EMIC is LIVE with Wednesday Service! 9.15.21

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[Music] good evening eagle mountain international church welcome to our wednesday night service is anybody here excited to be in church tonight yeah for all of you watching online are you excited to be with us tonight i trust that you're excited we trust that you're excited on the other side listen i always want to remind us that we have a voice and it is the voice of victory so tonight as we praise as we worship as we listen to the word as we receive the word of god i want to remind you that your victory is already an accomplished fact you're not fighting for victory you're fighting from a posture of victory tonight so as you lift your voice and as you praise and worship god with us i want to encourage you to worship him with a voice of victory can we give god a shout of praise as we get started right now there is no shadow [Music] that could ever overcome your life and there is no rival that could ever stand against your might you've always been with us every battle you've already won we've already won [Music] you've always been with us [Music] show me one thing you can't [Music] show me one thing that's [Music] we believe that tonight there [Music] is bound to rise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anything is possible [Music] he [Applause] [Music] is possible is possible all right this part is going to require a little bit of participation on your part would you join us as we praise god can we move around a little bit we're going to say all of my fear i will turn into praise now all of my fear i will turn into praise i'm gonna shake despair as i sing out a victory dance victory dance [Music] i will [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a victory is [Music] [Music] [Applause] show me one thing [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is possible always possible anything is possible anything is possible is anything is possible anything is possible anything is possible we [Music] i want to encourage you right now to lift up your hands as we worship just open up your mouth let's just take a minute right now and fill this house with the praises of our god but jesus we worship we glorify [Music] faithful you are faithful [Music] all your promises is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all your promises all your promises are yes all your promises [Music] my confidence is [Music] in your promises my confidence [Music] is [Music] is [Music] my confidence [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of your promises [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my confidence is in the faithfulness of god [Music] my confidence is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever you will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah we thank you father we thank you for your promises come on let's lift up our voices to him you are worthy to be praised our confidence is fully in you jesus christ our healer we will not be moved by what we see but we will fix our eyes on you and rest that your promises are yes and amen amen well welcome welcome to emic eagle mountain church on wednesday night we're so glad you're here we want you to greet one another before you're seated [Music] welcome we are excited that you're in the house tonight we'd like to welcome those of you that are watching online whether it's roku apple tv on facebook we're excited that you joined us here at the revival capital of the world and we know that god has something for you tonight amen well i'm charity shelton i'm the assistant dean of kenneth copeland bible college praise the lord and you've just walked into a kenneth copeland bible college class so if you're watching and you didn't know and you thought this was a normal wednesday night you've just signed up for school for this night only we're excited you're here but i wanted to take the time to talk a little bit about kenneth copeland bible college and how many students do we have in here we love all of our students and if you get a chance to talk to one of them maybe you're interested in coming to the school go ahead and talk to them and see what their experience is like but before we do that i'd like to see if there's anybody here for the first time if this is your first time at emic we've got some in the back here we'd like to welcome you we're excited you're here we'd ask that you fill out a card it might not be in front of you since you're with the table so if you would raise your hand and usher can get you one of those cards we'd love to connect with you we're excited that you're here okay so like i said you just walked into a kcbc class and tonight we're going to hear session two of christ the healer from pastor john jester i'm excited about that how many of you know that the word fills you up to fight what's going on out in the world amen so you came to the right place to get equipped but another place you can get equipped is at kenneth copeland bible college if you like what you're hearing tonight and you want to take that next step we are ready to receive you i oversee the admissions team and we are ready to take your applications for fall 2022. so if you're interested in that we'd love to have you join pray about it consider it get with the lord about it don't be in fear if you don't have the money if i don't have this i don't have that you do have god and where he guides he provides amen so i want you to take a look at the screens and just learn a little bit more about kenneth copeland bible college begin your journey here at kenneth copeland bible college learn what it means to walk in faith integrity and excellence as you develop a strong foundation for your field of ministry preach it live it eat it sleep it live it night day day and night preach the word faith in god changes everything go to kcbiblecollege.org and apply today amen so just like it said go to caseybiblecollege.org and apply for the fall 22 semester um so right now i get the privilege of introducing one of our students her name is mara pope and she came to us from branson missouri we love mara she is a blessing to the body of christ and she's a blessing to the school and to the church she actually served as our yearbook editor last year and she serves in middle school worship and she's just an overall warrior of faith so if you would welcome with me miss mara pope to receive the offering hi welcome everybody first and foremost i want to give honor where honor is due to pastors george and terry love them appreciate them all that they are and honor to the kcbc staff i love and appreciate them and all that they're pouring in to my life through these last few uh years so i want to talk to you about the blessing the lord was downloading to me deuteronomy 28 1-14 and it says now it shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the lord your god to observe carefully all of his commandments which i command you today that the lord your god will set you high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the lord your god so first we see that in order to walk in the blessing you have to be obedient to what he's telling you to do and that also means you have to be obedient to not do what he told you not to do and verse three blessed are