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foreign it's the catalyst for change you've been waiting on new mind new me from bishop david g evans i want to be loved why do i take the person that loves me and kick him to the curb i want to be wealthy but i spent all my money you were created and given a slave a doulos a servant called your mind your mind is out of order when it questions your command if you are ready for true transformation bishop david g evans would like to bless you with the new mind new me four message dvd set order today and you will also receive bishop evans national best-selling book healed without scars as well as the healed without scars music cd my mind's going where i tell it to go it'll never go back it's my mind it's going to do what i say all yours when you visit our website or call 1-800-591-8480 today be prepared to watch a new you emerge it's now easier than ever to stay connected with david g evans in the bethany baptist church family follow the ministry and rejoice in all that god is doing by 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relationships your health and so much more suffering because you lack the truth you need to change a life you desire is within your reach you can achieve all the success happiness and prosperity you deserve by simply learning the secrets that lead to real personal transformation change is hard but not impossible you just have to make one radical decision to get real and there's no better authority on the real steps to change than david g evans some men trusted chariots some men trust in horses but we will trust in the lord david g evans is leading the charge to bring you the power to change your life he is committed to the mission of helping you transform and become a person of power and it starts with his all-new system to change your situation at the centerpiece of this life-altering collection is david evans groundbreaking training course from ridiculous to radical to real this means war in this series you will discover the steps of change this series includes two powerful messages each on winning the battle in your mind and cultivating a language of faith that's four messages four power filled hours of material if you want a better marriage this series has the answers if you want to achieve financial independence god's way the secrets in this series will empower you to make it happen if you want a life of power anointing and influence this series will show you how to get it and there's more you're looking for serious immediate results so bishop evans will also include one of his best-selling messages called weapon of warfare this classic teaching will build you up to start fighting in the spirit for what you deserve this powerhouse collection from ridiculous to radical to real and weapon of warfare we'll give you all the biblical strategies you need to change anything in your life this collection will ship to you immediately with your gift today to david g evans ministries this ministry is revolutionizing the kingdom by empowering believers souls are being saved daily and we need your help to grow this impact in a real way call now and sow your seed of just 35 for your transformation to help people around the world your 35 love gift goes straight to the front lines of ministry providing help to those that need it most call now make the decision to get the power you need to change your life forever [Applause] well praise the lord everybody welcome to onpoint the number one saturday morning christian based call-in talk show in america live every saturday morning from 9 a.m to 10 a.m on any smart device at david g evans won't you please that's at david g evans one won't you please invite someone to join our great dynamic conversation once again this morning uh tag a few people four or five people inbox text them tweet them uh let them know that onpoint is on once again now you can call us toll-free we want to hear what your opinion is on some of the most important issues of the day we talk about culture we talk about religion we talk about faith we talk about sports we talk about politics but all from a kingdom biblical perspective i want to make sure you understand we're talking from a kingdom perspective and we look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you once again um you can reach us at for 866-743-8267-743-8267 give us a call of course joining us once again is our world famous co-host reverend nicholas a smith how you doing man i'm doing well good morning good morning good morning um a lot going on this week as i thought about the 20-year anniversary of 9 11 i've always seen 911 as the boil filled with hatred injustice um discrimination um all the ills i think just burst that day all in one time and um i've always seen it as a convergence or as a as a symptom or as a manifestation of the issues going on around the world and how they had festered for so long and then it burst and and it made me in reflecting on it uh we're still being impacted by it people are still ill from what happened um they say new york uh recovered but i wonder if the nation did yeah yeah yeah it's um i'm watching the documentary on it now okay i've been all in these netflix stuff and all the stuff about it and they went through the whole history of the taliban house started okay and how like i said festering how long it's been building up how uh osama bin laden was in sudan sudanese offered him up to the united states in the 90s he said this man has been talking about okay america attacking okay do you all want them okay they said well he's not he's only making noise he's not an issue so they said okay we'll send them to afghanistan because they figured american star afghanistan he's away he's going to be in the mountains no bother a couple years later 9 11 happens um it shows the fear of our government too because the cia was getting information about some of the hijackers sure and we're sharing them with the fbi makes no sense at all because they had i guess whatever