The Encounter Worship Experience

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[Music] [Music] uh [Music] my [Music] good morning bethany family is brother kevin here and sister desiree and as you can see we are out here in a parking lot this morning but you know what her favorite place her favorite place but we're in the parking lot but we want to hear where you're tuning in from whether it be your bedroom your living room wherever you're tuning in from we want to know where you're tuning in from at this moment and if this is your first time joining us make sure that you put that vip in the comments so we can show you a whole lot of love and all my bethany people that are consistent with us every sunday morning make sure that you show those people that are pinned to vip in the comments show them a lot of love right because it's a time for us to you know bond and you know fellowship think of our eight o'clock service you know no better way to start off the morning right you know say hello to absolutely absolutely so you know we want to know where people are tuning in from right so what better way is this finding out where tuning in from by playing the game right of course so you mentioned that we want to know where we where we're tuning in from we're from all over the world yeah right here in new jersey from you know i don't know where you tell me a game it's called how far you go and this is just for you guys so if you are outside the united states leave a heart emoji if you are on the west coast uh-oh leave the hands i love that you're demonstrating love i got you visual aids in the chat area leave a smiley face and if you are in jersey and somewhere a city in new jersey then leave a thumbs up so we want to see who's the furthest how far you go who's the furthest person watching this morning yeah we're gonna shout that person out at the very end or later on in the service absolutely so please make sure that you tune in the comments to see who the winner is so you can claim a special prize here from bethany's social media team but you know something that we do here at bethany is we have the connection church and it's a beautiful way just to stay connected during this time um it was one of the many things that was blessed during this time and that's how we're able to engage with people from the west coast like you said maybe someone outside the united states i like to say that it is the church without the physical building right exactly that's exactly what it is you get a little bit of everything right connections and you know we have a special interview from someone that is a part of connection church right so we want to go right to the video now take a look at this interview hi my name is aydah madison and i am a member of connections church i'm also a member of church on the living edge with bishop mark shirona here in orlando where i live you know i first heard about bethany baptist church about three years ago when bishop evans spoke at our annual issachar conference and i was so blessed by him that i really i told him i became your internet stalker i started watching everything on youtube and you know i even found bishop evans on amazon prime so i was watching everything you guys put out and he came back and he visited the next year and i had an opportunity to meet him and pastor nick and you know it wasn't long after that that coveted hit and you know our whole entire world's changed and one of the things that radically affected my my daily living was all this additional time i had when i was at home and it was about that time that i heard about connections church and i decided to hop in and you know i've been taking classes through the embrace series through abundant harvest three days a week with pastor val and pastor nick and have been so richly blessed by it just amazing classes that they give in addition to that there's been other classes that i've taken with bishop evans and pastor nick and just amazing education and spiritual insight i've just been totally blessed by all of it you know if you're if you're sitting on the fence and you're wondering should i or shouldn't i i'm telling you hop in because it's not just a leadership in the amazing education the different ministries you can be involved in but it's also the other members of connections it's just amazing people just like me and you all over the place and it's just a super cool thing that bishop and and pastor nick have done in creating connections church in this time of all this crazy division in our world it's really been a great union um i'm just richly blessed by it thank you bishop evans thank you pastor nick thank you pastor bell what an amazing interview from sister aydah she's so dope we love her and if you want to be a part of the connection church we want you to make sure that you visit us at go to number two connections like i said it's just another way to stay connected with us especially if you want to be a part of the ministries the ministries are still strong in the connection church you have exclusive content there's classes on there so please make sure that if you are feeling disconnected from us at this moment please make sure that you join us at the connection church at go to number two connections where we can just fellowship another way right and all those who actually are getting connected right now sure that you are sharing your liking and pouring more people in absolutely this morning and our 11 o'clock service that we have coming up later and yes uh this morning but right now we want to make sure that we're highlighting each and every one of our vips good morning folks our newcomers we're so blessed and happy to have you and again everybody who is already bethany family yeah you guys continue to pour love into them right yeah absolutely and make sure that you are checking in the comments to see who won that game earlier because you want to claim that prize i want to claim the prize but something that something that we have always said is that you know our ministries here they have been amazed doing an amazing job during this time of you know being locked out of the church physically so we want to highlight all the ministries and we want to shout them out you guys have been doing an amazing job by keeping us connected but you know we're a visual church so we have we have something for you guys take a look at this video now [Music] when we're singing we're not just singing to entertain apology accepted no more we're singing because we're singing to the audience of one another i've been poured back into so much uh being a part of the ministry just uh being around great leaders it's helped me have a stronger and closer relationship with god it's ministry be in the presence of god first [Music] [Applause] and that was freedom oh my gosh guys such an amazing video it's such an amazing noodle but it wouldn't be engaged live without a game for us you know being foolish so here we go the game today is called one's gotta go one gotta go so up on the screen you're gonna see what has to go and we're gonna so the first one is strawberries a strawberry candy or peppermint come on strawberry candy the peppermint candy and the melted waves why is she explaining why just any other no just we gotta move we gotta move the next one is tambourine or timbrel i know a lot of you might think that the same thing but