you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the country blessed shall be the fruit of your body the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks so we see out of verse four that part of the blessing means you don't have to be barren if you want to have kids you can have kids if you have uh fertile if you have soil and you do crops your soil is going to be fertile your herds your cows your flocks they should be able to reproduce that's part of the blessing and in verse 5 we see blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl you should always have enough food you should not worry where your next meal is going to come from because he's your provider and verse 6 blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out i like to think of it like this everywhere i put my foot the blessing is there am i coming am i going it's there and in verse 7 the lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven you don't have to fear the enemy in psalm 23 5 it says he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies so i like to think that the enemy has to sit at that table and watch me partake of the blessing praise the lord [Applause] verse 8 the lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouse and in all that you put your hand to and he will bless you in the land which the lord your god is giving you so in order to have him bless your storehouse that means you got to have so much that you don't have enough room to contain it you have to have a whole another storehouse just to place the goods that he's giving you that sounds like an abundant god to me doesn't it and it says that he will bless you in the land your lord your god is giving you say i'm getting my land say i'm getting my buildings and in verse 9 the lord will establish you as a holy people to himself just as he has sworn to you if you keep the commandments of the lord your god and walk in his ways then all people of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the lord and shall be afraid of you so i think this is a great ministry opportunity when somebody sees how are they paying for my meals all the time how are they always walking in divine health well let me tell you about my god and the blessing that i get to walk in as a child of god and verse 11 and the lord will grant you plenty of goods in the fruit of your body and the increase of your of your livestock and in the produce of your ground in the land of which the lord swore to your fathers to give you so same thing verse verse 4 says that we don't have to be barren everything we should have should be fruitful the blessing is fruitfulness in verse 12 the lord will open to you his good treasures the heavens to give the rain to your land and its season and to bless all the work of your hand you shall lend to many nations you should not borrow so the lord has a storehouse that he's pouring out the blessings and the treasure over us to abundant exceeding overflow and that we should lend to nations not borrow what if it was like when the church would be so in tune with the blessing that we could pay off the debt of our nation what would that be like amen and verse 13 and the lord and the lord will make you the head and not the tale you shall be above only and not be beneath if you heed the commandments of the lord your god which i command you today and careful to observe them the enemy has no problem telling you who he thinks you are and who he thinks you're not so i have no problem and you shouldn't either telling the enemy i am above and not beneath i am the head and not the tail when i obey the commandments of the lord i eat the good of the land and verse 14 so you shall not turn aside from any of the words which i command you this day to the right or to the left to go after other gods to serve them when we listen to his words and we obey his word we can walk in the blessing the blessing is dependent on your obedience to walk in what he's told you to do and when we listen to his word and we do what he's told us to do the blessing is not hard it's easy in light so god's intention is for you to walk in the blessing your ministry is required that you walk in the blessing so you can bless others and you can prosper and so if you want to give tonight you can give um at 36609 text to give emic in the dollar amount you can go to emic.org give you can call 877-281-6297 or we have ushers available with envelopes if you're on the front row or we have envelopes in the seat back in front of you so i just want to pray over our offering and just give thanks to the lord for it well father we just thank you that you command the blessing upon us in our storehouse and so father i thank you for that abundant overflow father that out of our overflow we can bless others to be a blessing and all for the glory of the kingdom of god so father we thank you for this opportunity to sew today father to advance your kingdom and receive harvest on it in jesus name amen praise the lord [Applause] [Music] foundation we put our trust in you let's sing this together and i will build my life upon your work [Applause] [Music] [Music] i will [Applause] [Music] i will put my trust in you [Music] there is show me who you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i will put my trust in you [Music] [Music] show me who you are [Music] [Music] show me who you are [Music] praise god praise god come on lift your hands with me father we do love you and lord we do intend to build our life on the firm foundation that is the word of god and father as we build that build our life on that foundation we will not be shaken will not be disturbed will not be distracted will not be torn away by the cares of the world we say right now by faith that covet 19 is dead in the name of jesus we've been redeemed from the curse of covet 19 and the blessing is working mightily in our life the blessing is working mightily in our lives say this say the blessing is working mightily in my life in jesus name amen amen all right y'all greet somebody and you may be seated praise god hallelujah all right we get to come back and do it again amen amen i want to welcome everybody who's in here and welcome all of you who are watching this is uh an a and a um a demonstration if you will of what it's like to be a part of kenneth copeland bible college and the specific class that we're in tonight is christ the healer and this is part two part two the christ the healer so those of you who came back praise god you didn't get scared off glory to god and i'm glad you're here um and those of you who are watching online this is um like i said christ the healing if you were not here on last week you can go and download the notes from our class from last week you can go to emic.org healer and the notes are there he that's emic.org healer and for those of you who are in the room if you would like notes to supplement your notes or maybe you weren't here on last week you can either go to emic.org healer or we have some printed copies in the lobby if you would like those as well so as you exit today you'll be able to go to the kiosk and grab uh and grab those notes also if at any point in this in this class you want prayer for anything you can call the number 877-281-6297 our licensed prayer licensed prayer ministers will be there to help pray for you and minister to