Halloween DIY - Man Eating Plants - Custom Prop Build

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[Music] oh you don't make a mess this time well i guess you two already ate clever girl [Music] yes perfect that should help alexa can you order some toilet paper the plants will need food tomorrow [Music] hey y'all it's kellen happy wednesday let's get right into this prop build first things first i'm cutting up pieces of three quarter inch and one inch pvc the one inch piece is for the center and the three quarter inch pieces there are six and those go on the outside the length of the pvc will depend on the height of your pot we cut ours so they sat one quarter inch below the top edge of the pot i then drilled holes one in the center and six on the outside underneath where each piece of pvc would sit that way they would drain and not collect water i then hot glued them into place and then placed painters tape over the top so i didn't get concrete in the holes i then mixed up a concrete in a bucket then using a small shovel i then filled up each pot to be level with the top of the pvc this was a 60 pound bag of generic concrete from home depot there's no need to spend extra on rapid setting or anything like that and we also used about three quarters of the 60 pound bag concrete will help add some weight to these guys and prevent them from blowing over and we also left them outside to cure for two weeks so the concrete could dry properly i really love any excuse to work with concrete using the shape of the craft pumpkin to my advantage i'm cutting out the mouthpiece from the top slice of the pumpkin where the stem is i'm using a dremel with a router bit to cut out my shape you can do it with a knife but it's a little bit more difficult i've just found this is the fastest way for me once i cut the mouth out i'm using a foam insulation shaper to clean up all the rough edges before i go back in and add the craft foam on the lips now to apply the craft foam to the lips i'm rolling it out on a flat surface making sure that the center is thick and the edges are thin i'm laying it along the mouth that i cut out before using my thumbs to blend it into the foam pumpkin to reactivate the foam and blend the edges i'm dipping my hands into water and smoothing it out it reactivates the clay foam i'm then going to let these dry for about 24 hours you could completely omit the last step and not add the craft foam for the lips and start painting here because i think the shape looks pretty neat and if you added teeth it would look awesome now that the concrete has had time to cure and dry properly i'm picking off all the painters tape and scraping off all the loose bits of concrete on the top before i vacuum i'm now going to go through and add some acrylic latex caulk with silicone in a brown color all over the top of the concrete and around the top edges of the pvc those white chunks are just perlite it's something you add to potting mix and i wanted to add it because i thought it would add a bit of texture although you really won't see this brown dirt once you put the plants in these pots and i like that i can take the plants out and replace them for other plants at different times during the year while i let these dry i'm going to add some structure inside of the foam pumpkins i'm drilling holes on the bottom sides of the pumpkins about three quarters of the way back and then installing some one inch pvc i'm making sure to check it with my three quarter inch dowel before i glue it in place with some hot glue this will make sure that it won't be tilted or tipped to the wrong side and this will allow me to take the pumpkins off later on for storage i'm now adding some texture inside of the mouths with some great stuff foam i'm sorry this was really hard to film because i had to be able to see inside of the pumpkins but i'm starting with the back making sure that i cover the pieces of pvc and moving on to the lower and upper mouth you see i'm using my finger to wipe along the edges i'm just pushing the foam down after it's dried a little bit to make sure it doesn't push up too far past the lips and the gums and look weird while the foam sets up i'm going to add a bit of liquid nails to the outer seams of the lips i didn't like how they dried and i wanted to blend that seam a bit more so i'm adding the liquid nails along the top and bottom edges of the lip and using my fingers to brush off or squeegee off the excess this will help reinforce that seam and also help blend it visually i just didn't like how it looked and sometimes you just gotta stop and fix something now i'm going outside to the garage and starting painting the three-quarter inch dowels with some flat black exterior latex paint i applied two coats and allowed them to dry before assembling them in the pots with the pumpkins on top we purchased three six foot grapevines from michaels two in green and one in purple they're attached to the dowels by twisting the metal vines around starting with the middle and working then to the bottom and to the top attaching them with hot glue and we used the green ones for the base and then cut the purple one in half and layered that on top we placed two screws in the back so we could zip tie the ends of the vines to the back of the pumpkins i'm now going through with some great stuff foam i wanted the stem of my man-eating plant to be a bit more substantial and almost looked like a topiary i applied the foam carefully to the wire that all of the leaves are attached to i then added some roots to the base and some little vines that were coming off you certainly could omit this step but i think it definitely adds something to the plant and some visual interest when you're up close to it i'm also going to add some great stuff foam to the tops and back of the pumpkins to really add that plant-like look and some texture to help break up the smoothness of the surface of the pumpkins and now we get to start painting i'm using a aubergine dark purple spray paint for the insides of the mouse and then using a green spray paint eden i think is the color to go over the top of our great stuff foam vines as well as spray paint the backs of the pumpkins i'm then painting the front of the pumpkins with a tan colored paint fossil is the name of the color before layering over the top of that with the eden or green spray paint to help create sort of a gradient from front to back the grapes were painted orange before moving back into the garage so i could paint the roots and the vines with some green uv wildfire effects glow paint this is definitely a tedious process but i really wanted the