they're not see the trim belt you do want these yeah the tambourine you got it so the tim we're going to do tamarine because you got to hear that base yes we're going to touch and agree on that one yup y'all pray for kevin the next one and the last one is church hats or lap scarves see we're gonna we love they're both fashion pieces but if you're sitting behind someone with a church hat we love it but i think it's getting ready for that time to get into our service so we are getting ready to dive right in no we're not no we're not grabbing the strawberry candies we're not doing that ma'am no we're not but we are going to make sure that we're liking we're commenting we're sharing and inviting someone to join us this morning as bishop talks about chestnut checkers right get ready for this dynamic workout ready we'll see you on engage live afterwards as well get ready we praise and thank god for being here with us this morning and we are thankful for you all of our bethany family and everybody else watching across the world i want you to be a active part of the service this morning so like share and let's give god glory praise and honor for such a time as this thank you god i know it hurts i know it's painful i know the season you've been going through is not fun but you're gonna make it you can take it with jesus on your side you're gone away cause i know this is your time ah you believe that this morning this is your scene [Music] that's what we want you to do be strong [Music] tell them why [Music] [Applause] thank you god thank you for waking us up this morning making us strong and making us better lord god this song we dedicate to you jesus help me singers yeah i know it's painful [Music] who are we talking to this morning i know the season [Music] but guess what family i believe it in my spirit with jesus on your side that's good news this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch this this is your message right here [Music] peace [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] i don't care what it looks like [Applause] i don't care what you're going through i don't care what you've been through guess what you were created to do everything that god has for you hold on a hold on [Applause] you can make it harder [Applause] [Music] and we thank you for making us more than conquerors we thank you for making us more than conquerors everything that we've been through lord god has been working together for our good and now we stand here on a strong foundation knowing that all things are gonna get better yes [Applause] [Music] that's good news for such a time [Music] stay right there [Music] this is your time this is your season and you were created [Music] for such a time [Music] praise the lord he is the great i am he is the lord of lords he is god all by himself and we're so glad about that we're going to get into our scripture reading for today it's the first peter chapter 5 starting at verse number 7. he says casting all your care upon him for he careth for you be sober be vigilant because at the adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom resists to steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world but the god of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by jesus christ after that you have suffered a while make you perfect establish strengthen settle you to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen we're getting ready to pray for you get ready to trust and believe that god is going to move in your life it's been a very stressful season a very prolonged one where we feel the weariness of the day we wish it would be over we wish things would go back to normal but it seems like those things aren't going to happen anytime soon and people are dealing with the struggles of the environment all that's going on some of us are just tired but we're getting ready to pray for you that while the devil is like a roaring lion you need to know you serve the lion the roaring eye he's like a roaring lion he talks a whole lot of trash but you serve the real lion jesus is the one that really reigns supreme this morning i want you to learn that when the devil roars you roar back he talks trash you talk trash back he's like the line but he's not the line say the words of jesus christ and roar back peter encourages to cast all our cares upon him to trust him and believe him that this morning god will establish you and he will strengthen you that's the god that we serve getting ready to pray for you father we thank you again for this moment we honor you for this day we thank you for your presence we appreciate you for your loving kindness thank you for being god the great i am for being lord of all we appreciate you this evening this morning because you've been good to us and we thank you for your kindness we appreciate you because you strengthen us lord when we're weak he said to cast all our cares upon you because you care for us lord some of us are frustrated we're tired we're weary but lord we thank you that you can handle our weariness you promised us in your word that we would see your goodness you told us in your word that you can strengthen us that when we're weak you are made strong reveal your strength in us this morning actualize your strength in us we give you our weakness please give us your strength we thank you lord that our weakness is not counter to your strength and lord you have the power to overcome all and for that we give you praise we glorify you we magnify you for this service and we pray lord that you will strengthen everybody that's watching that lord you will lift up the bow down head the lord the brokenhearted you would begin to heal in men those who are weary that you would give them strength you said if we wait on you you renew our strength renew our strength this morning encourage our hearts so we can run a little bit further we thank you for all that you're doing in jesus name amen receive your strength receive the power of god working in your life god bless you you know things have been really going well right now with me and tiffany oh that is great you know she is a little different yeah but but in a good way you know she's been showing me some things about myself things that i didn't know i could do yeah i'm really glad the way things are going with me and tiffany oh well all right but listen here you just remember that i am her big sister so do not play with her heart nah it's not like that this is real love real love oh no what do you know about real love better yet the question is how long have you all been dating well you know what i've never even dated anyone this long without uh without well about six months six months we have not gotten busy hey family what's going on y'all what you doing sitting here uh wait oh wait a minute what y'all talking about nothing shelly mind your business signs all right so where's tithat she's not here do you see her she ain't here she's not here so if she's not here why is he here i mean wasn't this whole announcement thing supposed to be about the two of y'all kids um okay mama hey mama what you doing with me are you cooking something good in that kitchen hey chef i know i'm in here cleaning these dishes i'll be in there in a minute not today jesus christ all right yeah well where is tiff because look a sister got things to do i can't be sitting here waiting for her all day long she