Endless Drinking Skeleton 💀 DIY Halloween Props

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ahoy there iebj and i'm captain jamie today we're going to be building a spectacular prop the drinking skeleton this all started last week when we were at goodwill and we found this pet fountain pump and that totally inspired us to build a drinking skeleton you guys know we love pirates of the caribbean there's a prop on the ride where there's a skeleton kind of leaning back against a barrel drinking from a bottle and we want to recreate that the way the prop works is you take the pump put in a base in the water you get this clear tube and it goes up the arm of the skeleton and into a bottle that the skeleton's holding and it pumps the water up through the bottle through his mouth back into the basin for an endless drinking loop aside from just making the pump and the hoses and all that stuff work we want to pose out our skeleton and put him in a really cool position so it kind of looks like he's falling back into the barrel now we're gonna go back to goodwill see if we can find some cool stuff to make this prop really work so we're here back at goodwill today so we're looking for a bottle we're looking for things to set like a tablescape with and then of course we need to dress our skeleton so we're gonna go do some treasure hunting see if we can find some pants and like a vest for him also goodwill just has tons of amazing halloween stuff as you can see we're just going to go treasure hunting and see what we can find look at this look at this cute little baby gargoyle look at all this cool stuff they've got you got pumpkins tombstones top hats ooh little angel wings and little baby cauldron a haunted house this is cool flickering lights look they're they flicker they're like candle lights do we need this leopard skin cowboy hat or whatever it would go with your leopard skin pants that you have i do have leopard skin pants what is this big thing oh this is cool it's like a lamp post the creepy classics is that a cd yes i feel like we need that let's get it we're gonna listen to this in the car need a hand all right we are looking for a bottle something the skeleton's gonna be drinking out of this could be good we're making like a little pirate vignette right we're gonna have like a little table these are really cool pirates of course drank by candlelight so this would be on the table pirates need boots pirates need boots so these are cool and what we could do is make like a little cuff oh those might be better these might have yeah so these actually work really well as a pirate base oh those are way better all right last option and i think these are the winner these are perfect my favorite part of these stores is the electronics section because there's just all this cool old stuff like speakers you want to do outside effects but you don't want to put expensive speakers outside these are three dollars and you're up cycling old stuff which is always good this is awesome all right so we're looking for some pants something lightweight kind of brownish these may be kind of like baggy and i found something even better check these out oh man those are cool are these pirate pants or what they got more of that pirate texture yeah yeah for sure okay i like those better okay all right i think we're good let's check out hello hello we have our skeleton we have our bucket but there's a few things we got to do first like name our skeleton he needs a good pirate name so i've decided bartholomew like morgan in bartholomew passing down the pirate codes barty for short barty that works i like it all right bart is laid out on the surgery table we like to use wood stain he should be kind of blotchy right yeah i don't think he should be like full on dirty you're just kind of like don't be precious a little bit little dabble do you little babies it is working beautifully okay it's the next day barty's dry look how much better this looks pretty simple thing you can do it probably only took us an hour or so and he looks way better than this so we've got this big giant wine barrel so our original idea was that he was going to be sitting in the barrel but the pose to do that is actually a little tricky right because what you would normally be doing is like leaning on the back of the tub with your head kind of like out back like this right but but if we're doing that the wine is going to spill out of the basin and breaks the effect because we need all the water to spill in so so i think if we can like move him up a little bit and kind of and he's like towards the towards the edge yeah and then he leans back that'll probably work first thing we're gonna do is bend the spines we've got kind of like this pose and we learned from when we made our groundbreaker skeleton that his spine bends pretty easily using a heat gun so that's what we're going to do [Applause] if you try this at home you'll start to feel it loosen up a little bit you don't want to go really really hot because it'll break so you kind of have to take your time a little and just do a little bit at a time you break oh i just broke it i just broke him good news and bad news the good news is we've got a really nice bend going here the bad news is i need to rewind our own video and take my own advice because i broke it i i pulled way too hard i was impatient and you can see right here that i basically just split the spine for this particular pose we don't need a severe bend of the spine so we can salvage this we're just going to not bend it any further and we're going to focus up here on the neck uh but case in point go easy or you might break your thing what'd you do fill it with hot glue yes you just filled it you're trying to stabilize the patient stabilize the patient i don't want to lose him so we're going to start with the back arm which is going to kind of sit like this which means we have to break the ball joint on the shoulder so that his arm can actually do this we are going to cut the underside of this so it's still partially attached and that should let us bend it up and once it's in the right position we're going to tack it with hot glue and then secure it with super magic glue okay it broke on purpose i broke it on purpose but now it's actually in a great position and it's not all the way broke so if we just leave it here and tack it and glue it i think it'll work that was my plan your plan worked pretty much perfectly we learned from our groundbreaker skeleton that hot glue alone is not enough when you live in a hot sunny place his arm was like yeah we've got some super expanding glue in there but it's gonna take till tomorrow to dry so we're gonna come back tomorrow and see what we got the glue for the shoulder worked great it didn't work like super solid now