Kirby de Lanerolle | Worriers | 05th September | WOWLife Church

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gonna be awesome the words going to be awesome it's going to be awesome thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord why do we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you yes come on you can sit down let's get in the wood I've seen a few other things that I will come around okay when I when when you're getting bored I'm gonna come around okay to perk you up a bit okay now where do we start on okay let me just start from this thing right here okay psych essentials series maybe two more sessions and then we are going to start on the Gospel of lasting life okay so with weird we are traveling to the United States not this will be here for another two Tuesday's right not a one Tuesday and they miss they offer two weeks and we've got a phenomenal lineup of preachers here so please be here and be a part of the family and come and support and be here be it's going to be awesome okay but we will be off for two weeks and they will come back we're gonna start a brand new series it's going to change the way you look at life okay it's called the gospel of immortal life okay so once we preach it you'll understand what I'm talking about you can you okay now let's jump into a worse in 1 Peter 5 1 Peter 5 1 Peter 5 Chikara bakkushan da ba ba 1 Peter 5 1 Peter 5 Rakesh Arabia Baba you Guru Guru Guru Guru ba ba ba 1 Peter 5 and interesting worse okay about the devil and everyone quotes it but I've preached it before but I want you to grab hold of it this time so he says you know God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble and the whole thing okay and then it defines who the proud is and I want you to really get it he says therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God this is 1 Peter 5 verse 5 okay oh just finishing off in verse 5 God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble therefore humble yourself under the mighty of God that he may exalt you in due time okay so God will exalt you so humble yourself okay how and then he explains how you how you humble yourself before God okay how is this he says how do you humbly said before God casting all your cares upon him now that's a that's you should really grab all of that because generally we think humble yourself before God it has nothing to do with what our mind is on ora care than our worries but he says this is how we're gonna humble yourself before God you cast your cares upon him because if you are carrying your cares it means simply before God that you are proud so proud doesn't mean you know like I always say you know confidence like the world thinks confidence is pride okay before God what is pride is when you are carrying your problems in your mind because he is a better thinker than you are you got it so he wants you to humble yourself that means costing everything that is going on in your mind you'd head on him he says why because of this now watches because the enemy hmm because the enemy the adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking who he may be wah-wah Sakuraba Crusader a vacation day he's looking whom he should attack how many have been attacked they say oh I am being attacked in this in this area of my life and been attacked that is the area in your life you're being attacked is because your cares are upon you okay okay so people just go around preaching this like all the enemy the devil is attacking us and all the Karris Mattox are full every time that you talk to them they're being attacked but the Bible is very clear about why you're being attacked it's because you are not costing your cares upon him that means you are still thinking about it I find myself sometimes sitting in the room I'm a data issue I'm sitting on my chair you know in my kitchen I sit on the chair there and sunny I'm thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking like this okay and then I realize I'm five minutes in thought that's the problem right there is a big problem because not once did I invite the the helper that God gave me the helper to say come into my process of thought lord help me with this situation that I am trying to grapple with and believe me every time I invited the helper into that process of thought the thought stops immediately and I have new brand-new ideas but we find ourselves and it's the same thing you will be able to diagnose your pride problem so pride is not confidence pride is worrying say pride is boring pride is boring boring is pride you got it okay and I I know how pride right proud I am when there's a problem husbands watch it is okay vibes watch this as well I know that I'm in pride when I have a heard of a problem and I'm dealing with it on my own without opening my thought process to my wife think about that that means honey don't worry what's wrong what's wrong that means if I can't open my thought process to her I'm not opening it to him for sure if I can't honor the Bible says the one I can see there's no way I will honor the one I can't see it's a lie it says think about that when you are thinking about something continuously and you don't open yourself to your posture say you're not married or your hope coach it's pride because it means that you think you can handle it on your own and you're building a nice tower called Babel if that a lot of Babel going on in your head so building this beautiful Catawba called Babel trying to get into heaven when God is saying let me in let me in to the thought process thoughts take you somewhere when you start thinking what you think is where you'll exactly go okay that's why the Bible says in my district take no thought of what you're going to eat drink aware take no thought you got it so that's that's