VOD 2 - Coal Power | Satisfactory U8 Experimental

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okay so this is live stream number two and uh we got a lot of stuff done in our first four hours or so obviously we got foundations set up our little little mini starter Factory here for basics and then we started our real starter Factory um and this uh I'm planning on building out pretty large this is gonna do a lot of work for us I'm gonna take it all the way up to Mark 5 belts that's the plan but uh yeah let's let's get going I think first on the to-do list we gotta check my uh check our power see how that's going make sure that uh we're all loaded and we have enough leaves and everything we might have to do a gathering run um but the first construction goal is uh we have two assemblers down there on the right uh which are making um reinforced iron plates and we're gonna put down a couple of assemblers to make rotors and then we're gonna uh build our get our smart plates ready uh because one of the things we have to do very quickly is get the space elevator up so go we only need one of these towers here let's see how many we have any smart plates in there or uh green four star and plates we do and we're filling up nicely here and then ethereum is really going to be one of the things we're looking for soon because I really need the smart splitters but first thing we can do here is launch resourcing Milestone reach you used effort for stress testing of materials on exoplanets bonus program funneling Parts into the awesome resource sync depending on their amount and complexity will grant you coupons in the awesome store which can be exchanged for bonus Rewards examples of bonus content are Parts walls Factory attachments and cosmetics Fix-It is working hard to develop additional options which will be added to the awesome store in the future go that extra kilometer go awesome so we're gonna put the biofuel in that we have but we're out of materials so first thing we're going to do is a Gathering run and I'm actually gonna need 25 a couple of these on the end gonna be short oh um I think I know where we're gonna gather plan is on this Plateau to build our space elevator so I'm gonna head up there and clear cut as much as I can I'm gonna try to keep a couple of the really big trees there but if the chainsaw gets them I'm not gonna cry too hard about it um yeah I did a ton of um work since my last stream on increasing the quality there's also been two hot fixes to the experimental um I mean that may have helped but to be honest with you it was almost assuredly um poor settings on my part um especially the audio that was all me all right let's see what we can do here [Music] and we can get a little closer see if we eat those trees but no way I thought for sure I left some all right well that's a little irritating but since we're up here let's the right button that's not even close okay and leaves going here at least we have something going here which is actually not a terrible thing oh that's because it's switched at times yeah we'll take the long way around yeah it won't let me pick these up when I have the chainsaw foreign should be substantially better and um the video as well especially out in these grassy areas I was getting some encoding issues um so I made some adjustments the reality is is I have um my computer is doing the job of posting oh there's our next Limestone where we need it uh hosting live uh hosting the server right and as well as playing the client I am live streaming of course and then I'm also recording it's the only way to get up there is the way we got up there the first time I'm also recording uh to make those one hour videos uh the the edited version of of these of these mods so my computer's doing a lot and I have to fine-tune settings and get it just right definitely gonna get rid of these two trees here [Music] and this that one we can probably leave for these [Music] [Music] you know honestly it doesn't take that long to take care of this stuff and we should have power coverage for quite a while all right let's try it see if I can chop this down and not eat the trees oh one's gone all right I feel like that that's a good compromise [Music] oh I'm actually getting that encoding that I got yesterday it's this um this grass and foliage but uh these two settings right here really helped but um still get a little jumpiness so I don't know how much of that is you know update eight and experimental oh we almost had Philly I should have just got him at the rods I needed rods are over but I'm okay with a little bit of jumpiness in the um here we go in the grassy areas out in the foresty areas because we're not going to be there very much and I don't want to sacrifice video quality too badly for the rest of the time though nope that's not right oh my gosh foreign where's the wood there it is the Mark II no it's still doesn't even need a Mark II it does come on get in there there we are so I'll keep I'll keep playing with it um I'm gonna get it knocked uh get it dialed in we have everything we need for the space elevator and then as soon as I get um the walkways the railing catwalks um I'm going to build us a nice little uh way to get up here eventually I think I'm gonna make this part of my um Factory starter Factory that we're building um down there so all right get our foundations going um yeah that probably gonna get that tree we'll have to see if that grows back I can't remember if they grow back underneath foundations if you pick them all right I love building the space elevator it is super fun I wonder oh I don't want you let's let's think barely fits on the platform that I made Let's oh there's a doggo over there that's why that wouldn't build I will uh spend some time taming some dogos but not right now see standard is looks pretty centered back and forth right on that line three and three hard to tell back uh backwards and front and back we're gonna go with that that's pretty close my zapper's in the way I gotta change my thanks let's do that real quick options Scrolls no key binding where is my holster h should be maybe it's broken in um oh it's not working in it's not working in picture mode that's my problem I just have to bolster it before picture mode okay well good to know I do know that um Unreal Engine 5 has a lot of key bindings stuff going on with it so maybe it has some all right I think we've gathered enough materials grass and some wood not much wood and our solid biofuel yep we've got some here and I know we had some problem children this one needs a lot 13. the rest of these are 13 except for these back here so with that one and that one and yeah we'll just I don't know get these close We're Not Gonna forget too much about them hey looking good um we should have a lot of time to work with now all right oh okay I'm messing up my factory floor all right let's do a quick little overview of what we have going on here I am doing a bus system with these so we're gonna run all of our raw materials four stacks of iron from these four nodes and then two stacks of copper from the two copper notes that are in that direction and then the smelters will pull off what they need and send back what they uh create in this case a full belt of iron ingots and then we go down to the next row main bus of or Constructors and so we're gonna have quite a few iron ingots right the same four that were rating over there and then two copper uh ingots up top again from over there uh minimum but then we're also going to feed around back into the middle things that get created so for instance if we need cable we're gonna have to send some wire through one of these up there and then we'll make some Constructors on the back end to make that cable and pull that wire down and so on and so forth and then what these Constructors make will get moved over to the assembler manufacturer um line over here so we are ready to add on to our let's go ahead and turn the light on add on to our assembler line our assembler row also have a Refinery row as well I believe so yeah we're just behind that line though be here right there nope I'm dumb backwards two inputs and then where's that line right there the green lines are lined up I believe yep now we're gonna be making rotors and and rotors need iron rods and screws so we actually don't have iron rods or screws belted over to here we have the wire because I got a special recipe Lucky out of my first this alternate Stitch darn plate so I have to make way less screws than I normally would which is I'm really happy about um but we still need screws um and we still need we actually need some cable as well so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make us two cable should handle us for now feed the wire back around Mark twos go on the feeding line and Mark ones oh that's wrong gonna be up here got how my own system worked there for a second don't need this you need this this will be our cable output be perfect mark one hello second viewer I appreciate you watching I am working on the starter Factory the mega starter Factory in fact um okay now again let's see we need we need some height here all right so we have four iron ingots coming in two iron no two copper ingots that are going to be coming in and then um yeah we could throw the wire in uh on this should be really nice when I get signs because I'll be able to label them um see one two three four five six so number seven is copper that's two I mean wire that's two three four five six seven is that right and it doesn't look right oh that's because that was eight all right and then the same thing here all right and then we can kill these go ES and kill my knees um now he's up perfect oh one thing I I didn't know for a long ass time is if you listen really carefully there's a little click when it's locked in so you know it's connected if you're in a little bit of a weird spot where you're not sure if something's connecting listen for that click I really don't want to fall down so let's build foundations behind me so my first stream we got two signs are nice because the new lumens have oh I know I completely agree uh I can't wait to really use them for light and a lot more customization lighting for um factories was pretty limited there just wasn't a lot of options and we're going to be able to do all sorts of really fun stuff with that though by the way I do have Lumen on so I'm gonna be playing this whole thing with Lumen uh wow look at that guy that is just ridiculous that is really really really cool I'm gonna snap a picture of that [Music] um but yeah the signs I was talking about is labeling these buses so I kind of remember which ones are which uh we'll we'll do that when the time comes we have a lot of cleanup to do out here I'm going to be building a subfloor and um putting a lot of this down in the subfloor once