Eminem & “Proof” • Interview (Slim Shady) • 1999 [Reelin' In The Years Archive]

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I posted this interview last month lol.

Great interview, their chemistry was amazing.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/XIII_MATHERS 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lmaoo this was amazing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jetlifestoney 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
the son of a [ __ ] is he really hot oh man oh he's real hot guys uh you want some water how are you doing i'm cool this interview is probably going to be a little different than some of the other stuff you've done we go a little more in depth i doubt it's a little more serious okay if i ask anything you don't want to answer just say so okay and if i don't talk about anything you want to talk about right just let me know okay all right cool let me know when we are good to go let's talk about the [ __ ] sunburn on my forehead and let's talk about the aliens that's out there we want to talk about that let's talk about the aliens in my [ __ ] brain and the brain that's what i want to talk about you got aliens right here in the background aliens in my brain is this big let's talk about that in a brain this big and the brain this big but aliens is this big and you know how tall he is seven foot eight seven foot eight it just looks like an illusion you know how tall he was two years ago seven foot nine see that and then four years ago seven foot twelve and then five years ago eight foot twelve and then six years ago he was three point he was three six three feet one it's three foot one so i thought i saw a pattern there obviously the pattern is no pattern no pattern no pattern what was what was your life like growing up and how do you think it influenced your music my life was really shitty growing up and obviously it influenced my music all you got to do is just pick up a slim shady album you know i feel like once you listen if you listen to the album in depth there's really not many questions to ask you know i'm saying i'm pretty much coming out and telling the world like this is what i've been through this is what i've seen this is what i've done you know what i'm saying you know so so for somebody who may not have heard your album before they see this interview how would you define yourself i mean what do you for someone who doesn't know i would say i represent like i feel like i represent hip-hop like i just i i've lived it all my life and i i know it i grew up on it you know what i'm saying and i would say my sound is just pretty much for anybody who anybody who's who's ever been through some [ __ ] in their life who's ever been through some you know what i'm saying trifling times or whatever you know which we pretty much all have so you know i represent those people all i do is pretty much reflect what's going on in my life through my music you know how old were you when you started rapping like nine i was about nine when i started listening to rap i started rapping like writing my own rhymes about 14 13 14. and it just kept getting better at it better and better and better and better what kind of influences do you guys bring to the sound of the music my ass we're bringing the ass we bring one chunky big ass to it two big powerful ass cheeks ass chicks just powerful ass you ever seen the powerful ass refuse chick answer that question incriminate me well like musically what what influences like you talked about the sort of influences that your lyrics are about what sort of ice tea yeah starting yeah iced tea reckless was the first rap song i ever heard i was in like the fourth or fifth grade and that was like the first rap record i ever heard but like growing up i had a lot of influences like llc beastie boys run dmc you know what i'm saying some of the earlier groups you know wa yeah nwa i mean but you can the list goes on and on it's like just depending on what you i grew up on so many different things you know what i'm saying as i got older with the the new thing was hot you know what i'm saying it was run dmc then it was two live crew then it was nwa then it was one dmc again just whoever was putting out albums basically he taken him contact everything no matter what if it was whack we wouldn't know because we would buy it we bought every every tape it was out we bought it he had a tape collection that was incredible yeah i have to bino tape because he had all the tapes like oh marshall got it i can go w what's your what's your uh writing process like oh my writing process is basically i don't try to sit down and think of [ __ ] you know i just i let the thoughts pop into my head and then i write them down you know what i'm saying i let it come natural it's not something that i try to search for or whatever i gotta let the stuff throughout the course of my day i might find like six to 12 ideas you know what i'm saying right and like write them down just jot them down and then at the end of the week or the end of two weeks or whatever i stack my ideas up and then i'm ready to write iran like ready to you know full scale if somebody listens to the album there and they said listen that most of the stuff he say reflects from his life he said he don't too much think or like try to think creatively just take from his life and animate it with lyrics does that kind of help you work through some stuff i mean because some of your songs are about pretty serious things yeah so i don't kill people i think it is a therapy form it is it's a table for every rapper i think you write some stuff it's like there every