the symptoms when you're not letting anyone into your thought process it means you can handle it simply you can handle it so why do you need anyone else why do you need the Holy Spirit why do you need a pastor by India Church why do you need a husband or wife why do you need anyone because you can handle it you see that's what the Bible says and the enemy the devil is looking for someone who is thinking like that Wow it's sobering they say be sober yeah he's thinking the devil is looking for all the smart beeps in the house yeah okay he's looking for the guys who can think because there's a devil at the thinking level okay there's no devil at the Christ level okay yeah and the world thinks yeah the world thinks worrying is so humble and when people you know I got it and I go dad and all the worrying oh yeah that worrying is so humble no no no the person who has faith looks like he is not concerned yeah the person looks like who has faith looks like he's not so concerned and person is humble but a world look this guy is proud you got it okay so I want to just set the the base of the scripture here so being able to take everything in context that's why it says God raises proud give grace to the humble humble said before it might end up gone how by casting all your cares upon him why because the enemy the devil is looking for he who he may devour okay that's the context of the scripture and then he talks before he talks about covering but people who under submission and covering means that they are opening their heart to the pastor that's what he's talking about any that's a whole different whole different thing okay but let's yeah Fiona same talk slowly I'm going to try I got a lot to say today okay now look look at the famous story of Marion mater okay and if you heard the story it's in Luke in the sort of Marion matter and we've heard oh you know Mary was so good you know because Mata was busy with I love the Christian spin on this the charismatic spin on Marion mother stories mata is busy with doing the work of the ministry have you heard that don't be a master they say come on you've been Christians for long enough I heard it like come on don't be a martyr be a Mary why because Martha is busy doing the things of the ministry is that what Jesus taught no that's not what he taught in fact he thought Martha was quite colonel and colonel natural he wasn't doing the things that the ministry okay and Jesus spoke to her about it if you look at Luke 10 come on already okay go on and he brings the big problem in look I think it's Luke 10 is it Luke 10 is it Luke 10 yeah it is okay see in verse 41 Cimmerian martyr now now it happened that when in verse 38 he entered a certain village and a certain woman called Martha welcomed him into the house okay and she had a sister called Mary you see there Mary was a sat at the feet of Jesus to hear to hear the word huh so the symptoms that Mary had was should open to the world she was open to counsel she was about oh yeah you get it ah you see the difference right but okay well okay she was open to the word but Martha was distracted okay in much serving and she approached him and said Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone therefore tell her to help me okay victimization the warrior okay w all right yeah my spelling is not so good okay and jesus answered and said to her matamata you are worried and troubled about many things huh things you're worried about about your ministry you worried every trouble about how you can serve me you're just worried about things she's a warrior she's a warrior come on man it's there she's a warrior he doesn't think of her as a holy woman of God serving in ministry if you're in ministry or not a matter if you're a Mata you're not in ministry you can't have a Mata in ministry because not in this ministry but in any ministry actually the context is not women in ministry who get or many means to get involved with the work of the ministry the context is she's worried about many things because why I'm saying things there is very important because mark levin if you read it he says when you stand and pray believe that those things you pray for will be given unto you so she's worried about the things the people pray for you get it so she's just worried about things okay that's all the Bible says okay and not just things many things but one thing is needed and mary has chosen that good part which will be which will not be taken away from her so Mary is in ministry that's what ministry looks like coming open people open to the word knowing that the word has the power to set him free okay is that clear there okay okay let's jump to Mary 13 okay let before mandatory let's jump to Romans 8 Romans 8 Jesus Jesus Jesus how important the mind is to God you know we are always concerned so much about the spirit but there's nothing we can do about the spirit faith is a gift given by God to you okay you don't need a lot to deal with faith but believing has to do with your mind okay believing is your gift to God faith comes by hearing the Word of God it is his gift to you so that's why mark levin when he says have faith in God that way but now believe that the things that you pray for the things so believing has to do with like Motta things mother could have sat at the word and then had her things sorted out Mary was sorting her things out you right now listen to me are sorting your things are hook come on hand you're sorting your car's your houses your healing you're sorting your things out right now this is the way God sauce the things out he says mary has chosen the right path to sort the things out you are worried about things worried of things means that you do not believe that God can sort your things out okay come on okay and so therefore you need to