Enticed Or Persuaded

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enticed and persuaded you want to be real careful because that can be good or bad I want you to remember Satan's words in the garden he said to mother Eve he said is it true that God told you you could not for take of the trees of the gardens at all yes we can for take of the trees of the garden but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden you know what Satan said now won't hurt you as a matter of fact if you'll take if you partake of that tree you'll gain knowledge and wisdom your eyes will be open and you'll be as God's you know those were enticing words and that was persuasion and unfortunately she fell for it okay in the Greek we have pytho and pathos which is enticed and persuaded it's both practically the same word in greek means the same thing and it's something you want to be aware of but the most important of all is the mystery of God don't ever let anyone entice you away from that and the simplicity in which he brought it to you open your Bibles if you would to first Corinthians chapter 2 first Corinthians chapter 2 the teachings of Paul and Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and I brethren and that's emphatic okay I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God I didn't come as some fancied an orator or some great preacher I came to you with facts okay so what he's saying and he's playing back to verse 17 of the first chapter which reads for Christ that me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words that's to say men's words less the cross of Christ should be made of none effect that's what it comes down to and that's what it hinges on that's what it's based upon but there's a reason and you've got to know and understand that reason and that's what this lecture is about enticed and persuaded I don't want anyone to ever be able to entice you or persuade you away from the truth and the truth is what God's Word not my word not some other man's word but God's Word you pay attention to it you stay focused and don't ever let anyone pull you away from it verse two of that second chapter first Corinthians four I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified now many ways although that's pretty simple no it isn't what do you know about the crucifixion of Christ do you know who did it then you don't know do you know why then you don't know so when you teach Jesus Christ crucified you teach a great deal you teach why when and where what was the purpose and there are so many things that feed into that including your salvation your life eternal and your ability to withstand the fiery darts of Satan okay that's what it extends to that's why he said I don't come preaching some fancy message I come teaching Jesus Christ crucified why he was crucified where he was crucified who did it and what this has to do with the mystery of God and we're going to cover it today okay verse three and I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling as a man Paul had a weakness he was taken to the third and God put a little cocklebur under his saddle that give him much discomfort a lot of people say well what was that well it was I feel it was his eyesight but be that as it may what he was saying I came just as a man not feeling quite up to the task of what maybe I should because think Paul never quite forgave himself for persecuting the church man he gave Christianity a hard go of it and he repented of it and he was a very humble man that he gave it and dedicated his total life after that to serving the Lord Jesus Christ and teaching him Jesus Christ crucified verse 4 and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing there's that word entice I didn't try to entice you if I thought words of man's wisdom but in the demonstration of the spirit that's to say the Holy Spirit of power the Holy Spirit is power is power in your life today it's God's authority for you to declare that that is evil away from you and it must flee so that is that power now he said I didn't come with some man's philosophy or wisdom of the world I came with you with Christ crucified teaching the real truth and in the simplicity in which he brought it forth so again watch enticing words there's a lot of them out there and all how some people like to have them fall on their ears pleasing men men pleasers you want to please God okay that's what's important but anyway if you don't please him you're in a heap of hurt you're not going to receive any of his blessings that's for certain verse five that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God that is to say the fool wisdom of men verse six howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect make that mature okay nobody's perfect the word in the Greek is mature among them that are mature yet not the wisdom of this world this world age that is to say nor the princes of this world that come to nought now what is this princess plural of this world then let me ask you who is the prince of this world age it's Satan so who are his princesses his sons the key Knights let there be no mistake about that so what did he say but we speak the wisdom of God I'm sorry wisdom of this world age nor the princes other to say the Kenites of this world that come to nought it'll end you up and with not every time do you know how much naught is exactly that not a okay now I'm in Spanish aren't I zero nothing that's how to come to nothing is to follow their teachings of this world age that word is Eon in the Greek not terra firma or ear its meaning soil verse seven listen carefully but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory before this world age God had this plan this mystery came forth and it had to do with those Kenites it had to do with Satan and again this goes back to Christ crucified you want to keep that in your mind has a great deal to do with it alright for the simple reason this mystery of God is a very simple thing Jesus told you in Matthew 13 what it consisted have been kept secret since the foundation of the world but the bow in the Greek the overthrow of Satan that Satan came and planted a seed on this earth and it's called the tears which are these little princes all right verse eight listening carefully which none of the princes of this world knew didn't care for had they knowing it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory oh what