ENDING! The Elite Four! - Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 23

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[Music] what is a guy Zack Scott here playing Pokemon let's go Pikachu and I was told in the comments that my my my term million has almost evolved so let's go ahead and evolve him and this is gonna be simple all that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look at my candy char I'm gonna find a rare candy I'm gonna use it on Charmeleon he's level 36 is that enough is that all we got to do I don't even know this could be it this could be it here we go Charmeleon is evolving very cool very cool let's see him big DUP here we go and I want to thank you guys so much for all of your support on this series look at him look at enemies now Charizard right yes indeed he is congratulations your Charmeleon evolved into Charizard now I don't know if I'm gonna be keeping him at my party though because I just got the Moltres but when this Pokemon expels a blast of super hot fire the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely good for it and what what now Oh once to learn the move wing attack okay let's see what wing attack is all about real quick please wing attacks a flying move let's see does sixty damage it's it's okay let's let's see what what I want embers good it's only 40 though fire spin growl or dragon rage oh that's a good question you know a flying attack I guess I'll just forget growl I don't know I don't really know I'm not really thinking about this looking in a competitive way against other players I'm thinking more about it in terms of the PC so let's just forget growl I don't know or fire spin know if I overdone over the fires okay mmm ember maybe now embers are pretty solid 40 the dragon rage is good let's just forget growl why not why not I can maybe relearn that on a different Charizard I don't know who knows who cares wing attack instead I want to thank you for supporting this series the first episode is now surpassed a million views thanks to you guys leaving over 16,000 likes on very first episode thank you so incredibly much I really do appreciate it I don't know who else should get my candy I'm about to face off against the Elite Four there's so much to do here and I don't know oh wow increases speed by one for Pokemon level 60 or higher I only have yeah so maybe I should hold on to it I don't really know what I should do one thing I might want to really consider though honestly is just removing Charizard let me let me move p-dog over to the front here because I think we're done messing around and I'm gonna go ahead and I would say Charizard let's see let me look at my bag really quick I mean I'm probably it's gonna want to put in mulch as right cuz he's a high-level guy he's level well a dog's 51 I don't know man what do you think what do you guys think mult rez level 50 I really don't know what moves is a dog have he has he just have fire moves he has flamethrower that's a special though yeah I'm gonna actually go ahead and just put in Moltres in here sorry sorry Charizard I had to party replace chars are there we go we got like a dog too and mult rez might as well name him em dog too I don't know what do you think do you think so change name I think so here we go we're about to face off against the Elite Four and I really should have looked up what they what they have em dog - there we go okay looks good to me and now I got who's in my party who's gonna be out and about let's look at my party really quick em dog how about you take out of the pokeball there you go there you go you're gonna be looking cute all right here we go so let's go up here we now have the opportunity to go over here and face off against the Elite Four hope they give me another store because I need to buy potions and stuff because I don't know what they're gonna be all about him to go Plateau look at this place this place is incredible oh wow hi everyone hello yo champ in the making at the Pokemon League will face the Elite Four all in a row if you lose you have to start all over again this is it go for it so yeah I would say so I would say hey it's definitely good ID to buy stuff are you done with your shopping is your party all healed up this is the big challenge so you want to make sure you're fully prepared yeah that's true what about you hey you if you have an executor I'll trade my no I don't care no nah I'm okay good for you being proud and all but I'm fine all right so let's see what kind of stuff they have here in the store don't need any more altar balls does it say how many I have I have 25 more I don't even know if they're gonna give me any more opportunities to catch anything I just wanted to go ahead and do it let's see max potion full restore honey max potions I only have one let's bump it up to 19 total that's a lot right that sounds good to me and then uh what are the kind of things we want we want antidote sure seven of those why not and then uh what else do I want here burn heal [Music] I don't even know I I'm trying I'm just trying to think about all the stuff they're gonna throw at me you know I seal and you think so maybe I'll go and get a couple of those those are pretty cheap so maybe that's not gonna happen very often uh wakening oh yeah what if my guys get put to sleep yes okay there you go or what else do you want to do paralyzed healed that could definitely be a thing I'm just gonna go I'm seriously I'm just stocking up I don't even know I hope I don't forget anything