Ep. 13: "Dirthead Dave" Dave Chappelle | In the Aisles w/ Derek Bieri

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do we do one of those like 40 minute intros on this podcast like some of them they usually just happen because I'll just ramble randomly like this mhm you ever listen to some of those podcasts and you're like I just want to hear about so and so driving so and so truck in 1987 but then there's 45 minutes of like bunch of junk I don't know people are getting paid by the minute or what but it's probably a duration thing we don't talk about yoga or spaghetti noodles or anything on the show I'm out [Music] welcome back to another episode of in the Isles presented by Al Auto Parts I'm your unreliable host Derek from BCE garage and I have the legendary dirt head Dave here hey I'm Dave Chappelle like the car one now the car one we got to get I got to say this right away dirt Head Shed that's your YouTube right that's where folks cuz I get asked all the time where do I find him you got to go over to dirt Head Shed he's doing well you do everything there I'm doing everything yeah I was I was like a low rider guy way before I was a truck guy so now I'm getting to mix everything in unlike I was able to do on dirt every day so I got a little bit of everything on there try and even get some home repair in the show it's pretty rad cuz you never know what you're going to get yeah it's just a smor borg so I got to ask you right away I ask everybody what is your favorite aisle in O'Reilly Auto Parts it's the paint aisle it's the paint aisle for sure you are a rattle can connoisseur yeah I love it um no the pain a is like where you can go to get good masking tape they actually carry like/ qu in fine line tape sometimes so you can like bust out pinstrip Graphics type of stuff um all the duplic color paint is there which there's all kinds of good stuff so um they did mix it up lately and they put like different brands of Bondo and stuff in there so it's a little weird to me but um it is one of my favorite that's the place I even if I'm going there for an oil filter I just happen to cruise the the paint aisle you you take a left through the paint aisle to the filters yeah always I do that often too I got to get my de1 1634 you on the way back but uh well that's great so we were just talking about well I guess you were mentioning low riders were kind of your thing or mini trucks yep and you brought we're actually at tuxen Arizona at the duct tape drags yep I brought I brought the least drag drag racy car ever to the drag races um yeah no I built a 78 Ford Mustang 2 and I don't really even know why I just kind of it was like but it's slammed it is slam it's on the ground yeah it's not fast um but it's low it drags on the ground well maybe you could just like do you have any plates on the back like titanium plates or anything no it'll drag the whole front K member like just do that down the track just Slow blow Sparks light this place on fire who doesn't like a good brush fire we did an episode on road worthy rescuees old truck Woodford Woodford the duy is that what you named it yeah remember how much Woodford we went through oh yeah yeah I have a bubble in my throat there but uh I think it was day four Jesus I had the whole front clip off there's no engine in it I had another engine torn apart Dave had the frame cut off like at the cab and he's back there like grinding and welding and we're looking at each other like yeah this is going to be something else but turned out fantastic and yeah we did uh that was pretty cool that was my first time on a uh on a motor Tren show getting to like airbag something and like lower it a bunch so that's really kind of where my hard is on a lot of this stuff and it was pretty cool to finally get to do it on a show so yeah so the viewers are probably curious where did you learn all this fabrication did you go to school for it was it a trade school did you it up so the way it worked um when I was like 17 I wanted a mini Tru but I had an 87 Nissan Sentra um and all my buddies were like they were getting into mini trucks and like slamming them and my dad had like helped me buy this Sentra and he was like nope you got to keep that one till you're 18 and I was like this is crap so um basically I made sure it didn't pass California missions in anymore so that I couldn't drive it so smart did off first thing yeah it didn't it somehow the carburetor quit working right and the Cadillac converter went missing so it didn't pass smog anymore so I sold it or I traded it in on a 93 Toyota pickup weird that uh we took in on trade I was a I was an oil change guy at Saturn so we took it in on trade and that was my first rig and the way that I got into the whole scene was or the fabrication side was I would just drive up to the shop called The Chop Shop it was like the the one of the first airbag and custom suspension shops around and this was in like 97 I would drive up there and Bug them and then eventually I was like we started working on my truck and doing like a four link and airbags on it and we did a ton of work on that thing and I basically was an indentured servant for 9 months to pay off the work that we did on it okay so I didn't touch a grind I didn't touch a welder for for like almost nine months I just like listened to how the welder's supposed to sound and I swept the floor and I ground plates and stuff like that and uh probably watched soaked in a lot it was it was awesome yeah and then after I basically paid off my bill for building that truck um he offered me a job oh nice so that was kind of how it all started so I was