Emerging Worship | Bethany Church

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come on praise the lord everybody we are here and we are glad to know that you're here with us because we know that with god all things are possible and that no weapon that is will prosper [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no way [Music] [Applause] it just [Music] [Music] but there is no way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it just won't work come on [Music] that's why i'm still here cause i've already been set free no way [Music] [Applause] is [Music] it just [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] it just won't work [Music] [Music] everybody welcome to another emerging worship service so glad that you can join us this evening every saturday at 6 p.m as we worship the lord just another uh place of ministry for us virtually during the course of the week to help encourage you to help you um we thank god for all of you coming on um this particular time is for like our millennials on down but of course people of all ages watch it and we're so glad that you can join us this saturday evening at 6 00 p.m um we hope you enjoyed our emerging worship service and where you worship worship group and i hope that you are blessed by the ministry and by the word of god getting ready to pray for you i believe god with you trust god for you as we continue to dive into the scriptures uh to try to give you something quick on a saturday night in preparation for sunday morning and again we're just so glad you can join us i'm ready to pray for you especially those who need to be saved rededicate their life need a church home getting ready to pray believe god with you believe god for you trust god that he will do the exceedingly and abundantly in your life that if you're not saved he'll bring you to him if you need to rededicate your life you will make the connection reconnect back to him if you need a church home you'll connect to this church we're getting ready to pray for you you need to come for the first time to start your journey with jesus come and rededicate your life to the lord to start walking with him again you've left for some whatever reason it's a great time to come home if you want to join this church you're looking for a church home to connect to bethany church we'd love for you to be a part of what god is doing here in the ministry again uh we're getting ready to pray for you and those who are saved those of us are members of bethany we hope that the word of god will be a blessing to you let's pray father i thank you again for this moment we honor you for today and we magnify you because you're good because you're sovereign because you are still god we give you praise this evening because you have been wonderful to us thank you for your kindness thank you for your mercy and i pray that you would speak to us i pray lord that you would begin to work things out on our behalf i pray lord that you would begin to touch us lord and share your word with us i pray lord for those who need to be saved or watching now that you will draw them to you those who are watching now that need to reconnect to you they left for whatever reason we pray that you would bring them back to you now those who need a church home we pray that you will connect them to this place whether they're distant or they're local pray that you would help them make that connection and father i give you praise uh for what you're gonna do for us tonight because we believe that your worship the worship and the word will impact somebody's life that tonight will be a time of change and turn around we know we don't come for games but we come believing that this word we may manifest in the life of someone holy spirit you do the work you get all the glory and all the honor in jesus name amen if you need to be saved rededicate your life you want to connect to this church put your name in the comments section someone from our team will connect with you and we'll make sure that you are connected to uh getting saved for the first time rededicate rededicating your life or joining and connecting part of membership of this church so we've been talking for the past few weeks about jesus and our mental health the scripture and how the bible helps in our mental and our emotional side uh talking about love joy peace hope uh went through faith and trust and last week we started on patience that we need patience and patience is not necessarily about how long we wait patience about is about how we wait which means that god is checking our attitude while we're waiting so waiting is not just about you know me just doing nothing waiting is me learning to wait on god i do my part we're going to talk about that later wait on god to do his part and i'll wait with the cheerful attitude that i trust and believe that if god is making this process longer than i want it to there's a reason why it's longer than i wanted to there's something in this process there's something in this particular mode this state of being that we're in that god wants to do for us in this moment which is the reason why he has us waiting so instead of asking the question lord how long ask the question what do you want me to learn in this time what are you doing in this time god is transforming he's working on us in seasons of patience we talked about this last week that patience is about self-control better be patient than a warrior better to have self-control than to capture a strong city that external strength is cool but internal strength is more important there are people that are physically strong but weak on the inside god is saying that it's better to be patient to have self-control than is to be someone that is physically exerts all their power real strength is internal i'm not saying you can't work out not saying don't be physically strong what i'm saying is is learning to grasp the concept that my internal strength is more important my ability to self-control because patience gives you self-control instead of reacting i take the time to think before i respond and we talked about this last week patience helps you control your emotions proverbs says whoever is patient has great understanding but one who is quick tempered displays folly patient people patience comes from great understanding i need to think before i decide to do this i need to consider all the possible consequences if i say this or if i do this but someone that is quick to respond displays folly or foolishness so a person that cannot control themselves is displaying folly and foolishness we should not uh be praised for being quick tempered because patience will help calm you down it doesn't mean you don't get angry it just means you know how to temper your anger and respond appropriately the bible says you can be angry but do not sin and don't let the sun go down upon your wrath don't let your anger