revived of course revived oh but do we have any max revives what's full restore uh oh yeah okay oh you know that's not a bad idea either let's get three of those I'm just wasting all my money on these watch me never need these items at all but that's okay um I revived do I not have any max revives guess not so let's do some revives let's get three more that should be good right I hope so alright now let's go heal up our Pokemon I'm good I'm here I'm fine I'll sell later in life let's go ahead and rest on my Pokemon that way they're all charged up and ready to go I hope I have a good mix I don't know what the Final Four the belief or gonna throw at me that Venice or I don't know so I'm not so sure about that anybody thanks hope to see you again yeah you know if they have any normals I could teach my gut oh I know everybody the Pokemon learns as it grows you see I can also have your Pokemon remembering the moves it is let go in the past okay so I'm I'm fine and you're seeing four hard scales no I'm fine no I'm good okay bring you a heart scale what about em dawg let's look at my bag really quick so let's let's just hold on let's look at my pokémon really quick look at my party I got grass taken care of I got ice I got ground I got fire I got some psychic stuff electricity and water and em dog has some psychic stuff but let me take a look at his moves again really quick cuz maybe I want to switch him out I I already have him a ghost I have him a dark move that's pretty good I'm thinking about not having him have swift but I don't know for sure I could you know dart ghosts [Music] he could have a fighting move I suppose are there any special fighting moves are there any teams with fighting um I don't know what the answer to that is honestly I'm looking my bag one more time and look at the teams and see if there's a fighting move before you move on because right if I face off it gets any specials I might want one scold is a that's a fighting move seismic toss brick breaks of fighting a 75 brick breaks pretty strong g-dog too can learn it superpowers a nice fighting Moo holy cow outrage blizzard 1/10 but super power has an accuracy of a hundred what does G dog have that I can let go of he's pretty strong stealth rock [Music] explosion maybe huh this actually is a really good idea I think rock slide what's rock slide do okay 75 100 rock explosion I mean that's really good obviously his explosion something that I can learn or is that just part of him what about okay what about em dog what if what if instead I teach him man I don't know I don't know sorry this is egg be so long I I uh is explosion something I have I could teach him earthquake let's see if explosion actually self-destruct it's 200 and 100 explosions just a little bit more a little bit more powerful than that I don't know man what do you think I could get rid of earthquake I could also get rid of this is so this is so tough for me he could always learn self-destruct if I really wanted that explosion back although I don't know that I do drill run it's a ground move that's a interesting move earthquake I could relearn earthquake honestly if it came down to it I could relearn earthquake solarbeam what is this how solar beams are really really big move super power [Music] let's uh let's do it I don't know if this is gonna be useful I don't know if any their guys are normal that's the thing I really don't know but super powers such a strong move then I might as well let's rock slide gosh I'm sorry to sleep me so long okay sets off an earthquake that's a really good one explosions 250 you know what I'm probably not gonna use explosion forget it here we go I now have a fighting move super power there we go okay that's all that we're gonna do I know that took me forever to decide but I think that's a good move and then now what I want to do is I want to save my progress right here now it's time to move on we're actually ready to do this let's talk I can't even beat the first member of the elite 4 so this is the Pokemon League the most skilled trainers all right if you go on ahead you'll face the Elite Four one by one if you win a door opens the next trainer good luck let's do it guys we've been preparing for this all of our lives oh yeah I met her before she is that Lapras that's uh water is that water oh gosh hi I remember you you helped me out you were great Laurel a welcome to the Pokemon League oh it looks like you finally made your way here it sure took you a while though well then allow me to reintroduce myself I'm Laura Leigh of the elite 4 no one can best me when it comes to I see Pokemon freezing moves are powerful your Pokemon will be at my mercy when they are frozen solid yikes so looking at my pokemon chart you've got to use fire Oh fighting works against ice that's perfect or rock or steel yeah ok that's because frozen pokemon can't do a thing in battle are you ready I guess so so yeah I'm ready and I did buy the ice thing so let's see what she sends out I'm actually interested now look oh she has five Pokemon yikes yikes dugong I haven't even heard of dugong oh yeah I have now is Dewgong a nice dugong is an ice and water so electric works just fine so let's go ahead and blast it with zippy zap here we go Oh most d'arnot super-effective a critical hit and here comes waterfall which is no which is fine should be fine yeah that was fine all right we're fine Zippy's app here you go another good one another critical hit good for me right super effective all right dugong fainted