Enemy faction pay us millions... then we ambushed them! (minecraft factions)

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hello guys how's it going welcome back to another episode of factions this is the long awaited episode because today is the day we are going to receive what is what basically belongs to us and what belongs to us the 5 million dollars that we need to get for a splitting sword and T G's base the other day because if you don't know I think it was last Thursday we split sword and TG do you know hang on let's just do a little flashback shall we [Music] in cash what oh my oh sure that was one team all right so haplin's is about to fire we're trying to tell everyone to get off this like sponge bit here because if you're standing there the cannon might actually sleeper oh no okay we would have to be fine but there we go okay a nova shot is now coming in hopefully that'll split the walls it's fast me and watch this like you know I mean I do anyway I don't have the cannons go through walls but this guy goes from underneath that's the saying all right sick that's split it's just last of all due to be breached this is five billion dollars guaranteed this is last fall I think okay now be warned no no no no we breached technically is it broke oh no no we still need to go so I'm never say oh yeah yeah firing anyone it's just basically dry up your walls I can hear horse though alright so we are into the base GG five million dollars plus whatever now we can raid oh yeah let's get in there but every guys if you enjoyed this episode go down below hit that like button be greatly appreciated also the winner for the giveaway the other day is going to pop up on screen now congratulations to you and enjoy your roll rank but anyway guys well further ado let's now keep these boys waiting all right sword and TG very nice that you could join us today it's it's about time I'm pretty sure we're over the week that you said but you said that you had the money two days ago we just couldn't get the meat in touch you do this so I'll let you off so you're lucky you won't be paying five million dollars remember if there's any funny business here actually let me just check cuz I managed to check TG pal TG valine who has the money do you have the money on your I do yeah alright you do it the money okay I was gonna say maybe there's any funny business here and the money isn't paid you know I mean it still accounts and you have to pay the ten minute but it's good you've got the five million all right well come down no funny business no one's got anihilation Coors anything like that no I wanna know this okay buster pretty we need to claim so yeah okay well look no one's got that well I'm ready for it so if you do I'll survive fingers crossed right so anyway guys how are you getting on since we split you I know that was very sudden I'm gonna I'm not gonna lie I was shocked myself when we split you next day after declaring war and I told my faction about the five million dollar deal thing and they're like well then let's split it and they just went straight for it and we tried it you guys know we literally raided you in the middle of the day sword you were online you know that you already know this you were literally online while we were underneath your base and then you logged off and basically gave us the free reigns just a Raider yeah so I was not gonna go against 20 people I think that's when you went for a shower actually cuz I think I rang you so you had first shower and teaching you in order to be seen and know your facts remember so anyway we just wants us yeah that's that sucks education is education is worth it trust me but yeah we let you got very lucky with our timing and it worked out how are you guys getting on since then pretty good yeah I think river birch again TJ I'm not sure no no we were going to but we didn't do it at the end because we think we want to get any like price if you win anything's all right I've been going down and I feel like that's between no we're just trying to wait to try to make it 10 some purpose okay so and would you like to would you like to hand over the five million dollars yeah sure hey okay maybe kind of starting to think that I should get someone who's not here to do the payment in case you try to kill us so you take some of our money you guys have through you have to go twins in weekly I mean yeah yeah I gmask I'm gonna on a H by a nappy Spurs and our deal is done now thank you very much the deal is now done would you guys like to make a nova proposal no would you like to leave it here is the war over or is this little what's going on is it is the war over but we just still enemy factions like what's going on where do we go now because pretty much ended the war that was I didn't expect it to be that quick so what's gonna happen now guys what we doing I like the whole way we could just literally like we just if we see each other we just kill yeah what my faction weren't happy about the five mil so they told me to they made it very clear that they're not they don't want to make another money but in that video you were like what yeah we're pregnant you and I was kind of set that you weren't you had you had pipe guts at the time as allies you had cream power like you guys were literally the strongest like faction at a time I'm pretty sure if you still I don't know if you still have those allies or not but like if you still do you probably