DIY Halloween Cat House 🎃 (The Cat-O'-Lantern!)

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And even though they watched E&K's video, they still fell into the same glue then resin trap.

Love the stem though, that's super cool.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Onlyhereforthelaughs 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is oberon aka obi aka obiran kenobi aka ziggy if you're watching our live d d show he's a kitten and by now we hope he'd grow out of destroying everything but since he hasn't we need a way to curtail his mayhem this is oberon he's still a kitten he's about i don't know eight months old now he is an absolute terror but we love him he likes to destroy uh everything so he needs a home well i mean he's got a home he needs a house he needs a bed he has a house we're going to build a giant jack-o-lantern cat bed cat-bed cat house cat bed house scratching post scratching post yes you may have seen evan and katelyn did something like this where they made basically a cactus version they used the balloon and the paper mache and we kind of got inspired by that we also got inspired by sam from our patreon who was making paper mache pumpkins thanks sam thanks seven and katelyn awesome ideas we're gonna make our own halloween version so this was prototype number one what we did here is we tied one end of the balloon to the other so it's like kind of a pumpkiny squat shape and then the idea was that we would put the strings around it and then tighten the strings and they would kind of make like the ridges in the pumpkin didn't work that well so prototype number two we used metal that seems to work better it actually like deforms the pumpkin without breaking so the first step is build the cage yes we want to reuse some of these wires maybe well it's a measure like how big is the cat all right how big are you he's uh okay when he sits like that 16 inches tall by 24. 16 by 24. wait okay based on the size of the cat we think that this is how long we need this to be i think the easiest way to cut this wire is just to score it with like something like wire cutters and then you can just kind of bend it back and forth tada that worked pretty well now we need to make three of these we're using blue tape for that masterful tape job right there you're so good at taping things thank you i went to the school of tapeology now what now we make it pumpkin shaped pumpkin okay i think if we bend it in here and make like the top okay and then we can make it around so when we blow up it'll basically end up being like this and this is where the top of the balloon will be where we'll tie it right so we want to basically pick the middle like that yeah is that too much no i don't it's fine so the cage is going to be smaller looking than the actual pumpkin because that'll be the interior ridge and then the pumpkin will like expand outside of the cage this is a lopsided pumpkin aren't they all how are we going to connect the bottoms here oh i had an idea for that so this is like wire that you it's basically also wire just smaller wire okay so i'll cut off a little piece of this all right so now i'm going to go i'm going to twist this little wire holds it in place and then we go like this and now it's nice and tight and then we can kind of adjust the middle why are you keep on shallowing shallowing my we can we can reach my pumpkin shape not even close to centered this little bee here it's not that bad have you ever seen a pumpkin they're so weird looking we're going for realism i want a champion pumpkin here gonna win like first place at the county fair yes the harvest festival those are the biggest weirdest looking ones that went first place so here's what i'm thinking when we connect it maybe we should put a wire up at the top here too so it all connects together we can like shoot yeah okay that should be like all we need ah hey yeah yes look at that pumpkin-ish a plan is coming together i'm just roughly taping this okay oh there we go it's working it's not gonna stay at all just so happens with an old paint can you just go like this and then later when we lift it we just cut it right there this is exciting now what now is it balloon time i'll hold it you're gonna hold it yeah okay at a certain point i think it'll like hold itself in there [Music] that's so loud putting another layer of tape just to make double sure it's not gonna pop my hand is just gonna be squished in here i feel like i don't have a good grip on this okay is that better i think so [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] is science happening right now um yes is it pumpkiny enough that looks really pumpkin are you sure you're chief science officer didn't you go to mechanical engineering school and then i switch to art yeah so you're the perfect blend of artist and engineer you should know exactly what to do in this scenario maybe a little more a little more see science what's it look like that's awesome looking okay this is really cool and it's huge let me twist it for you that's i love it that looks amazing now what paper machete i've never actually done paper mache i don't like things that are sticky you know like i don't like working with clay i don't like working with mud and that type of stuff you want to get your hands dirty i was the kid in art class who was like i'll totally watch you do that that's great so i don't know how this works or what to do i don't really know either but we asked on our discord and they gave us some advice they said wood glue is kind of one of the strongest materials for paper mache i think it dries a little bit faster and we're gonna put water in there to make it workable so we're just gonna eyeball it and keep stirring and see how it what kind of consistency it goes mix ingredients with no actual recipe just eyeball it and wing it figure it out yeah the wicked makers [Music] glue and water don't want to mix no but they do they do eventually stick a little sticky and gross and i'm really trying to avoid that so it needs to be wet enough where it absorbs that looks good jay tried to get out of doing this because he doesn't like sticky things it's not going to happen i don't like sticky gross things we do this together i like dry things like sawdust i like sawdust glue no sir don't like [Music] oh i don't know i did not enjoy this this makes me really uncomfortable slime and pumpkin we went through all that glue already uh pretty much yeah that's the consistency you want flowy but not watery we have one finished layer of newspaper the second layer we're gonna use this which is basically cut up paper bags from the grocery store and it's going to give us kind of a lot more sturdier of a second layer i don't want to jinx it but this is exactly what it was supposed to do it's true you know i mean that's not usually how these things go so the glue is going to dry probably going to take several days right we'll see maybe not but in the meantime what are we going to do we're going to dye our rope this is sissil rope and it should die pretty well this is 500 feet of rope i don't know how much we're gonna need well actually we measured we did measure and that