the awesome shop really gets rolling but we are not quite there yet um okay let us split off I'll show the best way to do this probably right here gotta splitter not to merger let me pick up a splitter right in the center no not right in the center the center is going to be we already have stuff going in that one let's do this the center of this tile here yeah again I'm gonna hide a lot of this so we're gonna take wire in this way and then I shouldn't have deleted this oh well wire here one two it's okay one goes back easy and then we need wire here so use the middle here yep that's what we're gonna do two one two three four five six that should be the wire uh coming in come on get there yep and then let's go third level four five six seven there's two per am I crazy that look good it does only problem is that's a mark one so oh oh I'm out of plate I think I read in the current patch notes lights still aren't working correctly with Lumen yeah there was definitely two uh hotfixes for sure there's there's a lot of stuff going on there was some optimization that happened um today and yesterday since my first my second stream it's my first stream so there's the wire we're running down the top just like it should and running down the lifts just like it should and we're doing great because we I think I need to actually make these cable but yeah those and unfortunately I mean it's not it is what it is right everybody needs a vacation I'm not going to begrudge those guys their vacation of course but um you know those guys are going on vacation coffee stain the entire studio for three to six weeks I think somewhere around in there so we are um gonna be in this experimental um mode for quite some time but I'm okay with it one of the reasons why I didn't want to wait to start this series until the build was out of experimental all right so here we go with the cable honestly I I don't really have any plans for this except for storage so let's we're gonna have a little bit of clipping here but it'll be okay we're gonna clean up all this storage later for now we have to get things get things cracking there's our cable um and that's gonna make an insane amount of cable but that's okay next what is next next is getting some that's gonna clip right through that isn't it you know what screw it I don't even care we have to get our screws and our iron rods over to this area or rotors this one is reinforced iron plates that's already set that's what that box is for and I don't think we're building any iron rods here at all so that is what is next to you these four are all making iron plates all right so let's build I think I want to build eight iron rods that was one two nope these are backwards one two three or five picks seven eight yeah 15 part and we're gonna um we're gonna Jam a hundred and 20 down copy paste paste paste this should take care of our iron Rod needs for quite some time four concurrent views that is twice the amount that I've ever had before I'm excited thank you guys for showing up but this entire eight is gonna just work off this 120 line the second 120 line so all I have to do is just correct did I do this right I didn't I didn't think I did there we go too excited about my four concurrent views and two lights thank you I've been planning this for quite a while so um it's really nice to you know not just be talking to myself pretty cool most more than anything I just kind of wanted to document this I uh I'm going to be doing some really some thematic builds uh I'm gonna do my entire save based on not not the starter Factory okay once we get I'm gonna build this starter Factory out to Mark 5 belts but once that's done we can actually build some real factories with the mark 5 belts and obviously everything else I'm gonna start um building all my mega factories now I need Mark once with a Galactic Empire theme so I'm gonna build a superstar Destroyer for the oil plant I'm gonna use all the oil on the map the Superstar Destroyer I have it I I already have it kind of mapped out how many tiles tall how many tiles wide so forth I took some um architecture like blueprints for the Superstar destroyer and kind of scaled it to satisfactory size um yeah and I'm gonna all I think it's ten thousand eight hundred uh oil per minute in the entire map I'm gonna run it all to the Superstar Destroyer but there's a catch right because I don't want my Superstar Destroyer that's you know gonna be actually out on the Spire Coast it's gonna be out there kind of over the ocean I don't want it um having a bunch of belts and pipes running to it and making it ugly right so I'm going to bottle all of the water and all of the oil and drone it all over there it might break my computer I don't know but we're gonna try we're gonna see what happens that's the plan and that's just the power so we're gonna do some some stuff with uh I'm gonna make a star destroyer I mean not a star destroyer the Death Star uh that is also going to be floating and flying anyway I have a lot of stuff going on and uh my head that I want to get out so far so good I mean I'm on night two what are we what are we at we're in four almost five hours of play time so a long way to go okay coming out of here is iron plates so we need the second level to be oh and I'm sorry I keep forgetting to do this so I'm just gonna do it right now gameplay where's my auto saves auto save interval we gotta we gotta go let's go 15 minutes just do it now okay feel better that is a death trap how far down is this very far well it's not too far right there I also got to get that um hard drive but we will all in good time the real problem here is power all right so not all of these can be these are all going to be Iron rods but they're all not going to be turned on at once I can't handle the power in fact we're gonna turn off a couple of these iron plates because we just don't need that many and then we want to make and let's build an assembler real quick so if we want to fuel two rotors we need 200 screws per minute and if we do need 200 screws per minute that's 50 that's five times four so we need 50 iron rods and iron rods to get 50 iron rods is three is four with some left over which is great because we'll split it into a storage now we're only going to turn on four of these I spend most of my time just driving in circles or zippling around trying to decide what to do crippled by the thought of where to start the next big Factory yeah well so I have something similar um it's it's slightly different my my problem um you know what I'm gonna make this one connected that one I um what I hate do what I hate is redoing factories that I've already done and I get too lost in the planning and never really get around the building yeah yeah I'm I'm similar in that what I hate is like I said having to redo stuff I don't want to touch stuff twice and so that's why I'm not building any permanent factories I mean even all of this will get deleted one day um because it's not you know it's not Empire thing one two three four so let's cut this line here and this will be our four rods so I hated having to plan you know in my first playthrough and building these you know factories that I'm really spending a lot of time on but they're with slow ass belts and so I have to plan around the you know the 270 belt you know and I'm trying to move 1500 material and I'm like okay well now I need like you know if I can buy these belts is that that's off you know when if I had just waited and it would have been way more simple and I could have had a much more pleasant time if I had just waited until I about the bastard belts so that's the idea what this playthrough is make this whole area make everything I need to get to the faster belts okay okay so that's iron rods coming out and we have the ore coming in although it's not actually coming in so let's create that and in order to do that we're going to add on down here or more iron smelters oh that's in the way one two three four we gotta put our power back or do we have it kind of between these two struts and then I'm going to build an extra one that I won't hook up to power yet he's ready to go one two three four perfect Splitters those are lined up right yeah the cool thing about this game is that there's really a million ways to play it I mean you could go total Spaghetti Factory you can you can do a lot my windows open and I live somewhat near an airport so I'm sure you guys can hear but it's gone now Mark ones and I also really got irritated which is why I'm trying this style I really got irritated with okay I've got my you know my setup and you know it's based off of 60 you know or 120 belts and and then I go to upgrade to a minor Mark II now I'm getting twice the amount out of here and now I have to build twice the amount of smelters but I don't have twice the amount of room and so I have to expand and it starts to look like and I just that part really irritated me which is why I'm kind of doing this on this bus system where I can just you know run it down to infinity or at least until that giant uh you know mountains and gets in the way but we'll see in theory it should work okay time to put up another mark one Miner do we have any portable miners we do not so build one of those how much I have feel do we have I have a decent amount you need to refill it yet nope not yet affordable Miner I think we only need one we're a little low on iron plates as well except soon all right I think this bad boy is next foreign and all we have to do is um ugly cry of course I said all we have to do and then I can't decide how to run this belt all right let's Square it off right out the gate I think that's the only way we're going to be able to happy with it should go enter to Center I don't even know anymore this is why I love my oh I know what we're gonna do we're gonna run it behind the other one so that we can eat at least some walkway wow I'm a little sad that that's clipping by that small of them amount that's okay that'll work on the topic of there being a wide variety of ways to play the game I'm always surprised I don't see or hear more about like multiplayer Shenanigans so I actually did a lot of that with some prints some of which may actually be watching the stream right now um my first playthrough my brother uh did a lot one two with me and his wife um and then yeah I was a lot of fun we did have some plenty of multiplayer shenanigans how does this look does this look it's not gonna work not so much because caught building a factory sounds that appealing like I can't even agree with myself with you most of the time but I mean you could race yeah build race courses yeah we had uh we did a little bit of zipline racing um and we did not Co-op build a factory that did not happen my brother built spaghetti in his area of the map I told him you get the the uh the dunes and uh stay out