still are now I know if you guys don't know we did split loss the other day which is Kree Empire and so I don't know if they lost a bit of value but I'm still sure they're there well gear and Ray they go like mmm mmm and but you guys like yeah you guys absolutely rank so I don't know you guys are in a strong position if that's still okay so you could that's why I thought you were gonna split us first and I thought my fact she was gonna end up hating me so anyways so we're gonna continue being at war or just being enemies there's no war going on I guess just enemies and see how things go I'm happy that I was kind of hoping that you guys would want to stay enemies cuz it does make things interesting that makes it fun now okay I know where you got all so I'm getting the factional area I literally store Raven gold for him now is that okay well it's definitely gonna happen I've got five million dollars on me I need to get rid of I can't die otherwise I lose a good chunk of this thing to true my head I'm sorry whenever I see Raven you know that this stuff is going to go down what's going on oh we're gonna make you crazy Carrie do you need help alright there's a guy here okay I'll take this guy me and Mike you take this guy cuz he seems like a big boss I'm just really crappily okay I believe now karma definitely does exist it definitely does hello is this a trap place nothing is this true is this claim by then Mikey Mike is not here is he is this claim by him okay be careful you're weakened Mike in his discourse of unity communicate I am going to go to shop oh why do you wait I got cheese shop you everyday I've been gonna buy anihilation car okay I'm gonna try an I elation core trap right here it's probably gonna kill me but I don't really care it's want to try it for the fun all right guys they're mute I have a knife [Music] oh that one like the snakes top TJ okay you can have so you can also just leave me oh no no come this way come 1v1 me boy no come on alright I'm just trying to bait someone into this trap right now I'm just gonna dilation cord I got I don't think this is gonna work but we'll see what happens I'll probably end up dying myself that's that's exactly what's gonna happen here oh my god we need help walking okay I'm just gonna leave that plan out okay go right if you thought about this ya know oh jeez oh jeez mind out my not as a massive all there that won't kill him though no solution to make a massive hole no for this guy got this good you know all right no more shopping I'm gonna go shop I'm gonna actually get some speed parts of stuff and we're gonna like this thing else we can all right let's see if we can get a kill shall we let's see if we can try I don't know if it's gonna be possible boys guys near hold over that way and he's in he's in go go go stay on him stay on him stay on if you guys get our claims I can behold he's bet he was very close to home oh yeah Rosie brother brother I got I got a bigger have you got me in the hole oh hello I'm here oh my God he's a good baby beer good job drop the line you trapped a beast TG or twin good job wait he's got rid of his mask I think he wants to die oh but you are a line and you need to be contained oh oh no you did not that's cheeky oh come here yup here right now he's dying he's died he could go out for this this might not be fully claimed and I don't have any blocks only claims look I don't know but oh my God he's warm Oh Dumbo's are the best are you sure this is pretty clean cuz this is a big cave we're in the middle of 81 chunks okay I don't know if the cave is eighty chunks yeah dude he's got a massive cave a huge cave chase him down boys he's so lucky right now how big actually this cave could be 8 1 Chung's I'm not gonna lie it's quite possible it's very possible this is willingness right here someone to claim is definitely go for a charge out boys Yoda live ones go go go go go for it that would go out go out get something loose eggs out so much Oh get it get it at point one oh wait go fruit just there they don't they expect us to sit back just get in there Oh Jay Z so close [Laughter] yes to die he has to die yesterday unless unless he gets knocked out GG all right an operation up to surface that follows up keep them distracted while it's under my office right now we're out all right so I have no idea what's going on right now I'm basically it's gonna repot get some more gear and actually repair my garishly and get some more pearls and head back there we're just giving our best oh I say we're about to see some more enemies come in here I see blurring stuff so things could go wrong here no freakin way go Scotty G where I see someone here who's here who's I see swords swords on Echo tea with me Tiffany Susie Oh somebody's annihilate core this is someone got nylon cate blanchett will have a mint whenever all right combat ladies right here oh look cool crazy Steve when you said right except I right here right here just annihilate quorum yeah yeah knocking back in two hours one of us don't get home but just stay back and relax oh yeah oh I see you you're like stalking back go higher than that and just like come flying down did you profile a wall to survive you know with means no because he only did half the chunk and then he like fell into it huh this guy's running around in our territory no no he's actually like look how he's running he's running in this IKEA territory what oh my god if someone teaches right