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[Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] everyday [Music] is [Music] me [Music] oh fingers ah me hey that's the only thing oh [Music] oh [Music] so yeah [Music] [Music] good morning new life covenant church and our viewers around the world thank you for supporting and watching online and also thank you for your giving you've been so faithful with supporting sending your money via rtgs some of you coming to the office bringing your offerings in cash the machine still works but thank you for your faithfulness and thank you for doing what you know he's right to do and we really believe that uh this covert 19 thing that's got the world on its knees right now is going to start turning uh towards september october and we really believe in god for that i had to review a prophecy that i gave in january that something huge is going to happen in september and so i was reminding the lord in my prayers i was saying we have six weeks to september so start turning this thing around and so but thank you so much for your support thank you for watching please share the message with others and for our online viewers uh there are so many that watch and have been sending uh gifts to our office in dallas thank you so much we so appreciate that and thank you for staying in touch with us and we command blessing on your life i've been working on a series from the beginning of the year entering the kingdom and i started a series a couple of weeks ago within that series and its enemies of the kingdom we talked about enemies of the kingdom poverty and we talked about the evils of poverty and try to break some of that down and uh really i hate poverty it's it's an absolute abhorrent thing that none of us should be going through and this week i'm dealing with enemy of the kingdom unbelief unbelief matthew 13 verse 53 the backdrop of this scripture in matthew 13 jesus tells seven parables and uh when he tells the first parable he says a soul went forth to sow and seed fell amongst the wayside the birds ate that seed some fell on stony ground on thorny ground and then some fell on good ground and brought forth 30 60 100 and so in that parable the disciples come to jesus and says what's the meaning of the parable and then he says to them it's given unto you matthew 13 verse 11 to know the mysteries of the kingdom and so matthew 13 is basically a chapter on the seven mysteries of the kingdom the next parable he tells is a parable about a man that sowed seed and he said while men slipped and enemies sowed tears and jesus explains that parable he says an enemy has done this uh he says satan is the enemy that sowed that seed and so uh at the end of the seven mysteries of the kingdom which are in parable form we'll deal with that at some other time uh in verse 52 of matthew 13 he says no wise man who's bullying a thing uh says the new is good always says the old is better and i always use the matthew 13 52 i call it the 1352 principle if you add something new a new thing produces anger people don't like new things automatically they prefer an old thing so if you want to teach the church a new song especially if you don't show the words on on the screen for me it just produces anger so the way you do it you sing an old song then you put the new song and then people get a bit upset because they don't know the song then you put an old song and then all the songs at one time were new and so what you do is uh for new wine you get an old wine skin that you process so after the seven parables jesus now is saying to his disciples in verse 53 it came to pass that when he had finished these parables seven of them which are the seven messages of the kingdom he departed and when he came into his own country he taught them in their synagogue in so much that they were astonished and said where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works and so they now lower him and said he's not this the carpenter's son is not his mother here called mary and his brothers james joseph simeon judas and his sisters so jesus was the oldest of seven he was the oldest of seven he had two sisters so here are the six which is the number of man jesus is the oldest he is the first mystery he opens the womb of mary and mary is a type of earth jesus is the first day of the week he's the first fruits james is the next so it's sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday uh and the two last are women uh are girls and so they identify those and so as jesus is so are the others and so if you look into the scriptures the bible says the apostle paul uh is writing about jesus appearing and he said he appeared to about 500 and then he says he also appeared to james who was mary's first son with joseph mary's first son was with god the holy spirit mary's first son with joseph was james and according to the law if a man dies and doesn't have children the next brother the older brother has to marry the man's wife and raise up seed for his brother and so jesus died and uh the church was established but he didn't have any children with the church the children came on the day of pentecost 3 000 were added but jesus was gone but james peter was the spokesperson but james was the leader of the church and you'll see this in acts chapter number 15 when there was a dispute over circumcision uh of gentiles to equate it to salvation and paul was disputing and the book of galatians was written