Installing a Factory Sub-Floor | Satisfactory U8 - VOD 3

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okay so picking up where we left off was this coal plant here still need some time to finish loading the coal uh we were half an hour over our stream time last uh last time and so we kind of had to finish it and run off so I think though that everything is looking good yeah I fixed that yep yep okay we just need to give it time and our power will lock into place everything good just kind of giving it a once over we were in a big rush and it was uh 1 30 in the morning for me so I very easily could have uh missed something but I think it's solid all right we're gonna head back to the main base and we've got a little bit of a decision to make and I think I know what we need to do I just don't want to do it uh our two goals for our next two goals I don't know if we'll get them all done tonight but our next two goals are going to be both moving towards feel which is what I would rather be doing and fixing up our base doing some TLC I know deep down that it would be better if we fixed our base and so that is what we're gonna be doing even though I want to be doing steel so by fixing up the base what I'm talking about is installing our underfloor which by the way is going to be a mega underfloor and it's not going to be no seven meters so I think we have to get that started we will also be fixing up our storage our storage is all haphazard these belt lines are all crazy there's a bunch of clipping that you know it's not my favorite thing we're also going to be doing some prep for smart Splitters putting our main line of smart Splitters into storage and then of course um the awesome sync once storage is full so we got a lot to do um and I think um it's gonna be fun it's going to be challenging it's not as fun as progressing the tech tree but that's okay I do think that we yeah because although why don't we do this I would really like to get some modular frames rolling and those modular frames that way can I never use those the jump pad and The Landing Pad but that way the modular frames can be working and we can be storing up while we do our other work iron rods and reinforced iron plates I think we may actually have those already in place over on our assembly bus line crews are coming in I think rods are yeah there's the rods so and I know we have reinforced yarn plates there so yeah let's let's do it let's go ahead and build ourselves two um and I think I think this is a perfect place so we're gonna do that and that's gonna satisfy my itch to wow what what the heck that is literally a death trap it'll satisfy my itch to try to progress even though we really need to do some fixing all right and I'll feel better knowing that those modular frames are storing up okay uh let's take care of this side first mergers first but I'm thinking there we go oh I'm still stuck on my toolbar for moving what are we gonna do I think I think that looks good uh for moving um liquids pipes these actually need to just be marked ones yep and keep it nice and simple and right out the door there's our that's where our modular frames home will be hey I'm making a just a small tack adjustment here real quick I don't think we have any viewers yet but that's okay that is okay all right let's get power setup I'm in this for the Long Haul and if you're hearing me on a VOD I appreciate you watching on that VOD just get this built ahead of time placing them here but they were there being fiddly with power poles okay those are set modular frames and modular frames oh nope let's do we set it back to no recipe oh well it'll probably be modular frames the reason I built that on the end is because when it comes time to build it would have been in the way and I don't wanna pull apart my power Network when the time comes all right so we'll do reinforced plates first which I think is on level three okay done and then we would need the iron rods which is on the level okay let's see that's screws really need a import to my signs here uh level four all right no big deal okay it'd be no big deal if I line them up for it thank you butter and just like that heavy modular frames are rolling so that didn't take I mean it took no time at all right where that ladder is what are we doing where's my modular frames I think I keep saying heavy modular frames but I absolutely mean modular where are you buddy you take forever yeah I kind of forgot how slow those are to build I wanna I wanna see it gonna be great oh there's a little artifact in there I don't remember those being there there's some funkyness with update 8 experimental for sure but that's okay there's a white white one over there too hard to see and I missed it I missed it coming out there we go extracted all right let's do it that's all I can bring myself to do all right first step is we need to build uh an access way to get to the subfloor we have our miners over here um I think that would be kind of cool although I I have to remember what's under here okay yeah man I really uh yeah it's there really cut it close so first one that we can do you know what let's do it over here we cut this I don't know I want a walkway here on this floor I don't necessarily want access but it would be out of the way I want a four by four plenty of room we're gonna need all this space out here yeah about this one I have to go here and I we're gonna need that space hmm what about back here yeah I think we're just gonna have to bite the bullet and set it up right here okay first step is you decide how low we can go and I think that's going to be dictated by those rock croppings look at that Lumen look at that square of light that is pretty awesome artifact from Lumen there um and then let's do one meter foundation for the bottom actually gonna be yeah one too many I think uh it's just right there we'll we'll live with it like to have that extra four meters so probably come in handy all right well let's go for it take the plunge working in the subfloor region we are definitely going to have to be working with a light which even doesn't really help all that much see we can wall in these because they're gonna be the edge of our Factory and then you can work around this rock on this go ahead and open these up right and then that wall there is good then I think what we'll do is start with our cat walks here then how do we want organized do one more okay then we could do earn let's get some floor space definitely gonna have to get some lights down here uh you know and designing that's one of the reasons why I wanted to have Lumen on right off the bat maybe instead of these stairs they're pretty aggressive what if we went instead oh no I want to get up there fast won't be hmm what if you do a little bit of clipping there on the wall but okay be honest with you what I what we should do is work this from the top as you can actually probably close this we do this correctly put something like one star at a time she had one stare at a time this is perfect we got a little Center hatchway here for maybe a oh gotta get rid of the wrong ones or maybe a Cube up all right we'll figure out something with that rock later uh oh and then will allow us to close this off but yeah that's a lot but well uh well no we got to keep that open but we could make a little Hut here oh we don't have any doors um let's go and purchase a few things that we're gonna need in our subfloor three coupons is not very many but we definitely need some doors walls yeah because we have one extra anything in management we have to have no good we got everything there anything in here we need one I don't really use industrial railings um it looks like we're gonna have to save all right Mission thank you I think it goes in there okay um let's go ahead and make sure that our inventory is prepared for a construction run right I really