Beeta Hives and Nuclear reactors : Tutorial Nuggets : Oxygen Not Included

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and we're back with some more oxygen not included and today we're going to be having a look at nuclear reactors how to set them up how to fuel them and what are the advantages and disadvantages of them now this may look like a little bit of an unusual reactor because your first instinct when you're gonna make one of these is you're gonna make something like this with you know a bunch of streams steam turbines trapped on top you won't build enough and the reactor will explode that's pretty much what they want you to do but first off we've got to start off with the the fuel for these things which is enriched uranium and in which geranium there's well realistically about three ways you're going to get your hands on it the first is uranium centrifuge the second is to use bees to remind the ore directly and then there is the third option which is where you feed the ore to the bees yourself all of them though produce different yields in this instance we've got 100 kilos of uranium ore over here another 100 kilos of uranium ore over here and another 100 kilos there now what we're going to do is we're just going to dig that tile out turning it into uranium ore which will drop to the ground that will mean that these bee tinies over here are gonna go have a go at uh picking it up and dumping it into the beehive let's just fast forward a bit and see how long it takes them to get around to it all right lincoln you missed it there but all of them decided to go with the one time what two of them did and those two of those bees they just jumped 20 kilos of well 10 kilos each of uranium ore and now the beta hive is turning that uranium ore into enriched uranium it's going to take a while it's going to actually do all the processing but once this processing is finished all of that or 90 of that uranium ore will have been converted to enriched uranium it's a 90 efficient process however do note we had to dig out that material and when we dug it out we lost half the mass so we actually reduced our 100 kilos of uranium more to 50 kilos of uranium ore and now only 90 of that is going to be converted to enriched uranium on the other end so it's not exactly a perfect conversion process in fact let's see here how much we got left we've got 30 kilos of uranium more left and we've got 18 kilos of enriched uranium from the 20 kilos that already went in this over here is a special one if we delete that door there or we could have just opened it i suppose what will happen is the bees now have access to the uranium ore directly and what they can do is they will pick up they will mine this directly from here and bring it to the hives you don't have to dig anything out or do anything so long as they've got access to a uranium or tile they'll dig it out however they don't lose any mass when we dig up this hundred kilos over here we instantly have destroyed half of it and running left with 50 kilos they will dig it out one kilo at a time no mass loss bring it straight back to the beta hive and when they're finished with this we'll have converted oh there they go they've just dumped in and it was about three kilos or do they misread that yeah no three kilos they'll only do it one kilo at a time though they won't do it 10 kilos at a time like the bees over here that are dealing directly with the uh the ore on the ground they will only do it one kilo at a time so they're a lot slower this way but they're a lot more efficient you can convert 90 of the uranium into enriched uranium this way it's incredibly efficient now over here we have the uranium centrifuge this is the least efficient of the lot in fact it's it's pretty horrendous we've just summoned an abe here they're going to grab some uranium ore they're going to dump it in there and it takes 10 kilos of uranium ore and converts it to 2 kilos of enriched uranium yes that's the 20 efficient process in fact even less because you remember you lost half the mass from you were digging up so it's more like a 10 efficient process for every 100 kilos of uranium ore you feed into one of these well 100 kilos of here anymore you dig it out and then you feed it to this you'll end up with 10 kilos of enriched uranium at the end as well as that it does give you one byproduct and that is where is it yeah this stuff is uranium liquid i haven't really found much of a use for this but it is useful in one respect it has a freeze point of 132.9c or it freezes at a well quite a quite a high temperature and as well as that it has a vaporization point really really high so you can put this into a metal refinery and use it to heat up stuff to like 4000 degrees that'll allow you to melt most metals if you want so it is useful for sticking into a uranium refinery though or a metal refinery though honestly i haven't really played around with it too much and i wouldn't be bothered because this is a very inefficient way of making uranium the enriched uranium refinery here the uranium centrifuge is just about finished annually this is eight kilos on the ground and it's going to spit out another two kilos there in a minute this thing is actually automated so you don't have to have any duplicates interact as well once the ore is delivered it just does everything on its own but you ended up with 10 kilos of enriched uranium for all your effort and over here we have 45 kilos of enriched uranium for the exact same amount of uranium ore and over here it's still going all we've got