as a result of that and james gets up and says this is my judgment this is my judgment and the reason james could say that is because he was the older brother he was raising up seed for his oldest brother jesus and that's why james could make that statement this is my judgment not our judgment this is my judgment i am the patriarch i am the leader i am the father of this house this is my judgment and so uh in chapter number 13 verse 55 they had reduced jesus to them from the messiah from the one that was working miracles to a natural man when he was not a natural man he was a supernatural man he was the last adam he was the intent of god for mankind but when he came to his own they showed him so much dishonor verse 57 and they were offended in him but jesus said to them a prophet is not without honor save in his own country and in his own house and he couldn't do mighty works there because of their unbelief a property is not without honor except in his own house you know i see some of that here in my life i get to travel around the world and people talk very high highly of me i was at a certain conference in nigeria and one of the guest speakers was uh bishop jakes and um just as i was getting up to preach i was being introduced uh people started clapping and applauding and i thought well that's rather loud you know they didn't clap like that last night but what had happened was bishop jakes had walked in and he came and sat right next to me as i was going i said what are you doing here you know you should be resting uh he said to me i came to eat he said there's very few people that feed me and i know i'm going to be fed tonight and i was so overwhelmed and after the service we talked for about two hours and showed me such honor and gave me such compliments and so on and then when i came home [Music] i met somebody that said bishop i'm missing church you know i won't be in church because of such and such and i just smiled to myself i thought our prophet is not given honor in his own house but that's not true of you guys he had new life you show me such honor amen thank you but the principle i want to i want to draw from here is he couldn't do mighty works there because of the unbelief because of the unbelief uh faith is a is a phenomenal dynamic it's both abstract and tangible faith is is in the heavens and he's also an earth thing faith is something that comes it comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word so the more a person hears a thing they more they the more they believe it and that's not just concerning uh biblical faith to do works and wonders and so as a parent you must keep on speaking to your children speaking confidence i was watching a clip by uh stan and maggie chabooka's daughter matty that she posted online and for me she was just a little girl now she's a full-grown woman and i was watching that clip and i thought to myself this is such incredible confidence but that confidence doesn't come naturally it comes by parents constantly speaking to their children you're powerful you're great you know you're awesome you were successful you were millionaire you rich and so on uh if you keep on talking down to your children it produces unbelief but if you speak up to your children it creates confidence in them they'll like own the world they'll walk into bishop's office as if they own the office and so that's because of the way you speak to them and many times when i run through the sunday school and i really miss uh our sunday school i really miss uh being with the chimoys and our kids uh i miss that because i'm hugging them and so on and so forth and i can usually tell the kids who have a bad environment at home because uh the children are uh not generally shy is because of the fighting and the shouting and the condescension and the children being spoken down to be up your children because faith and confidence comes by hearing take them and show them a big world show them a mighty world show them possibilities and uh because it creates belief it creates confidence uh there's a young football player that's uh becoming a phenomenon i can't believe i'm saying this for manchester united his name is greenwood and this youngster is brilliant he's right foot left foot he plays on the left on the right in the middle he's phenomenal and uh they said he is i can't believe i'm saying this he is a liverpool michael owen in the making because uh at some point he'll be one of the greatest center forwards uh that have been produced and so the coach is is beating up his parents are beating him up talking up and and giving him confidence and lifting him up and changing his environment i was listening to saudi armani the liverpool phenomenon uh and he was talking about when he first left uh senegal and and went to europe he said he struggled he struggled because of the language he struggled because of the weather he struggled because of the food he said but the coach came and the coach became his father and the coach every day would speak confidence into his life and build him up but if you have the antithesis of that even if you are talented and gifted your own people speak down to you they'll never recognize how strong and how powerful you are and you won't believe in yourself the first part of belief is to believe in yourself what in houston saying that uh that the the greatest part of a person is believing in themself you've got to believe in yourself believe in your ability