texts me she said she's on her way she's on her way yes so what she want to talk to us about anyway i don't know shelly she just called me and said that she wanted us to be here because she had something real important to tell us just relax [Music] so you mean to tell me sir that you don't know what she want to talk to us about jesus no i do not know oh my goodness what kind of relationship you call yourself having with my sister and you don't even know what is shelly come on get her get harassing this man like that now your sister gonna be here in a minute and she'll let us know what you want to tell us all right mama hey everybody how are you doing oh my god goodness okay can we cut the greeting short i mean we all know each other already hello um so can you tell us why you called us all here okay calm down all right so y'all know that lately i've been doing a lot of soul-searching and just trying to figure out what i should be doing with my life right right right what what you should be doing with your life yeah okay hold on hold on so you mean to tell me you have a house you have a car you have a job you have a boyfriend's and you don't know what to do with all that people what would they think i'm sorry she is not just talking about material things keep your mouth shut thank you i've been trying to ask god to help me find my way mm-hmm you know what tiffany i am right here with you i'm very proud of you oh my goodness can you please get to the point whatever okay so last night i was i had a dream all right and in my dream i was lying in this bed in a maternity ward there it is oh my oh my gosh you were going and got yourself a pressure see mama you trying to say i'm the wild one and everything but here right here y'all fresh and you ain't me going together that long look ooh no she said she had a dream a dream a dream a dream right tip she said right the dream represents my life i'm pregnant tough she said how could you do this to me how could you do this to us i can't believe this [Music] is so much tiffany will you explain what's going on thank you oh goodness the dream the lord told me that i am pregnant but i'm pregnant with purpose with purpose oh thank you yes it's kind of a name it's purpose mama okay so wait a second what you're gonna do you're gonna spell it p-u-e-r-t-o-s-p you're not listening to me just pump the brakes on your mind and your mouth for one second okay okay thank you yes please do so oh my sis listen i heard you you said that in the dream god has given you purpose and he is about to birth it thank you my life just like a pregnant lady feels labor pains all the things that i've been going through are like labor pains and the lord is saying it's time for you to give birth to this purpose you really had me scared you too i am so oh you know what i am so glad i'm just so happy what god's doing for you what he's doing for us you know what i'm right here with you i'm not going nowhere oh lord have mercy tiffany just continue to be intentional about serving the lord and everything is going to be just fine well girl ain't nobody else saying it but i'm gonna say it i'm glad you ain't pregnant with no babies okay because i'm gonna choke her right now i ain't no babysitting material you're sure yeah you ain't gonna have me babysitting that baby no seriously too now now that you kind of find your purpose and everything you think maybe you could help me with mine your only guy can do that you're ready i can help you find him though okay come on okay sis you know i thought you was really pregnant and i was like oh my gosh we will shout unto you god with victory in the name of jesus glorify your name hallelujah you lord my jesus my savior lord there is none like you [Music] all of my days i want to embrace the wonders [Music] [Music] know that i am never received [Music] shout to the lord of the earth [Music] [Music] mountains [Music] is [Music] jesus my savior lord there is none like you [Music] all of my days i want to praise the wonders of your mind to love for your my comfort in [Music] if you and just that i am [Music] [Music] to the lord on the earth let us sing power and mages [Music] mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your name [Music] [Music] [Music] oh nothing compared to the promise i have oh nothing compares to the promise i have in [Music] for nothing compares to you jesus nothing compares [Music] praise the lord everybody welcome once again to the encounter worship experience i'm bishop david g evans i'm so glad you've taken the time to join me once again we're in a powerful conversation uh in our chess not checkers series of messages uh foundation of those messages based on spiritual warfare uh removing all the superstitions teaching you exactly what the bible says concerning spiritual warfare and in the context of that warfare we have moved or progressed from the curse of the law to grace to understanding your position in christ definitively defining the place that you are in christ as it relates to the enemy uh how the enemy has no more authority over your life and then we switch to witches and demons and curses and now we're in a subset of the series called a conversation with angels a conversation with angels before we get into the word today i want to thank you once again for joining us i'm going to ask you to share with as many people as possible that they might join the conversation and receive the same high impact revelation that you're going to receive today there are a lot of things believed about the invisible realm of the kingdom that we're hoping to remove all that inconsistency lack of knowledge just that uncertainty that you may have regarding things that we've heard about but perhaps have never been taught about on this level uh in this fashion so i want you to share with someone tweet them text them inbox and call them on the phone tag a few people and invite them to join the conversation today as we continue in our series chestnut checkers and this subset called a conversation with angels before we start i want to suggest to you that there are several decisions in our lives that are key to the success of our lives relationships vocation business but the most important decision are the spiritual decisions that we make and the top decision is whether you're going to come into a relationship with god in a very sincere way i'm not talking about just knowing about him i haven't heard about him or hear people refer to him but you know him personally that you come to know the lord jesus in the pardon of your sins the relationship with god is quite introspective causes us if we're honest to look inside ourselves to finally let go of the denial about ourselves and suddenly began to hear the sounds of our own hearts and understand the thoughts of our own minds where those thoughts and those emotions originated why we react the way that we do right now in this life the bible talks about there having to be a renewal of the mind so there can be a transformation of life bible talks about not just living but having life more abundantly i'm suggesting to you today that the most important decision you will ever make in your life and the one that will change the direction the ones that will change the trajectory the one that will change the velocity the speed of your life because you will discover purpose is the day you make the decision to come into