is he saying here well that's the mystery it lies within that if they had known what they were bringing down on their head they would not have crucified the Lord Jesus Christ because what they did in accomplishing that was to bring death to Satan whose name is death to their own father so to speak had they known what they were really doing but they didn't and there would be no way that you could convey that but will document it before we finish this lecture this mystery and this purpose of Christ crucified who did it you've already learned that he told you right here those that would stand in the background and cry out when someone say well let him go no crucify him they would shout and that mob saw that the nails were driven the spikes into the Lord Jesus Christ and that crucifixion transpired but if they had known what it would cost them they actually brought about Satan's death and so doing this why well amen you well Christ with us is God with us and now that they have seen no trouble or came to the conclusion to murder God then God has no problem doing away with the canine those that would continue to follow in that that is to say Satan in other word God is totally fake always and that's what they brought down on their own he had a sentence you pass a sentence on someone and God usually turns that on you you understand okay let it go verse nine but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him Isaiah chapter 64 verse 4 you know you can't imagine you may think things are rough on this earth they're really not if you'll use the power that God gives you to succeed to be successful to be somebody you won't have any problems in doing let me rephrase that if anybody gives you any problem you know how to take care of business okay can do type people so that that's what it amounts to okay but you cannot imagine what God has set aside for those that love him and that follow him in the eternity out what a wonderful time it's going to be verse 10 but God hath the revealed them unto us by his spirit what spirit the Holy Spirit for the spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God that is to say the mystery that he would reveal the mystery the hidden to some but not to you for you have eyes to see and ears to hear and you not only here but you're a doer you're a doer of that word and that pleases your father that's why you wrote this letter to you personally so you know what to do so that you could follow him verse 11 for what men knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of Man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God in other word you can't read somebody else's mind you might make a guess that it you might take a whack at it but you can't read somebody else's mind God can and the Holy Spirit does know the mind of God whereby that spirit that communes in you can relay or discern those things that you're supposed to know in your care in your knowledge and as you go forward verse 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world all heavens know it's bad news but the Spirit which is of God that's the Holy Spirit again that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God do you have you dug them out that's a gift okay he's freeing gives you truth if you'll search it out talking to the Holy Spirit allowing the Holy Spirit again that's why he wrote the letter to you you lazy never quite get around to it well why couldn't you set just a little bit of time inside each day for your eternal life it mean anything to you of course it does and that's why you do it you bring his word into your life everything in moderation and everything for your appetite different people have different appetites some people can study four or five six hours a day and some can only study an hour and then you might as well forget it they're loaded that's it don't over overload somebody's donkey all right it'll drive them away from the word so everything in moderation and common sense and that the Holy Spirit leads verse thirteen which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual let me let me translate that for you interpreting spiritual things with spiritual truth with facts of spiritual facts that's the way you do it always get down to the facts of God's Word that is spiritual 14 but the natural mankind of the unbeliever okay man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto Him they'll laugh at God take God's name away from me neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned and he doesn't have spiritual discernment you do you can discern the minds of a person if they're in the spirit to a degree as to whether they're truly following the Lord God or whether they're having a way of the world and boy this world is getting so pitiful that it didn't take long to figure it out okay verse 15 but he that is spiritual judgeth all things the word has discerns all things we're not to judge okay yet he himself is judged of no man are discerned of no man why because he's a family of the Holy Spirit for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ why because you can discern and he can discern and he can lead you and talk to you and will use you if he can trust you if you have the faith if you truly want to serve him then there have been times in your life that you've wondered why why am I doing this well I can tell you most often especially if it's from the father if it's from somebody else we might have a talk okay but if it's from the father I can tell you why you might have wonder why you were there and why it went that way always in your favor usually because God's in control enticing words let me talk you into this listen you don't don't listen to somebody that would tell you you have to learn God's letter to you don't you know why I'm I'm teasing now okay I'm using slang of the world or ways of the world what somebody that's a false teacher might tell you you don't have to read revelation or worry about it don't you know why you're going to be gone mercy would you be stupid enough that you would that a man tell you you didn't have to listen to God I would hope not because God named it revelation because it means to reveal or to make known because he wants you to know it because it's important it's part of the mysteries where you go to work it's what he wants to use you for but there are many false teachers into the world we want to help them all we can okay by