you according to the word of god and it's faith-filled prayer faith-filled prayer gets faith-filled results amen so let me give you that number again 877-281-6297 all right let's jump into class say this after me my mind is my mind today i intend to think with the mind of christ i intend to allow the mind of christ to teach me train me and show me things that my natural mind may not be aware of i give the word of god full access to my thought process and i calibrate all my thoughts according to the mind of christ in jesus name all right praise god you said it so i believe it and we're going to get into it all right before i get started real deep into the notes actually this is a part of the notes i want you to write this down it's a sermon from pastor terry it's from march 30th 2019. that is the message from which i'm drawing grace for this lesson tonight um and i would tell you that if you just a little bit of homework if you want to put it in school terms uh to go back and listen to this message from miracles on the mountain from march 30th 2019 pastor terry talks about god's word being medicine the medicine of god's word and how to take it how to appropriate it how to use god's word uh as medicine by faith for healing and i would uh tell you a lot of the things that are in the lesson tonight comes from that place and so if you'd like to go listen to that i want to go ahead and give you that information that way you can go back and listen to it so let's review just a little bit this is christ the healer i'll be referencing ff bosworth's book which is the textbook for christ the healer but called christ the healer so the class is appropriately named amen and so we're going to go back just for a second and review some of the things that we covered on last wednesday night just as a refresher to kind of lay some foundations and then we'll get into what we're going to talk about tonight but tonight we are specifically going to focus on the nature and character of the word of god where healing is concerned the nature and character of the word of god and the function of the word of god where healing is concerned last week we started here mark 11 22 and 23 y'all know we got to start with faith with everything we do amen i got two amens praise god thank you for that amen that was a very loud amen but i can get more amens than that faith is the foundation for everything we do amen all right mark 11 22 and 23 says this so jesus answered and said to them have faith in god or have the god kind of faith say that say i have the god kind of faith that's different than just your regular carnal faith your regular carnal faith is the just regular understanding it comes out of the place of the mind the god kind of faith though radiates from the heart which is where you asked jesus to come when you got saved amen some of y'all said that prayer come into my heart take my life do something with it right so when jesus came into your heart you said that prayer by faith you were saved by grace through faith and it's the god kind of faith that comes from the heart of a believer so verse 23 assuredly i say to you whoever says this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done he will have whatever he says and so last week we established that that word doubt is the word uh it means to differ to differ or of a visible a visual is the word means to wobble to go back and forth or side to side up and down not settling in any one position but to wobble back and forth in uh in um between opinions it means to have a different opinion all right i'm going to say this again during the uh lesson but i'll go ahead and say it now f f bosworth says that faith begins where the will of god is known all right and i was listening to this teaching faith begins where the will of god is known and pastor terry even says faith stops at the question mark i've heard pastor george say faith stops at the question mark another way of saying that is faith stops where you begin to differ with what the word of god says any wobble or in other words the butt the butt oh god you know jesus is a healer but yeah i believe what the bible says but you know we dress it up real cute too we'd be saying stuff like you know i understand you know the bible says that and i totally get that but uh and at the butt is where the wobble is and whatever follows the butt will be outside of the realm of faith which which in turn will make the first part of the statement um the faith in the first part of the statement will be injured or will be uh held back by the second part of the statement i believe the bible but you don't really believe the bible i believe that i believe what the word says but when you don't really believe what the word says there's no but the word in and of itself settles the issue all right romans 10 17 in the new king james bible says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god that word for the word of god or that that word there that is word is the word rhema which is which means this this is this is really cool that which has been uttered by the living voice the living voice the one who lives and speaks says having a definite meaning a declaration a matter of command so faith comes by hearing faith comes by hearing what the word of god that word of god has no wobble in it there's no differing in it there's no doubt in it there's no difference in opinion in it the very definition of the word says it has a definite meaning which means it is definitive in what it is supposed to accomplish words create reality why because words have a definite meaning to them you ever said something and say well i didn't mean to say that or no no that's not what i meant i mean i said that but that's not what i meant right what are you doing you are you are saying i said the word but the meaning of the word is not what i intended to communicate however the word still communicated the meaning that you first said that's why you got to go clean it up with the second so in essence you created the reality that you said in the first place and now i've got to go deconstruct that reality to create another reality because i didn't like the reality that i created with my words now this ought to help you because some of the stuff that we blame the devil for we have constructed amen how about what i said and and you you have to be um be um be watchful with this because people will say well you know that's too extreme or that's getting religious but this scripture said faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and that that word of god that rhema of god is definite in its meaning which means god has no um no caveat to what he says if he said if he calls you righteous you're righteous if he calls you holy you're holy be ye holy as i am whole if he told you to be it then you have what it takes to be it he said you can do it you can do it he says you can have it you can have it and so there's no caveat in him and in order to operate by faith there has to be no caveat in us in order for us to appropriate what the word says in its definite meaning we have to have definite intention in our speaking the word of god now john chapter 1 verse 1 in the passion translation i want to read to see because i think it's it's interesting that that word for rhema starts off by saying a word or having the