DIY Halloween Props - Bubbling Witch's Cauldron with Glowing Coals

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I''m Jaimie...and i'm jay and today we're going to show you a plastic cauldron from the Halloween store dress it up with some paint and special effects and we can turn it into a way more awesome prop witch's cauldron is kind of like a classic Halloween decoration you see it a lot in the Halloween stores and a lot of people do props like this we wanted to give it a try because we've never done this one this project has a ton of parts we're going to paint the cauldron we're going to build the teepee we're gonna hang the cauldron from the teepee we're gonna fill the fire and then we're gonna do some light and smoke effects to the fire and the cauldron and the teepee so there's a ton of things if you're following along don't feel like you have to do all of the parts and any one or two or several will still make a really awesome profit none of these steps are hard at all they're all super easy but there are a lot of them so let's get started so the witch's cauldron prop that we're using is a super common thing that you can get it basically any Halloween store luckily though it has a kind of a cool sculpt it's got handles on the side and it's got some cool details the first step we did in painting it was to give it a base coat with a black hammered spray paint when we painted it with the spray paint it didn't look any different at all and it kind of seemed like a waste of time but when we got to the detailed paint because we had that layer of primer on there it helps them stick and it made it work really well you're better off just doing like a flat black cheap spray paint coat rather than the other fancy hammered stuff since it didn't help at all so to make it look like it had bubbled over and leaked over the edges we took some oatmeal and some much Podge which is like a craft glue mix them together and dab Daman it didn't work right away this is one of those things we found on the internet that was like oh it's so easy just put oatmeal in the thing and basically it like wouldn't stick at all and it was falling all over the place you needed to get the ratio right there needed to be enough glue less oatmeal so we eventually got it to stick we use kind of a drip pattern so it was in like these which worked out better than kind of just sporadic oatmeal everywhere sporadic oatmeal so once all the oatmeal was on there we had to let the Mod Podge dry which takes two hours or so yeah and then we put one more layer of just Mod Podge over everything just to secure it make sure it wasn't gonna fall off we didn't want like squirrel smelling it getting all moldy in the rain our squirrels gonna eat our which is quite rare hope squirrels don't eat our videos guys I did not consider that covered in delicious oatmeal so once everything was dry the next step was painting it the effect we're going for here was a rusty look the way you paint rest is you alternate big splotchy areas of brown and black use just one brush two different paints on the thing and you use like a light tapping motion twisting your brush as you go and eventually it starts to look like rest and then you take your orange or in our case copper and you do die little dabs of highlights all around and that makes extra rustiness if you're worried about not being able to like paint perfect rest don't be worried about it don't be afraid of paint you don't always paint over it that's the great thing about paint you just if you don't like it you do it again the final step in the painting was to take all of those little chunks of oatmeal and kind of paint them green and just get some really interesting details on there this is supposed to represent like a witch's brew that's filled with brains and frogs yeah that's where the green comes from I'd say all in we probably spent about two hours painting this thing and we were pretty happy with how it looked and yet we're gonna make the teepee for the cult the he's got a teepee we have no idea what the thing the triangles teepee looking thing that you use to hold the cauldron is called anyway we've made it out of bamboo which is nice because it's light and it's super strong they do that you take two sticks and put them parallel to each other and take your third stick put it between the two sticks and that's perpendicular to the other two sticks then you tie a knot around that one stick and then you wrap it around a few times and then you tie it off and you prop it up so once everything's tied up you basically just kind of rise it up and then pull the legs apart and it holds at the top and once it was up we wrapped some more twine kind of around the top just to give it a little more cool look we also took some paint and just kind of randomly like spread some paint around the bamboo is a great choice because it's very strong but it was very like clean looking so we wanted to give it a little character hang the cauldron we're using this chain we got at the hardware store I think it's usually used for like hanging lamps and stuff the only problem we had with the chain is that it looked too brand new so we just hit it with a little bit of that spray paint that we used before and it just gave it like a kind of a little older look once the chain was painted we cut it into three sections there are about three feet long each then we drilled some holes in the sides of the cauldron and opened up the chain and attached them and then attached them all at the top we actually drill those holes before we painted it which you probably notice but just you know roll with it since we're not gonna be putting a whole lot of weight in the cauldron we weren't worried about reinforcing where the chain is attached to it yeah these techniques are specifically aimed at you know not having