of the rest of my map it worked out it was fun you know and he kind of worried about the space elevator parts and I kind of did the the bigger versions and he kind of got one of everything going all right it's better okay 120 I'm really worried about our power we're really good we're we're we're gonna get there we're getting getting it close I'm gonna probably shut down parts of this Factory as we get parts of this Factory on just to save power um that ore should be coming around and it's gonna go through the second level I'm gonna go down into those smelters and now we need to build a way to Res uh do something with the new ingots well I don't need all of these uh we built a um oh we're only gonna do four yeah four uh we built a skate park with those curved foundations and we all got um Factory carts and we basically played like bumper cars in the skate park it's pretty fun it was like I don't know five of us after like two people the game was pretty reliable but three four five it got it got it got rough in multiplayer sometimes luckily I have a bit of a beast of a computer so it it wasn't too bad oh we can't do second bro this is why I gotta get that underfloor going I'm a little irritated right now that I can't continue my and this isn't gonna work there no way in hell is that gonna work almost all of these all these belts are gonna be redone I'm not going to redo the machines um or these Stacks but how these Stacks are loaded and unloaded is going to be moved to a another floor I apologize I apologize if I keep repeating myself yeah there's definitely going to be clipping here I'm gonna get in there get in there no not that side come on there it is it's so bad um and then actually we have to go back down maybe having more than two people cause this problem that's why let's play or stand against yeah it I mean it was it did cause some stability issues but we um you know we persevered and honestly we we changed a lot of the settings there's a setting here um or where is it right here we're Network quality I had everybody change to ultra and that helped a ton a ton a ton um and I like I said I me running the server I I was able to uh you okay all right what's our hold up here we should be we should be making did I forget to change these yes I did copy paste paste paste no power no power one thing I'm definitely gonna have to get used to is holding a conversation while trying to build factories okay so iron ingot should go through here it should go through this mess uh and then come back down and then it's gonna go into our iron rods and the iron rods are gonna I'm back around this direction and they're gonna end here for now so what are we gonna do with them well we actually have to kick them up to um this level actually and oh not that screws okay one one will do it so we just we're gonna go into here which is one two three four five six seven eight four five six seven is seven so we may not even need that I'm at iron plates iron plates should loop around exactly how we want and it does then yeah we don't need to actually yeah that's not there's some problems with this this is a work in progress for sure but there's our iron rods now and then what I really am looking forward to is some walkways I'll have to run in there so much Cruz what we were gonna make 200 so we need five one two three three four five right and then that's two two three four five six seven I think is dead foreign rods it does kill all these no no no I killed one too many I have to rebuild all these oh that one still works okay that's working five right that's two three one more hey now just one get on there wants to lock to that other one there we go foreign probably should have put the power in first Yep this one goes here I think I got a little bit of room to work barely there's a learning experience but the power pulls in before the belts in there was also a bug that wouldn't allow you to slide under some belts and so it was really confusing me screws screws screws are going to be the third one up but apparently that got fixed in the hotfix which is I'm definitely over building for the amount of power that I have available to me I'm creating a problem for myself not great but I can't make myself oh you know what we're doing we're actually over making because we only have 120 Belt right so I can't even make 200 screws per minute off one line and I'm definitely not going to do two lines so there'll be some limiting factors which is fine too long and I have a drop Gap in there no I it's not too long I just got the wrong kind of plates oh there it is there's the sound that haunts my dreams but it's nobody's fault but mine quite literally building that factory all right okay we're gonna have to do um collecting of greens foreign each but yeah that worked all right let's put this back for now actually no I'm sorry we need this okay little exploring I actually think I saw a yellow power slug in this direction now this out here in the grass is kind of the place that my computer doesn't want to do by all the rendering that is needed so my settings yeah I thought there was one all right buddy so it might be a little jumpy but it should be really close I don't know if it's it just some optimizations issues with experimental or the fact that I'm having my computer do so many things at once one of those two it was Stinger remains oh The Spider and the Hogs had a fight and the Hogs won all right um yeah let's do some clearing here foreign [Music] yeah I'm getting some stuttering [Music] but the render engine calm down for a second [Music] do you know what the new updated zones are the forest and was in there another zone or two yeah there was um that transitional area between the dunes and the Titan Forest kind of like a canyon Canyon area that was that was done okay we're full here or are we yes we are um that was kind of redone they changed some stuff there and then I think the red desert had some work done as well and then like you said uh titanforce itself had some work done on the trees once we get out of these grassy areas our um FPS should go back to normal yeah it's already doing better this is our old so I don't I can't do it now because I have a full inventory this is our old um wire and cable setup that just needs to be deleted okay what nope wood goes what goes there perhaps goes here we really didn't get that much I went out there with way too much iron plates unfortunately really dumb kind of a waste of a trip all right we got a little a couple of things to do here all right now we can do purple then make some hog protein or some alien protein it's hot protein and enough is very cool so we'll get some more inventory slots soon yeah I'm good all right we'll come back those get rid of those oh I have all that other iron too honestly I'm just gonna trash that I guess I should really just drive around everywhere check out how the new lighting makes the places all look yeah well definitely darker so if you watch bits's video that he had one today uh bits had a video today on his factories alumin before and after a really really awesome video really gives you a feel for what's going on all right here's our screws um and actually we um also need some rods where are they they went up that's why this isn't the best strategy I think let's change this let's do a splitter now fourth one a few rods there there just realized a mistake I stubbed the mark one lifts get on there now where the rods are gonna come in we definitely have some unused thoughts so I guess we will continue our stupidity um no I didn't need to do that sorry sorry it's all wrong I need the rods down that row I need them down the next row you so I've gotten to the point where I can build pretty quick and so oh that's not right so when I make a mistake it's easily fixed I mean sometimes uh okay there's the rods uh now we just need to finish getting the screws over here which are gonna go here or concurrent viewers we're tying our record welcome new viewer all right where did the where did I leave those screws at I left them over here no I left them right there that's where I left them not quite not quite also not quite I wonder if I can get I don't even know oh I know what I can do come on actually I don't need to do any of this I'm being ridiculous goes right in same height no no no no no that's wrong maybe there was a reason that'd be a way to do this there nope do this and solve this problem of my own stupidity it was way too hard everything is now in place to make to hook up our rotors which have been sitting here patiently since basically the stream started so iron rods are first yes come on and then oh and I actually build it here there right there that one that one not that one almost messed up that one has to stay okay I need a ladder here 's side what I really need is my um boots okay first one's done we just stack on these here here here cable but you thought ahead and we made the cable first our box of cable is right here the ladders foreign this one goes here kill those ones this one goes here at this there we're losing our light oh baby come on baby I know I know you want to do it you can do it there it is okay no power how do we put our power over here but on the back side we did backside sounds good to me I don't know where we put it this is and we'll definitely um here yeah we're over if everything was turned on okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go turn some things off we need that we can't turn those off we already turned enough these off I think a lot of this over here can probably well we can turn off these you can turn off this rotor back great there it goes we can we can kill that and that will back up all of its production because we're going to be making rotors over there and we'll just leave this box here I don't think we popped if we might have popped a fuse no we ran out we ran out of juice I must have missed somebody the the last time through all right so this isn't as bad as I was afraid of how many leaves we have left in here not many okay all of this should back up and then stop so that's gonna help cut down on power since we're building two rotors five concurrent viewers that's a new record thank you guys appreciate it a new record what what it always is weird when yeah see that there's a green line there but it's definitely the wrong line I'm like second guessing myself foreign what the heck this one's wrong what a mess fix concurrent viewers I know I'm I'm getting all distracted like being excited about my viewers that I'm creating terrible content and I will lose viewers it's uh it's a vicious cycle okay so there's our rotors and we've got it all we have to do is stick some rotors back in the pipe here which we're gonna go with that's in the center Center one two and then we can build our smart plate on the back side come on get in there