Are You Living To Please Man? | Kirby de Lanerolle

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a little baby girl she had pretty high fever and long with fever she also had redness in her body her eyes became red she started vomiting so we immediately rushed her to the hospital yeah also we did some reports that reports in sure where there was infection in her body so immediately the doctors wanted her to be admitted in the hospital not really sure what they were doing actually they were trying every test on her they put her on antibiotics she didn't respond they change the antibiotics but favor continue to remain very high in the meantime prophet very clearly said on the 29th in three days she is going to be out of it on the 28th morning doctors came they say there were suspected it will be Kawasaki's while this whole thing was happening after often she got a word of knowledge on the 28th early morning prophet of the world confirming it is Sabbath sake before the doctors she was immediately taken in for treatment and that had to be treated within 10 days and she was on her eighth play of fever on the 29th as prophet confirmed she was completely out of fever in fact baby started responding even better than how she was before generally kids would lose weight she gained weight and we went for the checkup last me and they confirmed she's absolutely out of danger she doesn't need to to any treatment and she's perfectly okay hi everybody hope you guys are doing well we're coming to you from sri lanka from my home it's till curfew over here so we are recording right from home and that's why we got my two friends here we got Mowgli who is a boxer and this is petal and she's a Bullmastiff petals got three puppies that are with us and some of you have seen them anyway I don't know how long they're going to hang out with us here fo but as long as they are here they are very welcome okay now you are very welcome on this channel we have been preaching right from home for the last I don't know how long okay and we being giving you some really sweet scriptures and really cool doctrines that have been coming out of our life church these teachings will change your life okay this is what happens at bow Life Church all the time for the last 10 years but now I get to sit in my living room and speak to you so it's just awesome I'm excited as to what we are going to share today now just understand that we've started a series and this series is basically teaching you things that you might not have known that Jesus really thought okay now we have been dwelling deep into these theologies we are being divided deep into these doctrines for the last ten years and he has set thousands of people all around the world free so if I listen to me for the first time today we're taking from the last session that we did and it's called are you living to please man now if you are living to please man you will realize that you won't be able to come into your full potential and your full god-given expression okay so now we're going to discuss today what it means when you say I've been living to please man you know you heard the expression man pleases what is the man pleaser a man pleaser is a person who is in fear of men fear of the opinions of man fear of the mainstream understandings opinions and thought process and so want to go on with a wave of mainstream thinking without being able to be an individual who can think for himself okay now that is a characteristic of a man pleaser living in the fear of the populous mentality okay now if if if you are listening to me okay some other stuff I say might upset you might offend you that is not my heart at all however my prayer is that through your offense that you will come into an understanding so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show some biblical teachings from the New Testament take you to the Old Testament and then I'm going to share stories of my life and funerals life in our church life to give you an understanding how we have developed a character and developed a fortitude to keep going on despite the opinions of mainstream thinking that can captivate us into bondage can block us from growth okay now for many people out there I'm not saying that mainstream thinking is wrong but just understand how did we first get into the mainstream thinking the mainstream thinking came because one individual or two individuals were courageous to think differently to the mainstream now that had a breakthrough in community and society and in religion and in arts and in science and in every area and because individuals could think for their own and not be thinking like the others are thinking the whole community could go into a deeper realm of blessing grace and authority so my hope is that forerunners will be watching me okay and people call us a full running ministry a full running means that you find yourself sometimes as individuals you might find yourself alone and a long time in our lives we did find ourselves in that place till we had people and then understanding that hey what this guy is saying let me give an ear in and then we had more people coming and more people come in and more people come in and today we are one of the biggest Christian denominations in sri lanka okay we got followers thousands all over the world hundreds of thousands of them nationally and internationally and how that happen was because bees course despite the opinions of man that can be you it might be you might not just be a religious person you might not be a spiritual person you might be a pioneer you might be a forerunner in your field you might be a corporate guy God is calling you to be a forerunner to be a pioneer in your field what does that take he'll take character man it'll take no fear it'll take no pleasing of man do you understand that and that's what I want to get at okay let me tell you a story before we start just a story about how we ended up with so many hundreds of churches in Sri Lanka what happened was we were invited to India to do a preach and a session and a workshop or a conference in in a certain area and so we had to borrow the church and rent a church out from a bishop there who had literally thousands and thousands of churches under him now he was literally very mainline protest and very different to the progressive revival that we were used to okay he was different you know we he had all the all the attributes of the bishop with a long clothes and a long tassels and all that you know and so we had to do a meeting in front of him while he was at the church so he would be sitting there on his chair and I was given to preach at that session now knowing very well that the that move that they were involved with were very very different to us you know generally what could happen is that I could go into fear and go into a place where hey you know what because this person has been gracious to us and so good to us and because his opinions are very different to mine maybe I should just change a little bit of my doctrines and change the way I speak and maybe be different and so doves a huge struggle in me that day whether we should actually give in to that fear that was coming inside of me because this guy if he partnered with us in India my god you know this was so much potential for us okay so I had a lot of pressure on me too for me to fall in line with the way that church and that denomination was thinking okay so I was there I went in for the service and his bishops under him yet he has 20,000 churches in India and they were bishops and him they were all there they were all dressed fully in their outfits now we as progressive pastors we don't where we were not wearing at that moment the colour or anything like that but hey here is an opportunity for me to have a strong partnership what am I going to do am I going to now change the modus operandi of who I am and compromise my identity so that I can please this awesome Bishop and then be friends with him and befriend him is that the way this partnership is supposed to happen for the future and so I