graveyard statue 2020

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it's youtube wednesday i hate to start out with a bunch of voice over but this is uh just mixing concrete this is a quikrete fast set i use the recommended amount of water as i mix it up and i'm putting it in two different five gallon buckets and the reason i'm doing that is these will be the bases for the statues i'm going to insert a 1x4 that i cover the end in vaseline and when i insert that in there i'll be able to pull it out as soon as it's dry i want to show you this though there is the uh 1x4 getting ready but what i wanted to show you guys was that when you set the handles up make sure that you're able to lift the bucket without getting in the way of the board that you put in the concrete that's important for moving it around later here i'm just letting the concrete set and it's just about ready so i'm just going to screw this little crossbar to this one so that i have a little bit of room to put up a head yes those are shoulders it is that simple i have purchased from the dollar store some skulls yes are these great skulls no they're tiny but they're going to make great shoulders just give it a cut right there between the eyes we're going to cut a little strip out here just so you can see what i did that's what i'm cutting out how do we do when i guesstimate a little more i'm going to take that a little more out of the top not the bottom there we go that's a much more organic shoulder and now that is a set of shoulders on here you can put a screw in these if you want i'm just going to hit them with some tape because this will be so protected from the elements that the tape won't come apart okay i now have two frames that's why we all set the handle so they can be moved easily my head is pretty far forward of my shoulders uh you know it's a few inches out there so i'm going to make sure when i put the heads on these guys that the heads are a little further out so this one is set up right this one i want to flip around we have head options all right so one of your head options is just a wig head just a regular wig head just like this that you can put right here in order to make your graveyard statue perfectly fine good option you can make a nice hood over this it'll look like a female statue i am probably going to use a skull that i purchased so this skull happened to be 4.99 it says it's a realistic skull and i think that right there is a pretty good spot to mount it it depends on how tall they are if they're taller than you might want it looking down and i think i want mine looking a little bit down anyway i like that much neck on it i'm going to tape it in place right here uh the bowl from the dollar store i'm just cutting this rim off of it i don't need this rim i don't need this rim i don't want this rim i'm not excited about this rim that is what i want that is why i want to does that explain everything this version will be a little bit different uh i'm going to use my cutoff end that i actually put in the concrete it's a little sticky from the vaseline that doesn't matter and i want to attach this bowl to it go ahead and tape that on well take the bowl to the not vaseline side it'll taper it i has a beast okay now i'm going to attach it to the piece so now i have this suspended bowl wide this will be an empty hood i'm just going to leave this one empty and i think that's going to be a lots of fun there we go now more of the bucket is in front of this and that'll help hold the robe open to see nothing first thing i want to do is i want to get this covered in fabric i want to hide all of this and i want it to be drapey and i want it to you know just have a nice hang to it the tarps that i got i got two canvas tarps that were six foot by nine foot since i am just under six foot these shoulders are going to be just under or just at five foot probably so that nine foot it's going to take all of that one length to go around this i'm going to cut that and one of them is just going to cover the body the other i'll have for detail on the head so let me get to that now here's one of the tarps and i have laid it out uh here i don't need all of this uh the way it's folded it's kind of folded in one foot chunks and i'm going to cut along the second fold so i'll have a two foot strip by nine foot now this one's going to be about eight because again i used a piece of it for testing again this is about a two foot strip of this i'm just going off of their folds you do not have to be super precise okay that is a nine foot by two foot slit see that nine foot will be just a little bit off the ground that's perfect this is another nine foot by two foot strip this one i'm going to cut that hole in for the head fold it up we're going to find the halfway point and see if you fold it like that fold it over fold it over then i can just cut a little cut that corner off and i have made a circular hole that i think that that skull will go through yep no problem perfect and i want to treat this before i put it on this is loctite heavy duty pl 375 really wanted to saturate in so i'm gonna spread that out with this yellow spreader yellow spreader i got from harbor freight uh but it's just a piece of plastic so you can make yourself one out of a butter tub lid or whatever i'm taking it all the way to the edges this is also an adhesive so this is going to help me glue it together too all these pieces that i'm doing separately i'll be able to attach together it spreads so nicely i don't mind just dumping all of this up here and then hoping to get it to go all the way down apply you get another strip done we'll put it on the opposite way to close up these sides i'm now fine with the next piece being for the head because this is the hood going over top of the head i don't need to cut a neck hole on this piece for the head i want to do a fold over so i have a nice edge i'm going to fold it over a couple of inches push those together and now i'm going to just caulk right on top okay so now i apply and