here if someone here named him that's all right that's our whole right can people confirm is that our whole no way I don't know if it's our whole I don't even oh you're at I'm gonna see if I can beat this guy in boys yo I just lost 1 million dollars for a faction but that's good I guess sword auntie-ji Cobham money pack for their for their troubles I guess wait a second we kill T G so if that money gets given to T G you might be to get a bit of a back that's a potential plan okay I'm gonna grab it sharp for I'm gonna grab some more gear and get back all right we're gonna try a little tactic here we're gonna see if we can get covert we're gonna go for a knob back to sword yeah 20 K okay let's find this fine I'm gonna grab some more pots and get back out there or when you drink a fire resistance it was it you like I got instant Karma's like I'm gonna knock this guy in and then he knocked me in and I probe for the wall too early I should have waited a bit so remember that for next time Oh what's going on here okay explain what's going on where are we right now I've gotten out my two sword so I'm gonna annoy the hell out of them thank you thank you there we go burnout oh we got to be so careful oh he's so dead yeah yeah he has to be has to be yes you know he's always hang on I'm gonna get oh I'm okay no I'm good I'm good does someone want to take this four million dollars off me before I lose more like you get you're all on if you want it all right there we go I'm after giving Mikey my four million dollars so now that I don't well I won't lose anymore it's too much responsibility Oh summit 805 okay keep him away from me keep him away from it keep make it all from do something like okay can we get some cobwebs and Outsiders on my that I have I've got a lot back you saw it so I can potentially knock them into it like I could be tremendously annoying make like a whole wall like here yeah yeah this is a gamble of a war right now think up the four million dollars up because I've been closer to have so many times can we get like look these guys are getting too ambitious like we can initially easily trap them look there we go my god I got my god he's so close to death wait I might killed I'm like I killed I killed yes you see GG I'm good right I try to he have teen teen everything on him swords over here swords in the back gaze head just sell it for money why not who was the guy edgy what was name oh he's all who saw my head yeah I said for 240 yeah zealot get some money back get some money back boom there we go down don't die or give it to Mike here some like that so we make some money back so we lost less than million sorry about that guys yes okay so Mikey are basically we're after chopping the guy who sold my head and managed to get $240,000 back so that's something we can start there this is like a war this is a big standoff right now look at this like look at this for a standoff right we need to this error right here can someone who has like cobwebs tonight what's Jason doing Jason it's Jason okay he's destroying our cobwebs you see this thing over here we need to literally codes cobweb this place up cuz once they're in here that's doc okay all right go on go on go on go on Vikings lemon lemon make a pathway here to the right because I'm we could knock them in that's it that's it come on come on guys you guys come in all good all good oh guy any a guy in cuffs no he's out he's out look at a guy look at just make it soft empty from us girlfriend it's working guys it's working oh he's C job so quick I want a pearl over there but like it's so like named wait do we have an ally over there that needs help no special say I'm gonna wait Vikings a fine blur they're fighting against each other it's perfect good yeah yeah no I'm Vikings a fighting blur I what's going on here I think oh no they fixed it now yeah they go fashion banana oh I need some more privacy oh yes okay Gigi Gigi they're all fine the web's kill circle I'm in the Webster that's not important I'm breaking the waves oh no just got out so Mike are you safe yeah I'm itchy uprising Gigi go from go from parade March in Drive mob margin there's a lot of doors in the web sorting webs I like how we've made a little pathway for her yeah I know we're late you directing traffic Oh Oh Gigi OTG got a bit of interest I'm getting a bit of interesting outside won't be surprised oh this guy's in the corner there go back there we go this guy yeah they kind of you just got to get that angle right and once you got it right okay sky do you tell em I'm going I've got sword in their corner head thank you so it's here so it's here is he going to a trap that's all claim broke this is all clean job good job I don't have anything I don't have any we're gonna not back to you so it's going well tell me go go go chase him Jason Boyce's no door he's gone into his lab oh no get this is oh wait this guy's ready so let's try this knocking back back oh he was on Sam one block corner he was literally on seven this guy right here at the top this guy right here thought oh my god easy flinging around the base Oscars still here yeah no I was making some tea tea I'm trying else go he's proper trapped in there all right come on keep on keep on it's worth it we save every man Fiji you're going to toward your goal Oscar's day at Oscar said Oscar dead still go in they still go in this no go for it swim if you want I don't know any more sex it's a pathway people