking for another mine shaft to go explore black hole like the last one it was pretty hard to see [Applause] so there are a couple of mine shafts where it looks like they poked in but didn't get nearly as far as the last one now it's just full of spider webs actually just back a little ways i don't even know if i can see the end we're exploring this oh mine shaft here and uh it's not as tall as the last one but it goes back there a bit so let's see what we find it's pretty cool oh it's so musky back there it's musty it looks cloudy pretty good it's a little creepier yeah it is low ceiling really amplifies the sense of claustrophobia you can see it goes i don't think we can see the end not quite but it gets quite close you can see john's just on his hands and knees it's humid in here it's humid and creepy yeah it's deep hello it's tempting to see it looks like it almost gets higher in like 10 feet but i don't know if i want to crawl on my belly to see we need a little kid to send people yeah well that was let's see here we go and it feels nice to be out in the open air so there are some small tracks here that i have to imagine have to be an ungulate because your hills so we figure a small pair who has recently walked down this beach which is nice to see for reproducing [Applause] yeah we already walked down here we're just coming back walking against it and there were some yeah pretty distinct here there were some dog prints on the beach that we camped on this morning over there and the rain virtually washed them away so we're feeling like it's very possible that these are from today because they're still pretty fresh despite all the rain this morning [Applause] got a sweet sight here took a ton of touring around to find something that we thought would was worthy of a three-night stay because we don't plan to move again for the rest of the trip cleared out a nice spot in there just needed a little work this will be perfect wide view we can see out both sides of the channel through the middle of the slates perfect a nice beach too sand [Applause] thank you [Applause] got non-calzones on tonight it's another two-drink night supply is getting low but enjoying it and no portage trip oh my have him uh cooling in the lake again your son cheers from sukrum's brewing across the border in manitoba we've got a sleeping giant uh raspberry sour it's their pride month love is love drink that they did in honor pride month which is cool you can also go down this coast you could do that tomorrow or do you want to check this out i'm happy either way [Applause] [Music] not a bad life here not bad at all [Applause] leaving our beachy point there behind for the day is for the morning and trolling has been incredibly ineffective so far we haven't caught anything since the morning of day two when aaron got her to lake trout so we're going to try some deeper jigging today this area of course gets extremely deep like anywhere in superior virtually just at the outside of this island chain it's over 500 feet in spots in here it's more like 60 but yeah our deep diving cranks which gets maybe 20 feet have not been doing it at all so i have to change 20 feet might sound like nothing for lake trout in the dead of summer but superior is just a completely different lake than any inland lake and it's very cold so it's hospitable to lake trout even at shallower depths but yeah just isn't working so got a switch aaron's hooked up again lake trout can't tell yet but quite possibly it's been several days [Applause] yeah it's a it's quite a small one for superior but but first one in about it four or five days what three days four days four days now yeah uh where'd you get it on i got it on my blue and silver little cleo that i found in sealy lake [Applause] just because of that stopped on shore here for lunch and there was this remains someone had official uh shore lunch here i guess oh no oh dude oh oh that can't feel me full belly feels different oh it's full of stones too oh man your poop is gonna hurt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i haven't been able to use the drone on this trip because it's provincial park but we're 400 meters offshore here outside the park boundary so we can send it up and just fly it around the park boundary basically won't be the ideal shots but at least we can give a bit of a perspective there's a huge school of what i'm assuming are cisco here trying to film them on the underwater camera hope it's picking that up gotta be hundreds that's awesome it's an incredible experience here trying to track these cisco that's what they are you see them surfacing here and there see them under our boat and just trying to follow them and hope that the predators are close behind oh good day you can drink your fancy ales you can drink them by the flagging but the only brew for the brave and true comes from the green dragon just realize this beer is pretty fitting it's called desert island this is certainly not a desert but it says cast away the mainland yada yada we have we're island people now we're we're gonna stay here we'll uh eat off of live off of fish just have to start catching some veggie curry tonight good eats on this trip no portages will do that oh yeah and some toasted naan bread non not non-bread non apparently means bread on bread means bread bread did you know that no me neither we've also depleted our tall boy supply weight 16 so but one per person per night and so we're left with the scotch and a bottle of champagne which we've been saving for either a caribou sighting or the final night which looks like they're both gonna be the same night now yeah perfect it's convenient oh i think my lips are a little trapped yeah they are oh i noticed i just noticed it's okay not judging gross [Music] [Applause] this rain's relentless it's really nice to be dry in the hammock right now with the storm [Applause] it's our second last morning here and i'm making up some bannock for us for breakfast and we've got some tea um starting to brew as well it was a rainy night and a foggy morning but it looks like that's burning off and we're gonna get another beautiful day pretty hot thank you it might be doughy and oh they're not bad this one's not bad how's yours perfect yeah these nice little bennett cakes are sometimes better than a big panic that fills the whole pan easier to flip easier to cook through that's good [Applause] oh got a fish paddling within the harbor again today and still have had absolutely no luck whatsoever in the harbor any fish that aaron has got have been on the outskirts of the island so it's weird we thought we'd have great fishing in here but we saw an eagle catch a fish back there so that was cool we don't know if it was a dead fish they picked up but uh anyway swooped down and clawed it up took it up into a tree so it was nice lawrence bay is nice here it's uh the wind and waves are kind of up we were going out toward the coast but kind of got not that friendly so we came back in here nice big bay