just need kind of a little bit of everything plenty of those and I think it's in there make sure we have plenty of concrete I think our wire is good let's grab a little cable it was nice and full oh um yeah I guess what we can do up along our system here let's do a mark one belt I don't want to drain all of our cable [Music] well good enough temporary I have to be perfect all right little cable on the way how's everything else looking that was nothing uh I don't think we're gonna need any of that but we'll just be sure then check on our rotors they're coming along nicely obviously smart plate nope going on there because it takes so long to make I want to make sure it's getting everything it needs it is there all right line of cable all right where's our door gonna open there we go and let's put some walls on our little Hut a little big uh let's well I wish that we had hat we have half foundations we don't have half walls be nice we have any Roofing uh we have no Roofing so we'll leave this open open air for now which is fine we probably could use the light anyway we're gonna need lights so bad okay the plan down here is really to move a lot of the cabling uh well an awesome I think an awesome shop should fit awesome sink could fit without yeah good there's no clipping so you can fit an entire awesome sink down here so we're going to be burning all of our excess materials organizing preparing and then we'll send it back up to have our main storage in that area we were kind of marking out uh let's build this out a little bit further here one more yeah one more brings us right to about the wall there may take it further later I just want to get this matching from the top I guess we do need to take it out because we want to match the top one more later came faster than I was expecting one viewer hello one viewer my first year for the evening thank you for being here it makes a little bit less weird that I'm talking to myself thank you no I'm not talking to myself I'm talking to Future VOD gers all we're doing now is building out our subfloor under our main starter Factory our save is only nine hours old this is my third live stream with update 8. well my third live stream actually ever but that live stream includes update is from update experimental and we're gonna do some actually pretty not difficult necessarily but I haven't planned this all out there's a rough idea in my head of what I want to do down here with this to make the upstairs a little more organized and suitable for long term and then the reason it's so dark down here is because I have Lumen turned on but I don't have any lighting yet nor do I have silica for Windows we are already out of our two main materials for foundations well we were getting close to being finished all we've really done down here is build our our ladder on the way up thank you for the like appreciate it okay uh yes materials and then concrete over here yeah so this whole area out here is going to be our main storage um we will need quite a bit of space on the front of these for some of these for some belt management but I'm gonna try to keep that too as minimum as we can where'd we leave off boring stuff is almost done foreign finish these out we can see our coal plant whoa oh almost ate it here cold plant in the distance there this ends a little Jagged but we'll deal with that later yeah there's one heck of a subfloor the subfloor is most Factory's main floor okay all right so we will actually be interrupting production um in some cases while we get this organized I want to do a couple of things so one of the things that I want to do is I want to prep for smart splitters I want an entire row of Splitters centered in this tile headed up and then that way when anything overflows like any of this it gets kicked down and sunk stored and then sunk although in the case of ingots and ore we won't store those we don't need those stored but anything else will store and then sync so I don't have Smart Splitters yet uh although honestly ooh I'm looking for any excuse to put off like pulling all this down so let's actually go let's see if we can unlock our smart Splitters using Criterium I uh let me look and just see what smart Splitters need and I don't know if we if we have everything we'll go and can't remember yeah no it needs um let's see AI limiters and limiters okay all right no we can do it okay I was thinking it needed plastic there for a second um let's do let's just cheat a little bit here and check where our closest ceterium is any Criterium please um all right so our closest Criterium is really close I believe yep should be just south of us so we're gonna go around this corner here and then we'll head south and see if we can find it let's make sure we have protection oh oh I apologize right before we logged off for the night last time we unlocked the Xeno basher and so we are gonna build ourselves one of those so we are as prepared as we can be out in the Wilds see what we need do you know basher we need one more Xeno zapper we have everything we need for that too right on equip and xenobasher all right yeah it's pretty intimate I messed that up a little bit I'll get better at it okay we're headed south all right yeah I think so itself I think that's just been we've cleaned up most of uh the trash out here I wish it was an auto run so I could fiddle with some of my vet dream is really pretty fiddle of some of my windows oh is that a oh we need it though bacon this is one of multiple Edibles we have detective in your vicinity which are within approved nutritional and medical categories as established by r d Edibles a new research tree can now be accessed in the mam hey I think we need to go over this little bridge and Criterium should be oh what do we got oh just a regular hog come here I have a new toy I want to try out on you well I didn't change that in update eight still works like a charm ethereum are you here are you everything I wanted you to be limestone be up here somewhere maybe maybe you're higher than I was thinking and I just know that that cave is full of spiders all right I don't know if I'm mentally prepared for that so we're gonna do something different hey that's a low-flying moth pretty sure the getirium is up there so let's cheat work or maybe the Criterium isn't up here and I'm going crazy foreign and I found some friends okay well let's mark this on the map so I don't have to yes anymore we're gonna do we're gonna do a new map marker I'm gonna place it here I'm gonna go okay Tyrion and I'm gonna select that lie perfect and then I think we're gonna um oh we're oh we're gonna mind the out of this first of all a new research tree can now be accessed in the mam I just noticed that there's two other Criterium nodes that are way easier to get to than this one so yeah I have a portable Miner on me don't uh let's build one build a couple action on a space and inventory well I mean of course all right in the meantime we're gonna make it so that we're gonna be pulling Criterium out of here in the future so we might as well do some prep work a little higher can we get a little higher there we go towards the base double double ramp action I mean you know I can't do that we use a lift that should work but I wonder if there is we can make ourselves a better way to get up here that isn't a total eyesore oh wow not really [Music] well these catwalks are better than a foundation so we're gonna do it [Music] take us right to the space elevator go back and get our Criterium foreign moving there's two keterium nodes over there that would have been much easier to get to but I don't know this area very well my first save was started in the grassy fields oh I know that area really well uh I did a lot I spent a lot of time in the Dune desert I spent a lot of time oh that is pretty I spent a lot of time in the purple mushroom crater I'll