is what uh 5.4 kilos so this is definitely faster than using this method but it's slower than using this method and this method is more efficient so worst case scenario i would advise you to use this method it allows you to refine a lot of uranium very quickly and it doesn't require you to have an awful lot of bees however that you know might not be viable for you so here's another option you can do is to expand this section out it's actually rather easy what we'll do is we'll open these doors here now what happens is these little b tinies they are unique there's a little bit of a unique section of how these things replicate what these b tinies do is they want where are you going what oh never mind these be tinies when they hit 2.5 years of age let's find the oldest one here where are you nope never mind someone's the oldest one when they hit 2.5 years of age they have a look in their surrounding tiles if in their surrounding tiles they can see another beta hive they will go oh there's a beta hive here i will turn into a bee however if they can't see a beta hive what they will do is they will turn into a beta hive their job is to either turn into a bee if there's a hive nearby so that they can feed the hive or if there is no hive nearby they turn directly into a hive a few things to note about these exceptional little critters is they consume carbon dioxide if it's anywhere near them but it does knock them out so if there's any carbon dioxide nearby they're effectively useless it i think they meant this is a way to anesthetize the bees but realistically you never use it in fact you just want to keep all the gases away from them as well as that their survival temperature ranges pretty harmful it's like minus or was it zero degrees to minus 100 so you've got to keep them in cold temperatures sub-zero temperatures or they will die you don't really have a choice in that kind of unfortunate now let's skip this forward a bit and see what happens if we've done this right it should hopefully stop in between one of these doors and turn into a hive this is a handy way to expand your population and there we go we've got ourselves a beta hive now the reason i left all these doors like this is it's just a nice way to automatically expand your your farming you leave them like this you just build all the doors and eventually they'll stop in between each alcove and form another hive and for the time being though you notice their pathing is absolutely horrendous they haven't actually gone over to this uranium ore at all it's also one of the reasons you want to keep expanding out rapidly it's unfortunate but their ai is absolutely horrendously dumb and you're better off just building lots and lots of beet eyes now you'll notice oh there we got a second one there's another beethoven showing up now you'll notice this thing just basically spawns a bit tiny ev once a cycle so once a cycle it spits out a b in fact is it on its birthday no way to find its birthday never mind but yeah it spits out a big tiny once every fight once it once a cycle and these things only live for five cycles so whether it turns into a b or not you can only ever really have four to five of these uh b things running around and when they die they drop nuclear waste it's another way to get nuclear waste so if they drop a kilo every one of them drops a kilo when they die here are some hives we made earlier uh these hives as you can see have spread out quite nicely in fact this entire area used to be hives and we still sort of well they consumed all the uranium ore in the area it's all pretty much gone in fact now they've even started eating out the uranium underneath the hives now i wouldn't advise you to think of this as a high speed way of producing them it's more well they will produce it way faster than you need them usually about three of these should be able to run two reactors for you but i like to have a few more just in case because they do bug out occasionally on boot up and they can end up not harvesting uranium sometimes as well as that it's possible for them to starve to death if they don't get any uranium for long enough the hives will literally just just die they'll die of starvation though that is unlikely to happen if you've got uranium around now don't worry if they do disintegrate or die the enriched uranium inside them is not lost it simply just drops to the ground it's almost like an auto harvest feature as well as that you can actually store a huge amount of enriched uranium in them and i think there's one over here that's pretty full what's it up to it's got about 2.2 tons of energy uranium in it i've seen ones go as high as seven tons of enriched uranium so as far as i can tell there's no limit to how much enriched uranium they can store so you're not in any rush to harvest them namely what i would do would be run these for a while get as much uranium as i need to run reactors comfortably we'll go over the numbers later but i've got about enough here to run two reactors for a thousand cycles so i've been no rush to go harvest that uranium over there to harvest the uranium do not send in dupes with no atmospheres on these dupes or these bees will sting dupes if they come anywhere near them unless the dupes are wearing either atmosutes or radiation suits one or the other doesn't matter which type so long as they're wearing some sort of suit the bees won't touch them oh except for one thing i don't know if they've patched it out but it used to be when you loaded up the game and if your dupe was in range of the bees even