thank God for the doctrines of grace we are under now this is where I'm getting that okay I had enough doctrines of grace grace means I want you to just simply understand this that God has justified me grace means that a cross has qualified me do did you just get that he has justified he has paid my debt tetelestai means he said it is finished that means now there is nothing that I need to do I don't need to keep performing because God has set me free and he has embraced me and accepted me in who I am now that gives you a sense of rest believe me just knowing what the cross has done for you the God has embraced you that is accepted you in the way you are that causes you to rest that settled the accounts for me and therefore because I knew the understanding of grace which I'm teaching you today I could go there and just be myself so because my identity was so assured in Christ I didn't have to perform I didn't have to change my identity I didn't have to do anything like that I could preach what I truly believed in okay knowing for sure that I am accepted and embraced by God and that brought in a spirit of rest and at rest and a peace translated on to those who are listening to me even Bishop Paul tomaron at that time who saw me and my god doe what I said maybe needed to be tweaked up needed to be changed for him to really be able to accept what I was saying he accepted me because I was in my identity and the spirit of Shalom and peace and rest was upon me why am I telling you this because the fear of man means that you don't fear God simple okay just understand man pleasing causes you to come out of faith and move in rat or rot or impatience okay man pleasing and accusation on your life causes you to continuously perform okay and you become somebody else because of the opinions of others so understand the man pleasing will never bring the true you out as long as you're living in the opinions of others no matter who the others are your true self the true person who God created you to be will never be able to come into full expression and so that's why I'm teaching this okay now please understand that somehow in 18 he says he says it like this he says the Lord is with me who will they be afraid of what can mere mortals do to me and that is sin that's not in arrogance okay in in proverbs he writes the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and that fear of God is opposing the fear of man okay you might you have to understand it okay if we are worried about people's okay man they will never be able to do what God has called us to do okay so now I'm gonna tell you in the Bible Jesus speaks about man pleasing as the religious faris occur spirit I want you to understand that that means he talks about Moses you remember in in I did last time in John 5 he says there's one who accuses you Moses do you understand whom you seek after he accuses you now you have to understand the law of Moses had certain standards and anytime your standards you fall short of those standards you're going to be accused by those very standards and we did it last time in colors and it says these are the requirements that are against you that's what college and said that those requirements against you was nailed on to the cross that's what Jesus did that's why he's nailed the handwriting are requirements that are against you that is contrary to you according to Colossians 2 on the cross so what Jesus came and did is he wiped out the law because the law could accuse you and the law accused you what happens is that you will start performing because of the reaction to the accusations now that's what Jesus called a religious spirit he said it's a Pharisee girl religious spirit because they are under the body of Moses they under Moses and because of that they would cause you to always perform as their fingers are pointing at you showing you your mistakes continuously and that type of atmosphere is not constructive for the spiritual you to grow in did you just get that okay now I'm going to just gonna show you what Jesus spoke about when he spoke about main stream sort of thinking okay he wanted people to be able to be individuals there is a unique expression in you if you don't come into your full potential the world will never experience you and you need to come out so I'm just helping you with the scriptures to help the real spiritual you who's in there to come out okay I watch this this is what Jesus said and it's in Luke 7 and you can take it from verse 24 and he's talking about John the Baptist okay now John the Baptist had just sent a look this is so cool because John the Baptist's at that time was the great prophet everyone was coming to John the Baptist but now John the Baptist himself has had a crisis in identity in the sense where he now questioned the identity of Jesus do you understand it remember he is the one who endorsed Jesus this is so cool because just imagine I mean if you're a young pastor or you're just young corporate guy just watching me just understand the biggest corporate guy or the biggest profit or the biggest pastor endorses you and so Jesus has come and he said this guy is the best okay and you say in fact he says there's someone come in who is mightier than me and he says I'm not even worthy to go down so stoop down and loosen his straps of his sandals that's how that's the commanding on the endorsement that was given to Jesus same guy come on I'm sure it's happened to you in your life okay turns around and says are you truly the one are you truly the one who's come to save us do you understand what that could feel like to identity come on talking about someone who's trying to grow into the fullness of your identity and this one who supports you the most has let you down the one is the body the most is questioning but they even the prophecy that he spoke of you over you is real man believe me that's happened man that has happened okay I'm sure it has happened to many of you okay you walk with someone they've grown you and suddenly they cannot now believe in your abilities okay they have questioning your very identity what could have happened Jesus but thank God Jesus was Jesus and he said a perfect example for us to walk him okay so now this has happened and verse 24 I'm gonna take it from there and says when the messengers of John had departed I like I mean this Jesus was truly that's where he came as the Son of God he didn't come as a must because he's trying to oppose slavery okay so he didn't want to come as the master he wanted to come as the friend he wanted to come as a son opposing the master master opposing the Lord Lord opposing the slave driver the one who puts into bondage and then he gives you the potential also to be a son and a friend of God you just see that okay so when his identity was questioned once the people who questioned him had left he began to speak to the multitudes concerning John and I want you to see what he talks about John I mean this is so cool I mean he Jesus is the coolest okay this is just after he's got a curious okay look how he establishes John in his identity so cool but what did you go out to see a man clothed in soft garments indeed who are gorgeously appareled and living luxury iron Kings coats but what did you go out to see a prophet yes I say to you more than a prophet this is he of whom it is written I mean we can all learn from this this is how he responded to his accusers he established them I mean it's mind-blowing look at how he responded to accusation he was so out of the dimension of Moses okay when the accusation started coming to him he just said he and I love what he says he establishes John as a man who is not shaken by public opinion he says what are you going to say you ready to see a prophet man this guy is not shaken like a reed with public opinion or what you think of him and because he's going to explain to him he says now someone else is here and he's speaking to you as well and he's trying to say again he says you think the way is shaken by public opinion by people accusing and same thing you think John wasn't shaken