we're gonna do the next side i don't actually want to permanently glue him in place yet so we're gonna try and tack all three joints into the position we want then we'll glue them this arm i think needs to come out this way and up so basically we're going to break this and then rotate it i think we can get away with the elbow joint being the way it is but we have to rotate the hand now we go here here and instead of the hand being like that we can now rotate the hand we'll tack this in place and then all we got to do is bend the fingers to hold the bottle huh these ones i definitely don't want to break i'm going to heat these up for a while and then we'll get a nice bottle shape going so this is a little bit of rope left over from our cat bed and it simulates the wine flow so we can aim it better into his mouth wine simulation going to go behind on something like that okay yeah that's a good simulation this looks like he's drinking fire love a wine okay i think right there it's actually surprisingly well it'll be enough i think now that he's in a pose and it's like all kind of coming together i'm excited the glue is dry and it looks like it worked oh yeah totally i mean this is this is solid now so we do we want to line this okay yeah there's gonna be water in here so we have to like put some plastic in it okay next up clothes pirate clothes what is this that it's i thought it would make like a cool bandana this is the fabric that we got at goodwill the other day it was actually curtains and we did a quick sew it was curtains it was here help me out here there we go okay jamie took curtains and made a pirate vest and then these are the pants from the store and look at that everything's a little too it's too new too too new this is a dirty pirate just like the skeleton we need to age this stuff lights sort of lights darks really dark variation variation of color leads to realism you know old-school glass used to be kind of frosted and like had a lot of impurities in it that's what that looks like wait that took like 30 seconds no joke like boom that's all it takes everything is very dirty yes just for a little extra dirtiness we took these and like drug them across the street i wiped the tires she was rubbing the car tire and like brake dust on the pants and the boots we basically just put a bunch of dirt all over them we happen to use concrete because it's like this really fine sand but you don't need concrete you just use literal sand we have dirty boots we've got our bandana best pants it's time to assemble him so he's supposed to be leaning on this arm so this is kind of our main point of weight we secure this in place and now he'll stay in place so we're putting the pump on the very bottom so that's always underwater this bottle came out so good very excited about this but now we have to drill a hole in it perfect fit to attach the tube to the skeleton i think we just use zip ties and just not tighten them all the way yet yeah yeah perfect just going to go like this all right all right so the bottle's in place hose is going down into the pump are we ready ready for this test have a bucket and we're going to throw the pump in a bucket and do our test that way all right it's happening uh is it it's not pumping hard enough oh no it's slowly going up it's really slowly going up really slowly it's fighting gravity oh oh it's going up a little oh it's going it's going technically working this is a very small pump meant to go like this high we we are pushing it to the limit here but it is working oh that helped it i'm raising the bucket oh there it goes is it going [Applause] it's working okay but if i lower this down it stops working i bet you there's somebody in the comments right now who knows exactly why this is happening good try little buddy we'll save you for another project we had to go to the store and get a new pump there's like a whole science about how high you're lifting the water with a pump and how many horsepowers the pump actually needs the pump we got it was great it worked perfectly fine for normal things that it's meant for but what we built is a little bit too much for that pump we needed more power we've got a 300 gallons per hour pump which according to science should be the right amount so we plug it in let's do it whoa well that's moving he's uh okay it's totally just in his mouth what happened oh oh the pump came out yeah wow look at that though look look it works okay success it works high five yeah we're gonna make wine now we started with tea i'm gonna add some red food coloring mostly red a tiny bit of blue mix it all together hopefully it looks like wine oh i got it we've made a couple of alterations we put a wire armature along the back side of his arm there was a lot of weight on there and it just wasn't staying where we wanted it to be and kind of aimed the bottle at his face so that he drank it so that it actually goes in his mouth all right you ready for i'm ready for this oh yeah okay [Applause] that is going right that's right in his mouth down is gullit yay okay look at this i'm good with that we have a drinking skeleton [Music] [Music] thanks again to goodwill for sponsoring this video remember that the halloween season produces a lot of plastic waste anytime you can upcycle an older item to use for your decor and costumes you're not only creating a one-of-a-kind creation but you're helping to keep all that waste out of landfills and helping the environment goodwill is a go-to location for finding unique stuff that's going to save you some cash and set you apart so if you want to stand out this halloween make sure a trip to your local goodwill is on your list also you're helping an awesome non-profit do great things for the world we really hope you enjoyed the project guys thank you for watching if you want to see more of our halloween projects click on the link right down there we got a bunch of good stuff coming this year until next time stay wicked we were at good luck fountain puff i think it's a little pounce fountain puff pump [Applause] hello birdie i've been dying for you [Applause]
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 595,558
Rating: 4.9431019 out of 5
Keywords: DIY Halloween, Halloween DIY, DIY Halloween Props, Halloween Props DIY, DIY Halloween decorations, DIY halloween decor, halloween decor, halloween decorations, halloween props, best halloween decorations, jay and jaimie, halloween diy, wicked makers, drinking skeleton, pirate skeleton, drinking pirate, endless drinking skeleton, skeleton pirate, skeleton fountain, fountain skeleton, diy drinking skeleton, diy skeleton, drunken pirate, pirates of the caribbean, disneyland
Id: LXzt-aeNq7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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