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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story don't mess with a mechanic's car some backstory about two years ago i gave my car to my nephew it was a 1968 camaro it was a really great car i rebuilt the engine and transmission i got rid of all the rust painted the car and put in the interior when i was done rebuilding the suspension i realized i didn't need the car anymore my nephew had gotten a driver's license a month ago so i decided i would give him the car he was going to school with a lot of bratty kids and entitled parents every person who had a driver's license was driving a bmw or a mercedes or an audi dot all brand new at first he was laughed at for owning an old car and everybody was saying that he was poor and was driving an old piece of crap that car was more reliable than a lot of their brand new cars he wanted to give it back to me because he was embarrassed i gave him a long talk and said how he was driving a piece of history and how he should be proud of driving such a car this picked his soul up i said how that car was gaining value and how their brand new cars were losing value the next day he comes to me and is happy with the decision he made he kept the car and didn't care about those brats about a month later he comes to me and says that the car was vandalized apparently while he was in school some brat came up to the car and trashed it all the windows gun paint scratched to hell dents dings holes everything was trashed the interior was ripped apart and they literally took a dump in the car i was pissed when i heard that and asked if he knew who it was he said that he did know who did it and even saw the person who was breaking the car i asked for the name and searched it on facebook there he was with his brand new bmw with his address right there i started planning and fixing the car i made sure to make everything look the same and one day i had a plan i was going to go to the guy's house and strip his car from most of the parts to cover the repair cost one night i went to his house me four trucks and 15 other people we get there and immediately start working we took this thing apart so much that it was basically an empty shell engine and transmission taken interior taken glass taken suspension taken we stripped this thing to the bare metal the next day the guy posted a picture of his car and how he was going to find the person who did this and how the person who did this is going to pay a week later i gave the car back to my nephew and he goes to school in it with me following him in my 1969 charger we roll into the parking lot and we see the guy who destroyed the car his jaw dropped to the floor when he saw the car that looked like nothing ever happened to it after school ended i went to the parking lot and met my nephew who was waiting there before we roll out i drive next to the guy and say i think you lost this i throw the hood ornament at him and drive off the guy was shocked and just stood there i'm happy to say that my nephew still drives the car and is happy also all the bullying stopped thankfully next story a panda with a broken arm my first bit of revenge which was likely the worst revenge i've ever committed occurred when i was 14 years old to understand what happened i'll start by saying that i was severely bullied back then it was the 90s and bullying wasn't given the attention it is given these days i was probably the easiest target in the school a young girl who didn't like to talk was 5 feet tall 152 centimeters weighed only 68 pounds 30.8 kilograms and had big glasses adding to the problem was that i had asperger's syndrome which was considered to be on the autism spectrum back then i probably only would have attracted more bullies if i'd carried around a neon sign my parents knew i was having issues and allowed me to study martial arts but told me consistently to not fight to try to get along spoiler alert it didn't work my grandfather on the other hand pushed for me to do something much different and gave a piece of advice that i have carried with me don't start the fight just finish it being the typical good girl back then i tried to follow the rules that my parents set out the ones that the teachers attempted to enforce but the bullying never ceases my pencils were smashed and i was poked with the sharp pieces my lunches were stolen and eaten in front of me my books both textbooks and recreational were taken and ripped up in front of me there was even an incident when my shoes were stolen and tossed into a pond that i knew had alligators in it meaning i walked home without shoes this continued from elementary school into middle school and finally high school my few friends were good people who tried to help me but were often targeted as well some of them ended up being transferred to other schools when things got too rough at 14 i will admit that i was numb and no longer reacted the same to the shoving or harassment the teachers were less than helpful never leaving their classrooms and thus never seeing what happened in the halls on one particular day while attempting to put some of my books into my locker one of the bullies decided to have some fun and see if i was really small enough to fit in a locker he came up behind me and started shoving then attempting to fold me into the locker one of my friends came up and yelled trying to make him stop only for him to push her away causing her to fall when i managed to turn around he had grabbed her and tried to slap her something inside of me snapped at that moment i didn't care about being bruised or hurt i was just angry angry to the point that my numbness was overridden at that moment i wish i could have seen the surprise on his face when i delivered my first non-sanctioned kick to his side but he was facing away from me and fell to the side of my friend he coughed as he turned to face me right as my hand grabbed his shirt and my other hand slammed into his nose breaking it i was enraged but the pleasure i felt in that moment when i heard him give a sob of pain caused me to continue to punch the piece of trash though i remembered those first two hits perfectly the ones that followed were mostly lost on me i didn't plan didn't aim to do anything other than hurt this person the boy was double my size but had never expected a tiny girl to fight him especially since she never had before i was told later he attempted to fight back but i was little more than an enraged animal that turned into a violent berserker when he did land a blow the high school we were at was a multi-level school and our fight took us near a stairwell my mind cleared in that second but the anger was still there as i came to a decision i was going to kill this jerk on his next attempt to punch me i moved in sharply and drove my elbow into his side knocking out his breath then shoved him hard my anger broke as he began to fall and i can honestly say that i was afraid as he went rolling down the stairs knocking into a few people on the way down the bully wasn't dead at the end of all of this but he did have a broken nose a broken collar bone and a broken arm from his fall down the stairs i had a number of bruises and a bloody nose as well though it wasn't broken my friend did manage to explain what happened which prevented me from being expelled i was suspended instead the bully was also given a suspension and a free ride to the hospital my parents were livid at what i'd done and grounded me for an indefinite amount of time turned into three months my grandfather on the other hand pulled me aside and told me only way to make a brat like that stop