probably just actually bring that caterium like right down the path here when do we need to make use of it all right just like that yeah it's totally fine barely an inconvenience okay let's see if we can get some smart splitters that needs to be expanded we actually have the bacon as well in an organism it's nutrients yeah we haven't found any berries or nuts that's the first nutrient that we found nutritional processor okay this is this is why we're here I also really don't really need zip lines although I'm looking forward to the new set up a hundred do we don't we have a hundred we have a hundred oh well we gotta go in order okay sorry into Ford okay we need 50 ingots what I really need is a bench over here build that so I don't have to run back and forth make some protein but we can't do anything pass by all right we're cooking I'm gonna have to make another kitterium run and I'll bring some more actually I wonder if I can if it's added to the scanner I wonder if we could just run over to the close one a bean in your space oh you're in mine yeah is it in our scanner it is let's do a few things that away for now let's make our DNA capsules that in the trash bin foreign processor you definitely have those over there but we need to get I want to get cranking on ethereum all right be over here ish yep right there it was so close I heard a noise jumpy hi buddy all right one I mean I guess I could have built like a minor but I don't want to have to run power out here and stuff Dingle Bells Jingle Bells sorry foreign we better make sure we have plenty I don't want to come back out here actually we can build a man right right here duh and we will need a French mobile research station I think what we might do with these katarium ingots is set up a um truck or tractor station over here we may wait till trucks well I've never done tractors before keep hitting space like I'm trying to instruct something and makes me jump like an idiot 100 definitely need some ingots okay all right we're knocking katarium out okay do it again a limiter 200. gather well sorry this is probably not the most entertaining thing ever but you know we got to move through the tech tree at least it's efficient I'm gonna make 50 and then I'm gonna see remind myself how many we need 200 acquire perfect we are going to need a lot of AI limiters I don't want to hand craft everything that we're going to need and I guess it's probably not going to be that bad let me think 30. Plus I mean if we make 50 we should be good so maybe I'll just bite the bullet and get the 50. so I don't have to set up a bunch of temporary machinery and then have to wait for it anyway our two power poles would be nice but oh yeah power switch smart splitter there you are 10 AI limiters all right we're gonna make two or more quick wire this seems pretty sucky and it's not my favorite thing to do right now but and it's gonna allow me to actually build more permanent items in our base with these smart splitters I mean not items but more permanent setup in general maybe I should take a bio break well we're one-sixth of the way done here with making quick wire a little more than that okay ethereum can't afford oh I actually have to make the limiters it's silly me I also need to see if those rollerblades are here I actually think those are quartz now that I think about it I thought they were a criterium but I think they're quartz oh all right smart splitter and they need one yep one AI limiter and we need 50 a way to add there is to-do list 50 of the copper sheets we need a thousand quick wire gonna be okay sometimes you have to suffer in the short term to prosper in the long term we're already 10 of the way there and we just started I won't talk about the fact that we're gonna have to stop and rebuild a bunch of ingots before we can continue I'll leave that part out it'll be fine yeah this is pretty horrifying maybe we'll just stop at 30. yeah we're I can't we're gonna stop at 30 for sure uh let's have some bees will definitely take as much carrying with this as we can or hey I can adjust this while you type 600. what have we made so we haven't made any we're almost there Gonna Be Where The Boys gonna be worth it I keep saying that to like you know reassure myself all right the worst part's over and it's crazy how this ratio is one to five any Criterium smelting requires huge belts and I'm glad I changed my mind from 50 down to 30. I'm falling asleep now so what I'm thinking is we need a smart splitter for every entry at every row highest one is 10 and we have three rows so that's where the 30 came from plus we'll need a smart splitter one smart splitter to pull out overflow from the main from the main bus that it's on and then another smart splitter the pull overflow from Storage into the awesome sync Network one more to go okay 30. it's great to be in the Empire Today hmm this is why I automate things because this is horrifying still crushing dream killing I just want to make sure we won't need any more quick wire we need any to actually place smart splitter no we don't okay we're just gonna collect and we're headed back home yeah I think this is a good a little rocky I think we could pick a road through this down here for a truck you clear out some of these trees yeah this is a road right here really not that far we have to move some of our little shop out of the way and definitely we'll get rid of these old bio we don't need um all right let's the marketerium let's get rid of these spinner proteins some more DNA capsules pastas we'll purchase what we can afford anything else in here we don't want nope I think we're good go ahead and print nice and then we saved some grab that buy anything else we need ticks what did I say I wanted well we could use some roofs but we don't have to have that we're okay there Windows yeah we we need silica unlocked for that fix it roof is six metal pillars uh air walls actually yeah that's gonna be it all right we actually did have six okay okay let's do a little bit more got plenty of that plenty of that head over here hey Cable's good yeah well let's yeah there we go all right uh rotors rotors is what I wanted to stock up on they are over here those are reinforced iron plates okay but we can grab a few more all right and I think it's officially time to change my quick key button over to Mark choose yep all right so our first smart splitter gonna be here I actually want to make sure it's locked on the floor thought that might happen that's okay it's this one let's do the same I know I can connect it or attach it directly to but to be honest um then it's connected to the actual belt and not the ground and I need it to be exact ly so now let's start I have to be careful because we're going to have one yeah oh we could offset them all right that's a good thought a good thought because we're gonna have these coming out that are going to need to go down as well so no those are gonna come out vertically I think we're okay let's do all the iron on one side and that's gonna be these four oh sorry one two three four oh no this is wrong what there and then our splitter smarter smart splitter one more do is fix this and I will have to climb up there and set all these okay um too high welcome second viewer I appreciate you joining me all right that looks good now what is a convenient way get up there and set them so these first two we're gonna go any and center and then overflow on right first four actually then oh yep one more actually come on overflow overflow there we go right and then the next four I'm gonna overflow this way nope nope nope there we go yep yep do more oh no there we go overflow and overflow all right I like it okay foreign think what we can do is set up this output right which I think we can just use a merger and lots of floor holes to be sorry right against we want it right right up against we're gonna