word that has been uttered or that which has been uttered by the living expression i want to read this in john 1 1 in the passion translation it says this in the very beginning the living expression was already there and the living expression was with god yet fully god if you read the footnote to this it says that god is the living expression and the words that come out of him is his method of expressing his nature so all of creation resembles and expresses his nature that which was created by god so god created the heavens and the earth and you read the account of creation and oftentimes in the word of god it will say he says it he saw that it was good we've cheapened that word good because good to us can mean well enough we want another word to replace good somebody says yeah you did a good job oh wait a minute that's messed up come on i just did a good job that's all i got i did a good job i mean you could do better than good right there is no better than good there's no better than good he said it's good in other words god looked at and said that's my nature that's my nature that's my nature i created that and because i created it with the words that came out of my mouth the living expression of what i said has now become a manifested reality and you're created in his image and in his likeness which means the words that you say are to operate the same way the words that he says operates you ought to be able to say stuff and look at it and go that's good that's good because i carry the nature of my daddy on the inside of me i'm just like my father and that's why jesus said i don't only say what i hear the father say why because what the father says brings forth the father's nature right verse 14 same scripture in the passion translation says and so the living expression became a man and lived among us and we gazed upon the splendor of his glory the glory of one of the one and only who came from the father overflowing with tender mercy and truth overflowing with tender mercy and truth the that word mercy there literally indicates the character and nature of god that is the loving compassion of god that does not want to see mankind suffer so when the word became flesh he was a an expression a flesh expression of what it is to be a child of the living god and have the nature of god living on the inside of you the nature that says suffering has no place in you you bear his nature and his character you bear his image and his likeness and there's no suffering within that image and in that likeness so there should be no suffering in you you know when i when i was i used to work for hospice and sometimes um people would say in hospice care you know we're we are just going to administer these drugs and they are merciful drugs which means that they lighten the load or lighten the pain of that one who's suffering being compassionate well god didn't wait until you got sick to be compassionate toward you he has already administered his mercy his his compassion through jesus and jesus is the embodiment the the bible calls him the fullness of the godhead bodily he is the embodiment of that compassion so all the definitions that we read point to faith in the word of god and we talked about this last week you can't have faith in faith it has to be faith in the word of god grace provides it faith takes it grace enables us to employ what the word of god says through faith grace provides it faith takes it you're saved by grace through everything else will come through that formula and we'll look at that a little bit more as we get toward the end of this but i want you to kind of have that in your mind i am saved by grace through faith that means everything else that i get from god has to come grace provides it and grace is not a what grace is a who and faith takes it jesus provided it for me he secured it on the cross he secured it in his life he secured it in his death he secured it in his burial he secured it in his resurrection he secured it in his ascension and he is right now appropriating and making intercession on your half according to the will of god everything you have ever needed need right now or will ever need has been secured for you through jesus christ and faith in what has been done in what has been said in what has been declared in the will of god is how you take what grace has provided we can't talk about the rest of this until we settle that issue it has to be faith in the word of god we were praying with messiah one day and uh during prayer this came out and we were praying about praying y'all didn't know you had to pray to pray did you you can't just you gotta pray to pray you gotta have some direction on praying you gotta pray to pray thank you for that emphatic agreement and this came out in prayer miss iva said this she said and talk about praying in li in alignment with the word of god she said this the word will produce results because the words already have the results in them the word will produce results because the word already has the results in them faith and want or desire are different we talked about this last time desire can cooperate with your faith but desire alone cannot be the basis for your healing you can only appropriate the healing power of god through faith in the word of god so i want to read something to you that f f bosworth says f bosworth says it this way faith begins where the will of god is known faith must rest on the will of god alone not our desires or wishes appropriating faith is not believing that god can but he will let us look away from modern tradition and go to the word of god which is a revelation of his will so we can know his will the word is his will you won't write nothing else down write that down in real big letters the word is his will the word is his will the word is his will the word is his will i can't say it enough the word is his will you know you don't know you never know what the will of god yes you do yes you do you got a whole chronicle of his will you have it it's his will well you know he worked in mysterious ways but his will says he wills that you would know the mysteries of the kingdom it's been given to you to know the word is his will he says this god gave the covenant of healing revealed by and sealed with his first covenant and redemptive name jehovah rapha translated i am the lord that healeth thee that's exodus 15 26 this is god's word jehovah rapha is his word or you could say it's his will amen he is the healer he is the healer and if you're saved by your faith in the word of god and received the healer on the inside of you it'd be a shame to suffer sickness with the one who heals living on the inside of you and decide i'm just not gonna believe it you can't make him not the healer and there's no symptom on your body that nullifies his healing nature he's the healer and he lives on the inside of you he says this this is god's word settled in heaven psalm 119 89 and never changing it's a never-changing fact concerning god god never stops being the healer so let's talk for a little bit about the nature and function of the word of god the nature and function of the word of god you know the interesting thing about the word of god is the word of god is is um um let's just talk for a second you know when you read the word of god the word of god in and of itself as a