who's next who is next I asked jinx now jinx is let me look it up really quick jinx is a psychic and ice weakness dark bug rock steel fire ghosts [Music] let's switch pokemons let's bring out em dog - we're gonna use some fire moves got heatwave and flamethrower [Music] there we go alright I'm a little bit weaker ninety one hundred ninety five ninety flamethrower it is [Music] hi avoided darn dude and he's burned not enough though let's just do what's agility sure let's use agility why not Oh blizzards gonna get me no no oh my god that was really powerful I hope he burns now there we go [Music] oh right not bad who's coming out next send-up cloister cloister is a let's eat oysters and ice and water so fighting electric rock and grass let me switch pokemons let me bring out my fighting move that we've been talking about with G dog - this is actually so great I'm glad I brought him in I'm glad that I did that I did not even know like honestly I did not look this up I did not know I was and have eyes throw off the bat boy stur look at you alright let's use my fighting movement superpower I'm gonna see this in action hydro pump huh Oh No the water's terrible gets me that was a mistake that was a big mistake I forgot that water was so bad against ground oh my God my fault entirely ah let's bring out electric then I'm sorry that was a big big mistake of my part to think that he has anyway here we go zippy zap coming in coming your way I'll need to revive him of course well that was super effective enough hydro pump against me that's not gonna matter too much is it not too much Zippy's app again here we go all right oh boy okay so that [Music] yeah ice and water are both really effective against ground so that that's kind of the thing teaching him the fighting move for ice purposes is not good I taught him the fighting move from the normal keep battling who is sitting oh you need to see Lapras ok Lapras [Music] Lapras is an ice and water electric rock grass if I do a grass-type I know so Isis Isis good against grass even though water isn't so Oh yikes okay let's go ahead and in my bag I'm gonna go ahead and give myself a big hyper potion would work I need to heal a hundred let's just do a max potion here we go sure blizzard not terrible Zippy's app though here we go nice [Music] blizzard again not a huge fan of blizzard here we'll do another zippy zap [Music] boom who's the final one she's sitting out that's what I want to know [Music] Slowbro now Slowbro is a psychic water so dark electric bug grass ghost let's switch out switch Pokemon we'll bring out em dog I'll use a ghost or dark move here we go which one's going to be better [Music] let's find out [Music] dark pulse is 80 or 82 dark pulse [Music] not bad [Music] surf yikes not too bad either [Music] all right here we go this is the final hit you are now praised oh right I need to heal up but things went pretty well em dog is now 59 nice awesome I beat the Elite Four things should it be this way I got a lot of money from winning though congrats to me looks like you've gotten stronger since we last met go on ahead you only got a taste of the pokemons leaks power all right so sure I will yeah she's wants to say the same thing so let me go ahead and in my bag I'm going to go ahead and revive she talked to I was such a fool I didn't think about his weakness when you know I did not teach him fighting for ice purposes so that's that's fine with me but still I should have thought about it in my head a little bit better a hyper potion on you good enough you good enough and then let's do a super potion on g-dog too and how bad do we have like a regular potion No okay okay we're fine moving on let's see what we got that worked really well whoa who are you you like a fighting-type what are you I am Bruno of the Elite Four through regular rigorous training people in Pokemon can become stronger without limit I've lived in train with my fighting-type pokémon and that will never change z dog was it we will grind you down with our superior power whoo-ha all right all right I get it I get it well then the elite for Bruno coming at me hard with some fighting-type pokémon Onix is here is Onix fighting Onix is rocking ground so he's actually weak against yeah that's a problem I can't bring out my guy because he has rock huh but ice and water we know he's already weak again so let's go ahead and fight them with a splishy-splash move hope you like this goodbye people he loved it I'm sure all right now what all right Machamp is Machamp Machamp is a pure fighting so weak against psychic flying and fairy I'm gonna keep battling him with a flying move look at your you have extra arms floaties fall he didn't hit 62 after this whoa babe not bad not bad now he flinched perfect for me another floaty fallen how about that this has gonna be easy I imagine there we go [Music] goodbye to you p-dog is now 60 - you gotta love that I know I do all right what else Poliwrath okay Poliwrath is he in fighting even yeah he's a fighting in water okay so he's a week against electricity flying let's keep battling will you zippy zap then [Music] boom I almost got him [Music] oh he's using superpower oh sorry your attack fell and defense fell Zippy's app coming at you don't worry don't worry goodbye Poliwrath alright who you sending out next [Music] hitmonlee another just this is a straight-up fighting type right yes a psychic flying in fairy keep battling I got my my flying move here look at you you look like a monster dude floaty