now someone greater than John is here he's talking about himself he said none of us are shaken by public opinion but he says what can I say about this generation now watch this and he's talking about humanity and the masses and this is what he says in verse 2 the Lord said to what then shall I liken the men of this generation so cool what are they like they are like children sitting in a marketplace and calling to one another saying we played a flute for you and you did not dance we mourn to you and you did not we did you just get that okay but John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine and you say he has a demon did he just get that okay the Son of Man that's why that's him he has come eating and drinking and you say look a glutton and a wine-bibber a friend of tax collectors and sinners is a bit wisdom is justified by her children man what he's he's saying he's literally saying you know what now at this moment of time John the Baptist was thrown into prison and he said John the Baptist was not shaken by public opinion you know he came neither eating or drinking you remember he had looked really weird that most of time he was a breatharian okay he didn't eat much he didn't drink and he came with a message that was so strong okay and he says but what did the people do they were just caught up with their public opinion and he came without eating or without drinking fasting and fasting okay and what do people say they said this guy is crazy this guy is not eating you know and they said listen about John the Baptist okay I'm just talking about John the Baptist here please understand okay so he said this guy is not eating okay baby probably got the wrong doctrine he's probably a demon okay that's what they said about John the Baptist okay so this sir good because why because you can't win with mainstream he's trying to say but so you come fasting okay living a holy life okay sanctified and then they say though the doctrine is wrong it's it's bad doctrine it's demonic and all that then he says okay so then we'll do the converse and we'll come eating and drinking boy come on and driving in nice cars okay and wear it nice clothes he said become like that and then what did I say oh these guys are sinners and they don't know they live holy life and they are drinking wine and taking drugs and all that and he says do you see how public opinion is okay big and to understand an individual's walk they can't have their own understanding on things they are swayed because what is the public saying they say hey when we play a flute John the Baptist you're supposed to dance you can't be not eating and drinking we are playing the flute now so you got to party and if you don't party you're not in the mainstream you just get that okay and then they say later on they come they see they see Jesus and he's hanging around going to the putter the bars and the pub's in the night clubs if it's Jesus okay and he's going to hang around with him and they're saying hey you know what we've been out playing the dirge we're playing a different tune now we're not playing the dance now we are playing hey why into you holy and why you righteous and and so Jesus and say hey you got to fall in line the way we want you got to cut your hair you got to wear the right clothes you got to do it like this and she's the same man you know John wasn't swayed neither are we swayed by public opinions I think Mowgli's getting excited as well okay now see so see what's happening okay he's literally saying that mass public opinion mind control is what everyone is under all right the the law of Moses the law of acquisition the law of religious order is basically that you got to do what everyone else is doing okay and that's what Moses brought about Fiona calls it lazy living it tells you what to do what to eat or when to stand when to sit okay I mean I mean I've been to places like that stand-up I decide and sit down at this side you know turn around this side you know that's what the law of Moses tells you to do now please understand I'm not talking of the law of the land please when I talk of law the context is the law of Moses that Moses brought in the Bible so that's what we call law versus grace the law of Moses so the law of Moses is a heavy yoke killing you to everything you need to do but God wants friends man he wants you to be free he wants you to be able to reason with him he wants you to be able to come into the fullness of who you are and that doesn't mean that you have to be under rules and regulations for you to be a good person there is a good person that is inside of you and that's your spirit and God is trying to awaken that into it and then you do not need the law of Moses tutors to control you you can mature into the brightness of who you are that is a son of God okay and he says for that you will have to get out of the mainstream thinking okay they say oh it's time to celebrate okay now it's time it's it's time that we are now celebrating and it everyone is supposed to celebrate okay and then they say oh oh it's now time it's the world financial crisis something's gonna happen to Daniel's it will also post them on like hey man okay we have got the Spirit of God and we can think from that realm that might be different to all the other realms there was a guy Collis and at that point of time it was a famine in the land and do you know what he said hey get the plows out I'm going to plow a field just understand this okay and everyone was looking around him and we're laughing at him so you crazy there's is no rain but you know what he didn't stick to public opinions he didn't stick to the mainstream thinking I'm talking about you in the future man they're saying that all kinds of things can happen the financial crisis can take away from you that you might feel that your businesses might not prosper I saw crazy guy okay everyone was sitting in laughing at him as he was planning a field and sowing seed when there was no rain guess what happened a hundred fold return okay guys you can take these stories in any way you want okay I'm not a legalistic of how you take it you can take it psychologically you can take it literally it doesn't matter just take it anyway that it will help you okay that's all that matters now 104 return story of my life okay we have to get out of the mainstream sort of thinking I remember a couple of years ago I mean ten years ago or so I really the Bible man you know I've read a lot of stuff I read a lot okay but reading mainly from the Bible I was reading a Bible and looking how long these guys faster they went to the fasted 40 days 40 nights sometimes without water and stuff like that and I mean no one on earth stuff like that and and I was like wow this is a really documented here okay there was someone called Jesus who raised the dead this is a documented stuff okay these are I mean the historically documented he healed the sick so if he could do it then this has to be something inside of us that he's presenting to us challenging us to transcend the natural circumstances but for that you can't be a man pleaser you can't be in the mainstream you understand that God is calling you to step out of the boat remember all the others stayed in the boat Peter stepped out of the boat Tilly step out of the boat he wasn't walking on water come on huh many times in my life is stepped onto a boat and that was about ten years ago I said you know what I'm gonna try train for a marathon okay and that was like we did half a marathon 21 kilometres I'm gonna try to train for a marathon but I'm gonna do it on minimal calories and at that time I think and I don't recommend anyone else do it unless you call - okay I was just juicing okay just on juice okay so juicing every day and for two months just juice but training for this marathon okay in the last month I remember I was just mostly on water and I was training for the marathon why I was trying to push my body to a certain amount to a limit to see how much energy do I already have stored now no one does the kind of stuff it's a bit crazy but I was