rapper out there hip-hop has always been known to like hip-hop is like pretty much autobiographical you know what i'm saying it's like it just you you reflect your life you tell what you know you tell your side of the story you know what i'm saying you you say things from from your point of view like this is my point of view this is the way i see life it's always been like that you know do you think your material deserves to have like a parental warning on it yeah yeah definitely yeah definitely but it's not going to stop the kids from getting it you know what i'm saying they don't make it don't make it i was 11 12 years old listening it's live sneaking into rated r movies you know what i'm saying it's not kids are kids and kids are a lot smarter than we really give them credit for what i'm saying people want to try to blame music like the kids in colorado and [ __ ] like that people want to try and blame the music for it but those kids are really crazy and the parents and the parents should be checked for that you know they always try to blame find something else like yeah or maybe it's a music shady record because it's a music it's music or it's it's it's the movie that the kid seen that made him do it right if they want to see that movie they wouldn't did it you know i'm saying if they wouldn't listen to that record they wouldn't have did it come on man come on just take one song to make a person go nuts you know what i'm saying that's a growth thing that's a grooming if i'm gonna jump off a bridge i'm gonna jump off a bridge because i wanna jump off a bridge now because somebody told me not because ice tea says they jump off the bridge you know what i'm saying we jump off the bridge because we're going to jump off the bridge and jump off the [ __ ] bridge you want your most bridge with us that's all three of us go right now we were gonna come on man everyone's doing it everybody everyone's doing it everyone's jumping off the bridge dude dude everyone is jumping off the bridge man who comes in the bedroom if i jump off the bridge i can't listen to your cdn we won't be a cd you can listen to my cd on the way down on the way down all right we got another bridge jumper with us catch it live did you ever did you ever run into no existence no no no well i mean because you're a white guy oh god oh my god oh my god he's white [ __ ] man i didn't know you was white all the time people get the [ __ ] out of here dude you're telling me this guy's white as far as i can though we just do it's white two no sunburn sunbar from red no did people have like expectations and they were like oh this guy isn't going to be able to do it can i say this i don't know you have to ask those people listen i'll tell you this those people i went to all a black diamond in high school and we used to i used to sneak them in there into the lunch room right and i asked to be like they should be like we want to battle you perfectly can't battle me why don't you battle the white boy over there first and everybody will be like we used to sit in there and we used to sit in there and beat on the table i'll kill him man he'll either do the bus a little rhyme then emma come out and kill him the whole lunch room which is all black dominate school will be looking like damn you know what i'm saying that's just how how mess that's so it's so it's kind of like it's a catch-22 it's like that's good that they can acknowledge that he got skilled but it's bad it's like wow why is so expected that white and can do that you know what i'm saying but we i wish that we would have been betting like thousands of dollars because we would be very rich anytime we did we wouldn't need to wrap up we weren't near the ramp no records and nothing we'll be rich because this is that's how crazy they thought it was like it's a white rapper dude but everything is always looks everything is based on looks you know i'm saying if i think you look like a herb i'm gonna i'm gonna [ __ ] with you right just because i don't like the way you look you know what i'm saying like oh i don't like the way this guy dresses or the way he wears the socks so the way he you know what i'm saying right everything you know you're gonna [ __ ] with somebody just people are gonna mess with you by looks growing up as a kid in school you know what i'm saying whether it's whether you go to a mixed school or or you go to an all black school or you go to all white school you're going to pick things out to mess with kids about no matter what you know what i'm saying growing up that's just what you do oh this kid's fat well this kid's too skinny you know what i'm saying this kid's got buck teeth this kid's got a big forehead you know what i'm saying this kid looks like chris rock you know you know this kid looks like chris rob you know we've been through all that yeah do you think it made you work harder to get respect as nah i sat on my ass he said he sat down on his ass for a long time he didn't work hard nah definitely i had to work harder i had to get there was a certain level of respect i had to get you know what i'm saying it was definitely an uphill battle but you know i feel like i'm winning it you know i'm slowly winning over the respect of everybody whether it's it's like now it's 19.99 we're going into the year 2000 and people got to look at you know what i'm saying i don't care if you're black white orange whatever color you are that kid can skateboard that kid can ride a bike that kid can rap that dude can play football right you know what i'm saying so dude i don't really matter i think the the youth that's coming up now is really dope you know what i'm