vine to pop at night now i always suggest if you are painting something with uv paint always make sure that you have a uv light that you're using to paint it as well as make sure that light source is pointed in the direction that the light source will be when you're displaying the item there's nothing like having a light coming from above and then you actually are lighting it from below that can jack up your paint job now that i've gone through and i painted all my roots with the green uv paint i'm carefully going back in and i'm painting the grapes with some uv orange i really wanted these suckers to pop and kind of look like seed pods this was definitely a liberty that i took and wanted to add some visual interest to the grapes so these are my little creepy seed pots now i'm getting really excited how these guys are looking but they need some teeth so i'm going to start by using some pumpkin teeth these are in a medium and small size they also have a larger size i'll put a link below to their etsy shop these things are fantastic i'm priming them with some flat white spray paint before going back in with some acrylic ivory colored paint and painting the fronts and backs of each of the teeth you can see i stuck the teeth into some foam to make them easier to work with and paint i'm now going through with my airbrush and a yellow color i think it's called okra and airbrushing some tartar on the bottom sides and back of each tooth and then going in with some watered down brown effects glaze paint and doing a wash and rub out on each tooth i'm just brushing it on and using a paper towel to wipe the excess off love using these pumpkin teeth definitely go check them out now i'm going through and i'm starting airbrushing some yellow paint around the lips just to help create more of a gradient to the green that's on the back before going in and starting my base color on the lips i'm using a light pink to create my base layer and just outline the areas of the lips that i want before going back in with a red color in my airbrush and layering that on top i'm also creating some texture with my airbrush by painting in some lines for the lips i like going in with this lighter pink color first before going back in with the red on top because it creates some depth you can have some problems when you're layering red on top of green paint it can get really wonky or really muddy so put the lighter color on first and then layer the darker color on top you certainly don't have to paint the lips or you could paint them a different color whatever your fancy is now i'm going to add some texture and striping to the top i really love the tiger stripe texture that they used on the original audrey tube plants trick is to start with the center vein and then when you're painting the lines make sure they point slightly towards the mouth this will help enhance that pod like shape then you can fill in with some little shaded lines in between i'm using a dark green color i think it's called falto green i'm probably pronouncing that terribly wrong but it's just a dark green i'm then going around and i'm adding some dark shadows into the vines really into the recessed areas where i couldn't get the spray paint before i'm now working down the plants on the other areas of the vines spray painting mostly the back sides of the foam that i didn't hit prior working onto my shading around the lips i'm going through and adding that dark green around the edges of the lips just to add a bit of a shadow to make them pop a bit more i'm also adding the tiger striping from the top to the underside as well as touching up any areas on the great foam that i didn't hit with the glow paint or the spray paint all right it's finally time let's add some teeth i always start with the forefront canines first i use nine medium teeth and 12 small teeth for each plant i started with the larger teeth and worked my way out this is really just visual and can really make or break a mouth i wanted them definitely to look like siblings but not look like twins i wanted them to have two completely different personalities and i think you can help sell this with how you arrange their teeth the pumpkin teeth have little spikes in the bottom so they stick into foam great and once i like the arrangement i just glued them into place i'm now going to move on to blending in and softening some of the glow paint i put some brown paint into my airbrush and i'm going around i have my black light on and i'm just layering the brown paint especially around the edges of all the roots and the vines and all of those pieces of great foam that i put the glow on i want the glow to look like it's coming from underneath within the root or the vine of the plant and i don't want it to look too harsh or too punchy so i'm making sure that i have my light on my uv light and i'm working around and just softening all of the edges of the glow paint be careful not to completely paint over your uv paint i'm going to take these guys out of the pots so we can work on the finish i'm going to be using a brass metal effects paint from design masters i like this stuff it's just easy to use i'm going to put on a heavy base coat let that dry before applying a second layer to which i'm going to spray the reaction solution on top before the paint dries now if you don't want to use this paint go over and check out van oak cemetery he has a fantastic tutorial on how to do the patina without using the special paint i'll leave a link below to his channel in that video i'm now spraying the patina solution all over the second coat of wet paint i'm making sure to saturate it because you only get one shot at this now this is time lapsed but this is what it looks like after it dries once it dries i'm then going to go back in with a dry brushing technique where i take some of the brass paint on a dry brush i wipe most of it off on a piece of cardboard and then i lightly brush all of the high spots of the sculpture to make it pop this really adds to the patina and helps sell the effect before i put the dolls back in i'm just layering some sphagma moss that i had on the base we purchased six of the small venus flytrap plants from michaels i placed those in the pvc holes around the outside and now i'm going through and using a white paint to paint all the little teeth so they pop a little bit more because they just looked flat and kind of blended in with all the greenery moving back up to the mouths i'm going to be using wet from fright props i love using this for the wet look around mouths and eyes and sweat and things like that it's flexible and dry shiny and works perfect i'm