this thing be very heavy and that's why this works if you are gonna put something super heavy in the cauldron you're probably gonna want to do a different technique to attach the chain the cauldron is gonna be hanging so we thought it'll be cool for underneath it for there to be like a fire or like some hot coals that were heating up whatever is brewing inside we experimented with a whole bunch of techniques to make fire but what we ended up with was the tried-and-true technique of using X spray foam and some orange tree place the spray foam is a really great way to create like a pile of coals kind of around the ground and then the lights were actually embedded inside the spray foam and it doesn't harm them they still work really well and as long as you don't pile it up too high you can see the lights really brightly through the foam it took a few hours for the spray foam to set and then it was ready for paint the first thing we did was a wash we were hoping that the wash would give it a nice gray look and then also fill in the cracks and I've worked in filling in all the cracks but it didn't stick it all to the foam so there's there was no greatness there you could totally skip that step it was worthless it didn't help at all the effect we're going for is a pile of burning embers so to do that we're going to use some red and black and gray spray paint now during the nighttime when it's all lit up it doesn't really matter what the paint looks like but during the day it kind of matters you still want it to look like it's a pile of ashes we weren't too worried about this we just sort of randomly put paint on until we thought it looked good you just don't want to put too much paint on because if you do too heavy of a coat it may block some of the light shining through we wanted the cauldron to have like a bubbling kind of witches brew thing going on whether it's like something brewing in there and it's kind of spilling out over the sides so we needed some fog inside so to make the fog we're gonna use these super cool little technology things that make fog it's an ultra side fogger and the way it works is by you it vibrates with an ultrasonic frequency breaking up the water into millions of little droplets and then it sprays those droplets into the air as a thick fog it's actually really really cool and what's nice about these is you can plug them in and they use very little power and they just run forever and just keep making fog. Since the cauldron is gonna be hanging we don't want it to weigh a million pounds so we can't fill the whole thing with water. Luckily, these little guys only need about couple inches of water so we're gonna do is build a platform put that inside the cauldron and then put a bowl on the top that this little guy can sit in we're trying to keep the weight of the cauldron as low as possible since it's gonna be hanging so to build our little platform we used a piece of foam for the tabletop now you don't have to use foam you could use plywood and work just as well and probably be cheaper but we didn't have I would and we had foam so well it was we cut out a circle because it's circular and we also for the legs of the table used some poplar dowels which happen to be cut-offs from our particular triangle project to attach the legs to the tabletop we tried to drill some holes for the dowels in the foam that was kind of a disaster it really didn't work that well at all so basically we sort of stuck him in place made sure they were level and then used some hot glue to attach them everything worked really well and the table fit in there perfectly we got really lucky and just happened to have this round dish thing that almost fit perfectly inside the cauldron so he duct-taped the to handle holes to make it more solid and then we put a couple layers of trash bags inside to help it hold water then we use duct tape around the edges to secure the trash bags in place we basically created a miniature swimming pool when we put the table in and then put the little dish on top of it it fit really well but there was a slight gap around the outside and the fog from the water was kind of going into the gap and kind of messing it up a little so what we decided to do was take some black duct tape and just ride it around the rim and it kind of guides the fog up out and over the edges to hang the cauldron we basically just took that chain from before we attached it to the rim and then we hooked it onto the twine at the top of our teepee thing for the finishing touch we took an outdoor light attached it to the top of our teepee pyramid thing and pointed it down at the fog to give the fog a really cool eerie glow this build was super fun there was a lot of individual components and each one had its own challenges and kind of things we had to figure out which is the best part of making stuff but we're super happy with how it came up yeah in the end it was totally worth it remember that if you liked the video you can support us by hitting the like button subscribing to the channel and sharing it with all your friends so if if everything if they're the caller one's gonna be happy to call a remote
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 656,960
Rating: 4.9477324 out of 5
Keywords: DIY Halloween, Halloween DIY, DIY Halloween Props, Halloween Props DIY, DIY Halloween decorations, DIY halloween decor, husband and wife, halloween decor, halloween decorations, halloween props, best halloween decorations, jay and jaimie, diy, halloween diy, wicked makers, witchs cauldron, witch cauldron, witches cauldron, fake fire, fake fire effect, burning coals, burning embers, glowing coals, how to make fake fire, bubbling witchs cauldron, witch's cauldron, witch
Id: GKuTqjnWoGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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