Learn Present Perfect Easily in 9 Minutes

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hey guys welcome to lingua marina let's talk about english students least favorite tense which is present perfect because it is so confusing i was taught at school that present perfect is a past tense which is not because if we look at its name it says present perfect which means that yes we're talking about our actions in the past but their result is still here with us in the present this is why it's present perfect it's a present tense and it's really important not to mix it up with the past tense it's really important to use it in the right way so today we're gonna talk about present perfect one of the most important things to remember about present perfect is that we don't really care when exactly something happened for example i say i've lost my keys i don't really care if i lost them yesterday i don't really care if i lost them a week ago i care about the result i've lost my keys and i can't get into my house this is the result and so it doesn't matter when exactly the action happened it matters that the result is still here it's my present i can't get into my house the way we form this tense is that we use either have or has i have you have they have we have it she he has after that we use our verb in the third form and here please pay attention we have regular verbs where the third form is the same as second and is easily formed by adding ed play played played stop stop stopped and we have irregular verbs that you have to learn run run run bring broad broad rise rose risen so we use the third form and please remember that some regular verbs actually change the way they're written so for example say sad sad we get rid of y in the second and third form and we add i d study studied studied so just pay attention to the spelling of those words so we have has or have we have a verb in the third form and if it's a regular verb we add ed if it's irregular verb we just learn the third form and very often we have a word that tells us that we have to use present perfect ever never since already yet remember what i told you we don't really care about the exact timing of an action so whenever you have a year ago in 1990 in march 2015 that means that you would probably need to use past simple because again in present perfect we don't care about the exact point at time we don't care about the exact day or exact year we just care about the result so i have never eaten pizza in my life okay the result if i try pizza it's gonna be something new for me i've never eaten a taco i've been to great britain once that means if i go now it wouldn't be a new country for me but it doesn't really matter whether i've been in great britain in 2015 or 2020 in this case would use past simple sim i've been to italy many times also when you are taking your toefl test when you're taking your ielts test or whatever test that you're taking please do not contract your verbs don't say i've been there don't write i've been there please say and write i have been there this is formal academic english and this is what's required from you when you're taking a formal test when you're writing a formal essay of course when you're chatting to your friends to your classmates when you're recording a video on youtube or watching my videos you're free to comment below oh my god i was scared by this slip when you're commenting on this video you can totally contract uh your verbs and say i've been there i've enjoyed this video so much i've learned so much from this video marina you're an amazing teacher you are being too modest so feel free to contact below this video but please don't use contractions when you are taking an academic test the negative form in this tense is formed by adding not i have not done this i have not seen this before or if you want to make it shorter you can say i haven't done this before i haven't seen this before when you're forming a question in present perfect this half goes into the beginning of the sentence have you ever been to the united states if you want to add wh question your wh word comes first who what when whatever what have you done today this wh comes first and then you have your have or has and then you have your verb or how many times have you been to the uk again your question comes first then you have has a have and then you have your verb it is really important to learn the word order because when you are speaking to a native speaker and when your intonation isn't right when your word order is not right people might not understand you at all because when you are talking to native speakers they are used to talking to other native speakers and it might be a little hard for them to understand you if you have an accent or if you're mixing up word order this is why whenever you're learning something please make sure you're learning everything accent word order pronunciation that's really important in any language okay when do we use present perfect we use present perfect to talk about actions that started in the past or happened in the past and still have effect on our present i've lost my keys i can't enter the house they've missed the bus that means they will be late i've already eaten means i'm not hungry so we don't care about when exactly the action happened we care about the result in present i've lost my money i've lost my club and now i've lost my guests we also use present perfect when we talk about our life experiences i've been to the uk i've studied in germany i've done this so many times before when you talk about your experiences about things you've done before you use present perfect i've never driven before also if you have an unfinished time word for example this year this week today and want to talk about actions that have happened in the period that is still ongoing you use present perfect let me give you a couple of examples we've already prepared our car twice this year oh my god and there might be another repair coming up you've already done so many things today you've accomplished so much during this day and you still have time to do something else you've already slept for five hours today stop sleeping come on time to work so whenever we have this ongoing time stamp we use present perfect i've already seen someone cry today also quick difference between present perfect and past simple if you say i worked here for five years that means you're still working here if you say i worked here for five years that means you're no longer working here you see the subtle difference in using of tenses makes everything completely different and gives a completely different context to a person you're talking to and let me give you a quick exercise he hungry in 1990 which tense would you use here another example he hungry two times so in the first example you have past simple because it has a time stamp 1990. he visited hungary in 1990 but in the second sentence you don't have a timestamp you just have a number of times he has visited hungary so he has visited hungary two times guys if you like how i teach you tenses i have a whole course on english language tenses it's really detailed really interactive with a lot of exercises because once you got information about tenses you really need to practice them it has a lot of additional materials for you to practice to learn to print out and put on your desk only for you guys because you're watching this video and you're watching up to the very end you're getting an exclusive from a code to take my course with a discount the link and the promo code will be below thank you guys so much for watching this video i'll see you on my course where i will talk about other english language tenses and explain them in more details with a lot of exercises so looking forward to seeing you there please subscribe to this channel if you're learning english and haven't subscribed yet because this is one of the mistakes you're making in your english language like this video if you enjoy this content i will see you very soon bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 1,036,780
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Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, present perfect, learn present perfect easily, how to form present perfect, hot to use present perfect, when to use present perfect, english tenses, english present tenses, present perfect or past simple, past simple or present perfect, present perfect marker words, english grammar, english grammar explained, english grammar explained easily
Id: tLaiUarjNj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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