God comes to set our mind free and therefore that is why Colossians if you go to college and he says you know you say if you are now resurrected by Christ then search for those things that are above hmm there are things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God do not search for the things on the earth you get wonder and say that means we take a mind of these things and place our mind on his things seek ye first the kingdom of God and all the things that the Gentiles are looking for will be added unto you that's why Bible says so the idea is to stop thinking yeah stop worrying okay if you can stop thinking something ships stop boring something ships that means you humble yourself and grace comes into the problem okay now what you meditate upon will become yours what your mind focuses on will be yours what if you do an audit for the day of how many thoughts you have four different things you realize whether you are W Abe or your W over you you get it you will realize with your intra pride or with you your in actual grace okay whether you're trying to sort it out on your own you just do an audit for whatever are you concerned about your health are you thinking thinking thinking thinking about your health are you thinking thinking thinking about your job your finances okay you'll really audit yourself and find out whether you really are a believer or you're just a tinkerer you got it okay believers unfortunately or fortunately I don't know which one good for me though don't think so much okay that's true fate people have no fear okay there's no fear there's no rumination ruminating that the word is the new word for me ruminating thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking about these things going in cycles and cycles and cycles you know like the forty years in the wilderness looking for food you know satisfaction cycles and cycles and cycles in psycho okay understanding that sure about Carrabba she did he beat Jesus is so good it's so good thank you Jesus when I was worshiping today I saw just a glimpse of an angel you know just very very faint glimpse of an angel and and I not had an experience with that for some time and but it was a very small impression like I know I saw but it didn't last like I don't know so I I'm still to find out why because generally when something that happens when I tell you this very strange things take place you remember last time when I said I saw an angel at a meeting and she was sitting in the corner there and Sonny all our phone bills got paid off you remember yeah you remember that day right yeah yeah sure so today I just saw this one just like a boom going okay so I don't know why but we'll find out I guess during the meeting as we go okay yeah they're talking of things so it might be this meeting might get very interesting okay okay but depend on how hungry you are okay come on Jesus thank you lord okay silly good Roman okay Romans Roman says it like this okay you ready for Romans ok Romans 8 Romans 8 says it like this we have to be able to stop a thought we need to be able the most powerful thing that I realized in my life is when I can stop thinking about something the day I realized oh my god I don't have to take the thoughts the thoughts come to me you know and professor lunch with my dressing said it beautifully he said you're the sky the tots are the clouds don't ride the clouds go to sky you get it yeah and when I realize I can just stop thinking like that I realize that God takes over it's basically literally you're telling your literally saying to God I don't need to think about this because your thoughts this is what I science says I say 55 says your thoughts are higher than my thoughts your ways are higher than my ways he says return to the Lord and take his thoughts you understand so that means God wants us to stop the process of our thinking and a-line ourselves with his thoughts okay so here we go again Romans 8 okay look at it he says there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spear so we had to work according there's no condemnation for those who walk according to the spirit that's very important there's a I I don't anyone call it a catch it's not a catch it's the way it is there's no condemnation when you're walking according to the spirit a lot of people in grace has said or did no condemnation in Jesus Christ Allah Allah read further there's no condemnation for those who walk according to the spirit okay now but it explains because it's beautiful it explains what it is to be in the spirit so it doesn't say please understand there's no condemnation for you Jesus Christ has forgiven you no matter what you've done please hear me out better you killed someone and come here today and you seek forgiveness from Jesus Christ he will forgive you so please understand it but those who walk according to spirit but say oh but you know what happens if he's if he's in still in sin it's not talking about sin here it doesn't say that no condemnation for those who are not in sin so get set free from this verse it says there's no condemnation for those who walk in the spirit and then it explains that people should legally say or walking in the spirit means you're not sinning it doesn't say it here I'm going to show you what it says and let's let the Bible as we all speak English explain what it means to walk according to the spirit are you ready okay this verse has condemned people for ages because it is no condemnation unless you're walking according to the spirit or that means otherwise they hold on it explains what walking according to spirit is are you ready okay let's watch this okay verse 5 for those who live according to the flesh flesh the world sucks the world sucks means the human pattern or the human condition the word sucks