led into doing it because I wanted to know for sure can the body tap into the energy that is already stored in adipose can ketones actually become energy when you need it can auto fur do you really work on the run now these words that I mean when telling you that are scientifically now were not even like talked about at that time and I did this it was just an unction in my spirit and now today people have won the Nobel Prize the science prize for Auto fudgie knowing that cells can cannibalize cells and get energy and eat up cancer cells it is known now and so training fasted cardio now is normal knowing that it puts the body into Auto fudgie but I do 10 years ago and I remember getting on a TED talk and saying that I did this you know okay and that's how I got under the National Geographic they found me from there the National Geographic found me I went to 600 million homes you understand that that's how I got to that place because I did something that was completely out of the box has no fear of man and what people were thinking about me a lot of people had a lot of opinions okay but I had to do it because now we go all around the world and teach people how to fast to teach someone to run one kilometer you got to run at least 10 kilometers right so that's exactly what I was doing today we invited all around the world okay to teach people how to fast okay what happens when you fast how to fast so we go all around the world teaching this because I was able to push myself really check it out for myself and because I stepped out of the boat today a ministry has grown and people have known our ministry and known what we are carrying just because I was able not to fall under the opinions and the strong concerns that were unwarranted of public opinion just understand that okay now this doesn't mean please understand to be responsible no one is asking anybody to be responsible we are asking you to be responsible but there is a pioneer inside of you and you need to be able to balance out and tackle public opinion versus your internal calling you need to be able to balance it out their internal calling in you and what will stop you is the fear of man so I'm going to tell you a story okay as we go into this and I'm going to tell you a story about the law of Moses and why the law of Moses or the all religious laws and this is in context to Christian religious laws could hamper you from growing into a full expression now you have to understand that the Bible has its two books actually if you want to put it down there's the New Testament and the Old Covenant the Old Covenant works on laws that you have to keep that if you don't keep them there's a penalty that comes with it just understand that so you are keeping the law because you're trying to avoid finality did you just understand that so what what does that do to your psyche you got a penalty so you are to keep performing and performing and performing if you stop performing there's a penalty do you understand that's the law that's all covenant but then there is also the New Testament now what people don't understand is the New Testament is not a covenant covenant simply to understand is a contract if you keep your part of the bargain God keeps his part the New Testament the dynamics are completely different you have to understand it's a testimonial case in fact it is written in the Bible that in a testimonial case in a New Testament that you know what a testimonial case is that someone has to die so that you can get the promise so it is nothing that you need to do Jesus died so that nowadays a testimonial case so that you can get the inheritance I hope you understand it the dynamics are completely different so just just to understand this I'm submitting to you okay if you read the Bible read it for yourself this book is in English it's not in Latin or in Greek or in Hebrew any longer you can read it for yourself and you could see how many times Moses went up the mountain to bring the law down and you'll realize the original commandments that God gave Moses was not what he brought down he went some people say three times but some people say when seven times up and down up and down do you understand it so say he went three times the first commandments that God gave the Stephen explains it in acts 7 that they were living Oracle's that means that what he first gave was living or occurs they were Commandments they were not laws with penalties please understand this against in your Bible okay so when Moses finally gave the law Moses himself had chiseled it on a stone it wasn't God's handwriting it was Moses chiseling it on a stone that gave it initially it was God's handwriting I hope you understand that okay so when a person who was enslaved okay her came from a history of slaves and also why he was taken out of being a prince in Egypt was because they were too slave masters and he was taken into the wilderness and he was shown a burning bush do you wanna sign it was a it was a tree that was burning like the cross of Jesus and his salvation and he saw the cross in that bush he said take your shoes off or this place is hallowed okay not any of those things but the cross was hallowed so he had an understanding of the cross but because there was still a slave in inside of him and a slave master inside of him my god when he came and translated back the law the law came with penalties did you understand it I'm only submitting to you to go into your Bible and see whether the penalties are from God or whether the commandments are from God the commandments originally God had Commandments for his people they were different from laws laws have penalties okay now the whole Levitical priesthood is coming out of laws with penalties so you can understand people with a slave mentality will always have penalties towards performance now that was a generation and the body of Moses the Bible says my friends in Galatians in the New Testament that Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law come on that's that's in the King James Bible Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law that's in your Bible I mean you can turn it there it's in Galatians okay I want you to see it and then it was it you'll really understand why I'm teaching this it's in Galatians three we turn into Galatians three and you go to verse 10 it says is for as many are under the works of the law are under a curse for it is written cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them Wow what is it what does it mean it means that if you're under the law of Moses then you are under a curse because you have to continue in all of it do you understand that and that is why you will ransom you will redeem you were paid for by Jesus he redeemed you from performing those all things so literally saying you have to continue in all things and that is why it's a curse because if you fall short in one my dear friend okay you are penalized for the whole thing just understand so you have to continue in all things I asked the Christians today in a real serious question okay the Christians today I say okay so if you say that we have to keep the Ten Commandments today in a and it is a law and the penalties to keep in the Ten Commandments I keep it in Commandments by the Spirit of God please understand it but if you are saying that the penalties of the Ten Commandments can come upon me if I fall short of those then literally we are saying that Christ and the finish work the cross is of no effect so that is why I ask Christians today I value an honor the Ten Commandments please understand but what I'm asking you is why are we not keeping all 615 Commandments that's the question why are we not getting circumsized question real question why did we Sonny decided to keep only the Ten Commandments because all the law is holy because my friends Christ has redeemed us from keeping all the law the curse is that you just read it that you have to do all of the law did you understand that so therefore we can't pick and choose what Commandments we need to keep so that we don't have to pay penalties we