need all the room five six seven for now in the way just place it there um we'll reroute it once we oh no get it set up let's get a working Tower over here sure that I'm doing what I think I'm doing still passing through just fine all right let's go ahead and place these two two all right and let's see the other side trick is here trying to build this one two two really hard one two three four five seven trick is to try to build this a lock so I'll do that do that later without breaking the factory now put the infrastructure in place that we're trying to switch over to breaking everything before we before we switch oh and all right then we'll delete this stuff get it out of the way when we finally switch over we can do it a little bit at a time as well all right foreign thing I think we can do is a little floor little ceiling action with these belts do that first is shockingly hard to see down here yeah so we got a little little organization happening um we only have one square really to work with then we run into the oh that's all we need well no that's not true ing really needs to be I wanted to keep this open yeah that's really not gonna they're not gonna work um all right what if what if we lean into it what if kind of show it off like um you know we could put maybe glass behind it and this is our walkway then right have to do yeah Wi-Fi would probably be eight High yeah okay and then okay right that's right here here we don't need this anymore and I don't need a walk and say I guess okay here here no these are backwards that's not not good uh he's backwards too I thought these were right yeah no that's the way it should be um yep that's right it's gonna look really cool when I get it working I usually wouldn't spend this much time on like making stuff look perfect but I just I hate redoing stuff let's get up on our ladder here this will all be behind a wall okay if it looks a little um wonder if we can clean this up no there is no I was thinking maybe a conveyor oh wall but there isn't one with four okay cool then one two oh and I think we can I think we can shut these off this opens up our our walkway then we're gonna go right into here to you and then with you that acceptable clippage no one two okay all right all right all right and then go down below and hook those up probably just run four well it's a little in the Rock but it could be worse and then those are going to be in the way coming down if I can get around them quite unless we can turn even more horrific well honestly that's probably this is all probably a waste of time because may just have to clip through there because we're gonna have to extend this most likely in the future anyway now we need to get them hooked up to there so make it easy uh the other four are gonna go same spot really oh that's wrong all these are wrong it's in foreign these up sorry if this is uh little vertigo inducing but I never overturned him your buddy get on there where is that connecting that's right all right kind of cool mostly out of the way um and now that actually should be it or should be heading down it's not what is the hold up you look hey you're there oh well duh silly okay well at least these are set for when the time comes so all that really means is we need to that our other miners um and I I've been aware that I let's see really okay that I probably am was gonna cheat this we'll make it look clean as we can I thought that's gonna work foreign don't tell anybody it's it's it's not great I think we're gonna just go one further down foreign it up but it won't let me um okay and now we just have to see if we can kill this feel that There She Goes I think that was the last one in the way let's get rid of this thanks right here when I placed that I didn't have room to do it properly right right do we have room for this bad boy I'll have to he'll have to squeeze but he can make it all right foreign okay that's the first of our belts out of the way and we got a little aesthetic going that we'll uh take advantage of in the future I like it okay what are we doing next we have these smart Splitters set up yeah yeah yeah I hear what you're saying six are working I mean we could run yeah let's definitely power right here possibly power underneath foreign that's all I wanted to do okay here too here there and now we have power down there let's take it straight down plantar flag okay I think what we're gonna do is set up a row of somewhat temporary awesome sinks here reinforced iron plate foreign go grab that what else can we Ace yes all right I know it's a little silly to be syncing or that we've mined but it's kind of a test of the process more than anything else is wrong what is your problem bro come on two more Rory two three five two hello viewer we're working on our brand new subfloor setting up some overflows and some awesome sinks here there you just got smart um uh smart Splitters so I'm running a test right now more than anything is that backwards with the ore and kind of what we can fit down here and I'm just kind of trying to see got a plan going in the meantime since we're so starved for points even though terrible way to get it's hook these up so we can watch him work of those on the line two yeah and then we'll do a better job of what I think I needed some of this stuff up with me um getting getting these belts off of the subfloor ground gotta get lights in here all sorts of should be overflowing problem there you do there right that looks right we're almost done with this big problem is I I'm just not 100 sure want to do down here so I'm kind of getting something in so we can see how we like it I don't plan on taking those all the way to the ground I'm Gonna Leave walkway so just nice and easy what I don't like is the fact that one is not working that one could be work unless it's just I mean I guess uh it could be working at full speed those are the coppers yeah it's this one make sure I'm sure that one's hooked up correctly and make sure it's set correctly it is he's working at full speed then I guess yeah I think he's just there's no overflow all right well let's let's test kill this well I got turned around okay yep okay good it works all right good okay so that's all working our overflow setup and then we're gonna copy this I mean this is just ore coming in which isn't really right like that think of a deal but we're gonna copy this down these other rows that have a lot more valuable materials that are going to be um governed into some awesome sinks so what I need to do I need two minutes for a bio break uh not even that I will be right back and we're back okay next thing I want to do is I want to do to the Copper what we did to the iron so let's go ahead and kill our did I put that in wrong yes I did look at our copper production speaking of killing things let's kill these stacks right and then what does it look like under here we got space do we lose it right in here somewhere we have a or a resource sync right here so let's what I don't know really don't know if we test this the conveyor mounts stacked they do okay great so that's how we'll above the copper we'll keep it in one line we can possibly do it make it nice and clean all right let's put it right in you know okay that'll be our setup I don't fall and so oh I didn't um I took these up I want to get the points for these while we're being silly and syncing our X our excess or hey man he sits early in the game and there's actually at least a little bit of value and we definitely have the power since our Coal Power is up and running got a different color no that's just that's the that's lumen it's pretty cool that's the open hole there close that and then we can click delete this monstrosity and then we'll close that we need that one open then we're gonna go there and there I think it works for sure yeah all right and I mean these are going to be