applying it to the lips the teeth and the gums pretty liberally and finally i'm going through and adding perma blood to the lower lip and the leaves of each plant i wanted it to be subtle like they just had a snack maybe an hour prior i'm applying it with a straw and just letting it drip down the lips and then brushing it on i don't want it to be very heavy and i definitely don't want it to wash out all of the teeth very subtle very creepy and finally i'm going through with some black in my airbrush just to add some shading and also to blend in any areas that i didn't like or wasn't happy with any spots where the foam is still peeking out and now let's check out some super fancy 360 shots of each of the plants i really love how these guys turned out they're gonna pop during the day and at night with the glow paint they're menacing and also kind of cute at the same time i really really love how these turned out they just look like they have two completely different personalities and i'm in love with them this is a really fun build i did it over the course of a few weekends while doing the prom makeover videos and i really enjoy this as a side project and love having them on our front porch we've definitely got a lot of looks and a lot of laughs from people delivering packages as well as our neighbors and i also want to mention that once all of the paint was dry we applied two layers of a flat clear coat to all of the painted surfaces including the pot this is to help protect it from the elements here in texas and to make sure that it lasts for a long time now let's take a closer look at these two beauties [Music] ah [Music] [Music] so so feed me i hope you guys enjoyed this prop build this was so much fun for me i've been a huge fan of little shop of horrors ever since i can remember and have been fortunate enough to be a part of many stage productions in various performances throughout the years i always have fun doing it the puppets the actors it's such a fun play and this was really a fun project now i know it's a little different than the usual prop makeovers that we do but we had some requests for some original prop builds and this was something that we were working on that i thought would be fun to share now being a huge fan of little shop of horrors anytime i see or hear about man-eating plants or something like that i my antennas always peak up and i'm always super interested so when i heard that michaels was going to be selling some man-eating plants this year in their halloween line i got super excited now i almost had a heart attack when i went into the store to see the pricing on some of them i know michael's is usually overpriced but 200 for this it just seemed really expensive for what it was and i kind of figured that we could make something a bit cooler to make things fair i purchased everything at michael's of course if you sought these items out at various other places it would be much cheaper but i did use a 20 off coupon and all said and done i spent about 140 at michael's on all the materials to make two of these with the exception of a few items i did buy some concrete from home depot as well as i picked up some pvc i had some here but i needed a few more pieces i will say though if you had to purchase all the items you would still spend less than 200 to make these guys which is pretty awesome and shows you that it's pretty ridiculous how expensive those man-eating plants were at michael's like i said i really enjoyed creating these two guys they were super fun i'm actually glad that i didn't purchase the one from michaels because i think the ones that we created came out a lot cooler now of course you'll notice as you watch the project there were various stages where you could completely stop and start painting and i think have some really awesome results just by using the kraft pumpkins from michaels we all know that they go on sale at the end of the season so it would be perfect to pick them up and try and recreate these at home you can start simple and just cut out the mouths and go from there or you can go way more extra and elaborate like we tend to do i wanted to show that you can stop where you're comfortable there were many points during this project where i said to myself and i said to my husband this is really cool it looks awesome but i always want to push it a little bit further and i'm so happy that i have well two audrey twos thank you guys so much for watching the video we appreciate the support so much i know i said this before but this is a little different than our usual prop makeover videos we had several requests for some original prop builds and we figured this fit the bill i love how they turned out kind of cute but creepy at the same time it's one of those things that little kids still want to approach it but it still will make them nervous and i just love how the mouths turned out they seem like they have two completely different personalities which was really the goal well that's all we got for this video now's the perfect time to smack that like button it helps us out as we're growing as a channel and lets us know you guys like the video if you're interested in any future prop builds yard hunt videos prop makeovers or halloween vlogs be sure to click that subscribe button to make sure that you don't miss out as soon as we post a video click the notification bell that way you'll be alerted as soon as we post well y'all asked for it hope you enjoyed this prop build it was a really fun one and i can't wait to stick these guys on our front porch we really wanted something that morticia adams would proudly display in her atrium now remember if you create it they will come bye y'all [Music] right we need to get a comfier chair well you don't have a chair you have a pot what am i thinking that's a nice pot i like it i know that's a good you have a nice pot too i'm waiting [Music] don't look at me like that you know i can't help it jeez i know it's a nice pot calm down you have a very nice pot mouthy
Channel: K&T Do Halloween
Views: 349,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY man eating plant, DIY Halloween decorations, DIY Halloween, Spirit Halloween, Michaels Halloween, Michaels man eating plants, Man eating plant prop, Audrey 2 prop, Audrey II, Little Shop of Horrors, Man-eating plant, Venus fly trap, Scary Halloween prop, Halloween 2020, K and T, Man eating plant Michaels, Halloween, piranha, piranha plant, mario, makeover, Halloween DIY, Craft, Custom Paint, Venus Fly Trap, Venus, Fly
Id: AiV2Yib33Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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