you may not be a football player but the world is not for football players you may not be a basketball player or a business person or a politician you may just be a good old housewife and a good one and raise like mary seven kids and all her boys became apostles two of them wrote books james and jude and so uh we we don't give too much credit to certain individuals but one of the things you have to notice is that when jesus was dying mary was at the cross and had never seen this before and her sister i'd never seen that mary had a sister and so from the beginning to the end mary had a sister that was with her when people were talking against her saying yeah for sure you know uh she she's saying that uh she's pregnant she's not married that deserve the holy ghost but her sister was there supporting all the way right up until the cross the sister was there and and when people didn't believe in mary her sister believed in her and so the thing is here is that if you are if you are constantly being battered by people talking down to you you lose confidence you don't have belief in yourself but if you have self-belief it's the first step towards success self-belief is confidence and there's a difference between confidence and arrogance i worked a lot for many years with the late great miles monroe and uh i'd never met a single person uh that had such self-confidence and if you didn't know him you'd think he was arrogant he wasn't arrogant at all he was teaching potential and he always taught on on kingdom principles had so much confidence and great faith and many many great people have self-confidence and ability amen speak yourself up not in arrogance and pride but in confidence knowing who you are and knowing what you do use a big stick hit hard and walk out the room knowing that you are good amen and so let's look at unbelief now uh the definitive definition of unbelief is number one the absence of faith the absence of faith what is faith faith is the substance it's the substance of what you are hoping for and faith is the evidence of things not seen so i have faith i'm going to own a mercedes-benz i don't have a mercedes-benz i can't see it i don't have it but i have faith faith is the substance of what i can't see yet of what i don't possess unbelief works against that unbelief says uh you think you're gonna have a a mercedes-benz you think you're gonna have a house you think you're going to become a a graduate with a phd and unbelief talks against the the presence of a thing and so with unbelief what unbelief does what faith does faith brings a possibility closer what unbelief does it makes what you can be further so faith makes a journey that's a thousand miles it makes it one mile unbelief makes the journey of a thousand miles 10 000 miles because it pushes it further and and you become wary and tired because you know your day will never come and the the longer your day doesn't come the more unbelief rises and the less you do good works and so uh the definition of unbelief is doubt the definition of unbelief is spiritual blindness skepticism sarcasm one of satan's most powerful weapons is the weapon and the tool of unbelief it creates low self-esteem it creates low confidence uh it creates an environment of abuse and cruelty and so there has to be personal belief there must also be team belief i love uh when when i see families that are united where the family we believe in each other we we don't all do the same thing but we believe in each other uh the bismarck family our family we're all musicians i think the only one that doesn't play is surely but shirley keeps on used to tell us even though i don't play i sing but we all played and and uh but we didn't know back then as a family we could have been an entity we didn't know that but years later we saw walter hawkins family uh how they produced some of the the stellar awards of best songs written edwin wrote happy day walter wrote so many songs and the whole hawkins family were together and we didn't know that as a bismarck family we could have created a band and a praise and worship phenomenon i've written over 400 songs bernie my sister wrote so many songs she uh was writing for the michael jackson pool and uh worked with maurice white of earth wind and fire uh song i wrote jabula was recorded by the three degrees she was was working with richard barrett to put together the new three three degrees uh but we didn't know we had that gift as a corporate family and so there needs to be team belief uh you can have a team like in football again uh sheffield united for example there's no one outstanding uh hollywood type personality player but as a team they have such team belief as a team they winning games that they shouldn't win but they have team belief and so for new life covenant church and for whatever church that you represent you must try to nudge your team belief because at some point when you're doing great works in different places you always have to come home everybody has to come home at some point but when you come home there has to be team belief people have to be happy that you're coming home happy and rejoicing in your success because their success your success is everyone's success so team belief is important when you have team belief confidence rises and and if there's again another football example if there's a 50-50 ball the one that has more confidence usually wins uh if there is a decision to be made the one that