go for it go for it it might not be expecting it salting this oh we got people stuck in cobwebs right here get his head and just keep it come on come on he asked me dead he's gonna get got so for couple has no cup with more cobwebs he's gonna part it's gonna pull jumping away nope I'm in I'm in this way man there's no way he's getting out I'm too big for this yes okay right did you get sort of heavy stuff for him yeah I got killed sword is just you storm in he wasn't expecting it no he was trying to mine away I was just on him just okay so at least I wasn't the only one to die I feel happy now Oh God are you picking them off one by one right now come on that's it oh dude it's guys oh he's on seven I want to always on foot oh dude that was close I pushed it I pushed it you're going for it there's like yeah there's three of them yeah yeah go on and what about the old tee back in one force oh no this guy here and there's people here we might be a blow up here might be just kill him in there chop them in the iron oh I might be one the killer fray just please please oh here's max I wonder if it's a decent axe I doubt it oh go on will he go on let me kill that bait helmet the iron warrior himself oh go on how is he surviving they don't seem to care bomb they're not trying to save them okay I'm gonna go shop two seconds I'm gonna go get literally repair my gear and stuff yeah I need to go get more parts same no an inspector put me in combat I'm so annoyed that iron guys oh wait to monetize someone pearl get in front of his pearl oh he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead come on come on they're all gonna be rushed in to save this guy you see that Raven come on that's it that's it is it it can't keep up you can keep up that's it go that's it that's it boys make sure he's properly trapped in there oh no he's out no okay I need to get some more parts and stuff and repair my game I'll be two seconds all right this fight is actually insane this start off is a bit of a mess round fight and now it's like turned into a real proper kind of standoff fight we're all trying to trap each other into like our own trap so we can secure the kills it's very tactical here but like this is absolutely not Spang it yes things in the course fingers in Corey's person he didn't land it didn't land Gugu and won a single he's dead he's dead he's dead has to be dead and he said he said in a few minutes ago he was only messing like we was like crazed eva is an easy quick job confirmed how much keep it Oh some more okay but yeah nice one Gigi alright tgdd knock me into Cowboys oh yeah very dangerous that was really lucky that we got like we lit she traps bang at the right time cuz he would have survived they're over here over here TG and soldering over here oh no no no no no no no what did you only got those traps I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm not I'm out my pole landed oh I'd have been so thankful for a nipple of my life yeah what'd I do it over there they're making a big oh they're making big I'll be back she's just yeah yeah yeah okay Raven Raven Raven Raven I'm good I'm good I'm good TG was at least you the second you went over there TG won't be lying straight for you this make it awkward for him just keep annoying them this is where they've moved to see she's out t jeez I'll be back in look at all these guys over here like just sitting here like most these guys don't come out okay we might be to fish a few amount potentially we're not back like this guy look I'm fishing this guy out this guy look we go do go there we go there we go oh he's on three Oh he literally needed one more head wait he died hey what's going on ah oh they look some of their guys out you ran away okay that's that's getting really dangerous steroids Oh let's sword could die or it is like glitchy dropping so did he said one course I'm in web tube I don't really care swords on six he's in gap what's he doing he's gonna die he keep seeing gaps yeah GG who got a kill key please open away I'm gonna keep knocking back and I got something stuff I won't be able to get I'm not able to get his head cuz I killed him what less than 20 minutes ago alright so he's heading drop okay he can't die get nice good oh my god oh my god he's gonna die I don't know oh my God he's just pardon he's going low voice he's panicking he finished his plan again he's gonna be run out pot soon he's gonna have refresh the top bar we need more we need more seks we've got this last final chance he's party public [Music] again the dreaded helmet there's people coming over trying to save him yes [Laughter] speculoos gonna hae us is there no ready means i he just pawed me what a nice guy pokey the way anyway you go get him boys you get him someone in front of him on the left-hand side he's gonna pearl on it boom there we go yes oh I feel so bad for speculated she T piece of sword I guess not straight if you don't know for the viewers watching me and Spangler at you really good buddies and he just joins whatever faction he feels like oh I miss his finger and I was like oh sorry oh cop in the corner in the corner and everything undead horse mask oh not is gonna be so many people coming in no one's gonna breathe yeah yeah that's it gonna stay and I'm saying stand him boys he's trying to move he's try to movies horse mice get him out that he's getting I was gonna go out eyes out without that mask it's about super quick he was