need to keep all the law please understand that we need to be able to abide by the law but the power to do that is given not by the penalties but by the love and the grace the acceptance and the forgiveness of the Cross that's how you have the power to keep all these things now we don't keep the Jewish tradition so we need to ask the question and why do we only take the 10 commandments and say it is the 10 commandments that we need to keep and there are penalties if you don't keep it my dear friends if you're not keeping the rest of it then we are paying for the penalty of breaking those laws just understand what I said okay so listen here what it says here verse 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having becoming a curse for us Wow do you just get that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law isn't that awesome okay that means how did he do it because the law stipulates your mistakes the law searches out and when the standard is put on you you will fall short of the law and when you fall short of the law someone needs to now justify you someone needs to pay the debt for your mistakes picture of Jesus on the cross come on man Kirby landlord was so flawed so fallen so broken okay he was such a sinner okay that someone needed to save me someone needed to redeem me Jesus needed to get that spiritual pure Kirby out of me how did he do that not by condemning me as a sinner not put not by putting the law of Moses on me but paying for my sins completely tetelestai says it is paid the ransom is paid and it is finished that caused the spiritual Kirby now to grow in creativity and power because I was completely set free I hope you got that okay and this is important this part here because listen carefully okay and was five so he asked the question and I'm asking it from you today therefore he who supplies the spirit to you and works miracles among you does it do by the works of the law but by the hearing of faith just as abraham believed God it was accounted to him for righteousness I just want to explain that to you he says the first time that you experience a miracle you remember the first time you walked into church and you felt God's love okay you walked into whatever church you went and you felt God's love and you felt wow you know God loved me and you know if the church always says come as you are come as a sinner and you walked in as a sinner you know your mistakes no one is to tell you the law has been upon you in life okay the law of Moses has been upon your life you know where your fallen short but as you came in you remember the first experience you had with Jesus and in first wow does he really love me has you really paid for my sins you remember that feeling and you felt how God loved me so much and you realized that God is your father you remember the time man how did that happen you didn't stop your bad deeds you didn't you didn't do anything right for you to feel loved you felt loved walking in there as a sinner man okay that means you feel acceptance grace because jesus paid the price what did that do to you it costs you to be free and your individuality and your potential now was separated from that sinful nature here on the Senate and you felt spiritual and you felt loved now that is where you're supposed to be all time okay so that is why it says hey can you not remember the time when miracles happen that when the spirit came upon you that's what polycythemia did it happen by you keeping the law or did it happen by you just having faith in God come on you see faith versus the works of the Mosaic law did you just get that he said no I just I I was wrong and I had done all kind of wrong things but I went to church and I felt the spirit and I felt loved I felt how much God loves me I did not try to behavior modify according to the law but I just came to Christ and I felt loved remember that time so he says hey yes that's exactly how a guy called abraham believed God and I'm going to tell you the story of Abraham for you to understand Abraham he says believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness now why am I telling you that because it's important to understand the story of Abraham here goes okay this story is so awesome okay it will revolutionize your life when you understand that Abraham was 430 years before the law of Knossos important point okay important point four hundred and thirty years before the law of Moses Abraham and it's interesting to understand that in the beginning we look at the story okay you remember how you know Cain went out of the presence of God remember he'd killed Abel and he'd gone out of the presence of God and it says that King built cities yes it's in there the King built cities and he had phenomenal technology and it was like tubal-cain and all his people with weapons and war war crafts there were people with technology and they were building cities and he remember the city of Babel that they built to the sky I mean imagine the technology of building such a huge pyramid all the way to the sky that's what he's saying they built a pyramid okay and the pyramid was going up all the way to the sky and so people were becoming so sophisticated full of technology and Jesus called Abraham out of one of those cities okay because the technology they were all still working on their own they were all just mainstream they were doing their own thing they have all they had their own mind and God calls him out of the mainstream and he says Abraham come out of your family your friends your city okay where everyone is thinking in a certain way okay just come out of that and I'm going to take you to a city to a place to a realm that I will speak to you and I will make you great okay that's a call that came upon fear of my life okay we were I mean we were I mean we had a whole group of friends we I mean understand my life be I had friends everywhere I knew everybody okay and my god we had so much potential in our careers we had thriving companies phenomenal social life okay and then God said hey come out of the city come out of the mean we and the main way of thinking I'm going to show you a culture realm that I will speak to you there in that place I will tell you secrets I'll bring your greatest potential out you will be able to be you you will be able to be who God called you to be there's an individual in you that needs to have a full expression but it's impossible to do it with the public opinions around you okay and so he brand him out and it says that abraham believed God okay please understand this and was accounted to him for righteousness do you know what that means okay because as Abraham was growing and he realized that his God was good and he was great growing extremely rich okay he needed a son and that was the desire of his heart and please understand this so important to get at this point of time Abraham was very old and obviously there was a problem in his body I want you to understand it he was sick or his wife was sick we don't know the Bible says that they were bought aged and they could not have a child do you understand what I'm talking about God wants to do a miracle for you if you're watching me God wanted to do a miracle for Fiona and me okay and to do that miracle he had to call me out of the mainstream mindset he recalled me out of the public opinions he called me out of my friends and my family okay and God may be calling you out today he wants to do a miracle for you and so Abraham needed a son maybe there was a problem with their with their bodies and maybe their biology and even at a young days they could not produce but God to do a miracle here to take them out of the opinions of man come on you just get it he has to take you out of the box to get this thing done Jim Peter had to get out of the boat for that thing to happen just get this okay so good okay and so that's the journey it will start for all of you okay and so you start stepping order board stepping out of the known into the unknown into the realm of faith and so there he goes but no compass nothing just like Moses remember