saying the color orientation thing they don't get into all that stuff like this whoever they cool with they cool with my personality you know what i'm saying because when we [ __ ] we [ __ ] the same we should decide you know what i'm saying it stinks just as bad right my [ __ ] don't stink no worse than his shit's thing but no hold on take that back his [ __ ] stinks someone's you know his [ __ ] stinks back but what he's trying to say is like whether joe montana or warren moon throwing a touchdown for your city you don't care it's still a touchdown it's all about the winning and you just care about the team spirit and the six points that's all you care about you know what i'm saying well joe montana throws a field goal yeah and then and then barry sander makes the home run you know what i'm saying this is the zahari's hard thing right there i'm not gonna argue that point right how did you hook up with uh dr dre what was it like to work with him he came to this classroom he came to my classroom when i was in first grade and he was like yo slim i really think i want to groom you from first grade to you drop out of high school you know what i'm saying some lady said that once though yeah um nah i was just like in a lot of rap competitions and i was in a 97 scribble jam and then towards the end of 97 i was in the rap olympics you know and like taking second place in the rap olympics kids from interscope were there and they got the tape they got to take that like my demo tape so to speak and i gave it to him they took it to interschool and jimmy ivy uh the head of interscope he liked it and he played it for dre dre was like yo let's find this kid let's let's hook him up or whatever you know and they found me so what was it like to work with him terrible terrible the worst experience that's the greatest producer in rap history you know what i'm saying yeah it's the greatest man drake's the best to me the best producer of all time so obviously i mean no doubt what was it like to work with him that's not a question that's never been asked that's the question is always asked and it's kind of like self-explanatory it's like what am i supposed to say i mean how does he communicate his ideas and how does he get your ideas in a way that someone else wouldn't be able to because he obviously succeeds how does he what how does he get your ideas to come out and how does he bring an idea our relationship that chemistry because there's a chemistry there there's kind of a chemistry like when him and and snoop dogg first got together there's a chemistry there it's like this i'm a lyricist and i'm a writer i write and he makes beats and he produces and he has a vision and he can make that come to life so all i got to do every dre beat damn near every great beat that i hear i want to rap over you know what i'm saying so it's like you know it makes me instantly think of things so like i said it's just a chemistry it's a it's a chemistry type thing you know it's like we just get together and and at one studio session we can knock out one or two songs like right there you know what i'm saying where do you think raps headed downhill [ __ ] it's crashing rap is crashing rap is dead rap is not selling any records and nobody's liking it so it's [ __ ] up ah it's really [ __ ] up i think rap i'm about to we're down it's finished complete rap is headed i mean rap is not headed rap is going to be the biggest [ __ ] rap is like hip-hop is the biggest thing you know what i'm saying it's embracing the youth so why do you think it's why do you think raps still like a vital musical first i refuse to answer that question answer that question the answer that i stated earlier earlier i think when it came out a lot of a lot of music establishment like yeah this is you know it's just a fad it's just trend is not going to last guess what it did i think rap embraces you you know i'm saying so long as it's always you rap is the voice of youth hip hop is the voice of youth because because of this stuff right here whatever this means that what is that dribbling this is what it is it's the dribbling effect that's what it is nah it's the dribble oh it's the dribbling from fixed action dribbling effect what's what's your relationship with a live audience like horrible horrible horrible they hate me they hate to jump on stage they take our mics from us take the records and break them they take our inflatable mummy and ddt i mean it's just it's a hard life we got out here now the reaction has been good so far i mean especially with the warped tour you know i'm saying it's a different crowd for me to perform in front of so it's like you know everything is is has been on the up and up you know i'm saying the crowds are perceiving me well so i'm cool with it you know what i'm saying i i didn't i i feel like i feel like this i like to work for my money i like to you know i'm saying i like to go out and earn crowds because it makes me feel like i'm working you know what i'm saying not just come out on stage just standing in one spot you stand in one spot and the crowd just loves me the whole time just because of who i am you know what i'm saying i i want to give a show i want to entertain people i want to make people i want to be in touch with the crowd and make people you know what i'm saying talk to people keep eye contact with the people and look at them you know what i'm saying and and really try to see what they're feeling these are the people that's buying my records so they're paying my rent you know what i'm saying so you got to keep in touch with them fans you know so so the audience can affect your performance it sounds