there so those that is the the mind and the body ok but those who live according to the flesh verse 5 are you there sit there oh my god so come on man someone should jump out and shout man you know those who those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh no okay Jesus I'm so excited okay but those who live according the flesh set their mind on things say things say things settings does it say now everyone jumped into because they've got certain legal legalistic mindsets or that means they set in their minds on pornography and on you know adultery and maybe but the things of the flesh are the things that Martha was worried about let's put it like that let Bible explain Bible come on man Martha you're too worried about things she wasn't having sex in the kitchen let me put it bluntly for you understand she was worried about things so now don't go in the flesh set their mind on Martha's things come on man Jesus on my eyes Dickens go ahead another thing you get it I want you to get it because as you say it ha they set their mind on things that flesh means oh it's homosexuality it's adultery it's pornography no no no no it's just things of the flesh that means sucks the things of human condition it can be your colles it can be your paycheck it can be the next investment that's supposed to come to you it's boy it can be what you're going to cook the kids for dinner you're setting your mind on natural things and yes it can be adultery and pornography and all those things as well of course it can be but don't just think is to do with that it means anything with the human condition if you are constantly thinking about it now you guys are all Saints so none of you are thinking of adultery pop you know fornication and stuff like that but y'all are worried about things but I can ask you are you worried about your Collies are you worried about your rent are you worried about this you are so you are as in the flesh as someone who is having sex with someone else sin is sin it is impossible the Bible says anything is the Bible read the Bible anything without faith is sin come on come on man anything without faith is sin you don't believe me it's in the Bible come on give it a voice economy weight is anything without producing anything without faith is sin huh that means any time you do something we don't faith God thinks it's a sin adultery you know why adultery is the same you know why it does mean to sin because it's done with a lack of faith in your marriage that God has given you no I do understand that yeah that's why it's a sin the problem is people are not understood sin and seeming you know why drinking is a sin or a sinning because it's a lack of faith in the satisfaction that God has given you to the world hmm so anything without faith is a sin seeming is just what happens we know in the condition of the lack of faith ladies and gentleman okay my said again the Bible defines what sin is in the New Testament if you do something without faith it becomes a sin that is why the devil attacks those who are sinning in 1 Peter 5 did you just see that he's attacking people or smoking drinking adultery huh oh is he attacking people who don't have faith come on come on come on the devil is attacking anyone who is lacking faith he's not saying oh this man is having sex because because of that I'm going to attack him or this man is porns I'm going I'm gonna take him because of that no no he doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible the Devil attacks people who are worried and thinking okay who have a lack of faith okay so if you are in those conditions of adultery fornication and stuff like that it's because you've a lack of faith but if you're in a condition of worrying about your finances it is the same problem you have a lack of faith you want you can't believe God to be a provider in your marriage one you can believe God to be a provide in your business come on please jesus is alive yeah so that is why the rubbish that is preached in churches condemned people without them teaching the truth of the gospel anything that is not of faith is a sin come on man and you can put all the whole category in there the weed is not a sin the smoking weed is not a sin it's a fact that he's getting satisfied with something else okay now that that that could just translate into another model it could have been he's not getting satisfied if he was made in his marriage it could be that he's not getting satisfied with his job that God has given him and he's going to work in anxiety and you know ruminating about it it's a lack of faith it still becomes the same sin it can be that he's trying best to get something done and he no he's he doesn't come to church even because he's doing that he's idealized something okay and that becomes a scene just like weed these are simple basics anything the Bible says read your Bible Romans 8:28 it 14:23 says anything there is not a faith is a sin okay that's why Jesus coming gives faith for your marriage fit for your satisfaction fit for your finances you got it hmm Jesus thank you come on Jesus is awesome okay so then it says it here but those who live should I go you okay this is awesome read Romans eight I won't go in there I want to get something else watch this okay remember we're busy world worrying okay and so you know the story about the parable if you don't know this parable you don't know any parable and then it goes on to explain the source or the Word of God and sources into the heart of man and all this and I wanted to see form was twenty onwards okay are you ready but he who receives the seed on story places this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy yet he has no root in himself but in deals only for a while is it there for when tribulation and persecute