well they're very provincial yeah very provincial yeah so it's territorial territorial it just showed a cluster of failures on uh many sides and it cost a lot of people their lives um the cancer from people that from all the uh yeah especially you know people are still battling with that now and it just look looking back and then showing they show they show how um the bush administration used 911 as a reasons to overreach with privacy and surveillance and they knew this stuff was illegal but they changed the terminology to make it work it here's the dilemma had they had they been looking like they should have been we have we have to um try to find a balance and a balance is not a static line we know the kind of world we live in that means to me that we're going to have a heightened sense of awareness which means a heightened sense of investigation yep we can't have we we cannot criticize a government that we're saying continually don't ever come to our privacy they got to have some there's got to be some investigation tools or and you know what i think might work better with americans if they just didn't know it was being done yeah because they were doing it before all this yeah yeah yeah just nobody knew about it yeah and and it was just stopped some things but this this thing to me 20 years ago and this is all hindsight and of course is armchair quarterback and all this kind of stuff um it appeared as though it could have been prevented absolutely yeah absolutely because like i said they the tips they were getting they just didn't share it with you know certain groups or they didn't take it seriously um i think one of the guys was saying that uh the department of justice or one of those defense departments they started focusing on american crime drugs etc and the guy said terrorism was like number 15 on the list so i guess it seems it seemed to me when these government people were talking americans got caught up in our hubris yep but thought nothing could ever happen on our soil i've been saying forever that our arrogance as a nation has all has most often been our vulnerability yep i mean people are not um just because we're america does no longer no longer means they're not going to attack yep and we should see that and and then it doesn't mean they're not going to you know hack into our systems and you know it was almost like we thought everybody was afraid to touch us yeah but the signs were there i mean you remember this the um the first bombing in the um when they parked the car under the one of the towers oh yeah a couple a couple years ago oh yeah the 96 olympics georgia oh yeah um uh oklahoma even though they all weren't the new york one with the car under the uh tower was tied to 911 people yeah domestic terrorism with oklahoma but you saw these little pockets of radicalism yeah you know in there i i think but again i think our arrogance is like you know they wouldn't dare try it but you know you've said it i've said it uh ideology is extremely difficult to defend against okay yeah yeah ideology is extremely difficult to defend against it's it's um uh when someone's willing to die for what they believe that's a hard thing to fight absolutely yeah because you can't fight that a suicide bomber you can't do anything about it you know accept try to intercept yeah try to be aware but then um the caution which dictates the intensity of the response leaves people open to criticism right bless you because i think that um where we are with this i had a mask on when i was walking this morning too but it didn't make a difference i was outside i'm jacked up struggling with these analogies oh my goodness i've been walking with a mask on man just to prevent that you know it's different so anyway um i think that we need to reflect yeah yeah we need not sweep it under the rug and it ought not be just a moment of reflection yep yeah i think the things that failed need to be overcome and one of the biggest uh parts of our system that failed is the lack of communication by intelligence gathering components of our government that makes no sense to me none at all so since you can't be the first guy to the table with it yep you're willing to watch people die because you don't want so-and-so to get credit for discovering it yep yep and that's that's what it seems like it's it's cia you are international fbi is domestic you hear something international share it with the domestic but somewhere along the lines they don't know where it broke down some communication wasn't had at least for them to look into what was going on they shouldn't be competing yeah yeah there should be a sense of unity and there should be maturity at the top of these offices that say okay this is not the time for us to start you know sniffing each other's rank this is the time we need to get to the table because the nation's at stake right but we've seen over the last 10 years or so that the nation is not the top priority not at all not at all individual priorities agendas seem to trump those things money power yeah et cetera because if they were communicating so the guys who the two of the guys that were hijackers crazily when they were in san diego yeah they first got to america yeah they moved into a house unbeknownst to the guy the guy was a fbi informant okay and they just happened he just happened to you know to have a place for them to rent he didn't know they were hijackers and they didn't know but had they known they would have communicated this information they would at least have studied what was going on they had these guys in the prominent palmetto hands living with this fbi informer but the informal was like these were nice guys they were just you know but i i i learned something recently that um informants can't be trusted that's true not all of them yeah that that generally if they're playing both sides of the fence you have to remember that yeah and you can't just well they're on our side now no no no no yeah i know but it's it's a it's 20 years and i think they're um