turn into a permanent condition the bible tells in lamentations chapter 3 verse 25-27 the lord is good to those who hope in him the lord is good to those who hope in him keep your hope in him to the person who seeks him so god wants us to hope in him seeking him it's good watch this to wait in silence for the lord's deliverance it's good for a man to carry a yoke in his youth god is trying to let us know sometimes you got to learn to be quiet and just wait that doesn't mean don't praise god it doesn't mean don't speak the word of god that just means you have to learn to settle yourself because why when i know somebody's going to come through i don't go around complaining about it you learn to wait with the calm you learn to expect real chill patience is looking for the future result psalm 37 7 lets us know be still before the lord calm down chill out some bring your emotions and your mind under control by the help of god be still before the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret when people succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes be still be calm calm down before the lord why because if i'm waiting patiently for him i can calm down for example if i tell you i'm gonna come pick you up at seven o'clock if you're calling me 6 40 where are you 6 45 are you sure you're gonna be at seven o'clock 6 50. you close 6 55 where are you 6 59 what's up and i pull right up at 7 o'clock right and the whole time you was calling me you didn't have patience because why you didn't trust that i was doing to do what i said i was going to do so usually when we get frantic and when we get impatient it comes from a lack of trust when i have faith i have patience the bible test says don't fret when people succeed in their ways when they character wicked schemes don't fret when people that do wrong seem to succeed be patient on the lord god knows how to flip it he knows how to reverse it the bible says don't envy when evildoers are succeeding or prospering trust in god because he will flip the script serving him will pay off be still calm down and wait for the lord wait patiently for him romans 5 3 and 4 tells us this not only this but also we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces perseverance or patience and perseverance proven character so suffering hard times makes us more patient because it forces you to be patient and patience remember waiting with a proper attitude brings proven character which means that uh if you look at this word acceptable um or um or proven character uh it talks about trying a thing in order in order to approve it you try it you test it in order to put the stamp of approval on it okay it's been through the rigors it's been through the testing boom it passed it will move on the bible's letting us know that patience brings approval proven character we show god that we know how to wait well we show god how we we know how to wait well which means we have proven in good character and when we have proven character we can start the whole most of us are frustrated because we're waiting for things that our character hasn't approved us of type in the comments calm down encourage somebody say chill out some because why god is looking to see how you wait not how long you wait he is proving your character the scriptures tell us in hebrews 10 for ye of need of patience that after you have done the will of god you might receive the promise you have need of patience you have need to calm down some because why after you've done the will of god you know that you're going to receive the promise now sometimes it feels like god is taking forever to come through with the promise but that's where patience comes in if i trust god to bring it i have to trust god when he's gonna bring it he knows when to supply it he knows when to bring it you have need of patience remind yourself right now i need to be more patient i need to slow down some if i keep doing the will of god he is going to come through and galatians 6 9 tells us and let us not be let go weary in doing good i know you're doing the right thing and sometimes you get tired of doing the right thing because it looks like it's not working out for you but the bible says if you keep doing the right thing in due season we will reap if we do not give up hold on hold on to what god is saying patience doesn't mean doesn't mean do nothing patience means i'm doing my part i'm obeying god i'm working i'm doing what he's asking me to do and if i keep on doing that i'm going to run into what the bible calls due season due season is a time when you need it you will reap if you do not give up it's a seed harvest principle if i keep sowing the seeds of doing good sowing the seeds of obedience i will i will reap if i don't give up if i don't stop doing the right thing in times i'm learning this in scripture there are times where god was testing his people to see will they obey and will they keep on obeying well look will they keep doing what i ask them to do and if they will they will reap if they do not give up don't get weary in your will doing be patient calm down keep doing what god asks you to do do it because you love him do it because you appreciate him and watch god begin to move in your life be patient at this time we always sow into this moment of course you didn't respond to the first call to give your life to the lord or rededicate your life or connect to this church put your name in the comments section someone from our team will connect with you uh there's a link in the in the uh in the comments too you can watch that you can click on the link and uh it'll send you to a page without some information of course at this time we give we sew into this moment uh whether the text to give gives a file you can mail to the church however you want to do it control of our parents teach your young people how to give teach them how to sew so into this into the future so out of appreciation and sometimes giving is the same way i got to keep giving out of love keep doing it out of appreciation and in due season in due season you will reap if you faint not we believe that god is going to do a turnaround and we trust and believe that god can work it out in your life so let's see this evening make it special make it sacrificial don't go weary and doing the right thing don't grow weary and giving because in due season you'll reap if you think not so glad you can join us this evening uh join us tomorrow morning bishop's back course eight o'clock service um our engaged live time 11 o'clock service make sure you join us we love you all we appreciate you and god bless you and we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 144
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bethany, baptist, church, David Evans
Id: PGZ6rNnSgjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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