just like Moses no three million people out most as no company he doesn't know where he's going he's going into the unknown out of the known bondage and slavery and patents okay and God said talk talking to feeling me and taking us out man okay what a journey it has been okay out of the opinions of man opinions came and opinions still coming okay but unshakable did you just get that and therefore now Abraham is moving out and he's becoming richer and richer and God is about to fulfill that promise Wow my god you know and the opinions were so crazy and even Abraham and this is what needs to be understood even Abraham gave in to the opinions around him he had servants with him yet people who spoke to him and God's promises they were so large so big they were so out of the box my God if you know your potential it is so out of your box that you might not understand it and so when God called Fiona and me we didn't see a full potential okay so he tells Abraham he says Abraham look at the stars he says but I don't he says I'm going to give you a generation today the nation of Israel the most powerful nations on the earth okay the financial systems are literally oh and even up to date by these nations okay he said I'm going to build a nation out of you he says man I can't even imagine that I'm so old my wife is so old how can this even happen Sarah laughed when he heard the promise she heard the promise she laughed just understand that Abraham had to deal just not with the public opinions of people not just his servants and the people around him he had to deal with the public opinions even with his own closest Sarah laughed you understand it but he still had to push through push through push through come on man and so Abraham but hundred years old just understand Sarah was eight years old and just imagined a key people to the disease impossible for you to have a child know me today they will say how can you have children I mean you have it's impossible for you to have children by in verse 60 or 70 does say you know you know the public opinions you know it's impossible in menopause and all these kinds of things and even right now they will say it's impossible their IV in Singapore doesn't do it I may be speaking someone out there they only do it at a certain age maybe you won't people have children at all I mean just understand the public opinions and then you sometimes have to give up on your dreams okay and I'm this might not be about a child okay this might be about a company it might be the bank managers told you this is it the third time with your company is crashing you know you it is impossible we've not be able to support you again and they've said your partner's left you and I mean do you know how many times that happened to us our companies that crash our partners left us and my god you know if we went with the public opinion and what people said today our companies will remain crashed okay we will still have problems but my god god is so good and I thank God that we did not give in to the public opinions the mainstream thinking that was around us we were able to pioneer away we were able to fall run our way and forge through all the opinions of man come on man okay that can be you God is calling that individual expression out the unique expression that is you he's calling you to forge through all the drama all the opinions all the accusations that he's against you okay and he'll give you his spirit to be able to push through and come on the on the other side a victor and not defeated okay and that's exactly what happened to Abraham and so it says that Abraham despite all the opinions and until you doctors they were doctors they're they would have given him an opinion as well he said area are you crazy you're too old doctors would have certified and he said it is impossible but it said that abraham believed god and because he believed god it was a counted to him for righteousness now what does that mean it literally says that God has promised you great things but because of the standards that are against you or the laws that are against you that accuse you you don't feel that you can achieve what God has called you to do let me put that let me let me sort of break it down to you whenever there are standards against you it might be public opinions it might be accusations from your family it might be accusation from your friends it might be people around you who disbelieve in your calling no matter what the calling is but they are called to play sports so buddy are called to be in the corporate world but your call to be maybe in politics video called to be a preacher whatever that calling is okay there is public opinion against you they don't believe in that calling just get this okay so there are standards that's the law of Moses there are accusations against you and so as long as those accusations are there those accusations will play on your heart you can't help it man is something called an unconscious subconscious mind okay and the unconscious subconscious mind stores these patterns of accusation that traumas from our young days our parents would have put strong laws that had performance mentality on us but are you a sportsman playing cricket at home or at school or playing tennis so whether it was in your academics okay when there's performance put on you by parents by teachers by whatever it is you're constantly performing and that's the whole system of Moses that Jesus is talking about he says that system is constantly accusing you every time when you were young maybe because you had such a strong performance-oriented childhood that was on your life and maybe it was not your parents fault they didn't do it on purpose but that's what happened to them their parents put it on them that's what we call this fairy cycle Moses system and because that system is on you now you're free maybe today you're married and you're free from your parents and maybe your parents maybe not even alive maybe you're in the corporate sector but you know what it's blocking you from going forward in your unconscious subconscious mind those accusations that identity that came to performing because you know how you got there is you performed and performed and performed and your performance got you where you are so guess what now for you to keep your success you have to keep performing you're under the law of Moses the cue station is deeply unconscious and subconscious and it is in a realm of trauma for you so you might be excellent at what you do and people might be seeing you and saying this guy is so good and so X anybody does but you know that you are trapped in performance you're always trying to please man it might be a buzzes it might be the people around you you're constantly man pleasing man pleasing man's pleasing and they're like a hamster on a wheel man God wants to free you and rest and trust me once you get free and you know what Jesus did for you you're free of that system and believe me we'll be better and more excellent at what you do and be much more creative because they're out of that pattern and cycle of performance performance performance just understand this okay just understand what the law does okay when that religious law sort of system but it comes on you okay we can't help it the whole world is predicated on these values and laws we cannot help it that's why Jesus comes to settle in full what you owe so you can now rest and be free to be you that spiritual person that you really are inside of you there is that person inside of you but he cannot come out as long as there is accusation and standards on him man I just I hope I explained that well because I'll tell you it really really caused me to rest when I came into Jesus I came into my full identity otherwise I was just working for public opinion working to please what people would say and Kirby De Niro could never truly be him okay now let me give you an example in my life okay I'll tell you how this thing happened the law of Moses okay you think that it's a religious thing it's not a religious thing it's a psychological thing