Once Human - Acid Farming Guide (OUTDATED!)

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what's going on guys it's your boy clout here with a brand new video and in today's video we are going to be showing you how to farm acid efficiently and well get as much as you really need so this is where I personally like to do it and uh we're going to be just doing um one of these production facilities these are actually probably the best ways to get there this one here being at the brewery uh so if we go here Brewery estate here in shock Peak this is as far Northeast as you can possibly go for cities just beside uh what is this Evergreen so once you arrive at this location you're going to want to make sure you have some uh key cards or permits so these are these right here the blackv permits uh personally I like to do the extraction or the refinery tier one or twos if you're going to be doing this solo uh so let's just jump right into it so you're going to go up to the machine you're going to click your F key and actually have a list of Al like you know multiple options here we're going to go like I said with just a tier one uh personally the blue ones here will give you more and they're all going to give you the same like reward just the higher you go up you're going to add more fuel and uh for this you know sake of the video we're just going to do a Tier 15 which is uh sorry a tier one which be you know makes the Monsters level 15 excuse me so there's going to be four waves pretty much just go into the defense mode it's going to put you into PVP now for this we're going to click our b key to go in build mode you're going to see things highlight start by clicking your F muscle and now you can grab and actually build up the defenses so you know start by grabbing all the biggest things placing around the best you can now this here this is going to be the method to kind of like half kind of like AFK it I guess you know do it with like less supplies and this overall I think is just honestly one of the best ways to do this because so far me doing this I've been just doing it with Molotov and I think it honestly works really well the only issue is there is a lot of spiders and the spiders will blow up taking all of your defense with it so keep that in mind all right so we'll finish up here just by placing everything out there's lots more so just run around grabbing everything you can again I highly recommend actually putting a lot more defenses on this uh side here which would be the uh towards the farm and the reason why is there's a lot of spiders that spawn right here where I'm looking and uh that's the problem is the spiders honestly I won't D that is the biggest problem so let's uh just grab the rest here don't even need everything honestly you can grab more as you go I'm just going to grab as much as I can till the monsters start getting here should have I think about a minute just over a minute so if you click your Escape key you actually see I have 31 seconds left for Preparation so we still have time let's grab the rest of these barrels again just look for anything that highlights one thing we don't want to forget about is this staircase here always forget that's a thing and the only other thing that's good is this firew stack right here now I think that should be good we're not going to grab all the barrels we're now going to click Escape jump up here we have 7 Seconds the main thing is to stand up here or on the other side I prefer this one and definitely have lots of Molotov or grenades of some sort and I like to also bring an mg turret so start off by getting here we're going to place our G turrets going to actually go through the floor which is kind of funky but that's okay next put on your Molotov and we simply just want to wait until the mobs get close so here they're starting to you know get close we're going to start like lobbing over here now the monsters will destroy the things pretty fast so just try to keep them under control bolotov is being like honestly the majority of what the work is here the turret should take care of the things in the back and uh the things that are flying around there's going to be some monst is flying around we will go outside and take care of the main focus is these guys for now and not only do you get rewarded the acid from completion as you can see there's lots of Loot on the ground which means acid all over the problem so if we can jump down here just to pick it up and show you there's a smartphone not acid um there's another one again no acid but you will get it there's four you know see uh so this is the big guy you don't have to worry about him just yet I would take these guys out first I a sniper for this and this is quick to take and uh honestly none of the things here should attack you you should be pretty well F on most cases um yeah just kind of like take out everything that you can again keep in mind you are PVP during this whole thing so anybody can come up and just kill you so you know keep that in mind for this sake in this video we're not too worried about it we're just kind of focused on getting some kills here probably not the best gun to be using I personally like using lmg here but right now kind of running low on ammo hence the reason that I'm doing this grind um but again this is um probably like I said the easiest way and this is just one of many locations there's many on the map so if you ever see one of these zones like this feel free to go over to it and possibly throw one of your refiner permits just know that again a lot of people like that is something a lot of people foret as I saw someone doing one of these yesterday and I actually so yeah got be very cautious about it so we only got a minute and 34 seconds left here we're doing just well finish off these things that's okay we got our heals all so it did fail so you're probably wondering okay if it fails do we get rewarded don't you fret you still do so the easiest way to take care of this and this is fine I don't mind to fail so we're going to actually go ahead and actually click R and just start disol everything give yourself ready to loot so there we go now all we want to do is simply walk around and loot everything but don't forget to pick up your your reward from here which should still be half of what you earned which is honestly still good like this goes out pretty far I've been able to come out of this with well over 100 acid in one run um again that was doing a 25 permit I recommend bringing a friend if you're going to do some of the 35s or even the 25s uh as the leveling gets quite hard and honestly the difficulty as you seen I failed just doing a solo I wasn't you know overly like focused on it but with more focus and more work and you know kind of using a better weapon like using an lmg to take out most of the mobs you should be able to clear this out me getting over 100 acid easily per run so hopefully this video helped you guys out again I only got 34 a run not too good to show you guys but again you can get upwards to 100 per run so again if this video helped you out leave a like subscribe I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: Clout Chaos Gaming
Views: 4,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oncehuman, once human, beta, acid, farming, farm
Id: Qb82tiQsEY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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