straightening out what is miss taught so that people can properly discern and have God's Word uninterrupted allowing the Word of God to flow as it should flow to be interpreted and discerned as it should be discerned Jesus Christ crucified who crucified Him why did they do it because they had a message different than his they wanted to bring you some doctrines philosophies of men that are in the ways of the world they wanted to destroy the truth and you know something they've never stopped twiddling at it they never stopped working at it but you have the word with you in your heart and your mind your body your soul as long as you have that spirit in your soul with just a living word and God gives it to you freely as it was written as a gift as long as you'll work at it but you got to do the work first and then he blesses you with he knows what you have need of and he will gladly provide it turn with me to the book of Colossians let's go with Colossians chapter 2 again we'll go there Colossians chapter 2 Paul again speaking okay this is a fantastic chapter because it tells you we're not going to cover it in this lecture but it tells you what was nailed to the cross in other words what Christ fulfilled that he became he became our Sabbath he became our holy that he became our holy day why holy days were to bring you rest Sabbath means rest that's what the word means you're not going to find any rest outside of Christ when you take him into your heart and your mind your body your soul you're gonna find rest find peace of mind where you have you're at peace with the world whereby you understand chapter 2 the great book of Colossians verse 1 for I would that you knew what great conflict I have for you and for them at Laodicea that's justice of the people what Lois Laodicea means and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh I really I have a concern and again that I emphatically being knit together in love and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ I want you to know that mystery there's nothing it is so simple he says I'm concerned about you drifting away from that why would he be concerned verse three in whom are hidden and knowledge not part of it all of it all wisdom comes from your father proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 the beginning of wisdom is the beginning of knowledge of loving God your father he is your father verse 4 and this I say listen carefully lest any man should be guile you with enticing words there's that word pipe dose again enticing come up and whisper in your ear it won't hurt it'll be okay you don't have to even listen to God's Word you're going to be gone watch it my friend enticing words come in many forms but the Word of God is the word of God period don't be beguiled as Eve was in that garden verse 5 for though I be absent in the flesh yet am i with you in the spirit the Holy Spirit family friends joining and beholding your order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ your faith is important beloved don't ever let it waver and the way you keep it from wavering is to not be enticed or or led astray by some individual when you have the word of God to discern God's Word not some man's as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him in your daily life talk to him when you know when you got trouble tell him about it okay asking receive let him know you have a problem you don't even have to do it out loud if it embarrasses you he can read your mind he knows what you're thinking and you can always pray I don't care where you are you don't have to pray out loud nobody know you're praying top to him every day in your life he loves you he may not love what you do sometimes I know that but he does love you and he wants you to serve him in your daily life verse 7 rooted and built up in him and stablished in the faith as you have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving in other words you're solid in Christ crucified you know who crucified Him you know why they crucified him you know what the outcome will be and the overall purpose and you're solid you stay there ok verse 8 and listen carefully beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ do you know what this word Reutimann says it's the elements it's called studyin in the greek it's the elements and the rudiments that are destroyed on the day that Christ returns with fire ok so you really wouldn't want to go there if you know the truth of what they are but but pastor you don't understand sometimes philosophy is so sweet it sounds so encouraging it's sweet talk don't let somebody sweet-talk you into hell okay because that's where you're going if you listen to sweet talk that is contrary to the Word of God God always taught through the apostles and the prophets in such a simple way that a child can understand don't have to worry they know and they follow and they are established and you can't con them and they know they can't con God and God protects them God looks over them verse nine for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily he men you will God with us don't ever forget that well isn't the holy spirit part of the Godhead you got it his spirit is the holy spirit and ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power you don't go any higher than that my friend you want to stand against the fiery darts of Satan being be his servant be Christ's servant he has the power and the authority and do you know something you might say well how do I know for sure that he'll watch over me haven't you ever heard the parable of the shepherd he is our Shepherd he had a hundred sheep hundred of them and you're that poor miserable little wretch that gets lost and goes astray and it's cold and it's stormy and it's bleeding in the Wolves of the world after it who do you think goes after leaves the 99 and goes after the one that one is you if you have that trouble he's got time for you when you're established in him he's not going to let somebody pick on you and get away with it did you hear what I said I didn't say he wouldn't let somebody pick on you I said didn't get away with it he fixed his wagons okay if you don't know what that terminal terminology means let me give you another and he cleans plows okay all right and and so he does go with me to the book of Galatians I'm backing you back up here right before Ephesians Galatians Galatians chapter five