has more confidence gets that decision a dog can pick up fear a dog can pick up a and and send a person that doesn't have confidence and a dog can pick up somebody uh that has narrow and the dog will walk with his tail between his legs when you walk in there because unbelief is so tangible the universe can sense unbelief the universe responds to faith the universe reacts to faith uh the universe will respond and and turn water into wine jesus didn't say let this water become wine he just said fold these six pots with water and they fold the pots with water because jesus was the first wine all those spots when they saw the reflection of jesus there uh the water blushed and turned red and the thing about it is is that uh with with faith and belief you influence your entire world but it's a crying shame that the people that you want to help the most don't believe in you mark chapter number six and verse five he could do no mighty work except he laid her hands in a few sick people and healed them verse 6 this verse stunned me and he marveled because of the unbelief he marveled because of the unbelief a mother's uh one of 13 kids her second sister antihawa had a very difficult life she's the only one that's passed away had a very very difficult life and uh married very young and lived in mozambique in along the zambezi in a place called senna and had seven children and uh i think seven and the kids were displaced we got uh yasmin and hanif came and stayed with us most of the time we were in embarque and i'll never forget at gatherings family gatherings with my mom auntie howa was always looked down upon and stuff like that and i remember one conversation she had she said uh i bought shares and everybody is laughing at her you know you know shares why are you buying shares and they mocked her and so on and made her feel so small but as the years have gone by now that i'm a full-grown adult and so on and understand business uh if our family had listened to her and bought shares in coca-cola like she had done they would have been extremely wealthy right now but she was always they always talk down at her because of the mistakes she made all her children are struggling and suffering because people were talking down at them and it's horrible when you have people talking down there's no confidence he marveled at the unbelief and and it's sometimes you can go to societies where people just cannot believe they'll ever have a car they cannot believe they can have a television they can't believe they can have a house they can't believe that they can get a password and travel and i've seen people who have such belief the most unlikely person i was in dubai going to the states and i saw one guy that was from a little village this side of muchari and i said what are you doing here isn't that bishop you traveled i learned from you i went i got a passport i sold pumpkins manangas whatever i sold chewbaccas i bought a ticket and i'm just going to see i was i marveled at his faith but there are others that were here i marvel at the unbelief the reason you haven't traveled is because you haven't made a booking make a booking you travel buy a brick you'll build a house uh chichi's best friend auntie grace she might even be in the service here today in her late years late years we didn't get a driver's license uh for years she didn't believe she could but uh i was watching her one day she didn't know i was watching her she was reversing the car and she was doing espn's like this reversing and i thought to myself she's never gonna drive but she's driving because for years she was told you'll never be able to drive but when self-belief comes it crushes unbelief you you'll destroy the powers of the enemy you look at king saul he had unbelief he couldn't believe he could destroy the giants saul could have killed that giant but david had belief he had confidence he had stamina he has strength because of belief i come against unbelief in your life amen matthew 17 verse 19 the disciples came to him apart and said why couldn't we cast out this devil jesus said to them because of your unbelief because of your unbelief in matthew chapter number 10 jesus gave the disciples he named them and then he gave them power against evil spirits against sicknesses against diseases and he said go preach the gospel freely you have been given freely give and uh in luke chapter 10 they came back rejoicing saying lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name that's luke 10 17 and jesus then says to them that's easy that's easy stuff don't rejoice because you can cast out devils rejoice because your name is written in heaven in other words uh i've given you power to cast out devils but why couldn't you cast out this devil because of unbelief because the devil was gyrating the boy was throwing himself in the fire the boy was throwing himself in the water and the disciples were looking at the signs and suddenly they had unbelief and the devil was talking but jesus had come down from the mountain what was he doing in the mountain he was in the mountain talking to elijah and talking to moses and so the boy was throwing himself in the water that was moses miracle because moses separated the water moses kept the rock and water came out and he was talking to elijah who called fire from heaven and so when jesus comes down he's full of confidence because the father of water and the father of fire talked to him these disciples were struggling