is to make the consequence bad enough for him to toe the line he ain't gonna bother you again when we were allowed to return to school the bully's broken arm and collarbone caused him to need not only a cast but a sling as well his nose was still large and discolored causing him to look like a panda or a raccoon he never bothered me again during the rest of high school and a lot of the bullying died down around then first story insult me harass me fine hurt my family shouldn't have done that this is my first time posting on reddit i've read stories here before but never made an account or posted anything i was reminiscing with a few friends and i suddenly remembered this i told them about it and they recommended that i post it on here as the community would love my story it's a bit of a long read but i assure you it's worth it i'm a 39 years old caucasian male and this occurred when i just graduated from college so when i was about 22 at the time i was about 6 2 in a decent build i always was one of the popular kids at school and was never having problems with any sort of bullying it all started after i graduated very very suddenly first it was all my college friends disconnecting with me first ignoring me a little here and there to full out avoiding me then came the harassment i'd started a job at a local convenience store which wasn't very busy so it was a perfect place to come and harass me when i say they i'm referring to a group of guys all about one to two years younger than me and still in college they were way more muscular than i was and some even cleared 6-4 so you can imagine them being pretty intimidating to me at the start they came in and did minor things that at most just inconvenienced me such as taking something bringing it to the counter then telling me they'd changed their minds and didn't want to buy it then coming back with something else and doing the exact thing over and over again until my manager came and kicked them out of the store then it became more serious they started waiting for me outside in the parking lot after my shift ended and started getting physical with me i tried my best to ignore them but it was incredibly annoying it wasn't extreme just like a punch on the shoulder a flick on my ear the usual bully stuff this continued for weeks and i was afraid to take any action as i was afraid that it would just get worse i was very non-confrontational at the time eventually they decided they'd gotten bored of messing with me and decided to take it to the next level by physically harming me they'd shove me to the ground and kick me smash me against my car and mess with my stuff once they nearly even broke my arm i was done with these guys but still too fearful of them to take action so i let it continue big mistake apparently i wasn't enough for them so they started targeting my family i don't know how but they got my brother and mother's phone number and started calling and harassing them using one of those apps which allows you to have a random anonymous phone number and being all-around jerks this infuriated me a lot but i kept my cool thinking that they would just get bored of me and move on they didn't my brother who was at the same college i graduated from was about four years younger than me so about 18 at the time he was exactly like me non-confrontational and shy which made these jerks think that they could have a piss at him to get to me one day my mother got a phone call telling her that my brother was in the ur as he had a broken collarbone broken arm and a fractured hip they told her that he had told them that he slipped and fell down the stairs i knew from the start that this was nonsense he wasn't allowed to walk for a full month as doctors said it could cause the fracture to extend and worsen the situation so here my brother was stuck in a wheelchair for about a month because he slipped and fell down the stairs i went and confronted him about this and after i applied some pressure he broke he started crying uncontrollably and told me it was the same dudes who had been harassing me for the past month furthermore my mother went into mild depression because of the whole ordeal everyone has their limits and they have just crossed mine this is the point where hell unleashes i through some friends got the number of one of the dude's girlfriends who by the way was completely oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend was a sadistic bully and after explaining the situation to her got her in on my plan i got her to give me his address as this was crucial to my revenge my family members were devastated at the news of my brother and after explaining the whole ordeal to my two older cousins who were both taekwondo black belts they were also in on my plan i was going to annihilate him physically and emotionally two days before the college finals week i went to his house and rang the doorbell he saw me and instantly started grinning i told him i wanted to fight and he started laughing hard he told me i should go home and try not to embarrass myself but i was persistent he followed me outside and we went to a nearby abandoned school which was about a minute away from his house the whole time he was taunting me about how i was going to suffer and how great he was we reached the field and my two cousins came out in their taekwondo gear looking intimidating as hell his attitude and facial expression completely changed he started complaining about how it wasn't fair and that it was three against one i told him that the fact that he had assaulted my brother and caused him to not be able to walk was not fair and told him that he was going to regret that decision before he could respond one of my cousins came running up from behind him and did some sort of move kicking him brutally in the head he fell to the ground and his head started bleeding i could hear him whimpering on the ground but i was merciless i signaled to my other cousin to have at him and he did it was beautiful every kick to the stomach every punch to the head his bleeding body lying in the ground watching him suffer after what he put me and my family through eventually we stopped attacking him after we realized he was unconscious and started to get a little worried i called his girlfriend and she called and she came and put him in her car with the help of my cousins and took him to the hospital i don't know all the details of his injuries but he was hospitalized for a month and a half he ended up missing finals week having his girlfriend break up with him and having his entire family condemn his actions after i informed them of what he had done he was also left with a permanently disfigured face he had to have plastic surgery for all his facial injuries and the surgery botched the job and now his face is permanently disfigured i didn't get away with it completely though his family pressed charges and i was arrested for assault and was jailed for six months with some pretty hefty fines but it was worth it the other bullies stayed away from me and my brother ever since then and we have gotten on with our lives i feel like the satisfaction of vengeance was worth the six months in jail edit at the start i say i have one brother and when we attack the guy at the field i refer to my male cousin as my brother i fixed the error in the story but this is just to inform that when i said my other brother i meant my cousin and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 19,311
Rating: 4.9197593 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: hoZQDUPaesY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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