if they were wearing an atmosphere they would get attacked by all the bees and killed well stung to unconsciousness it just seems that on load up they don't seem to ignore them ignore atmos wearing dupes that may have been patched since i haven't gone in with the bees in a while so you now have enriched uranium and you want to start running a reactor well the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to start researching because that stuff is pretty far down the track it is right there and you notice everything that's highlighted in yellow that's what you need you need to research all of that stuff before you have a chance of doing it one of the things you need to research this it's going to be one of the first times you come around to it is orbital research and orbital research is uh requires rockets so let's just say it'll be a while before you get around to this not easy but we're going to have a quick one over the some of the reasons this reactor is the way it is before we go into the startup procedure because the startup procedure and the way the reactor ends up are sort of inextricably intertwined okay first things first how does this thing run if you look in here you'll see there's this enriched uranium 59 to 60 kilos it'll actually oscillate back and forth you'll see it here being slowly consumed or i don't know if consumption is the right word but there we go it's popped back up to 60 kilos again what this is is this is the heat source as it is consumed it generates heat which heats up the enriched uranium and also heats up to 30 kilos of water that's in it just run some 30 kilo water packets now once that 30 kilos of water hits 400 degrees and there we go it's at 400 degrees where'd it go ah here it is do you see that there that right there is a blob of 400 degree water 30 kilos of 400 degree water has fallen out of that reactor and now it's falling straight down all the way down here and that is heat and the thing is that water doesn't actually interact with anything on the way down so none of that heat is actually dispersed there all the heat saves up until it hits this point this is the central core point of the reactor this is where all the heat goes everything goes in right here that's very important as well as that that water can't be ejected if the steam pressure around it is more than 100 kilos if there's 100 kilos of pressure or more around this reactor that water can't eject and the whole thing will go bluey at the same time it also gives off nuclear waste and that nuclear waste is down here hence we have this liquid pump down here if that liquid pump was there the nuclear wasn't there the nuclear waste would eventually stockpile up too much and we'd have problems now with all of that out of the way this gives you a very nice little stable reactor here you'll see here it's about 200 degrees in temperature all the way across which is the maximum temperature you can have in here and keep the steam turbines we're looking at optimum efficiency if you go above 250 degrees the steam turbines basically waste the heat so it's wasted heat if you go above that this whole thing generates about eight kilowatts of power should generate well in theory you could generate 8.5 with all these steam turbines but you can't there's not actually enough heat given off by this research reactor as well as that it does have to provide cooling to the steam turbines these steam turbines produce heat and that heat is given off at the top of the the steam turbines so 10 of the heat that's destroyed has to be given off by the steam turbines which means you also need to destroy that heat which is where this aqua tuner comes in this aquatuner is running nuclear waste through it this nuclear waste coolant loop is completely necessary the reason being is if you try and use water or any other material there's only two materials that you can get away with your nuclear waste and supercoolant because if you use anything else you'll need two aqua tuners so if you want to get away with just using one aqua tuner nuclear waste it first and then upgrade to supercoolant later on unless you already have supercoolant flying around in which case congrats why is why are we putting the research reactor on top it seems really counterintuitive considering it's a heat source steam goes up that type of thing well it's to do with the usage of the reactor itself as well you see this reactor gives off radiation and you want to use that radiation either to create red bolts or to run farms anything like that and the problem is if you place it down in a hole like this you still have to put in a water pump and you have to put it in an aqua tuner which means the space right beside us where it gives off the most radiation is already occupied and the space below it you'll probably have to put in mesh tiles to collect that nuclear waste and you end up with not a lot of space nothing else get very close to the reactor however if you build your design this way you end up with this side over here where you can totally get lots of rad 657 blah blah all the way along and over here it's actually pretty good as well now on top you can also stick on what some so you can basically place your firearms all the way around the reactor or whatever you want to collect radiation you could also put a bolt generator in here and fire the bolts out dagging there's ways of doing that so that's also a possibility and there's a few other nice little design changes you could make if you really wanted to take advantage of the rads here is one we made