working I was going to college doing a terrible job at that and I was changing oil at Saturn and the nights and weekends I was at The Chop Shop paying off paying off my bill so you had a really full plate yeah but so I mean you've been doing these this four link and and notching for a while then yeah which makes sense cuz it was pretty remarkable like I did a static drop Notch is that what you call them mhm and it it seemed daunting to me just cutting the frame and then you came in we're just like w we don't need any of this junk it's gone and I'm like oh wow but just the confidence and being able to Vision or visualize what you need and yeah just like you go and Tinker on a carburetor you've been doing that forever so it's just yeah it's fun I love it um it's really hard nowadays to stand out in the crowd because there's so many so many cool vehicles out there and that type of work's been going on for 30 years now right so it's like building something nowadays that stands out is really difficult and that's kind of why I built that Mustang just cuz I hadn't seen one yet y that's that's a good point it's there's because of the power of the interwebs we're starting to see all these super talented people oh yeah it's crazy and of course people with huge budgets and all this stuff and and it's just remarkable seeing a lot even here at duct tape drag some of the stuff rolling through the pits I'm like oh my gosh that thing is rad you know what really has messed me up is there's like there's not a definitive line between reality and Photoshop I get stuff that I actually build compared to photoshop stuff all the time oh really and I'm like dude who cares that doesn't have any cutting grinding or welding it's a picture right like it's there's it's hard to like stand out when it's like you're also being compared to computer generated photos of cars right the the the realism of it or the realistic stuff yeah yeah and that's why you know I keep mentioning the show cuz we're obviously here but a lot of this stuff you could tell is grass root blue color late nights you know and you just I have a lot of respect for that as I'm sure you do too you know but well what's been your what's been your favorite build you've ever done and you can anything on shows or your personal stuff what's the one vehicle you're like man if I could own that I'd have heartbeat man well I think the one that stands out is being like the most challenging with a really good payoff is it has to be the Mad Maxis off-road Runner m that we did on on dirt everyday that was like my first like full-time gig at dirt everyday was building that car um and it was a 73 Plymouth Road Runner um it was a total Rusty pile and we built it as like this Mad Max looking four-wheel drive car Contraption kind of like apocalyptic looking thing but went about it as a fabricator rather than like an art car builder sure so it was really neat like we I built a whole frame for it underneath like you know normally a guy will just put like any old car on a Blazer chassis you know they set it up high and then you see this Gap and then you see this chassis and TR it and all that it's all this garbage and uh that one I actually built frame rails that welded right into the unibody so it sits low like it looks proportionate we put 35s on the front and 40s on the back and we ran different gear ratios front and rear so that it actually like had the right the matching gear set by the time it was done it was fun and then we put one of those 5 lit uh cumins diesels in it the the V8 5 L out of the out of the Nissan pickups so it was just this crazy Contraption but it was neat cuz it was like yeah it's a crazy looking art car but it's like the roll cage was fun like the chassis was really cool it was more functional over fashion but it ended up looking pretty rad yeah it was cool I did this really wacky like this roll cage you know like the old school like roll cage they just do the hoop over the driver y so this one I did like a hoop over the driver and came down and then the other one I did a hoop over the passenger and came down and they like overlapped each other yeah just a bunch of funky stuff that turned out really cool that's kind of like a road course cage with the bump over the head uh so we all have those projects well maybe you don't cuz you're a mad man but we all have those projects that you kind of just get burned out and they kind of just sit in the corner you get gungho every now and then but you try and buy it something nice once a year so that it Sparks your interest yeah what I have plenty of them trust me but what is the one project right now you're like man I just need to knuckle down and get this thing done that's my 56 Merc yeah I got a 56 Mercury Metalist it's a twodo post car and it is super cool but I cannot get any motivation to work on it um you have to go like back to the 50s car show or something get some I know it's got like a I cut the front frame off and grafted in a to Toyota two wheel drive pickup front clip oh of course so it's like airbagged and Zed and it like lays flat on the ground and it's four length in the rear with trailing arms so it lifts a bunch and it lays absolutely on the ground but what happened is I got all that done and then I pulled the vinyl floor mat out of it and it was just like whole front floor pans are gone so I lost steam at that point okay but you just grafted in a frame four link it did it was like words on a chalkboard stuff coming out your mouth and you're like oh it needs a floor pan P so for me cars that sit like oh that one needs a U joint I let's go get a different