fall let's hope this works nice [Music] goodbye who's next Panesar is 46 excellent Hitmonchan okay that's interesting let's just keep battling then Hitmonchan is gonna be a week it gets the same thing so lo t fall again here we go oh so close oh you flinched Oh perfect we'll end with a another floaty fall I want to conserve my zippy zaps perfect all right this one was easy with P dog in the lead II why how could I lose you lost if you have defeated me then my job is done huh I may not like it but go go face your next challenge I will all right let me go ahead and look at my my bag I'll go ahead and heal up P dog here really the only thing I used so we'll just give him a super potion good enough probably all right I'm still dressed like a cop all right oh is this poison what is this a ghost or dark what is this I am Agatha of the Elite Four I hear Oaks taken a lot of interest in you child that old Duff was once tough and handsome but that was decades ago he's a shadow of his former self now he just wants to fiddle with his pokedex you he's a fool the pokemons are for battling Zee dog I'll show you how a real trainer battles yikes what does she have well I guess we'll find out we will find out what she's made of what are you sending out first Auerbach Auerbach is a poison-type so psychic and ground will work just fine if I can switch over to over 2g dog - here we go here we go I'm excited about this get ready I know I'm gonna get hit with poison jab off the bat I might be poison but I'm not very effective so I'm fine now let's use earthquake Wow come on enough of that awesome very strong very strong all right who's next [Music] Gengar i just have to look these up each and every time Gengar is a poison ghost so weak against psychic dark and ghost poison ghost psychic dark and ghost alright let me just switch over to em dog here [Music] I guess I'll hit him with dark [Music] let's see it dark pulse you got this that was pretty good now he flinched perfect for me Shadow Ball [Music] boom Gengar is gone I like that a lot that was great who's coming up next golbat now gold bats just a is a flying-type right he's a poison flying so psychic electric ice rock so switch pokemons a dog too is now's your chance buddy we're in headed with an ice beam [Music] we're both flying now huh [Music] Oh crunch ouch ouch blast you with the ice Oh perfect perfect this is going great I have an answer to everything here weezing weezing is just is it poison only wheezing is a poison so psychic is gonna be looking at my chart here poison is really is weak against ground right yeah let's switch let's switch pokemons back over to uh 2g dog - then come on now [Music] let me give it to you the earth quake [Music] nice pretty good still alive though unfortunately Shadow Ball oh oh we're okay oh no I'm not my special defense spell let's do the stealth rock just for fun I'm have to revive him that's okay Shadow Ball coming at me it's okay Oh close let me go ahead and switch let me just fight him let me just fight him to the death superpower why not fly nah I just want to see me use it you got him okay it's okay I'm not gonna bring him back out all right [Music] um Gengar another ginn guard then we just have a good'n guard if we did get an gar is the poison ghost a psychic dark ghost let me switch Pokemon to em dog here alright here we go [Music] you guys can get hit a little bit by the rocks right just a tiny bit let me hit him with the dark pulse be nice to be flinched but who knows nope Shadow Ball Wow that was effective super effective another dark move all right gotcha buddy [Music] all right so we got one more the of the Elite Four left we're powering through this pretty well oh my you're something special child thank you all right you win I see what the old Duff season you now I have nothing else to say run along now child look at their smile such a beautiful smile let me go ahead then and look in my bag and just go and heal up these uh yeah you know what we could do a max potion on both em dog and G dog - all right Venice are ya okay G dog twos about to level up all right let's head out who's this next one whoa who is that all right he looks really friendly who are you so you're Z dog I leave the elite for you can call me Lance the dragon trainer you likely know that dragons are pokemons spoken of in legends what a fierce looking dragon dragons worried me honestly because dragons are only uh they're really effective against ghosts ice works well against dragons dragons and fairy so really I'm gonna have to be using my ice a lot they're hard to catch and raise what their powers or superior they're virtually indestructible there's no being clever with them oh geez e is fierce well you lose my league challenge it's um easy doc yeah sure whatever I'm gonna have to use aiesec and seize dragon's alive so sure let's do it Sidra is that a dragon but they might be multiple types you know so during the the if there are multiple types like this is just a water type so we could get Selectric and grass so we're just gonna beat him up with electricity right here zippy zap here we go I thought it's gonna have like all dragons super effective critical hit hydro pump that looks powerful not bad honestly let's fight with zippy zap again boom all right one down who's coming out next awesome g-dog a2 is 58 that's great now this one this is where it gets crazy because arrow arrow Tac Toe is a rock flying so gonna be weak against gonna be weak against electric ice-water sake battling I