president biden is going to start releasing some declassified information okay not a lot okay because the 9 11 families families of the survivor survivor families are those who deceased right they want to know did saudi arabia have more to do with it to do with this yeah but you know we got a lot of interest over there well yeah and they're not going to let out but so much yeah so it's going to be some stuff with redactions and yeah because there were some saudi people in power that gave some of these hijackers the money to get the united states and so on so but okay so so let's do the covet update um 15 miami-dade public school staff members die of covet in 10 days yep public school staff members okay and the appeals court upholds the sanders's mask ban yep that no school can mandate a ban help me understand this so we got people dying which means people are infected which means people are exposed and your response is to say i don't want anybody wearing a mask yes yes because we got our we don't we shouldn't have to mandate a mask it should be somebody's personal choice now all of a sudden my body my choice becomes you know that is so contradictory you know over here my body my choice is not it's not it's not it's not acceptable yeah but over here it's it's acceptable yeah nobody sees the obvious contradiction people are bringing it up it's like hello what whether you are aborting a feces or you're purposely spreading a virus on purpose you know you're sick and people are doing this absolutely that can be classified as you hurt somebody killing somebody that's a crime it's a crime other countries are doing that they're locking people up for purposely going out with knowing their positivity absolutely america's not doing that we want to get back to normal quote unquote what's normal that's the thing normal has changed we can't get to a norm if we don't get a grip on what's happening but that means the sanity of the people has to come around absolutely we have to have more concern for other people than we do just for our own selves absolutely absolutely and that seems to be asking too much of us right now yeah there was a video of this student he was at a school board meeting he was talking about why we should wear a mask right he's like my grandma died from covet last year and the people behind them were heckling him this is a student doing this saying we should we should be made to wear a mask in school but parents are sacrificing their kids to prove a political point so you you've got uh a washington dc sixth grade class i don't even know why why they're acting like this is unusual if you have a virus that spreads among people then bringing people back together is gonna cause it to spread what i mean i'm not a scientist but that just seems that i'm not going to say common sense that just seemed to be sense to me yeah yeah i think a campus school shut down too i'm sure they did it's going to happen a week texas system closes for a week after two teachers diet coke what else has to happen yeah i meant to cross that out sir yeah unvaccinated california teacher calls code outbreak infected half her class we're not reacting logically no not at all not at all how do you how do you go well we'll send our kids some people send their kids to school sick yeah before so you know they're gonna do it yeah they'll do it now yeah they'll do it now and i mean it we're so caught up on we i don't know how why we politicize health it just to me it makes no sense it's it's it's demonic if we had a mature president in office when it first broke out that didn't make it political it would have quelled a lot of this you still would have your people sure you know being who they are but it it's it's like we mandate like like the texas law i listened to the governor explained themselves the other day um yeah and i didn't know texas was either first or second in the country with rapes and his answer to the problem is we're going to get all the rapists off the street right that's after the rape has been done yes like i come on you stop it makes no sense oh man i was sitting there like this guy's actually running the state and he's looking all bold we're gonna get him well you gotta wait the crime is done already i i just i i'm beyond myself i yeah eight six six seven four three eight two six seven eight six six seven four three eight two six seven eight six six seven four evans give us a call this is on point the number one saturday morning christian based call and talk show in america live every saturday morning from 9 00 a.m to 10 a.m any smart device at david g evans one at david g evans one give us a call 866-743-8267 so i don't see anything wrong with saying you know employees you got to get vaccinated yeah yeah i you know i don't see anything wrong with that that's i mean it's why do we tend to pick the wrong fights i don't get it yeah yeah it and he said that from you probably heard it too he said either employees require me uh vaccination mandates or weekly testing all people heard was the government's gonna make us all get vaccinated the other thing too when i was selling some ideas i said y'all don't think he made this decision without big business involved they don't want to go through another shutdown no they don't as soon as he said it over 200 of the biggest companies said we support what the president's doing of course he goes back to work they talked to him first this was big business and y'all blaming him your employer wants this yep but and it makes sense to me yeah and here's the other thing so you get tested on monday because you refuse to get a vaccination you get exposed on tuesday you're in until you get tested again next tuesday mm-hmm or next monday what have you accomplished right right yep yeah because the test is not a vaccination right right and that's the thing the test doesn't make you vulnerable yeah and these companies are not shutting down anymore because one person comes in and affects 30 40 people they're going to put their money first yep