a saving relationship a saving relationship with god through jesus christ when god comes into your life when you allow him to be your father jesus becomes your savior and the power to live a life that you never thought possible becomes yours and that is through the power of the lord's spirit that energeo that energy that comes with the relationship it causes you to live a life that you've never lived before the bible calls it quickening giving you life so i want to pray for you today am i going to pray that you make a decision to connect with god today that you not allow this hour to go by without making that decision i'm going to pray right now and you can make the decision right now and it's preferred that you do because we're going to get into some pretty deep stuff in the next few moments but i'm also going to pray that the holy spirit move on your heart and your mind at some point during the the lesson during the conversation that you might make that decision that life-changing life altering is the decision come on let's pray god i bless your name now for the time and for the opportunity to ask your lord that you would move by your spirit now allow us to push away the nile and admit we need your help allow us to understand that the unhappiness that we continually feel the discontent that we feel the anger that we feel not of you lord help us lord today to deal with our own emotions and our own minds and help us to understand clearly that we cannot make a change a radical change without the assistance of the father in heaven now god i pray for those who have never given their lives to you that they will respond to the loving spirit of the lord that they will respond to your love god and draw near to you i pray for those who know you but have gotten off track especially during this covet season a time when we should have been getting closer not further away i pray right now that you reconnect those that know you and love you committed to you at one time but find themselves distracted i'm praying for all of those of you right now in the name of jesus praying for those of you that know the lord but have been seeking a place to connect because there's purpose in a place in the word of god purpose and a place the garden of eden jericho israel judah church heaven purpose in a place part of the purpose journey a part of your purpose journey has to do with a significant places that god places in your life as permanent pieces of your life so i'm praying right now that those of you that are not saved would say yes today and give your life to the lord those of you that need to come back to god you would say yes today and come back to him and those of you that need to connect and that's all of you you need to connect with a house where you're going to be fed loved and led why don't you say yes today and i thank the lord for what you're about to do in jesus name amen if you made the decision to give your life to the lord write us in the comment section if you made the decision to come back to the lord write us in the comment section if you made a decision to connect with god's house write it in the section now you may be someone that's geographically far away from us and wondering this is what i want this is what i need but i'm so far away become a part of our virtual church called the connections church church was started about a year and a half ago and god has blessed it to grow with people from all around the world and you can become a part of that very vital very engaged very involved part of our ministry we look forward to having you be a part of who we are becoming our brothers and our sisters joining hands together and taking the journey into purpose destiny and peace and i thank god for you right now amen come on let's go to the bible go to judges chapter six judges chapter six and i want to start reading it about verse 11. and we'll start our conversation today judges chapter 6 verse 11 says and there came an angel of the lord and sat under the an oak which was in oprah that pertained to joash the abasarite and his son gideon thresh wheat by the wine press to hide it from the midianites and the angel of the lord appeared unto him and said unto him the lord is with you thou mighty man of valor and gideon said unto him o my lord if the lord be with us why then is all this befallen us in other words if god is with us why are we going through so much trouble and where be all the miracles which our fathers told us saying did not the lord bring us up from egypt but now the lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the midianites and the lord looked upon him and said go in this thy might and thou shalt save israel from the hand of the midianites have not i sent thee and he said unto him oh my lord wherewith shall i save israel how can i do this behold watch the conversation now my family is poor in manasseh and i am the least in my father's house and surely and the lord said unto him surely i will be with you and you shall smite the midianites as one man and he said unto him if now i have found grace in your sight show me a sign that you're talking with me depart not hence i pray thee until i come unto thee and bring forth my present and set it before you and he said i will tarry until you come again and gideon went in and made ready a kid unleavened cakes of epha a flower the flesh he put in a basket and he put the broth in a pot and brought it out unto him under the oak and presented it and the angel of god said unto him take the flesh and unleavened cakes lay them upon this rock and pour out the broth and he did so then the angel of the lord put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes and they rose up fire out of the rock and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes then the angel of the lord departed out of his sight and gideon when gideon perceived that he was an angel of the lord and when gideon perceived that he was an angel of the lord gideon said alas o lord god for because i have seen an angel of the lord face to face now the last time we were together we talked about the fact that the bible is marvelous in the way that it describes the existence the assignment the authority the activity the purpose of the invisible realm we call the kingdom of god that the bible itself is a descriptive illustration of the invisible realm called the kingdom it is an inventory of invisible things now with that in mind let's review a few things regarding our subject angels angels are therefore revealed and described in the word of god as a reality and i've been saying it lately if you believe in the demonic then you have to believe in angels because all a demon is is a fallen angel so if you believe in the demonic then it's almost illegal for you not to believe in the angelic we also understood from our previous conversations that the realm of angels is an invisible realm until god decides to manifest his presence through them that helps us remember that we talked about how an angel is god deciding how to show up in the situation he and in the way he deems appropriate now in order to understand and receive the reality of angels we must have a faith revelation of their reality we must believe the word of god not just in the reality but the work of the of angels and the presence of angels we we we learned last time the angels are an extension of god's glory in the earth that