arises because of the word he immediately stumbles so I'm talking out the three types when the word this word is thrown to you remember Mary sitting you're sitting a listen to the word now we are looking at the how this word will bear fruit in your life okay the promises of God need to bear fruit in your life okay so the first one the birds of the air come and take away the second one is really interesting okay it is the ones that fall on stony ground it is when the word is sown into your heart okay you get persecuted for the words sake not persecution its persecution for the word sale come on you know about this Wow you know about you've been in that place you get persecuted for what you are hearing if you are hearing a false word there is no persecution if you are hearing a word that does not bear fruit there's no confusion everyone's holding hands are running into the sunset okay you know but if the people who know the word and preaching the word and doing crazy things like I you just saw me do okay that's with Jesus right okay that kind of stuff happens because of the word but you get persecuted for this word it will say all kinds of things oh my god you know what what is this and that this doesn't happen in this time and this is not supposed to happen all these kind of crazy stuff okay I'm not letting me do something really crazy today I'm just I I I'm I just I have I might just do it okay all right okay but just show you show you how to sing box now you see secure it for the words sake you get person forever sick so people would come to Wow and then people to say it you're going to displace this to that and then they stumble because of the persecution a word and you don't bear fruit is it there okay now let's get to what we are busy with okay here it is now here it is in verse 22 now he who received the seed among the thorns is it there ah so there is a group of people that receive the word into their hearts but they can't bear fruit why it's not because they get persecuted in fact a lot of believers are in this place okay a lot of believers are in this place in fact I go in and out of this place okay watch why certain promises upon your life don't come to pass okay persecution of words sake I think we've sorted it out that that's not me and that's not you okay but a lot of believers fall into this category verse 22 now he who received the seed among the thorns is he who hears the word and there what oh my god here it's got we got Martha's problem here and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word see Richards but he comes we pray we pray we pray for a good job and when the job comes we got a new set of problems okay and then that's the deceitfulness of the richer the success itself is busy for if you're not careful okay I know people who girls come and pray like yeah I know I want a boyfriend want a boyfriend to get the boyfriend I'll still Abby stuff you know in the fastest and see you anymore you know it doesn't come to church go on okay it's a deceitfulness of your success okay all right okay so the same with money people pray for business come business this business that they get the business gone okay the deceitfulness of the riches choke the world is it there okay so the I like what he says the cares and the worries of the world one and the deceitfulness of riches chokes the word I loved when he says chokes the word that means it's very interesting it chokes the fruit we'll look at look look at how its explained better in verse in verse seven it says and fell among the thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them is it down okay this pillow okay and but he says here is it here now he used to be to the mountains the word and care the world is ruins of riches choke the word and they became unfruitful now the word unfruitful means unfruitful means it about just about bear fruit you're just about to come into harvest just about to get your harvest for whatever it is it might be a promise on healing it might be a promise of wealth it might be a promise in your work of a promotion you're just about to get it but what blocks people yeah Matt for says that just about before they were going to bear fruit you got choked just about when you were about to get it something sprang up and choked it and you didn't get it why it's it's the cares and the worries it says cares and worries why is your promise aborted you started thinking about it you started worrying you started worrying you start worrying and then it says oh beware now the devil is roaming around like a lion can attack you as you start worrying about it you open yourself out of covering into the attack of the enemy okay because why because you became proud and God gives only grace to the humble okay you get it okay so it's guys I mean it's so so important I'll tell you in the psychics engine series this is why this is important a into you like this okay Shara Bakura ba Shinde you're above Iraqis and urabá let me go into a bit of a bit of the neurological side to it okay you have to understand that how a thought comes ok these how a thought comes okay say I have I have a problem in my company and running a company and the phone rings and it's the bank manager on the other side and you know he's presenting your ody or something has gone above something now he's calling and now as the phone call comes you receive it into your five senses you remember going now to the body okay then your five senses when you get the phone call okay now that were there let me explain to you there are bad investments I've made throughout my life that means about a year two years ago I made a bad investment hear me out in that bad investment about two years ago I lost a lot of money okay colossal amount of money I lost because my bad investment now