get in there there we go one two okay that starts at three four five I don't even know what number I'm going to want uh three four five six okay three four five six Christmas miracle okay that's done that's done now we're definitely gonna build a lot more of these smart plates in the future down this row so I think I'll throw not smart plates reinforced plates so I think I'll throw the smart plates here and what did we say we said we're gonna do power before we did belts I want to make the same mistake twice there it goes missing wire I I have to run all the way to the Old Wire plant but while we're there we can recoup some materials back down to five that's okay so did I just yeah I gave myself all the cable shouldn't have done that actually I'm gonna I'm gonna do this no no no actually we have a cable storage over there I'll drop this off there but the rest of this rid of I think before my inventory fills oh I killed the uh hour that wasn't good okay clean up clean up after ourselves we got some wire we got too much cable we cleaned up our old copper Factory oh that height is wrong makes me a Sad Panda I gotta fix it honestly I just straight up guessed on that might still be wrong but it's not as wrong so I guess that's good is it just me or does it seem like there's been a ton of night like I don't know God that's really nice looking I guess maybe not uh okay what were we doing we were setting up power that's what we were doing this is like the ugliest wire setup ever We're not gonna do this I don't like it that one to there we're gonna put this one to there and we're gonna build one so when I was first learning how to really play this game and I was watching a ton oh my God die I was watching a ton of YouTube videos and stuff I remember watching a bits video actually and him talking about basically if you don't like it delete it you know and if you live by that rule you'll have a lot more fun in this game and I think that that is very very true when I started doing that I started enjoying myself a lot more smart plates maybe smart plates all of this for a smart plate okay now reinforced iron plates are on the third row so it is here one two three and then we stuck our rotors are they way up top I think they're way up top let's climb up on here come on baby and really the idea here is that a lot of setup early means less setup later because we're gonna have the line of reinforced iron plates already here and so if we needed to build something else that needs it we just pull off of that line the line of rotors is here so when it comes time to do Staters you know it's uh you know it's already set up [Music] I mean I agree but the opposite can be interesting as well oh uh talking about I think you're probably talking about my um you know getting excited about uh getting getting the extra viewers yeah probably uh and then one Chum did the game where once it's built it's built oh man that would be tough that would be that would be tough are we building are we going reinforced iron plates oh we didn't connect [Music] there we go reinforced iron plates now we just need a box for them yeah this thing's in the way still figuring out how I want to do this oh well I'm gonna um enroll with the punches here and we're gonna foreign I don't know if we'll get to it tonight probably Saturday night's stream I'm going to rebuild well there's coal we have to get to Cole too I don't I don't know the uh we'll play it by ear there's our first smart plate there he goes all right I just need 50 of those buggers so this is the perfect opportunity to go and load up on leaves and wood yeah I wouldn't go that far but the but I've gone with once the Factory's built no deleting or fixing a built build over it yeah I would redirect resources but the old factories became like lower level slums I did so I did a little bit of that for sure in my first save um we're gonna just build a what are we gonna do personal storage box anything that we don't need for defense or gathering and let's see if we can make it back before we run out again just warning here if you've joined recently the either my settings aren't perfectly dialed in which is probably most likely the case and or the optimization of the experimental build is making it so that things are a little jumpy I'm losing some frames out here in the grassy area the uh the factory area is perfect but it's grassy areas it gets a little rough we're far so good oh no right off the cliff baby where'd you go I can hear you there you are he had one hit left oh keep rolling that was funny [Music] all right let's DeForest what do we got there that looks like Limestone but I really need some Criterium yeah it's Limestone I don't care about that [Music] um samor not gonna worry about it [Music] heard an animal but it could have been beam [Music] tree can go [Music] do that carry him sulfur oh he sees me shows this as a mix of sulfide and sulfate minerals it could be an indication of recent volcanic activity a new research tree exploring volatile self-defense applications can now be accessed in the map oh there's two yes come on guys I got them both down to like half health okay good times uh we also haven't gathered any nuts or anything this is the first time I've started out oh back to six back to six that's our current record by the way six concurrent viewers [Music] uh I could also use some berries or some nuts or something I don't know yeah beans over there there's another one where is he oh my God there's only one oh good times that kind of got got the heart going a little bit at least it was just a baby one [Music] oh back down to five six six viewers is like our resistance I have to push past it [Music] okay we're doing some exploring so far the um oh he's back his friend foreign I really need to actually get some health [Music] yeah so far the uh really being coatings on the stream and the recording that I'm doing hasn't stuttered so I think we're pretty smooth right now [Music] but yeah we're gonna be when we get back we're gonna have our smart plating done we're gonna have all of this stuff gathered nectarium I'm afraid of another spider now what is that spider gotcha Opera I don't care about you copper ore why is there so many spiders over here [Music] I really want to know a doggo oh that I see uh um power slug animation there oh he's in a jokes on you game I don't need novelists that's why those spiders were there [Music] is this the there's some I think there's some coal over here somewhere this isn't the node but we can pick this up oh geez how long is this gonna take foreign noise I was drinking water scared me almost filled it there's our coal that I was thinking of that's just flowers over there those are just flowers all right I pissed something off go where I can see to fight him unauthorized hostilities which I always like begged the question to me are there authorized hostilities [Music] [Music] there's a little um shooty guy over here we need some of his uh where'd he go there he is you don't have his type of meat yet oh my God there's a that's a big boy I am definitely not prepared for that oh my God he's really fast jumping over the Rock oh he he may kill me especially since I can't uh Sprint jump up a hill I can hear him coming if I can get off oh one more hit I'm toast he is like following me forever I don't hear him oh my God he's still coming and I can't even build like a tower or anything because I left all my I just have gained a little health I'm gonna lose it falling okay I need to get back to uh our hub yeah I am the author I saw still well I am exactly that fix it has sent me here to oh that's what I need radiation perfect sent me here to uh reclaim the land there's no way he's still following me is there campy I already got this uh hard drive by the way this is the one that gave me stitched plates if I had some health um you know some berries or something and [Music] a full health bar I would totally take on that Beast even without the basher foreign [Music] we're doing really good I think I think that's probably good enough we're back at home my heart rate has calmed down I fitbit's gonna have uh some uh um heart rate hours my heart rate minutes Zone minutes that's what they call it from that okay uh okay we got plenty of proteins let's make these proteins and then I'm Gonna Save up these alien DNA capsules for the actually no we should do we're totally gonna do it we're gonna throw those into the awesome sink and we're gonna get our floor holes oh we're down to five concurrent viewers maybe I shouldn't have run away I can't afford oh that's because everything's in my box watch that armored SOB like I'm tearing around the corner that'd be hilarious okay cool cool black powder soon oh you know I should have saved some of that hog protein yeah that was a mistake I needed to save some of that animal protein I will next time for the extra inventory but let's go ahead and just throw one down temporarily what I want what do I want storage and where's my there it is get rid of that we can get rid of the sulfur and the and that keep the rest five coupons that easy and then as soon as I have the 50 Smart plates to send up the space elevator I'm definitely hooking that baby up to this because the uh the smart plates do really really well I'm not the man oh I don't have the screws thought it was a clearance issue our box here should be brimming with screws since it's the one nope nope nope there's our screws I guess they're just going directly into here all right um these screws over here though these are the ones that will be full yeah and many more I actually don't need this whole section but I'll delete it later okay let's stick those in there in case we ever need them and [Music] we're gonna build the awesome shop all right first awesome shop uh management we need the good stuff that one that one and I actually probably won't use either of those for a while or anything else with one that we could make use of really these modern catwalks actually you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna buy the modern catwalks now because I actually may use those where I won't use those other two okay feeling good feeling great back to four viewers and we've got some catwalk all right in preparation for our future smart plates let's go ahead and build a convenient way to put them in our space elevator thinking something along the lines of actually may use this again for that other belt oh I totally am but we have room perhaps come on baby come on baby you're gonna go right into rock yeah how much room do we really need oh I'll stack it that's what I'll do I can live with that I can live with that do one more all right mm-hmm rampy to get down okay well that's kind of horrifying oh well it'll be fine okay I'll fix it later oh yeah that looks horrible when I was standing on it I couldn't