(Enshrouded) Endgame MAGE build for the NEWEST PATCH

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what's up my sh elephants I'm back with another video it's going to be another build I've been making builds like crazy recently but I just got to 114 skill points and after experimenting more with the current patch with the water or Nerf with the ice bow spell AOE I think I came up with a pretty good build and I wanted to show you what I'm rocking I'm going to go more in depth than my previous video cuz I know I didn't do a very good job explaining I'm going to show combat I'm going to show all that so first let's get into the skills so with trickster I went with Counter Strike this gives us a 20% chance that when we take damage we'll reflect 50% of that to the attacker as fire damage this can trigger other skills this will be very important once we get down the tree we went intelligence for the 5% multiplicative magic damage bonus we we went be gone just to get down the tree you're not really going to be using it it's okay but it's nothing to right home about we got more intelligence and our last skill in trickster we got Terror Counter Strike can proc Terror basically something hits you there's like a 20% chance that if it that it hits them and then if it crits they'll get stunned this also works on any of your fireballs your ice bolts your acid bites stuff will just get stun locked because your crit chance is so high with this build then we go to Wizard so we get Spirit right here just to get down the tree this is the way for 10% magical weapon damage quick charge this makes your staff a lot more usable it makes the charge up time of staffs 50% faster very useful we went Spirit to get down the tree and we went double fire damage with 10% 20% and we went the double ice damages with 10% 20% I'll get to the I'll get to why I chose these in a minute then we went intelligence wizard for the 10% crit chance chain hit and mass destruction to get down the tree and intelligence next up we got our healer tree went intelligence healer healer two to get down the tree intelligence water Aura Waters of Life Waters of water Aura and Waters of Life got nerfed you heal 50% slower and at 50% the amount as before it's a big Nerf Waters of life is still good though it's just kind of doing what it's supposed to do which is be a passive kind of sustain over chip damage and when the fights over you can heal a fool it's not really going to keep you alive through everything anymore that's why we have healing spells right we got Spirit got martyr to get down the tree to get exalted for three levels of intelligence at the current Max flame level and we got more intelligence next up we got my battle mage tree I got every skill besides one so we got intelligence Arcane deflection to get down the tree intelligence Unity so we can restore Mana not very important but we get down the tree to WAND Master wand Master is better than sting for for a DPS increase because this is basically a 30% chance to do double damage spirit and intelligence I skipped down on this point to save points but if you don't like where I put some of my other points you can consider getting this one I just found myself using the staff more often than the wand but this skill is good to have because it's a pretty big damage increase next up we went with the tank tree to get a little bit of Health to supplement our healing and be very very hard to kill one Constitution shiny plates for physical armor heavy plates for physical mitigations Constitution our health Tower so we take less physical damage warden so we take less magical damage Constitution Earth Aura and thick skin for three levels of constitution at max level of the flame currently then we went into Warrior one point to get Constitution for 50 health I didn't really see a better place to put this point so I put it here then I went up the Survivor tree to get double jump is very good quality of life it makes traversal very easy it lets you climb mountains build your bases all that so much easier it's also nice in combat because you can avoid enemies very easily and you can use one shots in your double jump so we got endurance Runner double jump then I use that double jump to segue into jump attack strength vigorous deflection Constitution Constitution part not using this skill really if you like using melee you can try it I don't really like it I mainly just wanted to get down to here to get Constitution this seems like a waste of points because it is but Constitution is very important to this build especially with healing less with water Aura having to supplement that with healing spells you want to have time to be able to cast your healing spells and having a lot of Health helps you do that it's also there's no real else you'd really want to put those points besides maybe in the center here and some of these things possibly um but I didn't really care much for those now let's get into the items and tell yall why I went Fire and Ice so we are using the Shroud Weaver staff this is the best staff in the game currently now this did get changed you can only get a level 25 version now but the next best thing would be this one and they're identical except you get more Fire magic damage with this I'm sorry it would actually be the same if they were on level I'm pretty sure but for our build Fire magic damage is better so I would still suggest getting this staff with these Fire magic damage bonuses you'll be doing Fire magic damage on all of your spells even if they aren't fire because it adds it on top we are also using the Blazing wand this is our oneand to do fire damage with and the ritual Tempest wand this is the best wand in the game if you get a legendary one you get five to plus n shock magic damage for a lot of damage these are the only three weapons you really need but I just have an ice wand on here just to have it and I have two melee weapons that I don't really use these are your four main spells with this build you have eternal heal Channel all you have to do is pop this once clap grab the orbs and you will heal to full acid bite one shots everything in the game even if it resists poison very good against bosses also groups of enemies Eternal ice bolt got a little bit of a rework you could say I'll show you all that right now basically if I cast ice bolt here you will see that it leaves a little AOE on the ground if enemies walk into that AOE they will be slowed for a very long time and getting hit by the ACT actual ice board itself will slow them down so that's your main spells these are your three for damage now let's get to the armor so I'm using the shield of light because it has the highest block in the game and I don't really use Shields that much anyway but if you do use it with your wand it's very powerful I'm using two rings of opacity to have infinite Mana so I can cast my spells as much as I want I'm using the Elder hand for magic crit chance crit strike damage this will help us crit more to not only do more damage but also proc Terror we have the radiant pet and chest plate to give us 240 Health as well as some nice stamina we have Arc Mage gloves to give us damage against magical foes and to make our staff hit harder we have radiant Paladin trousers for 90 health and a nice two health regen and we have Sage boots for 12% healing and four Mana regen my stats are 1,80 Health 240 Mana 354 stamina with a 13 Constitution and a 17 intelligence your most important stats with this build I currently have no consumables I have not eaten any foods to give me higher stats or they'd be even better right now let's go to my favorite place to test stuff which is right here and I'll show you what the build's looking like with the Shroud Weaver also weav in some W attacks well let's get it so once I load in there's going to be a boss here as well as some normal ads some going to go to the boss Le she's about to attack me yeah as you can see she resists the attack but she's still going to die oh no one HP so you can choose to use ice b or Fireball with this build both of which do good damage um I like ice because the enemies uh can't really touch me and some enemies are going to resist your stuff when you get enemies like this that like to run at you you can switch to your wand and just hold right click while attacking and they'll never get a chance to really hit you and uh I'll let this guy hit me a bit and show you guys what the healing is looking like he's pretty slow huh and as you can see I'll heal the full yeah guys this is the build it's pretty strong even after the the Nerf I would say uh Mage is still on top there's a lot of different ways to build this is just my current build I like it also there's the stun they're getting slowed and stunned at the same time pretty crazy also the chain hit and mass destruction um electric procs can also stun enemies so that's pretty nice okay fire one yeah that's the build guys hope you found this informative hope you found this helpful maybe inspired you to make your own build maybe try mine but yeah guys have fun
Channel: ian
Views: 295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o_10Urc9JcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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