watch this so now I've got a new business going and I'm doing my business if the manager calls me explaining about an overdraft I know this phone call why because two years ago I remember the cycle hmm it's been two months interest is going up I'm not paid I know the phone call as I picked it up my body now pushes what happens is my conscious mind realizes that I've already got a neural pathway connected to this problem you have ruminated you have gone down this road before so yeah it's a hundred your conscious mind says oh this situation is the nice house a nice cycle let me take the situation and throw it back in the way you've been handle it before because there's a way you handled it before and that is why straight after that it explains now let me tell you explain this parable a bit better and he goes to explain when man was asleep he says he said the Son of God has planted good seed good promises in you that is growing but when you were asleep the word sleep determines your unconsciousness sleep means when you were not conscious so Jesus that is why it is so important to stay in your anointing when problems happen because when you are unconscious ladies and gentlemen the enemy comes and he's planted different cycles in your life do you understand that and these cycles let me let me read it out to you okay so it says here in verse 50 Jesus was raised it was 25 but while men slept is it there what if I but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat is it there ok verse 29 but he said no the servants asked a question for in verse 20 28 say he said to them an enemy has done this the servant said to him do you want us then to go and gather them up but he said no less while you gather up the tares you'll also approve the wheat let both grow together until the harvest time is it there ah so they're brought going together till the harvest I'm sorry your dividend is about to mature harvest time is you're about to get your dividend good or bad because they're two growing together one the promise that God is given the other what the enemy has planted there when you were unconscious because my last two years when I lost two years ago I did something then I failed in it when I get the phone call my conscious mind pushes me to what the enemy had sown in my life when I was unconscious you get it and then sunny and now about to mature in a wrong dividend okay do you understand us okay so suddenly if I don't stop person hold on I'm not going to answer the phone the way I answer the phone previously you have to take account you have the way you form in your soul or your unconscious mind away you form one of these neural pathways a neural cycle is two repetition true rumination two whirring okay you had a bad experience but the more you're thinking about it now makes the neural pathways so easy and accessible to your to you to push you there very easily so in the future you will always go there to the negative cycle yes last time I was praying I was preaching here and I was saying about how pastor Luke's father you know had a heart attack and you know on the same day and the same year he also known him but he's grandfather Hardwick and on the same day in the same year he's fathered a heart attack how did negative cycle he's passed down and then I went I went our owners place I don't her told me that the day that his father passed is the day that he got a heart attack well not the Dave on that day I mean so many years later but on the same day you see because that comes like that unless you're watching last year private thank you are five years ago last year you'll say the same thing happen or two years ago last same month this seven you see the cycle is coming the the going round and round and round around and if you are not available and conscious and absolutely alert you will not be able to get out of a cycle it can be sickness come on okay we have to be separated anointed knowing how to change it Jesus your conscious mind let me explain it again your conscious mind he's a great guy okay however he what he does what he loves to do is he loves to protect and he loves to reinforce he's quite lazy he doesn't like to do any work he likes to pass it back to the unconscious subconscious who has all the cycles in it so as the phone rings he's like oh we know this thing and if it's a bad cycle that's exactly what could happen if you in your field of information have heard and heard only stories the people who get cancer get sick and die if that's the only information that you have in your field of information okay next time someone says he's got a sickness disease that looks like cancer you are going to play one of those cycles because the conscious mind says oh we know this story let's draw him back into the the cycle what the enemy has planned and people now plane and going around around that cycle but if you have enough information in your field about the good cycles like you hear the stories here of people getting healed and set free and getting rich and all those things then same guy conscious mind will throw you into that that is why the stories of Joseph the stories of in the Bible are so important and you're playing them out because they are reinforced cycles in the collective unconscious Joseph's story is a reinforced cycle as someone says you look like Joseph is like yes and exactly what how Joseph became prime minister can happen to you you see when you say you're like Abraham yes you understand that because those stories become your reinforced icons that's why you meditate on those things so Jesus is just I'll explain I'll explain about Fiona just recently because the last time I left the story and everyone thought if you don't got a problem it is a bit of lungs I never explained what happened you know I said I'll