project and you're like oh I just need to build a whole new frame and Chassis if you hear a random happy guy yelling on the intercom we're right next to this is a good the Dr this is the best best seat in the house I think I think they're doing is it Tri FES shootout up first I don't know did you see some of these Tri fives out here uh I saw some really cool looking like gassers gaser style out there yeah would you ever build a gaser I would love to oh my God if I was going to build a drag car that's right where I'm going but would it be on a bag so it's slam and then it's Gasser no it' be it' be pretty traditional yeah I would love to do a unibody gas like a 60 like a 60 to 63 falcon or 60 to 62 Falcon I think that would be super fun they're super lightweight the chassis is actually strong enough to take some power you can swing a straight axle under it and a big old 9 in in the back and go for it I've got a 48 studa Baker that I've been thinking about Mak gas here give me a call I want to come help okay you heard it everybody write this down uh we also did a Jeep project that was pretty fun um do you do a lot of off-road stuff back home I mean you kind of are in the neck of the woods of doing off-road are you just too busy to even do that stuff I moved up to like the Inland Northwest like Northeast Washington 5 years ago and I actually moved up there trying to like slow down a little bit cuz I was in Southern California and I was like I can move up there and cost the livings a little lower and uh I tell you what I've been going nonstop since I got there I want so bad to like hang out and like explore my area go go four-wheeling I do get I do get to go four-wheeling up there there isn't that much good Wheeling though like there's a lot of fire roads and there's a lot of trails but there's not many like cool Rock Gardens um but that being said I there's still stuff I haven't seen so um I do actually get out in the winter a little bit and go do some snow Wheeling that's really fun like that you can take any like boring Old Logging Road and you throw three or 5T of snow on it and all of a sudden it's the it's the time of your life yeah what's the one event that you really want to go to that you haven't been to yet or maybe it's something you have been to but you it's it's on your to-do list every year I want to go to King of the Hammers as a racer oh that' be awesome um I've gone to King of the I've wheeled Johnson Valley um for years recreationally and I actually co- drove and crew chiefed on a race car for King of the Hammers for 3 years but I've never like driven and raced it it's become such a wild event that like it's there's an unlimited class so like Ultra 4 is an unlimited class which means you or I couldn't compete because we don't have unlimited budget uh um but there's still some Grassroots and rookie programs and stock class and stuff like that so I would really like to build a stock or a stock mod rig the bailing twine class yeah yeah and go race it I think it'd be a bless that'd be awesome I was following your install letter last year weren't you like camping out on the ground when you're doing pinging the Hammers and stuff yeah yeah it's it's all like I don't know all of the stuff it's like whether we're here or we're out in the middle the desert doing off-road racing it's all kind of the same everything that it seems like I'm drawn to is always sort of a Grassroots like homegrown kind of sport you know nothing wrong with that man so so when you were wrenching on my place you probably noticed my music playlist is kind of weird it's pretty similar you know what's you know the crazy thing is is ever since then I do play a lot of Christmas music yes like all through the summer it's like if things get weird in the shop crank on the Christmas playlist I'm telling you man if you if you if you slip and bust a knuckle and it's just your day is not going good you put on Santa Claus that's coming to town all of a sudden you're like whatever I'll figure it out you know but uh I always get teased when people come over cuz we have like classic country to 50s to music like movie scores then Christmas music and then metal and then hip-hop yeah what is in your shed what are you playing when you're when you're working and obviously it's tough with YouTube cuz you can't play when you're filming but what do you listen to I listen to all the same stuff um I listen oh lately I've been listen in on Pandora I've been listening to a channel called Texas country which is kind of a lot of modern like West Texas country kind of Midland and stuff like that so like that that Channel's really good uh Limp Biscuit radio hasn't been letting me down lately if you're ever looking for some good '90s like get it going yeah um and then all the classic hip hop and all that so yep I'm the same way that's good uh I found one called country before country was country before yeah Country Wasn't Cool or whatever wasn't that loralin yes that's been a really good station to me recently but that's always tough cuz like when you're now when you're doing YouTube I'm sure you've realized you can't be blaring the music it's just silence yeah you know but ear pods they help out here we go um I used to have my old shop man when I was in San Diego I had huge stereo in it big old receiver and amp and like speakers in the walls and subwoofer back behind my desk and it was like that shop rocked and when it was like 2:00 in the morning and you're trying to get something done and you're an industrial complex it was like crank it up it was so good just cranking yeah you got to get the blood juices