earlier and a couple of key features to go over before we start this up because they're all intentional one is down here there is six tiles of space and all six tiles of space are filled with water that is six tons of water right there we need that to uh well we don't over pressurize this and we don't over pressure under pressurize this reactor so six tons of water is fine you could go a little bit more a little bit less but six tons seems like a good number and it fits in nice and conveniently down here secondly this hydro sensor is turned off well it's set to above 2000 kilos which can't happen we don't want any pumping to go on and all of that is going to be fed all that nuclear waste is initially going to be fed into our cooling loop which is currently empty which is not good in fact i will uh disable this sever that that's where our nuclear waste is going to go once this loop is full and now it's time to hook this sucker up so we'll get the liquid bridge we'll check it on there boom that's just to fill up the system it only holds about 30 kilos of water but uh it usually does keep someone reserved then once that's finished we will mine that out that drops the enriched uranium yes i know we're chunking some stuff in here oh and one last thing i've got these steam turbines in vacuum so to cool them what you can do is use a liquid now you can keep them gas if you want but this thing's going to be running at 45 c sorry 45. so i would prefer to keep it in a vacuum maybe and just use liquids to cool it or if you want to heat up the gases that's fine just maybe insulate your base with them because it's going to get pretty toasty in here i'm just going to magic in 200 kilos of petroleum on each of these bottle emptiers spit out 200 kilos of liquid at a time so if you're trying to do this just stick a bottle empty right there then make sure you've got plenty of petroleum and they'll bring along 200 kilos and dump it off one load is sufficient anymore you could potentially flood the steam turbines any less it might spread out the whole way and with that done we can start to see this fire up now that's going to take all of its liquid and drop it right down there into the center all of the cooling that we actually have provided is also going to drop straight down there and into the center and over here this is where water comes in initially but once these steam turbines start running they're going to start providing the water to this that will stop us feeding any more water into the system if you keep feeding water into the system eventually it's going to get so pressurized in here that the research reactor will over pressurize it over 100 kilos and then the whole thing will go boom so we're just depending on the recycled water coming out of these steam turbines to keep refilling up the reactor though maybe keep this around for a while especially if it's your first reactor just to make sure it has been about a quarter of a cycle we can already see that's starting to get a bit steamy what's the water up to uh 90 degrees we just got to wait till it's 150. at that point it will start getting processed by the steam turbines but we will have no cooling for them so the same turbines are going to quickly start warming up on us we're careful oh and there goes their first team turbines today kicking in and out just as that heat kicks off oh i completely forgot as well temperature shift plate made of diamond right about there is good or addy semi reasonably conductive material should do that's just to help spread out that heat we have got several of the steam turbines running right about now so what we want to do is start getting them cooled because they're slowly going up in temperature you can see that one's 46.8 46.9 yeah they're getting warmer so we're going to turn this on and that's going to start pumping that nuclear waste now the nuclear waste is going to appear it can't get out there remember so it's going to get sent straight up here and across onto the cooling lift of course it's boiling hot it's 200 degrees so it's not going to be cooling down the steam turbines to start it's going to be it's overheating them so they don't work however it'll come back down here it'll go through the aquatuner loop and it will start getting cooled down there's going to be a little bit of uh inefficiency here at the start let's just say however since we have enough pressure in here and we've got a bit of time and it's early enough in the reactor's life cycle it's not going to overheat anytime soon so we should be good for a while longer now we're just going to let this run until we actually get down to cooling it to a point where it's useful again 106 degrees now it's gonna be probably about another cycle or so before this is solid and there the nuclear waste is starting to come out at 95 94 yeah so it's slowly starting to cool those cool down those steam turbines up there soon the waste coming out of here should be below about 100 degrees yeah you can also see the other steam turbines are starting to kick back in again so we now have cooling and oh overheat damage how did that happen yeah maybe i was a little bit slow kicking that off all right with that done what we can do is we can now change this back to with the settings it should be at which is if this goes above 500 kilos i want you to activate uh that should take a while before that needs to do anything and then we will actually we're going to see where that we are going to connect that pipe up there boom all the nuclear waste can get sent up to our nuclear