permanent just like those were so these are these are permanent they're up in the ceiling now for the really gross stuff that's probably not going to stay there he's he's temporary in fact I oh it's because I broke the copper um now time to commit another crime against satisfactory the satisfactory gods foreign if you're squeamish your eyes because it's not gonna be pretty and the reason that I'm doing this so that of course hey I think that'll still be hidden the does don't come in at super wonky different angles when you're looking at it you may cover it up put a box around it but and now that those are aligned we can do this and I'm up side by side oh I'm dropping boxes why did I drop what oh that's old box hey now it's gonna be a bit of a pain in the butt when it comes time to upgrade these all right when we get a new belt when we upgrade the miners and but I mean it is what it is oh I'm out of uh plates hope our plate production is up ask um actually I'm gonna kill these plates uh should be a one to one we're just moving belts here um yeah I think something like this here let's flip is in the way so let's let's go underground here go roughly in line with that one we'll go there and there nope hey and then here and here belt is too long well that's just disappointing I see nothing I don't even know what you're talking about foreign keeping an eye on my progress um let's just bring that up higher actually damn it how high though like a little jog oh enough all right well maybe I can do a better job I swear to God I I've got to get my rollerblades all right that's not straight okay all right that's great we just gotta fix this no way emergency screws on hand foreign I like it well good thing we tested that we may have to carve out some more depth for our friends okay well that's good to know more reinforced iron plates we could be making those faster yeah um one of the reasons actually that we weren't making them is because the copper was shut down so I'm not going to mess with it for now our copper was shut down for so long one thing I am going to do though and we should have done it a while ago oh that's so cool looking we're gonna put glass around this I'm really looking forward to that one thing I definitely am gonna do is go uh mine some silica and quartz so we can get played this game before D3 I need my rollerblades or whatever the hell they're called button ma'am open then here we're gonna need those one of the ports maybe one day I'll stop thinking that I'm about to craft when I research but it is not this day it would just need silica oh no yeah we don't actually need the silica okay now we need the silicone grab the rest of this make some silica I actually forgot how much we needed I think 50 we'll say and hope it's 50. it was 50. oh my God Blade Runners anymore I feel like I've been moving in slow motion this entire save you know you just get so used to them oh yeah oh the jumping oh it's so beautiful uh this will be the reason I absolutely fall off so just so that we're all on the same page that I fall and and hurt myself and played a pocket Dimension six inventory slots um let's just knock it out I mean did it need 200 that's not too bad foreign well you know I say that but you know we did all that over there with the katerium this is nothing I haven't done before it should be the last time I promise Maybe I'm totally gonna cut that maybe out of the actually I mean I'm gonna cut all this out of the actual video because it's horrifying the edited video of this you're watching the VOD I I I apologize but I really need those uh extra inventory slots and we're not going to be actually automating ports for quite some time so maximum amount of good that it can do to us for us with minimum amount of effort are we where are we here we are perfect we have here crystal oscillators which we don't need for forever so we're good done leave these here for now in case we need anything oh my God we're so much faster oh it's amazing it's amazing okay all these little side projects done foreign what do we need to do next next we really need to pull down these as we need to transfer them over into the inputs over there I'll show you what I mean we need to take this cross all these cross beams back and forth and we're going to be pulling them underneath so First Step really is off of this splitter now we really just need to you know it's funny I just realized that as long as we have overflow sinks or I mean they need to I want them to match anyway but as long as these overflow sinks for all of the produced materials that are coming out of this the this row as long as those get synced over there they actually don't even need to get synced here because we would rather sink the refined materials and not the ore anyway but so we may end up just killing all of this but that's okay that is okay we're we're living and we're learning um so smart suppliers coming in next row all right and we'll do the four off of the side two three four will be first four that are I know that are iron ingots and then the first two are copper ingots then we'll figure out what we want to from there but we should be able to go ahead at these right and then one two four and then bar five you are X seven eight I'm gonna try to get our infrastructure a little bit more hmm now we really have to just do one at a time I feel bad for the we're gonna have a problem with the green forced iron plates a little bit it's not gonna be it's won't be too bad because we're going to be deconstructing a lot of this and then reconstructing it so I'm gonna be too bad I guess because we're gonna get more out of it but all right keep going let's stay focused what we really really need to do is we need to shut down production it's placed we worry about the over the Overflow afterwards right thank you we don't need all these yet but I want to place them so that I know what it looks like then I think we're gonna probably not do much more than 10 out we might fill it to that tile but we're gonna have to we go higher than that I'm gonna have to come out to these sides we'll figure it out when the time comes all right oh let's break these pair of copper there and there let's get copper going first because that will get our reinforced iron plates running from the end these two right here all right and then we're gonna bring these down we need to load them in where we need to load them in here you three four those are the iron ingots uh oh we do something like this you just line them up I don't know if I want to do that I think you need to have two some of these may end up being flipped around not the first six though you really don't need to do that I don't think let's just pick height go here all right and then let's stack walking bears foreign it's gonna be one heck of a subfloor okay Let's Line them up so two down just four wait one two I think just one two yeah because Popper's gonna come in underneath them this harder than it looks all right now the copper is going to come down one two or after that lines up yep there's our reinforced iron plates we're out of um yeah let's need to kill some that we're not using and these are the belts these are literally the belts that we're rebuilding below wow the I never noticed this but the maybe it's it must be maybe it's new in update 8 or I I there's no way I wouldn't have noticed it there's a little every time you do a jump slide jump specifically it's cool all right we got a little bit more to work with you to make sure that we prioritize you with the copper ingots three there there now we got to do a little switcharoo ski here oh rebuild this this bro enter okay like that I do sorry I was getting carried away okay make sure that this is reversible for them it is all right I'm gonna go one two three four five six that's everything or I think okay um to prioritize the which our third level