flowing mhm all right so for the learning Fabricators out there for the folks that want to become a fabricator what is the one tool you recommend like you just you need to start here this is what I recommend to just get get going get well my advice has always been get an oxy acetylene torch and get a grinder you can do a lot with those you can cut you can bend and you can weld with the oxy acetylene torch and the grinder you can fix all the stuff that you messed up with the oxy acetylene torch there you go I'm more of a grinder than a welder myself and there's nothing there's nothing wrong with it like if you can if you can get a oxyacetylene torch um and like you learn how to weld with coat hanger and you can stick some metal together it's like you'll do that by the time you pay off that torch you're going to be like I need a m welder anyways so you've already got that torch in the in the stable so you can cut stuff you can bend UB bolts you can bend things and uh you probably won't go back to using it as a welder very often if you want to like screw around and learn how to Silver solder and braze like that's also cool so you can fix like power steering lines later on but but a lot of times you'll not use the oxy torch for welding anymore so then you need to go out and get yourself a little 110 Meg welder mhm um my one of choice is always the Hobart Handler 135 that's where I started too was a Hobart they did good it's they're so good they're like they're good quality cuz it's part of the Miller family but it's like the price is right and uh the 110 welder I built many cars just off of that little 110 welder make sure you don't use an extension cord on it the trick here's the trick you lose that the amperages and the powers what I always do I'll buy a little cheapy one 10 welder and then I'll go and I'll buy like 25 ft of heavy gauge like 10 two cord and uh wire in like a 20ft cord hardwired right into it so you don't have to use an extension cord yeah and those things rip they do so good if you're wondering why you're not making bacon and then you got it plugged into a Christmas slate extension cord that's it right there yeah yeah no that's that's really good advice and and uh it's a good investment cuz you're always going I mean I every day I use a torch in fact I did weld the faucet on my motor home the other day yeah you know it's just one of those things that's really good advice uh mine's probably a sledgehammer saw all you know you've watched me work just and this is a pretty cool tool it's probably going to keep around now what would you call this the hammer SA Crescent rammer Cresent the crammer former oh work confused basically oh here we go first drag pass of the day my car doesn't sound anything like that that guy peeled out mine will not is it automatic no it's a stick shift oh just dump it I did that and it went and then it puttered it l oh wow so it won't even throw a clutch or nothing it just no it's terrible that's pretty safe I got to see what's running here cuz I sound healthy o nice Nova vers chel was that a chel like 60 something yeah those guys were hauling butt that's what drag cars do that's what drag cars do that's awesome yeah what was that 12 second run yeah 12.5 I thought it looked like a 12 that uh that's a Mean Street car there I've never driven anything that fast oh really we should put you in something here there's plenty of stuff I no we're going to run my Buick today see what it does another NOA oror all right what other questions do I usually ask brand dead today all right let me ask some questions okay so D yes sir what have you not built yet that you really want to build oh oh you have been pushing for years with like car after car after car after car but that can't be what you really want like I mean there's got to be one more thing that you want to like fix up and drive down the road and say I did that that's such a tough question because I it changes every day I'm like oh I want to do that oh I want to do this um man I would like to have an 8-second trip egg car I'd like to build an old school RV o I want to do like a a prear like full restoration mhm um there's a bunch uh I'd like to do some sort of European kind of track car oh that would be fun yeah there's a you should come up to my area I've got friends that have a lot of these cool things like there's one guy that swings by my house every once in a while that has an old like like late 60s fiberglass Camper RV with an LS in it I just talked him into putting Hydro Boost on it and it finally stops um yeah like there's some cool like there's a cool RV like vintage camper rally over in Montana that I want to get to at some point that'd be a fun one if you wanted to come out and we build something um and then another yeah like any of those like European track car things look like a blast that's that's kind of just trying to find one that I fit in decently or have the ability to modify it to fit in but make it still streetable but you can drive it straight onto a track have a track day and drive it home I have a buddy down in San Diego who's we call him British Mike and he has a handful he's sort of the like the go-to guy for cortinas okay which is British Ford little tiny unibody car um and he's got a uh he's got cortinas with like small block Fords in them with like four tws on them and stuff like that like really cool and he he runs them with the Cobra Club Cobra Club meets and stuff like I think I would love to build a Cortina yeah he also has like a Jim Clark replica uh Ford Escort like a 67 Ford Escort they look cool back in the day they were so cool and