very peaceful [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we should be addressed too later finds this letter together [Applause] cool i like it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign you can drink your fancy no didn't work now we've lost the beer crack [Applause] so maybe after like the only brew for the brave and true and then kind of the only brew for the brave and true and then look at each other comes from the green dragon i don't think it was that's not bad okay oh we're recording that so we just got engaged john proposed and i said yes and now we're enjoying our engagement dinner of ramen noodles because it's the last night of an eight night trip it could be more romantic it's gonna be a good good good good it's hot exquisite exquisite did it just for you but we managed to save the champagne he did have a bottle of champagne so so it was romantic and it still is i like noodles it is [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] oh [Music] that was a downright closey gopro stop recording stop recording gopro stop recording gopro stop recording say one word gopro stop recording gopro stop recording uh i might have turned it off last night come here my precious all right we're on our next trip here on the mississauga river just wanted to mention a few things about this trip we have a little time to kill tonight's mid camp early uh i know some people will probably say why didn't you show the whole proposal others might say why did you show any of it why would you put that on youtube it's very private but it all just depends on what you're comfortable with we shared what we were comfortable with and and youtube has been a big part of our relationship our second date is on film how rare is that like we recorded it we went winter camping for our second date erin with with her permission i recorded it hit the channel and now it's just such a precious memory already i mean we've only been together not even three years total and uh imagine what that's going to be like when we're 80. yeah for sure yeah so anyway hope uh hope it did the trick for you just a few other things i wanted to touch on this one we ran into a really nice family headed up by jeff and tamara and three kids we paddled into we were paddling uh as we got back to our campsite right before i proposed ran into them samara had seen the channel before and we took a selfie with them and little did they know i was just about to propose to aaron so they went on and we went to camp and then the proposal happened we ran into them the next day our shuttle evans fishing edge asked us to meet us at this beach where they often do drop-offs within the slate islands and and that was where they were camped so we ran into them we told them we got engaged that the night before and they poured us some some red wine that the shuttle had just delivered to them it was like 10 am and but they had to toast with us so that was super sweet and it was actually a pretty special moment for our engagement meeting them lovely family so thanks guys for your kindness uh anything else you want to say about that no just really nice to meet you guys and yeah it was kind of fun it was a cool just funny time to run into meet people and then right before and right after yeah yeah it was yeah that's cool and a nice happy family too oh yeah bye guys nice to meet you and speaking of families evan's fishing edge if you're looking into going to the slates or any adventures in that area really awesome business we have no affiliation with them or anything like that they were just really nice and uh it's literally a family business like the kids come out and help and it's really sweet so shout out to them the message in a bottle it was found already we were hoping it would turn up like years later with some superior shores you know that's possible it can just get washed up somewhere that people never go might get pulled off by another storm but it was found two weeks later 75 kilometers to the west and by zach cruisins who was the author of the guidebook that i used for my superior trip and for a slate strip so pretty funny that he found it and he found it where i had been earlier that summer where i found an agate rock on in duncan cove and i was paddling back and forth through this sea arch that was beautiful so kind of crazy and also the fact that it blew to the west which would require an east wind which doesn't prevailing wind here is west i would think it would have it would started out easterly but i would have thought it would go somewhere else so it was pretty interesting that it ended up there yeah yeah really crazy to be found by someone that we know to get a text and yeah say hey found your model yeah i know odds seem crazy but yeah it was cool yeah that's it uh just a few things i want to mention let's follow up anything else for you hope you enjoyed it and uh we'll link to some some of our favorite trips here at the end of the video if you're looking for some more hello i did mostly talking one more thing to mention um i'm not gonna be wearing the engagement ring on trips just because it's such a nice ring and i don't want to be hindered in what i'm doing worrying about it so i'll probably get a like a band or something a replacement band one of the rubber ones to symbolize it while we're out but uh that's why i'm not wearing it i did i brought this one which is actually my grandpa's wedding ring which i've had some sort of 16 and intended i'm wearing it just for this trip because i had it but it's a little loose on my ring finger so i've swapped it to my right hand a little chunkier and it fits nicely so that's my um what's ceremonial not ceremonial i don't know i'm not reading your mind for this one all right symbol symbol symbolic symbolic that sword got it my symbolic band for now um but yeah that's if anyone noticed or wonders or cares especially like this trip has some rapids and no big ones but uh yeah it could just get sucked off if you dumped and before you know it's gone sawing and sawing camp everything it's easy to easy enough to lose i don't have to worry about it people lose them gardening you know like you were just telling me about someone who found lost it while they were gardening and then pulled up a carrot out of their garden years later yeah it was just an old news story but the carrot was grown around or the ring was around the carrot as i pulled it out the carrot grew around the ring yeah we're not going to find it on a carrot if we lose it out here yeah so that is why it's not on my finger but it will be on all other occasions so you like the ring i love it perfect
Channel: Lost Lakes
Views: 112,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost lakes, camping, fishing, ontario, canada, bushcraft, backcountry angling ontario, winter, wilderness
Id: bQp3luD9y8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 30sec (5070 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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