here but I'm not gonna have enough kill this one oh we have a bunch of reinforced iron plates we wasted down here how many tickets do we got five all right let's go make sure yeah that doesn't look right it should still be moving make sure that things are set up correctly or not foreign looking good okay reinforced iron plates are back up and running so is I think copper sheets which look like they're full careful um let's do a merger there Arc one hey all right let's give these guys a break I think those are worth more points anyway and it allowed time to fill up all right all right this is gonna look really cool like when it's all rocking and rolling okay I actually don't need those two that'll save us some plates yeah these cascading belts are really gonna look cool hey what's next next is we gotta hook these back these two bad boys up which is the wires from that side then what is this okay we killed the iron ingots we gotta get the iron ingots flowing be not finished hooking them up I don't think we did I mean let's make sure I don't have any emergency reinforced plates back at base nope I used them all that day box right over here somewhere see if we can find it oh no what's right there have been bad okay I'm doing these little tasks I'm kind of like thinking about how we're gonna solve some of these problems uh but let's get the I'm gonna reinforced iron plates do we have 33 I mean that's not I don't think that's gonna be an s that is either um but you know I mean this nothing's coming out of this anyway air splitter what did we do over here okay this came out what are these These are the mergers the mergers just came out from here they went down okay we'll do that but first we that's our next step as soon as we finish hooking up the iron ingots that has to happen for that is going to be here first two or do we go ahead do we take the vertical hit I think foreign actually just pull these up get rid of that that that and that lightly cleaner not that that and that can go close that was so close we found a wasted source of her okay that's a little funky but you know what kind of cool as long as it matches and then we'll do a different layer as well for I mean yeah we needed to go down underneath it it really just has to be those two layers so this layer is for this side coming out and that layers for this depth is for that side coming in so we'll put those back when we need to because there will be a time when we're using these okay so let's check on the ingots make sure that they are flowing properly or not hmm foreign that is why good boy now we're flowing flowing and going these gotta go go coming out down here mods and right are these all Iron rods at the other side okay these are iron rods but apparently still aren't getting what they need thank you it's that so iron rods and then iron plates plates on rods dumb dumb dumb because I'm thinking know what I want seems very silly okay one of these gets kicked back in for the screws and that's this one so tits what is that yep the rods the rods get kicked back up the top row turn the top row I love this thing so we do need to connect this back in there that's rods and then that's actually going to be wire D yeah but we won't we won't kill that yet hey cool check and see if we've got any 52 all right to stop and think about this a little bit the order is wire wire foreign rods okay wire rocks wire is going to come from that side and then we'll do depth two because it's a little it's coming out of I knew that wasn't gonna work I don't want to go around one thing when your subfloor is only seven meters you can pop in and out of the holes like this okay side is the wire on the wire is just on that side of the same wall so that right side was two down the left side was three down okay you handle that that's too low okay the rods are on this side and the rods need to be I'm leaving the top one in case we need to slide something in that unforeseen but see okay so rods here and where are they coming out of coming out here one two one two now this is the first time I think we have to treat this differently because this is the first time that we actually have a finished product to deal with so we're going to come down to this next level here because we need to split yeah all right we're coming I think we're gonna come down to the floor yep played some rods Okay so this is where it's gonna get even trickier because what we need to do is we need some smart Splitters we need to send the rods and the plates forward down the line however if they overflow we need to send to storage so all we really need to do it's not actually not that complicated and needs to even need this not make it more complicated than it needs to be he's gonna come down here rods first lights will need to do it as well but let's just set up our smart splitter and we'll go any and then overflow forward for now don't have the iron plates before starting plate makes sense made these things really tall I think what I'll do is we'll do stuff on the floor and on the ceiling and then we'll put catwalks in the middle so I have stuff going above and below us in theory this is all really cool but in practice putting us together is rough but this is our screws now where do we need our iron plates our iron plates are heading all the way down here to our reinforced iron plates right right we really need to get those cooking fortunately we haven't set this run this that up yet with our new smart splitter setup so we did the rods the rods are done they're coming in and I think they're working hard to see it's so short yeah I see him up there okay cool rods are working so that's great I think what we need to do is build out this one yes yes we do we need to get our wire handled all right all right we're actually I mean the end is in sight here and again like any everything else we're doing we're making this so that it is more easily to expand in the future it's only really painful the first time and after that it's pretty fun and hopefully productive all right first priority is getting that wire hook back in here and it's the first one there looking right side is two down okay these are overflows right hold on hold on hold on hold on you don't need to do you need to split this here first of all that's off so that's horrifying in reality we just need to set we're over complicating this we just need to send it forward and then the Overflow doesn't happen here we already have the smart splitter up there for that don't do it twice it's gonna be yeah okay all right I'd forgotten though all right we'll do four coming out of finished product that's what we'll do uh I guess just the right side so this is three yeah so it's not four it's three well I want to get under those other ones so I'm gonna make it four and then rods was the second one two four right they go too far it went okay yeah I did now I gotta do is get this turn in I can't do that got stack them first how do we want to do it how shall I do it turn him into a flea there's the line on two there we go yeah these guys will be the Overflow oh that was convenient it's almost like I planned it so that that'll flow in and around okay great works okay so that fixes that and then keeps our floor cleaner and then we'll have an opportunity to get any overflow from our smart splitter setup that's the whole point of this duh okay where was I was I doing when I made that realization we were kicking over the wire this bad boy and we know our wire is there so we got to do the same thing you got to bring it down all right so that's actually a mistake has to be four that we don't get in the way of our wire it's okay we're learning do do hey now we need companion same spot on the other side which would be oh God where are you foreign what is the problem perfect then we know oh that may not be the correct distance this one isn't we'll