an angel is god expressing his glory in the earth bible illustrates they have presence they have a practice and the angels have power they have presence they have practice they have power they minister for you prepare your way they fight many battles in the invisible long time friend of mine carol anthem said if you could have seen the unseen dangers you'd be praising the lord right now angels have taken care of dangers seen and unseen we learned that jesus is superior to angels we learned that the highest manifestation highest revelation of god is christ not the angelic we also know not only is jesus superior to angels but they come in human form and when they come in human form they're acting as a mediator for god's presence angels come with the word of god with authority with power you remember they were sent that means they come in the apostolic authority of god now watch how this works in the kingdom the authority that you are under is the authority that you have been deputized with so become apostolic is sent from god with authority from god to speak for god to have power over evil like god has but also to prepare your way to preserve you in the way and to prosper you as you go about your business every day so now we watch this thing in judges chapter 6 and this angel is coming to have a destiny conversation with gideon and it's a message concerning his future but it's a word coming straight from god for gideon now what makes amazing sense to me the angel of the lord appears to him when gideon is doubting who he is the angel comes down and says in verse 12 the lord is with you you mighty man of valor now why is this such a a powerful statement because at this point gideon is hiding from his enemies at this point he's shrunk down he's not behaving like a mighty man of valor but the angel comes to declare over him the way god sees him and to remind him of who he really is what his kingdom identity is and he says to him you are a mighty man of valor but watch what happens with us verse 13 watch what circumstances can do to our perception of our own identity i know you've been through situations in life where something has occurred and you've you've double double uh how it was you second guessed yourself as it relates to your ability as it relates to your talent as it relates to your ability to earn your ability to sustain i know there's been times when you have questioned yourself those of us that are honest with ourselves we've questioned ourselves about you know why how did i get in this situation watch what happens in 13. gideon says watch what causes this dilemma in his perception of himself oh my lord if the lord be with us okay so a situation is giving him the impression that god is not with him and he says it like this if the lord is with us why has all this befallen us why am i going through all of this if god is with me that's a reasonable question for any thinking child of god for any human being you've prepared you've fought you've striven you've you've conquered and still some things don't turn out like we want them to circumstances sometimes appear to flip on us in the midst of what we thought was progression something comes out of nowhere unexpected and all of a sudden you start to wonder about yourself am i really qualified for this position did i really did i start this business at the right time watch what adversity will do to change your perception of yourself watch what uh rejection will do to change the pursue your perception of yourself let's talk about that for a minute one of the greatest strengths you can develop especially those of you people i know and people that i don't know who are rejection sensitive is this you will continue to be rejection sensitive if you don't come to grips with the behavior that may cause others to reject you many times we are guilty if you will of the perception of building the perception that people have of us based on our behavior so sometimes we can feel as though we've been misinterpreted when in actuality you may think differently you're concerning yourself but the behavior you've been displaying leaves those around you no choice but to process you the way you're presenting yourself you know a tree by the fruit that it bears not that it intends so what we display to people reveals what's going on in us and a lot of times we're living contradictions we want to be considered differently than that which we are displaying so all of a sudden now here's this young man gideon and he's talking about you know lord i don't feel like you're with us based upon what we're going through at the time and then he starts questioning the history the testimony of those that believe god before him he says where are the miracles that our forefathers that the older believers talk about and then he says didn't the lord bring us up out of egypt verse 13. but now watch how he's comparing watch this you cannot compare the era you're in to the era of someone you're comparing yourself to you cannot compare the time that they existed to the time that you exist in why because there are a lot of contextual differences that dictated and mandated responses it's like i you know if i hear one more time who is the greatest basketball player of all time you cannot compare different rules different training methods different performance enhancing substances different rules that i mean the structure of of the game is different so you can talk about people that were the greatest in an era but when you start to look at the different circumstantial um vicissitudes that people had to deal with in different eras it is almost impossible to say this one player was greater than this other because the context of their lives were different so he starts to compare himself to israel coming out of egypt well yes god did deliver them out of egypt god had a redemptive plan for them god was delivering a whole nation god was dealing with a 400-year bondage situation context this is not nearly as serious as that but when the problem is personal it feels just as intense to you as it does to someone who's gone through something else in their own life context i hope i'm making sense to you so sometimes the intensity of my present feelings will cause me to compare to a situation that has happened historically to someone else and i'll find myself as my grandmother would say comparing apples and oranges the only consistency is that god was in both of those situations now watch this he says the lord has forsaken us and watched us and delivered us into the hands of our enemies the midianites and the lord looked upon 14 said go in this thy might thou shalt save israel watch this so god is having a purpose and a destiny conversation with gideon through a messenger in this context who's called the angel of the lord so angels have destiny conversations with believers now how is it possible that the angel seems to he's not ignoring what gideon is saying the angel is continually reminding gideon what god has already said and committed to concerning him so the message is yes i know you're going through all this but this is what's going to happen go in your go in your might you shall save or deliver israel from the hand of the many nights watch this have i not sent thee god speaking through the angel have i not sent thee i've put you here and i have not put you here to fail i've placed you in that court position