always like that yep unbelievable of course it's saturday and we you know robin's on the phone we're looking to talk to her she might is this is this a new caller robin from delaware she'll be on for 15 minutes right don't do it i don't play right i love you now he said he love you right now yeah of course it's saturday and we have service today at 11 30. uh we ask you to join us here on our campus in lindenwald new jersey um 11 30 sharp we start of course we got a full day tomorrow yeah 8 a.m 9 45 11 a.m uh you can you can really we love praying for people so you can send us your prayer requests to social at go to bethany.com go the number two bethany.com and uh join us on our podcast and our youtube and all that good stuff we have some great conversations going on um robin's on the phone we're going to talk to her right now talk to this new caller named robin hey robin how you doing hey y'all funny all right i'll start my morning dad well i'm glad we do what's going on um i wanted to first say um y'all was talking about 9 11. i remember i was watching the news and my mother called me from school and was telling me a plane hit the building so next thing i see another plane hit the building so i i'm just saddened that something like this happened in our country but you know i just pray for the families that have lost you know family and friends and just pray nothing like this happens again i remember i was laying on the sofa i was going in late and i decided to watch the news and um of course some things have been going on in the morning that we didn't know about and we were not aware of and um i saw the first plane hit the building and i actually thought it was some type of animation simulation type of thing i thought they were showing something that could happen and i when i saw the second plane hit i sat up and i said wait a minute and they weren't talking about it like it was some kind of animation or or a demonstration or illustration and i'm like this because it was unbelievable to see it was it's it's just like you know you're like when an accident is happening and you see it it's almost like it slows down and your mind does not uh process it immediately it's like you have to get there has to be a moment of awakening to see that something tragic and real is happening right in front of your eyes right yeah but um i have a um something i really need help with bishop oh first let's pray for the military there um so many buses at the airport i guess the military coming in from afghanistan oh really okay yeah so um just to see that it's like i'm glad they're home yeah but a friend of mine's son was heavy in church i mean singing on the choir playing instruments and for some reason he just couldn't shape the drugs he um had an overdose he died about over a week ago so when the person is heavy in church and still doing drugs i mean is just you just can't shake that demon well it's it's it's it's a lot more complex than that it depends and how can i say this it depends on the awareness of the ministry the individual is a part of and the focus as it being let's get him some help now let's let's talk about the fact that people don't most people don't wake up the next morning and they're suddenly not addicted so there's a long process of trial and error and i don't know enough about the situation but the the the drugs sound like one of the older people drugs have a spiritual component to them they are not just physical but they have a spiritual component to them the bible called the bible calls them pharmakia um and that that's where we get our work that's where we get our word pharmacy okay um and there is a spiritual component to like everything there's a demonic opponent component to drug use why because it takes a person away from their usefulness usually distracts them from destiny and purpose usually defeats the the will of god and a vision of god for their lives uh it it destroys families it destroys individuals it transforms individuals thinking i did a sermon years ago where the first 20 minutes of the the sermon was talking about the effects of cocaine and the spiritual effects and the natural effects that it has on the human body and how it begins people see this change in personality of people and don't realize that it attacks the mind and the perception of oneself um you can you can have a person who is addicted to drugs that has that has high self-esteem based on what they say but little self-respect based upon their behavior so there is there is a spiritual component to addiction the bible is clear with that um but there's also that natural peace so the the spirit of god can break any yoke but we must submit ourselves to the will and the word of god and the and and the and the power of god uh but it's for many people i mean if you look at folk that have smoked for years most of them don't wake up one morning and decide i'm not going to smoke anymore it's a journey it's a deliverance it's a place for 25 years yes it's a battle yeah it's a battleless you just think it's 99. it's not easy for a lot of people and i know some people that you know god took it off him immediately yeah you know so everybody's journey is different it is yeah but i'm gonna leave on a good note um you all ready for the football tomorrow and you know that game thursday was good football football season started their game was good thursday night who played yes it was tampa being the cowboys who won yeah well i mean they're trying to take control of their careers which i understand i mean they if your team can let you go whenever they feel like it's tampa bay isn't it what's his name brady's on there brady's yeah they left them too much time didn't they gave him about a minute 30 seconds but that's a long time for tom brady he was like whatever just 43. well you take care of yourself you can function yeah he's gonna have some bad games this year oh yeah but you know but uh this to me this is what happens tomorrow eagles start tomorrow who do they play tomorrow falcons