kick we'll kick it out further yeah that that is actually going to be a problem what happens when one of these outputs needs to go over I guess we'll be fine because we'll just send it right over okay all right we'll deal with that when the time comes anyway where were we were want to wait one two one two two I think there's the wire the real problem though is that this was on foreign [Music] 's headed up and it's in its home right where it should be can I connect those correctly nope that one connected it is perfect hey buyer's done this is like hurting my brain we're doing we're doing it we are doing it and stay and then don't need him anymore he was for iron rods I think or more iron rods okay so we need a split of iron rods and rides are coming through the top you also need a split of wire I'm gonna have to double up on some of these we're going to turn our smart splitter into an overflower but also make sure we're making some more smartplate we are I mean reinforced plate did these guys are working okay I can do this do this I can do this I just keep saying it make it true right this is a lot of wasted um kill all this don't need any of this here I need the smart plate I mean reinforced bite I don't know why I keep doing that all right we need to we need to finish our we need to finish our setups we can get all of our inputs and outputs going I can't even track it anymore in my head what was this okay that's fine that's those plates which is fine for now foreign Splitters in place we know where they go right here we'll leave those for now maybe we build builds right yep yep okay well we can do the first one what's the first one goes in this first row the extra wire okay great perfect we need that done for the reinforced iron plates gotta get wire here but we're already using wire there and we're only making one we were splitting it before so what we need to do um all right get that trying to think most efficient way to do this foreign need to do something like overflow on one side and splits on the other side like all overflows how do we fit them and then how much room do we have don't have much room we have no room this way we do have room this way but that just leaves this row really limits how high we're going to be able to build this which was sort of the whole point of this is building it infinitely High I can bring these out one two three four five six seven I think this is what we have to do to make this work a little dense denser that I wanted to make this I'm not gonna make that turn well we could offset them that's how we do this that's how we do it that's fine we can do that totally doable first Rosa on the front just like how we had it okay and then when we run out of space one two three four five six seven eight lucky number seven yeah okay then we'll how many do we have here one two three four five six seven so number eight here can't actually go there has to go there all right we can do that that's the solution I knew it I knew I knew we'd get there how but put him no in is and that's it I just gotta do this once not meta AI limiters oh wait one too many about Mario there let me build this is there kill that kill that click why are you so tall idiot built this Factory it wasn't tall enough it looks like it's working okay okay if we really had to I guess we could do another row to 21 there'd be some clippage and it would hurt me but we could we could do it if we had to so that means that the Overflow they're all overflows this is the Overflow for wire but I don't care too much about it what I do care these are all reclaim all these are all Blitz right okay now let's set this correctly foreign are gonna need so any forward and then any right and then overflow left I forgot you can copy and paste Mark splitter settings thank you Lord and savior coffee stain Studios get up there get up there paste paste just for good measure double check make sure it's what we want it is there's our split okay amazing now that's our split so we have one move that ladder for now we have one unit one piece of equipment doing two jobs it's doing a regular split as well as it's overflowing awesome so and again we needed our copper our wire to go into the first door there and it's coming out here so let's see what that looks like down below here yes what though all of these items are going to be in the way how many can there be well we can just keep him bring this guy down we have to move it later but let's bring him down one two one would've been easier to count up foreign now that we're closer to the ground do it here oh actually that goes here okay once done and then we're absolutely gonna kill this to keep the floor away open okay okay what's next um what's next is we need sources uh we need to get the iron plate yeah they're empty no no the iron plates are back here at the next one that's the next one anyway okay we'll leave him there for now and that he'll keep feeding making our reinforced iron plates uh we finished this one let's kill this one was our wire all right number two is a split from the iron plates the iron plates are coming in where do we ever need iron plates for Constructors let me think let's let's make sure that we don't I'm going to I'm click on the wiki right now and I'm going to look up Constructor recipe satisfactory yeah I don't see any Constructor recipe that requires plates so we don't have to make a spot for them in the Constructor row iron plates okay so those iron plates that we're making can go directly over to this spot here okay you can dig it coming out here and how much space do we need well not much at all you can do a little things coming out here thank you yeah not bad let's pull him down too because that's what we're doing one two then one two then all we need to do is that one there and this one here click connect yep I think that does it for us wrong though ah I set this one wrong up there wait wait wait I forgot here here that was all up okay cool iron plate done well moving into that spot okay okay okay iron plates are set here though kill this second no they're not where did I stick them I done something bad the heck did I do where did I stick the iron plates it doesn't go there that's where the cable is it goes all the way over here all right let's pull him to the outside foreign correct no it's not oh my God I was doing it again what is wrong with me foreign let's do this one oh well that's actually kind of cool you don't need to oh you're gonna actually have to connect to the ceiling for that to work okay yeah look at that it's like cheating one two I haven't done a lot of ceiling work but that's changed what's the problem wrong yes happened we're working and everything 's not working damn it in the middle we do build you short one two it should work there we go but you know I'm not very smart there we go it's like pulling teeth but we're getting it in we're getting it in all right let's build a little ladder check and make sure that wrong foreign okay what's the third one is that iron uh that's reinforced iron plates coming back around okay which means build this this reinforced plates here pick up all that we've got and that's coming in at number three all right and we just got to get that to number three I thought I'd move that back here still not far enough it was off by two right in the middle oh we need to do we need to bring it out further I hadn't and built that when I laid this down problem down the middle yep here down the middle turn boom boom down okay now we're up and running and out of the way we can do two foreign but the actual is really difficult but still that's a stupid mistake my own freaking design I can't remember it okay that one that one b b here I think that works what should be on there reinforced iron plates which are going to be possible to see them on this angle they're moving Perfecto hey what's next