like definitely yeah definitely because we don't we not the kind of mcs that go on stage and don't care what they do we feed off the crowd every time the crowd is not if a crowd is not making no noise i'm going to address it whatever the crowd is doing i'm going i'm going to address it you know what i'm saying i'm going to be like they making no noise i'm going to stop my record it's darling i'll be like yo what the [ __ ] is going on you know what i'm saying you ain't feeling me or whatever you know if they're throwing [ __ ] if they're acting rowdy if they're fighting in the crowd i'm gonna address it and if they're not hyped we just we work harder sometimes you know what i'm saying jump in the crowd whatever we gotta do jump in the crowd take our clothes off back flip off speakers and smack fans and beat up their pets you mentioned that the warped tour audience is different than your normal audience how's it different man it's different because like ever since january i've been on tour like pretty much non-stop and every tour that i've done so far has been pretty much strictly hip-hop crowds you know what i'm saying hip-hop shows and this is like you got alternative you know what i'm saying you got blink 182 to ice-t so to me so it's these people are like you got people that come to see me you got people that come to see suicidal tendencies you got people you know what i'm saying so yeah any wise you know yeah so it's like it's just all types of crowds you know so that's why i say when i look into the crowd and i'm saying my words and the whole front row might know it but the people in the back might not know the words of my songs because they ain't heard my album yet or they they barely know who eminem is you know what i'm saying so i'm trying to that's what we want people over like get the respect of them people we want to work though you mentioned how long you've been out on tour what's the biggest sacrifice that you've made for your career so far not seeing my daughter not seeing my little girl having a life yeah not having a life and sleep pretty much yeah no sleeps no sleep it's people don't understand how much work this [ __ ] really is it's really work it's work it's not you know i'm saying oh you got to be having so much fun you you got the girls and you got you know the fans and and you're out you're outside you're performing and you're doing this and you're doing that and you're drinking and you're you know what i'm saying you're smoking weed you're shooting heroin you're snorting coke you know what i'm saying you're doing all of this [ __ ] smoking crack and a bunch of [ __ ] you gotta be having fun it's not always it's it's not what it's really cracked up to be you know what i'm saying how old's your daughter 80 oh my fought she's three she's three what um what drives you i mean what keeps you at it our bus our tour bus tour bus gets us that's what makes us drives us and what motivates you to rephrase that i think this is our manager tour manager don't motivate him kicks us in the ass manager incredible paul rosenberg guys you got 20 minutes to go on here's a mic i think the sick world motivates them the world yeah the world my little girl critics add fuel to the fire [ __ ] punks [ __ ] you know what i'm saying hips pushes pimps [ __ ] [ __ ] hoes transvestites drugs really motivate us more than anything you know what i'm saying like i said before big shout out to heroin smack you know i mean if you couldn't if you couldn't perform what would you do sit in a wheelchair i don't know what the [ __ ] i do we couldn't perform sit at home all day beat my [ __ ] to death this man would be my [ __ ] to death he'll be in jail guaranteed easily are you ready to perform i'd be in jail yeah i'll be somewhere stupid i'd be somewhere stupid somebody or something if i if i didn't do this rap should i be up in your crib right now i'm in the top the immortal words of treach what do you think is the biggest risk that you've had to take for your career um drugs nah i think i think his biggest risk was to sacrifice into his family time yeah my family i don't get to see i don't get to see the family members that he started my girl my daughter you know what i'm saying i don't get to see them stuff like that you know and one of the main things that's really [ __ ] up is when people piss you off you can't hit him in the face because we can't do that no more because the way we used to be we was the bully we can't act like how we want to act how we are how we really want to act you know what i'm saying because the higher powers that be more allowed yeah judge wilder we can't even just we can't even look at nobody judge judy we can't argue we can't do nothing we gotta walk we gotta it's just crazy man how'd you do that hard man especially when you the way we were i've got out of control a couple of times he can't live with it i think i can but i don't think he can live with it no it's really hard man when somebody when somebody disrespects you and and on just a just a regular first person person-to-person level you know what i'm saying on a street level somebody disrespects you you want to do something to retaliate you know what i'm saying and you can't you gotta learn to control your temper and you gotta take the the [ __ ] use and you suck and [ __ ] like that in the crowd you gotta take even the slapping you or whatever they do to you you can't somebody slaps me then yeah i was trying to be good for tv but we were lying right there on that part if you hit us we're gonna hit you back believe that it sounds like you've been able to have the career that you've been able to direct it