that God is trying to show everything is predicated on the law of Moses okay all laws are predicated on a law of Moses okay so you have to understand like I was in I was in Dubai and when I was a young businessperson we went into Dubai I'm sure I told you guys the stories many time and we did a business there and for two years I was situated in Dubai working for a big conglomerate I mean believe me this conglomerate I think was maybe doing something like a billion dollars a year just understand huge company alright and guess what I made best friends with the owner and the owner really loved me okay just understand that in the first couple of months you know he really blessed me I had a partnership there and man you know I was working and doing well alright and then after a little while what I realized was I didn't know it now this is what happens okay because of the opinions and because I'm in an identity crisis I still had not come to my fullness okay that was just getting to know Jesus at that time and what he's done for me okay and so I started working in this company and this this guy I mean he was a great guy but the thing was you see he didn't know God he was a businessman he was hardcore he expected there was certain standards that he needed to be adhered to I mean you don't make a billion dollars unless you know you are really excellent at what you do right so here the young guy got into a corporate world and of course enjoying the freedom and the power and all that and then suddenly I remember that I was caught up in a rat race literally a whole rat race you know and it was constantly work and constantly I had to do everything that was in the standards of this guy know he this guy interestin is a billion dollar corporation okay and he loved me okay and he started raising me up and I every time I was working I was getting I was getting raised up every time I work you know I would get a higher salary every time I work I'm I was brought into a different partnership okay and so I was climbing the corporate ladder and after a little while I was singing man this is like a rat race it was constant and continuous and so now before I knew it because I didn't know to hold on to my identity I wasn't as spiritual as I was today and because I didn't know it wasn't this guy's fault I should have known to draw my boundaries and so at that point of time I was still very immature and so what happened was I realized that every time he called three o'clock ammonia my phone up you know and sometimes you know he would be working too late I would pick my phone up when I email is is wanted I would have to send it in the same day I remember going into Teheran at one point to sell tea and then going into Russia I've done a whole that whole I mean to three days of continuous work and had come back into Dubai and he had wanted a report done on that day and I've even now remember you know I had not slip one bit and I'm some of you watching me you know what I'm talking about and I'm typing this report out and it's like man this is tough I'm making a lot of money okay but I'm typing his report out I remember my eyes were closing but I needed to get the report in and it was not because of any type of urgency this is the crazy thing it was not because we were having a deadline nothing to do with that it's because this guy was a complete workaholic I'm sorry to say I mean he was he had nothing else he was just working continuously and I now needed to please him and guess what I was becoming just like him and the standard that he put now was becoming me and I remember my god you know because there was right there because I wanted to live under his expectations it was changing my life it was compromising my spirituality okay and so I remember that after a little while there I remember the joy of the adventure of what happened to me spiritually that's why I read led Galatians to you it says that he would is these miracles among you does he do it by the works of the law but by the hearing of faith abraham believed God and he was accounted to him for righteousness don't forget what we're busy with okay so Abraham had no law on him so he could believe God to the maximum fullness there was no accusation on him but now because the standards were on me what started off the spirit that did miracles among me now I was trying to keep it by my own self effect you know where this is going this is going to end up being a disaster okay and suddenly before I knew it I was in feared adventure had run out and I was working oiling laboring according to the standards that this man had put on me and you know literally I mean if he doesn't smile at me in the morning or say good morning to me in the morning literally if something like that happens I could remember I would go into fear and all day I would be thinking oh my god is he upset with me has I've ever done something wrong and I was constantly in fear okay why because I was now under the performance the taskmaster I was enslaved under Moses system did you just get that okay so my god till I came into Jesus and I realized you know I said hey you know what I Know Who I am in Christ Jesus I know my identity in Christ and everything shifted and changed when I found it out everything shifted and changed when I rested and I stopped performing okay now let's get to Abraham and this is in Romans he says it like this for the promise and they're talking abou Bram that he will be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith just understand it there I was in Dubai the promise that I would be the heir of the world was before me you just get that but was it by keeping the standardizations and the law or was it by the hearing of faith and me receiving it because I trusted God and that doesn't mean we don't work of course we work I love to work okay I don't work because of the fear of people's opinions I work because I love to work you understand I'm not reacting to the accusations that are against me I am responding to the love and acceptance of God that has made me an excellent spiritual person okay same with you do you understand that so what happens is right there okay Abram says that Abraham was going to be a father of Nations okay not by the works of the law but by faith that's what it says listen carefully if those who are of the law are heirs faith is made void and a promise made of no effect because the law brings about Roth or if you're American the law brings about rat for where there is no law there is no transgression now I'm going to explain that to you okay it's deep and it's so important understand it says hey how we are going to receive what is before us in the future is not true accusation not true standards not true condemnation that comes on us because of opinions and accusations and because of the law that is not how we are going to inherit every good thing Jesus Christ has paid and settled in full every accusation that is against you if you found yourself wanting and you fell short guess what Jesus has settled that bill oh stop for a moment that should set you free that should cost you to know that you're free from those accused sessions you are free from the public opinions that are against you come on okay you're free from the requirements against you you're a free person Wow how cool is that okay now watch this and this is what it says why because the law brings about wrath or rod okay in English rod American rat okay now watch this okay that means when there is a standard when there's an accusation against you what is going to come out of you is impulsiveness what is going to come out of you is performance with what is going to come out of you is erratic behavior the law brings about wrath is it there but where there is no law there is no transgression literally same but when you take the law out you will not move in haste you take a law out you see that you will rest and the best of you will come is that's so cool I mean I love this you know why because throughout the Bible there are stories like that man if you look at Moses remember what Moses did