spirit-filled believer has a draw and the bible says our spirit bears witness with his spirit that we are sons of god right and so when you read the word of god when you approach the word of god you know the word of the it says we read the scripture that faith comes by hearing that word hearing is the word for instruction so in other words faith comes by instruction and instruction through the word of god or the preaching of the word of god in other words you cannot read the bible like a book just like a book you have to read the bible with the understanding that it is god talking to you brother copeland in the faith series starts off the faith series like that this is my bible it's god talking to me this is my conversation with god this is my conversation with god you know how annoying it is to have somebody butt into your conversation when you're in the good of your conversation like have you ever been talking to somebody and you get to that good part where you really need agreement where you really need an exchange where it's really the the crux of the matter that you're talking about it's it's the exchange between two individuals and then somebody walks up and says hey i didn't mean to cut in but yes you did why because you cut in right and then you've got to work to get back to [Music] where you were right i want you to understand something and my mama i don't know what kind of mama y'all had i don't know what kind of household you raised in but my mama didn't play that right and so you but in well let me talk about something else but i'm just saying you did you learned not to do that right so my kids when they were little i told them hey look just come up and put your hand on me just come put your hand on me and when i get ready to acknowledge you i'll acknowledge you but if i don't acknowledge you just know that i'm not going to forget you had your hand and you can go about your business i'll come back and find out what it is that you needed to talk to me about right because my mama didn't have quite as much finesse with it and so when you butt in she let you know in no uncertain terms how rude you were being in that moment i need you to understand something sickness is rude yes it is and it's butting into your conversation with god you are having a conversation with the almighty one the one by whose words you are recreated you are created into his image and it is like you were saved when you uh when you heard the word of god and you established faith in it you believe it but in that word understand we are being changed and transformed what the bible says from glory to glory from one level of glory to ever increasing glory so every time you withhold and behold god as in a mirror we're being changed into that image you are being changed into the image of the one who is perpetually well you are being changed into the image of the one who is perpetually disease-free you were being changed into the image of the one who in whom no sickness can exist how by the conversation that you are having with his word you are listening to him and he is imparting into you and you're in that good part where you where where you are not just just just having casual conversation but this is that part of the conversation that changes you and sickness comes and says hey hey um i don't mean to butt in but and you've got a understand and know that you have every right to say you don't belong in this conversation there's nothing in here that says that you have access to this exchange but the moment you take your mind and your understanding and your focus nancy dufresne said this on sunday morning she said where your attention is that's where your faith is going to be the moment you take your faith or your attention off of what god is saying notice i didn't say what he said it's what he said but it's what he's saying to you right now the moment you take your attention off of that you shift your faith because the voice of the sickness and the disease and the symptoms have gotten louder sickness is demanding it's very demanding it's very demanding but you can refuse the demand so we have to understand how the word of god functions um number one in the nature of and i only have three this is not exhaustive all right but i only got time for three so i got three all right number one jesus is the word of god john chapter 1 verse 14 in the new king james we read it earlier but in the new king james says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and the word became flesh and dwelt amongst what flesh jesus himself took on flesh he is the word so the word is not a what the word is a who that's how you can you can say this is god talking to me this is my conversation with god how because it's a who i'm talking to him it's not words on a page it is a person a living expression the the almighty one communicating with me the word is living we don't serve a dead god uh we'll praise god i'm just going to talk these lack of amen up to we in class and y'all trying to have class etiquette but this is kenneth copeland bible college thank you it's a little bit different than your normal regular school agreement and vocal agreement is definitely in place [Applause] [Music] you can say amen hallelujah shout sometimes your flesh needs to hear what you agree with oh this ain't in my nose but i'm gonna just say this since i'm standing standing here you know sometimes your flesh needs to know what you agree with because when something hurts you say ouch and when you got an issue you talk about the issue and when you got pain you definitely acknowledge the pain right but what you acknowledge your flesh needs to understand what you acknowledge in abundance so your flesh will respond to you more than it responds to anybody else so maybe just maybe what you acknowledge with your mouth could have an effect on how you feel all right calm down get back over here it is school the word is living hebrews chapter 4 verse 12. we're going to read it a new king james and then in the passion translation hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the word of god is living and powerful listen to that sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit and of the joints and morrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart listen to an impassioned translation for we have the living word of god which is full of energy somebody just better take that right now just go on and just receive that right now it's full of energy like a two-mile sword it will even penetrate to the very core of your being where the soul and spirit and bone and marrow meet so there's no disease that's so deep that the word can't get there it interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts so the word has a physical property to it and the physical property to it is that it affects you even your bones and your marrow and if you allow it it will permeate and change your thoughts and the intents of your heart the desires of your heart the meditations of your heart if you have a depression issue the word can deal with your depression issue how by calibrating what you meditate on and what you think on and what you're fixated on and how you're fixated on it how long you study it and the more you dose up on the word the more you can not think about anything but the word and that word is alive