then they got Ford got into that egg design in the '90s I don't know what happened yeah so the other thing I want to start getting back into cuz I used to do a lot of them a lot is uh bike builds oh okay I used to do a lot like Hondas Yamahas Suzukis you were flipping you were flipping cafe racers and choppers right for a while yeah cafes and hard Tails I'd knock one out in a week spray paint it throw it up for sale boom sold Paco rear half on it yeah yep yeah just cheap and easy tune them up air pods put a Sportster tank or whatever dirt bike tank yeah um I like old I like mixing dirt bikes with street bikes 80s street bikes I just love the look so good I might might get back into that I just don't know did you ever finish that Harley that you had you had the one that looked like the paint was made out of leather cuz it was all wrinkling off I should name that leather face uh no that see I want to do like a like a pre-war um side car kind of throwback with that thing yeah that'd be fun cuz it's so trashed anyway but I got the I got some metal for it and I just need a guy named Dave to come over and fabricate some mounts and brackets cut it all up yeah sweet are you any good at sitting in the tower and commentating on races I can't do it at all no it would be so dry and [Laughter] boring no I had had to go out to this Memphis Speedway and they took me up to the tower to like talk for a minute and it was it was torture so bad yeah cuz you try so hard not to have dead air but yeah at some point you're just rambling what you got well we're going to move on to a part of the we see this is a discussion dich and I had is it a segment or part of a segment we still don't know what to call it it's a segment segment yeah it's officially a segment called help me understand this is where fans email in with questions and we got to try to help them figure out what to do oh so we're this is like the tech tech portion of the magazine tech hotline yep so this is Joel H he's acquired a 91 Ford Bronco uhhuh deal juice box right yep yep $0 for spent the acquisition good job wow the motor is shot he got ripped off the block is cracked demand your money back now uh he's a Ford guy but he uh wants to maybe L swap it but is that sacriligious should he go the ls route or should he just replace it with 351 again um knowing that it's already shot I LS swap it there's brackets and kit parts and all that available for that thing and the ls is going to be a little bit lighter so You' be able to jump it a little bit higher twice the horsepower yeah yeah I I had one of those I had a 88 with a fuel injected 351 and it was total garbage yeah I would I would agree if you could swing it do the L I guess it depends on your budget cuz keep in mind there is no budget LS swap really but if you could pull it off definitely do the ls even if you got a save and cuz you're going to put a 351 then you're back in 1991 again yeah but he could he could junkyard 302 swap it and put a carburetor on it and be driving it this week that's true so that's also an option yeah that's true I guess it do you need to drive it is it a project is it getting you to work um there's some options out there all right let me find another one here okay we got Tony s that says help me understand he has a 72 to Door Nova canary yellow that's beautiful nice color I started driving it when he turned 14 uh but then life happened and it's been sitting for 30 years it needs an engine it needs transmission suspension electrical paint fuel system he says where do I start what do you think um I would start by building a 350 on a stand just start throwing together a little small block Chevy for it the rest will kind of follow suit once you spend the money on the engine you'll think you're most of the way there and then you'll start Plumbing brakes and you'll be like dang it I'm broke yeah shouldn't have bought those Wheels shoot definitely don't buy the wheels and tires yet cuz I've had more sets of tires go bad while I'm building something oh ain't that the truth yeah no I agree I always my advice is always do whatever you can that's affordable and quick to just get it on the road so you can enjoy it otherwise you will get like we were talking earlier burnt out yeah and you're not going to want to finish the project so slap together a little small block Chevy throw it in the thing go eat some ice cream with it yeah I mean I guarantee you he says it needs paint and body and it needs everything it probably still has a drive shaft that's bolted up to a rear axle it probably still has brake lines like don't make the biggest project out of it like the stop stock breaks were fine for 100 years why are they bad now like just put it together yeah get it on the road and do the thing well I think that's going to do it for this episode we've got a lot of drag racing going on and we are missing it we've got to go out and check this out thank you for being on the show appreciate it very much it's been a lot of fun and again please check out dirad jet if you're going to love it and check out Vice scrip garage if you can please subscribe to this channel as well we've got more great podcast interview things whatever these are coming up soon podcast [Music] interviews [Music] a
Channel: O'Reilly Auto Parts
Views: 77,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: O'Reilly, O Reilly, Oreilly, Oriley, O'Riley, O'Reily, OReily, car brakes, car battery, car batteries, automotive batteries, car parts, car diy, automotive parts
Id: eut1m_A-ok4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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