see like how bad it was maybe we can do something like I don't know awesome like this oh well you know not perfect but it'll get a spy it's better than another monstrosity I built oh I'm down to one concurrent viewer well thank you if that's still uh and zombie thank you for being my one can uh the holdout 41 we're almost there you're almost there let's go refill our power I know that's gonna be a problem soon and we can actually start deleting some of this Factory here technically to be honest with you we've replaced all of this construction so really we can delete it all oh it says two it's back to two uh there's there's a lag it isn't like a delay delay but it's like a lag so by the time you heard me say it we were back to two uh what was I doing came over here it's something in my inventory oh fix the power that's what we're gonna do oh yeah cooking this isn't perfect but it'll get us by Maybe the guy was a little too generous with those first few ones okay that buys us a little bit more time we are riding the edge on Power Man um yeah I I'm honestly ready speaking of power to we can kill all of this we've replaced it your power poles huh kill those maybe afterwards look quiet over here back down to one all right we're full and a lot of this stuff I'm just gonna trash oh I mean we we should awesome see let's set up I guess we'll set up a trash box got the fixes fix it way to waste what am I doing oh those go in those go in um that's good enough for now I'm gonna be careful to try not to delete any storage boxes we'll just leave those there 'll be use all of that all of this is dead to me that needs to still be mining not killed the power how did I do that typically I killed in all the power of that entire Factory Good Times we're back to three my uh my viewership is as volatile as uh a price chart for crypto actually it's not nearly that volatile that's a dead end power pole he's not being used so if you just joined we're cleaning up our kind of old beginner Factory like I wouldn't even call it a starter Factory like way starter Factory I don't know um these are all dead power poles and there's a beam there and a bean up there being invaded um we're cleaning this up because a I don't we we've replaced all this construction down there and we don't need it and I am trying to hold off on you know conserving at least a little bit of power until we can get coal going which hopefully will be probably not tonight but maybe my next stream which would be Saturday night so two nights from night tonight um yeah that can go the rest of this power is a little messy but it can stay all right we're gonna leave these as emergency caches uh they actually don't need to all be in the way though I'm gonna move them what are we dumping we are dumping oh my God look at those screws I I can't I'm gonna dump some screws we're gonna dump those that's probably good for now all right let's build a storage build big storages oh bad thank you I'm just wasting time mixing with storages best item transfer let's pull those in here all right let's build this we're back in business Um this can go in here for now open these screws I guess I need some for some equipment our smart plates have got to be done they've got to be done come on baby oh yeah what I'm talking about eat it thanks I hate it foreign power down this line here now we have a steady stream of tickets coming from our smart plates that it's really nice to burn those they give a good really good points and it is space elevator time so prep for a nice money shot here foreign missed a little bit of it but it's still pretty cool all right We're not gonna be touching that for a while we are doing well what time are we at six hours for smart plating not too bad well we've way over built for it we could have gotten it sooner we never got jump pads rotors in here and plate foreign reached several buildings aimed at factory traversal can now be accessed in the build menu Isn't recommended during use of these products guess you didn't launch old Power this is it you launched you just must have got out of there fast uh yeah he'll be back in three and a half minutes I guess we are gonna start the coal plant tonight yeah perfect so we need a convenient way to get down to the coal which is going to be around that corner I think our big Burly friend is over there too can't really see but there's some some big coal nodes over there um foreign and we're gonna need this for our silica is down there so this is one of the reasons that I wanted to get these catwalks he looks like a big one see a big one now I'm scared he is a big one and I cannot jump around him will you follow me up this thing you probably will I wonder if I could uh tease him come here get in range get in range of my zapper oh no are you too smart for that foreign I was scared I'm pretty sure that I heard on one of the live streams I'm pretty sure that I heard that they were um gonna add some of these beefy animals oh God I fell down with him to uh do these this really nice starting area because everybody was starting here like you know me you dead he's dead he's just died standing up well he died like he lived levels akin to synthetic cords manufactured on Earth and can be used to improve communication and exploration Technologies a new research tree can now be accessed in the man yep at the Ducks I don't have any he died like he died how he lived standing up and fighting yeah I'm pretty sure they added those to cut down on how easy this starting area was I think that was my friend yeah this is this is where I was that's the dude that chased me all over the uh map the same guy yeah the wildlife is definitely something that is well they did add some for sure that um in this update that's another thing in this update you had asked about that earlier they added some uh different different versions uh yeah where was that we scan I don't think we can scan yet oop wrong button or Cole no at least we killed that guy so this area is ready for yeah let's head back let's finish Coal Power and then we'll be able to scan for coal and we'll be able to figure out where we're going I hear you not just a new skin theme yeah I hear you maybe we're gonna get some I don't know what this story is gonna be with the samur and stuff maybe they got some things in the works and I hope that development continues long after um you know the game officially comes out uh oh I remember what we were gonna do we were gonna build ourselves some extra get this hot protein and then I think we need I don't know if we have enough cable I think we needed like a lot more cable yeah we only have half the cable we need uh let's launch this bad boy first and then we'll go get that oh we're a little short but we'll use our emergency stash okay Milestone yeah my guy is gone my little launcher power source to buy a mask and can be fully automated if provided water with the new pipeline buildings and power throughout the initial setup coal has been added to the resource scanner note ensure the close proximity of water to the coal production line note pumps will Aid in vertical transport of fluids through pipes note throughput and volume indicators are added to each pipe section automatically foreign do we miss our little um flying guy does he leave when we build the space elevator I can't remember get our extra inventory We're not gonna get that for a bit um and we're not finding any nuts in this biome so that's all the hog protein that we got but we gotta we have those power shards though all right let's get rid of the things we don't need move plasma spitter plasma better plasma splitter nice yeah I I agree that there's something funky going on with the launch um then that's not a terrible idea to just rebuild the Hub let's wait until the Pod returns in five minutes and then we will do that come on that goes in here Sports Crystal goes in there we got some leaves from our trip they go in here all right let's go find let's go Scout where we're gonna build our coal Factory our power should be much more manageable yeah so we we're not in danger of tripping I mean I guess we are technically three uh three above but I know for a fact there's that a lot of these aren't working at the full capacity so I'm not too worried about that and this is definitely where our quartz crystal is going to come from really nice what is that I'm Stone I think yeah really need Criterium all right the cold was over here somewhere it looks like a a regular boy be alone he's never alone it's always with his friend oh they had a a fight with a stinger again all right so what are we gonna do we're gonna mark on here which will do that dude cold and we'll do uh I don't know where's the mine I don't know we'll do that hey where's the next one no we have a friend we have to deal with there you guys are foreign I actually need those remains yep you waited until I lowered my guard maximum distance with that thing all right oh that is an that looks like a big guy that I don't want to oh he sees me great where's that rock there's a spider cave [Music] still coming gotta be still coming actually don't hear him there's the one that we already marked these are the other two that I want to locate all right let's think about this this is our coal and this is a good one right yeah it's pure so we're gonna we're gonna Chuck that coal down here anyway so let's start some construction come on well just a notch we'll do four then nope foreign I'll just run the coal over the edge or something with a lift five concurrent viewers I think this is going to be where we end up building our coal point because I think yeah they're all over there well no time like the present Let's uh get down to the water here nice foreign there's a big spider that's great um and he sees me which is kind of freaky and he jumps like a crazy so I don't know if I can I'm gonna have to kill him to get to where I want yeah I'm not leaving that crazy mother alive yeah he got stuck on the um you got you got stuck on the pathing he couldn't go forward over this so that that worked out and I just uh stayed behind him there's a lot of beans over here doggo um this A rock hey doggo I don't have anything for you opera or uh we definitely need to kill these hives because this is the one type of alien uh I don't have yet normal copper there should be nuts out here the spider freaked me out now I'm like okay do I see anything all right oh I don't think those [Music] are what I want I'm gonna tab over really quick cheat a little bit cheat for a second in the interest of okay I've got that one oh they're a little further that's okay it's three over here over here to our South East a little bit though be three in this direction those ones that's pretty far um but I'm gonna go for it I would rather just take oh I don't know no well let me deal with these Hogs those are farther