it's alive the word is not dead it is alive why because it's a he and he alive you remember the word says he ever lives to make intercession for you he is everlasting he is alive that word living is the word zoe we talked about this or the word zio which is a conjugation of the word zoe which is the god kind of life and we talked about this last class it has that same characteristic it's not it's not lifeless it's not dead but it is alive it is breathing it is fresh it is strong it is active listen to that it is fresh it is strong it is active it is fresh it is strong it is active and the more you take it the more you become fresh and strong and active well that's better than geritol [Applause] [Music] you wanna listen we ought to have a commercial y'all know how to do his medicines and commercials with people skipping in the fields do you suffer from no i don't suffer from anything why because the word is fresh and strong and active i think we can do a better commercial than they can all right thing number two and we're going to camp out here for a little bit the word words and i learned this by listening to pastor terry and i'm so thankful for for the teaching of my pastors you need a pastor you better listen to what nancy said this past sunday pastor nancy she said you need a pastor you need to be connected to and i'm we have the best we have the best we have the best learn this by listening to her words are containers yes words are containers the word of god contains the nature of god himself the word of god contains the nature of god himself and his nature is eternal his nature is eternal when you were born again you're not waiting to die to enter into eternity that's right you have eternity right now you serve a timeless god so your rebirth trumps time and if you serve our time do we live in time absolutely but when time ceases you will still exist and you'll exist in this reborn recreated character and nature why because the word of god is the seed that was planted into your heart that brought about the rebirth and his word is eternal isaiah 40 verse 8 says the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our god stands forever i want you to hear the the healing words in these i want you to hear the healing words in these the word of god does what stands it stands you got a problem standing the word stands the word stands the word stands the word can get up oh it's gonna be okay y'all you'll get there all right the word stands means it endures forever it's eternal in nature matthew chapter 24 verse 35 says this and we've we quote this often says this heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means what oh come on y'all my words were by no means what come on students my word but my words well by no means what [Applause] just meditate on that for a second my words don't pass away the just shall live by faith faith in what the word of god which does not pass away so we're talking about the eternal nature of the words and since those words are eternal they are spiritual in nature and must be spiritually understood now when i was a kid every saturday morning i'd wake up and watch cartoons anybody else watch cartoons when there was a kid and those of you who didn't raise your hand that's okay we'll have a prayer line for lying later i'm sure you were just like me you got up in the morning got the biggest bowl you could find got a whole box of cap'n crunch the crunch berries the good kind of froot loops whatever whatever it is whatever your heart desires right you and you you didn't just pour you know how you pour to the sideways trying to get it out then you can try to make no no no you turned that joker upside to the down and shook all of it out until the dust came out i can't tell you how much captain crunch dust i've eaten in my life pour the milk in and got the mixing spoon and you tried to gobble it down as fast as you could why because you wanted every bite to be crunchy just like the first one yeah y'all see y'all came from where i come from i see you all right and you'd sit in the living room and watch cartoons until about 11 o'clock and that's when the news came on and you were like no i ain't watching that go outside and play but one of the cartoons that i used to watch was this cartoon it was called transformers anybody remember transformers transformers transformers transformers and transformers had a they had a slogan a saying and the saying was more than meets the eye there's more than meets it and you buy the action figures and there's a little car but then you do some stuff change it into something and all of a sudden there's a robot he got guns praise god those transformers were from texas anyway just say it so you would do some things turn some things twist some things and you had to almost unravel them or get inside them to to to understand their true being they're true because if you just looked at it looked like a regular car it was a regular car until you unpacked the true identity of what it is you were dealing with okay so now we're talking about the word of god first corinthians uh chapter two and we're gonna stay here for a second because i want you to get this first corinthians chapter two um and we're gonna start at verse 13. it says this we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the holy spirit combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language to those who possess the holy spirit in other words if you are not spiritual in nature you'll miss what is truly being said because what's truly being said is more than meets the eye there has to be some unpacking some unraveling right verse 14 but the natural non-spiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the spirit of god why for they are folly meaningless nonsense to him and he is incapable of knowing them of progressively recognizing and understanding and becoming better acquainted with them because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated you can't appreciate what does it mean to appreciate to give increased value to i don't give increased value to what the word of god says about healing in my body if i try to understand it through a natural carnal mindset why because the word of god is eternal in its nature and in order for me to truly understand what the word of god says about my body i have to not think about my body but think about him i cannot hold the word of god hostage to my carnality because you are first a spirit you have a soul and you live in a body and i don't know about you but my house looks like i live there it does it got it's got stuff that indicates my identity and if you are first a spirit and you possess a soul your body is where you live and it ought to look like a spirit being lives there and your spirit is eternal so the eternal nature of who you are ought to be reflected through your body and if you've been reborn through the word of god which is eternal the nature of the word of god exists and should reflect through where you live all right but the carnal man won't understand this because the carnal man starts the thought process with carnality i start thinking about healing with my body first i have this symptom so i must be sick and in order for me to appreciate healing i need the symptom to go away to be the the call sign or the validation of the healing the