put it on the shelf and never never never took it out of that okay so let me explain recently Fiona you know the story she started just just a small thing you know in her lungs you know she was just like very hard to breathe and then we said we need to tackle it from the root but we didn't what happened was because we didn't it started dominating and he started coming this hard to breed started happening maybe five times every four actually five minutes it will be in five times that that bad okay and then we went back to the word and we said no no we need when this thing is now it's playing something and then we got on the net and we gone to a doctor and doctors are awesome but he's told us what it is now he's reinforced the information there's nothing wrong in that very soon we'll be able to look you will be able use your phone like this and scan your whole body and they'll tell you whether you're certainly areas about is 40% risk 50% risk 80% risk of cancer just imagine me other kind of information what will happen please think about it very soon there are apps Maybelle scan your body lady Shh and you will read oh my lung has 40 percent responsible okay this one is a or this one an eighty percent risk what do you think is going to happen I'm just asking you who what is fear going to do unless there's nothing wrong we need the information but you have a technology through this to now not ruminate on that but to submit it on to the cycle that you heard you got it because you get what I'm trying to say it so when Fiona started you know what she started doing this what we did was we first we said okay hold on hold on here I know the doctor's report says this but you know we have a better report and we started going into the reports of God and on a micro-level know Jesus you have to manage things on a micro-level okay all right you have to allow the Holy Spirit to come into the micro-level so what happened was we said so she would go through the whole day maybe doing this so we said no we stopped everything we will deal with it individually why am I saying that because now you have trained your body your biology to act like that so a sickness or a pain now your neural pathways are formed so that now it's very easy for you to go down those road so the pain is naturally there all the time so it's nearly mapped into your biology that that is the pain you need to have it's pain itself is a disease okay so now they want us to neuroplasticity that means that can be changed you just need to change you need to give your body the right signal that it does not need to behave like that so now even sightless understand that we can reprogram it so once we for us it's very easy because we got a word with oh by His stripes we are healed okay now watch this at every level at every second we're going to take a talkie of it what you tolerate will dominate okay i odyssey sure ask me the question she said you know sometimes I get the sight occur you know her pain and she said you know could be so well you know what what do we do I mean and I see see show sometimes with the pain she's running and she's jogging and she's phenomenal she's phenomenally fit my mother-in-law and and through the pain she jogs and runs and does everything but I when I look at her face again say okay this she's suffering however now though she does that because of her understanding of faith yesterday we returned incidentally that is not faith listen carefully tolerating the pain and running with the pain is not fit and a lot of people do that they are suffering but they are doing those things so they look strong but it's not faith fear is this faith is no anesthesia surrounds issue what you need to do is when the pain comes don't run don't jog do anything take authority of the micro the mind you that second of pain sort the pain out there immediately and say no I will not have the pain I'm dealing with this microbe this little big the when it starts off as it starts I'm not going to continue working I stop everything okay come on take authority of this I'm I'm subduing you and you subdue it you take it under Authority wait till you come out of my payment come in and out in and out you take out of pain and out of pain now you run don't run with the pain take authority of the pain in that area you will feel a release it reducers now you take off now it comes again stop everything stop the car stop the driving stop everything take authority of this again faith looks extremely ruthless faith is a very David is the epitome of faith he's looking at the Giant and says you come here I'm gonna cut you into pieces and I'm going to feed you to the crows feet need to look like that to your sickness you understand it not tolerating it taking a Torah to your weight you understand it knowing as it comes stop getting my eyes sometimes fail me and when he fails me I'll say no I will not allow it I'm going to go back in there I'm just going to see I'm gonna see I'm gonna see Jesus name come on okay good okay now again my eyes fail me but then I stop everything I take authority of the situation and then what are you doing question I'm asking you're training your neural pathways so suddenly you have neural new neural pathways because your conscious mind what it does it protects the old and reinforces the old or it can replace and it will replace and make new neural pathways so now suddenly there are new pathways where you don't have pain and it's not reducing and reducing and reduce your news and that's a biology of how healing works the the the simple understanding of how healing works so you train yourself not to have pain you train yourself to see you have to train yourself has anyone won the 100 meters without training I'm asking you you need to train yourself at every second