yourself a lot of the time yeah pretty much i mean so what is how do you define success my ass my ass back to the powerful ass chiefs it's like uh success i don't know man that's funny that's a funny word success because like success is like speak on it when you succeed you know what's going on speak on it what if we succeed speak on success i don't know how to speak on success you know what i'm saying that's a deep that's a deep thing i don't know what to say i'm cool with success as long as it doesn't get too out of hand as long as it you know what i'm saying i'm trying to keep [ __ ] i'm trying to keep [ __ ] balanced and trying to maintain you know and what people don't realize is like you're a regular person i'm a regular person when i go out on that stage and if i'm on stage and and my voice cracks or i'm losing my voice because i've been on tour for so long or i'm whatever happens if i slip and fall down and trip over a cord whatever you know what i'm saying people don't realize that you're a regular person you're out here making your living you're trying to entertain this crowd and whatever happens happens you know what i'm saying and you're just a human being and when you don't want to sign nine million autographs when you're standing outside of your bus you know what i'm saying and you signed a few of them and then the other people that didn't get the autograph so like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you [ __ ] you know i'm saying you know people don't realize you're a regular person you're a human being you know and that's one of the hardest things that's one of the hardest things that you know people have trouble coming to grips with you know what i'm saying that you're regular that you're a regular person yeah so like what do you do when you have your down time how do you keep your head together down time the [ __ ] is that what is that what's down time to your house yeah now we've been touring since january it's been like non-stop we had like no down time yeah we had 13 days off 13 days and i beat my [ __ ] all day and that was it nothing much i masturbate a lot i masturbate a lot but masturbation is cool safe sex the ultimate thing is ultimate safe sex especially if you wear a condom yeah see yeah use use condoms don't do drugs leave it up to me what what do you guys think of the heat it's [ __ ] exhausting i was going to ask you what do you think is sort of the most important thing you've learned since you've kind of gotten a real level of commercial success that you might not have had early on in your career that i have two powerful ass cheeks and big balls nah i don't know man um commercial i'm still learning i'm still i'm still learning i still that's deep words i got a lot of [ __ ] to learn still you know every day i learn something new every day you know every day i meet somebody new so i don't know maybe ask me in 20 years 20 years well where do you see yourself in 20 years 29. old in 20 years we'll be 29 i'm 9 years old and i'm good hey satan let's [ __ ] do you do you still want to be performing or do you ever see a day where you want no hell no no when i'm 30 when i'm 30 i'm done [ __ ] that i'm done i'm done you got to be set up right you can't be out here oh because so many people looking old performing you're looking like crazy like crazy like damn you still can't pay your rent dog yeah you can't you can't pay your rent you're 60. this 60 what are you doing jumping off of speakers and backflipping and [ __ ] you're 60 you shouldn't do that where's your walker you know what i'm saying i'm done i'm done i'm i want to you know my main thing was i wanted to get the respect i wanted to show like i wanted to show the world and people who didn't believe in me that i could do this you know what i'm saying and now that i'm doing it it's kind of like i've proven my point and i'm going to keep proving my point until i'm tired of the rap music but i'm not going to do it i can't do it forever you know what i'm saying none of us can do you know you can't ask questions forever you know what i'm saying all right she can't have the camera forever no you can't ask forever you just start when you start answering maybe you can ask questions well what color is the sky it's blue probably got about 87 more questions on there so you could probably ask questions forever i can't rap forever i can't rap forever my voice is going but we can masturbate forever is there anything i didn't ask you guys that you want to talk about or anything you just want man you know we're going to talk about seriously about my syphilis oh no the serious thing he want to talk about that slim city wants to address to everybody that's watching is my boss it's his right hook my right hook i want you to um right right zoom in on your chest though your chest his chest if you see this chest have you ever seen it chest this big honestly god be for real that's just three days you've got your 3d glasses no chest in the world that exists the right hook just like this or right hook so we want you all to send uh five dollar donations to this yo but you heard about them two big dudes that are coming over later by the two big dudes right no the two dudes oh the two dudes no the two dudes have been together those been together they've been together through all this stuff in the music business the two guys men fighting you know what i'm all right the two dudes you
Channel: ReelinInTheYears66
Views: 66,022
Rating: 4.9692702 out of 5
Keywords: Slim Shady, Marshall mathers, rap
Id: BmHvAxbpuT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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