okay we can kill this one and we can kill this this what is that bad boy not remember what he is coming into here he's not screws so he's iron rods he's a split off of iron rods get him in there get him in there okay number four is uh split from Iron rods what is that a third split right because we're making rods for screws and then we're making rods for no it's the same split that's the Overflow side okay we never actually set it up okay we figured out how we were gonna do it but we didn't actually do it rods perfect and now I gotta get that bad boy over there here now we're gonna have to do some stream Crossing so we're gonna go boom yeah I think we just go here and where are my rods coming out I can't remember what it's right here oh boom boom or under or under so and I think as long as we get this do over one two right there auto save for the the loss okay that should be that Rod's coming down pure freaking hope so getting faster at this I'm gonna actually figure out what the heck I'm doing and then gonna be done hello concurrent View of one or welcome back if you were here and then left hey rods are done we're doing some horrifying belt management we're actually getting really close no I don't fall down the uh the glory hole here what's next what goes in there I'm sure screws goes in there so where are our screws our screws are coming out in the third box let's double check make sure that that is screws it is all right need screws to be here I think we can handle um third row probably four down let's match the those wires okay so we just gotta go from there to there totally doable where are we gonna turn we're going to turn this row right here I will turn in this one match though I'm gonna match we can match yeah we can match this then we'll turn that line one two bit be this easy oh there's no way it's one more oh I guess it wouldn't be one more I had it right the first time no not quite not white but pretty close um you know I like like the way you were thinking but uh didn't quite get the job done all right um and actually we this one 's actually not doing anything this wire is not in a good spot it really should be going that way or coming underneath and then coming back around like the rest of these buddies but we'll deal with it later um okay Cruiser in place let's make sure oh I got distracted I'm sorry but the actual like screws are in place foreign okay I actually think no not not yet not yet I'll get ahead of ourselves I'm getting very close what okay rotors need to come in there and they're being created over yeah I think this is the last output setup we need to design this is oh we need to we need to kill this hey voters in the first ones cute now we're heading this way on hey those turned right out the gate going that way so continue the tradition the road did they first one right over that's the way then we go one I filmed two of them perfect then go here one two all right Why didn't it going on yeah okay okay here they come I don't know why I was having a problem with but it's fixed now because you're in hey second row smart plates now the fun thing about smart plates is they don't get used in any construction that I know of let's double check okay recipe recipe usage oh modular engines but we're not going to be making modular engines with this Factory so we don't have to worry about that Okay cool so that's just going to go down in the store we fill all this what we set up for the rotor system um so he's incoming not sure how we're gonna build I think everything on the ground I think we're gonna go to the ground or or this for the smarts for the resource syncing and the smart splitting thank you keep the tradition alive um yeah then heavy modular frames is here actually this should be I mean this line up our friend unfortunately we're getting close to one o'clock here um so we're really not gonna have a chance set up the storage the way I want foreign but we're we're very very very much and that does kind of look cool poking up like that if we can make it work we're very very very much on the way and I'm not really sure where our storage is gonna be maybe we'll build it elevated Maybe here here in maybe a could turn that don't know and we've got all the space over here we could build a little subfloor but we're gonna have to make it elevated gonna have to make it elevated somewhere like it to be in Mystery in this direction yeah I think that's what we're gonna do but day let's try to do finish up what we can do here oh uh let's fix reinforced iron plates for sure um we need we don't need them split we need an overflow which is this third one two three we've got to get some sort of storage going through it should be reinforced on plates oh we gotta set up our system that we're gonna overflow there and we're gonna split there copy paste eight let's do all these while we're here I don't remember I haven't done them yeah they're coming down you need to build a temporary storage up here so it's easy to get to here's fine we'll line it up with that oh it needs to be more out of the way it's gonna be really awesome when it's done but we a little bit weighs more ways to go we made a ton a ton of progress we spent half of the time getting AI limiters and getting rollerblades and what the heck is that oh I got so distracted I fell like uh little fireflies or something that was cool okay that's going um we also need to just build some more let's do that real quick let's build another one foreign is right on the ground second one is one up I'm gonna build two more I don't know if we have the resources to fully utilize it but B well let me fix my music we're okay all right better it's something else where does it go here and pyramid on that line foreign getting drained before it gets there couldn't oh okay it's gonna help us in the future yeah I think first thing we need to let's see if we can figure out where we're gonna build our storage and I think it's going to be something like this thank you all the way back I'm gonna want yeah and then one in the center so we need five starting there yeah right too high I think yes foreign something like this very dark very very dark built yep we're gonna be building something like this you fill up on concrete we did okay okay this is gonna look so good when it's done really happy really happy how this is turning out all right I think that's gonna do it for this stream uh unfortunately we only got half a job done so it's a little frustrating but there's not a lot we can do but this is looking way more organized we're gonna put like all this behind glass we're gonna light it it's just it's gonna look amazing um a lot going on very pretty up here the you know unfortunately the subfloor is a little spaghetti I I could have done better staying organized on it but you know we just do the best we can and we move on and remember this is still all starting Factory so we will learn from these mistakes when we build our Mega factories um later on using our theme our map theme this I'm actually super excited for they're gonna be really cool little pathway through here um yeah I think that's where we're gonna leave it if you caught this in a VOD thank you for watching we only had one or two during the stream and I think that they may have my last name though uh yeah if you catch us if you caught this in a VOD thank you for watching to the end I appreciate it and I will see you next time
Channel: Kinstruction
Views: 3,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 8, Satisfactory Update 8 Experimental, Satisfactory Lumen, Satisfactory livestream, Satisfactory new start, Satisfactory Starter Base, Satisfactory new player, Satisfactory forest start
Id: Ti3I6IdF-50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 46sec (14206 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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