I'm sorry I'm gonna change my mind I'm gonna take you to chapter 1 Galatians verse six you are lucky I forgot my watch I have no idea how long I've been teaching but I won't hold you to long verse six of Galatians chapter one and incidentally chapter five goes real good with this okay I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel Paul said I can't believe that you've lost your faith that quick just doesn't make sense verse seven which is not another it's not another gospel do you know why it's not another gospel there is no other gospel only the gospel of Christ but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ they're always their friends you just want to get set for that don't let it discourage you you know you you can cut it but I just hate to have trouble well take care of it first okay take care of the hardest one first and get it behind you and then the rest of your day will go just fine okay verse eight but though we that means Paul included or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed and they are I'm going to tell you what there's some people feeling some mighty better have asbestos shoes the way they're going in britches to boot false teaching is not a fun thing for our Father he does not like it there accursed in other words verse nine as we said before so say I again I'm going to repeat it over and over If any man preach any other gospel to you then that we then we have received let him be accursed I want you to know that real good let it be clear it's going to do that God is listen God loves his children that little old sheep that he went after leaving 99 do you think he's gonna let somebody get away with picking on his children you better believe he is not and if somebody comes along with another gospel trying to mislead them do you think they're going to amount to something no God will take care of their wagon okay verse 10 for do I now persuade men there's that word persuade just listen to me this is in a good sense okay this is PI thoughts instead of thought okay in the Greek do I put now persuade men or God question or do I seek to please men question for if I yet pleased men I should not be the servant of Christ you you're never going to be able to please all the people that's where a lot of ministries just fall in the ditch we just want to be loved by everyone how about Satan I don't think so you know you either are disciplined you have discipline in your church you have discipline in your family or you got trouble the very word disciple means discipline you've got to discipline yourself do you know when something's a no-no that's no that's how you discipline yourself 1 I don't want to pay the price then good don't do it if you feel lucky hey in other words there's always a price ok but discipline yourself and discipline your family with love of course and and sometimes tough love is tougher than can be it always hurts the enforcer more than the receive e alright but that's what God in your home is its order it's love its understanding most of all its truth and you have a family that's going to be with him forever verse 11 but I certify you I swear to you he's saying brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man didn't get it there for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ he was on the road to Damascus and Christ struck him down I mean he was an abuser of the Christian Church Christ struck him down blinded him and talked to him led him used him Paul was already a zealous student of God's Word but Christ directed him and straightened him out he knows that and so it is he received that message from Christ and you might say well instead of all that type of study not like I said Paul was a deep - he knew more languages than all the other apostles put together okay he could speak Roman Greek he he he spoke colloquial Greek Hebrew he was an expert and Aramaic he could sirak it could just pour forth he was a fantastic individual so so it is with you study to show yourself approved using the word of God to find your way the answers are here you know you can pay for a counselor all the money in the world and you'll never be able to pay for a counselor as wise as this one or that will lead you as successfully as this one will and it's his gift to you it's free it's your gift for you taking okay okay to conclude go with the book of Hebrews this is why you teach Jesus Christ crucified the great book of Hebrews chapter 2 this is why the Kenites messed up when they brought off the crucifixion big-time okay this is where Jesus Christ comes to you and he says hey you're in the flesh and you experience the things of the flesh so have I I saw it fit to come down and show you that's our Father speaking I come down to show you how to do it only to do it right and that's what this is about is Christ's coming here in the flesh and to die on the cross and the answer of why the Kenites messed up when they crucified him and why it's important that you know the mystery that's hidden from the foundation of the world about the Kin it-- verse 11 of chapter 2 the great book of Hebrews for both he that sanctify us I'm sorry verse 10 let's go up to 10 for it became him from for whom all are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons into glory to make the captain of their salvation he's the pioneer okay he leads the way and he did it in the flesh verse 11 for both he that sanctifies and they that are sanctified or all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren do you know that Emmanuel God with us now resurrected and now sitting at the right hand of God is not ashamed to call you family because you believed because you follow because you are have a spiritual discernment to know that truth then verse 12 these words Christ spoke on the cross while he was nailed to it so from Psalms 22 which foretold the crucifixion why he was crucified and so forth okay where he would cry those words on the cross Eli Eli lama Shabbat Penang okay these words were included within that this twelfth verse saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee and that church moved from that cross to here and to wherever that word is taught the true word and again this is Scripture after scripture and again I will put my trust in him and again another scripture behold I am I am the children which God hath given me that's he's going there from Psalms 18 as a a chapter 12 back