waste disposal area all right let's let this stabilize for a bit it's going to take a while before this thing finds its equilibrium the reason being is that aquaculture is going to be running flat out for a while that nuclear waste is only down to about 80 degrees it's going to need to cool that all the way down to 45 before it shuts off up until then this yeah it's gonna be a little bit warm in here a little bit over 200 degrees and there we go the whole reactor is pretty stable right about now this thing is kicking on and off occasionally as it catches up with the uh the actual super coolant or the the nuclear waste going through it now the steam turbine here is looking at about 830 to 850 it's pretty close to perfection and the temperature in here is just hovering below 200 c which is exactly where we want it anything above 200c is a waste remember so this is just about nice now there is other things you can do for example you can block ports on steam turbines here and by blocking multiple ports then it will eat hotter steam without being as inefficient but just think of this way for every amount of energy you eat you get the exact same amount of power out of this it doesn't really matter if you block the ports or not you're still going to need to run the same amount of steam turbines to generate the same amount of power and to consume the same amount of heat there's like about a one to two percent inefficiency or efficiency gain depending on what way the the numbers round up around down so honestly i don't find it worth it to block the ports on these i haven't really found a scenario where it's viable or really useful as it is just chuck down 10 steam turbines and you're good now you know this one's not really you know going flat out but if we only go with nine steam turbines we have a little bit of a problem and it runs at about 207 degrees as opposed to 200 degrees now tasty as this 8 kilowatts of power is there is some downsides one you can't really shut it off very easily there's an automation port on this but if you try and turn it off via the automation port that's actually a fuel delivery control so it disables fuel delivery you'll have to wait until the fuel inside it runs out and you have to prevent your dupes from automatically filling it and if we'll check here it's got 60 kilos right here which is six days it will run for six cycles just on that alone and then we've got another 12 days of energy uranium in there so yeah 18 days so if you have an emergency and you want to turn it off you're gonna have to wait 18 days until it stops running bit of a problem right now you can still deconstruct it so the dupes can just run up start deconstructing it and if you have an emergency you can turn it off in a reasonable time frame however what if you want to do power control so that you're not you know constantly running this and maybe have an on off type of system well yes and no you're going to pay the price for that one now over here we have a very simple system what this has is a little conveyor meter up here that measures out uranium and basically once a cycle 10 kilos of uranium is dropped here this reactor eats 10 kilos of uranium every cycle so and at some point it will hit it'll just as it gets to zero 10 more kilos will drop and 10 more kilos will fill it up however now this is um this is where things get a little bit awkward you'll notice here this has got 9.2 kilos of energy uranium is heating up and my theory is is that this doesn't generate as much heat as this one over here because this one is 60 kilos and it's heating up the same amount but because there's more mass it gives off more heat and this is producing less heat which would explain why this thing is only producing 2 500 watts as opposed to the 8 000 we're getting over here we're getting 2 500 over here that's a massive decrease and the reason for that is well as far as i can tell we're feeding it less uranium these both of these reactors are running flat out they're both producing the same amount of nuclear waste it's just this does not generate as much heat however this does give us a control on the reactor once a day we can turn it off we cannot refill it and this thing can be shut off once a day it does give us and also as well as that we don't need nearly as much of this junk here we can make this a much smaller more tightly controlled reactor basically we can make a micro reactor for some of our smaller colonies this here is a micro reactor we made earlier you'll see it's got only four steam turbines because this thing is only a turn on turn off sort of system and for this one here we just have a storage bin with 10 kilos of uranium and a very simple flip system if the temperature in here is above 800 degrees this thing or 180 yeah it doesn't request any more uranium and it just leaves it off if the temperature dips below 180 then we stick in some more uranium and go for another day this allows us to basically run a decent sized power brick on a foreign planet the thing is with the changes to solar that's come in you can't just depend on solar anymore used to be you could just cover the top of the map and solar panels and you'd have plenty of power for your whole base but unfortunately yeah that may not be possible anymore so when it comes to generating power on another planet you can either start tapping into the natural resources or if they don't have any this is the most cost efficient power source you can send to another planet uh for example look at a petroleum generator petroleum generator produces two