suppose [Music] Rock flying somberly get my chart really quick [Music] so you don't want to use grass yeah okay and then I would hate @p dog to got knocked out let's use Zippy's app or it late which was better actually I think Zippy's app is better here we go because this will always be critical to always go first gone ah just like that see ya all right [Music] Oh Gyarados okay we know about Gyarados now just to be sure this is a dragon or is it a dragon or just have a dragon move this is a water flying so electric and rock okay it's the same thing keep battling let's just see it in action let me see this word Zippy's app I hope this is a one hit I don't think it will be it is haha send out a real dragon please [Music] alright who's next who's next Charizard now this is interesting because Charizard is a flying fire gonna be weak against water [Music] and electric I hope we dog doesn't die here but you never know what's gonna happen here we go conman easy the final dude so easy all right Toby we know [Music] Dragonite now this is where it gets kind of iffy because we know the dragon nine is gonna be a flying dragon so he's gonna be weak against um ice right let's switch pokemons let's give the the final blow over to a dog to with his ice beam right I didn't even need Moltres no one was weak it could spiral among these guys look at him oh my god alright let's see what you're all about ice beam one hit nice awesome Dragon Knight man I hit him like most of his guys in one hit most of his guys were destroyed in one hit can you believe it I beat the Elite Four Lance that's it I hate to admit it but you are a first-class pokemon trainer that's right I am holy cow am I ever I still can't believe my dragons lost to you z dog you are now the Pokemon League champion or you would have been but you have one more Challenge left there is one more trainer to face that trainer is Professor Oak Wow hello there's a dog congratulations on your victory over Lance huh what's with that look of surprise haha your timing is perfect professor Z dog the one you will face is Professor Oak well not really it's Kevin what the Kevin he beat the elite floor before you ball he did not he is the Pokemon League champion that's right in the past trainers who defeated the Elite Four were all recorded as champions this time however will be officially establishing the champion as a part of the Pokemon League Professor Oak is here to officiate the crowning of the new champion it seems only fitting that it should be either you or Kevin you're the two who took care of Team Rocket after all now then head on more to the stage of your final battle Kevin you dork I'm coming for you Kevin all right come on okay let's just go ahead let's go ahead and here's one thing I don't know what kevin has I forget what kevin has I did not retain it to memory but I know that g-dog two just leveled up so I'm gonna give him some rare candies to bring him up to 60 I think it's only fair there you go he's now 60 good for him write em dog is probably into level up to 60 on his own as will a dog but I wanted to do that because he was I was using him a lot in the Eames kind of low-level vinous are could also used the benefit but he's still leveling up naturally this dude needs 11p dog needs 11 health candies believe it or not what needs 8 what does that mean it's 14 I don't understand what that means anyway let's go ahead and medicine pocket sure let's just go ahead and give him the hyper potion sure okay there we go I'm ready now I'm ready I'm coming for you Kevin all right let's see what Kevin's all about Wow look at him your your reign as champion is gonna be so short-lived Kevin look at him he's like he's all tough now just cuz he got here first I was busy doing other stuff don't smile at me all right you didn't see doggone man that's great I've been waiting I beat the Elite Four and became the champion you probably heard from the professor right from now on the champion will be part of the Pokemon League and battle all kinds of trainers I'm really glad my first opponent turned out to be you see dog you're the one trainer I want to test my best against after all all right let's battle d dog the champion seat is on the line all right enjoy your minute as trainer as champion or whatever I am gonna win this fight Kevin let's do it let's do it what are you gonna send out after me huh champion Kevin he's got six pokemons he's gonna sit out Pidge okay we know we know electric ice rock all right all right we got hey hey buddy get ready for zippy zap oh man I need the money more zippy zap oh no is he mega evolve what the what okay here's Zippy's up still almost got him super effective critical hits heat wave but I avoided it ha all right let's do it again zippy zap I forgot to I forgot to replenish his if he said no not a fault hmm hate you [Music] boom all right [Music] what replenishes the whole idea yeah ether is gonna go over to p-dog Zippy's app he withdrew him Wow Mauro walk okay and I use an ether all right so ice water grass get ready for splishy-splash then [Music] and gone all right yeah I praise you dude you did a good job Mauro walk fainted all right P dogs almost 63 vileplume but now I have a vileplume don't I I might know I I had no I don't sorry so I do not but he's a grass poisoned psyche guys flying fire let's hit him with let's simmer the ice beam shall we [Music] get ready for this I speed not bad sludge bomb yeah whatevs that was actually pretty powerful let's see you again with ice