should be pretty close it's really thin because we wanted the the detail of the pumpkin if we had thicker rope we'd lose some of that detail probably wouldn't need so much otherwise but we'll see shake well [Music] so i'm thinking you like recoil it as you put it in or or you just do that that's cool too oh boy oh boy all right never mind it's just going in this is going to be good is there something heavy we can put on top of it that's better we're just going to leave this overnight it'll be fine yeah okay nice job [Music] hey look at this it worked this is like the perfect pumpkin color yeah we left it in overnight and then we rinsed it and let it dry and it's it's so pumpkiny it is i think we can just be done with this all this yes for a little while oh hey it looks better a little bit a little bit all right what happened because we let it dry in here it was doing great and then this morning we took it outside cause it was nice and hot out the heat made the balloon inside expand and it literally ripped the paper through our paper mache so i think we're just going to pop the balloon and see what happens that's it that's it that's all you get oh oh there you go oh what's happening to it i don't know it's freaking and grooming i don't know if it's gonna come out like it may become it may have become one awesome stinks and it's yes right it's like smells gluey it's like like chemically it's super stinky all right so we're gonna cut the wires like around the edge and we're hoping it's not gonna fall apart after we do that but it shouldn't we'll be all right okay it's a pumpkin look it's a little like you know what i'm saying squishy squishy yeah the structural integrity questionable yeah what do we do you want to put more paper mache on it i feel like we have two options more paper mache more resin okay we hung up the thing from the ceiling and we're gonna drip resin all over it and give it like a hard coat yeah so now it's like tethered pumpkin [Music] we have a shiny pumpkin shiny pumpkin hopefully we come back tomorrow and it's a nice hard shell and we don't have to do anything else except for put our rope on in the face and all that stuff but hopefully the structural integrity is solid all right it's been what three days so we got one coat of epoxy on came back it was still a little bit squishy so we put one more coat of epoxy on and now this thing's solid we took the wires out of the inside too we didn't want those to be there forever and now with the two layers of epoxy i mean definitely the cat will be able to climb on it i think even our kids will be able to climb on it and it's not going to collapse so i think we're ready to keep going yeah [Music] that's a pretty good line [Music] it's a weird concept to be cutting like in and out but ultimately end up with a straight line all right let's test it out we don't always know what we're doing but sometimes things work out we are trying to decide what the face of our jack-o'-lantern is going to look like looking at happy jack the lanterns i'm so happy all right so we're trying to just sketch out what we want we know we think he's gotta have a really big mouth maybe some i want this little bit of a turn on the eyes it just needs like a triangle nose so we'll come up with something cute we drew out what we want and then what we did was we took this and extended it because the rope's about a half inch thick and when we wrap it we want this space to be here so we extended it out so that's going to be our actual cut line but this will be like what you see it's easy to cut through but i'm nervous about cutting too far so i'm going to stick and get started with the knife and then move to the snips is working a lot better there we go [Music] why not just realized we didn't tell you guys but we painted it we painted it orange it's really complicated it's orange and the middle black so yeah that happened it's orange black we're good moving on it looks awesome he's so cute on the top eventually we're gonna have a stem what we're gonna do is have the rope come up to where the stem will be instead of like coming up under where the stem is that way it'll integrate seamlessly so there's kind of two choices we have when wrapping this we could either go around horizontally which you might lose some of the definition in the ribs and things or we could go vertical vertical is going to take i think definitely longer because we have to cut each and every strand but it's going to look way better so that's what we're going to do [Music] [Music] well there's good news and bad news the good news first there's a lot of rope on here it's been what like three days of just slowly gluing rope things on but it's working out really really well it's looking great so it's encouraging also the other good news oberon likes it yeah the cat likes it he likes it so much that we had this thing on the counter and he jumped up on it from the ground latched his claws on it and pulled the whole thing backwards off the shelf and it crashed down to the ground and smashed the face uh so but but he likes it i'll just keep it in the garage from that one we can totally fix this though most of the damage is right here this came off so i think we can like just tape that back on this too right here there's like three major cracks yeah how are you gonna fix it duct tape one of the tricky things about doing the ropes vertically is that the pumpkin is wider in the middle so instead of the ropes being parallel they kind of spread apart like that to solve that what we're doing is kind of alternating the ropes as we go we're cutting the rope at a really steep angle and it creates a pretty seamless look because of the texture of the rope [Music] okay you ready for this pumpkin look look how happy he is to exist the cutest pumpkin it's very ever i love this thing so we found this rope and i think it's going to be perfect for the stem [Music] oberon look hey oh there you go he loves it he just immediately went in uh-huh he knew like instantly he knows it's him hey buddy you like it awesome operation pumpkin cat bed is a success can you look through the hole he's looking at me through the hole do you like your house hi thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the video oberon loves his new house if you want to see more of our projects check the link right down there and until next time stay wicked next we need to live it out okay go all right we need to leave the rope walks into a bar the bartender
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 275,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Halloween, Halloween DIY, DIY Halloween Props, Halloween Props DIY, DIY Halloween decorations, DIY halloween decor, halloween decor, halloween decorations, halloween props, best halloween decorations, jay and jaimie, halloween diy, wicked makers, cat house, diy cat house, cat bed diy, scratching post, giant jack-o-lantern, halloween cat, diy cat bed, halloween cat bed, cat scratcher, diy cat tree, diy cat, cat diy, cat diy projects, hyde and eek, cat projects
Id: kH4eD7eNEXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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