you know we start tomorrow i i didn't i had no idea i had no idea did you watch all the track stuff like the brussels um oh yes yes of course okay i'm in the tracking field okay all right now talk to you soon bye-bye bye-bye tom how you doing man good morning bishop pastor nick hey man i'm talking about crazy governor but i tell you that game was good yeah it was was it it was really good did you watch the whole thing passing yeah yeah he's he's a football addict i'm i am i'm i'm i'm a fan he's more of a um aficionado oh i could watch it all day long man can you watch it all day long college football today oh college football is good college football is good saturday is my day they played they played both teams it was it was good so are the cowboys going to do anything worthwhile this year they actually look good as much as i can't stand them they look they look good really now who's the quarterback for dallas prescott or they got him back in there the guy that i was hoping the eagles would pick they went they went got once that year and i said that is the guy he's got the heart the grit okay all that stuff now it wasn't he having some off off the field stuff he had some ultra field concerns that's why he went late in the draft like third fourth round didn't he continue to have some after he got drafted i think maybe one time then after that he's been good he's been a model citizen he's been cleaning up model citizen okay i think he was reacting because i think his uh his mom just passed away and a couple other things happened and he reacted immaturely he had some assault things didn't he just some stuff yeah okay yeah i i i always have amazed at the grace that football fans give to star football players i mean he was wrong yeah he was wrong but i took your while to say that's why i said he reacted immaturely to what happened i i urge you you sued your answer okay okay it's like shikari she acted immature too you know and continually did so yeah cause she got don't get me started she got beat again if you're going to talk trash i have no problem with trash talking but if you're going to talk trash you're supposed to win now now the question is how do she go how does she go from flojo type of performances to these lackluster performances and they're wondering now if there is a diet difference diet difference okay because if you look at her now she looks not nearly as tight right not nearly as toned right so you think it might have been she might they're saying that you use the marijuana to cover they laced it with something yeah they used no you know use the marijuana to cover uh the test okay so it's what you do so the marijuana shows up not the other stuff not the other stuff that's what they're saying okay and that's a good possibility you know so i'm like okay because you don't go you don't go from running ten sixes yeah to 11.07 because now they're trying to blame it on mental like your mental health her mind her mind has never been an issue in this thing she's always been wacky but but but oh that's way past but the reality is that her performance you if you're gonna you know you know i i had i had some success i wore shades when i when i when i ran the hurdles i wore long whites you know socks so when they saw me across the field it was flashed on the video that kind of thing but i was winning right you got shades on and come in last come on come on girl shut your mouth and win and then talk traffic changing your hair and all these pictures come on man you go if you if you're going to wear flow joe type stuff you got to be winning yeah that's true anyway tom i'm sorry go ahead man going back on something a little different 20 years ago i was volunteering in the kitchen at the church there okay and there was a uh i'm not gonna say his name he worked in the trade center okay towers okay i was concerned about him we came to uh do an event there the following week okay he didn't go to work that day because his daughter stayed out all night and he uh had to take care of that so he didn't go in everybody in his office you know died yeah he worked for uh one of the uh insurance companies yeah we had we had several testimonies like that we had another young man who uh they asked him to go out and get the coffee and he was pissed about being asked to do that wow but he went downstairs and just as he got across the street the plane hit on the floor that he was working wow wow yeah that we've got some incredible testimonies oh yeah when he uh when i saw him um i don't remember what the event the event was at church but i saw him and i'm like man you're okay i mean you know he was nonchalant and my daughter you know i take care of that business and i'm looking at him like and your daughter saved your life dude yeah you know you know and he you know he just chalked it up is something that's had to be done and you know those kind of things uh really touched me thinking who's you know lord looking out for you or what you know what was going on there it's amazing when uh my aunt before she retired worked in the emergency room uh for over 40 years and she said she was a nurse for over 40 years she worked in an emergency room for over 20. and she said one thing she learned is when the lord is ready for you you're gonna go and he said and when he's not you're not going and she used to she's to gaze that on the fact that she people would come in an emergency and everyone thought they weren't going to make it and they would and someone would come in with something minor and manageable and they wouldn't make it and her explanation was that the limits of our knowledge leaves you with this understanding when he's ready for you you'll go when he's not you won't and that's it's really true that's amazing um and bishop here in our crazy state of florida yeah tell me about it um and we had 15 people passed that's heard you talked about it earlier also four uh first responders passed away they have funerals for this dispatch oh my and um it's you know and our governor