to get out so fear and I it was really impossible but I know at one point if you know if you don't if you don't mind sharing about what it feels like when I was telling you this stuff like I may be a lot of you might be thinking but you don't know the pain you might be looking at me like yeah but you don't know the pain come you don't you don't understand I'm going through pain on a daily basis every second but I like can you can you just share but what you felt when I was telling you about dealing with it in every second I felt offended I'm like you don't know this is the this is the thing when you're going through something the first thing you think of is you don't know what I am going through yeah okay and I know he loves me and I know I have done the same thing to other people who I love and and and he was bringing me truths and I knew it doctrinally but when you're in a certain situation this why it's so important to train yourself now train yourself now when the pain is slight train yourself now when it's only a minor minor thing that you can you think you can live with no you train yourself now because there might be god forbid but you might be in a situation where the pain will be unbearable and slowly what it does is it comes and it tries to week your resolve bit by bit by bit by bit until you don't want to fight anymore that's right and that's not what we want because we're fighters that's right so I had to overcome the the challenge of the offense in my mind okay because that's the first thing that comes it's an offense with God it's an offense with men yeah in any situation even if you're having the flu sometimes you can be like leave me alone let me just you know put my head down but you have to face it so then i gave i sat with kirby and then you want to go through the process of what we did yeah so so here's the thing right so on a micro-level we tackle it okay and we tackle it on such a micro level that it every level we stop everything every second we deal with this we're going to pray now right now you wanna take the toilet of it it will not happen it would come sort of bread easier to let it take over sometimes yeah it's easier because it's more convenient and then you can go in you can because you can deal with it you can manage you can cope yeah it's more inconvenient more tiring more painful to actually allow yourself to fight it because you know it takes a lot out of you but you gotta fight it yeah you gotta fight it on the smallest level it can be persistent but you be more persistent and then you then you conquer it and then it might try to come a little bit again you take it again don't get discouraged don't think oh no but I tried so hard its back no you take it again and again and again until you've trained yourself with the power of the word because we have the word we have the blood of Jesus that's why we're standing on we're not going into positive thinking this is by the power of the Spirit so there's power in it and it's even more exponential than any other force coming against us so real power of life is more than the power of death the weight is like the mustard seed it quickening your mortal body it's gross much faster though it's small it grows faster than you thought the pain happen you understand it it grows very very fast and sunny there are new neural networks in your body and my God is quickening your mortal body and you get healed if there's any any kind of some sickness to disease or financial problem whatever it is or fence in your heart you need to nuke it nuke is the word you don't if if there's a small little thing you do not deal with it with the same measure just a small bit comes don't just give it oil it's okay I can tolerate no nuke it get on to warrior mode not that one waa right there in w main waa okay get you into warrior mode nuke the problem give it like like what the heck was that why are you taking this small thing so seriously you believe is like this little headache do not tolerate because believe me what enemy's trying to do with you is not a headache if you think it's a headache he's trying he's testing you to see what he can give you so even if the headache like no way I'm going to destroy this thing you don't be unconscious because in unconsciousness that the enemy saws cycle seeds you got it okay deal with it on a micro level and you'll see weekly on every single situation especially with offense guys not even a little you don't even have to be a little often and mark 11:23 if complete finishes like this and we'll finish now bag can have you up mark 11:23 we're gonna do it a fun thing later because I have to get clearance okay I've seen not got clearance to do the fun thing maybe next Tuesday okay let's believe alright but yeah but let me let me tell you something mark levin 20v finishes like this okay it says this that when you pray when you pray okay you need after doing the whole this whole thing he says forgive everyone who needs forgiveness there is no way that you can have bitterness that's how he says and get your prayers answered it is impossible for that to happen okay so there are few things anxiety worry all those things but it ends up saying this now when you pray forgive everyone because just a little bit that you're tolerating will open you up to the attack of the enemy okay are you are you good with that tell me worship God okay come on Jesus Jesus we worship you you know Jimmy have some have you have you one can I do can we do that song I love that I love the tune very that you sang just [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 10,274
Rating: 4.8899083 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: mR0mn_0T4bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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