than I thought they were to be honest so maybe we'll just go with these normal um these normal ones over here so we got the one here that's up there that we marked [Applause] all right this is taking uh longer than I was really thinking that it would take to plan but a little bit of time now spent planning is will save a lot of time in in the end uh one second I have to answer a question here um okay let's get this yellow power slug oh nope the second thought no no no no no we're gonna be greedy [Music] yeah we're totally doing it foreign he's got to be under this worth it he's in the water he may come and get me all right there's plenty of coal over here plus our um yeah this is gonna work so what do I'm trying to build here I'm trying to build workshops so that I can build portable miners one two three should do it again and then I built four um what I want to do is build 16 coal miners to start with this is the normal little 60 and 60. so that's 120 and I think that feeds if I remember right that feeds eight uh we don't need a Mark we need a mark one actually [Music] so I just need another 120. and we're gonna go there's our base come here buddy I just want to talk okay no give me give me your remains come on where are they all right I pointed this the wrong direction You're Gonna Go that away and let's not be lazy foreign to do this right and then we'll feel better about it I'm gonna send it right through that little Gap but first sorry I keep changing my mind it happens I'll come back to you later and chop up these trees foreign oh Arc one where are we those trees look like a spider and it scared me but yeah that's great come on mark one here foreign one there and then life continues Direction as a Mark II okay that's cool um that's new obviously in update eight placing that first he's eyeballing me he doesn't know what I did to his buddy do I mean if I get him right here I'll just take care of him I don't have to deal with him foreign making life easy for me you almost feel bad but then you remember that you're a fixed employee oh Bean he scared me now that he's out of the way doesn't really matter it's not really changing my why is this backwards what happened bro happened was I built this merger incorrectly that's what happened the little things foreign thank you all right I'm Gonna Leave It all right next we need a platform for our so what I want to do is build the coal plant uh above the water extractors uh because then we can expand like forever so I just want to make sure that the that it's not too high I mean not too low I guess so let's test this oh not even close I can see or more all right there goes power um here's what I'm gonna do I haven't I don't even have a ladder [Music] foreign there's a bunch of hives watch this bar yeah I was all right I'm drinking water and walking blind not a good idea okay here we go we've gotten so much done today and I've got an hour and a half left oh yeah look at that that that's that's beautiful right there let's empty out a little bit of our inventory though oh and we're gonna rebuild the Hub and hog Protein that's great we got a lot of animal uh Alien protein actually get grass going wood here that should be enough empty inventory to take all and oh can I just throw 200 in every single one I think I can gonna do it really what I was kind of waiting for and uh we're gonna get greedy here thank you because these don't they only use what is needed having two more here will make everything last longer in fact we're gonna we're gonna do one we're gonna do one more because I have the 200 and then I'll have a few extra in my pocket because we needed to be clear we need we needed to have some to clear there we go so we should be good here for a long time a long time three concurrent viewers uh oh we were going to rebuild the Hub yeah we're missing our little launchy guy I don't know what happened there I was afraid of that one one thing really what a troll foreign okay there now super weird all right let's take care of some of these items we have lots of protein power shard and pretty sure there was a upgrade here oh I gotta make him into the DNA capsules down to two that's okay easy coming as you go appreciate you guys watch time likes always good did I dump those I dumped those is my second live stream I haven't kind of done my little Spiel in a while I don't know if you guys have been here a while or not but this is my second live stream new save or update it all right rebar gun Q all right I have some screws for this Berry thing but I did I don't know what happened to them back to three uh this guy that's what I was gonna do all right now let's fill this up with the stuff we don't need that that gonna dump those this that we put our screws in here oh but I'll take another rotor oh we need a um I know we need to do do we need modular frames no we don't good but we will need some modular frames pretty quick uh do we need them for water extractor no but we need copper sheets so we actually need to go get that cooking after we make our rebar gun make some iron rebar I don't know how big these Stacks are we'll make one stack and then we gotta go make some screws unfortunately bane of my existence so then we can make the gun screws and now we'll be able to shoot those hives from afar right fortunately I don't have room for it uh equipment wise but that's okay is there anything else that is coming up that's useful this but not yet of course all right let's throw our alien protein in the for DNA capsules in and then let's print some tickets baby oh yeah 17. that's what I'm talking about for concurrent viewers welcome new viewers or welcome back so excited I forgot where I was going um all right so we really need to get some good stuff here we're gonna go we need these items for that what is this okay we have to get those um what else do we have to have barrier modern railing where's our painted beam uh uh ladder get these um walls or foundations uh these foundations I can probably live without for a little while conveyor walls oh we only have four doors would be nice oh you know what no we're gonna do that ramp wall bundle so let's get rid of the doors here we go all right shopping has been completed hour is good we need copper sheets uh we need them bad and I can't remember how to make them proper sheets okay just copper ore all right I mean copper ingots um and I think that do we not have I don't think we have an excess of copper wire do we uh we don't really these all producing yeah these are all producing so that means we need to open up a new copper mine so much for my power lasting forever yeah let's just open it up well we know where it's gonna come in uh it's gonna come in right here and I'm gonna stack them we're getting low on reinforced iron plates since I'm using the alternate recipe to make three enforced iron plates really just seriously almost ate then um we can't really and and if I wasn't using that recipe I'd probably just be like uh so we don't have that much wire no big deal oh cable no big deal like you make we're making we would be making too much but since like all my wires being used up let's just open up this other copper mine and get it done It's gotta happen oh I forgot what are we leaving here we left the wire in here yeah all right where is other yep on the hill okay can we get up there this way welcome new viewers Rock quartz I guess we'll pick it oh one left before I heard me probably okay Rock quartz and uh some some friends some local wildlife now what I don't want to do is put my back to that freaking cliff because I want to hand him an unforced air that's for sure all right let's build ourselves as well poor guy great on out of here just like that although that looks like try it again oh my God it really wants to put those down better work good let's get rid of this and put that on yeah yeah nice huh shoot yourself in the freaking hand not good gun safety bro oh this tree weapon like it's loaded come on all right so let's do a ramp I really miss my Blade Runners oh yeah man um that's gonna not look the best if we just lazy though instead what I'll do maybe it's not that bad I mean it's kind of bad all right we're not gonna do but we are but we're gonna see should be three one two three maybe there's no way that works okay that'll work why are you being and because it's not work you know what whatever not that big of a deal I've done worse things in my satisfactory career you actually need to rebuild that later hey I mean yeah all right it's off by one and I just can't handle it okay where's our copper on this side 120 coming in uses 30. per two three four and build that extra one thank you all right baby come on baby all right now upper ingots are gonna go are right there so we're gonna go one Higher letters coming in you need to get it where I can see fit one Higher yep hey one we need four that's two three of course I didn't make that jump one two down to one down to one that's okay come on hey get on this higher portion so I can do this that worked out okay all right Play It's new foreign goes there there okay let's tell it proper ingots all right now I want to go one higher than that one one two three four five six three four five six foreign hello viewer one two three four five six all right perfect I can't see her if they're up there or not they are they're they're ready and waiting to be told where to go and what to do we are gonna tell them and we have a spot waiting right there okay now where I'm probably gonna take an entire live stream and just go through and do like quality of life um get Pathways in you know once once we get coal power because if we had some um nice uh I don't know what are those called freaking dying the uh metal ramps sorry I had to uh allergies are really bad to it like the eyeballs uh catwalks God along with me or we'll be making uh the other copper items I think we were making copper over here so we can make yeah let's continue to make copper over here how many is the question what am I looking for I'm looking for copper sheets 20 per minute I mean we're feeding we're feeding 120 I don't want to make six worth six of them I mean we're gonna need them so all right let's just lay down the six We're not gonna turn them on right now we're really gonna need a lot of concrete damn it we're really gonna need a lot of them for AI limiters those damn copper sheets so we'll we'll go ahead and do the six I have no problems with that we just can't really afford the power right now and we don't need all six but I'll build I'll build them and then I'll switch them off here's my concrete so we'll get all six set up and then we'll just turn on three so we're gonna have a fourth output going that way and then if you just join relatively recently these all these belts or most of these belts are going to be hidden in an underfloor