to Isaiah chapter 8 and then back to the book of John the Gospel of John just crept here after scripture verse 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the scene here's the reason and this is why the kid not messed up why we came here that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil that's why it came to pass that's why if they had knowing what they were doing they would never have done it most likely I don't know they're kind of stupid but be that as it may that's what they brought down on their head is the destruction of Satan and death along with it when it goes into the lake of fire at the very end that's your savior talking my friend that's the mystery of Christ crucified teach it live it and understand it verse 15 and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage that's the way you are you afraid of everything you don't have to be you're a child of God you know how to train yourself to protect yourself wherever you go okay verse 16 for verily he took not on him the nature of angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham just like you a man a woman okay but that I mean he was in the flesh wherefore in all things that behoove him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people that's the other part you know when you mess up don't live with it repent be forgiven it's gone don't ever bring it up again for in that he himself has suffered being tempted he is able to secure them that are tempted do you understand what that means it's a secure means guarantee those that are tempted if you rightly divide that word he can reach out and with that Eagles wing and place it over you and protect you that you have that comfort from your heavenly Father why because you're family you're his child he knows you and you follow him teach and as Paul would say I teach nothing other than Jesus Christ crucified that covers a lot of ground we covered a lot of it today but not all of it there's so much more beautiful ends to that if what he did that for you didn't have to he could have came down as a mighty angel in a club okay he could have been like Michael and come down or Gabriel and had a horn he didn't because that's because that's Gabriel's job okay the trumpet shall sound but he did it for you and Paul wanted you to know hey I'm not coming in here speaking some fancy talks or pleasing men please in God and this is the truth discern it that's the way it is Heavenly Father we thank you Father for the written word thank you father for your many blessings and the truths father we ask in Yeshua's precious name amen amen amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan father says and others will see and fear and these things will cease happening among you but you see we don't do that we let them cop please we let them get it we get away with murder and rape when we're supposed to kill him or the others well there's now they want you to have a certain IQ before they do they had enough of an IQ to do a murder they got enough of IQ to die okay if they did it once they'll do it again and if we do not start dispatching these people to the Father that murder twelve-year-old girls and molest them it'll keep happy to turn them loose it'll happen again and then don't blame God for it though it's not his fault he told us what to do about it and a lot of us preach what should be done about it but sometimes it falls on some pretty slow ears because people have more compassion for the criminal than they did for that little innocent girl what a shame what a generation Ritchie from Florida I was just wondering which do you think God values the most love or obedience well love of course he Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your grace which is to say your love unmerited favor but you see if you love him the obedience is going to come I just finished our last lecture that I made before the congregation was was has to do with this you'll see it on the tape list okay love and if you love him you can't help being obedient that means to serve Him and do what he tells us to hi my name is from Oklahoma my name is Zadok I'm 8 years old how did God put salt and water to make the ocean that's a good question this is why we have real salt in other words there were places on this earth and thousands and thousands of years ago that there were beds of salt and and the floods came and over in many of these salt pits and places and and then in many places like the Salton Sea in California the water dissipated which is way below sea level but many times we find these real salt deposits not cooked or anything else is just really the way God created salt but it was from the water over running the retsoor terra firma and and becoming salty because real salt or sea salt is salty I mean when you use a little bit of it it's very it's healthy it's the healthiest salt there is it's not cooked its not tempered and it won't it doesn't necessarily hurt you and quite frankly men must have a little bit of salt to live okay it's just you get salted and you start seeing pink in the desert and and it can kill you so but real salt is how is a fantastic thing and there are people that have health reasons they can't really for take a lot of this cooked salt that just I mean it's nothing but rock but they could take a real salt that's real sea salt okay I hope that enters your question because of simply water absorbing salt and it's salty Christ would use that as analogy of when salt loses its saltiness it's not good for anything well sea salt is good for salting and good constancy from constance from indiana PS my husband of 33 years has a question why do people get rip-roarin mad when you tell them pork is bad to eat most of the men are sick and I'm trying to help them well you know sometimes you can only plant a seed and it's it's a health law but learn the scripture that is necessary and if they don't want to hear don't don't drive them away because of Hell Klaus when maybe you could drop a Salvation law which has to do with their eternal soul far more important than keeping these flesh buddies happy is to save their soul eternal do you understand what I'm saying that could be misunderstood real easy but the soul is much more important in finding salvation for it so don't don't drive people away from hearing you because of health laws when it's the real truth should be taught okay it's it's it's secondary