that haven't placed you there to fail i've locked you into that marketplace and i haven't locked you in there to fail you shall not fail because god has already decided your destiny 15 and he said unto until lord wherewith shall i save israel in other words watch we watch what he the lord keeps telling him this is what you're going to do and gideon is having a moses moment he keeps telling god what he can't do who shall believe me who shall i say sent me what shall i say you know there are times in our lives when destiny conversations occur i need you to hear me very clearly now when destiny conversations occur that what god sees us or how he sees us and what he sees us doing seems too great for the perception we have of ourselves and we'll start watch this god says i'm going to bless you and you start saying here are the reasons why i don't think you can god is saying i'm gonna i'm gonna give you this project and you start saying i don't know what i'm doing god lays the thing out in front of you and you say i don't think i can follow these directions we tend to reveal our perception of ourselves even in the face of god's word watch what happens here he says in 15 oh my lord wherewith shall i save or deliver how can i do it behold watch this now background my family is poor in manasseh and i am the least in my father's house i'm the youngest kid and the family i belong to is one of the smallest we don't even have an army that can do it and the lord said unto him surely watch how the lord keeps coming back surely i wouldn't have said you'll win if i wasn't going to be with you surely i will be with you and you shall smite the many nights as one man watch what happens in 17 now he said unto him if now watch this i have found grace in your sight then i need you to show me some sign what you said to me is not enough i need you to show me a sign that it's you talking to me i love the patience of god so what happens gideon says i need you to wait right here seems like a time of fellowship let me go get some food bring it back we can sit around and talk because i'm hungry you must be brings the food back angel says i need to put it on a rock that rock right there put it on that rock put it on the rock lay that which you're going to sacrifice on the foundation of the rock lay the unleavened bread there and the angel takes a step does something spectacular engulfs it in flames the whole offering goes up to the lord i need you to see that he lays it on the rock on the altar if you will angel sets it a fire the whole offering goes up to god he presents it to who he thinks is a man but he's presenting it to a messenger from the lord and as soon as that sacrifice has gone up he gets a full revelation wow i've been talking to an angel all along 22 and when gideon perceived that he was an angel of the lord gideon said alas o lord god for because i have seen an angel of the lord face to face angels mediate the presence of god and always come with a message addressing your present but connecting you with your future all right we've got a few more minutes go to judges 13 let me show you something if you're getting this write me on the site it's a very familiar story we're going to take a look incremental look at it i want you to see something that perhaps you've never seen in this story before it's about samson um people give samson a really bad rap because he um reacts immaturely to the stress of his purpose i don't want to get bogged down there because that's a revelation for you he has purpose he has an anointing he has strength given by god but his reaction his immaturity reveals itself during the stress of his purpose the stress of his assignment watch what happens here judges 13 verse 1 and the children of israel did evil again in the sight of the lord and the lord delivered them into the hands of the philistines 40 years and there was a certain man of zorro of the family of the denites whose name was manoa and his wife was barren and bear not three here comes and the angel of the lord appeared unto the woman and said unto her appeared unto the woman said unto her behold now thou art barren and bearest not but thou shalt conceive and bear a son now watch this the revelation that i need you to see between verse 1 and verse four is going to be amazing between one and four is that samson's birth is not coincidental just like yours no matter the preparation of your parents was not coincidental samson is born not just out of a situation that seems impossible so this has to be god's power samson is born for the time that he exists he's born for the time he exists watch this so that the days that he lived will be marked by his existence i need you to understand that part of purpose is understanding not just you've been born but why you were born in the time you were born because many of us miss our life purpose because we never get a full understanding not just that we have a birthday but why we have one why does god continue to allow us to live for many reasons because we have not yet discovered our purpose and started to work out his will in our lives watch this and how our life is supposed to impact others in the earth this is amazing for you to understand you are not an accident you are not just you just didn't come along you were born to do more than you're doing right now listen to me when i say that not you know not more than you were born to add to what you're doing right now that's a better way of saying it not you know i've been taking care of these kids for 30 years telling me to do something no i'm not talking about that foolishness what i'm talking about is this is that there's a significant time watch this where you have been created to make an impact on the people's lives who you've been assigned to love and who have been assigned to love you there's the heart of the matter that you have been born to make an impact on those people's lives and part of a missed purpose is when we live our lives never understanding that not bearing the full accountability and responsibility and sometimes we know that and like samson later on will not respond in a mature fashion to the stress of his purpose and his assignment watch what happens here now so we get down to verse three and the angel of the lord appeared unto the woman and said unto her and behold now they are barren watch this so now the angel brings a revelation of her future because he's having a destiny conversation with this woman who appears as though that in this particular way she has no future watch what happens chapter verse 4 now therefore beware i pray thee and drink not wine nor strong drink eat not any unclean thing watch the next one for lo thou shall conceive and bear a son no razor shall come on his head for the child shall be a nazarite nazirites didn't cut their hair unto god from the womb and he shall begin to deliver israel out of the hands of the philistines born for a purpose born for such a time as this and watch this not only is she about to receive her destiny her future and a miracle from the lord but there are instructions she must follow in order to if you will manage or be a good steward of what she is about to produce many times the children of god get a word from the lord either through preaching teaching or angelic message and a lot of times we think the instruction is just that only an instruction the fulfillment of the