because of the devil's gyrating and jesus cast out the devil because of confidence these guys were looking at the devil demonstrating and they suddenly had unbelief unbelief is an evil it's a devil whatever you purpose in your mind to do you will do it you will achieve it you will become it god is opening doors for somebody right now the spirit of unbelief is lifting off of your head right now shout i believe come on three times shout i believe i believe i believe i believe i believe mark chapter number 9 verse 24 and straight away the father of the child cried out with tears because the child was devil possessed sick and dying and the father started crying i can attest to this and and said lord i believe help me in my unbelief in other words i've been living with this boy he's been sick for so long i've seen what the spirit has done i seen his disease he's been on the on the on death door so many times and here you are telling me that this boy will be raised doctors have told me he'll be fine i've tried every medication but nothing has happened and i i i i'm trying to believe you i'm telling you i believe help you my unbelief in other words i've been better so much somebody sitting and listening this message you've been embedded so much you can't even believe but you will believe from today you will believe from today you will achieve from today you will attain from today you will increase your family that's been nothing will rise to prominence you will and people will be stunned to think that something from nazareth has become so great shalt i believe shall i believe romans chapter number 4 and verse 19 through 21 and being not weak in faith abraham considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god and being fully persuaded that he that had promised was able to perform he's a hundred years old the bible says his body was dead and uh there were people in his camp that were having kids without a promise and abraham kept on believing sarah is now 90. he is a hundred the bible said his body was dead but he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief because people will tell him about you abraham huh i know you're taking a blue tablet huh and you are saying you're going to have a child why didn't you just go to a bank and and uh inseminate sarah oh and but he staggered not at the promise of god i believe how old are you i'm 98. ah you're still going to have a child ah yes amen i'm related to mugabe amen i'm fine i'm going to be strong how old are you i'm 99 ah how old are you you a century a century but that was the year that isaac was conceived imagine two old people doing young people's things in the middle of the night amen you might think that your years of enjoyment and pleasure are past but god is about to renew strength he's going to make sarah a young woman again build her bone structure give her muscle structure strength to be able to carry isaac i was reading her historical commentary and his mere myth and speculation they said isaac was such a big baby he was huge and and so sarah was a petite woman smallish and gave birth to a big baby in other words you are going to carry something that's bigger than you are but god is going to have to do some bone rearrangements and arrange your muscles and and things that that haven't worked ever are going to start getting fruitful and and milk is going to start pouring out it is going to be so funny that you're at 90 years old suddenly now murky is pouring out and you will be loving in the night because people were laughing at you now for 17 years they were laughing at you but now you are laughing all those enemies that knew you'd never finish that house who's laughing now invite them to your house let them come and see that you have ten brides going at the same time for two people on this one yeah i don't eat pork but there's pork here sausages here t-bone steaks here fill it here you are roasting a whole sheep over here and uh people thought you were nothing but now suddenly you've got all of this who's laughing now amen i've been faithful i've been believing i've been trusting i will not have unbelief i will not have unbelief unbelief is demonic it's of the devil we cast it out we remove it in the name of jesus shall i have faith i have faith shall i have faith shall i have faith say i won't stagger at the promise of god i won't stagger at the promise of god i won't stagger at the promise of god give the lord a hand of praise right there come on come on come on oh i feel this thing romans 11 verse 17 and in some of the branches be broken off and you being a wild olive tree were grafted in among them and uh with them partake of the root and fatness of the olive tree don't boast against the branches if the branches boast if you boast and you bear not the roots but the root you in other words he's saying don't boast because you're a branch god chose you israel as a wild olive and grafted you in if you know anything about standard roses it's actually a graft work what they do is they keep the root of the original uh plant and they take a new one and they graft it in and so it doesn't have its own root it depends on the root of something else and so this thing is producing fruit it can't be saying no you can't be boasting because the root is what has made you great and so we're telling israel you are nothing you are not the root you were grafted in look what he says here verse 19 uh thou wilt say then the branches