spiritual man does not think that way the spiritual man says i am a spirit first and spirit bears witness with spirit and jesus said i'm getting ahead of myself jesus said my words are spirit and they are life so if i'm spirit first i understand what his spirit has declared concerning my spirit and i appropriate that to where i live nobody comes in my house and says you better put that picture over here i do it because that's where i want the picture nobody comes in my house and says you better wear this although i've taken clues from some other folks y'all do know dr tony is the best dressed individual on this campus i've taken clues but no one is forcing me to do it why because i own that i own that we got to stop thinking like your body owns you and start thinking like you're you own your body why because spiritual things are not understood through the carnality of your body spiritual things are only understood in your spirit says this but the spiritual man tries all things he examines and investigates and inquires into in questions and discerns all things what is that that's that unpacking that unraveling that transformer becoming more than meets the eye right he says yet is himself to be put is is yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one he can read the meaning of everything but no one can properly discern or a pray a prize or get an insight into him he's talking about the difference between natural and super natural he's not saying he can't be taught in a school setting he's saying the body the carnal man doesn't get to teach me anything another way of saying my headache does not teach me anything my the stomach ache it doesn't teach me anything if i feel that doesn't teach me anything the response is not because that taught me something about me the response is i know who i am and that is trespassing it's out of place [Music] see what i'm saying verse 16 for who has known or understood the mind the counsels and the purposes of the lord so as to guide and instruct and give him knowledge but we have the mind of christ and that what we said at the beginning of class the messiah and do hold the thoughts the feelings and purposes of his heart is it in his heart for you to feel pain is it in his heart for you to suffer is it in his heart for you to be sick well we have the feelings of that and when our feelings don't match the true feelings of the spirit nature of the word of god we call those into alignment we do not hold the word hostage to what we feel amen that doesn't mean that you don't feel it just means that when you feel you get to truck what do you say the spiritual man tries all things it tests all things it discerns all things you get to say to that thing what am i feeling here and are you of god nope get out get out even when i watch transformers there were the autobots and the decepticons the decepticons which means your feelings will try to deceive you your feelings are decepticons all right now let's look at this and the passion translation says this for we did not receive the spirit of this word sis of this world system but the spirit of god so that we might come to understand and to experience all that grace has lavished upon us that's in verse 12. i had to back it up a little bit to give you a little bit of that but we articulate these realities with the words imparted to us by the spirit and not with the words taught by human wisdom we join together spirit revealed truths with spirit revealed words listen that we join together spirit revealed truths with spirit revealed words what are we doing we're packaging spiritual things in spiritual packages verse 14 someone living on an entirely human level rejects the revelations of god's spirit for they make no sense to him he can't understand the revelations of the spirit because they are only discovered by the illumination of the spirit so we're going to have to level up this thing just told you that there are levels to this and if you stay on the human level you only gonna get human understanding if you stay on the carnal level you're only gonna get carnal understanding let me make it plain for you if you stay on the disease level you're only going to get disease understanding the diagnosis the trajectory the end result all of that will speak louder to you than those things that are spiritual as long as you are on a carnal level you got to learn that you can't play the devil's game at home you got to be the away team and he's got to come to you you got to be the home team on home field advantage and he's the away team coming to you whenever you go on the devil's turf you are the away team you the away team you get the jacked up messed up the creaky stands where the people sit and it's hot and you're playing in the sun and then ain't got no band or nothing in the nowhere for your cheerleaders to be and all that kind of stuff you are not the home day you got to watch their halftime show why because you are the away team and you're letting somebody else just show you all of their power and strength and might because you are the away team but when you are the home team [Applause] they got to sit back and watch your display of your power your authority what you can do you get the good seats you get the good the good field at bay you get to play with the good ball when you are the home team right because we're playing at home and all our people gonna be there cheering us on and all of our people are gonna be there shouting and dancing all of our people gonna be there talking about what the goodness of god is didn't in the bible say we have such a great cloud of witnesses all those folks in the stand looking at you going you can do it you can make it you will live and not die and declare the works of the lord when you can play the devil on the home turf [Music] you got to level up you got to level up verse 15. in the passion translation he says those who live by the spirit are able to carefully evaluate all things and they are subject to the scrutiny of no one but god for who has ever intimately known the mind of the lord yahweh well enough to become his counselor christ has and we pre we possess christ's perceptions your your your symptoms ought not be counseling you well praise god well praise god praise god praise god i have it here in my notes uh john 6 63 he said my my words are spirit and life john 6 63 the holy spirit is the one who gives life that which is of the natural realm is of no help the words i speak are spirit and life their spirit and life they are spirit and life so let's take a case study real quick um last week i told you to circle the word saved or salvation in romans 10 6-9 romans 10 69 and the king james version says this uh the king the new king james says but the righteousness of faith speaks on this way do not say in your heart who will ascend into heaven that is to bring christ down from above or who will descend into the abyss that is to bring christ up from the dead but what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your hearts that is the word of faith which we preach now what is the word of faith that we preach that if you confess with your mouth say it that if you confess with your mouth say that that if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved now this word saved we've kind of also it's another one of