i have that folded edge it's going to be up on top because that's where all of my uh goop is carry it here i'm going to control the folds so they look cool and add some depth i'm just going to use a little bit of the loctite on my hand in order to finish off that interior lapel that shows yes sir now we let this dry so for the next uh statue we're doing we're not going to use the canvas at all we're going to use this which is polyethylene foam this is underlayment material uh it is used underneath of tile i think but uh this big roll of it was four foot by uh four foot by a hundred foot and that was thirty bucks so i want to do plenty to drape on this um and we're just gonna it's a six foot table and that's about six foot tall so once again i'm gonna do this in such a way where i can just cut this off so this guy is going to be plastic whereas the other one was is a canvas and liquid nails and this is this is like self-adhesive so i just take off this strip i don't want that messing with my paint or anything let me find that middle which i just had once again same thing any sheet material you can do that head finding with fold that quarter cut off that round i know that's plenty big to fit over there let's put this piece on this is plenty like i did a little extra because i want this to drain i want this to be a little more dramatic i can make the other one just as dramatic except um i want to try and do it with only one part you can tell this stuff is very lightweight it's very billowy let's get another sheet on in order to calm this down and to control it a little better i'm going to actually hit it with a heat gun and that will allow me to shape that quite a bit for ease i'm going to shape one layer at a time and see and it sticks to itself just like that uh it just sticks to itself so um i really like that about this get it warm and put it together and that's going to stay so that's a lot more contained it's a lot tighter than it was before things are fine okay i now have the front of this guy covered and it's tight and uh the heat gun just brought it all down now i'm gonna go ahead and add on the hood over top of this i'm going to heat gun and edge on this the same way i glued an edge onto the other one but that he gun makes it stick to itself and that's a nice hem on that now okay so now i have this edged over see how it's got a hem on we it had a slight change of scenery due to weather and i'm going to attach his hood now i want to find the middle and that's all it takes to get that stuck on there i want to keep those shoulders i want to preserve the shoulders okay let's cut another strip and reinforce that hood layer put some hot up hot air up into that piece and then i can fold it down hot air up into it and then i can fold it on down i'm gonna hit the top of the head again one more piece over that for a hood this polyethylene foam is a miracle as far as sticking to itself with heat so now this guy i feel really good about i feel like like this hood is uh pretty stout considering you know what it's made of it's a couple layers i'm gonna pull this out of here okay okay so now we have a empty hooded headed uh critter you know what i want to do a fold right here and i'm going to use this other piece to really make this emptiness come to life right there and i just installed that right here using heat uh the same technically this is foam but it's polyethylene foam it will not be eaten by um spray paint spray paint now it's a matter of just painting both of them i want to trim up down here that's a little much down there so let's trim that up okay i have two painted sketches all right let's uh give this some time to dry okay so that's a little bit of shading on this we might go up this way a little bit on the face just that up shadow and now we've got some white now down all of this is from above we have that great base gray let's get in here and start adding some more of a stone look this is a black can that i took that little tip out of this is giving me a nice speckle i'm going to use that same spatter tip on it you don't have to do this to all your tips you can just do one tip and then swap it on the cans if it's all the same kind of paint okay now we'll get a white spatter on here okay so this is that stone paint where if you get close see all the little flecks from the different colors okay so now let's paint this one slightly different process because we based it in black took very little paint to get that gray let's go back with the white spatter so teal blue i've got nice blue sheen to that stone a little bit of green a little bit of algae look a little bit of moss now i have some actual moss this is just moss for like container gardening and some super 77 spray adhesive i want to do a final i want to clean up that bucket down there a little bit hit it with a little bit of black so it goes away a little more let's set these guys outside and see how they look out there both of these are waterproof because one is plastic and the canvas one is impregnated with the liquid nails so it has a plasticky rubbery coating on the outside also you might lose some moss with wind and rain and stuff but uh they should hold up really well and they're both kind of thickened so they're uh better in the wind and this one here ideally i would have a little bit more of that material i was wrong in the beginning i only had 100 square feet which is 25 foot of it but uh still pretty happy with how it turned out for the time uh invested both of these were made in about three hours boris boris go make stuff everybody i've made a ladle it's an upside down lathe it's the big dipper i've made a big dipper
Channel: StiltbeastStudios
Views: 100,840
Rating: 4.9453459 out of 5
Keywords: CyberLink, PowerDirector18, halloween, halloween night, halloween theme, prop statue, diy statue, statue halloween, DIY, halloween costumes, prop statues, diy statue making
Id: Y7YsX00bARI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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