is taunting more about this um any medicine compared to people getting shot and of course the mass mandate um you know his paul is uh his ratings are falling in the polls but this guy doesn't seem to get it um same thing in texas i don't you know and south carolina has fallen in line with these guys i don't understand it you know and i understand that your governor is an investor in the company that supplies that particular shot but the shot is like fifteen hundred dollars a piece trump is too um not only that uh somebody called him out on the news this past week he ripped a person you know and uh kind of did a trump win by turning this back you know like uh you don't know what you're talking about but that's coming a big issue down here like why are you pushing this and you are very heavily invested in the company to me to me tom it looks as though it's very plain on his face you know oh yeah he's willing to sacrifice a few people to make some money but why don't why don't the people see this the animosity when you see the news here people with this mass wearing are willing to fight you physically fight and it's um you know people it's so political you i mean these are i hate to say you look that's a trump person our person is following in that you know um belief and no matter what you say to them the defiance is there like you know not not unless they catch it themselves because they don't believe they're going to get it so they're going to survive it yeah i said it a couple weeks ago and i won't say it again because it raised a couple hackles but there's certain sections in a pool you can't reserve yeah yes sir oh man thank you tom you guys have a great day talk to you ava hey ava how you doing you know i'm going to move it's saturday i figured i'd give you a call i always have y'all on but i wanted to tell you i was praying for um you know i run a whole bunch of stuff up here i need to sit down somewhere but um they stressed me out so i went in i went into the season because i run the whole pop warner thing up here like all right praying on it the girl who left it to me it was in shambles so you know you're going to pray you go to jesus and you're like listen listen i just need just the bare minimum right i just 23 kids every level and i'm good okay and i said don't give me nothing else like i said don't don't be shaking it up overflowing right handle that right now i got over twenty thousand dollars i had to turn away over 50 some kids there you go i had it's too much you're saying there you go i'm sitting over here like wait wait wait i said wait wait until next year no no no no no he said no no no no no um he does not he does not he does not give you any task that is beyond your and his together to handle it i am completely overwhelmed and then the job is like oh don't you want to take this management position now i'm sitting here thinking like okay is the lord saying take this position because my body is saying girl sit down so i don't know i think there's so much stuff that i'm getting offered right now yeah the decision on anything i just sit here i put the money in the bank i didn't spend that and i do nothing right now because it's just too much well one of the things that's happening is that you have to be careful about the conversation you're having with yourself okay and and and what you're depositing in your spirit as i can't do it um everybody around you recognizes how intelligent you are and how gifted you are and how talented you are i think perhaps you may be the only person that does not fully understand that i think at this point in your life as you have been developing as we have known you um i think you're ready for any challenge that comes your way but you you've you've proven that you can major multitask and i think that what's happening now is god is trying to reveal your capacity to you okay and what you don't want to do is fight it but you want to sit down and strategically strategically attack and manage everything that's coming your way okay because you've been waiting a long time for these breakthroughs yeah i like certain you know and it became everything at once i thought it was gonna be like no no no no you can't you can't you can't dictate that guess what happened the window opened yeah you haven't been tithing for nothing the window opened and it didn't come out drip drip yep no pouring it out it's pouring out so we we want that we we read that and we want that but then when god starts pouring it out wait a minute wait wait wait i can't handle it hold up you asked me to pour this thing out he's like get your life together ava get it together you you watch this now the scripture says it doesn't say open up a window it says open up the windows of heaven yeah so multiple streams diverging into one place i tell you it's very overwhelming i was in the paper like three times in one month positively i wasn't wanted past years thank you very much but but but stop saying you're overwhelmed yeah and start managing your situation because you've waited a long time for this you don't you you don't want to curse the very thing you've been praying for okay that's what i didn't realize that that's what i i was just saying like whoa like and husbands to calm down we'll figure it out just that's that's that's what you got to do use your use your head and your organizational skills your problem solving skills i mean you're a mother with a bunch of kids you know how to solve a problem oh yeah three of them at one time i know it i wanted to call and get it off because i've been i've been running so crazy and i'm just kind of like okay hey but where you at where you at the the flurry that you're the flurry that you are experiencing is appropriately connected to multiple opportunities okay all right i have to keep in touch with you because it's just they're like oh ava don't you want to do a podcast change the way you're talking and organize your day okay don't keep saying to yourself i can't take it is too much for me blah blah because