those words where we've kind of robbed a little bit of meaning from right because we use it like water you went got saved and the christian a lot of the christian world thinks of this word saved as i'm not going to hell i went to church i got saved and praise god for that you're not going to hell you're not going to hell but hell is not the ultimate issue hell wasn't even created for you the reason you're not going to hell is now you have a you have a relationship an intimate knowing of the one who rescues you so i want you to watch this remember that we talked about studying or circling that word faith or that word saved right here's what that word means it's the word sozo all right and if you don't catch all this i ain't got a whole lot of time but it'll be in the notes next week okay it means this to rescue from danger or destruction to save from injury or peril to save a suffering one from dying i.e one suffering from a disease to make well to heal to restore to health to preserve one who is in the danger of destruction to deliver from judgment to make whole to deliver and protect that's a little bit different than the way we normally use the word right so when you say i went to church and i got saved because i accepted jesus into my heart i got saved what you're really saying is i got rescued from danger and destruction i got rescued from injury and peril i got saved from suffering and dying from the from a disease i got i got uh i got made well i got healed i got restored to health i got preserved from danger and destruction i got delivered from judgment i got made whole i got delivered and protected that's what you're really saying because that's what that word means but if we look at that word just on its face and with the meaning of mankind or with the meaning of of popularity what we'll say is uh that just means you're not going to hell but that word is more than meets the eye and in order for us to get into the bottom of it to get to the depth of it we have to unpack it in fact matthew chapter 1 verse 21 in the king james we're just going to do it in the king james version he says um this is uh the angel talking to joseph and he says he shall and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins the word jesus is the hebrew word for joshua or yeshua which literally means savior so all that we just unpacked from the word saved came through the savior and you got all of him when you got him you got all of him when you got him you didn't get a little bit of him you got all you didn't get a little touch of him you got all of them you got him you got to say i got him say i got him you got all of him every last bit of him so why is it that that we have to do we have to unpack that word which leads me to this third point god's word is medicine proverbs chapter 4 verse 20. start in verse 20 says my son now you're all sons and daughters of god right and for all the daughters in the room if i can be a bride you can be a son let y'all marinate on that one too you'll get it on the drive home you'll be driving home oh that makes sense my son give attention to my words incline your ear to my sayings verse 21 do not let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh the word health there is the word for healing so they are healing to all their flesh they are a cure to all their flesh they are a remedy to all their flesh they are deliverance to all their flesh but get this one they are medicine to all their flesh they are medicine to all their flesh really quick i brought a little example here now we're not going to take these all right you're not going to ingest them all right but uh freddie roach come up here if i hand him this pill and he's got that pill in his hand right that pill does not do him any good in his hand and even if he were to swallow it and it stayed whole it's still medicine but it doesn't do him any good staying whole this capsule has to get ingested and come undone right in order for you to get what's inside of it open your pill just read what that piece of paper says it's okay you got it yeah there you go healed and made whole by the stripes of jesus if he just took the little pill he would have never known what was inside of it but when the pill was open and the medicine on the inside was able to come into his heart into his life into his being it began to manifest in a different way the word of god operates the same way the word of god is medicine to you but you got to take it you got to take it the only way thank you sir the only way that it's going to do you any good is what's in it has to get into you and it's more than meets the eye it's spiritually discerned so this is kcbc night right and i figured we could take a moment and just pause here this is a lot of teaching but i've asked the band if y'all can come on back out um i want us to do the the kcbc song the kcbc song the school song give me the word give me and i want you to take this tonight like medicine give me the word i don't need an aspirin a title i'm not saying those things are bad but look first and foremost give me the word amen let's worship [Music] give me the word [Music] make it plain and clear to me give me the word [Music] it's a light that i might see give me the word it's my total victory [Music] make it plain and clear to me give me the words [Music] over every situation give me the word [Music] it's been tested it's been tried searching minds are satisfied though the story's old the message still is true amen it's been ridiculed it's been shamed [Music] [Applause] give me the word make it plain and clear to me give me the word it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i don't want it watered down sugar-coated or profound give me the basic truths that stand the course of time [Music] preach it strong preach it clear so that all the world can hear it will change [Applause] in times of trouble [Music] is [Music] [Applause] give me the word [Applause] make it plain and clear to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] over every situation give me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] over every situation give [Music] praise god i couldn't think of a better way to end tonight than to make that declaration give me the word just give me the word i want to know what the word says i want to know what the word says god the faith speaks and it speaks with the word of god i want to know what the word says so if you're watching us wherever you're watching us from we're going to pray for those who want healing here in the room um but if you're watching us and you would say you know what i need the word give me the word i want prayer for what's going on in my body or what's going on in my mind or whatever it is whatever the situation is i want to give you the phone number to call 877-281-6297 that's why we have licensed prayer ministers because they know how to go to the word they're not going to give you their opinions they're going to give you the word of god 877-281-6297 remember this god loves you we love you and jesus is lord we'll see you next week praise god [Music] you
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 2,507
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 44sec (5384 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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