were broken off that i might be grafted in well because of unbelief they were broken off in other words he's telling israel the reason these people weren't blessed is not because they weren't good people it's because of unbelief they had the same promise they had the same opportunity they had the same doors opened they had the same blessing but because of unbelief look at joseph and his brothers reuben unbelief simeon unbelief levi unbelief judah isaac zebulun all of them in unbelief the only one that believed was joseph the only one that believed was joseph and when joseph was born in genesis 29 the bible says there that's when jacob said i'm leaving laban and i'm going to start my own business jacob who had the promise of god worked for 20 years in a system that was brutal that exploited him that took everything away from him but when joseph was born rachel the love of his life when joseph was born joseph was a product of absolute and pure faith and it caused jacob to believe again it took him back 20 years to when he made a promise with god when a ladder came out of heaven and angels were ascending and descending and he said this is the house of god this is bethel somebody is coming into your life that's going to make you believe again to make you want again to make you live again amen i met a 75 year old lady when i was in new zealand preaching there and uh she said oh bishop i heard you liked your run and so on are you training for a marathon i said no i'm just running and so i was jogging with the 75a and uh her pace i was suffering uh she says to me i thought you were a runner she says you are holding me back and she went to run in the past in uh the boston marathon and uh to get a a certificate and so on you have to run it under four hours or something and she ran it at 75 and then she sent me a message to say uh next year i'm gonna run the new york marathon uh for my 77th birthday and my times are good self-belief you can do it you can build it you can have it you can own it you can possess it i bind unbelief in this place we will build kingdom cathedral no matter what the enemy comes no matter what vices rise up against it we will build it we will worship in it we will celebrate it our children will be in it our grandchildren will be there we will have weddings in there and celebrated amen we will not stagger at the promise of god through unbelief well hebrews chapter number 4 verse 4 as i close hebrews 4 verse 4. he spoke of a certain place concerning the seventh day on this wise that god rested on the seventh day from all his works and in this place again if they enter into my rest seeing therefore it remains that some must enter therein and they to whom it was first preached did not enter in because of unbelief so what he's saying here he's saying that god worked for seven days for six days and then on the seventh day he rested and so theologians have a challenge with that you know how can how can an omnipotent god actually rest because if he's all powerful uh why does he need to rest that means that he's fallible that means that uh he doesn't have infinite power uh that means that he's not omniscient in his knowledge uh that means that the fact that he's exhausted means that he can't be omnipotent but the fact is this is that god is also a god of integrity god's integrity is as great as his omnipotence his word is integrity and so his integrity demanded that he rest on the seventh day because he's going to have human beings come in his image after his likeness that must set apart a day for rest and for worship so god's integrity puts a demand on his omnipotence you have to rest on the seventh day and so he's saying to these people here he said you guys are laboring and laboring and laboring and you're getting nowhere he said but god rested on the seventh day and the reason he said these guys don't get any success even though they're laboring and laboring and laboring thinking that if they work on the seventh day they'll make more money he said it doesn't work that way he said if you are going to be working on the seventh day thinking you're gonna make more money you are actually portraying unbelief it's a principle in other words he's saying don't lean on your arm or flesh it's god's gift that makes you prosper because if you think that the seventh day working will add more money which is double time or extra pay whatever the case might be in place of worship you're leaning on the arm of flesh and you're actually exhibiting unbelief it's not an opportunity it's unbelief and so what the apostle paul is dealing with here is the spirit of unbelief set aside time for god set aside time for your family set a time set aside time for rest for entertainment set a time aside to watch liverpool lift the trophy after 30 years and celebrate the greatest point deficit don't hate you guys amen set time aside for yourself amen because if you don't unbelief sets in you you'll feel unworthy that you don't deserve a trip or a holiday you don't deserve to take a break you do it's your right i come against unbelief i come against unbelief now when you believe when you believe amen when you believe things turn in your life let's go to mark chapter number 11 and verse 22. mark 11 verse 22. in the beginning of the chapter uh jesus is walking to jerusalem they were going back and forth bethany jerusalem so he was sleeping in bethany where lazarus was raised from the dead he was sleeping there and then