once again you prayed for god to move yes and now you're doing a moses who shall believe me who shall i say sent me what shall i say come on come on get it together okay and you got the holy spirit all right all right well i'll work with that today absolutely strategically all right these things where they belong that's right watch what's going to happen you can walk you can walk into a room i'll let you go you can walk into a room that your children have destroyed stuff all over the place right and then you and then you just walk in and start putting things back in their place that's all you're going to do is putting things in their place so you can manage the whole place okay so you're going to do they they're not god does not he moves mightily but not he doesn't ask us how do you want us to move he he just moves and he's open up these opportunities to you these are seasons being open to you and seasons are opportunities most people have never taught that a season is an opportunity to do a thing okay you got it yes i do all right pray ask the lord to help you and watch what happens okay all right now thank you bye-bye let's see danny is on line three yep hey dan danny good morning bishop pastor nick staff how you all doing today doing great man welcome to on point thank you thank you uh i just wanted to say something uh uh concerning uh the situation with the covet here in the state of florida yeah the way the reporting is done and it's amazing how you can change the situation just by changing the numbers that you tell people that's going on sure uh like they say we're number one in the nation as far as that that goes but then there's put a spiller but the hospitalization has gone down okay the reason why the hospitalization has gone down is because of the fact that people are not making it to the hospital okay okay you're not reporting the debts okay if what is the highest in the country right because of that particular situation okay give us all the numbers because if you think about it you can't tell me the hospitals are packed but hospitalizations have gone down at the same time there's got to be an explanation between them yeah exactly florida's the highest and covetous in the whole country i believe with that it's not something that you can go ahead and brush away and what's amazing how people accept certain things well you know you know the the common tactic of business and politics is to talk to us in percentages exactly so the percentage can give your perception a minimalist view of what's going on you know it's it's only seven percent well if you're part of that seven percent that's very significant if they say it's only three percent if you're part of the three it's very significant it's something that you have said to us you know time and time again it doesn't have an effect until it's somebody that's close to you or somebody that you know to see that something is real that is happening it's actually real that's going on and uh then one gets the actual vision of what's actually going on because uh somebody at northern florida florida or east or west or something like that but when it's right around the corner from you you know you know that this is for real it's nothing to play with but something new seems to have developed i i know people who um i know people who are uh have been exposed or had family members have been exposed and it has not given them a more serious outlook on what's going on they become more cavalier so there's an opposite happening you would think if a loved one passed away you would you would become more serious about how serious this thing is but some people are having the opposite reaction but i heard a gentleman they interviewed he was in intensive care and he made it and he came back and he said that i have a guilt complex the question was asked why do you feel guilty you should be glad that you made it he said no because of the fact that if i would have simply followed what they were saying taking the transformations i wouldn't have taken up that hospital bed somebody there could have made it wow that's true that's true and what's all going on they want to make sure that the hotels are filled the cruise ships are filled the flights will kill that's the number one priority yes but then you know i've got to be honest i've heard i've talked to people who have taken their loved ones to florida yes and when i asked why they said it was cheap so i i you know my own i don't know how you how our minds are working is if a deal would override the danger and i've i've said this before where the hotels are booking flights to foreigners to come to the united states where they can get the vaccination that we turn down for free yeah they don't have the room to book the people into the hotels wow they're making money off of something that we turn down i i wonder i wonder why our logic if i can say that way our reasoning is not connected why why it's connected to nothing will happen rather than i'm not going to take this chance because if someone close to me is infected by me it's going to cause a problem you know it's almost like nothing's going to happen versus i'm going to i'm going to be cautious because i don't want something to happen yeah and so i'm something that you and pastor making up said that as much as i love football mm-hmm i can wait i'm not going i'm going to games i ain't going no games no and and he and i get a chance maybe once every now and then to go to you know a game uh we've been the super bowl we've been to la is that lambo we went to the package we went to lambeau field for the packers i mean um just we've had an opportunity to do it and it's been a great time when we've done it but i'm telling you i don't need to i can watch on tv all day long yeah you know i'm a pen relays man they can try to have the track meet all they want yeah i'm watching on tv i'll get it on youtube you know and i've got i've got tickets that i've had for going on 30 years now yeah but i'm not going out there man as much