you did it's important but it is secondary compared to the eternal soul question for okay Bernard from New York pastor marine keep up the good work we're gonna do it fantastic job at Shepherd's chapel this is a little lengthy please bear with me I was unfaithful to my wife and she has divorced me I'm an adulterer she said she forgave me but she doesn't want me anymore I know it's up to her because I messed up I don't have anything against her I'm not gonna go into the scriptures either one of you if you repent if she repents she's free to remarry even though you're alive and living if she repents of anything that she might have said then she's free to marry she should read first Corinthians chapter seven and understand the Greek okay so but they that's why Christ paid a price on the cross if you don't repent she would be living in adultery if she married you but she repents she's free that's why we put killed one burden put that blood on another and let it go free there Christ gives us freedom the truth sets us free so don't don't let her put herself into bondage because of your mess up okay I hope that helps you I hope it helps her bill from Florida how that how that God's Word says being how that God's Word says that after a man has trust tasted of his Holy Spirit if he turned away it shall be impossible for him to turn back again and that it wouldn't have it would have been better if that man had never been born also how can I expect that God will deliver me from the desires of this world when my faith is wavering driven with the wind and tossed truly I cannot think that I shall receive anything of the Lord well you poor miserable soul it's that that's a terrible attitude to have in the first place you're ignorant about what was reported about having the real truth and turning away from it in the book of Hebrews it means if you know who the Antichrist is and you don't stand against him then you've committed the unpardonable sin trust me you haven't committed that sin you just you're just peeling down and blue okay pour vous goo baby okay you you haven't committed that sin you need to stand up and get tough now you say well my flesh talks to me and I have these lustful thoughts well you're in the flesh that's natural that we dream certain things and everything oh that's just as natural if that can be but your spiritual man is supposed to rule the body but the flesh man is going to have thoughts and don't let that rule you you rule the flesh you tell it to sit down and listen to you and act right and and you'll mess up so big deal we all do everybody messes up occasionally so we pinned that's why Christ paid the price on the cross that on repentance you're a new creature and you are a new creature when you accept that so you get out of those that down or attitude because what you're saying is not true that's only for God's elect and I can tell you right now that's not going to happen because we're ready to stand against Satan and you are too so you get yourself toughened up for the conflict and the war that's coming to stand against the Antichrist you can cut that you me not your flesh may not be able to overcome a little bad dream now and then but as a man and I know you are you can stand against the Antichrist and you will so now you get cracking next letter I hear from you I wanted to have a little different content okay don't like poor me babies they just you just got to be have a value to yourself of saying I'd be a child of God and I can cut it okay you get to it Chris from Minnesota in second Timothy chapter 3 it speaks of what people are like in the end times and it says to turn away from them what do we do if it is family if it's family you go to second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 and if it's if they're really bad you you do as 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 tells you you may have to set yourself aside from them but don't treat them as an enemy they're family continue praying for them and and you can let's say that if it's a religious matter you can get a you can get along with them on holidays or visiting days without bringing up religion ok the family is important and try not to break that tie but second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 read on to the end of the chapter it will help you Nora from North Carolina now to my question I no man is appointed wants to die and I know Lazarus was raised from the dead did Lazarus die again or did the father take him he never really died that first time but but lets us understand when we talked to flesh man it is given that flesh men dies once but flesh and spiritual men can die twice that is to say there can be the death of the flesh and there can also be death of the soul that's what the second death of Revelation chapter 20 the last two verses has to do with the fact that God says you didn't make it and he blot you out of the book blot you out of existence that's the second death Lucille from Colorado I does Arnold Murray have a lesson on believers being grafted in thank you so very much for the Word of God Romans chapter 11 okay just I would advise you to get the whole book of Romans the tapes was xxx but that's what it is about is the grafting in Romans 11 done from Oklahoma the other morning you answered a question quoting from Saint Matthew chapter 6 and verse 30 they this got me to thinking if angels are not capable of reproduction and how did Satan Father Cain now I see where you're going with this is that angels can't reproduce that's in the resurrected body not angels in the Second Earth Age they were very much able for reproduction okay but not in the overall future I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all a bunch why because you enjoy studying our fathers word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all though God loves you for it makes his day and when you make his day he's going to make yours now we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you you know what's most important though that you stay in his word every day in his word even in my trouble it's still a good day you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 grab it Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 510
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: ttU8KkSOsdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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