beam [Music] gotcha who's next vileplume fainted [Music] Oh a dog too grew to level 60 excellent as hoped and in Venice stars 47p dog is 63 and rapid - now rapidash is gonna be easily taken care of with sorry looking it up oh it's offensive fire guys so water rock ground I know who I'm switching to let's switch to G dog 2 is now level 60 and I'll hit him with earthquake here we go [Music] all right let's not hurt too much earthward got him man oh man super effective who is coming out next my friend [Music] m'dog to is 51 slow bro alright slow bro is gonna have psychic and water so I want to get this guy out of here dark electric bug grass ghost so I'm going to switch over to em dog I'm gonna hit them with dark let's do it [Music] let's do it he's almost level 60 dark Paul's coming your way nice light screen Oh No what does light screen do I forget whatever here comes a ghost whatever yeah yeah oh he dropped he's doing surf though this will be a big deal against me I don't think alright alright well let's do another Shadow Ball no not a full restore dang it I don't like I'm gonna use full restores alright that's okay alright super effective dropping him again let me use the dark pulse I mean he still has that light scree oh he's gone he's gone okay there you go slow bro has fainted m'dog is now level 60 awesome alright so that's great and who's next Jolteon okay we don't we know that Jolteon is electric so we're talking what we're talking not ground and we're talking ground so we're gonna switch over to g-dog - I might use stealth rocket also this could be really interesting this could be really interesting hold on cuz he still has that one Pidgey it and it needs to come out here so let me go ahead and send out let's do stealth rock pin missile okay whatever yeah yeah that's gonna hurt me a tiny little bit a few times not a big deal it's but stealth rock is here for the next person who comes out don't worry I will earthquake you to light screens gone that was good timing because the earthquake would have been absorbed a little bit at a light screen right here we go gone jolt eons gone send out the bird send out your bird I'm not scared this is great come on sit out the bird send up the bird what's he gonna do I'm not no I'm gonna keep Bali no I should have switched whatever he took the damage yes yes oh my gosh what it what a finale what an end there take that Kevin oh my gosh Kevin what are you thinking man okay I admit it c-dawg you're the strongest trainer in the world yes indeed I am don't be smiling instead says he's crying now oh man my rain is already over that was pretty short you're the champion now see dog and as for me I've got a new goal to work toward meeting me again Z dog yeah that's right I'm better than Kevin no so you've done it alas you defeated the pokémon league my sincerest congratulations you've grown a great deal since you first caught picket shoe and set out with that pokédex yes see dog you've really come into your your own is a fine young man and Kevin you showed great resolve never losing heart and then you saw your journey through to the end I did see though in the way that you do bat off that kind heart of yours might still be causing you to hold yourself back when it comes to your pokémon and the facings II doc it's hardly much of a weakness but it may have cost you the battle this time regardless the two of you the the two of you showed us an extraordinary battle thanks professor Z doc you understand that your victory was not just on your own doing don't you it was a marvelous bond you share with your pokemons that brought you here now see dog come with me alright yeah yeah yeah I am The Champion my friend all right it saved the game now what congratulations e-dawg this is where we record forever the Pokemon who have performed so admirably for their trainers here at the Pokemon League this is the Hall of Fame being honored here is one of the greatest joys a pokemon trainer may achieve the c-dawg you've battled hard to become a pokémon league champion let us record this great achievement of you and your pokémon for all to remember ok here we go this is my team mult rez doesn't really belong here neither does a van der Sar but I mean they're here no that's not venusaur yeah it is congratulations champion thanks [Music] p-dog level 63 yeah yeah finna stars along for the ride level 47 hey Dawg - you earned at level 60 oh yeah I'm doc level 60 and the name Dogg - of course I'm a 51 congratulations new recruit Gina to level 60 there was there was no one who's weak against fire so I thought there could be but there wasn't congratulations champion yep you already said that oh right well there we go I've done it oh that's a cool little sticker look right so uh what do I think of this game I had a great great time playing this game and I'm so glad that I was able to complete it here on my channel I know that in my past I've had some difficulty completing Pokemon games and I vowed to never let that happen again so I set out to complete this game I beat it there's still gonna be another episode I still gotta get the is it who is it is it Mewtwo say who it is yeah Mewtwo I think is in this game right I don't know who's in this game I might be wrong on that but there's there's one more legendary Pokemon to get and I don't have them so next episode I will have them and that's a promise so there's still gonna be another episode you guys said I need to save my whatever the big final master ball or whatever it's called you