kilowatts of power this produces 2.5 remember so a petroleum generator which uses less power requires two kilos of petroleum per second per second that means that you would need 1200 kilos of petroleum to keep that generator running for a single day whereas this assuming you're running it all flat out with 1200 kilos you would get uh yeah that's 12 days it would run for 12 days so you can get 12 times as much longevity out of the uranium as well as that none of this is really wasted if these steam turbines only turn on when they're actually required now i'll just do a brief go through this because honestly this gets uh kind of confusing uh ignore that second acquisition that's for something else entirely so same thing again we've got a aqua tuner down here it runs a cooling loop up through well a whole bunch of things and that's running super cool and so it's all nice and chill and keeps the steam turbines down uh the rest is all the same except we've got a thermal sensor right here now the thermal sensor's job is just to detect when the temperature goes at below 180 when it goes below 180 and this timer hits 10 seconds of the day then it sends a signal that goes hey it's too cold in here dump in some more uranium and then once the uranium's jumped in it turns off again and this tops back up the storage bin and it just keeps cycling back and forth as necessary when we need uranium i will include this save game file if you want to have a play around with it and this allows you to use nuclear power pretty much anywhere in fact i was originally not a big fan of nuclear for me nuclear power seemed well you could get a petroleum generator much earlier on and further down the tech tree so why bother going this route well lots of reasons one i've had this running for about 1400 cycles no problems it just it runs all it does is it generates heat all you have to do is keep the uranium flowing every so often which is actually kind of easy you don't have to deal with any byproducts like carbon dioxide or anything like that and as well as that look at the amount of rads it's generating up here we're running a bunch of farms all the way around it and it's just a nice solid stable supply of rads for our farms at the same time it does produce an awful lot of nuclear waste originally that was a problem but once you discover that you can compress it down and make yourself an absolutely ridiculous red bull generating system yeah suddenly that nuclear waste seems more of a benefit than anything else that that compressed nuclear waste incredibly handy if you were a newer player and you've never tackled any of the larger projects this this could be one for you well maybe not the double this is a double i made so it's basically the same reactor design as before except it's just mirrored and instead of going with five on each level into it three and this is why this is a little bit too hot you notice it's 207 degrees in here so this thing is a little bit overheated all the steam turbines are running a little bit flat out and it's not quite efficient enough if i had to redo this i would have made well i would have made some minor changes to make sure there was 10 steam turbines for every nuclear reactor but assuming you're one of the newer players and you're looking for a nice big nice late game project to get your dick your teeth into this one is excellent it introduces you to heat mechanics steam uh you'll have to do a little bit of refinement of the uranium of course and as well as that it's not like it's not sustainable long long long term this is 1800 cycles in and we've got 20 tons of you enriched uranium knocking about and a whole bunch more on some of the other planets as well as that if you go on to the star map uh there is was it radioactive asteroid fields so you can go and get more uranium ore from there and bring it back so yeah and those are especially where they're infinitely replenishable which means you can just run on uranium forever and ever and ever if you want a nice big design like this will allow you to run about 18 kilowatts of power that's a lot like down here we're running about 13 we're using about 13 to 13 kilowatts right about now maybe it oscillates up and down a bit but we also have solar and a bunch of other things that are plugged into the grid yeah yeah they're they're probably using that thing uses like about 1200 watts of power but uh oh one thing if you are going to be putting farms around your places do remember that there's going to be a lot of rads there you will be spending time there harvesting and such like so maybe put in one of these atmosphere talks that gives you the rad suits lead suits are the only way to really deal with rads long term if you're only going to be dealing with them briefly per day it's usually fine your dupes will go to the bathroom and get rid of 60 rads of exposure every day but if you're going to be there long term definitely can invest in the red suits anyway long story short they're an awful lot of fun you learn an awful lot about the game and doing them and they're pretty handy robust and stable all the only downside to them is the actual technical requirement to get to them in terms of research bearing that they're excellent anyway i'm going to cut this out here i hope you enjoyed and good luck [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 69,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, tutorail, radiation
Id: SetpmPDaEUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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