I just recently got the boreholes and so yeah I remember this was silly and we had to do this for that other for the screws where's the middle here almost delayed the wrong thing that would have sucked okay fill this all these damn foundations that's done um I didn't really actually need to turn it oh well let's do this really fit of course of course you won't fit all right that's where our copper sheets will go and we're gonna redo all of this we're gonna get good storage in um up in this area that's what this whole area is going to be is storage um the vast majority of these belts are going to be put um in a subfloor so that we can just see these um these that yeah that copper I don't know if I'll hide that in a subfloor I don't even know if there is subfloor under there not really we may have a Skyway of copper for a while but most of the rest of this will hide okay we have our horrifying looking outputs or storage uh it's the fourth level up we're gonna need that we got our concrete all right we only Built one two three four five all right thanks all right and we always do the power first we learned that the hard way over here foreign oh my God I built him backwards hello fourth consecutive viewer or concurrent viewer the record six by the way we said it tonight just so that you know if you're new come on what's the matter you don't like your home and I did have three likes on the video but then somebody took their life away I don't maybe they I don't know sad it's all right I'm in this for the Long Haul I've been really happy with the amount of views that I've gotten so far and it will only continue um let's turn off let's go with cover sheets and boss production over these paused no they weren't I was wondering if the copy and paste settings included production costs but they did not all right so three are turned off we're gonna build them as if they are working and then we're one higher than no we're not we are not what level are we this is why we need those signs go down okay now think about it four we are level six that's what we are so this is two three four five six uh because I reserved the first the bottom four for iron ingots and then the next two for copper so and the first one of those two has been taken so it has to be six at least I I hope so and I I'm gonna go to all this trouble to be honest we need to hook it up anyway so we might as well do that uh about halfway down we're gonna need one built this is good one two three shirts that one please hat yep it's moving I see it moving as soon as I hooked it up um let's just leave that one there no it's not had a thought but I decided I didn't like that thought no what the hell is that stop it okay that's straight it's straight okay number six one two three four five six one two three five six last one come on foreign okay we're only using we're using four levels here what is that fourth one oh that's us two three pretend nobody saw that dog streaming foreign Yelp smart she's in bed okay oh appreciate the likes thank you I I think the rest of this got uh hooked up right because we we connected it to oh we didn't connect this one okay I need just one minute or a bio break my first one of the evening we're gonna watch our copper plates come in here proper sheets come in so one second I will be right back okay we are back and it's dark but we have some copper sheets enough to get us started what else are we gonna need on that trip how's our inventory oh we can get rid of some of this extra stuff we have we have a bunch of weird in our inventory um yeah we're actually kind of low on some of the basics take this couple of these one two three a lot of those we're gonna need those we're gonna need a lot of concrete I'm gonna pick I'm going to take a bunch of concrete two enough rotors uh I'm gonna build 16 cable we need more cable okay uh let's dump some of this stuff um I think that's it for that would are these guys doing 122 not amazing you have a little bit we got to get that we gotta get that coal belt I don't I don't think I'm gonna get it done tonight I'm gonna do as much prep though as I can so that it comes together really really quickly tomorrow um all right we gotta get rid of the rest of this that go grab our cable we are going to play for 40 more minutes 1am is my cut off on my Tuesday and Thursday night streams run by my cable uh a lot of reinforced iron plate just in the coal generators so we better bring actually we better bring all of that um that's probably too much concrete but all right we're loaded for bear we're loaded for coal let's go if you join me since I've been down here I do have a little bit oh of a setup in place but not much go ahead and build so this is the correct height um so I guess we can just build this out I mean I don't know I I'm not giving up on the idea of getting these um this uh this old plant up tonight we'll have to see and I definitely have the materials in the infrastructure built all right one of our coal inputs is going to come in over here it's like we're feeding from what direction do we want to feed from definitely want to make this so that we can expand in the future so I think we're gonna feed from this way want enough room to walk the tiles at least right one four five six seven eight nine and 11 12. 13 14 15. scene we're cooking fast directly under us okay I'm gonna feed this line in from this direction let's just place down I'm not going to place these all just one of them splitter obviously we're doing this manifold style because I'm not sadist um yeah we can do that we're gonna type no no no no no no no no no you have a space good Center at least we can put our floor hole in the center the two heck hey not oh I did wrong direction nope I did the right direction that's just wrong all right that was way more difficult than it needed to be um [Music] do we pave it I think we pave it all right we're going with the uh Galactic Empire theme for this save so uh what would if I don't know an answer I'm going to ask myself wwvd what would Vader do I've talked about this before but uh if you uh weren't around um I'm going to make my the entirety of my save d uh have the uh have a theme and I'm gonna build Star Destroyers uh the Superstar Destroyer Death Star um I'm gonna go up well this is the first wall I've built in this entire save um up let's see how this looks hopefully a little ladder um and be making um you know Mega factories in those big structures okay holes down there uh this is perfect actually gonna go location oh I want to delete the ladder floor hole these really need to be is come on okay nice getting a little ahead of ourselves mining bauxite but I'll take it mining those things are one of the only times I can like stop and get a drink um let's do some clearing [Music] [Music] um this is actually not high enough foreign hole back in and minor I actually need to set this um thanks sorry I'm sorry I did not check do it again actually that's not true I'm gonna do it probably hundreds of times um okay this one let's make ourselves ladder and power now we can work our way backwards foreign a little silly to go up and then down but oh well honestly I didn't realize that the I thought the coal was up here I didn't realize it was back down oh well Good Times um really nice if we something like laughs hello fourth viewer welcome I'm trying to rush to get coal like everybody ever who has ever played this game full power I'm not going to be streaming for too much later so I'm racing to see if I can get this done 30 minutes 30 minutes left oh power one in there I think foreign okay that call is set up uh let's get these Splitters in you can run all the coal and be done with the coal and the coal belts then we just have to work on water admittedly I built this one wrong so did um [Music] we'll take some time but it's the cold will be done oh we need eight one two I wish I could paint the last one with the Bears glitter actually you don't need it we'll just belt in the last two in the middle will be belted foreign s for these done okay now the other side going the opposite direction oh we're gonna belt that one oh this can be a mark one okay foreign gas I really want to be cooking with coal I'll say it was starting to get Gnarly already what what does it look like under here oh come on there we go where's my whole power brought it here not really the best spot because I don't need it to be there I need it to be here um what are we doing what are we doing we are two go ahead and feed these I feed these on the way backwards okay and then we're gonna run power off the back here oh that's not gonna work I'm Gonna Run them off center I'm I'm gonna I mean we're so close I'm gonna stream until we finish Coal Power I can't I'm not gonna be able to not do it not finish it so we're gonna go over our time my self-imposed time limit but whatever it takes mostly I just want to log in on Saturday and start Saturday stream not having to worry about Coal Power I'm just trying to go as fast as I can because oops I don't have a ton of biofuel staved up so speed and 16 is a really nice first full build so I'm pretty happy with it probably double this you know build another row maybe they'll maybe face some back to back okay uh those guys don't have power so we didn't buy the ceiling did we buy the ceiling oh um I got an idea got an idea I can't do it without power if I built a um awesome sync can I print the tickets no Get Wrecked oh my God it's always the screws game said get wrecked yourself 200. all right I can sit up and drink some water while I produce some screws we're actually going really fast um it's only been like 10 minutes and as I said we had 30 minutes left we've got power hooked up and all the coal hooked up okay awesome shop uh it is very silly that I didn't get uh we need to spend three more these guys actually needed them too right in the middle and we're gonna take it to off one nope dude don't get in the way Bean he is so noisy tell you that Vineyard incredibly noisy all right well that looks a little shitty but um you know come back for it I have that thing where chewing really bothers me like if I hear chewing of a hard time oh you you're you're on my platform great uh beans over there crunching away and uh it's not exactly setting it off but uh you know makes me think of it all right let's just do a central power all right and we will call oh let's go up there right nice thing is is we're high enough we could expand it that direction if we need to okay that's all hooked up on the same power source now water so remind myself how many do we need 45 45 times 16 20 divided by 300 2.4 so we need to run three pipes um the water's that direction so this is going to be the uh the opposite end and we'll run our pipes up Maybe oh I have to build I like to build a different um toolbar down at the bottom here you alt and