From 2011: Behind the scenes with Eminem and Anderson Cooper

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a correspondent candid with Anderson Cooper what was it like to walk down the streets of Detroit with Eminem walking anywhere with Eminem is really interesting I mean it's um there's a level of security which uh is is pretty intense um and you know he he doesn't go anywhere just casually just walking in his old neighborhood you know required multi-vehicles going there and scouting out the neighborhood and and you know they take it very seriously so and then there's the fear of like you know crowds forming right you have to like be on the Move pretty quickly you have to be on the Move pretty quickly yeah I mean you would you can't stay in one spot for too long because then the word gets out and people come we should go okay okay okay we went to the the old old restaurant where I used to work as a short order cook and you know people flipped out what me and Pete yeah what happened man how you doing good to see you man he seemed game to go wherever you guys wanted to go in Detroit yeah he was amazingly up for it we even went to the Burger King that he used to go when he had you know left high school and was had nowhere else to go and he used to just basically go and because you could sit there if you got um it's got like a large soda you could get free refills and just sit there all day he called it pop right yeah hello Anderson Cooper from 60 Minutes told me to come in here and get a Diet Coke he told me to come in here and buy one to get to uh Diet Cokes you buying yeah sure yeah wow thanks man appreciate it we're gonna be fantastic uh no I think that's it do you want anything no that's it all right okay thanks is it still refills like as many as you want um as long as you're here in the dining room all right he was good-natured about it all he was like so this isn't awkward you know that's right I mean and you basically this isn't weird at all by the way yeah no no this is this is not awkward no at all at all it's very natural when you're doing an interview like this you know there are moments that are just kind of awkward and stupid and I think you know I always Point them out to the person so we're just gonna walk from here to there okay cool so that you know the person knows that we know that you know this is awkward and stupid and just hanging out you guys good you know there's always like cheesy walking shots um then I become self-conscious about how I walk and Drive by you know what are you supposed to talk about with that person I mean it's just ridiculous yeah why it's funny you wanted to get into his process and you were trying to get him to actually do some freestyling and do some rhyming for you right yeah we had been sort of pushing him to sort of do a little rap and and uh a little sort of free stuff because you know you know he really came up in these underground clubs where there were these these one-on-one rap battles where it was all about insults and insulting the other person and cutting them with a really you know clever Turner phrase and and basically scoring a knockout punch verbally so I was trying to get him to do that a little bit with me if listen if you're not up to the challenge if you've uh if you've dulled if I was to do something it could come off really whack but I might do something and say that your shirt is really black but hold it right there because I don't fight fair I've got an idea that's a nightmare you have white hair something uh something along the lines of that right all right all right that works I think because the black shirt the white hit sure all right well thanks hey it run man all right it did I did I don't know if it was a knockout punch it wasn't so much no it was like a gentle brush it was like a a minor glancing blow one thing you guys had him do was um you know the IMs every Sunday right the 60 minutes I'm sorry I'm Steve Croft I'm Leslie Stahl I'm Steve Croft I'm Leslie Stahl I'm Bob Simon it didn't go perfectly though and I'm Marshall Mathers those stories and more tonight on 60 Minutes can I redo that that was terrible that was awful I my self-esteem is gone my confidence first time I did the arms I messed up in fact even now I do like there's like you do like 10 items for each one that actually gets on the air I'm Anderson Cooper I'm Anderson Cooper I'm Anderson Cooper so how did you mess up the first time well saying I'm is just so weird it's like I'm Anderson Cooper you know it is a little the first time you do it for 60 minutes is like oh my holy crap I'm doing this for 60 minutes this is amazing like I'm one of the guys saying I'm it's crazy so you like get your name wrong yeah it's weird it's just a try it at home it's very awkward when you're at home you know when when you're sitting here and you're like would you say I'm I'm Anderson Cooper I'm Anderson Cooper and then you think about in your mind you're playing like okay I'm morally safer I'm Bob Simon I'm Anderson Cooper you know it's weird and I'm it's my name I was Marshall Mathers now I'm just a shell of who I used to be tonight and more 60 minutes and I'm Marshall Mathers all that and what all that and more tonight on 60 Minutes and I'm Marshall Mathers I'm Marshall Mathers I'm Eminem I'm Slim Shady no stories and more tonight on 60 Minutes
Channel: 60 Minutes
Views: 2,616,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes overtime, cbsepisode, eminem, slim shady, rap, rhyme, anderson cooper, burger king, detroit, behind the scenes, candid, outtakes
Id: 59cUfik8w2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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