prophetic apostolic utterance of the angel cannot happen without your participation so it is not enough to you know i don't know how many toys you've had to put together for children in your family it is a woeful thing many times to try to do without following the directions you'll have all the pieces and never get the fulfillment because you will not follow the directions one of the greatest problems in human beings today is that we seem to rebel at the most unproductive times things that will directly affect you affect others in life we take that time to rebel so you go out you stand in line for two hours to get this toy for this kid you gotta come home put it together and you get there and just decide i'm going to do it another way well the manufacturer has not only created the parts but created the parts so they'll work together to build the whole and you decide i'm not following directions i'm going to do it my way what is my point to receive a word from the lord hear the instruction ignore the instruction is counterproductive for your life it's like making a budget for your finances and never following it and then being despondent with the fact that you're making no financial progress come on let's keep going so we first have a revelation in verses one through three then we have instructions in verses four and five watch what happens verse six then the woman came and told her husband saying a man of god came unto me and his countenance was like the accountants of an angel of god very terrible very awesome but i asked him not whence he was where he came from neither told me he his name he didn't tell me his name didn't tell me where it came from i didn't ask any questions i needed to hear from him i didn't need to know a whole lot of unnecessary information i won't stop there seven but he said unto me behold thou shalt conceive and bear a son and now drink no wine nor strong drink neither and eat any unclean thing for the child shall be a nazi right to god vow to god dedicated to god from the womb from the womb to the day of his death his entire watch this now his entire life he shall be dedicated to god now this brings in a little a little questioning here his entire life now we know from reading samson's life in the word of god that his life was not always god honoring but god placed his vow on him which means along the way samson would go from being a babe in his assignment and purpose a baby in his assignment and purpose to being a full-grown fully committed adult at some point in his life because god says he's going to be a nazarite unto me unto his death so we got a revelation from the angel we got we a revelation uh from the angel from god instructions from god by way of the angel and then the woman testifies very important piece she testifies not to just anybody walking down the street she goes home and tells manoa because he has to be involved in the miracle he has to be involved in the fulfillment of what god has sent them in a message watch what happens now let's go down to verse 8 the manoa entreated the lord said oh my lord let the man of god wast thou did sin come again unto us and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born and god hearkened to the voice of manoa and the angel of god came again unto the woman as she sat in the field huh but manoa her husband was not with her now this most people wouldn't see this but we're going to take a look at this so he asked for the angel to come again angel comes again but sees becomes to manoa's wife menorah was not with her now when that happens you have you have you have a double witness for manoa's wife she's seen this angel two times the woman made made haste verse 10 ran and showed her husband said unto him behold she told them all about the man hath appeared unto me that came unto me the other day manoah arose and went after his wife and came to the man and said to him art thou the man that speaketh unto the woman and he said i am now watch the difference here why did not the angel appear the way manoa wanted him to because the the direct revelation stay watch this now was to manoa's wife he who would have to support the revelation got it through testimony but also this time watch what happens through participation watch this menorah rose and went after his wife and came around a man that spoke unto the woman he said i am but noah said now let thy words come to pass how shall we order the child and how shall we do unto him and the angels of the lord said unto menorah of all that i said unto the woman let her beware in other words everything she told you watch this which means the angel was out of her immediate visibility but present everything he told she told you do it don't get in her way let her beware don't persuade her to do something she's been instructed not to do because you're going to mess up the process of this miracle so his job was not to receive the revelation directly his job was to support it a by not persuading her to do something that would break the vow she was going to make to god this is amazing to me watch how it works oh i only got a minute left looks like we're going to have to cut it off pretty soon let's so we so we've got revelation for your notes instructions for your notes testimony for your notes watch this and confirmation of the answered prayer confirmation of the answered prayer has come through the voice of god through the angel right one more thing verse 12. and manoa said now let thy words come to pass how shall we order the child how shall we do unto him and the angel said of all that i said unto the woman this is what she got she has to do she may not eat of anything that cometh of the vine neither let her drink wine if she tries to break it you stop it because you understand the greatest significance of what the instructions are going to produce or strong drink nor eat any unclean thing all that i command her let her observe don't get in the way don't decide oh one little drink won't hurt don't don't don't let don't you get in her way and if you see her straying encourage her to stay in alignment with the will of god so watch this so bonus wife gets the instruction there is a revelation there are instructions there is a testimony confirmation of the answered prayer then you manoa gets instructions as to how to support his wife in this situation how to support this consecration there's the word so the angel comes down tell them they've been chosen conversation with angels tell them they're being empowered tell them their participation in the process i cannot say that enough to you it is not enough to receive the instruction the instructions are so you can participate in the miracle that god has promised himself will come to pass in your life conversation with angels let's go down to 15. and when noah said unto the angel i pray that he let us detain thee until we have made ready a kid for you he wants to fellowship he wants to dine angel the lord said to my lord though thou detain me i will not eat your bread and thou will offer a burnt offering thou must offer it unto the lord now this is very important i'm not going to eat and if you're going to give an offering it can't be to me it has to be to the lord it's right there in the text from when noah knew not that he was an angel lord the woman had a revelation when noah had not yet had the full revelation of angelic presence and manoa