roll so I'm gonna build the same power pole power line and then instead of I'm going down here I'm building the toolbar instead of the support for the bear belt I'm doing the one for the pipeline and then the actual pipeline is this one um that's the splitter and then that's the hole and that way it kind of matches they're serving similar functions oh no I switched them green four need to be switched so this one is or this one it three all right perfect now I can build with a similar with using the similar buttons we're gonna go oh one two one two oh my God being you're crunching in my ear one two okay so here's our three pipes and then the end they need to kind of yeah no Auto right horizontal vertical you let me no no no all right that's okay I'll I'll do it a different way so those are gonna be our pipes and we're gonna take them down to get all the way to halfway I don't think we can no all right we'll take him to here one two then oh that's that's wrong could be here one two one two one two um I know what I need to do I need to build I really need my rollerblades I think I want to do here is need to connect all of these wish all right what if you built I doubt that connects I want to build something that like doesn't look like horrible utter garbage okay and then I don't know man um do that we'll just do that for now it it sucks but we're gonna go with it is that stripy artifact it's super weird um I kind of like the looks though so I'm gonna go with it okay should make it to the middle yes they do one two you have pepper sheets damn you're doing so well uh well at least we know that we built enough let's go grab those uh let's Also let's see um they make 120 we need 720 what is that six I think that's six seven twenty divided by 120. fix perfect so let's make sure that we bring back the materials that we need or our six water extractors all right cool we were also going to be short on rotors so good to know thank you guys for sticking it out there's just two of you now but I appreciate it one of those all right and then what did I say I said rotors our rotors actually don't have a rotor bin yeah they're just eat a rotor bin um splitter board be fast foreign ERS all right all right I better I'm here I better just bite the bullet and fix we don't have much to go around eventually since I can't really split it very well um by no means an even split but maybe it'll keep us going okay that's all we got that's not true we have 29 more that's all we got let's move our cool factories actually pretty close to the base foreign oh I just ramped off of that uh Cliff instead of sliding down okay the good news is we're gonna have all of our Logistics done here and then we just have to build our um let's do a little be honest I made those too close but I make a little Junction thing the water can rebalance thank you oh that's not what I wanted foreign built this all right that's a little silly looking but I think it does what I want I mean actually it's kind of cool All Right Moving On foreign let's get some water holes [Music] let's do something like this I have no idea what's going on with the stripes foreign oh my God foreign over there oh I definitely didn't see those mother [Music] s there's a little drop to those things it's kind of fun to shoot foreign go pick up their parts hey Mikey I'm just about done here but I am uh well I should be done but I'm rushing to wrap this up we're gonna build some water extractors actually I don't like this we need to be down sooner okay better oh yeah it's like I planned it even though I didn't really um okay so really quickly there is a way to put foundations underneath the water like that and then you can get your water extractors to snap it might be too deep though yeah they're not they're not snapping so let's build yeah I appreciate it man anytime you want to come say hi uh I'm gonna there it is there's the snap but it was clipping uh I'm gonna be doing this not clipping but I'd like a little bit more space uh I'm gonna be doing this Tuesday Thursday and Saturday nights that's not working here it goes um try this so you're always welcome to come in and see how things are going that's perfect um and we need six of them two three four and then once that first one is is locked in the rest will snap one two three four five six all right Auto 2D looks okay I don't know it looks a little weird yeah you too man thanks for coming and stopping by I guess we'll just horizontal the vertical those Auto Sales are already getting tasty and we haven't not we've barely begun to fight I wonder if that's um experimental actually I don't like this I'm gonna do it this way instead go past it and then use up that's so much nicer then we can clear this put a straight one in um oh damn it dumb dumb dumb we have to redo this we need to start on the outside that's okay fast foreign noodle and they all kind of look pretty moodly to be honest with you right now this one's going to be in the middle here still getting used to this um new placement uh that is out in update eight I guess I have to turn it oh all right there's like four or five different ways of clicking that damn thing you have to click it a lot of times many many times if you can turn it then you can tilt it oh yeah or you can just build the the one thing okay so this one's gonna go here here and then there but not that um ooh oats not perfect all right try it again hope all good uh and then this one one two this one one two and we're definitely gonna have to Noodle that kill this [Music] okay now we just need power um I don't like that there oh that's okay foreign and then we're gonna need pumps but I mean we really are so close come on I jump um can we maybe do it is right not there but definitely not there um okay so we're gonna just build foreign this could be a little better but it's not yeah it's a little weird um I'm not gonna mess with it right now uh we need pumps and we're gonna need another we only need one uh let's line the oh baby come on baby don't fail me now really all right um I don't I don't know I think that pump's gonna be high enough I think uh I think all we have to do is connect power we're ready to rock and roll this is a temporary power line when we sort of picks up this area we'll deal with it foreign now this might trip our breaker uh we're we're gonna have to see yep yep okay which means we're gonna have to kill this line repop no Factory until power starts let's go check on everything make sure it's working I didn't miss any power connections or something silly oh well uh I have to connect the water so that's great oh what did we decide we just did one you said I'll give our uh pull a little bit of time to populate the belts hmm gonna have to be a special boy not the best but what we got ready better than that monstrosity I have on the end of this feel like I should be hearing water and I'm not so I feel like something thank you there's nothing on that is there fuel no power did I miss one of these should have power I don't and what's Happening Here um all right uh uh I thought I connected um that comes in goes down there that should be connected to our power oh my gosh I don't know why I thought that went to power or power but ridiculous I needed to cut this one well that's horrifying good job almost done [Applause] check the water first yeah I I need new I think we'll we'll see okay that's full we might need pumps down there that one no yeah they're they're coming Maybe that one's higher for some reason oh there it is come on get all the way up there okay it's working I don't see any coal yet I'm gonna go check this uh Power Line might have stuffed up the power connection there or something yeah white come on get up there come on fatty foreign really guy that was it all right well the coal is definitely working on the other end come on get down here there it is foreign I'm gonna see if I can make this not so horrifying over here well you know ah it's uh it's horrifying in a different way hmm well I don't maybe I'll put in a box so we can't see it all right we finally have all going in on the other end thank you just want to make sure that this is getting water yeah all right I think we're safe to connect the old factory and this is really it I'm gonna just go back connect the old factory until we give there's something we can really do except forgive the manifold time to fill up uh so that we can get solid reliable Coal Power that capacity way above Max it hasn't dropped underneath that so that's really really good that that coal power is going to serve us for a long time uh yeah let's make a plan for Saturday let's see what we have next uh to unlock vehicular transport basic steel we're gonna be making steel on Saturday kind of our xenobasher finally actually we made uh I'm gonna grab that one right now let me uh let me go grab the stuff I need for that wires still over around the corner here guys it's got inventory slots and I had a few you know what let's just kill this make it all this had a few run-ins with a giant armored hog then we just need some oh we have some in here used a lot of reinforced plates on that build all right let's see if we fixed our hub Stone reach r d in play added an additional hand equipment slot and have provided an improved Xeno zapper with increased strength and range I was uh fixing the music and uh I didn't adjust the camera in time terrible cameraman all right really it's gonna be steel time which means better where's our better upgraded belts Logistics Mark III here they are all right you 70. so that's that's gonna be great steel is uh we can knock out all right so modular frames we have to build that next for sure so we can finish this so we're gonna set that as our Milestone and it'll remind me we have to build modular frames and let's go take a look at our coal plant and then we'll sign off if you're still listening to me last viewer thanks for sticking it out you've fallen asleep then you know have a good night thank you whatever I can do to help oh I made a mistake much better make sure that's not happening on this other end it is happening wow made the mistake twice three times oh yeah I'm so happy with this power this is uh We're not gonna have to worry about anything for a long ass time then we can just double this up a waterfall is really cool all right well I appreciate you watching and that's gonna do it for us tonight
Channel: Kinstruction
Views: 1,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 8, Satisfactory Update 8 Experimental, Satisfactory Lumen, Satisfactory livestream, Satisfactory new start, Satisfactory Starter Base, Satisfactory new player, Satisfactory forest start
Id: nZjsatpX0ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 271min 35sec (16295 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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