guys said I need to save that for when I capture him so I will and that's that's a promise that'll be next episode I'm so glad you guys could join me for this it's been a real thrill I don't know if I can skip the credits it looks like I can't I never you know I'm not gonna be playing the Eevee version I I only play one version I know some youtubers play like both versions but there's a lot of overlap so I don't really feel the need to play the Eevee version but I had a lot of fun playing Pokemon let's go Pikachu for you guys of course I'm now also playing smash so if you want to see me play smash if you want to see Pikachu some more of him Neeson he's in Smash Bros right well so is so or some other pokey well like Lucario and Cinna roar and I'm Mewtwo so um anyway I just want to say thanks for being here they're giving like the Foreign credits now I did not play this game in Korean or Spanish or Chinese I played it in English there you go English and European localization support there we go I like the sticker look for my character in p-dog here right pretty cool um you know I never played the original Pokemon so when people you know talk about how this game compares to the original I don't really know I was surprised by the twists and the turns of this game because I'd never played the original version so like I never knew that Giovanni was gonna be the final the final guy my hey there he is right there I never knew hit me like the final final gym leader I didn't know anything about the Elite Four I didn't know what kind of Pokemon they're gonna have I didn't know I was gonna be facing Kevin of all people at the end his reign was short lived thank goodness I honestly thought I was gonna be Professor open they showed me professor oak oh my god ha professor oak it made sense but they're like no no you're gonna face Kevin um you know I I'm I don't play pokemon go so I don't I don't do anything that's tied in with that game with this game I know there's like a whole section but next episode I got to set out and find Mewtwo so there will be you know more to the game I'm so glad that you guys could be here to watch me play looks like this is the end of the credits short credits I'm glad I really had fun with this game I had fun here we go there I am [Music] what's going on see ya Pikachu oh I'm returning home and Pikachu's picking flowers all right well now why the end but like I said there will be another episode because I got to get in you two right now saving your Pokemon adventure oh right so what's up P dog another present what are these for a small bouquet a small bouquet that was made with heart and soul for a single trainer what do I do anything with these here buddy you know what you've earned [Music] another banana another set of golden bananas here here you go eat that eat that eat that eat that eat that there you go [Music] hey yeah buddy alright so that was super fun come back next time for more wait let me just go downstairs and talk to my my mom I'm gonna come in Kevin zero grape anybody home hey Z dog I'm coming up morning canto champion but don't get too comfortable with that title I plan on stealing from you soon first though did you hear the rumors I was talking around about some crazy strong looking Pokemon being spotted what kind of Pokemon I hear it looks super strong and super cool the Pokemon was seen near Cerulean City and apparently ran away into a cave somewhere there that's all I know so I say we both go to try to catch this Pokemon whoever catches it first is the winner no I'm already the winner don't make new stipulations I'm already the winner all right so I'm gonna see my mom wants to talk to me if she's even still here she there she is mom I'm the champ it looks like you're having fun on your journey with your pokemons c-dawg yeah true so come back next time we'll get that crazy strong Pokemon there will at least be one more episode and I hope to see you there the world has expanded after becoming champion you can now fly up into the sky with Charizard Aerodactyl dragon die anywhere you want hey sorry to bug you while your world's expanding remember me I'm Ronnie from route 1 now that you've successfully become champion I've got some good news for you the master trainers trainers that have spent their whole careers training on one specific Pokemon have appeared throughout Kanto I'd say challenging the pikachu master is a good place to start head two for reinforced if you want to face her if you want another details talk to me alright and maybe that's another part of it I don't know but come back next time for more I will see you then goodbye I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help this channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching check out these other awesome videos follow me on Twitter and Instagram join my discord and if you want cool shirts like this visit Zack Scott dot shop [Music]
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 2,084,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go Gameplay, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Gameplay, Pokemon Let's Go Walkthrough, Pokemon Let's Go Gameplay Part 1, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Gameplay Part 1, Pokemon, Let's, Go, Pikachu, Eevee, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Id: M0rOTtUlLpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 36sec (3516 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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