close holy smokes oh I just killed some I mean I don't know if I just killed someone on our side dog oh oh dude this guy Yugi in website he's gonna go I was gonna go no he's back in Oh lads we're in their claims this is so dirty I know be careful they could literally come over and knock us into these cobwebs and we could be the exact same face booster gone booty gumboots gumboots gun there's no way there's no way he's dead he's dead has to be dead yep seven guys knew him as quick as you possibly can to get over oh let's go who got a kill who got a kill oh my god he has disorder on this stuff oh I got a head I got some get down I still see nice Gildan horse mask I know just as long as one of us get it do one of us get it doesn't matter I don't know I threw it out I had it not through it oh the raids guy get it here got it have one of us mostly got it doesn't matter who just long as one of us got it oh the guy here the guy in the corner he said come to our claims I think Ray's did get it no I think he said he said no to me and he said I could give you something though this guy's in the corner we're just clearing him out right now he's dead oh yeah there we go ah he said raid four days had come here what's up buddy has he got it maybe he told me - he told me - what's up what'd you get what'd you get he might have got it he was the one next to you whoa whoa whoa what was that ma'am did you see that yeah did you see him it hit while eating yeah that looks like yellow to kill or yeah yeah I had that I have that recording - and replay mom yeah I'll leave this in a video for the month look up that was kind of weird what'd you go I really hope he has it I didn't know what he has lads I think we won they know just for a very long time the guys offering charms for his stuff back o arcane Bo oh we got an ark a bo oh he's just dropping so much that oh my god this is his leggings were literally about to break that literally I've just got and leggings are about to break they're toxic for six disorder five afaid four in shockwave - I mean I've got the chest plate and it's oh my god I didn't know I had a chest plate ShowMe whole show over dude I knew he was in Gaza can I keep it cuz I'd the leggings or do you want yeah go for it go for it oh my god joke not to choose I didn't get the mask I don't know who got the mass and someone got that mask or less it clear like I don't know yeah TG trying to get a strap I think everyone's left I'm not sure or their we gear it or whatever but I think we should leave it here while Rob cuz we men are they okay okay well I would say it was well they want to at the start they won the underground they won the top section and then we I think won this section because we got loads of kills at the end that's what make it up for it and a good job between cuz you got Lloyd's head which made us more got us a bit of the money back that we lost so anyway that PvP fire is over that was absolutely insane like honestly like yeah the fight at the start we kind of knew was gonna happen cuz Raven was like I am going to attack them at one stage or another but I didn't expect it to turn into like a full-blown frickin war which it did they definitely won the top bit we won I think the bottom bit at the end pretty much when everyone started TP now and we were able to pick them off all one by one and I can't believe like that was 110 percent worth it but I think I don't know what I'm gonna do I don't think they really deserve to get the full-on God set and maybe I might pay Twitter a bit of money just to say thank you very much also twin lost out on their horse mass for which needed one more level to level up apparently some guy got it he doesn't really want to give it back because apparently was his but that's fine like whatever he wants to do is just that basically I looked back at the footage and that guy was nowhere to be seen but he just came along and just like nabbed it so I feel bad for twin because he actually lost out on that so I'm definitely gonna make some money up and least give that to twin just to say thank you if he's gonna let me keep this but we got a chest plate with juggernaut 2 on it everything else is basically a bonus and we got some sick leggings and that what's really cool is you can see who this was claimed by like this was toxins whoever that guy is he lost it obviously down the road summer or maybe sold it but it's cool how you can see whose pieces these actually were that's kind of interesting so anyway that is all for this episode we've got our 5 million we lost in a million then we got 200k back so we lost around about 800,000 out of that so riperoni pepperonis but we still like a 4 million it's all good tgd sword good fight very very entertaining world PvP is so weird like you can just go either way sometimes it's a big standoff sometimes there's trapping fest and then rarely it's just a PvP fight but most of the time we're PP ends up in a trapping fest and really it should be because otherwise you don't really get any kills and it's just basically who can kind of bait the rest it's it's interesting just better guys I wrote an episode here thank you very much for watching and I will see you guys in [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 99,628
Rating: 4.8257174 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: DUr7XyPJqHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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