said unto the verse 17 we got to stop and manoa said unto the angel of the lord what is thy name and then and that when thy sayings come to pass we may do the honor and the angel of the lord said unto him why are you asking my name seeing it is secret secret from him on earth so manoa puts the food together brings it to who he thinks is a man the miraculous is performed and manoa gets a revelation which builds his faith in the instruction which causes him to have a testimony which now confirms his prayer earlier in the chapter now he has his own instructions how he is to participate in this move of god and someone who was unaware of angelic presence becomes suddenly aware that angels are for real because angels not only work with believers but angels work for the believer i wish i had a few more minutes angels work with faith all right one more thing go to genesis 22 and we'll stop there for sure genesis 22 angels work with faith genesis 22. start at verse 9 and they came to the place which god had told him of and abraham built an altar now listen remember when i taught you anytime you see abraham is the father of the faith anytime you see abraham you replace his name or think of faith so faith built an altar there faith laid the wood in order faith bound his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood and abraham or faith stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son and the angel of the lord called unto him out of heaven and said abraham abraham god's speaking to faith through the angel and he says here i am with great relief i can imagine lay not your hand upon the lad neither do anything unto him for now i know that you fear god seeing that has not withheld thy son than only son and abraham of faith lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket prepared for this moment abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the state or in place of a son and abraham or faith called the name of that place jehovah jireh as it is said to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be seen in the mount of the lord it shall be sent what was seen the covenant promise that included abraham and isaac god tell them to take the the the transmitter of the covenant and offer it to god the ram not a lamb a ram someone else something else born for the moment fully grown ram already in place faith does not see it immediately faith only gains the revelation of the ram after faith is ready to obey so here comes the substitute the ram and the thicket so what happens we find ourselves looking at this because there have to be moments when a faith moment is interpreted for us the angelic message the word of god will interpret a faith moment for us what was the point abraham i needed to be sure that i could trust you with the weight of the position and the purpose that i've given you and created you to occupy i had to be sure now i know that you fear god conversation with angels they guide his servant they release the word of god they have authority to act on our behalf and they work for us all right i got to stop now what i want you to do is as you become more aware of the reality of the angels in the word of god and understand that they are the occupants of an invisible kingdom and they manifest themselves in ways primarily through messages from god but sometime in bodily form as you understand this and begin to have a greater understanding of the spiritual nature of things in the word of god i need you to have that revelation that all things that manifest on earth are first created in heaven what we are about to do giving didn't start with men and women giving started with god the fullness of time god gave his son he sent his son apostolic mission sent his son that we might be born again so god is an incredible giver the reality is that god has given us the responsibility of starting a kingdom flow in the earth praise worship prayer service and giving it is up to you this morning to create that flow the bible says when you bring god what he has commanded us to bring that tenth not the net but the gross that tenth he says i'll start a flock open up the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing what always blew my mind about that text is that there's a release that's waiting to happen in your life and because we now control atmosphere because god has given us dominion in the earth we control whether the windows open or not whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven i submit to you today that it's time for you to release what has been waiting for your faithful obedience return the tithe to god return that offering and for many of you today in addition to that there's a seed god has been laying on your heart and it's significant and it's a little intimidating but it's not because you don't have the resources it's because you've never done it before and god is saying i need to know how much you love me will you give me that isaac today will you place that isaac on the altar go to the icon sow your seed get ready to watch god work now we're going to pick this up next time this conversation with angels write me let me know how this is blessing you and i remember this now faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you and i'll see you next time good morning bethany family is brother kevin here and it is sister shania and we just want to take this moment out of service just to give you a quick announcements right so sister shania what is happening starting on monday right starting fresh on monday we have our maximize monday starting at 12 00. new time new time new time grab your lunch 12 noon and then we have our recap at 5 30. yes and you know we get a chance to you know highlight this service right now so please make sure that you come with your questions and your comments right and then going into tuesday at 7 00 p.m you know it's our ministry day so we have the link couples ministry at 7 00 p.m so please make sure that you join us and then we try on over to wednesday and we have our word impact with our dynamics at 7pm yes and then on saturday we have our own point radio at 9 00 a.m right so please make sure that you join the dynamic do it on wednesday as well as on saturday and come with your questions and everything especially on point because they talk about everything everything not just everything that's happening in the church but happening in the world so please make sure you come on uh saturday at 9 00 am and then 11 30 a.m for driving service weather permitting and then we also want to remind you that october is a special month here at bethany because it's wednesday it is our church's anniversary our 54th year oh my gosh 54 years of just transforming lives people being renewed just feeling restored and everything so we want to highlight the anniversary the whole month of october so i want to encourage you guys please if you have any stories any pictures any videos especially the old bethany pictures and videos right yes we make sure you send that over here to us at social go the number two absolutely so it is brother kevin here and it is
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 714
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8uvlmEg-XpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 43sec (5023 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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