that Moses was about to cross onto the promised land that's what it's talking about there but he couldn't cross on because he didn't understand that the law that he was under had brought about a pattern of fraud a pattern of off of performance okay you see Moses was so used to the people at that point of time I think it's in numbers 20 and you can get it there and it tells you the story of how the people had complained and they were complaining and complaining and so Moses was used to a generation complaining your slaves complaining okay and so he gave in to public opinion okay just like Saul gave me the public opinion when he didn't wait for the Prophet and he performed in the temple without waiting for the Prophet okay Moses heard the complaints of the people I mean go ahead complain to the people my god what he was supposed to do the potential that he had could not be fully expressed he was called for promised land but he couldn't he gave him to Roth and he moved hastily and he hit the rock you remember that story without speaking to the rock get it into numbers 20 okay he was supposed to speak to the rock not hit the rock okay but he hit the rock and that hastiness that wrought that impulsive nature the law caused him to perform stopped him from receiving the kingdom and the Dominion okay every time there's accusation on you or laws on you it'll cause you to perform and that's exactly what happened to Moses he moved in wrath I remember a time when I first meant to meet prophet Kobus this is a great story he was a man who was full of grace and he was able to discern that I was carrying something and he obviously didn't know what it was see he didn't know that we were operating with miracles and signs and wonders that were different to what they were used to at that time and so he had given me to preach on a Sunday alright and I remember he wasn't there because he was not well a lot of the time and he had given me the pulpit that day and I was about to go up to preach when there was another awesome man of God who was there but it wasn't like they were accusing me or they were they were not in any way trying to control me but it's just like it's the public opinion okay that was there it was prevalent at that time and so when you go to a prophets house you know there was a way that this house and his church operated now I was used to the crazy miracle than the signs and the wonders and stuff like that and so I remember when I was just about to preach a prophet not prophet covers but someone else was with who was in the house turn up around to me and he said so how are you going to minister and so I be me I just said well I'll just minister in the normal way I do we'll go and I'll preach and then we're gonna see gold dust and signs and wonders and you know all these miracles that we experience at Wow okay and for some of some people they might be silly and watch this is so important they might be silly so I said Goldust we'll come on people's hands and I said people will get healed there'll be lots of healings but that big old ass and weight loss and all that kind of stuff and so I mean just understand so they were like he listened to me I don't think he's ever heard anyone say stuff like that and maybe I sounded silly and ridiculous to him and so I was like he was like weight loss you know and I said yeah you know when we preach you know people like and I started explaining like how I explained you know the environment changes and matter collapses and you know the the energy in the room changes and somatic and change and it can become less you know and try to explain mistake and you look at me like you know this this guy you know in the way he looked at me I I just felt that you know not that he wasn't happy with me but he was like I don't know how well the people are going to receive you if you're going to go and do that kind of thing here okay where it was it was a dignified big Church you know and so and I felt as he is like weight loss and he said Goldust and hmm he said man I said I said if I was you I'll just do what you know the public warned they come here they come to profit cabooses Church they're very used to healings and all this I would suggest you stick to that my son it was senior to me and I felt just with the suggestion okay he wasn't legalistic but because it was public opinion at that time I felt the weight of that come on man and I felt that now I was caught in performance and I was caught in maybe I need to do something different I was going to move in raft you understand it I was going to move differently now and so my got a thank God for the Grace and the Holy Spirit on my life as I put my my my Bible on the pulpit the Holy Spirit said I'm going to work now are you ready to trust me okay and so I was like man it might not be what they're expecting but they are going to get authentic me and how God works with me okay and my god you know I went and did that I went and did it go to us in the weight loss and all and all the healing there all that happened but he's crazy signs and wonders started happening as well and for the first time that church started experience in new miracles and new signs and wonders but I'll tell you something okay we know we people laugh at that you know people laugh at the signs and wonders and they they're used to healing so it was it's very easy for me to be in the mainstream of healings guys okay I mean I could just be that usual pastor of yours that are just doing healings okay just come up aliens and heal but it takes something to be able to say hey you know what I'm going to believe that God is going to signs and wonders like Jesus turn water into wine do you understand that he pulled money out of a fish's mouth it takes courage it takes someone to be out of the opinions the public opinions of man for someone to say pick your phone up and your phone battery can get charged it takes someone who can stay out of the mainstream thinking and there are two stations that come with that to stay transcend all that okay for the sake of the body of Christ why because what happens if that is really true what happens if money can out of a fish's mouth what happens if water can be turn into wine if those miracles are true what happens if a phone battery can get charged what do you think can happen to a cell in the body you understand that so it takes someone to step out of the boat to go into something beyond that I don't know what's going to happen where I know whether the weight-loss miracle caused me to have a greater sign and a wonder in my life with the weight-loss miracle came the ability to stay without food for some time okay and that gave me the ability to fast so one was symbiotic working with the other how that realm opened up for me the same way I don't know what's gonna happen with the phone batteries okay but now it's a small miracle okay it's a small thing that happens with the electromagnetics that is inside of us charging the room that it charges batteries I don't know what's gonna happen with that but I am willing to go all that way to find out what God has planned for us like Abraham and Moses they're walking in the wilderness right straight forward without having a compass without knowing without any measurements they're taking that risk stepping out of the boat getting persecuted okay getting called out fight but it's okay because you know what it takes someone to transcend the fear of man to go on to do greater things okay so that's my hope okay and I hope that has helped you and I bless you and I pray for you that you will be able to come out of the fear of ridicule I know people will ridicule you for what you believe but it'll take someone just like you to be able to say you know what I'm coming out of the fear of man god bless you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 4,248
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: 13KrqO74TTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 20sec (4340 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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