as i love it i'm not going yeah and i'm not even i'm not even sure as much as i watch the olympics i'm not even sure they should have had it yeah yeah because some people got got very ill yeah yep and then japan's left with the bag of all that stuff yeah the infection yeah yeah and you know they're not reporting oh no the only one that did it good was the nba bubble okay no nobody got sick in that because they made everybody stay in the bubble and if you left you could not come back in except i hear a couple guys snuck out and that was out and they were out or they had to sit out for a couple weeks to make sure they were clear okay and then brought them back in wow but what what man would take a chance on infecting his team just to go get some chicken some wings at a strip club like bruh come on man trying to sneak girls and women in there man you making five ten fifteen million dollars you can be okay look i'll be in a bubble for a couple of months man come on dog come on i'm just saying come on ain't no problem right thank you danny okay tell my sister i said hello we'll do bishop all right now all right bye-bye keith how you doing man hey bishop hey how are you hey man doing good man good to hear from you how's things going oh good i'm doing a whole lot better i'm recovering from the surgery back in july okay that's wonderful um i have a few things just i'm going to say a couple things okay number one um you know i'm just reading a comment that someone else put and then there's something that really blew my mind this week um how is it that you know you are you know going to the flag because i don't know if that's the subject today but um somewhere and in other countries they are still saying oh you can't come in but then when i hear about um the afghanistan thing and they're trying to pull out but they're blocking our troops from coming home how does how would something like that make you feel but then you know they're trying to rally against our troops but our troops are trying to protect your country but our president wants them out and that was boggling my mind and also i just want to give my prayers and condolences on this special day of 9-1-1 of people who were lost in this in a tragedy that's the other thing i wanted to say yeah i mean what what what would your thoughts be on that of the afghanistan thing well i you know we've been over there for a long long time about 20 years yeah human life lost at the end of the day as any country ever really defeated them the answer is no no the answer is no russia tried didn't work america tried didn't work they they have a saying in afghanistan have watches but we have time right and and and and when you look at things in in blocks of decades rather than minutes and hours like we do it gives you almost a supernatural patience um they just believe that their country is going to outlast any incursion on the other hand i'm not sure again dealing with our own arrogance were we expecting parades as we left the country right yeah yeah yeah that that just blows my mind you know what we were expecting them to line the roads you know with balloons and palms in their hands waving at us good no yeah you know if anything i'm looking for okay where's going where's the final kick in the behind going to be as we get out yep that's what i was looking for yeah all right but and my last thing is this and that's my last thing is this how often can you expect parades or something of common nature that determines say okay was just something we're gonna get parade but they don't actually give it does biden know what he did i mean was it a good thing or was it a bad thing what do you think about that well trump remember the decision to leave afghanistan was from the trump administration they talked to the taliban and made an agreement right what biden did was he extended it like a couple months but he had no choice but to pull everybody away based off the agreement with the taliban that's right so i think they could have left better but leaving wasn't an option for him he had to and then you know amazingly you've got folk that didn't want to go yeah because they've had notice to get out for months keife they've had notice to leave for months and they didn't want to leave that tells me if money was being made and they didn't want to separate from it and it's not and it wasn't minimum wage they were making some money some real money was being made because why would you stay no i don't think so i mean they did a good job over there yeah i'm glad you're recovering well man yeah um when do you when do you hope to be a hundred percent oh i just went to the i just went to the doctors a few days ago and i was i was good to go okay good to hear great great to hear it man thank you continue to be strong see you soon here all right i will all right bye-bye soon all right talk to you now all right bye-bye well we're coming up on the end of the program we want to remind you that today at 11 30 we have our outdoor worship experience our encounter so come on down and join us at our linden wall campus 11 30 a.m sharp we'll begin our worship service today and we'll conclude our power of confession in particularly the name of jesus power in the name of jesus uh tomorrow 8 a.m is our first worship encounter engaged live is 9 45 to 10 45 a.m 11 a.m is our second worship encounter if you need prayer send your prayer requests to social go to bethany.com subscribe to david g evans 1 and bbc of nj for our youtube summaries and broadcasts and conversations and subscribe to djams and onpoint those are our podcast platforms once again for pastor nick smith i'm bishop david g evans i want you to remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you and we'll see you next week on on point you
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 231
Rating: 4.3333335 out of 5
Keywords: Bethany, baptist, church, David Evans
Id: 3P3B-8JLEqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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