going into jerusalem and preaching in the temple and then going to rest so they were going back and forth so one of the days now while they were going he noticed the victory and he walked to the fig tree and there was no fruit on the tree and the bible says uh he said to the fig tree no fruit grow on you now and forever and the bible says the disciples heard it so he walked off the path and walked to the fig tree and so he shouted so loud at the victory that the disciples heard it so the next day the next day peter uh said to the lord lord the tree that you cursed is with it from the roots and then jesus responds to peter in verse 22. he said to them have faith in god the translation some say is have the faith of god in other words if you have the faith of god in a place of nothing it's hard to imagine that there was nothing that there was only god and god was always and god always will be and that in the fact that god was always that there was actually nothing that in the place of nothing god said and in the place of nothing suddenly light appears because god said and then god said and then god said so he's saying cursing the fig tree is exactly what i did in the beginning i said and when i said manifestation came in your place of nothing you have to say something walk to your pantry tell your pantry you are full look at your fridge tell your friends you are full look at your bond milk that license to kill amen call real money call real money some of you are trying to build a house look at that land raise up the say it speak it and you know our story teacher and i didn't have a car we put four stones in the yard and we'd walk along those stones every day saying we have a car we have a car and chichi identified the car a ford laser said we're gonna have a ford laser i said okay we're gonna have a ford laser we have a ford laser and we did that for nine months and in the month of september a man that used to work for funko finance his name was bob lyons i should uh serve him at barclays bank and uh he said to me to my boy he said uh um he used to train arcadia united football club at danny bismarck stadium and he said to me too to my boy do you have a car i said i don't have a car he said come and see me i can help you i said really he said come and see me so i went to funko i went there he said to me uh uh i'm gonna make a phone call and he phoned the guy at dooley's he said i got my youngster here uh he needs a car what do you have he said uh we only have four lasers he said okay uh just organize uh for him to pick up a ford laser this is a friday and so he said to we'll give you four years you pay off a ford laser how much do you have i said i don't have much money today don't worry you're my youngster and so monday uh he phoned me at the bank he said at three o'clock go to dooley's your car is ready go with your driver's license and so on that monday chi-chi was working to scan and hold this she was going in and out of the toilet and uh grace cyrus was saying to are you okay you know i mean you keep on going in out of the truck but what she was doing there she was going the world and praying and speaking in tongues and coming out speaking in tongues and coming out amen walking around the stones in her mind and so at five o'clock i got the car at three o'clock when i went to pick up at five o'clock she saw the car and uh we drove home she was half crying that was monday night was bible school and never forget that monday night when i drove up with a ford laser by arcadia shops to teach bible school rod swog and a bunch of guys were standing there and uh they said to me ah tudor uh who loaned you this car so i said no it's not it's not a bottle okay it's my car i bought this car they said never you never this guy never you this guy never we didn't stagger at the promise of god through unbelief from that to where we are today the buildings we own the things that god has done the travel we've had the people we've met presidents we've talked to people we associate with billionaires we've had dinner with all has come through faith don't stagger through unbelief don't stagger through unbelief you must say it out your mouth and don't doubt in your heart father i pray for nlcc this morning i pray for people around the world watching i come against the spirit of unbelief father instead of marveling at the unbelief let let i want you to marvel at my faith like the centurion where you have not seen such great faith no not in israel don't marvel at my unbelief father marvel at my faith that i can move mountains i can move establish things against me i can move curses i can move demons i can move poverty marvel at my faith celebrate my faith father i'm calling for people that are stuck in a room for 12 years and have been dying with unbelief that faith will root in their hearts i'm praying for faith like a bartimaeus who will throw off his garment and have faith to believe i command you in the name of jesus covenant church god bless you believe god for great things come against unbelief say what you believe amen and uh congratulate the liveable fans because we are the champions [Music] you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 5,781
Rating: 4.8483415 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: koLBKc9dCPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 44sec (3824 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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